Winter's Apex: Ch6 - Moonlit Revel

Story by DireWolf23 on SoFurry

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Ch6: Moonlit Revel

Apex and Palmer retraced their path along the still bustling streets toward the lodge. Even with the full blanket of night covering the starry sky, the resort town refused to turn in. A constant flow of people entered and left stores as they passed by in relative silence. What few words did pass between them were stilted and focused only on their recent dining experience. Every now and then Apex would think he saw Palmer watching him, but each time he would turn to meet Palmer's gaze, he would only find the wolf studying the sidewalk before them.

Eventually the long line of stores came to an end, replaced by an empty, snow-covered field just off the lit section of sidewalk leading back to the lodge. Apex paused mid-stride, and then wandered out of the street lighting and into the snow. A confused Palmer followed until he stood side by side with Apex. Lifting his muzzle to the sky, Apex stood staring at the expanse of stars across the night sky. Crossing his arms, Apex let out a deep breath, creating a shimmering cloud of mist as he shivered in the cold night air. Palmer lifted a paw to Apex, but rescinded it just as quickly. His expression was unreadable for a moment, and then he too lifted his muzzle to sky above.

"There's something about a perfectly clear night sky when it's cold like this," uttered Apex. "Something almost magical. Something... just beautiful."

Palmer peered at Apex with a warm expression stretching across his features. He held his gaze there for a moment before returning it to the heavens. Together they stood in silence, taking in the starry sky's beauty until Apex looked to Palmer and smiled.

"Alright, let's go."

As the door to Apex's room gently shut behind Palmer, Apex tossed himself haphazardly onto his bed. The room, lit only by moonlight a moment before, was abruptly illuminated as Apex turned on the lamp resting between the two beds. Apex laid there, seeming exhausted, with his arm covering his closed eyes. Palmer stood at the inlet next to the door, tail twitching and paws fidgeting.

"It feels like this morning happened weeks ago," said Apex from his prostrate position.

"I know what you mean," replied Palmer.

Sitting up, Apex removed his jacket and tossed it against the far wall. His simple black and red Old Navy t-shirt hugged his chest tightly as he laid back into the pillows. Palmer made his way across the room and sat down next to Apex, facing the window. Once again the two found themselves in a peaceful silence, each listening to the sound of the others soft breathing. This time, however, it was Palmer who broke the silence.

"How are you feeling?"

"Other than still a bit sore, pretty good, actually. Dinner was quite relaxing..."

Apex's thoughts trailed off as he righted himself in the bed, eyes open and ears perked. His muzzle hung slightly ajar, his body held firmly in place by the sight before him. Palmer had turned around, and taking Apex's paw in his had begun to slowly lick across one of his bruises. Apex could only watch as Palmer ran his nose through the fur up and along Apex's exposed arm. Reaching the cusp of Apex's shirt sleeve, he lifted his eyes into the green, searching pools of Apex's stare. Palmer eye's smiled back and then closed as his paw lightly grasped Apex's upper arm and he brought their muzzles together.

A stunned Apex's eyes shot wide open and his body tensed at Palmer's delicate kiss. Palmer pulled back and Apex opened his muzzle, searching for words that wouldn't come. Giving Apex's perplexed expression no heed, he leaned in again. Apex's heart pounded in his chest as Palmer's muzzle found his again, but as he felt Palmer's soft lips against his own, his fear waned. With their muzzles together, Apex's eyes finally closed, his body relaxed, and he returned the kiss.

Palmer pulled Apex closer as they shared their first kisses. He slipped his paws around Apex's waist, smiling as he felt Apex's paws shyly reach out to clasp lightly onto his muscular forearms. The soft sound of their kisses and excited breaths filled Apex's consciousness, surrounding and engulfing him in the moment. Waves of unfamiliar bliss washed over him and with it the fatigue and stresses of the day seemed to melt.

As Apex reveled in his new found euphoria, Palmer ran a paw over Apex's firm stomach and chest. Apex's breaths came quickly and his heart raced as the adrenaline still pulsed through his body. Palmer pressed himself tightly against Apex and their soft lips came together as one. Apex gave Palmer's muscular forearms a squeeze as they kissed, their bodies wrapped together in a warm embrace. Apex's tail thumped rhythmically against the bed, brushing against the inside of Palmer's leg as it bounced between his own.

Palmer slid his paw slowly down the front of Apex's tight shirt, extracting pleased rumblings from the fox. As his paw reached the bottom of Apex's shirt, Palmer slipped a paw-finger underneath it, lightly scritching and teasing the soft white fur beneath with a single claw. Apex sucked in air between clenched teeth at the feeling, then let out a long, low murr. Palmer made passive circles in the fox's soft, white tummy fur causing every strand to tingle and stand on end. Soon Palmer's single digit was joined by the rest and they raked in unison through the soft layers of Apex's well-groomed fur.

Palmer inched his paw up Apex's stomach and chest, savoring the contours of Apex's muscular, furry frame as he went. As Palmer's paw explored, Apex released his grip on Palmer's arms and clasped his paws around the wolf's waist. Drawing him in close, Apex reached out his muzzle and kissed Palmer deeply. Palmer gave a pleased smile at Apex's reciprocity and happily kissed back, slowly scritching Apex's well defined chest.

Palmer broke the kiss and reared up, straddling Apex's hips in the process. He slipped both paws under Apex's tight shirt, raking his claws up and down the fox's sides to the sound of pleased rumbles. With a final motion, he pulled Apex's shirt up and over the fox's head. Discarding the shirt, Palmer lowered himself on top of his fox as their muzzles returned to sweet entanglement. To Palmer's surprise, Apex reached his long tongue into the wolf's muzzle. Palmer murred deeply and entwining their tongues together, and each savored the sweet taste of the other, lost to their surging emotions.

Retracting his long tongue, Palmer ran his muzzle along Apex's, nuzzling him softly as his paws sifted through Apex's fur. Palmer lightly kissed Apex's cheek then stroked the fox's white neck fur with his nose. Apex leaned his head to the other side as Palmer licked and nibbled at his short neck fur. To Palmer's delight, each nip was followed by adorable yips and whimpers, each utterance fanning the flames of his desire.

Palmer's hot breath wafted over Apex's neck as he slowly released it from his muzzle and receded. Apex laid there with eyes closed and an open-mouthed grin on his face, tongue lolling. His firm, furry chest raised and sank as Palmer watched admiringly. Apex slowly opened his eyes and turned to look up at him, smiling and panting lightly as he stroked Palmer's thigh. Palmer returned the warm expression and placed his paws on either side of Apex's tummy, letting them run up along his sturdy frame. He rubbed and kneaded Apex's sides and chest. Each pass of his strong paws caused Apex to exhale and murr deeply. Apex simply melted into the soft bed sheets as he reveled in Palmer's munificent and voluptuous touch.

With effortless fluidity, Palmer drew the two of them together in a warm embrace and a passionate kiss. Apex tousled Palmer's shirt as his paws ran the length and breadth of Palmer's muscular back. A moment later, Palmer released his fox and reached to the corners of his shirt, lifting it over his head and tossing it aside. As his shirt fell to the floor, Palmer gazed longingly into Apex's emerald eyes, and again Palmer straddled Apex. The fox rubbed his paws over Palmer's well-defined chest and tummy, admiring all he surveyed. Apex smiled and whimpered subtlety as he tugged gently at Palmer's sides. Palmer beamed at the cute spectacle and lean back down to reunite with his fox.

As their muscular chests pressed together, their furry bodies intertwined, their muzzles locked in a passionate kiss. Apex, to his own surprise, found himself exploring the wolf's body. Rubbing his paws over Palmer's tight rump, he felt his temperature rising and cheeks flushing. As Apex indulged his curiosity, he felt a paw sliding up and along his thigh. Rubbing gentle on its way, Palmer's paw came to rest on the bulge between Apex's legs. His paw gave a quick squeeze at the fox's sheath beneath intervening pants, causing Apex to let out a sudden yip and blush a full deep crimson.

As Palmer rested his paw on the fox's muscular tummy, he reached out his long tongue and lapped at Apex's muzzle. His muzzle slightly ajar, Apex murred at the soft, muscular texture of Palmer's wet tongue before extending his own. Their tongues connect and lap against each others, their sensual licks turning their breaths into pants. Finally their tongues entwined and their muzzles pressed together, their sweet kisses rife with passionate desire.

Palmer's paw slowly slipped down Apex's chest and tummy as they locked muzzles. With a single claw he hooked the top of Apex's pants and underwear. Tugging back on them, he ran his claw from one side to the other along Apex's waist line, the fox murring deeply as he did so. As he came back around, he stopped in the center and effortlessly undid the button there. Apex's heart fluttered as Palmer tugged his zipper open. The tips of Palmer's paw fingers ran along the inside waistband of Apex's underwear as wanderlust took him and he slid down Apex's chest. He rubbed his muzzle into Apex's ruffled chest fur and teased his nipples with the tip of his tongue. He slid slowly lower, nuzzling, licking, and nipping at Apex's tummy. Palmer's paws dragged down along the front of Apex's pants, tugging them down until his red briefs had been fully exposed.

Palmer placed a warm paw on top of Apex's large bulge and the fox let out a deep sigh of pleasure. Palmer rubbed gently through his briefs and against Apex's sheath as the fox slowly twisted and turned, murring deeply with every stroke. Moving his paws from Apex's hot sheath, Palmer reached out and grasped either side of Apex's snug underwear and pants. With a fluid motion, he slowly pulled them off, letting them slide over his hips and legs, finally coming to rest at the foot of the bed.

Every beautiful and perfect part of Apex lay visible and alluring, and Palmer couldn't help but stare at that heavenly sight as he kneeled over Apex. The soft fur and toned muscles that covered Apex's naked, luscious body called to Palmer, making him salivate. At the center of his magnificent fox had been revealed Apex's voluptuous sheath, his swollen knot, and the generous fursac that hung tightly between his slightly spread legs. Apex's member, erect and dripping slightly into his white tummy fur, pulsed with anticipation of his wolf's next move.

Apex's tail fluttered between his legs as Palmer lowered himself on top of his clothes-less fox. Palmer slipped his arms under Apex's and around his back as the fox hooked his arms around Palmers neck. For a moment they snuggled in silence, starring deep into each others eyes before pressing their muzzles back together in a long kiss.

Palmer rolled the two of them onto their sides and slid a paw up along Apex's inner thigh, and then underneath his fursac. As Palmer scritched and caressed between Apex's legs, the fox's eyes shut and his muzzle silently opened and closed, subtle moans escaping his muzzle as feelings of ecstasy washed over him. Palmer cupped his fox's fursac gently in his soft paw as they kissed, and murred deeply as Apex kneaded his muscular rump.

Palmer's paw continued to work its way up Apex's body, sliding against Apex's sheath and up to his long, stiff fox member. Palmer caressed its length, and then carefully, and firmly, grasped its girth, murring at the feel of it in his paw. Panting softly through passionate kisses as Palmer pawed at his member, Apex reached out in search of his own set of bits to play with. To his surprise and delight, he found Palmer's pants already partially undone, and with ease he slipped his eager paw inside them.

A lustful smile worked its way across Apex's muzzle as his paw passed over Palmer's long wolf member. Grasping at it, he slid his paw back and forth along its length. He let his paw glide over all he can reach of the wolf's bits, excitedly feeling and caressing each sensitive part. Together they lay kissing, each immersed in the passionate pawing of the other, lost to their feral desires.

Apex felt Palmer's thick member pulling away and he let his paws slide along its length as it slipped from his grasp. Palmer's muzzle weaved a path downward along Apex's chest, licking and nuzzling as he went, even flicking his tongue over Apex's nipples. Kissing and licking over Apex's body, Palmer inched his way ever lower. Reaching Apex's tummy, Palmer nuzzled and licked at its muscled form, eliciting soft moans from the fox. Not to be waylaid, even by the gleeful rumbling resonating through Apex's sexy body, Palmer descended until his muzzle hung over Apex's engorged member.

Palmer peered downward, a wide grin slowly creeping across his muzzle as his search was at an end. He stared at the large fox member before him with hungry eyes. Its full, luscious length and swollen knot exposed with a drop of pree hanging from the tip. His left paw reached down and carefully cupped Apex's fursac, scritching gently beneath it, eliciting soft yips and little kicks from the fox.

Palmer's right paw slipped around the fox's pulsating member, grasping it firmly just above the knot and lifted to him. With the end his muzzle less than an inch from the glistening, dripping tip of the fox's member, he exhaled deeply, letting the hot, moist air cascade over the fox's shaft. He reached out his long tongue and lapped at the fox's tip. Taking his time, he rolled his tongue over Apex's tip, collecting all the pree as Apex's expression contorted and his muzzle hung ajar and shaking from the intense feeling. Returning his tongue to his muzzle, Palmer licked his lips, savoring the sweet taste of his fox.

Palmer's gaze never left the erect, pulsating member he held in his paw. Wasting no time, he opened his muzzle wide and descended over the length of Apex's throbbing fox member. Apex took in a sudden, sharp breath, his paws clawing at the sheets beside him as Palmer's hot muzzle closed around his member. Palmer let his long tongue press against the underside of the fox's member, running it slowly up and down along its delicious length. His tongue slipped and slid all over the fox's member, lapping up the pree as it dripped into his muzzle. Palmer murred deeply, his dripping muzzle pressed tightly around Apex's girth as Apex moaned and twisted in pleasure.

Sliding up, Palmer opened his muzzle wider and then descended again, taking the full size of Apex's dripping member into his muzzle. His skillful tongue caressed and pleasured even Apex's swollen knot as he suckled gently on his fox, enjoying every moan escaping Apex's muzzle.

Again he pulled back slowly, letting his tongue slide over Apex's entire member as he retracted his muzzle. He gave one last, long lick at the dripping tip before releasing his grip on Apex's member, letting it recoil back against his fuzzy, quivering midsection.

Licking his lips again, Palmer crawled up the front of Apex's body and gently lay on top of him. Chest to chest, and nose to nose they lay. Apex happily noticed that Palmer had removed his pants as Apex could feel the wolf's long, dripping member pressed against his sheath. Murring, Apex pressed his muzzle to Palmer's and wrapped his paws tightly around him. Palmer returned his kiss with passionate vigor, running his claws through Apex's head fur and around his ears. Their legs and tails entwined as their throbbing members pressed together. Their tongues too weaved together through each heart-felt kiss.

Palmer reached his paws under Apex and gave his muscular, fluffy rump a firm squeeze. Apex let out a yelp, then blushed deep crimson. Palmer pressed his muzzle to Apex's again, shifting his paws to rest on either side of Apex's chest. Lifting himself up, he peered down at Apex with a loving, and ever so slightly devious look. As Palmer gazed down upon his fox, Apex bent his arms back against the bed and gave a cute and inquiring whimper. Palmer leaned down, and with his muzzle just short of Apex's ear he softly whispered to him. Speaking his peace, he pulled back and looked to Apex for his reaction. An initially startled expression was soon replaced by an affectionate and blushing smile, and Apex reached out his muzzle to kiss Palmer before resting back against the bed.

A wide grin broke out on Palmer's muzzle and his ears twitched slightly as his tall wagged excitedly behind him. Palmer put his paws together and slid them down Apex's chest as he sat back between Apex's legs. Sitting there, he ran his claws through Apex's tummy fur, occasionally rubbing at his sheath as Apex whimpered happily. Palmer leaned up, placed a paw on each of Apex's knees, and carefully spread them. The wolf's muzzle gently nuzzled underneath Apex's fursac, then between Apex's legs, taking in deep breaths of the fox's sultry scent.

Palmer reached out his long, wet tongue and ran it along the cusp of Apex's tailhole. As Palmer worked his tongue between his fox's legs, Apex panted and moaned, his paws clawing and clenching tightly at the bed sheets. Apex's toes curled and uncurled with each delicate motion of Palmer's tongue. Cupping and kneading Apex's rump, he slips the tip of his tongue slightly inside Apex, soaking his tailhole in saliva. Retracting his tongue, he pulled himself up onto his knees to see Apex panting hard, his tongue lulling and a befuddled smile on his muzzle.

Palmer licked along his middle and index paw finger until each was as wet at the fox's tailhole. Gently, he pressed a finger inside the fox, eliciting mixed whimpers of discomfort and pleasure as Palmer stretched out his fox's tailhole. The first paw finger was soon followed by the other as Apex panted. His muscles tightened, and then loosened under Palmer's gentle touch. Palmer massaged his fox's sensitive insides and stretch him till all Apex's discomfort was replaced with serene pleasure.

Removing his paw fingers, Palmer took a firm hold on his own throbbing member as Apex, poised in anticipation, lifted his legs for his wolf. Palmer pressed the tip of his member to Apex's tailhole, rubbing the tip in smooth circles around it, the pree forming on the end of his member adding to the existing slickness. Once his member was positioned, Palmer grasped Apex's legs and pressed himself gently inward. Apex's head leaned back and inhales deeply as he felt Palmer's thick member slowly slide inside him. Despite his eager excitement, Palmer took his time, giving the tight fox time to adjust to his hefty size. Deeper and deeper the wolf pressed until the large bulge of his knot pressed against Apex's rump and tailhole.

Now together and panting in unison, they bask in the rapture of being so impossibly close to one another. Deep within his fox, Palmer leaned down and pressed his muzzle to Apex's for a long, passionate kiss. As Palmer leaned up again, Apex received an unobstructed view of his muscular stomach and chest, lifting and falling from his excited breaths. Palmer slowly rubbed back and forth along Apex's thighs before lifting the fox's legs over his shoulders. As Palmer nibbled on Apex's inner thigh he grasped onto Apex's hips and began thrusting back and forth into Apex's tight tailhole.

Apex's placed his paws over Palmers, gripping them tightly as he panted in rhythm with the wolf's thrusts. Apex's pulse quickened as each progressive thrust pressed deep within him. As Palmer's long, thick member slid against his fox's sensitive insides, Apex felt waves of pleasure wash over his body. Palmer's muzzle hung down, his eyes closed and his teeth clasped together as he thrust faster into his fox. Apex's panting quickened as the blood pounded in his ears, his mind lost to overflowing feelings of ecstasy. His grip tightened on Palmer's paws as the deep and powerful thrusts continued with heightened fervor. Palmer's grip tightened as well, having to force each hot breath between clinched teeth as his thrusts increased to a furious pace.

Apex let his head roll back against the bed, his muzzle hanging open as he panted and moaned at the feeling of Palmer's large member. Releasing his grip on one of Palmer's paw, he grasped and began vigorously stroking his own throbbing foxhood. With sudden strength, Palmer's paws dug deep into Apex's fur, and with a final thrust he buried the full length and girth of his large knot into Apex's slippery depths. Apex barked and moaned loudly in pleasure as he and Palmer became tied, furiously stroked his dripping member. Palmer's head whipped back as he let out a howl that echoes through the room. Apex yelped as waves of feral, serene bliss washed over him and he felt the sudden warmth of the torrents of hot wolf cum filling his inner depths. His own quivering body being so precariously poised on the brink of ecstasy, Palmer's orgrasm pushed him over the edge and powerful jets of his own hot cum cover his face and chest.

Tied together and panting hard, each shook from the intensity of their experience. With tongue lulling and face flushed crimson, Palmer nigh collapsed in his effort to lean over Apex. He caught himself, then lapped up all the fox cum he could reach, savoring each sweet drop. He snuggled and lapped at Apex until his knot began to shrink, and when it finally did he carefully and slowly removed it. Doing so, he elicited one last yip and moan from Apex who still panted with flushed cheeks.

Once separated, they snuggled up together, wrapping their arms tightly around the other. Still hot, sticky, and panting they kiss a few times before Apex laid his head on Palmer's chest with closed eyes. Letting out a deep sigh, Apex rubbed his paw slowly over Palmers chest as the wolf took in slow, steady breaths.

"I had a dream about you that started like this, but got interrupted," whispered Apex. "I'm happy I could finish it with you."