Switching Places

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#10 of Potions

When a drake thinks he has a cure for his partner to enjoy life on two legs rather than four, he finds out that the changes are far different than he had originally imagined.

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"You remember the rules? Correct? You haven't forgotten?" Tenith's questions came in a whisper as Tenyia padded along beside him and swung her head back and forth wildly to look over at the vast marketplace.

"Of course I do, do you think I'm going to go charging off and snatching up sheep to eat?" She retorted sharply and watched the two legged drake give her a look, an annoyed one.

"You need to take this more seriously. They are not going to condone you breaking any truce here, they'll set the mages on you in a heart beat." Tenith growled and drew in a breath before beginning to recite the rules again. "No weapons means no talons or teeth, which means you must not make any violent or perceived violent gestures-"

The pale tan dragoness was barely listening to her companion, her eyes were drinking in the sights of creatures that were every shape and size imaginable. The Winter Carnival was something of an open forum for every species to gather under the banner of a treaty that allowed even the most bloodthirsty enemies to shop side by side. There wasn't real peace of course, they'd be at each others throats once things came to an end, but for a time everyone put aside feuds and worried about getting enough food for the winter. There were even four legged dragons besides herself shopping, towering several feet above the rest of the anthros as they wore saddle bags that were bulging with trade goods. It was the only place their kind was welcome with open arms and certainly no one turned away their trade.

Tenith was the one who normally went to market. Hatched on two legs from their small clan he was able to pass anyone without notice. She had grown up beside him, never quite understanding why he had been given special training and classes. The blessing of two legs meant that elves, dwarves, humans, all manner of creatures would happily engage in business with him. He could earn a respectable living, become a merchant if he liked, own a business, all because he had had the luck of hatching out with two legs and two arms instead of her own four powerful limbs. She had spent a good deal of her early life jealous of him, fending off the frustrations that came from knowing that she would never have life quite so easy as her companion.

_Not that I can complain. _ She thought with some amusement as they walked along the main walkway.

Traveling with Tenith seemed to make people more comfortable around her, they viewed her as more tame, despite the fact she spoke more languages than her companion. She was viewed as a mixture of pet and mount for him, but she struggled through the humiliation in exchange for the adventures they had managed to have together. They worked as spies, and were quite good at it. Tenith was nearly silent in the forest and his coloring allowed him to blend into the woods without effort, while her wings allowed her to travel great distances and hear from above. They were always paid well for their secrets, though she accepted her pay through her clansman, she wasn't allowed in the cities to spend it. She had become accustomed to giving him her coining and having him pick up what she wanted, but not today. Today she was able to experience the rush of the market without fear of being turned away.

Her tail flicked eagerly as she twisted her head about, peering at the stalls that were filled with gaudy colors and people barking everything from magic to exotic foods. Her nostrils flared lightly as she felt a hand on her shoulder, resting right over the broad leather strap that hooked her saddle bags over her shoulders. The light touch was supposed to rein her in, making her swing her head down towards the male that was fighting off the look of amusement on his face. She bared her teeth in a smile right back and gave her head a light shake, flaring her nostrils to taste the scent of cooking meat coming from the direction of the tents.

"You really will behave, won't you?" Tenith asked and fussed with the leather of her saddle bag strap. "This might be a tolerant place, but they do have their issues."

"You worry to much." She snorted a little bit and flicked one of her wings. "I want to see about buying some good silk and some jewels of my own. I don't like that my money is in simple coins."

"Good god, you aren't going to deck yourself out like a gypsy are you?" The drake's eyes widened in mock horror, his lips twitching up in a smile.

He was handsome, despite the fact he walked on two legs, something that she admired through their time together. They could have been siblings if someone hadn't known the desert clans well enough to know that they all shared a similar color. He was older than her by quite a few years, but he aged far more slowly than she did, it was simply another gift from possessing the hybrid shape of dragon and hominoid. She didn't envy him, instead she found him quite pleasant to work with. They both shared a similar sense of humor, they were both quite adept at holding their own in a fight and he was even light enough that she could carry him on her back with ease.

She tilted her head down and affectionately swatted him with the curve of her muzzle, knocking him back a few inches as she tapped against the stiff leather of his vest. He didn't allow himself to be pushed very far, but laughed and reached up to slide a hand along the curve of her ear. They might be different, but together they created an impressive team. It wasn't that strange for a two leg/four leg team to set off in the world, though typically the drakes were the ones that wanted to set out to find their fame. She had never been that sort of person though, she had always had an eye for adventure, perhaps recklessly so, but she still enjoyed the feel of the wind under wings and the thrill of new lands and people.

That made this market all the more important. There were so many different species' that she couldn't even name them all. She wanted to poke her nose into each stall and demand to see what they were doing and how they did it. Tenith had caved to her demands they come here after she had brought it up the last time they had had a large pay out, amused at her eagerness, but happy to let her have her way in the matter. She would have enjoyed walking the market with him if she weren't so eager to explore the place. She knew that he would find a weapon smith and spend his time bartering for better gear, hardly something that amused her. She didn't have to purchase weapons when she came with her own already built in.

"I was thinking of a collar, something decorative, but sturdy. I was told that there is a man here that specializes in clothing our kind." She said at last and gave her head a tilt towards the back of the market. "And then I wanted to try some of the foods. They have the most amazing spices here."

"Just recall the rules, just because they allow everyone here, doesn't mean that there won't be trouble if you do the wrong thing." Tenith warned her and gave her shoulder a light pat with the palm of his hand., "You know how to find me ,yes?"

"Obviously." Tenyia replied with a little flick of her tail tip and gave him a sideways smile. "I'll be fine. I'm not nearly as imposing as some of the other dragons here. The mountain clan is here, they're far more impressive than I am."

"Alright.." The drake lifted his hands up and spread them in defeat. "I'll meet you at the end of the market, if you get into any trouble just look for the men in the blue cloaks. They're the peace keepers."

Tenyia snorted lightly and tipped her head before turning away from him, already she was watching a pair of women that were dancing outside of a stall that looked like it might be selling belled jewelry. She could feel the weight of her coin in her saddle bags, ready to be spent, it was going to be a very good day, she could just feel it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith kept one eye on his companion as he went through the market, trying his best to not alert her to the fact that he was watching to make sure that she didn't end up in trouble. It wasn't that he didn't trust her around crowds, he knew that she could take care of herself, but having her out and about so many strange species' put him on guard. She was larger than he was, just a hair bigger than an average horse, but she was dreadfully ignorant of society simply because most towns refused to acknowledge any four legger as anything other than an animal. It was a damn shame, but he tried to make sure that she didn't want for that lack.

The marketplace was as filled as always as there was a mixture of perfectly honest merchants tucked in between far more disreputable traders who dealt in nearly illegal goods. The Winter Market was meant to let people buy things they needed to survive the winter, but the lack of real oversight on just how legal some items were meant that there were always areas that one should avoid. He knew them well enough by watching the class of clients that went there and eventually he found his way towards the center market. His companion had found a merchant that sold more elaborate packs for four leggers and seemed happy enough so he drew his eyes away from her and followed his nose towards one of the herb merchants.

Most of what he needed to buy was mundane, such as healing tonics and potions that were required in their line of work. The broad tent that was filled with dried flowers and bits of leaves made him take a deeper breath, enjoying the fresh scents on the cold day. The stall was set up with a hodgepodge of items that ranged from dried leaves all the way to intricately created potions and soaps. The drake flicked his tail as he made his way through a small group of satyrs and fixed his eyes on the bottles that hung from hooks set high on the tent. Most of them marked with the guild glyphs that would guarantee the contents no matter who the maker.

"Oh! Another dragon." A small elf popped his head out, looking harried as he dropped a bundle of freshly clipped herbs. "We sold the last of the hartshorn this morning, I'm afraid, quite early on, but we do have yellowleaf in some quantity."

"I'm not here for that!" Tenith protested immediately, feeling a flush threaten to rise up to his cheeks.

Hartshorn and yellowleaf were typically used by drakes who were in the process of courting, meant to increase the desire in a female or in themselves if it were properly prepared. They were a part of a small subset of plants that provoked strong reactions in his kind, especially sexually and the way the elf bandied the names about made the heat creep up to his ears as he glanced to either side. There weren't enough people in the tent to make him think anyone heard, thankfully, but it offset his pleasant mood entirely.

"I'm looking for some basic potions to round out my kit." He continued as the elf stacked his goods up behind him. "Healing, immunity boosters, cleansing potions and some against more common sicknesses."

"Oh." The elf looked a bit disconcerted. "Is that all? We have the basic stuff, but we offer much more than that, sir."

_He just wants a larger sale. _ Tenith thought idly and gave his head a shake before answering. "Just the basic kit, I saw you have most of it, but you're lacking a few of the more regional potions."

"Mercenary then?" The elf sounded a bit disgusted, wrinkling his nose upwards. "We don't keep regionals here, they take up room and rarely do we sell them. You can purchase those as you go along."

"Very well, then the basic kit, two of each potions with one regular amount and the other twice the dose for my partner." He leaned forward against a barrel as he spoke, not letting his annoyance show at the dismissive way the elf was treating him.

"Two and four then?" The merchant glanced over to see him nod before starting to putter through the lines of potions. "Well, that's at least a rarity in these parts."

Tenith simply shrugged, he knew better than to discuss his partnership outright. Normally he would have been partnered up with another male, but Tenyia had grown up with him and there was little she couldn't do. She was a light flier and lacked the heavy armor of a male which meant she was able to spy more easily than another partner could have managed. There were more than enough people in the world that looked at his partnership with her and gave knowing looks that irritated him to the point that he frequently had to suppress a growl. Most people seemed to assume simply because he was male and she was female that he was bedding her. That was one reason he was grateful that she wasn't able to come into town with him, the last thing he wanted to deal with were people snickering behind both of their backs and making lewd comments about their relationship.

He gave his head a little shake and moved along the line of potions idly, keeping himself busy as the elf prepared the kit, stopping to study a few of the more obscure mixtures. No matter how reputable the place, all potion makers seemed to carry some of the oddest creations in their stock. There were some that made sense, such as shrinking and invisibility, but others confused him as he read the label for one promising to increase height or give temporary gills or hooves. They were such a mish mash that it was easy to amuse himself by going through them one by one, crinkling his nose back at times when he found one that was especially questionable. Most of them had to do with making a person lose a night, with small snippets that advertised how it could be used on women for a night.

"You should take a look at the one there at the end, on the silver chain." The elf spoke up as he moved his way down the line. "If you're a part of a two and four pairing you might find it interesting."

"Rrrm?" Tenith glanced back at him and then shrugged, padding towards the direction indicated. "I don't hold with most of these potions, magic is a dangerous weapon in the hands of even the trained."

"Suit yourself." The proprietor didn't seem to care about his feelings and went back to stuffing potion after potion into a heavy satchel.

Tenith picked up the potion that had been pointed out to him and rolled it along his palm curiously. It was quite old and a bit dusty looking, likely why it had been pointed out to him. The label had chicken scratch writing over it, causing him to squint to pick out what sort of potion was. It didn't take long to realize it was a switching potion of sorts with indications that it could be used both between species' and within the same species with ease. It was a shape change potion, meant to shift ones form to one that matched the partner that took the other half of the potion, hardly something of interest to him. He snorted and released the potion, sneezing at some of the dust that puffed up in the air.

"Don't be so quick to toss it away." The elf straightened up and hauled the satchel over to his table. "If you're a two and four pairing, you might find it useful. I know that your partner must have a damned hard time at settlements."

"True, there are still too many prejudices at work." Tenith remarked and dragged the satchel over to himself to look through it.

"That potion will allow you to switch forms, it singles out your major difference and exchanges them, meaning he could walk on two legs and you'd be on four for a time." The elf began to jot down a tally on a piece of paper. "A lot of two and fours pick it up because the shape change means they can easily spy at need without having to create elaborate disguises or change scale coloring. It won't work with two ferals or two anthros, at least it wouldn't work dramatically, but between a two and four it is very promising."

"Really?" He glanced back at the bottle. "Not permanent?"

"No, not in the least bit." The elf let out a soft laugh. "That'd be a hell of a thing to sell, you know they'd string me up for even trying."

"Mmm.. I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea.." He said slowly, his mind drifting to his earlier thoughts about Tenyia.

Tenith had never heard her outright complain about the fact that she wasn't welcome in the cities, but that wasn't her way. She had been so excited about coming to this market and it wasn't even in a major city. There was some appeal in being able to allow her into the cities beyond today. He'd never done any sort of shape shifting, but this wasn't exactly dramatic shape shifting if all it was going to do would be to increase his size and decrease her own. He could care less that he could enter cities, while she was fascinated by them and constantly asked him questions about how they were set up and what it was like to be in a strictly human settlement. It could be interesting to give her that experience at least once, just as it would be interesting to have the strength and size of being a four legger.

"It is not expensive at all, I assure you, quite reasonably priced." The elf came over with a smile on his face. "Perhaps a single bottle to try it out? I have received many compliments on it."

"And the side effects?" He asked after a moment's thought. "I assume there are some, yes?"

"Nothing terrible, you'll be trapped for a time, you can't change back for at least twelve hours and taking the potion again won't stop the change back from happening." The merchant gestured a little at the bottle. "All it does is take the differences between two forms and switches them for a time, you'll still be you."

"So I won't just switch minds in a body?" He pressed, drawing his bag of coins from his belt as he spoke.

"Nothing so ethereal, it's a physical change." The merchant assured him. "I take it that you would like to purchase it, yes?"

"I think I'll give it a try, if it proves interesting perhaps I might order more," He drew money out of his pouch with a little flick of his tail, already working out a plan on how he would surprise Tenyia with the new potion. She would get a kick out of it, and if nothing else, it would be an experience the next time they had some downtime.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenyia surveyed her goods with a smug feel of satisfaction and pleasure as she admired her new saddle packs. The ones she had been wearing before had been serviceable, but these were lovely. They were a deep red-tan color that were polished to a high shine with a design of twining dragons running right along the hanging flap. They were larger and lighter than her other packs, meant to carry more and there were even straps and loops of leather for a rider if she so chose to carry Tenith. She had also picked up a multitude of items designed to be used by someone with forepaws, ones that could be easily manipulated despite her lack of thumbs. She hadn't found a collar, but she had found a series of cuffs that wrapped around the base of her horns.

The fire crackled as Tenith worked to cook himself dinner, leaving her smiling slightly as she spread open one dark sailed wing to stretch it out. The market had been lovely, a perfect break from their normal work that allowed them a chance to resupply. Tenith had picked up half a dozen useful items, including a new dagger for himself and repairs to his armor. She was normally fascinated by everything that he bought, but today she was more entranced by what she had been able to purchase. She had nearly spent all of her ready cash, but she had no regrets.

"I wish more places ran markets such as this one." She said with a little sigh, flicking her wings to either side. "There was a man there who said he was making armor for females since you drakes have thicker scales than we do."

"That could be useful." Tenith replied and leaned back with as light smile on his face. "I had a good day, there were quite a few merchants there that were promising."

"We'll have to take on a new job soon, then." She reached out and patted the saddle packs lightly, a smile lingering on her face. "But worth it."

"Mmm, I did find one thing I thought you might enjoy, though." Tenith leaned back on the log and pulled his bag over towards him. "I stopped to refill our potions, most of the normal stuff, but they sold me on an interesting one since he realized I was partnered with you."

"And what's that?" Tenyia swung her head over with interest, tilting her head just a little to one side as she saw that he was dragging a bottle free from the bag.

It wasn't the normal sort of bottle that came with healing mixtures or syrups, instead, it was a thick lined bottle that made her twitch her ears up curiously. It was shaped like the ones that were imbued with magic rather than simple herbs, not the sort of thing he normally picked up from the merchants. He rarely picked up anything touched by magic, they just didn't need it, they weren't in that sort of line of work. He lifted it up and playfully swung it back and forth, swirling the liquid about so that it shifted and changed color, rippling oddly so that it looked like there was something moving in the depths of the liquid.

"A bit of a treat, though it's one I want to try out before I go and pick up more." Tenith quirked a brow up a little bit. "I know you've always wanted to go into the cities, this will let us change places for a bit so you have the chance."

"Switch bodies?" Tenyia perked up and looked down at him, both of her ears going forward. "Like my mind goes into yours?"

"No, nothing like that." Tenith let out a short laugh and crinkled his nose up a little bit with a smile. "It's meant to switch what we are. I'll end up on all four legs in exchange for you being on two legs. It just switches the base differences of each other."

Tenyia lifted her head up a little bit and blinked, her tail flicking back and forth a bit behind her haunches as she gave the potion another look. She had never really thought about walking on two legs, she didn't really have a reason to want that particular form. True, she would have liked to walk the streets of the cities, but that hadn't made her wish she had been born other than she was, it only made her curious. She sat up with a light scrape of scales along her body, rumbling softly as she watched her clansman uncork the tip of it with a loud popping noise that could be heard even over the fire.

"And do you trust it?" She asked and leaned forward, sniffing the tip of the bottle and tasting the mingled strange scents, they were rather strongly spiced with anise. "You know how I feel about magic."

"I trust that it will do as advertised, the merchant that sold it to me is an honorable one. He has a stellar reputation." Tenith assured her with a low laugh. "I thought it was better to try it out now rather than try it out in a city, I don't think it'd be a good idea if it runs out quicker than I was told and you'd change back in the middle of some crowded street."

"I've never had thumbs before." She commented with a slight smile. "It seems an enjoyable way to end the day, besides, if it works perhaps I can go down to the camps tonight to try it out."

"The camps after dark?" Tenith let out a short laugh and shook his head. "I think you're a little ambitious there!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith smiled up at his companion, rather pleased that she reacted so positively to the idea of being on two legs. He hadn't known if she'd enjoy the concept or if she'd rather stand on all fours the way she was used too. He looked down at the line of the bottle and reached out to take the heavy brass bowl that Tenyia used to drink out of. It was barely covered in water, just enough that it splashed this way and that before he tipped the liquid into the bowl. The potion was thick and tacky, splashing and mixing with the water readily as he doled out the greatest portion for the dragoness before he pushed the bowl back towards her so she could hook a forepaw around it and drew it towards her.

"You sure you can handle losing those thumbs?" She teased and tilted her head with a twitch of her lips. "I thought you were fond of them."

He snorted and didn't respond with words, instead he lifted the bottle up and tipped the thick viscous liquid into his maw before he could think better of it. The taste of it was a shock to his system as it was as thick as honey on his tongue, but as hot as a pepper. It nearly made him yelp out as it burned his tongue and made him gulp it down as swiftly as he could possibly manage. He had once eaten a raw ghost pepper and it was a similar effect that left the heat pouring down his throat and tears sprang to his eyes. It was an assault that made him regret even trying the potion, and it was soon mimicked by Tenyia who tipped back her own watered down potion and made a twist of the lips that showed her distaste.

"Perhaps they didn't think things through when they came up with this?" He said and stuck his tongue out. "God, water..."

He scrabbled over his pack and reached for the canteen of water that he kept tucked away beside his bedroll, dragging it out so that he could gulp down a mouthful of water. It didn't relieve much at all, there was a hot feeling curling through his stomach uncomfortably, his nose burning while Tenyia heaved herself up and marched towards the stream so she could similarly give herself relief. He rubbed his lips a few times to try and get rid of the worst of the taste, his eyes still stinging as the heat curled through his stomach. It didn't fade away like normal, but it started to burn and spread towards the outer reaches of his stomach and caused him to arch upwards in reaction. He let out a short noise, startled by the feel of the warmth sliding over his scales in a tingle of magic that started to spread the feelers out.

He heard his companion letting out a low noise in her throat as he tilted his head down and closed his eyes as the heat began to throb faster with his racing heart. He leaned forward and dropped down onto his rump, bracing his tail behind him as there was a rippling sensation of movement sliding under his scales. It was a strange sensation that overrode his thoughts and made him drop to all fours and arch his back upwards as it felt like a great invisible hand were sliding down along the line of his back. It was curiously pleasant feeling as they spread over the edges, pushing down towards the base of his tail so that he hiked it up higher in the air. His lips opened up, tongue flicking out with a little groaning cry as he felt the warmth pushing higher up against his chest, his breathing came out faster.

"Tenith..." Tenyia's voice was thick and slow sounding as he opened his eyes and watched his chest start to swell with the effects of the change.

It didn't hurt...exactly. It felt uncomfortable as his scales began to tight and strange as the changes took hold and he simply fell into it and tried to embrace what was happening. The slow caress centered in his gut and began to heat up worse b the moment, the throbbing beat of his heart hammered faster and faster, rushing into his ears so he couldn't quite concentrate on what was happening. He felt his scales starting to slip and grow softer, withdrawing from their stiff edges and refining into more delicate features. That was his first indication that something was going astray in the potion and it rapidly degenerated from there. His body was certainly changing, but not in the fashion that he had expected, and certainly not in a fashion he was prepared for!

Tenith watched as his fingers became smaller and lighter and the weight of his horns became lighter as he let out a cry and heard Tenyia letting out a similar call. The rough sound was more masculine than feminine, but he didn't have time to spare for her when he could feel his shirt tightening as his chest pushed outwards and breasts began to form of their own volition. He moved his hands down as the shirt tightened painfully as the material was stretching to try and handle the increased flesh. It made him struggle to undo the buttons with one hand as he heard Tenyia groaning out with a wild noise and saw the scales were starting to thicken along her legs.

They were changing, but they weren't switching their bodies the way that they should have been, he wasn't growing four legs, but changing his sex. The shirt ripped open as the scales softened and became more delicate than armored. Nipples began to rise up from the tips, filling out and growing heavier by the moment, filling out while he moved his hands along the underside of the softening mounds as they grew larger by the moment. His scales were all growing softer and his muscles began to grow softer looking as they were padded with sweeping feminine curves that he never should have possessed. He snarled out a denial, hating the way that his body was changing, but he couldn't stop it. The magic ran wild over him as his back arched and his hips became softer, his horns began to grow thinner and lighter on the top of his head.

They were subtle changes, nothing like the changes that he had been expecting, but they were more disturbing than if he had managed up on four legs. His breathing sped up as his breasts became softer feeling, warmer, her belly twisting slightly as the familiar bulge between his legs started to change as well. It was a twist to the gut, making it hard for him to think straight as the warmth spread downwards to slip between his loins. The delicate touch spread and pressed inwards, making his body starting to change in ways that he didn't want to think of. He moved his hands downwards towards his groin, the familiar bulge of his covered vent began to shrink beneath his touch while the breasts grew larger and more sensitive.

Her breasts, there was no denying the feel of her body shifting from male to female, the strange scent spilled through the air, more female as her gut began to change as well. She felt the lump drawing back, being replaced as the tender lips began to form beneath her pants. She didn't want to look, she didn't want to think about it, but there was no denying the way that her body was being changed and adjusted, the way that it was becoming different making her lean forward over her stomach. Her tail flexed and trembled slightly as she curled her fingers against the ground and heard the loud snarl of Tenyia above her.

She was shaking as the changes began to slide away from her, her back arched up higher in the air, making her squeeze her eyes shut. She didn't feel able to twist her mind into working, but she was dazed as she swayed in place and stumbled to one side. A heavy armored paw dropped down near her, thicker and larger than Tenyia's had ever been and she jerked her eyes up to see a massive drake panting above her. The legs were starting to shake, the jaws were open as the tongue spilled free of the gaping jaws, her breathing ragged as her chest rose and fell heavily.

"Th..that wasn't supposed to happen." Tenith spoke, her voice high pitched and light instead of her baritone rumble.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenyia's head drooped down close to his forelegs, his breathing came out a little raggedly as the changes rippled over his body and came to an end that startled him. He was still on four legs, just like normal, the only thing that had changed was his gender. He lifted his head, feeling the weight of his thicker horns on his head, his entire body felt heavy thanks to his large thick scales that had replaced his lighter ones. He drew in a breath and snorted it out again, the heat still twisting through his stomach uncomfortably so while he flexed his broad wings to either side of his body and took a step back. He groaned out while he felt out a slight twinge against the line of his haunches as he felt an unaccustomed bulge just between his legs as he let out a short breath.

"Th..that wasn't supposed to happen." A female voice piped up from nearby, making the drake swing his head towards the sound.

Tenyia had figured out what was happening just as the change started to overcome him, but it was still a shock to see the slight dragoness sprawled out on the ground near the fire. She was entirely strange and familiar looking at the same time, her lean body stretched out with her slender tail flicking back and forth. The hard muscled body was gone, given over to soft slender curves and soft sweeping parts of her body that formed ripe full breasts along her chest and the sweep of broad hips that looked out of place on his companion. The former dragoness took a step backwards and flicked both of his ears back against his head as he stared, his light tan scales were nearly crawling with unease from the sudden switch between their forms.

Tenith sat up slowly, the shirt was open along his chest and showed the swell of the bared breasts, while the pants fit badly. They were too tight along the curve of the hips, and too loose along the groin. Tenyia was much better off thanks to the fact that he didn't have clothes to deal with. His tail tip lashed back and forth while he dropped down onto his haunches and settled uncomfortably. He felt the bulge of his internal testes that had been newly made, the bulge of the vent stood out between his legs. It wasn't the modest tucked affair he was used too, it felt as if it were about to split open at any moment to show the tip of the changed shaft.

"I thought you said we'd switch forms." Tenyia flinched at his own deep voice, unused to the sound.

"It was!" Tenith protested, swinging her eyes up with a slightly panicked expression on her face. "It's supposed to change our forms."

"Well it didn't!" Tenyia flicked his wings down along the line of his back, shaking his head a few times to try and clear it. "We have to go back and find-"

"God no!" Tenith yelped out and jumped up onto her feet. "It'll wear off in no time, it's just a potion. I know people down there!"

Tenyia growled a little bit at his companion, narrowing his eyes that Tenith didn't want to go and fetch a cure simply because she didn't want to be seen in her current form. The former dragoness dropped onto his stomach uncomfortably, embarrassed and outraged as Tenith tried her best to use the shirt to cover up her breasts. That was at least one thing he hadn't had to deal with as a female, ferals didn't possess such nonsense as that. The feel of his vent was strange, it was weighed down oddly, causing him to suck down a breath and shift his weight with a slight flex of his toes. Tenith seemed more out of sorts, her cheeks were flushed a hot red as she stared down at herself.

Tenyia found it rather harder than he was comfortable with snuffling at the scents on the air. They were all changed now, what he processed was different, strangely enticing in its own way. There was a hot puff of breath, his nostrils flared open wide while he swung his head back and forth a few times and rubbed his nose against his forepaw. He pushed it back and forth a few times, trying to clear his senses as he ignored the fact that his body was changed so drastically that he was settled with a lump right along his lower belly. It was like nothing he had ever experienced and he tried his best to ignore it in favor of watching his companion struggle with yet another top.

"That's not going to fit." He growled unhappily and gave his tail a slap against the ground. "Change into your robe, it'll at least cover you."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith didn't know how to react as she felt her body shifted into the new form, it was entirely wrong feeling, she was going hot and cold in turns as she dragged her paws through the worst of the pile of clothes. She didn't know why the potion had gone so wrong, but she knew that she wanted nothing except for it to wear off as quickly as possible. The air was slightly chilled on her bare scales as she searched for the robe that Tenyia had brought up. It was an old beaten down garment that she used when she was trying to pass in larger cities. It wasn't the most comfortable thing, but anything was better than walking around topless. The round perked breasts were entirely disturbing to see when she glanced down to see the perked nipples in the chill air.

She managed to undo her pants, watching as she saw Tenyia was shifting uncomfortably and making the occasional glance back down along his side. She felt a pang of envy for the changed drake, at least he didn't deal with additions to his chest. She undid her pants and spread the fabric open, spilling it open and pushing down along the line of the hips. There was a slight push that ran down along the outer thighs until she saw exactly how she had changed beneath the belt. She went hot and cold in turns as she realized that she was entirely different below the belt. There was a glimpse of a vent there, but not the bulge of the hidden shaft that normally rested there, instead it was a pert set of soft scaled lips pursed together.

They were glistening slightly, the pebbled scaling wasn't simply pale white, it was bright livid pink looking as they were partially spread open with the full swell of the lips. She swallowed with a short gulp, her stomach falling a little as she let her pants drop and moved her hands down to either side of her mound. The sight of the lips parting sent a shudder down her back as she realized that she was well and truly changed. She could see a glimpse of a swollen pink nub jutting up from between the folds, the clit perked and glistening with juices that made her draw in a quicker breath as she tried to yank her eyes away from herself. It was a morbid fascination of how her body had changed, her heart leaping up into short rapid beats.

"Rrrr oh that is nice." Tenyia rumbled out and a hot blast of air hit right against the line of Tenith's leg. "Mmrrrrrm..."

The changed drake's head was swung towards her, the large muzzle pushed obscenely closed to her as there was another blast of heat that ran against the line of her tail. Tenyia was quite close, she hadn't heard the sound of the drake on the move, but the purple eyes were fixated on her with a slightly dazed expression as the nose was avidly working. It made her take a step backwards and her clansman lifted his head and blinked slowly. The long pink tongue flicked out, sliding free to slip along the line of the muzzle, sweeping over the bridge of the muzzle. It was a delicate touch meant to take in the scents in a more intimate way than simply by snuffling the air.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Tenyia!" Tenith snapped, the words making the former dragoness blink again, but his mind was feeling slow and sluggish.

The moment the pants had been opened up he had been treated with the rich hot scents on the air were alluring and thick enough that he felt his great heart speeding up. His eyes lidded a little bit, sucking down the scents on the air as fast as he could manage them while he stepped forward closer towards the dragoness. The full heavy breasts that were rising and falling with each rapid burst, causing him to flick his tail about with a wild little flutter as he crept forward on his belly, trying to lean in closer towards the scent that was filling the air. It was like nothing he had ever tasted in his life, it made his blood run hot and wild. He wanted more of it, he needed more of it.

He took a step forward and let out a low growl, the thick sound of a snarl burst from his lips when Tenith pulled away. The sight of the dragoness that stumbled back made him want to herd her closer, it was a new urge that rose up from the depths of his mind. He couldn't push it away as she froze and stared at him with wide eyes and he heaved himself up onto all fours. The scent was so sweet, he flicked his tongue out as if he could lick it up and swallow it down. The moment he stood up he felt the bulge of his vent opening up to show the tip of his cock that was starting to ease out of the lips, glistening wetly from preseminal fluids that were clinging to the tip messily. He paused briefly at the feeling of his cock starting to slip outwards, flinching backwards a little bit.

"What the hell?" He growled and gave his head a wild shake back and forth, sneezing out the rough scent again as Tenith stared up at him.

"Will you stop sniffing me!" She snapped, standing forward to try and give a shove when he leaned in closer.

Tenith had always been smaller than he was. Tenyia had naturally loomed above the dragoness by a good three feet, his head swayed back and forth as the scent grew stronger. He could feel his stomach tightening in response, starting to push out a length of wet slippery flesh. The tip drooled out precum that ran downwards towards the ground while he felt his mind growing slower by the moment. He could taste the scents on the air growing as he growled out low in his throat and he stepped forward with a steady drop of his paws, stalking the dragoness that stumbled backwards with her hands up in the air. She called out his name again, the loud noises meaning little while his eyes were locked on the glittering wetness that was clinging to the outer lips, he was entranced by it.

"Come here." He growled out, the sound vibrating as the girl stumbled back further from him, but he had her scent now and it was making him lose his mind into the rush of fiery need to drag her close to him. "I want to smell you!"

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith felt renewed terror as the drake advanced on her step by step, the movements barely contained and rippling as the pink-red length began to spill out from the vent. She couldn't look away from the sight of it, something she had never expected to see and now she couldn't do anything to escape the fact he was growing aroused. The eyes were all pupil, not quite looking at her as the drake came in closer and drew in a deeper breath. The thick length began to grow heavier and heavier by the moment, extending out along the underside of the belly as he came forward close enough to jab his head forward and she felt a blast of heat hitting against her chest and stomach. It made her jump in place as a large paw moved out and curled right along the line of her hips, dragging her in closer as Tenyia snuffled hotly over the edges and dipped down lower.

The movement slid a long powerful tongue slipped out and brushed against her stomach before she could stop it. The feral drake began to slip in closer as the paw curled along the curve of her ass and the tongue pushed forward to slather down the line of her stomach. The breath was hot and strange, carrying with it a strange thick musk that was causing her to arch herself up into the air. The weight of it made it impossible to think or work her mind through the rise of lust that was growing, filling the senses while the tongue ran lower and she moved her hands up to shove against the muzzle, trying to break it away. She lashed her tail, finding herself trapped by the hold that curled along her ass and refused to let her go.

The scent of the dragon became thicker, the rough feral musk that made it hard for her to breathe while she braced herself back against the paw. The talons lightly squeezed against the line of her ass, raking lightly before the muzzle nestled down between her legs with increasing interest. The sight of it should have sent her wildly struggling to get free, but her mind felt as if it were surging and roiling wildly, her breathing turning into short bursts as the tongue delved down. The tongue tip pushed forward with a powerful curl that slipped right between her legs, the thick slimy length slid along her with a light stroke that made her feel a sudden surge of fire that burst through her. The heat rushing through her belly while her eyes squeezed shut and Tenyia let out a groan.

The drake's tongue lewdly probed her, dipping forward and pulling back, finding their way along her puffy folds as they went. It was incredibly warm and soft feeling as it pushed his lips apart and pulled between them. The smooth movement dragged downwards towards the bulge of her clit and swiped up against her, making her jump upwards and push her hands down against the line of the muzzle. It shouldn't have affected her. She wasn't truly female, it should have been nothing to her to feel him licking her, but it warmed her lower belly in ways that made her back arch and her legs slide open.

Her nerves felt raw, the touch stimulating her despite herself, her mind being forced to experience the shove of the tongue tip as the hot breath puffed around her. The drake rumbled, the eyes weren't quite focused on anything as the heavy bodied male pushed his tongue a bit higher upwards. It rose up between her legs and slipped along the crease of her ass, slipping backwards with a slide and twist. The wet strands of saliva spread against her outer lips as the tip probed upwards with a forceful little grind forward. The lavish strokes rubbed right along the clit, swiping upwards with a twist that made her yelp out in shock, her entire body arching.

"T-tenyia..." She stammered, her eyes growing more unfocused by the moment. "Stop that..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenyia was lost, his mind felt fogged over as his throbbing cock twitched against his stomach and he kept his fingers gripped against the curve of the ass. He shoved his tongue in deeper, the powerful movements twisted and coiled, rubbing forward hard enough to taste the arousing juices, making him shift his hips forward. The light movements rubbed against his stomach, his cock twitching and engorging, growing heavier as the precum welled up from the tip and spilling down in spatters right against the ground. His thoughts were slowed down as the scent of the dragoness made him feel as if he were half mad. He wanted more, he pushed his nose into the scent while Tenith cry out and writhed in place. The legs spread open wider for him as the tongue tip pushed forward and pried the lips open wider.

"Tenyia! C-come on, stop that..." The voice was high pitched and barely brought his ears up while the tip of his tongue began to bloat the narrow passage.

It was so tight, the juices were coating him and making him shudder slightly while the tip filled his taste buds with the rich intoxicating taste of female heat. He wanted more, he needed more, his fingers dug down against the line of the haunches and squeezed, pulling her upwards as his tongue tip started to slip inwards further. The dragoness cried out, the sound of it sweet and delightful so that his cock twitched harder. There was an all new sensation that made him hump forward, grinding against his stomach as the tail twitched upwards a little bit higher. It wasn't at all like being female, the long length wasn't quite as sensitive as his own passage, but it was exquisitely pleasurable.

The paw dropped from her ass while he shoved the tongue tip deeper into the passage, stuffing the tip hard inwards, stretching the base open wide. The inner walls rippled and clutched at him, making his hips jerk forward again. The unnatural vision of feeling her wrapped around his cock surged to the forefront of his mind as the stammering dragoness let out a ragged cry. The noise didn't mean anything to him as he roiled the powerful oral muscle about, dragging his tongue out with a slow slippery draw. The slathering mixture coated her muzzle as he growled out and splayed his hind legs as he rocked forward again. She tasted fertile and delicious, the mixture making his mind turn until all he wanted was to be inside of her.

His tongue slurped free loudly, the taste an intoxicating mixture that made every part of his body throb with need as Tenith stumbled back. The former drake was looking dazed as Tenyia stepped forward and gave a push with his nose, shoving right against her stomach. The thick alluring mixture made him ignore the protests and stammering sounds, none of them making sense to him. He gave his tail snapped down against the ground as he forced Tenith down onto the ground, looming above her with his hind legs splaying open a bit wider as he stepped over her prone form. He used one paw to pin her in place, seeing the confused eyes fixated on him, the wild little looks only egging him on as he arched his neck and rumbled.

"I suppose we should give the potion a chance." He murmured, his words thick with his lust, uncontrolled feeling while his tail flicked rapidly behind him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith's eyes were closed as she felt the paw pressed against her chest. Tenyia wasn't that much larger than she was, at least not really. The powerful weight pressed down against her as the drake stepped over her and she tried to get her protest back. She couldn't bring back her thoughts to where they should have been, she should have been fighting back to try and break herself free. Her body was pounding in her ears, the throbbing beat of it making her arch upwards in a slight twist of her hips as the drake crouched down with a slight arch of his body. The heavy sway of the tail moved down, catching against her own and twining with it as she moved a hand down to grip the heavy forepaw.

"Tenyia... l-listen to me.." She stammered the words out as the heavy hips spread open, and she felt something hot and slippery drawing down against the line of her stomach.

"Rrrrr hush, dear one, shouldn't we enjoy what you've purchased?" Tenyia's voice was strange sounding, the heavy cock twitched slightly and spilled out a hot dollop of precum against her again.

The slippery spill ran downwards and the sharp scent of musk filled the air, making it harder for her to think. The rich virile mixture caused her to shake slightly before she ran her hips upwards as the tail caught her. The tightness held her ass up in the air, her legs shifting so that her feet pushed against him as the twitching pale length slid up right along her stomach. She felt it, the familiar warm weight of it was so like what she herself had as a male, but she wasn't thinking about being male at that moment. She was thinking about the heady feel of the tip sliding down against the line of her belly, pushing forward with a sweeping powerful plunge forward.

The cock lined right against the curves of her thighs as the weight dropped down against her, holding her as the drake let out a hiss of pleasure as the tapered tip slipped down between her thighs. She couldn't make herself break free, she felt frozen as the tip prodded firmly just between her legs with a little spill of hot slimy precum that ran down against her. She tried to jerk her tail free, twisting it and writhing in her attempt to break the hold on her, but the drake only pulled her hips up higher as the cock tip pushed along her glistening pursed lips. The firm prodding making her jump up with a wild shudder as she felt the heavy flesh grinding forward with a jab, spilling out a hot thick stream of precum right into her passage.

"Gods!" She cried out, her eyes snapping open as the cock tip pushed forward firmly right into her newly formed passage.

The press forward began to gape her walls open wider and wider, making her stretch against the line of her narrow walls and opened them up to hug around the stiff hard spire. The thick hot stream flushed through her body, pouring in deeper as the hips began to thrust forward with a bit more weight that drove in deeper. The inner walls gaped wider and wider, the contractions closed down and squeezed, caressing over the stiff twitching length. It was a shock, an overwhelming feel of pressure that pushed through her inner passage. She writhed and twisted, her tail tightening around the larger one that held her up as she was impaled, feeling the strain opening her wider, causing her to cry out raggedly as the roll of the hips pinned her down harder and her outer lips spread open into a lewd wide O.

The flexing clamping walls, caressing and working along the line of the shaft while she writhed in place, her eyes squeezing tightly shut as the next plunge forced forward and glutted her passage. Her walls were being forced to gape open wide, her legs spreading open wide as the arch of the stomach gave a short shallow thrust downwards. The lewd wet noise came out with a loud squelching sound, the mixture of precum and juices churned together, pushing out over the edges as Tenyia let out a groaning cry of pleasure. The drake's head tipped backwards in pleasure as she experienced the sudden plunge inwards, the tip forcing its way deeper, filling her stomach until it was bulging open. Tenith couldn't stop herself, a moan spilled out of her lips before she could do anything about it. She was lost. Her drakehood was lost.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenyia shuddered in pure pleasure as he felt the tight walls wrapping around his cock and he moved his paw from Tenith and braced herself as she pushed her hips forward. The powerful movement impaled himself further, spreading the base open wider and wider, gaping the taut ring open wide as the thick precum bubbled up. The wet splatter fell out in a hot heady rush, smearing through the tightening muscles that caused him to arch upwards with a short buck that forced in deeper. The strain and stretch opened her wider, pushing down towards the very base as he became tighter by the moment. His toes curled down, bracing himself as his muscles bunched up and he drove himself forward again.

"Tenyia!" Tenith cried out as his base gaped her open wide, his tip probed deep inside of her body while he squeezed his eyes shut to delight in the pleasure of the pressure wrapping around him.

His tail tightened his hold on the smaller female tail and hauled the hips higher in the air, working to drive himself in deeper. His wings flexed against his back as he gave a short powerful thrust forward, the lunges driving his cock tip in deeper into the narrow passage. The tip smearing out with thick hot eruption of precum, bubbling up from the tip and pooling right against her cervix before he yanked backwards. He could feel the way she was grabbing at him, the eager heated passage so delicately working over him. His hind legs shifted and he gave a thrust forward that forced the hips up higher in the air, the slap of flesh on flesh hit together while he moved his head down to flick his tongue along the warm full breasts.

He worked his tongue around her, sliding along the warm full breast and slipping it further down. His breathing turned into rough panting bursts while he worked his hips in short powerful movements, timing them while he heard her crying out beneath him. It wasn't Tenith beneath him, his mind didn't recognize the who, only the what, the rich fertile scent was flooding his nose and pushed him over the edge. He wanted more, he craved it, he didn't think about anything except how the walls kept closing down around him, struggling to hold his heavy length inside of the passage before he drove forward again. The wetness pushed down along the base of his cock, spilling lower in thick strands as the scent of her grew sharper, making him snarl out possessively.

The legs shifted up to slide against her hips, the legs squeezing tightly to hold him while he took her. Tenith cried out and pushed her hands against his chest when he drove up against her cervix. The sudden plunge forced right up against the soft tender flesh, bowing it inwards with a grind as there was a hot streamer of precum oozing out of him. The wet juices were coating him while he lost grip of sanity, all he wanted was the flood that fertile womb with his seed, to feel her swelling with his offspring. The primal thoughts were unlike anything he had experienced in the past, ones that caused him to move faster, harder, plunging and glutting the narrow passage deep inside of Tenith, delighting in the feel that they were clutching around him. He wanted everything she could give him, he would have it all.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith's cries became higher, sweeter, raising up in the air while she twisted herself in place and the powerful haunches kept driving into her. The shaft was too large, too thick and every time it pumped through her she was given sharp powerful caresses that had her bucking beneath the weight. The powerful movements churned and stirred the juices inside of her, mingling them and forcing the wetness out over the edges. It spilled along her plump outer lips, coating her while she let out a ragged call and her hands grabbed at the chest, tightening the hold on her body as the pull dragged backwards, slurping free with a wet movement nearly pulled all the way out of her as the hips rose up.

Tenyia was tensing up above her, the drake's tongue swept up beneath the swell of her breasts and twisted along the edges. The powerful lunges were building on each other, sending the tip driving deep into her passage, filling her out as it drove up against the barrier and then withdrew again. The smooth movement pulling the tip all the way out so that the tip slowly opened up her splayed puffy folds. The wet sound rang in her ears as she shuddered through it, eyes going wide as she looked at the glistening length pointing down at her stomach, drooling fluids messily before the drake hooked right against her hip.

She knew what he wanted even before he pulled at her, making her cheeks go hot red. It was bestial and wrong, she wasn't truly a dragoness, but her body wasn't listening to her as it was going hot and cold in turns. It wanted what the drake was offering her and she didn't care what that meant. Her tail rose up behind her as she got her knees beneath her, her hands pushed against the ground while the forepaws curled around her waist. The fingers dug down tightly and pulled her hips backwards, yanking higher in the air as the cock tip probed back beneath her tail again, the breath panted right against the line of her neck.

"My pretty dragoness...." Tenyia's voice was thick and slow, making her shudder as the cock tip pushed right up against her pursed glistening lips.

"Please..." Tenith breathed out, her voice coming out and shaking as her tail flexed up higher in the air. "Please...."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenyia heard the pleading voice and it was enough that he arched his neck, the raw desire making him push forward with a shove that forced the tip up between the fat thick lips. He loved the sound of her begging, it made something wild and dominant stir inside of his chest as he pushed back into her sleek body. He felt the walls opening up around his glans, pushing upwards towards the base of his cock as he spread her open wide once more. She quivered and clutched around him, the little movements suckling and pulling along his length in such a way that he was driven wild for more, he crashed his hips forward with a plunge with his stomach arched up higher in the air, drawing backwards only after a few moments.

Her walls contracted around him, he had to struggle to pull from her tightening body as he twisted his lips back in a snarl. His breathing turned rough as he nearly yanked all the way back before he glutted her body with his shaft again, driving the tip deep into the passage as the wetness pushed out over the edges. His talons were spreading wider, digging into the curve of the belly and clinging to the squirming female that cried out with a throaty moan that slipped from parted lips. The suckling pulls worked around him, the sliding strokes making tuck his head down right along the shoulder, puffing out a hot eruption of breath before he drew backwards again.

His entire body was pushed into the thrusts, the rapid movements pumped forward in short powerful strikes that drove forward before dragging back. The fluid growing thicker by the moment, the precum spilled out in hot streamers that flushed out into the narrow walls. His balls were tightening, he could feel them shifting just beneath his tail, the way they moved making him feel the pressure and pleasure working together. He spread his hind legs open wider, the weight of his body pressed down against the line of her back, feeling as she squirmed. Her ragged cries were whimpers and moans, little bursts of sound that caused him to strengthen and speed up his movements. His hips were a blur, churning together wildly, working them ever deeper inside of her clutching body.

Tenyia's hips turned into a blur, barely pushing in before he slipped back out again, his cock starting to thicken wider and heavier. The gaping lips spread open into a wide circled ring, clinging around his base as the need grew and overwhelmed him. He heard Tenith crying out beneath him, the ragged squeal clear and sweet, making his jaws open up in a silent roar. The walls started to suckle and tighten around him, each little twitch and quiver helped him push over the edge, his world narrowing down to nothing more than roaring pleasure as his balls contracted up. The first hot spill of sperm laced seed bubbled up and poured out of him, spraying from his tip and right into her fertile trembling form.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tenith squeezed her eyes shut, her body was being rocked with the pleasure of her orgasm, hitting her in a rush that pushed her over the edge. She started to suckle around the cock and squeezed it, she worked and slid over the spire and pulled more of it inside of her. The movements making her feel the way that the walls were stretching her open as the cock grew larger. The twitch and quiver of his length worked and churned in deeper, pushing through to the line of the cervix while the tip burrowed in deeper and she lost herself over the edge. Every breath was rough and ragged, her hips rocked backward and ground onto the line of the shaft, impaling herself again and again as the hips tucked down close against her and the drake's roar filled her ears.

It was wild sounding as the length gave another twitch upwards, the sudden swell bloated the line of the urethra, having the glans bottom out against her before she felt it. The first hot stream of cum poured out of him in a pressured rush that made her hips freeze as she was filled. The thick creamy rush filled her up, hitting hard against the barrier of her cervix, pushing through the narrow opening and flushing deeper into her vulnerable belly. She was being bloated with the seed that flushed through her belly and puddled deep inside of her womb. Her body shuddered in place, her hips jerking upwards slightly to push back further, forcing the tip harder against the barrier of her cervix.

She should have been horrified feeling this happen, the surge of pleasure that covered her was everything she wanted and more. She couldn't stop feeling the desire to have more, to experience every last drop that she could. Tenith twisted her ears backwards and moaned out, the sound not at all masculine, not in the least bit. It was a sweet throated cry rang in her ears as she felt another twitch and quiver forced out another splatter of thick seed flushing inside of her. Making sure that she was well and fully filled out, her stomach swelling slightly as the drake shifted above her, the movements rippling against her lightly as she heard him panting above her. She was shaking, her eyes dropping down with a little shudder that rippled through her and made the wet thick cream pushout around the edges of the softening length.

"I like this little potion." Tenyia rumbled in pleasure above her, the drake shaking a little bit as he panted heavily, his cock starting to soften inside of her.

"You would..." Tenith managed to stammer out, her eyes opening a little bit as there was a lewd wet noise as she felt the shaft dragging free.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"FRESH MEAT! BUTCHERED TODAY!" The yelling barker nearly jumped at Tenyia as she walked past the stall, scenting the sharp fresh blood.



They barkers were all calling their wears as she walked through the market and kept her steps light and purposeful. Her eyes trying not to linger too much on those that were gathered together or anything that might tempt her to open her packs to spend her coin. She no longer felt as if she were exhilarated by the ability to walk among so many strange species', she had something else on her mind that kept her steps at a quick trot and her tail lashing behind her.

She had woken up beside Tenith, the drake back to his normal form and entirely nude. He hadn't been able to be roused, but that had hardly been surprising given the fact that she had thoroughly enjoyed her time as a drake with him. The wild passion that they had shared had made her feel incredibly liberated, making her want more. It hadn't been that she wanted to be a drake, not really, but she had wanted to explore all aspects that she could. Tenith was less than eager, true, but that made it sweet as well as coaxing turned the former drake into a squirming and panting pile of scales. She had been able to sneak away from the camp easily and leave the messy drake to sleep it off.

She had to pick her way through the worst of it, her head swayed back and forth lightly as she snuffed the air firmly. She tipped her head up high in the air as she tried to track the scent of herbs to lead her to the tent that Tenith had visited. She had no doubt that if her clansman was given a choice he would never pick up the potion again, of that she was sure, but that didn't mean she wasn't interested in trying the experiment again. The effects of it had been arousing and fascinated her, she didn't want to leave it at such a simple test run, not when there could be more she could do with it at a later date.

"Ahh a four leg, please remain there..." The market had an elf that popped out, a bright eyed little creature with deep green hair. "I will come to you, my tent is not big enough for your kind."

"Understandable." She said with a little tilt of her head, peering into the doorway with interest. "I came here because my clansman came here for a potion."

"Ahhh not uncommon. Are you looking for one that will change your size? Most of the four legs seem to enjoy them." The elf piped up and began to step back, making her flick her tail up to stop him.

"Not a size change, my clansman came yesterday and picked up a potion to try out, one that would allow us to switch positions.." Tenyia tried to keep her voice mild as she spoke. "I was hoping that you might still have the potion here?"

"Your clansman?" The elf blinked and paled a little bit. "The drake? I did not know you were female, otherwise-"

"I'm not here to talk about that, I just want to know if you have more of the potion." Tenyia persisted, feeling a little eager jump in her belly.

The elf fixed her with a look, one that made the heat rush to her cheeks and flush up the length of her scales and towards her ears. She had no doubt he knew what had happened when they'd both taken the potion, but she tried to give him a bland look. There was no need to admit to anything, and she certainly wasn't going to look at an elf and explain what she had done with the her partner. Her tail tip started to lash a bit more quickly as the elf swallowed and tipped his head forward. The light movement making her heart leap in her chest.

"I have some more, two bottles..." He spoke slowly, as if he were trying to prompt her to say something, but she turned her flushed head away from him and flipped up one of her saddle bags.

She could have explained why she wanted it, a small part of her wanted to try an tell him why she was after it and what it meant, but she refused to give herself away like that. What she did in her own private time was her own business, and it wasn't as if it were hurting anyone. She wasn't about to take the potion daily just so she could experience the rest of her life as a drake, she merely wanted to use it for a time so she could explore what it meant. Tenith would even enjoy it, of that she was sure. He might not take the potion voluntarily, but she shivered as she recalled how he had lavished attention on her while she had been a drake. He wouldn't have done that if he hadn't enjoyed it, especially not when he'd voluntarily used his muzzle on her.

"Lovely, I will take both of them." Tenyia hooked out some of her money with her muzzle and dropped it down to the ground. "And a further commission should you make more and wish to sell it."

_After all.... I don't know when this market will happen again. _ She put a smile on her face as she nudged the bag of coins towards the elf. Already she was imagining how she would be spending her winter down time. Absolutely delightful.