Uncovered Undercover

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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While on assignment seeking out a new organised crime gang, Judy and Nick find themselves enjoying their undercover operation together a little too much. <3

This story contains M/F Zootopia related fun involving consenting adults. <3

Uncovered Undercover

Glancing over the top of his shades, Nick sighed. The sun was beginning to slip over the horizon, casting a deep, warming red glow across the dunes which surrounded the Palm Hotel resort. This was the second day of their undercover stakeout. The second day of sitting around doing a whole lot of no good on the vague offchance the suspect they were seeking would choose this high status location as a point from which to conduct his first ever business venture in Zootopia. There was a time when Nick would have relished the opportunity to sit around and do nothing for a paycheque, but those days were apparently past, much to the fox's own surprise.

Of course, he couldn't exactly blame the ZPD Intelligence office for this assignment. Even though it wasn't panning out, the idea that the new mover in town might attempt a meeting here wasn't entirely foolish. Both he and Judy knew from the mother of their godchild that Mr Big was not involved; indeed this new presence in the city was very much a thorn in his side that he would be glad to see removed... even by the cops. Thus, it made sense that the deal might go down here, a location vastly different from the frozen wastes and quiet, back alley dealings of the Tundratown mob.

Still, Nick couldn't deny that he would rather have been elsewhere at that moment in time. On duty and in uniform, rather than a bathing suit. Actually helping the good citizens of the city he lov-...

"Oh for crying out loud. I'm starting to think like you, Carrots. Your optimism is a disease, you know that right? You're a public menace. A threat to all the misanthropes in society!"

Glancing towards the poolside sun lounger beside his own, shades still tipped forward to the bridge of his snout, Nick's eyes widened slightly as Judy rolled over onto her side to face him. Dressed in the skimpiest pale pink sarong, seeing the bunny in that moment made Nick question once and for all why the heck he was complaining about being here. Sure, helping Zootopia was his sworn duty as an officer of the law, and maybe somehow he had come to cherish and take pride in making that dream come true. But if he could perform that duty and follow his orders while checking out his girlfriend's absolutely gorgeous body, then so be it.

"Hmm? What's that now?"

Lowering her own sunglasses, Judy rolled over onto her belly. Still looking at Nick with a curious smile, she stretched out. Her toes curled. Her ears twitched. Her tufty tail wiggled, and her butt rose momentarily skyward as she arched her spine. The rabbit giggled as Nick's mouth fell agape, and his shades fell skewed upon the bridge of his nose. Slowly, dazed, he shook his head and licked his lips.

"Nothing. I... I just, it's getting late. We should head back to our room and dress for dinner. This new player's more likely to hold a meeting in the restaurant or bar than the pool now that it's getting towards the end of the day, right? And... y'know, maybe, if it's not quite time for dinner yet? We could undress, before we dress."

Rather enjoying the fox's lingering gaze and his shameless adoration of her swimwear clad figure, Judy cocked a playful eyebrow at her partner.

"Well, that sounds like a good idea to me. I'll head back to my room, undress, maybe hop into the shower. And you... Officer Wilde? You are welcome to join me. If you can find a way to make it back to the room in your current situation.

Before Nick could ask what Judy meant by that, she had sprung to her feet and slid off the lounger to the small amount of tiled ground between them. Ever so gently her right arm stretched forward, just barely stroking Nick's soft and fluffy white belly, running downward as she padded out from between the two loungers. Down, and down, until...

"Ah! O-oh!"

The fox gasped as he felt the bunny's paw brush against the front of his bright blue, Hawaiian print swim-shorts. The rather strained, tented front of his swim-shorts. Again Judy giggled, and began to skip merrily away, rump swaying with every bounce as she called back to the fox now sitting bolt upright and bashfully covering his crotch, glancing around at the quiet but not abandoned pool to ensure that he hadn't been see in such an embarrassingly compromising and publicly indecent state.

"Don't take too long, Nick." Otherwise I might already have dressed for dinner, and you'll have to wait till bedtime if you want to make use of... that."


The hotel's showers were heavenly. Even one situated in a room built for an animal exactly Judy's size, you could have fitted an elephant in the cubicle itself, if not through the sliding glass door. As she rubbed rich, florally scented soap into her fur, Judy couldn't help but wonder just how big an elephant sized shower would have been in comparison. No wonder the Palm hotel was so huge, and such a prominent feature in the Zootopia skyline.

Smiling to herself, Judy momentarily considered how far she'd come since that one room box of an apartment with its shared bathroom facilities and complimentary noisy, nosey, if ultimately harmless neighbours. She stepped under the rushing, hissing flow of water that doused about two thirds of the cubicle's space, and lifted her arms to allow the soapy lather she had built up to be rinsed away. Beaming to herself, the rabbit rotated within the gloriously warm water, and drew her arms inward, wiping a few lingering suds from the underside of her rather modest chest. Small as her breasts may have been though, they reacted to the rabbit's touch. Her nipples began to stiffen, and tingled as her fingers grazed across them one by one. Unsurprisingly, Judy's mind turned to Nick, and she felt her cheeks flushing as she considered that the fox might well be arriving at her door any time now. And when he did, she would delight immensely in letting him catch her doing... something she knew he'd enjoy almost as much as she herself.

The bunny giggled, and her face got brighter beneath its grey fur. Just thinking about Nick got her excited. Not with girlish, swooning glee or anything so sappy as that... at least, not entirely so. But she couldn't deny that her heart was beating faster and faster as she thought about the fox, about his predicament, and how he was going to escape it to get himself back to her side. The fox's libido could match her own on occasion; no mean feat given a rabbit's well earned reputation for breeding. And that meant it was exceptionally unlikely that Nick would be able to will away the erection that Judy had awoken. That left him with two options, as the bunny saw them. Either sneak off to some close, yet hidden location to the poolside where she had left him and relieve himself before coming to find her, or make it back through the entire hotel complex without a single sharp eyed member of staff or guest noticing his situation.

It was some thirty seconds later that Judy heard the hotel room door swing open, and with a giddy whimper, not remotely considering the possibility that it could be anyone but Nick, leaned forward against the tiled rear wall of the shower. She spread her legs wider apart, both to solidify her stance and to grant herself easier access between her legs, and slipped the middle finger of one hand into the crevice of her warm, waiting pussy without a moment's further hesitation. Keeping her tail raised and rising up onto her tip-toes, Judy grazed her clit with the tip of her finger, shivering and suppressing a giddy moan. When she began to push that digit into the opening of her passage however, the cry she let slip was loud and wholly intentional, though not the slightest bit forced. She heard the bathroom door swing open rather forcefully just seconds later, and whimpered happily when soon after the shower's glass door slid aside. Glancing back over her shoulder, finger still teasing and moving within herself, she moaned bashfully, faking dismay at being caught in such a compromising state.


The fox was draped in a towel. Not a fox sized towel, but one so big it trailed the floor for half its length again despite Nick wearing it like a cowl, covering him from head to toe. As Judy watched, flushed and gasping, he cast it off, revealing his bright trunks and the persistent, sizeable bulge within them. His eyes flashed, and he let loose a playful growl towards the bunny, delighting in the way it made Judy shudder and squirm on the spot.


Without another word, the fox advanced. Ducking through the rabbit-sized door, he pulled the shower closed behind them; sealing himself and Judy away together. He swept forward with such speed that Judy barely had time to utter a cry of anticipation, and then he was upon her. He snatched her up, lifting her off the ground by the hips she had so knowingly flaunted in his direction, and pulling her tight against his crotch. Judy wailed happily as he ground her rump against his still clothed cock, and squirmed feverishly to turn around in his grasp; to face him head on, and have other, more intimate, sensitive and now finger free flesh rub up against him.

"Ohh... ohhh Nick..."

Her toes hooked around the waistband of his swim-shorts and sought to tug them down with urgency, but the elasticated waist became caught on the firm, protruding length of the fox's erection. Judy whimpered desperately, but refused to give in. She pushed the best part of one whole foot inside his swimwear, and pulled sharply back towards herself, stretching out the front as her other paw began to tug down once again. This time she moaned in triumph as Nick's cock sprang free, and as the fox tightened his grip around her waist they both grunted happily as the tip of the male's erection began to grind against Judy's slit, and small but swollen clitoris.

With the fox's shorts tumbling down his legs, Judy's feet moved to the base of her lover's erection. Her paws settled upon his knot, and she began to squeeze and massage tenderly as they both moaned, shivered, and stared at one another in mutual rapture.

"God, Carrots... I didn't think you could look hotter than when you waved your ass at me by the pool. Did I... forget what you looked like naked or something? Because... wow. Just, wow."

Judy's cheeks flushed, and she squirmed happily, bucking and humping her sensitive pussy against her lover's cock.

"Not so bad yourself, Wilde. Now... Nick?"

The fox's ears perked, and he leaned forward towards Judy's red, panting face.

"Yeah, carrots?"

Once more the bunny moaned loudly, feeling the male's erection drizzle her aching clit with a burst of hot, slick pre-cum as she squeezed his knot between her feet.

"Be quite, and let me make you cum. In fact... let's go crazy, and both cum. That sound good to you?"

Nick growled, grinning as he nodded at the flushed, obviously needy rabbit. He didn't need telling twice. Hell, he didn't need telling once when it came to Judy. Pinning the bunny firmly up against the shower wall, he humped at her increasingly wet... and not merely shower-water wet... pussy, not seeking to penetrate the rabbit, but simply grinding and rubbing the length of his shaft between the plump outer lips of her slit and teasing his tip back and forth firmly over her clit. She rubbed and massaged his knot with her paws in turn, an act which had started as a simple technique of convenience for helping Nick to get off as fast and as hard as Judy herself when they were together, but which now caused all sorts of problems for Nick any time he caught side of Judy's bare, wiggling toes. It wasn't that she had caused the fox to develop a foot fetish. But a Judy's feet fetish, that there was no denying Nick was hopelessly stricken by.

Fox and bunny shuddered and stared at one another, eyes locked as they revelled in the bliss they were provoking in their partner and indulging in for themselves. Nick was hard beyond believe. Judy was soaking wet. It took all their focus to maintain this position and hang onto this pleasure they were sharing with each other, to keep from simply flinging their bodies together and begin humping, writhing and kissing mindlessly regardless of how ineffective it would be. Thankfully, they were at least able to achieve that last one while maintaining their current efforts, Nick leaning forward to steal just a quick peck from Judy, then a longer, deeper smooch as he moaned into her muzzle while her paws gave an extra firm squeeze at his knot.

Their kissing persisted, and yet soon progressed to a point where they simply could not maintain it through their moaning and trembling any longer. Only then did they call out to each other once more, and reveal just how close to the brink of ecstasy those lengthy bouts of lip-locking had brought both of them.

"Nick, I... I can feel you... your pre, d-drooling down my clit... oh god. So hot. You're so... so... ah... a-ahhh... Nick..."

She wanted the fox inside her. She needed him inside her. But they couldn't. Fucking Nick meant spending at least an hour, probably more bound to him by his knot. And by the time she freed herself, most of the time Judy was in no fit state to do anything but wander in a daze to her bed, and fall flat into her pillows with a goofy grin and an almost drunken giggle. That definitely wouldn't do, not when they had a dinner appointment to attend and a stakeout to continue.

"You're so wet. Y-you've... ahh, Judy, you've soaked my cock. So beautiful. So sexy... Judy. Carrots... I'm... y-you're... making me... you're gonna... ohhh!"

Judy's pussy trembling against his cock was one thing, but to feel the rabbit's toes squeezing and curling against his knot was more than Nick could handle. He threw back his head, and let loose a frantic, yelping bark of pleasure, which Judy answered with a giddy shriek.

"Do it! Do it, Nick! C-cum with me. Now!"

"God... oh... oh god, carrots! I... I'm. Yes! Yes!"

"Nick. N-Nick... ohhhyes... ohhhhh_god yes _!"

They began to cum, and at last threw themselves at one another. Squirting. Shooting. Marking each other with their excitement and lust and love, they wrapped their lover up in their arms and held onto them so, so tightly. Pleasure surged through them. It burned and crashed over their bodies like raging fire and a storming sea all at once. And as devastating, and as brutal, and as fierce as it was, and as loud as they wailed at each other in their ecstasy, from the moment their orgasms burst into being, both Nick and Judy were satisfied, and wholly, totally at peace in their trembling partner's arms.

Just a short while later, the lovers lay in a heap upon the shower's tiled floor. Nick was leaning back against one wall of the large cubicle, with Judy resting in his arms, head to the male's chest and feet caressing his thighs with tender strokes of her toes as she listened to the still rather rapid thundering of his heart. She looked up, and though she didn't draw back even slightly from her partner's embrace, addressed the fox with a soft smile.

"So, tell me, where did you find that towel? I hope you didn't steal it from some sunset swimmer hoping to get a few quick laps in and dry off again before dinner."

Nick chuckled at the rabbit's question, putting on a look of mock affront.

"Why, Officer Hopps! How dare you. I would never steal an innocent swimmer's towel. I... I stole it from outside the sauna. There was this group of five or six cats who went in together. I think this one belonged to a tiger."

Judy said nothing. Nick grinned.

"Oh, come on carrots, you're not actually mad at me for taking the guy's towel are you? They're complimentary! They all belong to the hotel, and I'm a hotel guest as much as him."

The rabbit just kept looking at the fox. Actually, not so much looking, as staring. And staring. And staring, until Nick's smile faded, and the penny finally dropped.

"It... but... I mean, I know he was a tiger... and... intelligence's report suggested... cats. But, it wasn't. I mean... it couldn't... oh. Oh dear."

Judy kept staring.


The fox blinked, dumbfounded by his own horny, distracted foolishness.

"Yeah, carrots?"

To his surprise, the rabbit's expression softened, and she blushed.

"You... were so worked up, thinking about me, it never even crossed your mind that those are the men we're here to trail?"

The fox blushed in return, and nodded meekly.

"I guess so. I... I can't help how much I love you, Judy."

Giggling, the bunny scooted even closer to her lover upon his lap, and pecked him warmly on the lips. Nick reciprocated, and only then cleared his throat.

"Uh, carrots?"

Judy sighed happily.


Nick nodded towards the shower door.

"Should we... um... y'know, try to stop them, or something? Do our jobs, if they're still here and we're not already so, so very fired?"

The bunny's eyes bulged, and what seemed like a split-second later the shower door was open, and Nick was watching the sopping wet bunny slip back into her sarong that had lain discarded on the bathroom floor.

"No time for uniforms, Nick. Just grab your badge and lets go lets go lets go already!"

The fox nodded, but groaned as he slipped back into his swim-shorts. He kept one eye on his partner all the while as she bent over to pull up her sarong, and Nick felt butterflies not just in his stomach, but somewhat lower too. If they made this arrest, it was going to go down in history. A new crime empire taken down before they could even make their first big power play. But also, possibly the first arrest carried out by a cop not only dressed in swim-shorts, but a cop in swim-shorts sporting an erection hard enough to bend steel thanks to his partner's impossibly stunning ass.

By Jeeves

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