College Sucks: Part 4

Story by SlickAndSlenderWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of College Sucks

Mike glanced at his digital clock from his lounging position on his freshly washed bedspread.

"Fifteen minutes," he was purring at the thought of Dan coming back from class ready and rearing to go. He caught himself day dreaming and snapped back to reality. The TV was blaring on some mediocre stand up comic giving some spiel about his mother being over-protective or something. Mike wasn't listening and he didn't care. The tabby blindly reached around the floor by his bed and snatched up the remote, changing the TV to something a little more palatable. He stopped on AMC, which was rerunning 2001: A Space Odyssey, his favorite movie. Fortunately it was already to his favorite part, the scene with the doomed astronauts discussing deactivating Hal.

Mike watched the scene, drawing comparisons to his now secretive relationship with Dan. He couldn't possibly tell anybody but how could he keep it a secret? Somebody would find out. Hal was like society, an omnipresent force that could see anything and everything that went on. Sooner or later, Mike and Dan would be found out. Dan had already come to grips with it... at least it seemed so. Mike had only discovered his feelings for Dan that day, and they already yiffed, a second yiffing coming his way. Mike worried about how his friends and family would take it. His parents certainly wouldn't like it. They always asked him if he found a cute mate yet and when they were going to meet her. They wanted kittens so bad. He couldn't disappoint them, he didn't want to disappoint them. It ate him up inside... and what about his friends? They were always making gay jokes, calling each other "faggots" as an insult, typical jocks. How would they take it? Would they accept him? Would they initially accept him then grow more distant? Would they just flat out reject him? And forget the friends and family, what about society? It wasn't exactly the best time to be a homosexual in America. Most gays didn't have marriage rights, adoption rights, hospital visitation rights, they couldn't serve in the military, and many more rights that "regular" Americans held and gays didn't. Would he now have to live his life as a second class citizen? Mike thought about joining the Navy as an officer after college, but he couldn't anymore if he came out. What if a long term relationship sprung out of this? They knew each other since they were cubs. Would Dan and him be able to marry? Mike grew angry with himself. Why did he give in to temptation, was he weak? It wasn't like he chose this... he just couldn't help himself. Was he born this way? How did he not realize it till now? Why was he this way? He never thought about another male like he did about Dan before today... or at least, he wouldn't admit it to himself.

Mike's ears twitched and his sleek tail swayed as he pondered his life choices. He put his paws on top of his head and let out a heavy sigh. It wasn't good to stress himself out like that. He would just have to accept what he was for now, for better or worse. He didn't even know if he wanted to come out, he'd have to make that decision with Dan. Mike flipped the channel to a rerun of Pawn Stars, and melted away, forgetting about his worries. He glanced again at the clock.

"Two minutes!?!? Only two fucking minutes have passed?!?" Mike hissed aloud, tossing the remote in the air.

Dan got let out of his 3 o'clock a little early. The wolf walked out of the intimidating academic building into the warming sunlight as he squinted and blinked. He reached around his pockets, finding the absence of his cigs. He sighed and turned to a nearby lioness enjoying a cigarette.

"Hey, can I get one of those, please," Dan put on a begging face, his ears submissively pointed downward. The lioness obliged him and Dan made the trek back to his dorm. Dan happily puffed away, his mind totally blank, as usual. Dan usually wasn't a worrier; he tended to take things as they came. The only thing on his mind was Mike and that sweet virgin butt. The cigarette slipped from Mike's muzzle as he daydreamed.

"Damn," he snatched up the cig with a paw and blew off on the filter before jamming it back in his maw.

Dan arrived at his dorm and flicked away the borrowed cig as he entered the building. He patiently waited for the elevator, tapping his footpaw to "Mary Jane's Last Dance," a song he didn't even realize he had stuck in his head from the morning. It's funny what the sleeping brain can pick up. The elevator opened with a ding and the wolf sauntered in, now whistling the Tom Petty classic. By the time he got to his floor, the wolf was in full verse, singing the song as best he could with his off-key cracking voice. He made it to his room and threw down his notebook at his desk. His room was unusually clean but it probably wouldn't be for long. He locked his door and made his way to Mike's room, tail wagging. He rapped at the door with his index claw, hearing the tabby stir around inside. The door flung open to a shocked Mike.

"What are you doing back so early?" the cat's expression turned from confusion to a frown.

"I got let ou... what's wrong?" the wolf looked concerned at his friend.

"Nothing, just doing some thinking," Mike looked down. The wolf didn't like where this was going. Dan began to panic. Did he scare away his best friend? Maybe they shouldn't have gone so fast. The wolf's tail stopped cold and he gulped.

"About what?" the wolf wasn't thinking about yiffing anymore, only about what he had done to his best friend.

"About that big doggie cock in me," the cat shot up his head and gave the wolf a wide toothy smile. Mike figured he'd enjoy it now and deal with the consequences later. Dan breathed a sigh of relief as all his worry lifted away.

"Oh, you want this now?" the wolf placed a paw on the door frame above Mikes head and grabbed his crotch with the other. Mike rolled his eyes and walked back into the room, Dan followed, his tail wagging again as he closed the door behind him.

Mike turned and draped his arms on the slightly taller wolf's shoulders, pulling him in for a long deep kiss. Their tongues wrestled as they tasted each other. Dan felt the vibrations of the tabby purring softly on his lips. They pulled away and put their foreheads together, staring each other directly in the eyes.

"Mmmmm, Gold Fish crackers?" Dan joked.

"Naw, a knock off brand," Mike laughed as he went in for a small peck on the lips. He took one of his paws and messed up the wolf's headfur.

"Go take off your clothes and lie down on the bed," Mike pushed the waiting wolf away. Dan got excited and whimpered quietly as he did as the watching tabby said. When Dan got down to his boxers he started to do a little stripping dance again. Mike sighed and yanked down the wolf's boxers for him, exposing Dan's half-unsheathed cock. Dan smiled, and fell back onto the bed and began to paw his cock, getting it nice and hard. The cat purred as he watched.

Mike began to strip more elegantly than the clumsy wolf. His slick feline body twisted and gyrated as his clothes dripped off. Before the wolf knew it, his best friend was once again standing before him in the nude, fully erect.

"I guess you want this more than me!" the wolf observed, commenting on his friend's bobbing member. Mike ignored the weak joke and rustled around in his desk drawer.

"Spermicidal lube," the cat held up a small indiscriminate tube.

"Worried you'll get pregnant? You know, Junior wasn't based on a true story," the wolf laughed at his own joke. Mike just sighed and walked over the wolf. He crouched at the foot of the bed, between the wolf's legs, and reached a paw towards the wolf's package. He tickled the wolf's floppy balls as Dan's legs twisted.

"C'mon man," the wolf was stern.

"Just getting warmed up," the cat slunk onto the bed, creaking under the weight of two furs. Mike positioned himself between the wolf's legs and grasped the now hardening cock. He began to paw off his friend, feeling the blood rush through the wolf's meat.

"C'mon, show me that knot," Mike snarled a little as he really started to get into the moment, inspecting what would soon be inside of him. He pawed gently, feeling every ridged and vein. The cock grew in his paws, Mike loved the feeling. Finally, the knot was fully out and engorged. Mike wasn't ready for how big Dan really was. Sure, Mike was longer at 7 inches, but Dan was far thicker, thicker than Mikes hairbrush handle by a long shot... and that wide knot didn't help.

"This might be a little tough," Mike commented, getting an eye full of the wolf's pride.

"Heh, c'mon, I took you all the way in and I was a virgin too," the wolf had a point. Mike thought a bit, then squirted some of the lube on the wolf's thick member. He worked it into the shaft like he was polishing a brass pole. He had to use both paws to lube up the knot. Mike scootched forward on his knees and sat on the wolves stomach, letting his own hard cock lay in the wolf's chestfur.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to be in total control, don't hump or anything till I give the ok... alright," Mike was serious. The wolf nodded in agreement, not wanting to hurt his friend. Mike got up on his knees and scootched back a little, lining up his tail hole with the wolf's pointy cock and lifting his tail high. Mike squirted more of the lube into his paw and reached back to his bottom to lube it up. He slipped in a few fingers and gasped a little. "This is going to feel good," Mike thought as he smiled wide down at Dan.

Mike pulled apart one of his furry butt cheeks with one paw and gripped the wolf's cock with the other. He leaned back and slipped in the tip of the tapered member. Mike hissed at the feeling... Dan was right, it did feel like pooping at first. Mike snickered a little as his eyes teared at the pain.

"You ok, we can stop," the wolf was massaging Mike's inner thigh, feeling his nice soft fur through his paws.

"No, I wanna go as far as I can," Mikes face was scrunched, but he cracked a smile. Mike slide the cock in more, getting about half of Dan's total length. Mike pulled up to get a running start then back down, getting a little more in. He pulled up again and squirted a little more lube on his paw. The cat reached around and lubed his own butt and the wolf's cock even more, just to make it a little easier. Mike sat back down on the cock and went all the way down to the wolf's meaty knot. Mike didn't expect to go that far so he let out a whimper followed by a hiss. It just felt so warm and tight inside of him and he could feel the lube getting squeezed out. Mike looked down at Dan and fell forward, placing his paws on either side of the wolf's shoulders. Dan just looked at Mike in the eyes and gave a knowing smile. The cat had one eye closed as he began to bounce on the wolf. His hiss turned into a purr as he bucked his hips with each pump. Mike's gentle bouncing turned harder and faster with each pump. The tabby purred louder, Dan could feel the vibrations through his cock, which made it that much more pleasurable for him. Mike sat back up and leaned backward as he bounced away, placing his paws on the bed behind him. His cock jutted out and Dan seized the opportunity. The wolf placed his paw on the cat member and worked it. Mike shivered a little at the touch of the cold paw and his butt tightened on the wolf's cock. Dan squirmed at the pleasure of it all.

"Alright, I think I'm ready with the whole thing," Mike spoke to the ceiling. Dan picked up his queue and dropped the cats cock. He placed his paws on the cat's hips and Mike stopped bouncing. The cat leaned forward again and took his original position.

"Ok," Mike signaled. He pushed back as Dan pushed up and pulled Mike down with his paws. Mike strained and hissed as the knot stretched his virgin butt more and more until the worst of it was through. Mike sat back as his tail hole clamped past the based of the wolf's knot. They both panted hard at the strain of the ordeal, both of them in an equal amount of pure ecstasy. Mike bounced and gyrated, feeling the hefty knot in his butt and the tip of Dan's cock pushing against his prostate. Dan panted, he hadn't tied in with anybody for a long time. Mike massaged the wolf's chest fur as Dan rubbed Mike's thighs, teasing his cock a little. Mike kept pulsating on the wolf's knot until Dan couldn't take it anymore.

"I think I'm gonna-," Dan didn't finish his sentence as he shot the first couple of ropes into Mike's ass. The wolf tried to hold back as much as he could but he finally let his full load loose. The feeling of the cum shooting vibrated throughout Mike and he couldn't hold on anymore either. Mike purred loudly as he shot without any help from Dan. Dan wasn't expect to get a muzzle full up cum so he closed his eyes and turned his head as Mike's ropes hit him in the cheek and ear. Dan laughed as Mike panted heavily over him.

"How do we get this out?" Mike asked through his pants, growing more concerned. Dan wiped off some cum that got on his eyelids.

"Just wait a little bit, it'll go down," Dan smiled, "you did great Mike."

Mike melted when he heard that. It was better than just a sappy "I love you" or anything, he knew Dan meant it deep down. Mike gasped for breath.

"So did you... babe," Mike smiled and gripped the wolf's chest fur pulling at it like a kitten fluffing a pillow. Mike long tail wrapped around his waist as he felt some of Dan's cum dribbling out. Dan's knot was subsiding. Mike leaned forward and heard a loud wet pop. The tabby was free of the wolf's knot. Mike fell forward and snuggled next to the wolf who scootched over to make room. He nuzzled the wolf's neck with a purr. Dan moved his head closer and laid it on the tabby's. Mike laid a paw across the wolf's chest as all his worries from earlier floated away. He didn't care anymore how his life was going to go from here on out, he knew if he had Dan at his side, it didn't matter. Mike's tail tip twitched and he breathed in all the scents of his mate. They laid there together for a few more minutes until Dan's stomach rumbled.

"Man, I'm starving," Dan grabbed his vibrating stomach with a clenched paw. Mike turned over and reached around on the floor for his box of knock-off brand fish crackers. He fed his new boyfriend fish crackers in bed as the wolf chuckled.

"Dude, this is so gay."

"Yeah it is," Mike giggled back as he continued to feed the hungry wolf.

The End

Mike the tabby and Dan the wolf will return... maybe... we'll see :3