The Mightyena Family #3 - Dextus

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#3 of Café Plaisir: The Mightyena Family

The Finale of this trio of salacious perversity! I do hope you enjoy <3Old Description:

At the mercy of his older brother Eclipse, Dextus has no choice but to submit to larger Mightyena's demands - meanwhile, his twin sister's appetite has yet to be sated...

Gawd damn, finally x3 Sorry this took so long guys, I hope it was worth the wait.

Incest! :D

Café Plaisir © Pali Bakufun

Pokémon © Nintendo

The Mightyena Family

Part 3 - Dextus

"Dex, tell me where you put it."

"C'mon, Sin, just one lick."


"One lick, that's all, then I'll tell...please sis, I wanna feel it again..."

A soft breeze whispers through the bushes as the two, young Mightyena talk, their voices in hushed tones.

"Sin, we're Mightyena now, our bodies are different. Don't you want to explore them too?"

"Just tell me where it is first."

The male sighs. "Fine. I stashed it in that small ditch, by Cyan's tent. Now, go on...give it a taste..."


There is silence for a while, broken suddenly when the male gasps, letting out an involuntary murr of pleasure. The female giggles mischievously, and sounds of sucking ensue, broken only by the occasional moan.

"Well, that was new." The female says after a long while. The male pants as she speaks. "You're a lot bigger than before."

"I know...hah...and you're just the same...teasing me, leaving me like this..."

"Oh come on. Like you said...we're Mightyena now. I think we can do it more often..."

"Do wha..." The male's voice trails off, and sounds of movement follow, paws padding against soft, loamy soil. There is another growl; playful, expectant.

"Well?" The female says eventually. "Don't keep me waiting. Get on."

More sounds of movement, fur against fur, then wet, squelching sounds. The two of them cry out in unison, before a quick, rhythmic pounding begins to reverberate through the area. The leaves shift unnaturally in the nearby foliage, but by now, both brother and sister are too absorbed to notice.

The pounding continues for a while, getting steadily faster, rougher. The female continues to moan, crying out at each of them, and claws can be heard grasping at the ground.

Heavy panting slips through a curtain of nearby leaves.

The female shouts loudly, her voice no longer in the hushed tones before, crying out the name of her brother. The male growls, and the sound of liquid dripping onto the ground follows quickly.

For a few moments, all that can be heard is a mixture of panting. The female is the first to speak up.

"Oh Dex...I fucking love you..."

"You moaned so loudly..."

"Damn right I did" She interjects.

" you think anyone heard us?"

The female giggles. "Come on, Dex, lighten up. No-one heard us. There's no-one this far from camp TO hear-"

A twig snaps, the sound deliberate, too perfect for an accident. The twins are suddenly silent, breaths caught in their throats, hammering hearts skipping a beat. A third voice, much deeper, carrying a hint of amusement, cuts the silence.


* * *

Dextus shifted, pain running through his body from his side and back. He could feel the claws of his older brother against his hide, threatening to penetrate it. Quickly, he recovered from the shock of the impact, and looked back up.

Eclipse glared at Dextus, with the gaze of a thief looking upon a stolen treasure. Saliva dripped from his white teeth, glinting in the shifting light of the television, and landed onto the smaller Mightyena's face. Dextus blinked, whimpering in shock, ears lying flat. Recovering, he formed a growl in his throat.

"Arceus...fucking...dammit..." Dextus replied, his voice strained, his older brother sitting on his stomach. "You were here all along..."

"More than that..." Sinister said with a grin. Their sister had stood, and was walking over to them slowly, tail swishing behind her. A trail of cum led from her dripping cunt back to where she had been. Dextus blinked, glancing back to Eclipse briefly. "Only fair, Dexy. He got here first."

"Your girlfriend or not, when I want our sister, I get her..." Eclipse said in a deep, commanding voice. "And it's the same with you..."

Dextus' tail thumped against the floor once in annoyance. "Why didn't you ask...?"

"Stop asking stupid questions I won't dignify with answers." Eclipse grinned. Dextus snarled, pushing up, but Eclipse pressed down harder. "You could fight me if you wanted, but I was hoping for a little co-operation in this next bit..." He leered over at Sinister.

Dextus coughed once. "You want me to-"

"Hey." Eclipse replied. "What did I just say about stupid questions?" He sat up. His cock was fully erect, the thick length lying across Dextus' chest. A mixture of cum and pre was now smeared across the younger Mightyena's grey underside.

"It's okay." Sinister said, padding around the two of them. "Have a bit of fun with him first. He needs to be punished for being so late..."

Eclipse nodded. "This should be fun..." he leered again at Dextus. "I can't remember the last time I fucked your throat..."

Dextus' ears still lay flat against his head. Eclipse was in total control, and the smaller Mightyena made no attempt to move as his brother crawled forwards. The elder Mightyena's cock loomed into view, the thick length shining with juices, both male and female. Dextus' nose picked up the multitude of different smells on it.

"Open." Eclipse said shortly, and before Dextus could fully comply, forced his member into the mouth of his younger brother.

Dextus gagged immediately. The cock was hard and throbbed with arousal. The heavy scent of male musk was underpinned by the female aroma of his girlfriend's nethers. He breathed in deeply, and tracked his tongue along the underside.

"Good bitch..." Eclipse breathed. Cum ran down Dextus' tongue and a shot of pre hit the back of his throat. He twisted his muzzle around the cock, growling as he cleaned it thoroughly, swallowing the cum and pre, leaving behind his saliva, coating the member with it liberally. Eclipse growled, forcing his cock forwards again, the engorged knot pressing against Dextus' lips. "Wider..." he said, shortly.

Dextus breathed in and out slowly, and then obliged. He felt the head of the cock press against the back of his throat, and he gagged again as even the beginning knot stretched his maw wide open. He watched his teeth as much as he could, stopping them from grazing the hard flesh. Eclipse murred a response. "Where's that tongue gone? Lick it all up, boy..."

Dextus began to work his tongue around the flesh again, breathing quickly. The tip of the head was already threatening to push into this throat. He'd overcome much of his gag reflex already - it had been Sinister who'd taught him how - and he was now only afraid of getting enough air.

His tongue slipped around the member as much as he could make it, but with this much of the member in his maw, there wasn't much he could do. He tasted the underside, felt every throb and pulse as more pre spurted down it and into his throat. Eclipse stepped forwards, and his balls touched Dextus' chin as he stood over him. "Come on, don't tell me that's all you can take..."

Dextus' muzzle was widened further as more of the knot was pushed in. He took a deep breath before his air supply was suddenly cut off, and his brother tied with his muzzle with a sharp thrust.

"Ah, now that's a good boy..." Eclipse complimented, murring. "Can you still breathe?"

Dextus shook his head, whimpering internally. The cock pressed against the insides of his cheeks.

"What a shame..." Eclipse replied, and began to thrust suddenly.

The fucking was quick, powerful, carnal. The older Mightyena knew what he wanted and how to get it. The wide cock pressed into the Dextus' throat and his eyes widened, ears beginning to buzz. He tried several times to breathe in, all unsuccessful, and shook his head to try to rid himself of the member preventing his breathing.

It was several moments until Eclipse pulled back with his hips. Pre spurted once more into Dextus' throat as the knot slid past his front teeth, and Dextus took a deep, hungry breath as soon as his airflow was free.

"Aw, is Eclipse being mean again?" Sinister said teasingly from somewhere near his hind legs. Dextus growled in response, and Eclipse chuckled. Sinister giggled. "Well, perhaps this will make it a bit better..." Dextus suddenly felt his sister's cunt slide along his cock. Until now, he hadn't realised that he was hard again, the actions of his dominating brother doing more to arouse him than he would care to admit. His sister's tail brushed along his chest as she lowered her hips onto his with a moan.

Eclipse pushed his cock in again without warning. Dextus took another breath of air, forced to hold it as his throat was once again fucked roughly by the large canine. He felt a tear bead at his eye from the roughness.

His body shook all through this; Sinister was sliding her cunt up and down his length, even across his enlarged knot, right the way back up to the tip. The length was lubricated with both her juices and his own cum, and Sinister moaned in pleasure as his tip found her hole suddenly. "Hey, Eclipse..." She spoke up between moans. "Is it I begin fucking this one...?"

Eclipse pulled out again to let Dextus breathe. The younger male's eyes were closed as he took in great lungfuls of air. "Go ahead..." he heard Eclipse say, and a smile flickered across his mouth.

Sinister wasted no time, and brought her hips down, Dextus' cock slipping in roughly. Sinister let out a sigh of pleasure, and Dextus did the same, his sister's hot nethers massaging his length, from the tip to the beginning of his knot.

Eclipse took the opportunity, and began to thrust once again into Dextus' mouth. The cockhead hammered against the younger Mightyena's throat, but did not penetrate it this time. Dex panted hard between the thrusts, closing his muzzle around the extraordinarily thick length. His tongue once against slid over the base, and he could feel the excessive amounts of his own saliva on it as it slid against his lips.

The older male stood now, his front lowered as his hips continued to hammer into his little brother's muzzle, and Dextus found his front paws free. He lifted both of his forelegs, instinctively taking Eclipse's hips in his grasp, holding the fur in his claws as his mouth continued to be pounded. Eclipse growled in pleasure, more pre spurting into Dextus' maw.

"Ah, very good bitch..." He said, his grin evident in his words, which were disjointed between his pants. The older Mightyena was showing great exertion, just like Dextus - who's panting continued between the thrusts of the cock in his maw. Sinister giggled from his hips, and her body shifted, slowing to a stop.

Her body still impaled on Dextus' member, she turned, Dextus feeling her forepaws on his stomach now as she repositioned herself, eliciting yet more moans of pleasure from her brother. Sinister cried out in her own ecstasy, and her walls contracted around his cock. "Mmmm, come on, Dex..." she replied, and began to roll her hips again, bouncing up and down on the cock inside her cunt. "Give it to me..." Her wet juices trickled over the knot that pressed at her lips.

Dextus whined through the cock in his mouth. The feeling was intense as he was used, completely at the mercy of his siblings. Eclipse's actions were becoming increasingly erratic, but his actions were just as forceful. Sinister moaned loudly, just like her, and leant down over her brother's chest. Dextus watched as she lapped hungrily at their older brother's knot, and Eclipse let out another growl in pleasure.

"Almost there..." he managed, between his snarls. He suddenly pulled away, the cock slipping from Dextus' muzzle, leaving the younger male to pant loudly, working his jaw now the thick length had abandoned it. Sinister giggled, her eyes slits.

It wasn't for long though, and Dextus reopened his eyes just to see his older brother turn, dark, red irises gleaming as the larger Mightyena mounted him again. Eclipse straddled Dextus's body, and once again, the thick cock was forced into his mouth. Dextus whined in protest, only making Eclipse thrust forwards forcefully

Sinister giggled as she continued to ride him as roughly as she could, bouncing up and down on his hips, crying out at each movement. Dex felt his cock throb with desire for his sister, and whined again, his orgasm approaching.

Dextus gulped around Eclipse's cock as the older Mightyena continued his unyielding pounding. Pre flowing down Dextus' throat, and he closed his eyes tightly. He once again wrapped both forepaws around the hips of the dominating Mightyena above him - when he felt Eclipse's tongue on his cock.

Their older brother has slipped between them, Sinister holding onto him as she fucked her twin brother. Eclipse flicked his tongue out again and again, and Dextus felt it slip along both his flesh and his sister's clit, both wet with Sinister's juices. In unison, the twins cried out loudly at the older brother's pleasuring.

It was too much; Dextus could feel the pleasure building, the feeling in his forelegs threatening to make him let go. He held tightly though, claws digging into the black fur. He bucked his hips upwards roughly, his knot straining at his sister's cunt each time he did so - until finally, he thrust it in.

The familiar, exhilarating pleasure slid through him quickly, shooting through his limbs as the warmth of his fourth and most intense orgasm that evening encompassed his body. His balls jumped, and he felt great ropes of cum shoot out of his cock, spurting his seed deep into his sister. Her cunt squeezed his flesh, milking it for all it had, holding every last bit of cum inside her, and she cried out above him. Dextus could barely hear it though over his own cries, the carnal desire overcoming his form.

Barely perceivable under all the noise, Dextus could just hear Eclipse snarl, before thrusting forwards roughly. The thick cock slammed into his throat while he was still in mid-orgasm, cutting off his air, several more rough, hard thrusts jamming the elder's cock into his mouth. Eclipse's large balls pressed against the smaller Mightyena's nose, filling his nostrils with musk. Dextus gagged, unable to breath, his throat contracting around the thick length... just as it throbbed suddenly, pulsating as the first load of cum spurted right down his throat.

Dextus couldn't move, his head held down by Eclipse's spurting cock, his hips kept in place by his tied sister as she squirmed above him in her own throes of delight. He felt each rope of thick cum shoot down his oesophagus, and could swear he felt his stomach bulging at the amount of seed that flowed into him.

Eclipse held his cock there for several more seconds, seemingly oblivious to the growing struggles of his brother underneath him. Eventually he gripped the Mightyena, and pulled backwards, his knot straining momentarily at Dextus' teeth before it slid past unharmed. The rest of his cum filled the Mightyena's muzzle, dribbling out of the sides as the younger brother took great lungfuls of air gratefully.

Eclipse laughed, and so did Sinister, sitting atop her twin brother comfortably. After a while, Dextus opened his eyes, and looked up at his siblings too. His muzzle was wet with cum.

The room was filled with the sound of heavy panting. Dextus pushed himself up, and gave his sister a loving lick on the cheek. Sinister returned it, and Eclipse gave them both a quick nip.

"Now..." Sinister stated, after she'd gotten enough of her breath back. "Try not to be late... next time... or we might decide to actually punish you for once..."

Dextus gave her a sceptical glance, followed by another lick. "I expect you're not going to get off me, are you?"

"Fuck that." Sinister replied, and rolled over onto her side. Eclipse stepped off as Dextus was pulled over too. "We're sleeping here. We'll deal with that in the morning."

"Sleep?" interrupted Eclipse. Their older brother chuckled, sitting down by their heads. "Not just yet. Sin, clean me up." He placed his cock on his sister's muzzle as he lay by the two of them, murring. Sinister giggled.

"Fine, BIG boy..." She lapped at the cock as Dextus watched, cleaning to cum off it. The younger male sighed, grinning, and lay down on his sister. He felt tired all of a sudden, and his body was weary from the exertion. Burying his head in Sinister's mane of grey fur, he closed his eyes, body warmed by his siblings on either side of him.

* * *

The three Mightyena lay there, sharing their body warmth. The day had been long, and the night rough - one by one they fell asleep, bodies exhausted from their exploits. First Dextus, then Sinister, and then finally Eclipse slumbering on the dark carpet. Eventually, even the television switched off automatically, the sole source of light in the room fading, and the all-embracing blanket of darkness descended on the Mightyena family as they drifted off to sleep.