Café Plaisir - The Shepherd

Story by wrince on SoFurry

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#2 of Café Plaisir

Well! It took me something like eight damn months(!) of on-and-off writing and picking at the keyboard, but I finally produced another Café Plaisir story!

Unlike most other Plaisir writers, this second installment is completely separate from the first, sharing no characters (save perhaps for a cameo here or there... Looking at you, Dextus) and existing purely as its own little thing. In it we have a Mareep, a Zoroark, an enticing invitation to explore the darker side of what the Café has to offer, and much more besides... I do so hope you like it! So read on, and see just what Ravage has to offer...

Copyright stuff!

Café Plaisir belongs to... Well, everyone, really, but mostly Dark Violet, as does Ravage,

Neon belongs to Coldstone

Pokémon belongs to gamefreak

I think that covers everything? Expect another update once DV uploads the full art, so I can link you to it in all its arty glory.

Dark Pulse. Two types of people come down here, into the literal underground scene of Cafe Plaisir ... those that want to see, and those that want to be seen. Those that want to experience, and those who want to BE the experience. In the flashing lights and throbbing music, few stood out from the heaving crowd. Those that did were shining beacons, adding their own splashes of individuality to the chaos around them. Their swaying forms moved in counterpoint to the crowds, each going with the beat but each with their own take, their own flow. Some were full of energy, leaping and cavorting through the crowded mob, whilst others were more slow and easy in their motions, grooving with the beat, paying little heed to their surroundings.

Amongst the latter was a Mareep, fully kitted out in impressively gaudy gear. Anywhere else, she'd be a sight to stop people in their tracks, but here she was just another point of energy in a room full of life.

A few inches of height had been added to her form in the shape of a quartet of rather dramatic shoes - almost closer to stilts than heels. Shiny, nearly cylindrical and neon-yellow, they clung to her legs right up to the base of her fluffy, off-white coat. They gave way to some similarly-coloured webbing festooned with interesting little sparkly trinkets, glowsticks, and other attention-grabbing gewgaws. Her wool was no less ornament-strewn; it looked like she'd prepped for the show by rolling around in an electronics workshop. Amongst the more notable glinting devices scattered throughout the thick fluff were a couple of small circuit boards, some glowing nixie tubes cycling through apparently random numbers, and a few wires occasionally sparking with activity as excess energy leapt from one to the other. However, the main part of her outfit - and of her routine - were the glowing LEDs that were dusted her coat like stars in the night sky, flashing and glowing in time with the beat.

Nearly any electric-type could make a bulb glow with only a little concentration, but the Mareep - Cotton was her name, as she'd happily share to anyone that asked - had a degree of finesse and control that was far beyond average. Her eyes watched the room idly as she kept her little show going, curiously looking over the other flashy dancers. She got a few looks in return - staff, customers, a few other similarly showy 'mon, all sorts of faces; some concentrating on their moves, some just happy to groove, a few drunkenly swaying to and fro with stupid grins.

One face in the crowd caught her eye, however - a figure standing still, a lone point of calm in a turbulent, chaotic ocean of light and sound. She found her gaze drawn to his - a Zoroark, his heterochromatic eyes watching her coolly. Almost calculatingly... despite the heat of the room, Cotton felt a chill down her back and suddenly felt decidedly exposed. Just as his face face split into a savage grin, a waiter walked between them, breaking her nervous gaze. When the green-clad Mightyena passed... The large Zoroark was gone.

Cotton realised she'd stopped dancing entirely, and looked around self-consciously to see if anyone had noticed her halt, or the unsettled expression still showing in her eyes.

It seemed that no-one had, but that wasn't all that surprising. They were just about hidden from sight, for her head was surrounded almost entirely by a large, red helmet, carrying a fake set of 'goggles' with a grid of ruby-red LEDs behind the smoked glass and completed with holes for her horns. These each carried jewelery akin to high-voltage wind chimes, the silver bars sparking and crackling with blue lightning each time they came close to one another. Her whole body was swathed in a multi-hued glow as she shifted electricity to and fro with great care - sometimes lighting only one colour of bulb from the many that adorned her body, here flashing, there strobing, occasionally wavering through a slow, meandering glow during some of the quieter parts of the current set. The overall effect was positively hypnotic - and that was just on a surface level. Those that were even passingly knowledgeable of the skills on display could see an artist at work. Flowing trails of light chased themselves across her body, curling and weaving this way and that, changing colour and sparking when they hit some of the wires or other discharge points on her outfit.

Her helmet was part of the show too - not content to sit there and glow, it bounced along with the beat, sometimes imitating the music with a pulsing bar-graph, sometimes flashing up emotes or short text strings when she wanted to communicate - Her mouth was uncovered, but it was a lot easier than yelling over the driving beat of the club.

Her swaying, flowing groove was interrupted when she finally spied a worthy opponent. Not too far away was another, larger, light-studded electric type - a Jolteon girl with almost as strange a fashion sense as herself. Cotton grinned and sauntered close enough to get her attention - by launching a fat spark of static, zapping her right on the ass. The Jolteon jumped forward at the shock, spinning about, pausing as she took in the sight of her assailant. The other dancer grinned suddenly, her eyes playfully sparkling underneath a green-tinted visor, LEDs flashing on and off across her body, little bolts of electricity flicking from her spiked-up fur. The yellow-furred Eeveelution bounced from one paw to the other, backing up, accepting the Mareep's challenge - who responded in kind, grinning wide under her helmet as she sauntered towards the girl. One way or another, sparks were going to fly.

The Luxray DJ, either spotting the excitement or simply getting bored of the slow start to the evening, spun up something slightly faster and more energetic; music more suitable for a spectacle such as this.

Cotton made the first move, picking up the beat, moving faster to match the rhythm of the club - her wool sparkling and crackling as her delicate hooves tapped on the ground, their staccato beat overwhelmed by the weight of the music. Her lights weren't so easily ignored, though, starting with a simple pattern, changing with every other beat - Red, Green, Blue, Red, Green, Blue. She flickered through the colours a few times, a simple opening challenge to her jolteon opponent, who met and matched it with a cocky grin. The flashes turned a few heads as the girls began to circle one another, picking up the pace, each flash met with a spark from the other, slowly growing into quite the lightshow.

Where the Mareep focused on her electric boogaloo, the Jolteon challenging her took a more physical approach - actually dancing, rather than just sparking her lights and jerking about like an epileptic christmas tree in a slight breeze. She skipped and leapt circles around Cotton, occasionally pausing to flash her LEDs all at once, sending a pulse of bright light through the intermittently illuminated club, attracting more attention to the competitive show. Cotton, feeling the pressure, kept turning to face her, a large red exclamation mark showing up on her helmet as she stared down the larger 'mon, lights flicking and speeding up, flashing down her back in a veritable rainbow as she built herself up... before leaping forwards in a burst of energy, sparks cracking through her wool as she tried to match the Jolt's moves.

The Mareep's light show wasn't quite as impressive as the far more agile Jolteon's cavorting, though she did her best to match up - but her concentration was focused on the lights, and it showed. The Jolteon ran rings around Cotton, occasionally flicking a needle-spike of electricity her way, catching her on the rump - making her bleat out loudly and leap into the air, much to everyone else's mirth.

Attack and counter-attack, back and forth with lightning and lighting and fleet-footed moves, the crowd around them grew in size and excitement, cheers and whoops following some of the showier moves - The larger, canine girl got a particular burst of applause when she leapt clean over the Mareep's back.

Cotton turned around, head held low, bouncing from foot to foot, about to burst into another impressive display... but the Jolteon wasn't waiting around, not this time. She charged the Mareep head on, leaping into the air with a flash of lightning, propelling herself overhead with flying sparks from all directions. She landed atop the smaller Cotton, driving her to the ground with a whud and a plaintive bleat! Cotton herself squirmed about under her, just as the Jolteon got off, having the decency to at least look a little guilty.

As she drew back, the music quietened, the energetic beat finally flowing back down into something a little more laid-back, the DJ not wanting the girls at each other's throats. Whether the crowd wanted it or not, it looked like the show was over.

Unsure of what to do, Cotton looked up to the Jolteon, slowly climbing back onto all fours. She paused for a moment, before sending a spark down a wire, using a predesigned chip in her LED-helmet to draw a pixelated glass. It filled it with bubbles before being replaced by a question mark - an invitation to get something to drink. The Jolteon nodded, flashed her another apologetic smile, and lead the way upstairs.

From the dispersing crowd, a pair of mismatched eyes watched them go...


A short while later, the Jolteon - Neon, as it turned out her name was - and Cotton were near the bar, each with a drink by their sides, resting on the against a low-set table. They'd left the nightclub behind and had come to the slightly quieter adjacent room. The music still throbbed, but it was quiet enough that they could order their drinks without having to shout, and the crowd wasn't nearly as dense as on the floor. The lights, too, were a little steadier and brighter - such that you could read the labels on the bottles or the menus hanging from the walls. As with the rest of the club, and indeed as it was with nightclubs across the world, there was a lingering smell of sweat and spilled beer.

"Sorry about landing on you like that." Neon muttered with a small smile. "I guess I got a bit carried away and thought you were a bit... Uh, sturdier." Neon coughed lightly, nudging at her drink with a paw. It had a sparkly pink pompom on a wooden skewer sticking out of it.

"Oh, It's fine, really!" Cotton's helmet was set on the table beside her, revealing her face. She had had quite delicate, feminine features hidden under there - though currently they were slightly marred with sweat. That grin, however, was anything but ladylike. She swept a forehoof self-consciously through her messy, springy head-tuft - she'd taken off her two front-boots and stuffed them under the table, for ease of drinking. Have you ever tried holding a drink between your shoes? "I've taken worse, I tell ya."

"Oh, yeah?" Came the reply. Neon looked up from her drink, the pom-pom rolling around the outside of the glass from where she'd been curiously batting at it. "Can I ask when? What's your story, anyway?"

Cotton shrugged, taking a sip of her own sweet concoction - Something made with cherry liqueur, judging from its ghastly red hue and distinctive smell - not to mention the almost overwhelmingly sickly taste. "Well, I work on the east coast, but I like to travel - I find myself coming this way about once a year, stopping anywhere that catches my fancy." She paused, sucking on her straw. "Couldn't say I'd ever heard of this place before, but... Wow! I mean..." She waved her glass about in mute appreciation of what was probably the fanciest pokémon brothel in all of Oklahoma, if not further.

Neon nodded, grinning widely. "Ah, yeah. I know what you mean, fluffball. It gets a lot of people like that, truth be told. Got me, first time I came here..."

"Oh?" Cotton raised an eyebrow. "You a regular, then?"

"You could say that, I guess..." Neon shrugged slightly. "I'm actually a Masseuse here, though I'm off-shift right now. I'd usually be working, but it's my day off." She grinned. "I love a good party, and I'm not the only one. A few waiters hang out here off shift... Honestly, I mostly do it for the fun, but if you can get a customer's attention, there's usually a nice bonus at the end of the night... If you know what I mean." She gave a flirtatious wink across her drink to the somewhat taken-aback Mareep.

"Oh! I, er, didn't think... You thought I... You?" She tripped over her words, a little bit awkwardly - triggering a slight wince from Neon. Her ears fell back a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend or anything! If you don't swing that way, that's fine-"

"No, no. I mean... I do... I sort of do? I-" She paused, looking down. "Haven't really... given the whole thing much thought, to be honest... I probably wouldn't be here at all if not for the night club, and for the next place with rooms to rent being way, way too far away..."

Neon nodded, slowly. "Well, you know my name and what I look like. If you ever change your mind, or just want to catch up, just ask for Neon at the front desk. Who knows?" She downed her drink in one, rather ruining the sultry move by nearly jabbing herself in the eye with the fluffy pompom-on-a-stick. "Maybe I'll give you a rematch some time~"

With that, she was off like a flash, down the stairs and back into the pulsating lights of the dance-floor. Cotton was alone once again, though in a somewhat more chill environment. She looked around, drinking the scene in with her eyes, even as she drank the last of her own cocktail.

The lounge-like area adjacent to the nightclub was clearly intended for exhausted clubbers to relax, mingle, and most importantly, buy more drinks. Some of the customers sprawled out in a daze across large padded beanbags and oddly-shaped foam supports, designed to be piled and stacked in enough combinations to satisfy any 'mon one could care to name. A few ex-dancers giggled to themselves, clearly a little the worse for wear from too much alcohol and exercise, of one form or another.

"For all that looking, you don't see a whole lot, do you?"

The voice was deep, slightly gravelly, commanding in its harshness, and it made Cotton jump in place, knocking her now-empty glass over. She turned to see who was talking to her, only to come nose-to-nose with that Zoroark from before. The tall dark-type towered over her, bent double just to stay about level with her head. His sharp muzzle slowly split into an even sharper grin. "Boo." He said, simply.

Cotton shook her head with a little huff, wrinkling up her cerulean muzzle. "Boo to you too..." She tried to sound rather braver than she felt, right now, looking up at him. "Weren't you staring at me on the dance floor, earlier?"

"I could say that you were staring at me... But, then, that wouldn't be fair. After all, you're certainly dressed for attention..." He leant in, tracing a huge red claw over one of her horns, brushing against one of her ostentatious dangly horn-rings. "And, my, haven't you gotten it?"

Cotton drew her head back, making the jewellery dance and chime, audible even over the muted song from the dance-floor. "What do you want from me?"

"Me? Why... Who says I want anything?" His grin widened, darkened. "You, on the other hand... you definitely want what I have to offer."

Cotton looked around again to what little of the room she could see, given that most of her field of view was blocked by that frankly unsettling smile. No-one seemed overly concerned; and some little corner of her was curious, despite the nervousness that this dark type seemed to instil in her so very easily.

"Oh? And... What exactly do you have to offer, then..?" She asked, even though she had a feeling that she'd end up regretting the answer.

The tall Zoroark leaned back, straightening up before her. Her eyes tracked upwards to follow his, but not before she'd gotten a sight of the rest of his features - a slender torso, hourglass even, with slightly wider hips, a large belt of silver beads slung around them... and a plump sheath, already slightly full. Worryingly large, given that he was almost three times her height. Her gaze snapped rapidly back to his... Fuck. He'd caught her staring. That smirk was getting unsettling.

"I'm a Waiter here. You're a guest. Do I need to spell it out for you? Or are you going to run back to your room like a scandalised little girl?" He folds his arms, high above her. "Oh, or are you scared, little one? I couldn't help but overhear your chat with Neon. You said you hadn't given it much thought, but you've been here long enough - surely you have to have had even the slightest little idle daydream..."

A little guilty flash of recollection made its way across her face. Admittedly, when she'd gone for a shower shortly after arriving, some of the sounds echoing from a nearby stall had given her something to think about while she was in there. "So what if I have?" She shook her head quickly, just once.

"So what if you have... Well, we don't much believe in leaving things until later around here. You're only staying for so long, after all. Why don't you take a little walk on the wild side... Come with me, and I'll show you what the café really has to offer."

Cotton hesitated, but only for a moment. It wasn't like she had any plans for the evening, and... Well, he couldn't really be a danger, right? He was a Waiter, after all; presumably this was just how he got attention. Surely someone like that would be chased out of here at the first hint of a complaint... and while she could in theory chase down Neon, here was Ravage, right before her, and there was something about that smile. So, with just a short break to re-dress herself, her helmet pushed up a bit so she could see more clearly, she found herself following him out of the lounge and into the brightly lit corridor outside.

She barely had time to wince at the light-change, though, for their destination was apparently just across the hall; she noted the sign on the way in:


There was a closed door to their left, and a set of dark stone stairs to their right - The Zoroark took the stairs, and she hurried to follow him down, heading to the large double-doors at the bottom. The light from the corridor faded with every step she took downwards, following him closely down the polished stone steps. Wallpaper gave way to exposed brick and rock to either side of her, and the place carried the slightly musty smell of damp stones that basements everywhere seemed to share. The Zoroark gave no indication that he even noticed Cotton, simply pushing confidently through those doors. She made it through after him before they slammed back shut.

The room certainly lived up to its namesake - The Dungeon was slightly chilly, the walls and floor were cast in some unnamable dark stone, and the whole place was strewn with equipment. Toys, benches, harnesses, chains, racks, chairs... a Noivern watched the pair of them from beside a long table covered in equipment, his gaze resting casually on the larger pokémon, before tracing down to the gaudily-dressed Mareep. . . Not that there was a whole lot else to look at. Aside from the three of them, the dungeon was completely empty. Cotton self-consciously tried to shut off all her lights, but a few LEDs were strobing in nervous rebellion.

As they entered, the Zoroark's demeanour changed slightly, shifted. He stood slightly taller, more confident, more sure of himself; completely in his element. He turned around, waving across the scene with one taloned paw, inviting Cotton to take the place in. "Like what you see? Nothing too... Intense for you, I hope."

"Evening, Ravage. Table for two?" the Noivern interjected. He nodded to the Zoroark with a smile of familiarity, prompting Cotton to realise that she'd come within a hair's breadth of letting herself bed a completely anonymous 'mon. And yet... Somehow, that very thought sent an excited shiver through her diminutive body.

"Yep. I've made myself a new friend." Ravage confirmed, nodding seriously, reaching down to pat Cotton on the back, jostling some of her equipment. "I figured I'd help her get changed, then show her around a bit..."

The Noivern nodded, then looked down to Cotton. "I haven't seen you down here before; are you at least familiar with the basics of BDSM etiquette, safety, and such?"

Cotton hesitated, her voice sounding a little quieter and higher than she'd intended, echoing a bit in the room. "I... I've done some reading..." She admitted, shifting about self-consciously - she could feel the huge fox's grin growing wider behind her.

The Noivern nodded, speaking evenly, as if reading off a mental checklist. "One. No matter what he says, you're in control here, both as a customer and as a submissive. The scene ends when you say so, and not a second after. Of course, as a waiter, Ravage is free to turn down any of your requests. Two, I'm not gonna intervene in your scene without your say-so - we like to leave folks to their own devices down here. Three, if either of you want to use any toys, just ask - they're all cleaned and sterilised between uses, so no need to worry about getting sloppy seconds or anything like that. Four, pick a safe-word, and let me know what it is - It's just policy. "Firetruck" is my favourite one, incidentally - It stands out, it's loud, and it's only for emergencies." He grinned broadly at the bad joke. "And after that, you're going to remember it. If you'd rather go with something different, let me know. No?" He waited a moment, until Cotton shook her head mutely. "Okay."

Feeling slightly dazed by this avalanche of words, Cotton followed Ravage deeper into the dungeon, away from the Noivern.

"So... This is your first time, huh? In the scene, or... being with a male in general?" Ravage probed, almost cautiously for now.

"I've... Well, I've had a boyfriend before. Boyfriends, really... A girlfriend, too. Um..." She lapsed off, in a little moment of uncertainty, looking up at Ravage's stoic face for any hint of a reaction. What was she doing? This wasn't her, not in the slightest! But... on the other paw, it was just plain exciting. Darkly, tantalisingly exciting. Before her, Ravage finally grinned.

"Really now. Well... How about we get you a little bit more suitably dressed? You might not have noticed, but you spark a bit when you're nervous... Or maybe when you're aroused. Can't exactly tell which it is, but you're not exactly helping the mood with all those lights." He waved a red-clawed forepaw towards her, reminding her that she was still coated in her rave gear - and here, it seemed gaudy and out of place. She blushed a bit under her hat, a few LEDs glowing in sympathy.

"Ah... Right, right. Uhm, sorry..." She mumbled, sitting back and fiddling with some insulated copper connections on her underbelly. "It mostly just..." She murmurs, before peeling a long strand of wires away from herself, taking most of the gadgets with it, in a kind of woven harness. She wiggled free of it before popping her helmet off and leaving it atop the heap. "There's still a few left, aren't there? Oh, it always does this. Uhm, do you mind?"

She looked up at Ravage again, who simply smiled. Then again, it may have been a leer. The larger 'Mon leant over her, his sharpened claws digging into her fur, plucking and working the technological remnants free. They occasionally went a little roughly, scraping at her skin or tugging at her wool, making her squirm gently.

"There... Much nicer, but we're not done yet." His paw made its way up to her head, curling around, stroking a sharpened talon underneath her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "Incidentally... I know it's your first time, so I'll try not to go too rough on you, but... Well. That safe-word?" That grin returns, a tiny little chuckle chasing after it. His voice dropped almost to a whisper, presumably so the Noivern across the room couldn't hear. "I hate to hear it said... If you go the whole scene without saying it, I'll be sure to give you something extra special at the end." he let that sink in for just a moment, before drawing up next to a chest. "Now then... as for what we should get you changed into..." He peered inside, theatrically.

Overcome by curiosity, she trotted over and reared onto her hinds, resting her forelegs on the edge of the box - peeking inside. It was a tangled mass of black in there - leather and rubber and steel glinted and shone back at her, a tray of padlocks and keys set to one side.

"Let's start simple." he fished a set of shiny, padded rubbery rings from the depths of the box, rings with a quartet of metal D-shaped rings set around the edges. "Leg cuffs. Nothing too terrible... Just keeps you from wiggling about too much. Here, hold yourself like that..." He reached down again and snapped one of the bands snugly around her left foreleg, leaving a fat line of shiny black against her blue skin. It was the work of a few seconds for Ravage to tighten and padlock it into place. The sensation of the cool faux-leather made her gasp under her breath - for such a small little thing, it carried a lot of weight, both symbolically and emotionally. It was no collar, sure, but it spoke of restraint, submission and obedience all the same.

"There, all snug... There's a good girl." Ravage rumbled softly above her.

She shrank back with a little blush at those magic words, pawing at the band with her other leg for a moment - before that too was casually grabbed and wrapped up. A short length of chain hooked onto two of the cuffs' locking points, holding her forelegs together. "And now, the rest." His face was calm, concentrating on his task, as he grabbed her by the hind legs and hoisted her up into the air! She struggled instinctively as she was held upside down, Ravage firmly wrapping an arm around her back, holding her to his chest. She looked down, getting a good look at his full sheath, up close and personal, as he tightened two more cuffs onto her legs. His red, pointed tip was peeking out at her and as she struggled in his grip, she found herself slipping a bit, her springy wool sliding against his sleek fur. She couldn't help but notice a couple of bits of metal barely peeking out of the sides of his fluffy sheath - some kind of piercing?

"Easy there... Eager, huh?" He laughed over her, shifting his grip to squeeze her to his stomach. "Well, don't worry. I'll be sure to let you get a good, close look... After we get you nice and secure." With that, he thrust his hips forwards, bouncing her head away from his stomach and juggling her about until he was holding her, both paws wrapped around her waist, a couple of feet in the air above a contraption of some sort.

Cotton looked down at the thing below her, a combination of rings and poles and little rounded sticky-out locking points, rather like the ones currently snugly clinging to her legs. "Uh... Hey, what's this?" She couldn't help but ask - and in response, he all but dropped her onto it, her stomach balanced across two of the largest central poles, fitting snugly into a pair of padded U-shaped holsters - one just behind her forelegs, one a little further down, close to her hinds.

"Oh, just a breeding harness." The Zoroark replied lightly, casually affixing a pair of hefty straps over her back, locking her in. "Here, let me show you how it goes together."

Cotton gasped out as she landed on it, the impact knocking the air from her for a moment. She soon recovered, squirming and shifting around as she was strapped in - but the device was set far too high, her feet were at least a foot off the ground. She sank down again as he tightened the restraints, her body supported entirely by the two fat padded holsters. They were broad enough to not dig in, but it wasn't exactly a comfortable sensation - she could practically feel herself stretching out across them both. She shook her head, scowling in response - The Zoroark was treating her like just another piece of dungeon equipment!

"Hm... that's not quite right." Ravage leant down and fiddled with the harness' telescoping arms, causing her to plummet down - but it stopped with a CLUNK, her feet just barely able to touch the ground thanks to those tall platforms of hers that she'd neglected to remove earlier. Ravage frowned and softly tutted to himself at the sight.

"Oh, that's as low as it goes? Well, hope you don't mind standing on tiptoes..." He shrugged to himself, pulling out short lengths of leather from the harness, strapping her ankles into place - the two locking points designed for hindlegs were clearly intended for a much bigger 'mon than she, but the straps around her limbs meant that he was still able to keep her from wriggling too much.

Ravage repeated the action to her forelegs, keeping Cotton quite stretched out. He stepped back with a grin, his face oddly lit by the glowing orbs he had dangling from one of his ear piercings. "How's that, hm? Nice and snug?"

Cotton shifted in place, testing her limbs, tugging and wriggling about. "It's, uh... a little restrictive...?" She said with a wide eyed, almost innocent expression, trying to swallow down the butterflies in her stomach. Maybe she'd gone too far, here... Ravage gave a short harumph.

"Yeah, that's kind of the point. Oh! I almost forgot..." He walked behind her, before giving her tailbase a firm squeeze, wrapping his talons around it and hoisting it upwards. "Just a few more things from the toybox. Got to get you nice and prepared."

She twisted a little bit, trying to look behind her, wiggling in the restraints as he rummaged in the box with his other hand. He growled lightly in response, tugging her tail upwards a bit more firmly. "What, you want me to tie you up even more? Ah, this'll do." He smirked, pulling out a little, purple, egg-shaped plastic toy with two wires coming from it - the last couple of inches were stripped, showing off glinting bare copper in the dark light of the dungeon.

"Here..." he leant down again, casually wrapping those cables around her tail. They held in place, just barely, while he reached into the toy-chest again, grabbing a roll of shiny black tape. He pulled off a length of it, using it to stick down the bare wires a little distance from one another. "Electrical tape - I'd use bondage tape, but this seems a little more appropriate... Plus, it insulates. No accidental discharges." He continued taping, slowly but surely covering her tail from tip to base in the shiny black plastic. "And, well. Want to know what this is?" He picked up the toy again, stroking it down the shiny coating, over her bare tailbase, down past her exposed rump - eliciting a little gasp from her at the cool, dragging sensation, a gasp that she was sure he'd made note of - before finally coming to rest at the bottom of her sex, just barely teasing her lips.

"Go on. I've seen what you can do. Give it a little zap." Ravage leant over her, one huge paw pressing into the ground, his stomach grazing her fur as he rubbed the little plastic toy up and down against her plump, dark blue spade. Obligingly and with a little flick of her encased tail, she focused, sending a pulse of tamed lightning down the wires. The toy burst into life, buzzing merrily against her. She gasped in shock at the sensation, its intensity going into overdrive before falling still again.

Ravage pushed it against her once more, murmuring into her ear. "Did I say you could stop? Keep going... see how steady you can make that buzzing..." He stroked the toy slowly up and down, rumbling in pleasure as he felt it start up once again, thoroughly teasing the little restrained Mareep with it, even as he rested more of his weight upon her strapped-down back.

She struggled against her restraints, gasping and gently moaning into the air as the vibrating toy teased her, or possibly as she teased herself with Ravage's help - Either way, the evil little thing was stroked over her sex, causing her arousal to skyrocket. Her eyes widened, a little bleat spilling out of her lips as her heated sex tensed up, beads of slickness starting to make themselves known. The Zoroark twisted the toy this way and that, taking his time with her, slowly parting her lips with a pair of crimson claws to get it a tad deeper, seeking out her most sensitive spots.

Cotton scrunched up her eyes, focusing herself on that toy - every time she got too into things and made it buzz too hard for Ravage's liking, he drew it back, and at any sign of slacking off he reminded her of her task with a light swat to her fluff-coated rear and a firm press against her needy clit... Though as soon as she powered it up again, he drew back, not wanting to let her get the pleasure of an orgasm this early.

Eventually, Ravage pulled back, sinking down on his haunches to get a good look at her. "Ah... Yes, I think that will do quite nicely..." He twisted the toy around before pulling it free from her, a soft, sticky noise hinting at just how wet she'd gotten. It lasted just a moment before that toy was pressed back against her - but this time, it wasn't against her cunt. Ravage had his eyes on another, tighter hole, it seemed - and he was using her own arousal against her! He pressed the vibrator against her rump, her slick juices helping it to slide into her flexing hole, vanishing with a little wink of her pucker, leaving the wire trailing out to her tail.

"A-Ah~!" She gasped out, arching up in the restraints, tugging on her cuffed forelegs with a crimson blush. "Hey, I never said you could-"

"-And you never said I couldn't... Haven't you realised? Until I'm satisfied or you quit, I'm in charge here." He pushed the toy in, pulling his claw-tip away as her behind squeezed down on the vibrator, those two wires sticking out of her tight hole. "Besides, if you really, truly didn't like it... You'd probably be forcing yourself not to make it buzz, wouldn't you?"

Cotton's blue-hued cheeks darkened further at that, and she kicked her hind legs a little bit, her tape-coated tail sweeping to and fro. But still, it was true - the toy was vibrating deep inside her... And thanks to her arousal, she couldn't really stop it. Worse, the more she was teased, the more likely it was that she'd let off small jolts of lightning - and thanks to that neat grounding point taped to her tail, It'd all be redirected back into her, forming a rather potent positive feedback loop. Zap and buzz, zap and buzz... And just like that, Ravage's claws were digging into her sides, tugging down through her wool, scraping at her flesh underneath and making her gasp. He leant back, admiring his handiwork, talons playing with her hindquarters, brushing through her soft and springy coat.

"Much better... But we're not done here. Not by a long shot." He pulled back again, rummaging through the toybox once more, digging deep.

"We're not?" She squeaked, a little quaver in her voice from that demonically buzzing little toy, which spiked in intensity at the question. She couldn't help but ask, though she knew she'd find out one way or another very soon. Ravage turned, holding a couple more objects in his paws. The first one looked like a collar and leash, but it was far too small for her neck - as it turned out, it was exactly the right length to latch onto the tip of her tail, just below the expansive orange bulb. Ravage hauled on the strap, feeding it underneath the furthest loop of the breeding harness, so her tail was pinned against her back, hoisted up high. She shifted her hips in the harness, her tail wiggling futilely, merely drawing attention to her vulnerable rear and further exposing her to the room - still empty, as far as she could tell from her somewhat limited position. She twitched her muscular tail to and fro, but all it served to do was make her hips sway in place. She swallowed, and the buzzing grew louder, fuelled by her blush. Ravage pulled back, slowly walking around her, his talons drumming against his chin, almost thoughtfully.

"Now then, now then... What's missing, here..." His eyes lit up with a dark smile, and he spun on the spot. "Ah, I've just the thing. Won't be long." With that, he simply walked off... towards the Noivern by the entrance. He paused, exchanged a few muted words... and then walked out the door!

Cotton cried in surprise... but there was nothing for it, he was gone, and she was left to... well, hang about. She tugged a bit on her restraints, swallowing, looking to and fro... but the room was empty and quiet, silent save for the insistent buzzing of the toy, the slow breathing of the relaxed Noivern across the room, and the excited pounding of her own heart.

Minutes passed, silent and alone, giving her some time to herself, time to think, for possibly the first time tonight. What exactly had possessed her to do this? She knew what she wanted, and what she usually wanted was - if anything - to take the lead. Admittedly she usually lead things towards snuggling up under a blanket and watching TV, but still, she'd never dreamed of relinquishing command quite so thoroughly as this. Still, as if to remind herself of what she'd done so far, the toy in her rump buzzed a little more intensely, as much as she tried to stop it... Constantly reminding her of its presence, keeping her aroused - partly just from the sensation, true, but mostly from the knowledge that she was powerless to do anything about it. At least she could make that toy buzz a little more intensely... but eventually the noise grew powerful enough that she couldn't help but feel others must be able to hear it, and it's not like it was getting her much closer to the peak she so desperately needed...

She was roused from her dark thoughts with a sudden start as the door opened, creaking behind her. She twisted in place to try and get a better look - but it was not Ravage that passed into the room. Another waiter, a Floatzel, not one she'd seen before, walked proudly inside. She was leading in a blushing Zangoose, head bowed in submission. The two trotted past, just out of her field of vision, no matter which way she twisted. She was left to listen to the pair get to work - the clink and rustle of restraints, some muted comments passed between them, the unexpectedly piercing thwap-YELP of some sort of beating, or possibly paddling... Still, at least it helped pass the time, and reminded her that things could be worse. No-one had tried to leave welts in her backside, after all. Then again, she wouldn't put it past that domineering Zoroark to give it a go... and it wasn't like she was in much of a position to stop him, should he decide to. At the thought, her vibrating companion only grew a little more noticeable, making her squirm in her restraining harness.

Of course, she could always use the safeword, but that would bring things to a rather unsatisfactory halt, would it not? It felt like being kicked out of the dungeon part way through a scene, unsatisfied and yes, even embarrassed with her own inability to take the heat... Well, surely that would be worse in the end. After all, it's far easier to regret having not done something, and all that.

Once again she found herself lost in thought, and once again she found herself jolted out of it by the creak of the Dungeon's door, letting in a little light from the corridor. Again she found herself disappointed that it wasn't Ravage - though the creature that came in did look quite suited for this dark and dangerous place. It was a Houndoom, a huge and imposing beast, tall and slender and with a whiplike tail.

That wasn't all, though - he was kitted up in more bondage gear than she'd ever seen in one place, let alone on one creature. His face had a leather muzzle wrapped around it, the front built out of steel - presumably made to resist the heat of the flames that occasionally licked over the bars and plates holding his vicious teeth in check. A pair of fat straps held it in place, with twin chains leading from them down to a bulky collar, more shiny blackness wrapped around the bones that came out of his shoulder. Yet more straps spread down his body, forming a thick and heavy harness that looked positively industrial - but still very definitely showed off his body. There was a motion behind him, though... a shiny, heavy steel leash lead out, through the door.

The Houndoom walked further into the room with a slow and deliberate pace, his head turning slowly to and fro, stopping once his chain grew taut. His gaze passed over the other occupants of the room, but a soon as he spotted Cotton, his eyes narrowed - and the little Mareep's heart leapt up into her throat as the dark beast let out a bone-chilling growl. He surged forwards, pulling on his leash, but stopped when he got a yank in response.

Ravage stepped through the doorway, the other end of that chain wrapped around his wrist. Casually, almost as though the snarling-hellbeast wasn't there, he wandered through the dungeon, toward the quivering Mareep.

"Cotton... I'd like you to meet Duke. A fellow waiter... and one of my pets." He casually patted the growling Houndoom on the head, smiling down at the pair of them. "I'm sure you'll get on wonderfully. Duke? Why don't you show yourself off to our new friend?"

Ravage stepped backwards, behind Cotton, still pulling on that chain so that it went right over her head, tugging the Houndoom toward her. Duke looked down with a growl, casually stepping clean over her - he was large enough to completely eclipse her, standing astride the diminutive Mareep. His heated stomach fur grazed the top of her head, his legs almost tickling at her horns. But her gaze was not on his legs, nor his stomach - but rather on that worryingly large sheath, hovering mere inches above her nose. The heat from it was palpable, and there was a certain musk to it - not strong, but... sulphurous. She took another, slightly deeper breath, eyes neatly crossing to spot that peeking black tip of his, almost touching the bridge of her nose.

"Duke? Present."

With a wordless growl, the Houndoom's hips drew back, that tip just brushing past the tip of her nose, holding itself a few inches away before rocking steadily forwards again. He caught her on the forwards-thrust, his growing member grinding across her nose and burying itself into her springy curl of headwool, his balls hitting her rounded muzzle with a soft 'plap'. Cotton jumped slightly in her restraints, struggling in the breeding harness, gasping out at the heated sensation of that rod resting against her - but it did nothing to deter Duke. He kept himself determinedly pressed against her, his ebon shaft spilling out of his sheath to properly grind against her face. The teasing rubs, along with his potent scent, soon had her gasping against him!

Suddenly, Duke stopped. Maybe from some unseen gesture from Ravage, or maybe just because he was fully hard, but either way his black tip twitched in the air just before her, a fat bead of precum forming at the tip. Her dazed, shocked (and maybe slightly reverent) staring was interrupted by that now-familiar voice, as brash and to the point as always.

"Now, girl, there are two ways things can go." Ravage walked around in front of her - all she could see were his legs, given the Houndoom's huge rust-coloured balls were occupying a sizable chunk of the view. "You can either be a good little thing and give my pet what he needs... Or you can struggle and we'll take what we want."

For a moment, the room was silent. Well, almost silent, save for the decidedly unsubtle buzzing coming from Cotton's rear, and the sounds of the other guest that'd entered the room whilst Ravage was out hunting for his pet Houndoom. She took a deep breath, trembling under the huge hound, her trapped tail lashing about against his belly. "I'll be good..." She whispered underneath him, prompting a pleased snort from Duke. He breathed out a lick of flame, hot enough that she could feel it through her wool.

"Really? Shame, I was hoping you'd have a bit more fight in you. Still. Duke, you heard the girl..." Ravage's playful voice came from above, the acoustics slightly strange due to the bulky fire-type between him and her, his voice echoing off the floor. In response, Duke shifted himself forwards, that cock moving towards Cotton's face... She had some degree of movement, but not much. More than enough to open her mouth, fortunately, and enough to hesitantly take that dark and pointed head between her lips, eliciting a pleased growl from above... and a hard thrust! She gagged and tried to draw back, but Duke just followed her, shunting his length into her mouth, getting himself a slick coating of Mareep-spit for his efforts.

There was a jingle of chains and she could just make out Ravage's feet shifting as he hauled on the Houndoom's leash. "Not so rough, pup! Take your time with her."

The Houndoom growled through his muzzle, a long lick of flame bringing sharp and flickering illumination to the room for a couple of moments, making shadows dance before darkness returned. Apparently he didn't like these orders... but he reluctantly obliged, introducing himself a little more slowly to Cotton's mouth, gently rocking himself to and fro against her sweet little tongue.

She settled down under him, getting into the rhythm of things, gliding her mouth to and fro on that shaft, bobbing back and forth in the few inches of give that the breeding harness afforded her. Through one eye, she saw Ravage sauntering around them both. His large paw stroked across her hinds, dipping a claw into her sex, made rather more noticeable by the powerful vibrations of the toy working just above it. "Glad to see you're enjoying yourself, girl... Why, you're soaked!"

She moaned around Duke's shaft, her cheeks flushed crimson as she felt the Houndoom throb within her maw. That claw pushed further into her before drawing back... only to be replaced with something significantly larger. A hot, slick, pointed tip pressed into her gently yielding folds, spreading her out a bit at a time until it was in, letting her feel the slight bulbousness of his head in comparison to his slightly slimmer shaft. Her heated sex squeezed down snugly on it, even as he eased himself further inside - stopping as his cool, unyielding stud hit her sex, the unfamiliar feeling of it making her gasp and spark in shock. A tiny bit of the electricity made it into that line of medical-grade steel, prompting a growl from Ravage, but the majority of it sunk into her built in lightning-rod of a vibrator.

Her eyes rolled back and her hips bounced desperately in the harness as Ravage began to spread her needy sex around his own hard length, shifting her hips and pushing her body forwards, forcing her open mouth further down on Duke's dick. As Ravage eased his way into her tight cunt, she shuddered in pleasure, squeezing down on his pointed head in response to the way it spread and stretched her out - almost on the verge of pain, but not quite, the skillful Zoroark keeping her just shy of crying out. Not that she could, with Duke pistoning into her open mouth like that... The Zoroark kept on working his way into her, far more gently and controlled than his pet, pausing at each stud - five firm rods of steel holding her walls apart, brushing and rubbing across her insides every time he thrust into her. She couldn't help but wonder if his knot had any piercings, but of course, she wasn't going to find out... was she?

The overwhelming sensations were making her spark wildly, instinctively, but every little crackle of electricity went straight to the wires taped onto her tail, ramping up that vibrator to the point that she was sure Ravage could feel it through her walls. Duke continued his insistent thrusting, pushing against her with his powerful thighs, thrusting the whole harness back against Ravage, making her rock to and fro between them. She tensed up a bit as the Zoroark's studded shaft slipped deeper inside her, feeling a threatening bulge from where his knot began. She squeezed down on his cock, pressing herself back, trying to get a feel for that bulging flesh. Duke pulled back for a moment, giving her time to get one good gasp of air before he slammed in, building up a harsher pace in time with his Master. She tried not to gag, her lips working over the curves of his length, tasting the almost-painfully hot dick as he pushed his knot up to her lips, threatening to spread her throat with his tip.

She bucked in the harness as Ravage slapped her wool-coated hindquarters, his claws digging into her flesh, tugging and teasing at her. he pulled her back against himself, levering his comparatively huge shaft deeper into her sex, spreading and stretching her with each powerful thrust as he began to work that knot against her desperately stretched snatch. Her vision was completely overwhelmed by the growling Houndoom's body as he too pushed further inside, his stomach-fluff tickling her broad muzzle with each thrust.

Duke hilted himself first, that knot popping past her teeth and pinning her tongue to the floor of her mouth. She started to gag as his tip tickled the back of her throat, shuddering in the harness. Before she could properly draw away, Ravage slammed into her, hard, his knot sliding deep into her until her cunt held it in a vice-like grip. She hung limply from the harness, rocked to and fro as the two really picked up their pace, hammering her between them...

Duke didn't last long past the knotting, lighting up the room with a flaming howl of ecstasy as he orgasmed straight down the spluttering Mareep's throat, making shadows dance as the room glowed a blinding orange for just a few seconds. He heaved himself out, stretching her jaw with his throbbing, swollen knot, still spurting, filling her mouth with the taste of Houndoom. His still spurting shaft gave her a last jet of cum, dripping off her muzzle and down her chin to land on the rough stone floor of the Dungeon.

He regarded her with a dark smirk before walking behind her, out of her sight... but not out of her focus. Then again, she wasn't exactly paying full attention to him just now - other, more visceral things had her attention just now. Without Duke filling her mouth, she was free to gasp in deep lungfuls of air - tainted with Houndoom musk, but sweeter by far than what she'd had before... and it wasn't like she had much choice but to gasp, thanks to the Zoroark behind her.

Ravage hadn't stopped thrusting during this, but his low grunts shifted pitch after Duke left her sight, the pup's chain jingling as he moved towards his master. A low slurping came from behind her, making her squeak in surprise as his hot, pillowy tongue lapped across the underside of her sex, seeking out her clit. The focus wasn't just entirely on her, though - his tongue worked backwards, over Ravage's sheath and balls, making him slam ever harder into the gasping Mareep's body.

It didn't take much of this combined treatment for her to hit her own peak, clamping down on him with a loud bleat, her hooves - still booted - skittering uselessly above the floor as she orgasmed, rocking to and fro in the harness. She gasped for breath, her vision fuzzing as the orgasm just refused to stop, her insides spasming helplessly around the enormous intruder. Ravage took full advantage of her now, hammering in roughly, his too-large cock thoroughly stretching her out.

Ravage was last to finish - judging from the way he had begun to desperately hammer at her hips, he'd been holding back for her to cum before allowing himself to, but now he had no such restraint. Her orgasm was just starting to wind down when he cried out lustily, shoving himself deeper in her than she even knew possible. She felt his claws digging harshly into her hips, hard enough to leave marks later, felt every throb and twitch of his cock as it pulsed in time with his frantic heartbeat. Ravage bucked his hips, his hefty balls slapping against her as he unloaded his passion deep inside her cunt, that fat knot ensuring that not a drop of it was spilled or wasted. He slumped over her, curling up to hold the Mareep close to himself, one arm wrapped around her waist as the other supported his weight, holding him off the floor.

It took quite a while for them to get their breath back, but finally, Ravage spoke.

"Good girl... Wasn't that worth it?"

"Haah.... Fuck..." The panting, breathless Mareep slumped in her harness, feeling Ravage's dick twitching inside her with every beat of their racing hearts.

They just rested like that a while, Cotton strapped down, Ravage sprawled atop her and idly running his claws through her wool, Duke laying on his front beside them both, his slender form longer than the both of them.

Eventually, Ravage lifted himself up, regarding the sweaty panting mess of fluff under him with a cool eye. "Sounds like you had fun... So, did I live up to my promise? Everything you were looking for?" Something in the tone of his voice made her feel that 'no' wasn't an acceptable answer. Then again... Why should it be? He'd certainly delivered. Mutely, she nodded, only to feel his hands grasping at her haunches and a sudden firm pressure at her nethers - He was tugging on his still-knotted cock, hard enough to make her gasp and tighten up instinctively.

"Now, dear... I have other things to do today, you know. I can't spend the whole evening locked to you... fun as that might be." He rumbled playfully, giving another firm tug. "So be a good girl and just relax!"

She groaned and squirmed under him, but with the harness, she couldn't do much other than hold fast and let out an escalating series of bleats, whines, and moans as he yanked on that cock, working his way from uncomfortable and into 'downright painful' territory - until, with a loud and sloppy noise, his twitching knot spread her lips far enough to escape, shortly followed by the rest of his cock and a miniature waterfall of slick, watery cum. She could feel his studs rubbing against her insides as he drew back - not nearly as noticeably on the way in, but certainly making their presence felt, the sensation causing her buzzing little toy to kick into life again.

Cotton slumped breathlessly, struggling to catch her breath as her overused loins twitched and flexed uselessly against thin air, slowly recovering - she couldn't tell for sure but she'd swear she was gaping slightly, and that vibrator wasn't helping one jot.

"There we go, much better... Now then. Since you've been such a good girl..." Ravage stood again, walking around to the front of the gasping, messy Mareep, his proud dick twitching above her, lightly dripping onto her already-messy muzzle. The chain, still wrapped around his paw, was cold even through her wool as it pressed against her side. "How would you like a treat?"

Breathlessly, she nodded, still trying to recover some modicum of her composure - and utterly failing at it. "Yes..." She said, uncertainly, to which Ravage pricked an ear.

"What was that? Yes... what?" he asked with a small smirk.

"Yes... sir?" She tried, her vibrator spiking traitorously at the word.

"Better. Duke? Come." The Zoroark stood back, watching his charges with an amused expression. Duke lolloped dutifully over to Ravage and sat down, looking up at him with adoration clear in his eyes. The Zoroark stooped down and fiddled with the sides of his heavy muzzle. With the silver flash of a key, the padlocks holding the muzzle together sprang open, and his head was soon freed. Ravage took the time to unleash him, too, that heavy iron chain falling to the floor. Duke smiled darkly, flexing his jaw for a moment. "Thank you, Master." He intoned.

"There's a good boy. Now, if you would?" Ravage quirked his brow at Duke, who nodded once before standing up, walking out of Cotton's sight. She heard the fire-type moving behind her, only to gasp out as his huge, pillowy-soft tongue spread across her sex in a broad, slow lick. His gentle, firm strokes filled her with the sensation of intense heat - a feeling that only grew as he huffed a smouldering puff of air across her lips.

Teasing as it was, the relatively delicate tongue was sheer bliss after the pain Ravage had put her through, and her sore sex appreciated the Houndoom's teasing, cleaning grooms. He lapped up the seed that his master had left behind, a deep, relaxing heat spreading out into her depths, encouraging her to untense and sprawl across the harness. Deep inside her, the vibrator slowed to a satisfied throb.

There were a few quiet moments, punctuated only by the wet slurp of Duke's tongue, and Cotton's bliss-filled sighs. She was awoken from her reverie by a tap on her muzzle - she opened her eyes to see Ravage's still-slick shaft filling her vision, a trail of cum dripping down to his charcoal-grey sheath.

"Now then, since I was kind enough to get my pet to help you with the cleanup..." Ravage started, trailing off meaningfully. Cotton opened her mouth to respond, but a particularly deep slurp from that heated Houndoom tongue forced a loud moan from her - and just like that, the Zoroark thrust forwards, grabbing her horns for stability.

She started in shock at the treatment, but she wasn't exactly in much of a position to quibble. Her tongue slowly traced up the underside of his shaft, noting how the slightly bitter taste of his seed carried undertones of her thoroughly ravaged, still-aching pussy. Gently, she curled up one side of his length, feeling the first of his studs, gently pressing against it and prompting a soft hiss of pleasure to escape the Zoroark's clenched jaw. But it seemed her pace was a little too languid for his tastes. He grasped her horns more tightly and began to thrust, spreading her mouth around the tapered length as he popped the second, then third set of studs past her lips.

She struggled once more in her harness, panicking a little bit, staring wide-eyed up at Ravage... He'd already almost split her in two from behind, surely he wasn't ready to go again so soon? The twin sensations filling her body were almost too much to bear - the rapid, short, almost painful thrusts into her mouth, versus the sensual slurping from behind... though, now she focused on it, that heat was building up in a rather worrying manner... Her poor sex flexed around Duke's tongue, trying to push the intruder out, but neither of her partners was having any of it.

Ravage reached down with one paw, idly squeezing at the base of his knot as he smeared himself across her tongue. "Damn, and I thought you were tight before..." he muttered down at her, prompting a low chuckle from the Houndoom - his breath almost felt like flames lapping at her poor exposed flesh, making her whimper and squirm away from each eager lick - but to pull away from Duke was to push herself further down onto Ravage, her muzzle already worryingly close to that imposingly large knot.

"You want it all? Greedy girl..." he chuckled, slowly bending forwards, adjusting his grip on her horns. Her vibrator nervously spiked once again, making itself known in no small way as Ravage truly began to buck into her poor little muzzle. Her lips slammed into his knot, the potent taste and smell of Zoroark musk filling her as he did his damndest to force his way inside. Duke had been well endowed by the scale of most of her partners, but he was nothing compared to this!

As if he sensed that she was thinking of him, Duke swapped tactics, lifting his muzzle to slurp at her other hole. His astoundingly hot tongue rolled around the wire, flexing and licking, pressing against her pucker firmly enough for him to be able to feel the toy buzzing deep inside, forcing Cotton to give a long and muffled groan despite the stuffing her maw was currently undergoing.

Ravage tried again, pulling himself forwards harder, making the entire harness creak as her jaw was forced further open, until with an almost audible pop, he was in. Her jaw flexed and wrapped around the knot, his tip buried down her gullet, denying her air as he began to unload once more, straight into her stomach.

The last thing she saw before she came was Ravage's satisfied snarl as he pulled himself back up straight above her - before fireworks obscured her vision, a combination of the lack of air and the most mindblowing orgasm she'd ever experienced almost making her black out. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't swallow, she couldn't think, her whole universe shrinking down to just her own body and the two males teasing and using her as they wished. She sprawled bonelessly between the two, barely registering the way that Duke had delved down to lap at the veritable cascade that the two had caused, eagerly cleaning her sex once again.

She was brought back to reality by a dreadful force - Ravage pushed at her horns, hauling her away from his shaft and ripping his still-throbbing knot free, the cock drooling cum onto the rough flagstones that comprised the dungeon's floor. The discomfort wasn't as bad as when he'd pulled the same trick on her cunt, but it was still significant, leaving her jaw achingly sore. Cotton immediately began coughing and gasping, her eyes watering from the large insertion. Ravage watched her with a raised eyebrow, whilst Duke pulled away from her behind, leaving her alone for now, awaiting his Master's next command.

"Too much for you, little Mareep? Sorry. I got a little carried away. Such a helpless little thing, I just couldn't stop myself." He murmured down to the still panting, deeply blushing Cotton. "Although... I did ask you to help clean up, and you've only gone and made a bigger mess." He shook his head sadly. "We'll have to do something about that, won't we?"

He looked meaningfully over her head to Duke - she twisted about in the harness just enough to see him obediently padding away from her, his harness jingling softly as he crossed the room to the table by the entrance. He reared up and stretched out, grabbing something in his teeth before turning around to walk back to them. It was long, slender, its black outline hard to discern in the dungeon's gloom, but the flared tip was unmistakable.

After all, everyone knew what a riding crop looked like.

She gulped audibly as Duke sat down before Ravage, his mouth wide open, the crop barely hanging from his large canines. The Zoroark reached down and casually retrieved the crop, giving it an experimental swish in the air, the tip whipping past Cotton's nose with an audible 'Whoosh'. She shrank back nervously from it.

"Now, since you clearly cannot be trusted with this job, Duke here is going to do it for you. Say 'thank you, Duke'." Ravage stared down at her coolly.

"T..." She coughed, cleared her still-sore throat, and tried again, quietly. "Thank you, Duke..."

"Good girl. But I'm afraid you're still going to be punished. Five strokes should be enough, I think. Now, I want you to count them, and thank me for each one. Understand? Say 'Yes, Sir'."

Cotton's eyes widened and she jumped slightly. "Five-"




"But I-"


Cotton scowled up at the Zoroark, whose expression had not moved. Duke was not quite so stoic, though, and was clearly trying to hold back a chuckle. She took a deep, slow breath, in, and out. "Yes, Sir..."

"Ah, so she can learn after all. Wonderful. Duke? Attend." He practically snapped down at the sniggering hound, who sat up straight, surprised to be called upon.

"Uh? ... Yessir." He looked about for a moment before leaning into Ravage's crotch, his tongue rolling out as he began to groom him, cleaning up the sheep's mess - and his Master's seed, of course.

Ravage sighed in satisfaction, one paw resting atop the back of Duke's head, his claw-tips just lightly touching the back of his collar. His other paw was not so passive, though - it took a few more swishes of that riding crop, swinging it to and fro, before he brought it down on Cotton's backside. She jumped forwards, yelling out - more in shock than pain, though that wasn't to say it didn't hurt... Cotton froze for a moment as she realised just what an intense spike her vibrator had gone through from that. ... Just the shock of it, right?

"And what do we say?" Ravage prompted after a moment's silence from the Mareep, drawing her back to attention.

"Uhm.... One, Sir!" She tried, cheeks flushing - again, another buzz from her toy. God, she was getting off just from this. The constant throbbing from her behind, reminding her both of her savage fucking and teasing, almost burning licks, certainly wasn't helping matters.

"...And what else, girl?" He tutted, frowning at her. The stern look was somewhat lessened by the Houndoom currently rolling his tongue along the underside of his dick.

"Thankyou, sir..." She swallowed hotly, her tail twitching against the restraints, swaying left and right.

"Right. Let's try that again, from the top." Again the crop came down, harder this time, making his displeasure all the more obvious.

"AH! One, sir! Thank you, sir!" She gasped out, tensing up on her toy and grinding on thin air.

Ravage made no response this time, just hitting her again, on almost the same spot, such that the bright blue welts overlapped one another - she swore he was missing her springy wool on purpose. Of course, that was half the point, wasn't it?

"Two sir, thank yousir!" the words came faster this time, as she strained against her wrist straps, gulping and bracing herself before - WHAP!

"Threesir Thankyousir!" They all but tumbled out now, the Mareep screwing her eyes shut. Maybe if she couldn't see them, she -

Ravage swapped sides, hitting her right cheek this time, her vibrator buzzing like mad as she bucked forwards, rocking in the harness.

"Foursirthankyousir~!" She said almost on reflex, her eyes screwing up, face turning red. She tensed up, waiting for the next one... Knowing it'd come any second... now. Now? .... Now? Gingerly, she cracked one eye open to peek up at - WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP!

Ravage misjudged his aim slightly on the last of those four rapidfire shots, the tip of the paddle just barely catching her sex - the sensation, on top of the rest, was overwhelming, a shock of pain and pleasure that just... overloaded the poor girl. Her eyes bugged out and she arched up in the harness, letting out a feral cry as the vibrator's intensity grew beyond what she thought possible.

"Mar-EEEEP!" she bleated, jaw hanging slack, panting for breath afterwards. It took her a moment to realise that the buzzing in her asshole had finally stopped... and a moment more to see that Ravage's eyes were in shock. He dropped the crop, leaving Duke to dutifully pick it up as he hurried behind the girl.

"Are you alright?" His voice was ... different. Low, full of concern, maybe even a hint of worry. After a moment or two, Cotton gently nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to take this toy out, okay?" Again, his demeanour was different - a request, not an order. She nodded again, not daring to speak yet - and with the minimum of fuss, that strangely silent toy was removed from her. Ravage moved to the front to show her - specifically, show her the melted plastic halfway down the wires where the wires had come apart.

"You burned clean through them. I knew it was possible, but... Okay, I think we're done here for now. Scene's over. Let me help you out of all that..." His motions were careful, treating her more like a person and less like a toy, slowly unstrapping the harness, helping her to the floor - whereupon she promptly collapsed, her legs unable to support her after the evening's exertion. He sighed slightly and picked her up, holding her in both arms with ease as he walked to the door. "I'll be upstairs if you need me." He said to the Noivern at the doorway. "Duke? Come."

Cotton fell back with a little sigh, thinking about what just happened - to push through enough juice to melt those wires... it was a good thing no-one was touching her, and the restraints must've all been non-conductive. She could have seriously hurt someone, or worse.

Ravage held her to his chest, climbing the stairs out of the dungeon, Duke faithfully by his heels - though the huge dog's head was above Cotton, even at this height. He pushed open the door opposite the stairs, not the one they'd come in by, and stepped through.

The room inside was well lit and tastefully appointed, with sofas and armchairs around the edges, and large, padded rugs on the floor - equally good for walking over or laying on. Ravage sat down on a sofa and rested Cotton in his lap, while Duke took his rightful place on the rug before his Master. The Zoroark's dexterous claws began picking Cotton's paw-cuffs and chains away, reaching back to gently peel the tape off her tail, even finally loosening those stiletto stilts of hers - shoes she would /not/ have worn, had she woken up this morning with a clue about what she was going to go through.

"I hope I didn't overdo it, down there... But you certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself, and you didn't use your safeword. How are you feeling, Cotton?" His voice was level, but there was just a hint of concern there - seeing those wires melt must have really shocked him, she thought to herself.

"I'm fine, really. Maybe a bit thirsty..."

He let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. "Just thirsty? Maybe I let out your inner masochist; You should probably be more than just a bit thirsty. But all the same, that might have been too much.

Cotton paused to shake her head, while Duke lazily shuffled closer, resting his head sleepily atop Ravage's foot. "Actually, I... I had fun. I've never called anyone 'sir' like that before, but..." She paused again, burrowing her head into his fur. "I think I will..."

Ravage smiled down at her, resting a paw on the soft, cushiony wool of her back. "Well, you be careful out there. Not everyone's as nice as me. Still, overall... nothing was too much for you?"

"Oh, no... Though it might be nice to be able to walk around, next time."

"Next time?" He sounded slightly surprised, but pleasantly so. Those large, crimson claws ran over the nape of her neck, scratching at just the right spot to make her shiver with delight. "Well, we'll see what we can do, hm? As for the very end..."

"The burnout? Uhm... It was a little overwhelming, but..." Her voice dropped down low enough that the two males had to strain to hear. "I liked it..."

Ravage chuckled warmly at that - possibly the friendliest sound she'd heard from him all night. "Glad to hear it... Now, I said that you'd get a reward if you were a good girl and didn't use the safeword? That was going to be Duke's tongue, back there, but... Well. I think we all got carried away. So instead..." There was a slight rustling noise, and Cotton felt something being pushed into the wool of her back. "Here's my card. I look forward to seeing you again, hopefully soon..."

Cotton tilted her head up, peeking through the charcoal-grey fur, up into the Zoroark's mismatched eyes. "I'd rather stay for a while, if that's okay...?"

Ravage smiled down at her, warmly and genuinely. "Of course, Miss Cotton."

She swallowed gently - was he teasing her? A test? Still, she knew just what she wanted to say.

"Please, Sir, don't call me Miss~"