Cabin Boy: Cabin Boy

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Cabin Boy

A trade i did with Flinty

Flinty gets offered a new job away from working at the tavern

Of course by offered I mean press-ganged but I am sure the blue fox will learn to like it in time

Sitting back on the large pile of cushions he kept scattered around at the foot of his bed. Panting softly and squirming slightly from all his preparations Orel reached out and claimed his sash. The yellow velvet was one of his favourites, soft and thick and it matched the hue of his bandana perfectly. Setting the sash aside where he could reach it if needed the naked rat stretched out luxuriantly and murmured in delight. His thick brown fur gleamed under the lantern light and the rat captain teased a paw along his bare stomach before squeezing his balls. He really needed to cum, dinner had been a success but Jormy and Ren had been relentless teases.

The cabin boy had behaved, however sullen he looked he had done his job. But all through dinner, the teasing and fine wine he'd been able to feel the former fox's resentment. The boy needed dealing with, Orel wouldn't stand for a member of his crew not being comfortable with their naked tailed perfection. That was why he'd sent his officers off for the night and ordered Flinty to return as soon as he was done in the galley. Lifting his head at the sound of claws on wood Orel's whiskers twitched as the latch clicked and Flinty returned.

His transformation was complete, his blue fur was shaggy but possessed the fine composition of a rodent. His paws, feet and tail were pink and his nose twitched which caused his whiskers to shift and flick up and down. He'd kept his blue fur but had a beautiful crest of thick blonde fur running all the way along his spine. His body had the natural slenderness and form of a rat and he was damn hot in nothing but the green pair of trousers and collar melded to his neck. Of course that was the problem, Orel has to show him how superior a rat form was over the lowly fox he'd been before.

The cabin boy froze when he noticed his Captain was naked with his thick dick poking out hard and slick. To his credit he didn't blush or squirm he just started to undo his rope belt. He let his trousers fall, revealing his own plump sheath and hefty rodent balls. He knew his place and enjoyed it too from everything he had been told, the new rat just had to lose his attachment to his former shape.

"Evening Flinty," Orel started with a grin as the blue rat knelt down before him, "You did good tonight, I can see Felinus and Jormungandr have been teaching you your duties aboard," he flexed his toes, "So i decided that tonight, you are to be rewarded."

"I..." Flinty started to say, his gaze sliding down to stare at Orel's feet. The captain laughed and interrupted him by hiking his legs up and clamped his feet around the blue rat's snout. He shivered and his cock surged out of its sheath as he found himself smothered in rat feet.

"Good rat, now... come on, down you come," Orel retracted his knees and pulled his legs down, his toes gripping Flinty's fuzzy muzzle as he pulled him down until his chest and snout were on the ground. Flinty didn't resist, he let himself be pulled down, his tongue already sliding out, licking at the captain's feet. As soon as his tongue hit his flesh Orel pressed his thoughts into the blue rat's mind. No real instructions, just a shot directed at the centres of his brain that controlled taste, smell and desire.

"Tasty aren't they?" Orel teased, wriggling his toes as Flinty's tongue slid up and down along his feet, "Really good aren't they, better then anything else?"

Flinty moaned, gently humping the carpet and nodded his head as his tongue licked up and down the underside of Orel's left foot. The rat captain laughed and teased his claws through the fur along the top of Flinty's muzzle. Settling down comfortably the captain let his cabin boy enjoy himself for a little bit as he held the mental pressure on the blue boys thoughts and feelings. Flinty went mad, licking, teasing, lifting his head to start to suck along each one of Orel's toes, lavishing them with attention before he started to lick down his sole again.

"Reason they taste better is because you're a rat," Orel teased gently, "And that's not a lie cabin boy," he leant forwards and smirked, "That's part of the magic of the change, all the humiliation, all the teasing and playing and toying with you. It was all to help me refine your tastes Flinty..."

Flinty emitted a soft rumble a blushing squeak and lifted his head, peeking at the captain, "How... I mean... no disrespect sir, but I liked being a fox and those are just words... you.. You taste good but how can you prove being a rat makes things taste better?"

Orel laughed and pulled his feet back and sat up, "I knew you'd ask that my cabin boy," his tail coiled around rat shoulders and pulled him up onto the cushions beside him, "I have a little thing prepared to prove it to you."

Lips met lips, buck teeth pressed together as Orel kissed Flinty, the blue rat sank into his arms, his shaft twitching, his tongue pressing out to meet his captain's as one of Orel's feet wrapped about his dick and tugged and teased at him. After a couple of minutes of this the brown rat pushed the blue rat down onto his back and swung his legs over his chest to straddle him.

"Now you will learn, that rat's are superior," Orel squeaked as he sat down atop Flinty's muzzle. His rump slid over the pointed rat muzzle beneath him forcing his cabin boy's lips up against his pucker. Flinty didn't squirm or complain he just pushed his tongue out and started to lick across Orel's taint and tailhole. Grinning in pleasure at the sensation Orel leant forwards, dropping himself practically onto all fours atop the blue rat so he could wrap his muzzle around Flinty's cock. At the same time he sent a tremor through his cabin boy Orel pushed his mind into Flinty's thoughts at the same moment he pushed down with his rump. Powerful muscles clenched around Flinty's tongue and he found himself trapped, nose buried against the base of Orel's tail, breathing in thick waves of the brown rats scent.

Eyes opening wide Flinty squeaked and wriggled back and forth the rat, the scents, the flavour it was all so very intense. Wriggling his tongue back and forth Flinty pushed deeper into Orel's rump, his breath coming faster as he started to get more worker up. Orel was still sucking on his dick and he was very good at this. The bigger rat relaxed and Flinty pulled his tongue back with a groan of delight. Drawing a deep breath of rat musk he closed his eyes and pressed his snout back up against Orel's rump. His tongue teased out, licked, around the twitching star of flesh, the taste was so very rich, vibrant and intense. He'd lain under others before, licking out their rumps in a squirm of pleasure and delight but it has never felt so good before. F

But here he was, obediently eating out his captain's arse whilst being sucked off. It was so intense, rich and sweaty and warm, their bodies pressed together in just the right way. Orel's feet clamped either side of Flinty's head, toes Cutler, claws caught fur and the blue rat kept his tongue wriggling back into Orel's rump as his body twitched and his cock exploded. The brown rat happily, and eagerly guzzled his cum, one of his paws squeezing and kneading his nuts drawing out his orgasm. It all felt and tasted amazing, rat rump and musk filled his mouth, his nose, it was so strong. More importantly it made his libido stir in ways it never had before. He'd just had an orgasm but panting heavily Flinty groaned, his cock was still rock hard, his balls already begging for another go. The captain slurped off his dick, leaving it clean and glistening as he sat up. Flinty squirmed shyly as the big brown rat moved aside and grinned down at him.

"That, was... so intense, captain..."

"Good," the rat squeaked, "And the night has only just begun, I am going to show you Flinty, everything we do. Every sexy, kinky touch and lick and nuzzle is more sensitive, more erotic and leads to better orgasms than being a fox ever did... now roll over... my turn."

Orel smiled as his cabin boy obeyed, he rolled stomach down atop the cushions and the brown rat pulled himself up onto Flinty's back. Nipping at the soft round ears of his rat Orel pressed his hard, needy shaft beneath his rat's tail and gently rolled his hips. They both squeaked, whiskers twitching in sync as Orel pressed himself deeper, sliding his shaft all the way in. Once he was all the way in Orel repositioned himself, looping his arms and legs around Flinty's body, pulling him in close. Holding him tightly the big brown rat groaned quietly, he felt great about his cock and from the way Flinty was wriggling he was enjoying it too.

"You feel, ... your cock in my arse," panting the blue rat pushed back, clenching his rump around Orel's shaft, groaning, "It feels perfect, like... it was made to fit me ooooh."

"That's because you... were made... to fit me...." Orel panted heavily, the big brown rat starting to roll his hips back and forth, "No knot, just sleek smooth flesh... warm... and needy," Orel nipped Flinty's ears, groaning in desire as his shaft slid out of his cabin boy. He then pushed down slipping back inside, their hefty ball sacs bouncing off one another each time he roller his hips forward. Flinty's fur was slick and smooth against Orel's, their panting growing ragged, squeaky and breathless as the captain took his cabin boy harder and deeper with every thrust.

It was hard not to enjoy the blue rat. He worshipped and got hard at practically everything Orel and the crew threw at him. He smelt amazing, his balls produced a hefty load for every orgasm and right now his rump was squeezing and teasing his dick.

"Captain," Flinty moaned, stretching out his arms, clawed paws twitching, curling, eyes wide, rump baring down, "I'm gonna... gonna... ooooooh."

He moaned deeply as Orel bit down hard on his neck, tugging his head back by his thick mane of blonde hair. He shuddered and started to cum, spilling a thick, silky load out of his rapidly pulsing dick. This caused the silken passage of his rear to cling and tease and ripple along the length of his own shaft. With a delighted cry Orel spilt his load as well, flooding his cabin boy with thick jets of his potent seed. It felt amazing, rat rump wrapped about rat cock, bodies entwined. The captain emptied his balls entirely, flooding the blue rodent until his seed oozed up around the base of his cock and dripped over their balls.

After they were spent the pair of them lay still for a long while. It was warm, their thoughts hazy and bodies still joined at crotch and rump. Closing his eyes Orel gently disentangled himself from Flinty and licked his ears.

"Very good rat... so you see how intense being a rat is compared to a dumpy, knot sporting fox?"

"Yeah," Flinty squeaked with a lewd grin, "Being fucked never felt so goo mrrffffff."

He trailed off as Orel pulled a square of cloth over his head. Deft skilled hands tied the black bandana in place, "You're one of us cabin boy, wear this with pride, you may he bottom of the pack but continue to serve me well and there will be many rewards."

Stroking his bandana Flinty smiled and nodded his head, "Fear not sir, I live to serve thank you... I am going to enjoy being bottom of the pack."

Cabin Boy: The Stick

Struggling in Jormungandr's grip Flinty tried to break free, to rekindle the rebellion that had burst out of him like a burning flame! The naga however was much bigger, stronger and had years of experience in grappling people. His coils surged,...

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Cabin Boy: Earning a Bed

Flinty groaned softly as Ren trod across his body, the gnolls big bare paws causing his body to squish gently against the decking and a jolt of pleasure to pulse up his spine. It was torture, the bosun was squishing his paws right into Flinty's crotch....

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Cabin Boy: Humiliation

It wasn't comfortable sleeping naked in the bilges of a ship. The air was humid, the only dry place to lay was atop a bundle of rough caulking. The air was also still full of the rat Captain's scent, not to mention his own sharp musk. Shifting his...

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