The Steed Is Done [Commission]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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Another story for ! This one features his character, my otter Lukas, and a nice young stallion that Lukas's friend brought over. Seeing an opportunity, Luke invited Sextius over for a bit of fun while he watches the horse for the night.

And of course, being an otter with an oral fixation, Lukas can't help but shove his tongue under that stallion's tail, while his friend enjoys its mouth. B)

Check out my Patreon:

And if you haven't already, please do my short story survey!

(also isn't this just a fantastic title? he was the one that came up with it!)

The second time Sextius logged on to find an invitation message in his forum inbox, he was a lot less nervous and reluctant in saying yes. It came from the same account that he'd been following for a while as well as the same one that had brought him to his last 'hookup' of this sort - which, by the way, had gone much better than he'd expected. Later on that weekend he logged in, navigated to the Personal Stories section out of curiosity and arousal (as was his semi-daily routine), and saw at the top of the board...

"Introducing a friend's cock to a dog's mouth", posted x days ago by user knotter. That account had always had a bit of trouble with titles, it seemed.

Still, though, the pup - mostly human, with dog ears and a tail - clicked on that topic, just as he usually did for the things posted by that account. Inside he found a very thorough, very descriptive recounting of that very same hookup, the memory of which still remained rich and fresh in his mind. It was interesting (as well as invigorating, arousing) to see another viewpoint of what had happened that day, with the owner of that account having sat beside him: where Sextius had leaned back with his somewhat diminutive length getting slobbered and licked all over by a feral bitch, the other had seen it happen, had been able to pay attention to the little details and his thrusting and humping and twitching - while feeling the pup's hand stroke his own hard length.

Lukas, his name was. He was an otter, which explained his chosen username - and was also a bit cuter in person than the pictures he'd posted made it seem. Bigger, too, even though Sextius hadn't gotten as close a look at that uncut length as he'd wanted to. That was really the only thing they shared in common, and even that differed between them: where Lukas's supple skin could easily slide and roll back and forth over his head (God, it looked like it felt so good - and the way he'd writhed and moaned under Sextius's stroking made him think this even more), the pup had been constrained within his own for as long as he could remember. Tight, pinched tip of wrinkled skin, unable to be pulled back in the slightest - and sometimes a little bit painful, if he really got worked up.

That otter didn't seem to mind, though, and the bitch that he'd arranged for them to play with certainly didn't either, given the way she had so eagerly gone down on him and then lapped off his weak load afterwards. Lukas's forum post had gone over in detail how he'd felt the pup beside him strain and squirm and buck upwards in his climax, the otter's paw firm around the base of his short cock keeping him up for the bitch to lick at him. Near the end she'd used a bit of teeth, but... honestly, that just added a little something.

This time will be something a bit different,_Lukas had said in this morning's message. _Figured I'd ask you 'cause I remember what you told me about not being too experienced, and - this is something I've only done once in the past. Dogs, I've had plenty of experience with. (You of all people should know that, seeing as how many of my posts you've commented on. ;3) But, horses?

At that point in reading the message, Sextius had felt a noticeable excited twinge between his legs. Once he'd gone through all of the top Animal Genitalia posts with the "canine" filter switched, he'd changed to equine and started looking through those...

I played with a horse once, and had a bunch of fun. It's just not something that I get the chance to do often, clearly. But! But, but, but! My buddy Alonso is in town this weekend, and he brought one of his younger stallions with him to bring to a show. He needs someone to watch the horse while he's out setting things up tonight, and I asked if it'd be OK if I bring a friend along to "help me out" - and he said sure. So, let me know please- I've put the address at the end of this message. It's a little bit further out than where we were last time, but not too bad. Just keep on going past there for a couple miles, and it should be the next place on the left.

If you can't come along, let me know so I can ask someone else. I know from experience that a stallion's load, borderline colt or not, is too much for one little otter like me to be able to clean up on his own.

So of course he'd agreed and, due to a lack of easy transportation, had left his house early to make the trek on foot. It's not like he wasn't already used to walking some distances, which really helped. Once he could see the building rising up on the horizon over the smooth landscape of tall grass, though, there was that annoying rumbling in his stomach that let him know he should have brought a snack to eat. However - he thought back to the last part of that message; a stallion's load, colt or not - within an hour or so, he knew he'd have a _very_full belly. He'd seen more than a few videos on the forums.

"Where should I meet you?" Sextius had sent back. "Around back like last time?"

Yeah. It's a little ranch he owns, with a small stable out back. Should be the only occupied one. Left it up to me to get the colt cleaned up and prepared for tomorrow, so I might be a little busy.

"Gonna get distracted like last time? ;P"

"Like last time", meaning how Sextius had walked in to find Lukas on his knees, one paw keeping the bitch's tail raised while he dug his tongue underneath that tail. Hell - to this day, the pup still hadn't seen Lukas with any clothes on.

Why don't you find out? ;)

Having left his house at around two in the afternoon, the pup now pulled his jacket a little bit tighter around himself. It was getting to that time of year with shorter days and colder nights, though right now at about five, it wasn't quite cold enough for him to be able to see his breath. Most of the light had gone out of the sky with the sun as it dipped down below that horizon, tinting the puffy clouds above a dark ebony-blue. Even though he was part dog, or at least appeared to be, he didn't have the night vision of any sort of canid; almost tripping over a rather large rock half-sticking out of the dusty edge of the road just reminded him of this.

His natural nervousness made him wonder and worry if this really was the right place, and that he wasn't about to slide onto the property of some stranger who wouldn't be expecting him. No lights in the small house were on, though, just as there was no car out front, in the driveway, or parked along the side towards the separate garage... was he too early? Lukas hadn't really given a time other than "tonight", and Sextius didn't get good enough signal or connection out here to be able to send another message his way.

In an attempt to calm himself down and quiet these worries, he tried to force his mind to think about what would come tonight. The last time Sextius had made his way down this road, he'd gotten a bit - distracted with a cow through a fence, and had pushed his length through that fence... and gotten some quick, sloppy, somewhat rough treatment from that cow. Maybe a horse's muzzle would feel the same.

He could imagine it now: Lukas underneath the colt stroking its member, rubbing it further out of its wrinkled sheath, while Sextius stood up on a stepstool in front of it with his pants halfway down his thighs and shirt tugged up over his chest, letting the horse do whatever it wanted to his cock and tight skin... or, maybe, with Lukas still down underneath, Sextius could be on the horse's other end, thrusting forward under the colt's tail. There was no way he was large enough to cause much discomfort, after all, and he did still want to see what it felt like to have one of those thick, puckered donuts of a tailhole squeezing around his length, keeping him warm and slick.

Or, hell - what if Sextius were to be the one underneath the horse? He did like to think that he had a bit of an oral fixation, and some of his favorite pictures he'd downloaded from the forum of the stallions were the ones taken from under their bellies, either right as they had started to get hard or were still completely hidden in their sheath. It just looked so inviting, folds on folds of wrinkled brown or black skin, glistening with light musk... he could grind his face against it, could drag his tongue up between those folds and feel the colt grow against his lips. He'd have to steadily move backwards of course, since there was just no way he'd be able to dive down on a full feral horse cock further than a few inches, but still.

Maybe he and the otter could both work on that cock at the same time, one at the end with his mouth held open while the other used both paws - or hands - to stroke at the horse, back and forth until it bucked forward and emptied its balls-

The pup's floppy ears perked up then, though, and he was dragged out of his thoughts and fantasies to the sound of quiet whistling, coming from behind the house. That was either a very good sign or a very bad one, so... emboldened by how well last time had gone, as well as by the throbbing arousal in the front of his pants, he shoved his hands into his pockets and picked up his pace through the tall grass scratching at his ankles and calves.

Just as the message had said, a bit of a ways behind the back of the house across a flat gravel clearing was what appeared to be, in Sextius's idea of what it should look like, a set of stables. Three or four, not many, and small too; all of the doors were open, though a light glowed from one of them with the shadows of six legs, four hooved and two otherwise, stretched out across the ground. It looks right, at least, and this was where that whistling was coming from.

Sextius swallowed. Still his little complication from diving headfirst into fervid fantasies twitched in his pants; it probably wasn't helping that he pinched and squeezed at his hard length through one of his pockets. This time he wanted to seem totally eager and on-board instead of nervous and unsure, like he felt he'd been last time.


The whistling stopped. A moment later, a familiar round head poked out of that lit stable. "Sextius! I was wondering when you'd show up!"

And with that, his confidence surged. The pup picked up his pace again and hurried over, wishing to get out of the slight wind that cut right through his jacket. "You haven't already gotten started, have you?"

"No, but - God dammit..."

Sextius almost asked what was bothering him, but - then turned the corner into the occupied stable. The first thing that met his eyes was the unmistakable rounded curve of a horse's rear end, tail hiked up into the air by a binding of cloth around the base of its tail - and then, beneath that, the dark black puckered skin of its tailhole, glistening wet with the soapy water that the otter had just been cleaning it with. That black skin continued down in a wrinkled ridge to the back of the horse's sack, full and heavy balls hanging freely behind its legs... and when the pup looked over, he could see that Lukas had his pants undone and opened, with his own twitching hard cock already pulled out into the air. Looks like he liked the view.

In one paw he held the sponge and bucket of soapy water, while with the other... with the other, he reached forward, spread the colt's tailhole open a little bit - brief flash of rich, glistening reddish-pink flesh - and then traced his fingers down to the backside of its sack, hefting one of those huge balls in his paw for a moment. Lukas's cock gave another throb. "I didn't want to start and get too much into it, and then finish before you even got here. It's been tough, man."

"Oh, yeah..." Sextius replied, eyes fixed on that thick tailhole. If he watched, he could see it twitch and pulse, tightening and then relaxing in response to the otter's touches along the horse's rump. This stallion - colt? - certainly was_younger than all of the horses the pup had seen in those pictures and videos, just judging by the proportions. Still, though, the legs didn't look like spindly hide-covered toothpicks, and overall it _did look to be mostly in proportion with itself... what had the message said? Borderline colt? Mature, but just.

The pup's ears perked again and he started to make his way around to the horse's front, running his fingers along the smooth, short-haired hide. The beast gave a little huff in response to the touch. Maybe that meant that he and this otter would be receiving this horse's first load; it certainly seemed to be unaware of what was coming. Not only that, but it let the pup touch its snout, let him bring his hands up underneath its chin and then stroke along its mane while it munched at a heap of dried hay.

"Hey, you..." the pup cooed, watching those thick lips and large, rounded teeth as it ate. His mind made its way back to his little distraction with the cow last time, and how he'd watch that beast do much the same before sticking his length through the fence... while still murmuring gently to this horse and watching its calm brown eyes, he lowered his other hand back down between his legs to rub at himself through his pants, and then start undoing those pants. With this horse's smaller size and Sextius's own - well, smaller size, he really _would_have to find a stepstool or something if he wanted to feel those lips (and teeth) on him...

So, he looked up past the horse's smooth contoured body, and - and saw Lukas with his muzzle shoved underneath that tail, mouth firmly pressed against the feral's pucker and jaw churning as he worked his tongue against that tight ring of muscle. Half-closed blue eyes flicked up to Sextius's face, and a moment later, the otter moved back and wiped his mouth off on the back of his hand. "Mm? Everything okay?"

Throb. Before he'd reached up to wipe his maw, a strand of saliva had hung between the otter's upper lip and the horse's tailhole. Just like when he'd turned to look at Sextius last time, from doing the same thing to that bitch. "Stepstool? I wanna - want to-"

Lukas pointed - "Corner." - and then buried his muzzle underneath that hiked tail again, the shape of his head fitting nicely between the wide curve of the colt's rump. Even from here Sextius could hear the sounds of him digging his tongue up into that tailhole, of his gentle suckling and kissing against the firm flesh. The pup was actually a little surprised that Lukas hadn't taken his camera with him; this would make for a damn nice forum post.

The horse flicked its large eyes up to Sextius as he dropped the stepstool directly in front of it and then stood up on top. This was a lot better: just standing there, fly open and pants and underwear halfway down his legs, he could feel each hot puff of exhaled breath over his own sack and twitching length.

"That's it..." he breathed, watching the beast finish chewing its last mouthful of hay - and then come forward and sniff at his twitching cock, wide nostrils flaring and huffing out more hot breath. "Come on, boy... good treat..."

And, then - slow intake of breath, arch of his back, shivering moan as that tongue made its way up the underside of his shaft, curling around and squeezing his already-tight foreskin. Similar to what the cow's had felt like (the memory of which he had also pleasured himself to, a few times since) but still different: a little rougher, a little firmer, warmer, more sticky rather than slick. Again and again that tongue dragged up his length, pulling his skin up and bunching it along his tight tip and enclosed head - and then those lips closed on him, as much as they could...

The pup had to rest one arm out across the back of the colt's head for balance, his breath already coming out in gentle rhythmic moans. With every lick and each of his own thrusts up into the horse's mouth, he could feel those blunt teeth dragging and scraping along his tight skin, pressure attempting to tug it back, and then the resulting resistance adding a small sharp jolt of pain on top of the pleasure from each thrust, but - God, if it didn't feel damn good.

From here on the stool he also had a better vantage point on Lukas as the otter continued to dig his muzzle under the horse's tail, body at a bit of an odd angle - which Sextius then realized was because he had his arms underneath the beast's body, squeezing and massaging its hefty hanging sack, tongue still swirling around its tailhole and lips parted for him to let out his own soft panting.

Actually, the pup was a bit surprised that Lukas hadn't gotten tired of that yet. Sextius hadn't had nearly as much practice, but - his jaw tended to get sore just from trying to lick all of the pudding out of the bottom of the snack cups. So maybe he couldn't talk.

Another little bite from the horse, nose now pressed into the pup's thin pubes, jolted his focus back to himself. More pain, sharp yet still dulled with those teeth squeezing and grinding along his sensitive skin. Maybe it was the salt of his sweat and arousal that kept the horse's tongue working along his shaft, but Sextius took the opportunity to its furthest. One hand settled on the back of its head, he held it in place (lightly; he could already tell that he didn't have the body strength to make this horse do anything it didn't want to) and thrust his hips forward and back, angled slightly upwards to slid up into that maw and against the smoothly-ridged roof of its mouth, between teeth scraping perhaps a little bit too much for some, but perfectly for him. He liked the little flashes of pain that rose up with each thrust.

A small whinny from the feral startled him and caused him to release his hold on the back of its head - but instead of rearing back or stepping away, the colt just shifted its head back and focused that long, thick tongue on and around the pinched tip of his skin. He'd discovered last time with that bitch that the feeling of a tongue doing just that, flicking the tip around and dragging briefly up over the tight end, too thick to slip inside and touch against his hidden head. Maybe someday he'd be able to roll that skin back down over his head, even in the slightest; part of him envied how easily Lukas could do it, the gliding of supple skin over his sensitive head, but then a different part of him... now that he was really worked up, he almost wished he'd tugged his pants down while still walking over here, and showed off his small length to cars passing by. Of course he'd get laughs, and jeers, and some other things, but that was a large part of the fun.

The next time he looked up, Lukas had moved around to the side of the horse, one arm underneath its belly moving steadily back and forth while the other mimicked that same motion on his own cock. Their eyes met, and then, the otter flicked his tongue out over his lips. The fur around his muzzle and chin were soaked with saliva, and probably with the horse's natural slickness as well. "How you doing?"

It took effort for Sextius to respond, especially among his repeated thrusts upward against the colt's tongue and teeth. His legs started to ache from lifting himself onto his tiptoes so often, but - almost... "Close," he panted, and then swallowed. It _was_a little embarrassing that he tended to cum so quickly, but - neither Lukas, nor the horse, nor last time's bitch seemed to mind too much. Even despite that, he was still surprised that this colt in particular continued to suckle and lightly chew along his length, every lick and bite and squeeze continuing to build up that hot pressure in him, until-


Until Sextius tugged down on the horse's head, shoving its nostrils back into his pubes. Each spurt shot through him, forcing him to arch his back and buck forward and gasp, though he knew that his tight skin prevented those spurts from actually shooting out: instead, it would be a weak, lazy dribble, if that - though it was still one that the colt gladly and eagerly lapped off, moving back off of his length (and whinnying again) as soon as his grip lightened, and then continuing to flick its tongue over his pinched tip. Every lick further, each little nip to that skin (it'd certainly be sore tomorrow morning) made him twitch and buck again, and - almost lose his balance from the stepstool. Even then, his legs shook and almost gave out once he'd stepped back down to the hay-covered stable floor.

Lukas's blue eyes traced up the pup's body, one eyebrow raised in silent question... but then that lowered once he realized what he had in mind. Despite the horse's smaller size, Sextius could fit almost perfectly underneath its body if he sat back on his rear, leaning back on his hands with his head placed right in front of the end of the beast's twitching cock, long and thick and hard, blunted head occasionally brushing against his cheek as Lukas stroked it. The otter also moved to the side a little bit, closer to the middle of the horse's belly - so then Sextius had two twitching cocks dripping close to his face.

He leaned over one way, touched his nose to the center of the horse's blunted head, breathed in its scent... heavy, flat, muskier than he'd expected, hard to describe. Even though he'd literally just finished, it made his slowly-softening shaft twitch again anyway, and - once he closed the distance to the horse's pulsing slit (though, really, it was more like a gaping hole: a little bigger and he'd be able to slip his tongue a short distance inside), squeezing his lips against the surface of the blunted head, that scent and then taste spread across his tongue. Still Lukas ran one of his paws along the horse's length near its medial ring, supple skin and thick veins riding back and forth, back and forth with his movement - and the colt also occasionally bucking forward, into both that paw and the pup's face.

Then, he swallowed down the salty slickness and moved over to the otter's length, running his tongue up along the rim of his foreskin already moistened with pre before he dove right down on him. Of course, Sextius didn't have much practice doing this, and soon had to move back - or else risk gagging and choking a second time. He brought one hand up to replace the otter's own along his length and stroked him as he bobbed, giving him the chance to work both of his paws on the horse with that thick cock still directed at the pup's face.

"Haah..." the otter breathed, bucking his hips forward in rhythm. When Sextius looked up they made eye contact again, even with the otter half-bent over to continue milking the colt's length. "Been looking forward to getting to mess around with a horse again for a while... you can bet when you're done down there, I'm gonna take your place..."

The pup closed his eyes and picked up the pace of his bobbing, keeping the otter's cock cupped in his tongue and lips tight so he could feel that slick, smooth foreskin as it easily rolled back and forth over his head. It was obvious that he really _was_quite worked up: with the bitch he hadn't leaked anywhere near this much pre, to the point where Sextius couldn't tell if it was that or his own saliva that dripped down his chin-

Another whinny from the horse above, this one turning into a longer string of breathier noises - and the pup found himself pressed down closer to the ground with a strong forward and downward back. He had to move back off of Lukas's cock, had to lean back - saw the colt's balls pull up in its smooth-skinned sack towards its body, saw it thrust forward into Lukas's paws once, twice, three times - and then had to squeeze his eyes shut against the few bursts of liquid cum that splashed out over him, quickly soaking through his clothing, catching in his hair, rolling down his chin and face and shoulders...

And then, suddenly, Lukas was behind him too, the otter's lips pressed firmly right against the horse's now flared head, his jaw and throat working as he drank down the last of its load straight from the source. Sextius leaned over and got right back to work on sucking him off, one hand quickly stroking him at the same time - and soon there was another load joining the smooth bittersweet taste of the colt's, slick in the back of his throat. Lukas bucked upwards just as the feral had bucked forwards, his spurts carrying similar force and energy, though _considerably_less volume.

Sextius remained down on him for a while afterwards to be sure he'd drained the otter of all he had to give, and then sat up... and yet again made eye contact with Lukas, just now moving back off the horse's flared cock. It had started to retreat into the folds of its sheath, pouring out the last of its milky cum as it did so. The otter's tongue and fur of his muzzle still bore some of that whitish fluid, as he sat there panting.

"Did you..." Lukas reached up, wiped his mouth, looked down at the back of his paw... sniffed the stuff, and then licked it off. "...bring a change of clothes?"

Sextius looked down at himself. Lukas had a bit of a sharp, sour taste to him - too much dairy, maybe? - but, still, with the volume of horse seed all over him... it was all he could smell with each inhalation, warm and wet like right after a warm summer rain. This scent would stay on him for a while. "Uh... no."

"Shit. Neither did I..." He dragged his one of his fingerpads through the large wet spot along the middle of his pants leg, where the colt had emptied out the last of its load. On top of that, he'd failed in swallowing down all of the last few spurts, and had some of the thick white mess rolling down his shirt front. "You have a ride home?"


"Same. Same..." Still panting, Lukas looked up at the sheath and hanging sack above him. Then, he licked his lips. "Wouldn't be too bad to stay the night here, I don't think... I could ask my friend, though - you're worse off than me; we'll have to see about getting you a shower..."

Already Sextius planned to keep these clothes soaked through with feral horse cum for quite a while, though. The scent would stay on them, and they'd be perfect for shoving up against his nose tomorrow night...