From The Shadows

Story by Alexis Snowfang on SoFurry

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"Only another ten minutes left of my shift...thank god" Blaze sighed out quietly while he finished off the few dishes left. He is a black furred timber wolf, trying to balance off college and working at the local deli.

Walking home he looks up at the sky, it's pretty late so he gets a good view of the stars, wondering if his mate was staring up at the same stars wherever he was tonight.

"One day..." he shakes his head softly and carries on walking home, pulling out his PSP to keep him entertained. As he reaches his front door, he takes off his earphones and gets his keys out, opening the front door as quiet as he can. Everyone was asleep as he thought, dropping his bag by the front door, he kicks his shoes off and heads upstairs to his room, too tired to bother with eating.

Laying down in the darkness of his room, the moonlight filtering through the blinds he wonders when things are going to change. So lost in thought he doesn't realise he isn't alone here. A pair of green eyes are watching him from the shadows of his room.

Stepping slowly forward, in total silence a white wolf becomes visible, Blaze lays there in disbelief, but can't move or even speak. He knows this wolf, knows those eyes, but still doesn't know how or why...

The wolf smiles at him playfully, sniffing the air as he steps forward a little more, moving alongside the bed. His paw runs along the inside of Blaze's left calf and all the way up his thigh lifting his paw out before reaching too far.

Finally Blaze manages to let a few words escape his muzzle, his red eyes shining too, caught somewhere between elation and confusion.

"H-how is this--" a white furred finger rests against his muzzle gently, and the white wolf softly shakes his head with a smile. The wolf moves his leg over Blaze and in one swift movement is sat on his waist, his eyes smiling down warmly at the unsuspecting wolf.

Blaze feels warm and oddly safe, being close to this wolf seems strangely familiar. The wolf lowers his head to Blaze's neck, placing a gently lick at the left side of it, followed by a slow soft kiss. Blaze can't help but moan out softly, as the white wolf noses the side of his neck affectionately, his wings spreads out over Blaze.

As the wings reach the full span, they fold again just as slowly, but as Blaze collects his thoughts enough, his eyes open to something else. He wasn't in his room anymore, around him was trees, the night sky, sniffing gently at the night air he looks to the white wolf.

"" the white wolf just smiles softly, and rests his open paw against Blaze's right cheek, petting gently with his thumb, which causes him to tilt his face into the petting with a soft murr.

The white wolf's paws run down both of Blaze's arms, searching until the interlock with his mates paws, squeezing firmly, being squeezed back firmly, neither wolf letting go anytime soon. Blaze leans up and kisses Alexis' chest, now the white wolf moans out softly, nuzzling the top of Blaze's head, sniffing softly at the headfur. Blaze moves and kisses at Alexis' heart too, which causes Alexis to free his paws and hug him tightly into his chest.

Both wolves laying back down, the white wolf strokes back Blaze's headfur gazing into his eyes, slowly bringing his muzzle down toward Blaze's face. As his thigh brushes against his mate's, Blaze leans up and completes the kiss softly, his tongue slowly merging with his wolf's. Breathing a little lighter and faster both of them hug each other close.

As the kiss continues, both notice that the other is starting to feel aroused, murring emanating from both chests. Alexis pressing his hips closer to Blaze, his paws slipping back into Blaze's with a firm squeeze as he pushes forward a little more.

Blaze grunts softly and nuzzles at Alexis' neck, his legs moving apart while still holding onto his mate's paws very tightly. Both wolves push their hips against one another, their sheaths brushing against one another, sending waves of pleasure through both of them.

Alexis slowly releases Blaze's paws, kissing the wolf on the neck, making his way down across the collarbone, the heart, making soft gentle line toward his tender stomach. Feeling his wolf shudder as he kisses lower and lower, he can smell Blaze's scent strongly now, all so familiar and yet so new.

Feeling weak and unable to resist Blaze just lays back, letting this wolf do what he pleases, feeling each kiss more than the last. He lets out a soft whimper as he feels warm breath blown against his sheath, causing it to twitch, he lifts his hips up instinctively. The white wolf licks the tip of the member, causing it to stiffen further, letting a little pre ooze which he licks up too. Blaze can't handle being teased this much, his paws grabbing pawfuls of grass at his sides, growling and murring gruffly.

Alexis moves his head lower still, not giving Blaze what he wants...just yet. He grins up at the dark furred wolf and lets his tongue flick his furry balls while maintaing eye contact. Blaze growls louder now, his member thick and pulsating, the pre now rolling down the side. Alexis moves up and licks from the base up to the tip catching all the pre on his tongue.

As the white wolf was licking, his mate grips him just under the armpits, lifting his smaller frame up, hugging him to his chest, then rolls the both of them. Pinning Alexis down, Blaze now grins, but his eyes are fighting between love and lust. Using his knees moves the white thighs apart, and rubs his mate's tailhole with his pre-coated shaft. Alexis' eyes slide shut and breathes out softly, and whimpers, widening his legs more. Blaze watches his face, seeing how he turns him on, his hips rocking back and forth stroking the tailhole with his tip, causing pre to trickle between his butt cheeks.

Blaze teasing himself now, thrusts without thinking and causes his shaft to slip into Alexis' tailhole. Both of them moaning loudly, Alexis overpowers Blaze, pulling him down onto him, chest to chest, his paws move to his mate's butt cheeks and pushes him deep in. Blaze whimpers at how he feels, being surrounded on all sides by his wolf. Regaining a little of his senses, he places a paw down either side of the white wolf's head, using the earth to brace himself. Giving Alexis a soft lick on the muzzle as he starts to move out slowly, just as he feels his head almost slip out, moves back in slowly. Each time Blaze moves out, Alexis tightens his tailhole around him squeezing pre from his shaft.

After a few minutes of slow strokes, the pre starts to leak out, running down in constant flow between his white cheeks. Panting softly he leans up and licks at Blaze's left nipple, flicking his tongue at the tip and starts to suckle on it. This drives his mate wild, causing the thrusts to get faster and harder. His soft green eyes shift to a more wild look and uses his paws to push Blaze deeper each time he moves in. His mate takes the hint and starts to mate more vigourously, growling more as his thighs brush against Alexis' firmly. His balls start to tighten up toward his body and feels the shudder at the base of shaft.

He starts to move back and forth really fast, his hips slamming against his mate's, throwing his head back howling as his member erupts, Alexis holding him up as his arms start to give. Thrusting slower and slower until he is totally spent, panting gruffly laying on top of his mate hugging weakly, while he catches his breath.

After a few minutes he lays his back on the grass next to Alexis, who is stroking his own hard member, teasing himself by brushing his thumb over his sensitive tip. Blaze watches sniffing the air for his scent and murrs. He crawls on all fours over to where Alexis' paw was working slowly. Sniffing more he gives the tip a curious lick, followed by a loud murr. This causes Alexis to giggle and blush, lifting his paw to pet Blaze behind the ear, who suddenly engulfs his shaft with warmth and wetness. Caught off guard the white wolf arches his back and whimpers loudly, at which Blaze tightens his lips around the base of the shaft, pulilng his head up, dragging his lips over every inch of the shaft, until it springs free from his muzzle.

His dark furred paw wraps around the shaft tightly rubbing it very slowly and using his tongue to constantly flick over the tip lapping at the pre he was milking out of his mate. His muzzle gives another lick of the tip without any paw holding it now, taking the head in and suckling it for a few moments. He withdraws the member one more time to give the tip a little kiss before he takes the entire shaft into his muzzle, feeling the tip rubbing the back of his throat.

He looks up into his mate's green eyes, which have gone back to their soft shine, currently gazing dreamily at him full of love. He uses his tongue to massage the underside of the shaft, while his lips move over the base of the head. It's now Alexis who grabs pawfuls of grass, making a sound that is somewhere between a whimper and murr.

After all this attention they've given each other it doesn't take long for the white wolf to be brought to his climax, yipping lightly as his bucks his hips up and Blaze starts to swallow with each wave. Feeling the warm and murrs as he gets a part of this wolf to be part of him now. Panting softly, he licks Alexis clean giving the softening shaft a kiss and moves back up his body so they are face to face again. Alexis wraps a soft paw around the back of Blaze's head and gives him a long passionate kiss, both murring smoothly and massaging the other's tongue.

They lay down side by side on the grass, holding each other. Alexis slowly brings his wings over both of them as they fall asleep. A few hours later Blaze finds himself waking up with the sun in his eyes, shining through his window. Looking around he is in his room, he sighs letting a soft whimper that it was just a dream and rolls onto his side, looking at the clock.

Next to the clock is a single white feather with a little gold dust on it, Blaze smiles to himself and snuggles up in the blankets for a little more sleep.

If you hold onto your dreams, your dreams will hold onto you.