Archie's Stripe, Part One

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#1 of Archie's Stripe

This one's a converted roleplay scene from SecondLife's Black Gazza sim, between myself and Arrathdhron over on FurAffinity. ( Shared with his permission, because he's awesome like that.


Yntemid thumped his foot against the lower edge of the punching bag, following with a few swift jabs. The bag barely jostled from his effort, and he was already breathing heavily. If one were to make a wager, it looked like the punching bag was winning this fight.

He was too caught up in his practicing to notice the tall rat nearby.

Archie came to a stop on the prison yard's balcony, his eyes lingering on the ferret inmate, a look of faint recognition in his eyes. He scratched his muzzle thoughtfully, just staring for a little while, watching the other male practice, before he finally stepped forwards, his trusty cane in hand. The rat moved to the edge of the circular yard and sat down with his legs dangling over the balcony's edge, quite within view, but not saying a word. He just watched, for now.

The pigmy ferret kept attacking the practice bag from different angles with a flurry of ineffective strikes. His bangs were plastered over his face, giving him tunnel vision, but eventually he pivoted enough to one side that he caught sight of a pink foot dangling from the balcony. He only slowed for a moment, though, until a brief glance upward showed him who the foot belonged to, and he stumbled mid-kick, breath catching in his throat as he tripped back onto his bottom.

Archie grinned and placed his paws on the edge of the ring, then pushed forward. "That's a flattering reaction." Reaching up towards his black suit, he undid the buttons on the front of the jacket and down his white shirt, letting them both hang open. "I'm guessing you're one of the ones I've raped at some point then. I did think that I recognized you." He took off his dignified hat along with his shirt and jacket, draping them over one arm, then moved to toss them onto the edge of the fighting ring so they wouldn't be resting on the grass.

Yntemid scrambled back to his feet, backpedaling to keep several paces between himself and Archie at all times. "Figures you'd still be here," he said breathlessly, panting heavily from the workout. He stopped himself from backing away any further, not wanting to retreat so blatantly. He didn't say anything else, just glaring up at Archie while trying to catch his breath, eyes flickering toward the yard's exits.

Archie eyed the ferret, ignoring his comment. "I'm surprised that I forgot you, really," he said. "Normally I'd remember an ass that fine. Maybe I just didn't have quite as honed an appreciation for asses back then."

The inmate's ears were folded back, trying to hide themselves in his long head fur, but the pink fringes of a slight blush were still visible, and he self-consciously straightened his uniform shorts while watching Archie warily.

Moving in front of the bag, the rat spread his stance slightly. "To be honest, I've never really had any official, professional training, but I've had plenty of time to pick it up as I've gone along." The rat struck the bag with an elbow, putting a decent amount of force into it, and Yntemid flinched, remembering the rat striking him once nearly the same way. "You need to use the full weight of your body." He glanced sideways at the ferret's light frame, then shrugged. The shirtless inmate was barely three feet tall, and thin, at least above the hips. "Even if you're small, it's still the best way to do it. I've found a good rule of thumb is, you don't picture your strike hitting the bag, you picture it going through the bag, ending behind it."

"Helps to have something heavy in your paws," Yntemid said, frowning. "A crowbar or sledgehammer. Or a particle blaster." He rubbed at his knuckles, sore from working the bag so long with no gloves.

Chuckling, Archie glanced sideways at the ferret. "Or a cane?" He said, his fingers twitching automatically in the motion to spin his cane between them. "You know, I still have that cane. Haven't brought it with me to the cellblock as often. I should bust it out a little more." Yntemid shivered, his tail curling around one leg.

The rat stepped back and lifted a foot, lifting it high before bringing it forwards to slam into the bag, setting it to swinging. "Same general idea with kicks," he said, stepping back from the bag. "Although, that move is really mostly for kicking doors open, leaves you way too unbalanced if you're actually trying it on someone who fights back."

The ferret looked to the side, toward the yard's exit nearby, but wasn't foolish enough to try to sneak away without the guard's permission. He nodded his agreement to the rat's instruction. "Yeah, you have to spend time gathering yourself for kicks like that. Opens you right up for someone to sweep in and knee you in your balls." He folded his arms across his chest, still breathing heavily, but no longer panting from exertion.

Archie grinned. "Ah, the low blows, always fun ones." He launched a small flurry of fists and elbows on the bag before stepping backward. "With you..." he said thoughtfully. "You may need a little bit of extra oomph with your kicks." He paced back and forth slightly before nodding to himself. "The drop-kick would work for you, it really lets you put your full force into something, and would help you aim high enough to hit something important. Scariest part of the move is learning how to break your fall, though. It's harder than it looks to make yourself horizontal." The rat stepped back, jumped up into the air, sent both of his legs forwards to slam into the bag, swinging it hard against its supporting beam, and turned the fall into a backward roll.

Yntemid frowned at Archie, taking a moment to shake himself from his unsettling memories and actually pay attention. "That...does look effective..." The ferret scratched at the back of an ear, watching the bag until it stopped swinging. He flicked both legs in a short stretch, rolling his shoulders, then tried to mimic the move. The ferret got quite a bit of height from his jump, feet thudding firmly into the bag at nearly the same height as Archie's strike, but it barely jostles the workout bag. The inmate twists midair to land on his hands and knees, stumbling back to his feet with rather less grace than the rat. "How was that?"

Looking a little impressed at the height the inmate managed to get, Archie blinked, scratching his muzzle at the question. "The height was excellent," he said. "The force put into it, not so much. And the landing..." He paused. "You wouldn't want to land that way in most situations. Not on any ground harder than grass, and not when in a fight, it leaves you very vulnerable. That you were able to twist that way in mid-air is quite impressive though, and if you can practice it enough that you can actually land on your feet afterwards, that would be quite the ace up the sleeve."

Yntemid smoothed down the fur on his knees, though the artificial turf hadn't left any dirt to brush away. He turned that frown back up to the rat's face with his head tilted and one eye narrowed. "Thanks?" He turned a glance to the bag, then back to the rat. "I don't remember you being quite so, um...helpful." His tail spiraled around that leg again, and he fiddled idly with a tuft of thicker fur on his chest.

Archie grinned at the ferret and stepped closer. "Oh, while I was away from here, on my little break, I took the time to take care of some rather pressing issues in my personal life. I'm a lot calmer, more relaxed as a result." He brought a paw up to the inmate's head and reached forward to pet him over the top of it. Yntemid leaned away from the rat, taking a defensive stance with his arms held wardingly out in front of him, but he stopped himself from backing up. Barely. His entire body went tense in obvious alarm when the guard's paw landed on his head, the ferret's ears flattening against his scalp. "Being so angry all the time was getting pretty exhausting."

"I imagine it would," Yntemid said uncertainly, looking up at the rat's face from underneath unkempt bangs. "Especially with so many inmates and other guards and medics getting angry right back."

"Indeed," the rat said, nodding. "Though there are plenty of inmates that still get angry even when I'm doing nothing more than trying to start up conversation with them. There was this one vixen, I hadn't even seen before, came up to me right out of the blue and attacked me without a word, then when I had subdued her, started ranting as though I was the aggressor." He grinned slightly as he rubbed his paw over the top of the ferret's head, scratching lightly over his ears.

Yntemid tucked his forearms in front of his chest, drywashing his paws together nervously. His muzzle tipped downward, and he almost--almost!--pressed up into the rat's paw. But not quite. He shivered, staring at Archie's bare feet and trying his best not to show just how pleasant the head rubs felt. "No shortage of crazy on this space station, that's for sure..." He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, jaw setting.

Archie smiled to himself as he watched the inmate, the little bulge in the front of his trousers becoming slightly bigger, and Yntemid sniffed at a familiar scent coming from the rat's pants. When he noticed the slight swelling behind Archie's fly, his ears perked up just in time for one to meet the rat's mouth. The guard had leaned down, taking that ear right into his muzzle. The ferret tensed up all over again, tugging ever so slightly away, but he didn't dare move much with those teeth around his earlobe. Archie sucked lightly, then grazed his teeth over the skin before pulling back to mutter, right into the ferret's ear, "Of course that hasn't affected my libido at all, and I still fully intend to re-claim that little ass of yours."

The moment the rat's teeth left his ear to speak, Yntemid jerked away and took a step back, trying to move out of arm's reach. "Shoulda figured that's what you were after," he grumbled, sounding a little out of breath again.

Archie grinned at the inmate's reaction and followed up immediately. Bounding a step forward as the ferret moved back, the rat brought both of his paws out to catch ahold of the inmate. Yntemid was quick enough to see the grapple coming, but not quite fast enough to dart to the side and out of the rat's reach. Archie's arm hooked around his chest at the last moment, and though the ferret clipped the guard's shin in a frantic kick, he was still toppled onto his side on the ground. Archie used his weight to rest the smaller male down. The rat's long tail was swaying behind him slightly, and there was a gleam in his eyes, a smirk playing over his muzzle.

The little inmate squirmed and flailed with all four limbs, but none of his attacks are very effective. Years spent locked up in an isolation chamber hadn't been kind to his strength, and he was too panicked to focus and pick out any of the rat's vulnerable spots.

Archie grunted, kneeling down right next to the ferret. He brought both of his paws forward and wrapped both of them around the smaller male's chest, trying to keep his arms pinned against his sides with them, but the inmate was quite the handful, weak and fatigued or not. It took a few moments to get both of his arms pinned, as the ferret managed to wrench one free every time the rat was focused on the other, and the inmate's knees and feet landed against Archie's abdomen several times, if with little force. Archie just let out the occasional grunt at the flailing limbs hitting him here and there. Eventually, the ferret's free arm was snatched up where it was clawing at the artificial grass, trying to pull himself free, and Archie succeeded in pinning both limbs to the ferret's sides. The rat stood up, using his grip around the ferret to lift him clean off of the ground with him. The inmate glared at the rat, every bit as light as he looked, and finally stopped struggling, legs and tail dangling beneath him.

Grunting and breathing slightly heavily, Archie kept his grip tight on the inmate even when Yntemid went limp, knowing how squirmy and flexible a little ferret could be. Although, after moving to his suit and shirt again and coming to a stop in front of the clothes, the rat did adjust his grip a little, switching it to hold the inmate with just one arm, still enough to wrap around him fully, to free his other paw up.

Yntemid tried to use the opportunity to pull an arm free, but still couldn't quite manage it, merely jostling himself against the larger male's side. He let out a frustrated and indignant huff, thumping his tail against Archie's hip angrily. He didn't say anything, deciding that the situation pretty much spoke for itself, merely glowering at the ground in front of them and waiting for the rat to find a place to set him down. Or for Archie to lower his guard.

Archie grinned at the inmate and lowered his free paw toward the ferret's shorts, gripping at them to undo their fly. That made Yntemid start squirming in earnest all over again, and it was a surprising challenge to free his shorts from his wide hips. The uniform was designed for easy access, though, unfortunately for the ferret. It only took a flick of the thumb to release the fly's button and push down its zipper, revealing the pale fluff of his sheath. "Come now," the rat muttered, his voice as soft, sweet and helpful as it had been before, when he was demonstrating fighting. "You should be plenty used to this by now. Or has my absence from the staff really been such a relaxing time for all the inmates?" Yntemid just let out a thin growl when his shorts slipped down his thighs and bunched around his knees, snagging there and keeping him from delivering any kind of useful kick.

The guard left the ferret's shorts there, tangled, and bent down to reach into a pocket in his suit jacket. He pulled out a pair of leather cuffs, folded up on each other, and with his free paw, opened them up. He held them under one arm as he brought both of his paws to the ferret again, to grip him more firmly and turn him around so that he was facing the rat, in his grasp. Then he gripped at one of the inmate's arms, trying to catch it, while he wrapped his other arm tightly back around the ferret, this time letting the inmate's other arm free.

Glowering up at Archie's face, Yntemid was jerking his arms every chance he got. It was an awkward struggle, keeping him from wriggling free, like trying to hold a housecat in a bathtub of cold water, though the ferret wasn't so frenzied yet that he was biting at the guard, or trying to use his blunted claws. He did swing a short punch at Archie's forearm once he was finally able to, though, with enough force to be slightly painful. Just not enough to get himself dropped.

Archie let out an absent grunt, one of those sounds you make automatically, though you don't actually have to. He brought his tail up from behind him to join in with the grappling, moving it like an organic rope to wrap around the ferret's free wrist and keep it still. "Honestly," the rat said, sounding more exasperated than anything. "What do you really think you're going to do? Even if you get out of my grip, what then? Do you think you can outrun me? Do you think you can hide?" He was still trying to catch that arm long enough to fasten the cuffs around them both.

The ferret tugged at his arm, suddenly snared by the rat's flexible tail, and it was enough of a distraction that Archie finally got control of the ferret's other arm, as well. He still gave both limbs an occasional tug, but it was clear he was tiring out. He was already winded from his earlier exercise. "It's a matter of principle," he huffed, his expression looking more like a pout than a glare when he turned his muzzle down toward the ground. He seemed to deflate somewhat when he was reminded of the futility of fighting Archie off. That never had gone well for him.

The guard laughed, looking pleased as he snapped the cuffs on one wrist, then the other. He brought both of the wrists together in front of the inmate to clip them together with a rather lengthy chain, locking the little clips closed. Yntemid gave a token squirm, but the gesture only drew focus to his helplessness.

"Don't worry, it's okay," Archie assured the ferret. "I don't mind when they struggle. Sometimes you're just in the mood for a good ol' fashioned raping, you know?" He took ahold of the inmate's locked paws, and brought his arms up and over the back of Archie's head, letting the smaller male's arms come to a rest around the back of his neck and his shoulders. The chain between the ferret's wrists was long enough that his naked body draped over the rat's front almost like an apron. The guard moved a paw to adjust his ponytail from where it was caught under the inmate's arms.

Yntemid went still while he was repositioned, his face now very close to the rat's, and he blushed slightly. Grumbling wordlessly to himself, the ferret wriggled his legs to free the uniform shorts still caught around them, letting the shorts fall to the ground, then tucked his knees up to try to brace against Archie's abdomen and keep himself from lying quite so flat against the guard's body. "So glad I'm not ruining your day," he said dryly. His fingers curled around the root of Archie's ponytail, but went slack again a moment later. Pulling out the rat's hair wouldn't get the ferret anywhere. At least, nowhere he wanted to be.

Archie chuckled and crouched down slightly to reach into a different set of pockets and produce a different pair of cuffs, which he opened up just like the first. The bulge in the rat's crotch had grown quite pronounced by now. He still ignored it for the moment as he reached down and grabbed at the ferret's legs to affix the cuffs around those ankles, too, quiet for the moment as he worked.

Yntemid was unsure just what the rat was up to. At least, he didn't try to keep his ankles free with the same determination as he had his wrists. A tug here and a shake there, but it was remarkably easy to get the inmate's legs in their respective cuffs. The ferret just sniffed at the air, his nose dipping down to watch his ankles get bound, and his eyes locked on the tent that's been pitched inside of Archie's pants. The ferret's ears folded back again, but despite his frown, his own sheath twitched slightly at the sight.

When he noticed that, Archie grinned, and after the cuffs were in place around the ferret's ankles, as well, the guard pulled on them to come around the back of the tall rodent's waist. Yntemid did try one last time to pull his legs free, thighs tensing as they were spread, but it just made him jostle against Archie's chest. Much like he had the arms behind his neck, Archie clipped the cuffs onto each other behind his back and locked the clip shut in that position. He then let go of the inmate altogether, chuckling to himself as he watched the little male held in place, locked onto the front of his body, that big, round ass right in the perfect position. The rat reached down and undid the fly of his trousers, letting his cock spring out to slap against one of the ferret's cheeks, producing a small tube of lube from the pocket there before he let the garment fall all the way down to his feet.

The ferret's tail tucked down protectively, the plush fur grazing against the rat's erection, and the ferret trembled, feeling that slick shaft against his rump. He was surprisingly calm, now, though, looking up at Archie's face. Pulling himself up an inch with his arms, he cinched his upper body close enough for the rat to feel the still swift patter of the ferret's heartbeat, the inmate's muzzle tucking underneath Archie's chin. Right against the rat's throat. "You sure this is how you want to do it?" The ferret let out a thin, warning growl.

Archie paused, silent for a couple of seconds before he started moving again, kicking the trousers to join with the rest of his clothes and nodding as he flicked the tube of lube open and started to spread it over his long, pink shaft, slipping it generously up and down over that length. "Yes," he said, simply. "I think this is the way I want to do it. Because you're not going to bite. Not hard enough to cause proper damage anyway."

Drawing in a deep breath, Yntemid bared his teeth and let them graze against the rat's adam's apple. But he pulled back a moment later, squeezing his thighs around Archie's midsection to keep the ferret's groin from pressing up against the rat's body. The rat had brought the lube up to the inmate's rear, gripping at the ferret's tail to pull it away, and squeezing some out onto his clenching tailhole.

Yntemid grunted, shivering. "You don't think so?" he growled, face an inch under Archie's nose. "And why's that? What do I have to lose?" His tailhole flexed tighter reflexively, as tiny as the rest of him. Somehow, he had managed to avoid all of the other abusive guards since getting out of isolation; he hadn't had sex, willingly or otherwise, for years.

Archie chuckled confidently. He tilted his head slightly to actually expose his throat further, giving the ferret a better target. "Oh, a lot," he said. "Your teeth, for a start, then perhaps your life. Killing a guard might be enough to get your sentence changed to death." He chuckled as he gripped the inmate's waist and positioned his body somewhat, moving him so the tip of the rat's tapered cock was poking up against the smaller male's warm tailhole. "Any good will other guards might have held toward you will be gone. You'll spend your time locked up and beaten, every day. There's a whole plethora of ways we can make this sentence worse for you, and you know it."

Yntemid stared at the rat's bared throat very, very thoughtfully, barely moving, aside from a full-bodied shudder when Archie's tip slipped up underneath his tail. The rat started to push his hips forwards, trying to spread that little tailhole open around his cock.

The ferret clenched again, buttocks full enough to squeeze around the first inch or two of the rat's shaft even with the ferret's legs spread. It wasn't at all enough to protect the ferret's backside--his rump was too soft, even while flexed--but he couldn't bring himself to relax his haunches when the guard started to push against his entrance. The star of bare skin dimpled inward under the pressure, but it took a lot of convincing to begin to part, near virginally tight. He winced, gave a little squirm, and flushed bright red around the ears from embarrassment when he felt his own smooth tip graze through Archie's belly fur. The ferret had slipped from his own sheath, already near a full erection himself.

Archie chuckled, feeling the ferret's arousal against him, and muttered out, "Oh, and because of that," as he gripped tightly and pressed firmly against that slick tailhole, working over the little ring for a while. Yntemid kept his muzzle shut, setting his jaw and curling one corner of his lip up in a discomforted snarl. He couldn't keep his hindquarters tensed indefinitely, and eventually relaxed just enough for the rat's narrow tip to squeeze inside of him, but the ferret locked up all over again when he was finally parted around that first inch. The rat let out a groan of pleasure and held himself there, in that position, for just a moment, before he slipped himself in a little more, just about an inch, then pulled back to the tip again. The rat started up a bit of a pace like this, pumping his cock in and out, but only a very small length of it, easing that incredibly tight rear open by slipping in only a little further than last time, with every thrust.

The inmate's body tried to squeeze it out, but the damage was done, and he could only brace himself as his tailhole was steadily worked. Brace himself, and try his best not to draw attention to the pre beading at his tip. Gritting his teeth, he buried his forehead against the rat's upper chest, trembling at the burning pleasure of that stretching friction.

Archie breathed steadily, his chest rising and falling against the ferret's face as he worked himself back and forth. The rat didn't say anything more for the moment, just pushed his hips in and out with a look of concentration on his face. Every time he pushed in, the rat did so until it became uncomfortably tight around him, then stopped and pulled back to the tip again to start it all over. His tail was twitching behind him in starts and stops as he worked over that rear, doing his best to get it open enough for him to hilt fully inside of it.

The ferret never seemed to get much looser, every extra inch inside him grappling every bit as desperately around the rat's shaft as the first. The ferret was panting again, muzzle open, and his fingers closed once more around Archie's ponytail. He didn't tug at it, though, just holding on for dear life, and his thighs gripped furiously at the guard's waist. When Archie reached his halfway point, the ferret's body quaked in another long shudder, and he let out a strained, "D...dammit..." Then, jaw set again, he took a deep breath through his nose and shoved himself down, embedding the rest of the rat's shaft in the heat of his body with a snarling moan through his clenched teeth.

The guard let out a sudden, surprised moan as the inmate hilted himself on his cock, his knees buckling for just a moment before he re-secured himself, his eyes narrowed almost closed. "Mmmng, fuck!" he moaned, watching the inmate through the slits, cock throbbing hard and leaking some pre out inside of the ferret. "You look pretty good like this, little cocksleeve," he muttered, voice low. "Perhaps I should wear you around the prison like this." He humped his hips inside of the inmate once as he talked.

Yntemid gripped his fingers hard in the rat's hair, inner flesh rippling snugly around the embedded shaft. "What, you ahh--!" He cried out from that single thrust. Every noise he'd made so far was slightly higher pitched than normal, thanks to his build, but this was very little more than a squeak. He arched his back as much as he was able, slender shaft throbbing against Archie's belly. "You want an audience...for when you g...get your throat t...torn..." He trembled, panting, then tucked his muzzle up against the rat's chest, chirring angrily into the fur, "Ah, starsdamn..." The ferret started moving his hips of his own accord, bouncing slowly an inch up and down, his tail flailing behind him and making his sphincter twitch with each swish.

Archie grinned and brought a paw up to pet over the back of the inmate's head. The little male flinched, going still, but only for a moment. With the ferret squeaking like that, locked on his cock, and starting to bounce himself up and down it of his own volition, the rat was finding it fairly hard to take the threat seriously. "I'm sure whatever happened, it would make for a good spectacle." The rat didn't actually move his own hips much, letting the inmate bounce himself up and down on that cock at the ferret's own rhythm, taking the time to just enjoy both the sight, and the feeling, of the tiny little male working himself over that shaft, rocking his hips slightly to help with the pace.

The ferret humped his backside forward and back between bounces, finding just the angle needed to drag the rat's erection across his prostate, while sliding his own little shaft up and down through Archie's fur, leaving wet, pre-smeared tufts sticking out over the rat's abdomen. The ferret was out of arguments or complaints, his movements selfish in their intent, working himself ever closer to his own peak with the guard's pleasure remaining a side effect that he tried not to think about.

Archie watched the display for a little while longer before he let out a grunt and gripped the ferret tightly. "Okay!" He grunted, pulling him down all the way to the base again. The little inmate grinded himself down against the rat's lap, his plump balls getting pushed up and plastered against his groin between his thighs. "Time to really get to work, properly."

Hearing that, Yntemid pulled his muzzle back to give the guard a slightly worried look. Archie pulled himself back out, to the tip, then right back to the base again. The rat set up a rhythm like this, using every inch of his cock with every thrust forward into the ferret, never once sliding fully out, or pushing in too quickly, at least at first. His motions were quite skilled, betraying a good amount of practice with this. "Need to fill that little ass up, after all." He began to pump in as fast as he could, getting faster, gradually, as his pre slicked the little inmate up, and Archie adjusted to the tightness.

The ferret threw his head back, shouting and whimpering with each full thrust. His sack bounced with each impact of lap against rump, then abruptly drew up between his thighs, the ferret's heated insides locking down. With no further warning, surprisingly long and thick ropes of mustelid cum shot out between their bellies.

Archie was panting quite hard by now, his muscles slowly tensing up more and more, quite visible under his fur. He took a deep breath, feeling that already tight tailhole squeeze hard around him in the other male's orgasm. He didn't mention anything about the mess the inmate was making, just did his best to grind his cock in and out of that almost painfully tight ass, his ears twitching on the top of his head somewhat, his oversized rodent balls drawing up and his thrusts getting a little less controlled, breaking down into shorter, somehow even harder pumps.

Yntemid took some time to come down from his orgasmic high, especially with the continuous stimulation. He panted frantically, his paws flexing rhythmically in Archie's hair, and he gulped when some of his wits returned to him, enough for him to open his eyes and watch the rat's face as he was rutted. One last fountain of ferret cum dribbled out over his slender shaft, glazing a trail down to the rat's fur.

Then, suddenly and without thinking, the ferret pulled himself up and brought his forehead into the guard's nose in an out-of-the-blue headbutt. There wasn't a lot of strength left in him, but the inmate's head was_hard_.

Archie grunted in surprise, his head jerking back a little bit, throwing off his pace and making him pause for the moment. The rat let out a little growl and brought one paw forwards to grab at the inmates muzzle himself, gripping it to try and keep it closed and tilt it upwards, so that the rat, with a snarl, could bring his own mouth down to the ferrets neck and graze his teeth threateningly around it, while he picked up the pace and pumped hard and fast back into the ferret's rear, slowly working himself back up to where he was...

Yntemid let out a muffled whimper-groan into the rat's paw, his eyes going wide and body going still from the feeling of Archie's teeth grazing through his fur. Doubly dazed from his climax and the attempted headbutt, he was much more cooperative now, going limp with both exhaustion and begrudging submission. His slickened insides squelched lewdly around Archie's lunges, inner cheeks smeared in a ring around his tailhole with leaked lube and rat pre. He gave a tentative tug at the rodent's hair, trying to pull those teeth to a less dangerous distance.

Archie only bit down harder, piercing the skin of that throat, letting little beads of blood form, and Yntemid released his hold on the guard's ponytail, paws open and twitching past the straps binding his wrists. The rat humped and fucked himself hard into that ass, his tail lashing back and forth behind him. Not only his paws on the inmate's body and his hips pumping back and forth into the ferret, but his legs, bending and unbending, helped slam him into that tight ass as hard as possible, giving it a nice, proper wrecking now. The ferret let out another whimper, eyes wide, oversensitive body rocking dramatically within the makeshift sling of his bound arms and legs with each pounding thrust. The rat breathed hard through his nose, and after several more slams, let out a loud grunt as his load started to spill from his tip, shooting out in hard, long ropes of cum, even as the guard continued to fuck in and out.

The little inmate's whimpers turned to a muffled moan when he felt the first of the guard's cum spill into him, further slickening his inner walls and gushing out past his stretched tailhole with each lunge, the milky fluids trickling over the root of his tail. He gulped, throat flexing between Archie's jaws.

Archie humped himself in and out again and again as his climax lasted, rather messily. His flow of cum eventually slowed to a trickle, then stopped. The rat growled slightly, panting heavily through his nose, then slowly pulled his head back from the inmate's neck. He looked over the ferret for a second, his cock still lodged deep within that tight tailhole and licked around his muzzle, a thoughtful expression on his face. He said nothing for the moment, just getting his breath back.

The ferret drew in a deep breath; he'd been holding it long enough to make himself dizzy. Gulping again, he shut his eyes, a few stray trembles making his messy insides ripple like aftershocks around the rat's shaft. He sagged against the guard, legs and arms going limp, small dots of red beading around his neck.

Archie reached around behind him and unclipped the leg cuffs from each other, letting the ferret's legs fall back around in front of him, to grip them and start to pull the cuffs off fully, tossing them to one side, to land on his clothes, his cock slipping fully out of the inmate as he did so. Yntemid hissed a breath in through his teeth, but Archie was already reaching up behind his neck to unclip the ferret's arm cuffs from each other. He kept a firm grip of the wrists as he did so, though, so they wouldn't be pulled, or fall, out of his grip, and he released them, as well.

A long dribble of messy fluids followed after the withdrawal of Archie's shaft until the ferret's body sealed itself tight. It left twin smears of dark fur along his inner thighs, the smell of sex strong on him as he dangled in front of the guard. He opened his eyes, managing to glare a worn out challenge at Archie's face.

Archie stared at the inmate after setting him down, letting out a little grunt and waving a paw dismissively. He turned and crouched down towards his clothes, producing a pack of tissues and pulling a few out from it. He brought them up to wipe over his belly fur, his back turned to the inmate.

Yntemid rubbed at his wrists once the guard's back was turned, turning around as well and gingerly sitting on the grass. He tried to scrub some of his cum out of his own belly fur, but it only stuck in a cooling rope between his stomach and his fingers. He grimaced, wiping the fluids onto the grass.

Archie finished wiping himself down as much as he could before finally picking his clothes back up and starting to shrug them on, his motions lazy and slow for the moment, his eyes half lidded and tail twitching behind him.

Yntemid, on the other hand, didn't make a move for his own uniform. He could use it as a rag to wipe himself clean, but then wouldn't have anything to change into afterwards. He seemed too embarrassed to do or say much of anything, his knees tucking up to his chest despite the wet squish they made against his fur, tail curling around his shins protectively.

The rat sighed happily and took a moment to let out a little breath, relaxing as he did so. He stepped forward towards the inmate and lifted a paw to pet over the top of Yntemid's head as he moved past, walking away to take leave from the prison yard.

Yntemid pressed into that palm before he could stop himself, his post-sex haze making him more affectionate than his hostility could counter. When he realized what he was doing, he folded his ears back and went still, hugging his knees to his chest. He watched Archie leave without saying a word, staying in that spot for a long time before making his way toward the showers.

Archie chuckled after that little motion into his paw, but otherwise, said nothing. He was headed for his own shower, but said nothing about it as he went for the elevator, leaving the exhausted ferret alone in the yard.

Archie's Stripe, Part Two

TWO Yntemid leaned his shoulders back against the railing overlooking the prison's mess hall, using his small stature to full advantage. He was short enough that even standing, all but the tips of his ears were out of line of sight to anyone in...

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Tug of War (Commission)

"Maybe she's not home?" Boony turned toward Chuba, tilting his muzzle down toward the short feline and shaking his head. "Why would she call us over and then leave? She's probably just down in her basement. You can't hear anything from down...

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Truth or Dare

"Truth." A collective groan filled Fang's living room, and Boony chuckled at the girls rolling their eyes all around him. Fang, the wolf's cousin, ran her paw irritably back through her long, pale gray hair. "You have to pick Dare sometime, Renee. The...

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