The Dharkens: Burden of Proof

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#13 of The Dharkens

Three boys learn that when it comes to a lawyer, they have to back up what they say with action that matches their words.

Danielle Dharken was thirty minutes into her yoga workout and pondering some personal fun time with some of the Dharkens' sizable collection of sex toys in their play room/dungeon when the doorbell rang. Todd's simple trip to the art store had turned into a full expedition with Jolene, Justine, and all of the kids going to the mall for lunch, swinging by the arcade, toy store, bookstore, and, finally, the art store. She wasn't expecting her husband, their mutual lady snake pet, his personal anteater pet, or the kids back for a few hours yet. Having finished a couple of very busy weeks at work and a very intense case, Dani decided to stay home for a quiet afternoon to herself. The doorbell rang again, somehow managing to sound more insistent despite being a mechanical device. She frowned a bit, hoping she'd still have time for that more intimate workout, then pondered another possibility. With keys to the door, her family wouldn't have been using the doorbell unless something was seriously wrong.

The white rhoanthekan untangled herself out of the position she had taken and tossed her long black mane out of her red eyes. She made a dash for the front door, peering through the security peep-hole and breathed a sigh of relief. The visitors turned out to be a trio of her oldest sons' friends, mild troublemakers that loved to make lewd comments about her supposedly just to each other but ones that they made sure she could overhear. At that thought, the older woman grinned, getting a wicked idea. It might delay her personal workout a bit, or just maybe she could share that workout. They were about the right age to start having fun with, just like her eldest son, Roth. She toned down the grin before opening the door., lest she scare her "prey"

"Hello, Franklin. Hello, Ronald. Hello, Thomas.", she announced in her most sultry, silken smooth voice. The rhinoceros, duck, and bat boys stopped whatever they'd been chattering about, most likely her, and gaped open mouth. While they were frequent visitors in the Dharken household, they'd never seen her wearing so little or anything so skin-tight as her exercise outfit before. She could see the birth of new, even more lewd comments in their eyes that they'd undoubtedly be sharing when their brains processed what they were seeing and their mouths could work again. However, she'd been playing this particular game for several years with several partners going all the way back to her first time with her now husband, Todd, and wasn't about to let them think too much about what was going on. What she'd hoped for from the pair required instinctive responses, not introspection.

"You boys look warm. Would you like to come in for some lemonade?" She held the door open wide, beckoning them inside. Thankfully for the teens, they'd been frequent enough visitors to the house that they knew their way around without looking. Their eyes had been glued to their hostess's well-defined breasts the entire way into the kitchen. Danielle smiled as she moved ahead of them when they entered the kitchen, seductively swaying her tail enough that they were given a peek underneath at the wet spot that had started between her inner thighs before the had rang the doorbell and had grown exponentially after that.

Opening the refrigerator, Dani made a show of rummaging for something though the lemonade was in clear view on the top shelf. When she bent over to look in the crisper drawers, the dragoness fancied the collective gasp she heard from the boys practically drained the room of oxygen as they got a good, long look at her ass. She raised herself up slowly making sure they had the chance to see every contour that the thin, taut fabric allowed them to. Playing the part of good hostess to the limit, the dragoness pour each lad a tall glass of the freshly squeezed lemonade she'd prepared this morning, then cut up some fruit she'd gotten out of the drawers. Thomas in particular loved peaches and he dove into the platter with a hunger and zeal only teenage boys seem capable of. The other boys sampled the crackers and Franklin helped himself to the cheese. None of them took their eyes off of her as they ate.

Danielle reached into the freezer and pulled out one of the popscicles she bought for her kids and unwrapped it. Her audience watched in rapt attention as she sucked on the end of it, then slid the whole thing into her snout, pulling it out and working on it with her long, tapered tongue. She looked up at them through half lidded eyes, the crimson irises burning intensely. The dragoness could tell at least two of the young men were very likely massaging erections. The third was too stunned to move, perhaps even breathe.

Dani almost laughed as a strawberry that had been loosely held by Thomas's teeth dropped out, leaving his mouth to hang wide open. His little eyes bugged out behind the round rims of his glasses. The effect was quite comical in the fuzzy, round face. Beside him, it looked like Franklin's glasses were held only by the bumps of his horns. If he'd been a hippopotamus instead, they'd have fallen off already. Only Ronald looked somewhat composed but the dragoness could tell his feathers were definitely ruffled.

When the boys recovered enough rational thought, they began whispering excitedly among themselves. Like all rhoanthekans, Danielle's hearing was much more sensitive than even the young bat's. Several times, she heard the word she'd been listening carefully for - "MILF." She knew that a lot of males in the neighborhood and where she worked referred to her by the acronym. Some women she knew hated the term but like her sister-in-law, Dani loved the reference. It acknowledged that being a mother somehow made her all the more desirable. She leaned forward, slurping on the remnants of the popscicle then clenching the bare stick like a cigarette between her teeth.

"So, you young men think I'm a MILF?" They stopped their conversation and stared at her as if caught in some terrible conspiracy. "Oh, come, come now. Don't be shy. The whole neighborhood says so. A lot of my coworkers say so. Even my husband says so and proves every syllable of it." Franklin's blush was evident on his cheeks as Thomas's was in his ears. Ronald's feathers fluffed out even more. If he did so any more than he already had, Dani was afraid the poor duck was going to molt. However, none of the boys spoke up. "I'll give you time to ponder the question."

She went back to the freezer and got herself another popscicle, treating it as she had the one before, giving the teens the same intense gaze. Danielle's grin curled further up her muzzle, baring her perfectly pointed teeth. She was getting a deliciously wicked idea, one she was sure her little audience would approve of. One hand carefully pushed aside the leg of her exercise outfit to expose her already dripping vulva. The youngster's eyes were glued to her snout so they didn't notice. From their vantage point, they still wouldn't see much aside from the tangled jungle of her ebony pubic hair. She slid the popscicle out of her snout, giving the end a kiss, then carefully guiding their eyes with it, slipped the melting confection into her vagina as if it were one of her many dildos. The popscicle was cold but that mattered little to her hot, eager pussy, though hard, hot meat was much preferred.

If not held in their seats by the counter, the boys would have fallen off the bar stools as their hostess fucked herself with the melting popscicle. She pulled it out of her and offered it to the rhino lad. Franklin sucked on it, grinning in approval. Then she slid the treat back inside of her before offering it to Thomas. The bat wrapped his long tongue around it, taking a goodly slurp. Before the whole thing disappeared, she eased it inside of her once more and offered Ronald a taste that the duck eagerly snapped his beak on. Dani put the last of the icy treat in her and sucked the last of the stick herself, pulling it cleanly out of her clenched teeth.

"I repeat the question, 'So you young men think I'm a MILF?'" Clearly moved by her performance and their sample, the boys nodded emphatically. "You all know me. Know what I do for a living." The quote went right over the boys' heads. Todd wouldn't have gotten it and even pointed it out as one of Quint's lines from the classic movie, Jaws.

"Yes, ma'am. You're a lawyer.", Ronald supplied helpfully.

"That's right. Thank you, Ron." The duck boy beamed. She turned away from them, continuing her lecture and letting them look at her curves from the back again, making sure to shift her ass enticingly. It was a surprisingly effective tactic in the courtroom or any other situation she found herself in, professional or otherwise. "And you know we lawyers love to present evidence and prove or disprove things." She looked back over her shoulder at the three youngsters with that same burning intensity as before. "But this is your case, my dears., so prove it!"

"Awesome!", Franklin blurted, then seemed to consider something and added, "How?" The other boys' expressions went from excitement to confusion to complete bafflement at their comrade's question. Danielle was quick with the answer.

"First, we must examine and clearly define what the acronym means. Can any of you tell me what an acronym is?"

Thomas, feeling it was his turn, spoke up. "It's when you take the first letters of something and make it short so people don't have to spend all day typing the full name out. Like NASA. No one wants to all National Aeronautics and Space Administration all day."

"Very good, Thomas. So what does 'MILF' stand for?" None of the boys seemed to want to answer that question and Dani suspected she knew way. They were perfectly willing to call her one but not say the whole thing out loud. "Okay. Well the 'M' stands for 'mother', doesn't it?" There were many nods in complete agreement. "And I'm certainly a mother." That was certainly true. She and Mr. Dharken had seven kids together and the teens were friends with the oldest twin boys. "The 'I' stands for 'I'd', a contraction of 'I would'. You're going to have to help me with this next part. Does 'L' mean 'like to' or 'love to'? Obviously the 'to' is a preposition and not factored into the acronym but the choice of 'like' or 'love' speaks to the intent and intensity of the acronym."

The youngsters murmured amongst themselves, though 'love' was proving the clear favorite. When they faced her again after their little conference, they spoke unanimously with a nod for emphasis, "Love!"

"Okay so we have 'Mother I'd Love to- what?"

"-FUCK!" Thomas exclaimed in response to her question, then clapped both of his hands over his mouth and looked as if he wanted his body to shrivel up to nothing and disappear from her sight.

"That's correct, Thomas. Don't worry, my cutey bat. I won't tell Ilona you said 'fuck'. For crying out loud, I slid a popscicle in my twat and let you all have a taste. No, what we do here today stays between the four of us." The bat looked very visibly relieved to hear that and the other boys nodded in agreement. "So 'MILF' stands for 'Mother I'd Love to Fuck'."

"But how do we prove that?!" Franklin still looked perplexed.

"Oh, that's so easy that I'm surprised none of you have thought of it. You boys'll have to fuck me."

A few minutes later, she'd managed to stop Franklin's nosebleed and got Thomas to wake back up and get an ice bag placed on the knot that had formed on his head. Ron was lucky. His mind had locked up along with his body and kept him frozen in place. Dani had roused him and had the duck look after the nosebleed while she'd helped the bat. After getting Thomas all set, she checked Ron's work and had to make some adjustments. Once she'd finished up her first-aid work, Danielle looked at the three young men and regarded each one.

She knew all of their parents intimately. Franklin's parents, Steven and Barbara, and Thomas's, Bruce and Ilona, were swingers that frequently enjoyed the company of the Dharkens, sometimes even in group scenes. She also knew Ron's mother, Lorraine, just as intimately having licked her husband's seed out of the duck lady on numerous occasions. She'd seen all of these boys grow up in the last few years along with her own children. And now she wanted them just as she had their parents. She was playing right into their hormones and hers as well. But would she have the nerve to go through it now that she'd teased them so much?

"Uh, Mrs. D?", Franklin asked hesitantly, "Do you still want that proof?" She could see their pants. All three of them were tented, their erections straining the material of whatever each was wearing, especially Ronald's.

"You bet!"

Well that was easy.

Danielle led the boys to the basement and the room that she and Todd had specially designed to indulge and enrich their very active sex life and to expand their already broad sexual horizons. It had earned the whimsical nickname, the "Playroom". Like the show that Mrs. Dharken had put on upstairs, the teens marveled at the wonders the room held, even the ones they couldn't understand. They had so very many questions that the rhoanthekan could already see in their eyes.

"Don't pay that other stuff any mind, boys." She waved a dismissive hand at all the bondage gear and cabinet full of sex toys that were all carefully arranged and lovingly cared for by the Dharkens. "I'm all the playground equipment you're going to need today." At that, she had their complete attention once again as she had upstairs. "That's for later and the more advanced lessons." The trio really perked up at that, grinning at one another knowing they'd just hit the jackpot of most teenage boys' dream, certainly the ones in their neighborhood. She sat them on a sofa against the far wall from the stairs they'd come down and took her position in front of them beneath what looked to be surplus gear from the Spanish Inquisition.

"Okay, boys, get those smartphones ready." At her prompting, the youngsters fished out their various phones, wondering what she would do next. Some inspiration spoke to Thomas and he set his phone to record video. Danielle gave them her most smoldering gaze yet and, hooking her fingers under the edge of her top that hugged the swell of her breasts, slipped out of her top like a snake shedding its skin. She threw in a couple of moves that her sister-in-law, Toni, had learned working as an exotic dancer. The teens snapped away glad they'd saved the memory on their phones' SD cards for this moment.

Now completely naked, Danielle sat down carefully on the large square ottoman on casters in front of the sofa and the boys. The tip of her tongue traced its way back and forth over the end of her snout like a swaying pink snake before the motion of her hands guided their gaze over the rest of her. Their eyes roved over the curves of her body, focusing mainly on the pendulous flesh of her generously rounded breasts and the pert points of her gray-mauve nipples.

The sharp tips of her claws traced themselves slowly around her aureola and those luscious nipples, then slid down her belly, past her navel to the tangled jungle of her pubic hair that they'd had a glimpse of upstairs. Dani lay back, spreading her legs, giving the three their first look at her vulva, the same color as her nipples. Her claws played with the lips of her pussy, rubbing along them. The boys were on autopilot in snapping photos of her show, not even pausing when her claws spread those lips and gave them an unobstructed view into her vagina. She let them have a good long look before easing some of her fingers inside. She withdrew them dripping wet and lifting the middle finger to her mouth, her snout closed on it and slurped her own juices off of it.

Not done with her show, Danielle rolled over placing her knees on the edge of the ottoman, dangling her feet over the edge. She leaned forward laying her chest and head flat. Her ass stuck in the air with her tail arcing high over it. Reaching back, she spread the cheeks of her ass, opening her asshole, and traced a couple of her claw tips around the quivering sphincter. It hungered for more than her slender digits. Soon, she promised, very soon.

Easing her hands away from her butt, she propped herself up on one arm to see what reaction her show had on her audience. They were spellbound by her body and the glimpse of its mysteries she'd shown them. Turning on her side, she bent one leg making sure her pussy was still showing to the teens to let them stare a bit more and take a few more pictures. She slipped her fingers back inside, stroking herself, and didn't stop even after she spoke again.

"I've shown you mine.", her voice was little more than a husky whisper but the youngsters heard her as clearly as if she was shouting. "Now show me yours." The boys reluctantly put their phones down and removed their clothes, though far less gracefully than their hostess. When they'd stripped just as naked as she was, Dani sat up, studying each young man carefully. Franklin had a mix of muscle and pudge much like his father but without the beer gut. Thomas was thin even with all of the extra brown fluff, so very much like his older sister. Like Franklin, the bat put his glasses back on. Neither could see without them but somehow it made them both that much more cute. Ronald stood the tallest and most self-assured of the three. Perhaps it had something to do with his sleek swimmer's build that made him appear as though he should already be in college.

All three sported boners that to their credit they didn't cover up or shy away from showing to her. Even at this young an age, Franklin's was already fairly thick and he had some nicely dangling balls. The rhino would probably be her best bet for two or three good-sized coatings of spunk or cream-filling in her pussy and ass. Thin but very long, Ronald's cock was much like the strap-on dildo his mother used on Danielle more than a few times. It would be most useful pumping her ass. Thomas's eager, pink spear proved to be the intriguing. She wasn't entirely sure what possibility yet might offer the most fun to him and to her but she was looking very much forward to finding out. As before in the kitchen, another wicked idea came to her.

Dani motioned the boys to stand in front of her and to move closer together. She wrapped her hands around Franklin and Ronald's erections and pressed them gently together against Thomas's. The teens squirmed in her careful but firm and practiced touch. Her tongue slithered out and carefully brushed against the sensitive crowns of each penis. As if they were a single being, the youngsters moaned and squirmed at the wet, flickering touch. Dani's tongue flashed out again like a snake's.

All of the youngsters were sensitive to the flashing oral teasing but Thomas proved to be the most out of the three. The young bat squeaked and a spurt of his youthful seed splattered against her snout and splashed on her tongue. Danielle slurped up the creamy prize. She had to have more. Grasping the other boys' shafts, one in each hand, she stroked them gently as her tongue caressed the bat's. Thomas's hands moved automatically to her mane, taking two big handfuls as Dani's snout engulfed him. Her tongue slipped out underneath his shaft to tease his fuzzy testicles. Thomas whimpered softly and another spurt, then another filled her mouth. She wanted a bit more but Thomas was spent for the moment. Franklin was squirming and her mouth latched onto his thicker shaft. It only took a couple of bobs of her head before the young rhino snorted and came in her mouth as Thomas already had.

Ronald proved the most resistant to her oral technique. The other boys flopped on the sofa as she released them to concentrate on the duck's longer erection. Like Thomas, Ron gripped her mane in his hands but he didn't stop there. He thrust his hips forward, driving his cock into her mouth and throat. Only experience kept her from gagging at the sudden intrusion. She let the teen do the work as he fucked her snout, slamming his hips into the end of her muzzle.

Danielle fully expected the duck to cum in her mouth but he pulled out, took hold of her, turned her around and laid her face down against the ottoman with her tail up. He got on his knees behind her and placed his beak on her dripping vulva. His tongue slid inside of her and licked around, slurping up her juices. Dani shivered and moaned, the excitement of the past half hour and of the duck's attentions conspiring to bring her to the edge and thundering over.

As she trembled with the ecstasy of her orgasm, Ron stood behind her and gripped her mature hips, his hard cock throbbing. He plunged it inside of her, deep up her ass, all the way to its base impaling her. Not resting for a moment, the duck pounded his dick in and out of] her, ramming his belly against her tail. Though he wasn't the largest she'd ever had or the most experienced, his young, eager energy and thrusting spear drew delighted screams from her. Oh, oh yes! Thi-this one was definitely proving the young mens' case. But the duck was young and though he had the energy to keep up this furious pace of fucking, he hadn't developed the stamina and spurts of his bird semen flooded her rectum all too soon. Danielle was starting to come down from the orgasm his tongue had started in her and she was dimly aware he was pulling out. His cock splashed the last couple of spurts of his cum all over her ass cheeks and upturned tail.

Thomas and Franklin separated as Ronald slumped back onto the sofa between them. Energized by the show in front of them, the bat and rhinoceros were once again hard. Dani shook off the last of the orgasmic euphoria and turned to face the boys, the shift in her position sending a gush of the duck's spunk running along the curves of her tail. Seeing the other boys already sporting boners and ready for action, she smiled that wicked grin before standing up and giving the ottoman a shove back with her foot. She motioned them all off of the sofa, even Ronald, pulled off the back and seat cushions, took hold of the strap that showed itself and tugged, exposing the bed hidden inside the sofa. The mattress was already covered in sheets and a thin comforter.

Dani pulled down the covers and laid in the middle of the bed. She motioned for the boys to join her indicating that Thomas should lay between her spread legs and that the duck and rhino should lay in either side of her. Without any prompting, the bat's long tongue flicked over her still dripping ass and pussy. If he didn't care for the taste of Ronald's semen, the flying mammal didn't show any indication of it. He did show a decided preference for her vulva and attacked it ferociously with his tongue, even as he snickered when the thick, twisted hair of her bush tickled his nose. Danielle moaned softly and the other boys joined in, each seizing a nipple in mouth and beak and working the taut, fleshy nubs with their tongues. Both showed a remarkable talent for suckling as Thomas's talented tongue brushed against her clitoris. Contact with the delicate nub sent an electric shiver through her, making her nipples all the more sensitive to the oral attention they were receiving.

The dragoness let the youngsters play with her body like that until she could hardly stand it anymore. On the verge of another orgasm, she waved Ronald and Thomas away, pushed Franklin onto his back and sat firmly on his jutting, thick cock with a loud, wet squelch. As she humped up and down on the young mammal's erection, she motioned the other boys to her with her head. They each grasped a bouncing breasts and wrapped their mouths around those luscious nipples. Thomas made gentle use of his teeth, freeing up his hand to find her clit and rub it while she gyrated atop the rhino lad. Already on the verge before the added stimulation and grinding against Franklin's length, Danielle shuddered as her second orgasm hit. The flood of her pussy juices gushed down the rhino's shaft and onto his belly and testicles. As a reflex, the youngster shoved his dick up into her as his semen squirted into her mature womb. Ronald and Thomas kept suckling the dragoness's nipples made even more sensitive by the orgasm rocking her as the bat continued to tease and squeeze her clitoris. Franklin collapsed in a sweaty heap, completely spent.

Danielle was still in mid-orgasm as the rhinoceros's penis softened and slid out of her. Moving Thomas aside, the dragoness rolled onto her back and spread her legs. She motioned the young bat between them and taking hold of his shaft, guided the eager, pulsing handful inside of her. Thomas laid as heavily as his light frame allowed him to, burying his little boner in Danielle's quivering, wet tunnel. His chin rested firmly between the large mounds of her breasts.

"Fuh-fuck me, Thomas!" Her voice was a barely audible, husky but insistent whisper, but the bat had no trouble hearing her words. "Fuck me aaaahhh-as hard as you caaaa-an, honey, uuunh!!! Cuh-cum in me, you fuzzy stud!" He wasn't as big or strong as the other boys but maybe he had a little something to prove to them and, of course, prove to this pearl-skinned goddess with the luxurious black waterfall of a mane and those intense, gorgeous red eyes.

The young bat's body tensed like a spring and he released that tension in one instant, slamming hard into the older woman and grinding his hips against her. A loud moan escaped her open maw. As Thomas pounded her, a soft growl joined her moaning and he picked up the pace. Her moans rose to a whimper as he ground hard against the writhing dragoness again. Danielle's legs clamped tightly around his waist, leaving the bat with no room to maneuver.

Thomas switched to grinding against her as hard as he could. Her whimpers rose a notch, then two when the fur around his cock tickled and teased her swollen, sensitive clitoris. Her thighs squeezed him tightly, followed by her vaginal muscles clenching his shaft. Her whimper transformed into a roar. Her warm fluid gushed around the head of his penis, sending the bat over his own edge. His semen met the rush of her release and all of it squirted out under pressure to soak his fur and her inner thighs.

The bat shuddered through his orgasm and collapsed on her still quaking body. He opened his eyes weakly as something splattered against his glasses, on his nose, over the curve of her mounded breasts. Several more spurts of the salty smelling goo coated the draconic goddess's snout and Thomas looked up to see Ronald stroking his cock as another dollop of the duck's spooge burst out and spattered in Danielle's open mouth. Apparently, the avian had moved to sit on the arm of the sofa to stroke that magnificent shaft while Thomas had been focused on fucking the incredible dragoness he'd just come in. Ron had also come on the bat's glasses but he was too exhausted to clean them.

The duck raised himself slowly from the arm and moved back around the bed to lay beside Franklin. Clearly, Ron was as exhausted as the bat felt and the rhino looked. Only the dragon goddess looked like she was up for more and Thomas was sorry he just didn't have it in him to help her with that.

"Ooohhh!!! Good work, my young men! I'm beginning to believe you about this MILF thing. Thomas blinked in astonishment. What the hell? 'Beginning to-'? What more proof did she need? "I'm sure smart guys like you know that good science demands repeated results before something is proven. I think for this to be 'love' that a few repeats of today's performance are in order." Each of the boys slowly processed her words, weak grins forming on their faces as her meaning sunk in. "For now, you lads should get some rest. Who knows, I might even want you to start repeating those results before the day is over." As delighted as the boys were at having lost their virginity to such a sexual dynamo as Danielle Dharken, the very thought of fucking her again so soon was tiring in itself.

With her maternal instincts kicking in, Dani got them all settled into the bed and as she pulled the covers over the trio, she couldn't help but notice that the duck's arm was draped over Franklin and the rhino was snuggled back against Ronald. The dragoness smiled, bent over to kiss Thomas tenderly and waited until all of the boys had dozed off.

When they had, she crept silently to the cabinet that held her collection of dildos and other sex toys. Her delicate, yet strong fingers caressed several before settling on model of a feral stallion's penis. She drew it carefully out of the cabinet along with a bottle of lubricant and found a clear spot of the floor beneath the rig that had restrained her many a day and night. Quietly and carefully as possible, she arranged the toy where she needed it, looked at the lube, shrugged her shoulders and sat on the dildo without applying anything. What remained of the orgasms she, Thomas and Franklin had been through allowed the head of the large phallus to enter her and ease her movement down the length of the stiff shaft. She humped it hard but quietly through another orgasm but couldn't manage it for the second. She need not have worried. The boys were too soundly asleep to be roused even by the resounding roar of her last release.

When Danielle recovered her breath, she eased herself off the dildo, mindful of her sensitive inner flesh. She staggered into the bathroom, sat heavily on the toilet and gave herself a quick cleanup when her business was done. As she cleaned, she heard signs of her family returning upstairs. Stepping out of the bathroom, she pulled on one of the robes that was kept in basement for modesty's sake and headed up to greet them.

She waded through her children, none of whom batted an eye at how their mother was dressed or even that she was a bit disheveled. After a hug and a few words, the kids dispersed around the house to catch up on things they'd left before the trip or marvel at their new treasures. When Jolene slithered in followed by the blonde, bespectacled anteater Justine, both women smiled at her and then one another knowingly. True to form, it was Dani's husband who proved clueless about why his wife was in such a state.

"Hey, honey!" Todd embraced Danielle "Mmm, you're all sweaty. That must have been some workout."

"They usually are when you have someone to do them with." The dragoness grinned, showing nearly all of her pointed teeth.

"Oh? Did Lorraine come over and do your yoga with you?" Dani rolled her eyes and shook her head. She took her husband's snout in her hands to make sure he couldn't mistake her meaning.

"Not that kind of workout. Thomas, Franklin, and Ronald came over to see Roth and Bern. You know how those three are. They called me a MILF and this time, I asked them to prove it." She waited for his eyes to focus in the way they did when Todd finally understood something she told him.

"Did they?"

"They've made a good opening argument, but they still have to present their case convincingly. It might be a while before the closing statements." Her grin turned slightly predatory and it was Todd's turn to shake his head.

"My wife, the cougar. You realize this makes you that much more sexy."

"Always. Now why don't you take the pets to your studio or up to the bedroom-", she eyed the rattlesnake and anteater who had pretended to put groceries away for the last several minutes, "-and fuck them silly. The boys will look after me - when they wake up." Todd just grinned and, offering the watching ladies an arm each, led them up to the bedroom.