Horndogs - Chapter 1: The Party

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Horndogs



Chapter 1 â€" The Party

By: Ace Wolf



Music blast throughout the house, furs everywhere, every spot, corner, inch of this place covered with drunk, or half-drunken, furs. They all danced to the beat of a very loud song played on the stereo. As I said, the place was crowded: The kitchen, furs gathered around and took shot after shot; Bathroom, some worthless drunkard laid by the toilet, hugging it as if it was his own mother; Bedrooms, they fulfilled their one and only party duty...mating grounds.

I walked aimlessly, tripping over passed-out fur every so often. My vision blurred from the intense drinking game I just took part in, and my head would not stop spinning â€"It felt like the teacup ride at Disney World. The whole scenario amused even me. I had no idea where I was going, but this was my house. I made it to the living room and flopped down on the sofa. My resting place felt bumpy and uncomfortable, I was obviously sitting on someone, yet I did not care, I was so wasted.

I was one lucky wolf. Parents had left town for the week, leaving me, my friends, and the school to throw the biggest party of the year. Drinks were provided by some friends I knew that were in college since I was only a senior in high-school. All the money I saved up from my job at Wendy's went toward beverages for my guest. Money well spent, I guess? Three hundred dollars of savings covered every inch of the house.

The living room had a few people in it, everyone else probably upstairs having fun. Down here furs played video games. They attempted to play in their drunken states, but failed. They ran into walls and shot at absolute nothing, laughing at one another. Their playing was slurred, all except one, a black wolf sat less than two feet away from where I was sitting, owning everyone who apprehended a controller. Beside him stood a can of beer; he picked it up every time he killed someone and chugged it.

The game looked awesome, like nothing I had ever played before, but it was my game. The graphics looked 3D, everything popped out of the TV. Game-play characters moved slowly â€"the alcohol really did a number on my wolf brain. It seemed amazing, so I crawled onto the floor and took-hold of a controller and sat next to the wolf with my legs crossed.

"Mi tur." I demanded, my words not being able to come out exactly how I planned. I looked over at the wolf sitting next to me. His eyes glued to the television set.

Now, being closer to him I noticed some more of his features. He was not an all black wolf, like myself, but had white chest fur and blue highlights, almost seemed purple. He did not wear a shirt. He sat in the middle of the living room shirtless, only cargo pants covered his lower region.

The game started; I gave my attention to the game. I finally realized what game was being played. It was the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Sweet! I own at this game, no one can beat me, not even on-line. Even in drunk mode I could dominate. I picked the best gun the game could offer, the MP5K; Mr. No Name chose the UMP.

Everything went smoothly. The match going in my favor, three kills ahead of him. I cannot lie, the wolf put up a pretty good game. He used the UMP with such skill, and it takes a lot of skill to operate the UMP. The end of the match crept up on us. He stole two kills right from under my nose. Then he used his Predator Missle, evening the score. The score at an equilibrium now with 20 seconds left in the game. I wanted the kill, no I desired it. Five seconds remained before we met up at the maps center. My gun at hand, finger at ready....

I lost...

In a split second, he used one of his throwing knives and killed me. At the top of the screen, the score displayed: Ace: 2000, Jet: 2100.

I looked at the score. This could not be. I was beaten by this wolf which came as a mystery to me. The strange wolf repeated what he did every single time he won; his paw wrapped around the silvery-gray aluminum container, but this time it was stopped. I brushed his paw aside, took the can of beer, and emptied it in my maw, spitting it out soon after. This ‘can' contain not beer, but...

"Awwh!! Is this...water!" I blurted out, knowing at least every fur at the party grasped my words.

He snatched the beer can filled with water from me and jumped up; I copied his actions, but did not have the same results. My legs gave out. I would not know if being drunk caused my balance to slip away, or the fact that my legs decided to take a little nap. That did not matter much. What mattered â€"and surprised me- is that someone caught me before hitting the ground, and that someone was non-other than him, the wolf. He snatched me up, pulling my limp body into his.

It is funny if you look back on it. He was so short and probably way younger than my-self, but his actions showed maturity and dominance.

"Heh, I guess being sober has its advantages." Mystery Wolf said, smirking. Arms around me tight, it felt like he did not want to let go. He sure was a strong wolf.

Vision started to return, as well as stability. I could now see him more clearly.

He stared up into my lupine eyes, and I did the same by staring into his, meeting his gaze. Eyes always fascinated me; his were deep blue, a beautiful eye color. Heh. I have the slightest clue of what I am doing, being lost in this guys eyes. Maybe the alcohol still had an effect on me. That was an alternate. Or could it have been my natural wolf instincts? Tonight appeared to be the night of a full moon? Maybe it had something to do with me being this close to this wolf...and not to mention he was turning me on, just a bit.

We were interrupted.

"Hey Ace," Me and the wolf turned our attention to a black panther. This guy is one of my best friends, Micah. "Let me help you to your room, man. You're wasted." He grabbed my shirt, tugging at it.

I did not budge.

Wolf guy, here, had a tight hold on me, not letting me go anywhere. "I'll take him to his room." He said, pulling me closer.

"Umm," Micah stood in his place, a little confused. "O-ok..." He went back to the party to leave me and...this much smaller wolf together. I had just realized how much short he appeared to be. Compared to me he was short, maybe not to others. I varied from six foot one to six foot two; he looked about five foot nine-ish? Hell, I did not know. I was drunk...



Why am I even here? At a High School party with alcohol, probably drugs as well. I did not belong in this sinful place. If my parents found out they would kill me. Yes, I told them I needed to do a little research at the library; yes, they believed me even though it was a Friday night. I betrayed them, broke their trust, but I did not care for some odd reason.

Was it worth it?

Hell yes!

Who cares if I'm only fifteen and at a senior's party? Everyone at school will be talking about it come Monday. I need a little boost in the rep department if I'm going to be noticed by all the...cool seniors. Jet Coleman was not going to get noticed by anyone just by spending a Friday night at home with his parents and kid sister.

Even though I am only fifteen I'm very responsible. The one party I've attended, this one, engorged with alcohol, yet I did not consume a drop. I want to look cool, but still keep my dignity. So, I poured a can of beer into a sink when no one was looking and filled it with water. Everything went in my favor until this idiot ruined it...The idiot was Ace Hunter, a guy I sort of look up to.

Ace Hunter was a B student, captain of the debate team, Football captain, and one of the best MMA fighters in his weight class. God, he seems like the perfect guy to be around...perfect...mate...

I had a crush on him since I became a freshmen. I know it sounds like I'm gay, but that is not the case. I am bi. Girls are cute and hot! Guys are sometimes cute, and almost always hot! Ace was the cute and hot type. It wasn't just because of his body. No. He had more than looks, he had a kind heart: sweet, funny, and generous. Well, that is when he is not over-filled with alcohol.

Anyway, I sat down in front of this massive T.V and played Modern Warfare 2 on Playstation 3. Man! I dominated! Everyone that stepped up to me just fail to their defeat! Drunken losers just curled up at my feet. Nobody could put up a good challenge, except one...

"Mi tur!" Another drunkard challenged me. This time a special drunky challenged me.


A quick glance is all I had time for before he looked over at me. My attention dashed straight for the plasma. From my quick observation he looks drunk, confused, and lost; in his own house. He must be wasted.

I sat no more than five feet away from the super star. I started to itch from nervousness.

The game went unexpectedly. First it started with him winning? How he managed to be so good in his drunken form amazed even myself. Closer to the end I made a comeback. The game was close, but in the end I made it out with a W on my shoulders. Upon victory I reach down to grab my water-fill beer can and to my surprise my paw was knocked away. Ace hit my paw away and grabbed my beer...I mean water and downed it.

I wanted to yell at him, stop him, keep him from taking in what is contained in my can, but could not apprehend the courage.

"Awwh!! Is this...water!" Ace blurted. Everyone in the house could probably hear.

I have never been so embarrassed. I snatched the beer can and shot up; Ace repeated, but not having the same results as myself. He lost his balance. Lucky for him I was standing close enough to catch him before hitting the ground. My paw quickly moved itself around him, pulling him to me. I held him not wanting to let go. This was perfect. I have to say something...

"Heh, I guess being sober has its advantages." I said, gazing into his gold lupine eyes. He was better than any rumor had said. I wanted this moment to last, forever if possible. But all good things must come to an end. One of Ace's friends intruded. Micah is his name. He greeted Ace and offered to take him back to his room. Something happened when he did, my predator instincts hard at work. He tried to pull Ace away; my grasp only wore tighter.

"I'll take him to his room." I hissed.

Micah looked at me, then Ace. "O-ok..." With that he returned to the party leaving me with Ace.

I lead Ace to his room. We had to travel upstairs. Getting him up to his room was hard. He kept tripping over his own feet. I caught him each time. Once in his room I sat him on his bed. I turn and try to walk way to leave him to himself, but my tail was apprehended. I looked back to see what the hell happened. Ace had my tail between his paws firmly.

"Where you goin?" Ace asked.

He seemed to be returning to is normal self, or not. I did not really know, yet I did not care either. The way he held my tail between his grasp was edging me to a hard-on. "I'm going back to the party...AGHH! WHAT THA FUCK DUDE!" His hold on my tail tightened as he jerked me back into his lap. I sat there; motionless; confused.

"Hehe. What's your name kid?" Our muzzles were so close. His breath wreak of alcohol. Did it matter? No. Why? Well, simple. This was the first chance I've ever been ten feet from Ace, let alone in his lap. What had gotten into him tonight...

"M-my n-name," words tripping over themselves, "I-is J-J-Jet..." A blush flooded my face. This made no sense. I'm blushing, and I'm a dominant wolf, but right now, this very moment that seemed not to matter. Guess you never really know what you will do when put in a situation.

Ace moved closer, his hot breath burning my whiskers off. "Ah, cute name...How old are you?"

My blush darkened as I turned away. "I'm 15, about to turn 16 in..." I was cut off.

Ace flipped me over. I was now lay on my back in his bed with him between my legs. "Good enough for me!" He pressed his muzzle to my, forcing his tongue into my maw, grazing over my teeth and jowls. His paws worked themselves up and down my leg's fur. It felt so...good.

What did I do? Nothing. I stayed without movement, letting him explore and roll his paws over my matured body.

This could not be real. It felt like a dream, or one of my wild fantasies. Maybe it was. Hopefully it was not. I would hate to wake up now.

My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist; his body inched closer to deepen our kiss...



After rudely excusing my friend Micah, the mystery wolf took me up to my room. The trip there was not so pleasant, I kept tripping over my own two feet. He picked me up every single time, throwing my arm around his neck and pushing forward. When we were in my room he sat me on the edge of my bed and began to walk off. The next thing I did shocked not only me, but him as well...

I grabbed his tail, jerked him back a little before he could leave, my grasp on his tail firm.

"Where you goin?" I asked, not knowing what words and how they were coming out of my muzzle.

He looked over his shoulder, "I'm going back to the party..." Once I heard that something set off in me, my hold on his tail became much more tightened; I pulled back on his tail, bringing his body to my lap. Something was wrong, this behavior not acceptable, but I pursue my actions.

"AGHH! WHAT THA FUCK DUDE!" He yelled out in pain, I guess that last jerk was a little too much. When safely in my lap, something began to happen, something that should never happen to guys, I was getting a hard-on just from him sitting on me. At this point I knew what I ached for. I wanted this wolf, more like his tailhole, and what I want, I get. These things being done were very homo, I know, but it didn't matter, I just blamed it on the alcohol.

I took the chance to put myself closer. I leaned in a little, our muzzles inches away.

"Hehe. What's your name kid?"

The mystery wolf looked very uncomfortable, his body trembled a little, a blush washed over his cheeks...so cute.

"M-my n-name," his words collided, "I-is J-J-Jet." So that was his name, Jet.

The small gap between us became thinner.

"Ah, cute name, how old are you?" I asked.

Jet blushed more than before, he was very blushy, the blushiest wolf I have ever met. This guy was edging to the max of my resisting him...

He shifted, "I'm 15, about to turn 16 in..." He was cut off. I flipped him over, putting myself between his legs.

"Good enough for me." With that I pushed my muzzle forward, mashing mine into his, fixing our muzzles into a rough kiss. I had no idea if he liked it, even if not, I didn't care. My main focus was to get in this, little guys pants and give him the fucking of a life time. After a second or two he finally showed a hint of approval; his legs wrapped around my waist in a tight hold. I took off my shirt, breaking the kiss for a split second, then I worked his pants knee-down, his scent filling the air. It was not hard to guess, he was enjoying this just as much, his long rod poking me through his boxers, my own jealous and aching to be freed as well.

I broke the kiss once more. My pants were becoming a burden, they needed to disappear to release my raging cock. As my pants bellowed my sac, the monster popped out, already pushing pre out of its slit. My cock stood at full. I had a pretty decent piece of meat, standing at ten inches I couldn't argue, it was my fully grown manhood and a very above normal one at that. I happened to catch a glimpse of Jet's member. He was not as big, but well above normal for a guy his age. It had to be around nine inches. This made me more excited, to work with such an engorged piece of wolf steak. I grabbed the pink muscle in my paw, giving it a gently squeeze; pre oozed out and trickled down his shaft and over my paw.

My instincts as a male and a wolf drove me to this very extreme. Next thing I did was rip off his boxers, then mine followed before re-gripping his hard, pulsing cock. Moans slipped pass his muzzle, his body relaxed as he enjoyed me teasing him.

"You like this kid?" My voice deep and dominant over his whimpers. He nodded, that was all he could do....

I looked at him and grinned. Something was different from the last time I looked at him; he seemed more, clear: his eye color more easily identified, the highlights were actually blue instead of the color purple I believed them to be at first glance, his image crystal clear. I knew exactly what had happened, my vision slowly returning to me, leaving my current drunken stage. I was almost sober....

That was extremely bad. If I yiffed this wolf while sober than I could not blame my drunkard form for doing something so rash. No more time could be wasted, I needed to do this now...

My body inched closer, I pulled his cock straight up, his body lift up a little as my cock pushed against his tail hole. Slowly, I entered his tight virgin tail hole, tip first. His muscles instantly contracted and closed its wall around my member, this causing me to shoot pre-cum deep into his bowels. He let out an audible howl of pain, a tear ruffled down his furry cheek. This only drove me more wild and I thrust into him.

"OH GOD YOU'RE TIGHT! FUCK! IMMA FUCK YOU GOOD KID!" I started to pump into him; he whimpered and moaned, but through all of it he seemed like he wanted it, so I gave him more.

My paws flowed up and down his shaft, still gripped tight, pulsating enormous amounts of pre; my other paw planted on his side. My arm and hips locked his leg in place to keep him steady while I rocked in and out. I had to give this kid credit for two things, one being his amazing cock, and the amounts of pre he could produce. They should call him an energizer bunny instead of a wolf, the buckets of pre-cum he released was just ridiculous.

"F-FUCK...I-I W-WANT L-LAST MUCH L-LONGER...!" At the base, my knot began to form. His had already formed, didn't take it to long, maybe from my hand-job and the pounding I gave his prostate.

This was amazing! Would have never imagined my first time being so blissful? Yes, I said first time. I have never had sex before, no one was ever good enough for me, I passed down every offer that was given. I guess I could blame this on the alcohol, well, that's what I will force my mind to believe.

Each thrust drove my throbbing member deeper into his canal, pushing my fluids against is wall. Muscles clenched and unclenched around my cock, I preferred it to stay tight around it, that's when I felt highest point of pleasure. He could not control his body, it was undertaking my huge cock.

"T-t..." Jet's eyes closed tight and he bit down on his bottom lip hard, almost at the breaking skin point.

I knew exactly what he meant. My knot punched his tail hole repeatedly, it was just as excited about entering the tight tunnel than I was. I slammed myself in him three last times before pulling back, and at full speed and force, ramming my entire member, plus knot, in.

His body reacted immediately, his tail hole clamping from each side around my knot! My body could not take it, the pressure around it to unbearable, my water-hosed out.

"AGGHHHHH!" He cried out, him also pushing his load up and out his shaft. It flew straight up, washing over my muzzle.

I let go of his cock and collapsed, landing on his chest and cock. My vision became faint again, maybe because my eyes half-closed, sleep quickly descending over me. I still had a slight hold on reality, I could still feel what was happening around me. His chest rose and fell due to heavy breathing; I felt his cock throb beneath me, jumping at the beat of his heart; the last thing I noticed was weird, something unexplainable, something out of place, I saw...a flash?



I'm not going to lie to anyone, even though excitement and joy filled me, I was scared. He stripped me, forced me down, grabbed my cock, and showed me his beastly cock! I had every reason to be scared of what was to happen next! In this situation the oldest dominates the young, that's probably what frighten me. See, I'm more of the dominant type, really never pictured myself being submissive, but in this case I had no choice. One second he said something and the next he was sliding his pulsating cock into my virgin tail hole.

At first I wanted to jump up and run out, punch him square in the muzzle, but something deep down stopped me from doing so. This was my only chance to experience yiff with another guy, better Ace than some other guy, right?

His cock slid past my anal ring, causing me to let out a few moans and whimpers. Then something surprisingly happened, he slammed his entire cock into me like it was nothing â€"of course nothing to him. The tight muscles of my tail hole clenched around its invader, I could feel his warm pre slither inside me.

Tears wallowed up in my eyes. I fought back the urge to cry and bit down on my lip, yet I failed the attempt to stop them from coming out; a lone tear streamed down my cheek, just one.

His thrust began to become faster and much harder. I didn't know if I was safe, it felt like he was going to rip me in two, and just when I thought it couldn't get any more extreme...


The pain was so excruciating that my body became numb and the only feeling I had was a sensational, tingly feel every time he pumped his cock in me. This was what I researched online. In the past, I have researched gay yiff, I almost know everything about it. It's good to be safe when it comes to something like yiffing. Anyway, after a certain point of being yiffed, it's different for everybody, your body began to loss feeling, but not entirely. Your prostate is the only thing that give off feel, and that's a good feeling, a more pleasurable one.

Nothing else in the world mattered at that point, he said something, I didn't understand what he said, but I replied with an answer that was probably wrong, not knowing if it was even a question to begin with.

"T-t..." The word did not come out, I meant to say ‘tie' but couldn't, my jaws were so relaxes I could not speak.

He continued to thrust in and out of me. Now my knot fully developed, the near for climax almost at end. I could feel mine coming...and fast. Suddenly, I could feel pain, just when I thought it wasn't possible to feel anything at all beside this memorable feeling, I felt a piercing pain, the feel of something being rammed in me.

It was Ace. He had finally forced his knot in me. As it entered, my body clenched and he shot his gun in me, covering my prostate with warm, sticky fluids. The feel of warm cum surrounding my prostate sent my own load hurling in the air. Some smacked Ace on the muzzle.

Ace collapsed on top of me, my arm wrapped around him, unknowingly, it felt like the right thing to do at the moment. I panted hard, my chest ascending and descending rapidly with Ace on my chest.

I looked down at Ace unconsciously, body still numb and limp from previously. That was perfect to call it my first time...to bad it had to end.

My mind wondered, slumber was soon to dawn on me, it looked like Ace was already falling under sleeps spell, but I could not. I had to get home, it was extremely late and my parents would soon be getting worried. I thought it over for a few moments and decided to take a quick nap, just until his knot shrunk.

I grabbed my ticket to aboard the sleep express. As my eyes closed, a light instantly flashed...


Hey everyone! First chapter of Horndogs has been released and I hope you like! I've had this on my mind for a while but could never find the right character to do it with. I thank Drayne_The_Wolf for his fursona! Without him I could never have completed this story! Please rate and Comment! If I receive enough I'll have two more chapters out before Christmas! Thank You ALL! Especially you DRAYNE!