Choice Words (Gift-fic for Zwoosh)

Story by Andarius on SoFurry

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I wrote this as a gift for Zwoosh and it was a long time coming. Oddly enough, this came entirely from him prodding my yiffy muse with a few sentences. It stars his subby horse, Martyn, and my hulking Orca fursona (who is a bit out of character here). It contains all the stuff I know he likes, and I am posting it as per his request.


"Open up, boy," I growl, feigning my impatience. Like I need to; the kid is so damned eager, he'd basically torn my jock off in a mad scramble. Feh - fuck the preamble. Sometimes you just need to get your rocks off and you don't give a shit how. Sometimes it's a gloryhole, sometimes it's Yiffster, sometimes your own two hands. And sometimes, it's a willing and begging summer student whose vocabulary doesn't include the word 'no.'

His lips timidly part and his tongue emerges. Fuck, I love me a good horse snout. Long jaw, longer tongue and a throat wide enough to handle some of the biggest fucksticks on the planet. Then again, given how short this one is, I may be half way into his stomach before he knows it. "That's it, boy. Ya know ya want it."

Some more coaxing outta do it. It took almost a month to bring him out of his shell, and now we were mere words away from getting what we both wanted. He needed a job, I needed a fling. Fucking horses always do it for me, and him being so much smaller than I made me all the more horny. And for how shy and timid he acted, he absolutely sucked at hiding it. I'd lost count of how many times I caught him checking out my ass or staring too long while I worked out. And when he 'coincidentally' decided to clean the showers while I was the only one in them, enough was enough. A few choice words, a few blunt statements and suddenly I had the perfect towel boy, ready and willing to rub me down after every blood pumping workout with nothing but his tongue.


"Shut up and get to it, boy. I ain't lettin you get any a tha good stuff till ya've proven ya can handle it."

I'm not normally so forward, but when you have a horse on his knees and between your legs, it's kinda hard not to be. He's been staring at it for forever, his ears flattened back as he takes in my post workout musk. Worked up one hell of a sweat today in preparation for this; one sniff had sent the boy reeling. Heh.


Hands immediately rise from his sides, timidly moving to wrap his fingerhooves around my cock. His eyes widen as they fail to encircle my girth. I can't help but smirk: few can. Still, I can't help but grunt as the pleasure surges into my balls. "Ungh... there ya go. That's a good boy."

His tongue comes closer. I can feel his breath on my cock; see the excited fear in his eyes. No doubt this boy has seen dicks on rhinos, horses, and big ass dogs, but like fuck those boys have anything on whales. I'd imagine he's second guessing himself right about now. Gods know everyone else in his position had.

A subtle flex of my hips has my engorged head millimeters from his tongue, his hot breath coming in pants. His eyes flick from mine to my cock and back again, as if unsure of his next move. So much for subtlety.

Impatience finally gets the better of me as grip his mane in my right hand, careful not to wrench, but forceful enough to know I mean business. He cries out in alarm. I don't care.

"You started this boy," I growl again, my low voice rumbling throughout my vacant gym. "No getting cold hooves now."

And with one smooth motion, I pull his head forward and push my hips out, moaning in utter satisfaction as the head of my aching dick presses between his lips.

"Aaahhhnnn... here we go..."

I can't help but take another step forward, pressing my cock deeper into his mouth as the toes of my boots press against the mirror wall in front of me. With both legs spread, my muscled thighs envelope the boy horse, trapping him between the wall and my cock; exactly where he wants to be.

He chuffs; I feel his breath on my hips: a sound of satisfaction and want. I give him what he craves, feeding another few inches of my hardened whalehood into his hungry snout. He chuffs again; I give him more.

"There ya go boy, nice and slow now," I coo, giving him the reassuring he'll need. If he thinks I'm stopping when I meet his throat, he's dead wrong.

Interrupting my view of the action, I can't help but look up and give myself a one over in the mirror. Steam is fogging the glass, the heat radiating from my pumped physique doing its damndest to obscure my view. I hold the boy still for a moment and flex my meaty pecs, watching in narcissistic admiration as my muscle contracts into its championship winning form. Fucking horses: being so horny makes me into myself more than normal; makes me want to force this boy to worship my muscle the way it's meant to be. Mmngh... I can't wait to feel his tongue in my pits.


All in good time. The night is young, and I've got enough stamina to ensure this boy is ridden hard and put away wet. But first, he needs to prove himself.

His tongue rasps against the underside of my cock, doing its best to lather me up. Lewd sounds of sucking and sharp breath fill the musky air; the only sounds within my vast and vacant hall. One of the perks of owning the place: you can close up whenever you want. Or whenever you need to get off.

My cock suddenly presses against something warm, and the boy immediately reacts:


A smile spreads across my face as I feel it; the slight resistance of another hole about to be stretched. Time to find out whether this boy has what it takes.

I can't help but tap the back of his throat a couple of times, forcing him to suppress his want to gag. Fuck does he ever feel good. So warm; so wet; there really is nothing like a good horse snout on your cock. I take a moment and just savour the feeling of twenty-one year old horse trapped between my legs with my cock in his mouth, and fuck is it ever amazing. I can feel his breath on my abs, deep and calm. He's enjoying this; enjoying my big dick on his tongue; enjoying my thick muscle stink in his nose. He looks up into my eyes, seeing nothing but a wolf of the sea ready to pounce on his prey. My fingers tighten in his mane. He's ready.

"Here we go, boy," I seethe, ready to fuck his throat raw. "No turning back now."

With one hand locked in his mane, I wrap my left hand under his jaw and grip tight before thrusting forward. Sounds of gagging and choking meet little concern as his throat gives way to a massive intruder, my cock plundering past his vocal cords and down into his esophagus. I watch as his eyes go wide, a hint of sadism creeping into my gaze as I continue to pull his head forward. Inch after inch continue to slowly disappear into his open maw, my left hand beginning to ache from fighting his jaw. With a look of terror upon his face, his chin meets his right hand, which is quickly forced to make way. It releases its grip from my shaft to frantically slap against my massive quads. With another grunt, his left hand is forced to follow suit, slipping away to find purchase against my other leg.

"Just... Urrghh!" I manage, the unbelievable feeling of his throat constricting and spasming against my cock nearly overwhelming my control. "Just... a bit more, boy!"

I can only imagine what's going through his head at this point, but I really couldn't care less. Guys like him beg for this shit, and I'm one to oblige when needed. Fuck, just looking down over my thick pecs, I can see his panic: flared nostrils freaking out, his dusty grey fur nearly enveloping my entire cock in one go. He was so close; so close to being the first to ever do it. Like fuck was I about to deny him that.

"Almost... mmmrrr... Almost there...!"

Jackpot. His fur kisses the base of my whalehood, his nose pressed against the sweaty skin of my lower abs. He's taken all of me. I can hardly fucking believe it.

Releasing my hold in his mane, I lean us forward to gently press the back of his head against the mirror, still careful to hold his jaw in place. Horses may have amazing mouths, but fuck me if those blunt teeth don't hurt something fierce.

He's pressing on my thighs, his fight or flight senses in overload. As utterly amazing as his throat feels around my length, if he doesn't calm the fuck down, he'll pass out.

"Martyn!" I bark, glaring down at him without remourse. He frantically looks up, terror rife within him. "Breathe!"

For damn near all species, it's impossible to breathe with your throat stuffed with cock. But horses all seem to have an uncanny ability to achieve the near impossible. He chuffs; half cut off by an awful gagging sound. He tries again, and again he gags.

"That's it, boy," I encourage, "breathe. And whatever you do, don't bite." Trusting him to obey, my hand eases off of his jaw, only to slowly slide down his throat and softly pet his chest.

"Mmnnghh..." I moan, swearing I can feel my cock throb underneath his small pecs. "Good boy."

He continues to fight for breath, no doubt drinking in my sweaty musk with unbridled abandon. I can't help but rub my hand along his throat, savouring the unbelievable feeling of stroking myself through his flesh. Such intimate dominance and possession of another male is so fucking intoxicating; I can't help but wonder why the Hell I waited so long for this. This wonderful feeling of having another boy under my complete control, his wonderfully tight throat spasming as he desperately tries to hang onto consciousness. Mmnngh... fuck, I can feel myself thicken inside him, my heavy balls churning against his chin as they impatiently wait to pump my thick cum directly into his stomach. I flex my mighty thighs in another show of raw power; he feels, more than sees it: his eyes are locked to my lower abs. His breathing is slowly calming down; I can feel his throat beginning to relax. He's ready.

"Now swallow."

Sadistic? Maybe. Unbelievably pleasurable? Absolutely.

My left hand stays on his throat, my right approaches to stroke his straining cheek.

"That's it boy," I soothe, stroking his soft fur, "swallow fer me."

His throat tightens. He makes a horrible gagging sound. My moan drowns him out with ease as his throat squeezes my cock inside him.

"Uuunnnghh!! Fuck yes!" I cry. "Again!"

He swallows again, and again I howl my pleasure to the sky, my head thrown back as far as my squat neck will allow.

"Yes! Yes!!" I shout, unwilling to let go of the feeling. "Again! Once more, boy! Squeeze my cock in that tiny throat a yer's!!"

I grip his mane hard, and he swallows once more, his throat contracting to squeeze my cock into ecstatic bliss. I groan louder than I have in months, feeling my cock fight against the pressure as I spill my pre directly into his stomach. My hips thrust forward as my control falters, pressing our bodies closer together and smearing his nose into my hot and sweaty skin. Throwing my hand against the mirror, I push myself back in an instant, pulling my still-leaking cock from his throat until it's pooling all over his tongue. It quickly mixes with his spittle as he chokes and gags on my engorged length, his spit escaping from the sides of his maw.

Glancing down at him, I caress his mane with my hand, half comforting, half ensuring my cock doesn't leave his mouth.

"Phew!" I whistle, holding us still as the feeling sinks into my balls. "Fuck do you ever have a great throat, boy!"

I ruffle his mane in appreciation, still glowing from the feeling of my cock being squeezed by his warm and silky throat. He manages some sort of half whimper in retort, willing himself to calm down and recover from having his throat stuffed. I'll give him a few more seconds, if anything to clench my balls a few times in preparation for the wonderful throat fuck to come.

"That was yer first test boy," I begin, bringing my left hand up to caress his cheek before slipping over his eyes. My right quickly joins it's brother, casually scratching behind my boy's ears to put him at ease. "Ya've done really well, too!" I emphasize my point by running both hands through his mane. He chuffs and half whickers in response to my touch. He's enjoying this as much as I am. Fuck, I wish I had called him on his shit weeks ago. If anything, the thought of what I've been missing out on makes me want to make up for lost time.

I cast my gaze down over my mountainous chest, my eyes connecting with his as a bead of sweat rolls down my abs. "But now, boy," I warn, my voice dropping as my hands find purchase on either side of his skull. "Now's when ya earn it."

And without mercy, I yank his head forward and violently thrust my aching cock back down his throat.

"Nnggh!!" My grunt crashes off of the mirrors to drown out his choking protest, disdainful of his whining as I feel his snout kiss my abs again. I hold him still for the briefest of seconds before pulling my hips back, stopping just short of my head popping out of his throat. He's squeezing me so beautifully, I thrust right back down again.

"Awww YEA, BOY!" I shout into the mirrors, my hips beginning to gain speed with a mind of their own. Loud squelching mixes with whimpers and odd sucking noises as my cock continues to bore its way into the horse's stomach, my precum and his spit lubing my shaft into a wetted sheen. My hips don't allow for much time to admire the sight as they continue to pump my cock into his mouth, uncaring of whether he likes it or not. But by the way he's gripping my muscle, I can tell he's into this.

"Yeh, yeh!!" I yell, the blissful pressure of his throat milking my cock for all the pre I have on tap, lubing up his throat to allow me to slide in with greater force. And without warning, I grip his skull harder between my great hands and slam him down on my cock, smearing his snout all over my sweaty abs, my balls smashing his chin with a wet slap. "Uuunnnghh!! Open yer throat, boy! Let's see whatcha can really do!"

And just when I thinking things couldn't get any better, my little horse swallowed.

"Ummmgh!! Oh FUCK YEA, HOSS!"

I slam his head against my muscle and press my hips forward, doing my damndest to bury my length as deep as I can. He whimpers in response, no doubt from the pain of my crushing strength. I ease up a bit before slamming him back down, again feeling my balls slap against his chin. Oh Gods, the feeling is unbelievable; I do it again. And again. And again. And again.

"Mmnngh!! Yeah, boy! Get a load a' my big fucking nuts! Uunngh!! Gonna drown ya in mah load!"

He grips my thighs harder; I can't tell if he's afraid, and right now I don't give a fuck. He started this shit, and now I'm going to end it in the best way I know how.

"Get ready to start suckin, boy." I half moan, absolutely loving the feeling of my balls pressed against his hot mouth. I hold him there for a few more seconds, if anything to gaze down at the fucking awesome sight of a horse trapped between my legs. Oh Gods, I can't wait to fuck him until he passes out; he looks absolutely delicious to my lustful eyes. Taking one last look at his dusty snout, I slowly withdraw my hips and grip his skull exactly as I need to. And just as I feel my engorged head scrape the top of his throat, I thrust back in.

My moans begin to echo throughout the gym as my hips rev up, my sweat beginning to rain down upon him as I fuck his face. He chuffs in response as my slick cock plunders his throat with ease, his grip loosening on my thighs. Small moans begin to mix with the loud slurps and wet smacks emanating from his mouth. Oh yeah, my boy is enjoying this.

"Uunngh! Aww fuck, FUCK do ya have a sweet mouth on ya, boy!" I can't help it, he feels too fucking good. I can feel the tingle in my balls growing with every thrust, my control slowly eroding away. "Mmnngh! So fucking good, but where's tha fucking suction!?"

I slam his face into my hips for good measure, forcing the point down his throat. He groans under the strain, but then starts to hum as he feels my balls press against his chin again. A sharp intake of breath heralded another spasm of his throat, squeezing my dick as he swallows again. More slurps and lewd noises escape his mouth as he obeys, the suction gluing his lips to my cock as I pull back. Fuck is this guy ever good.

"Ugh! Ungh! Ohh--mmnhh, oh fuck!" I'm losing it with every pounding thrust of my hips, my balls beginning to clench as they rise against my cock. I can feel my head growing as I fuck his throat harder, forcing him wider and wider than he ever wanted. But he feels too fucking good, and I won't stop.

And without warning, I grip his head hard and lean over him to awkwardly press my shoulder against the mirror. Throwing my weight forward, I come over top of him and force his neck to crane as I violently thrust directly down his throat.

"Ungh! Ungh! Uunngh! Uunngh!!"

His whimpers are no match for my booming grunts, loudly timed with the pounding of my hips. I squeeze his head still as my muscled ass powers my cock down his throat, the rush of the fuck driving me to ecstasy and caring for nothing else. Peering over my massive pecs, I glare into his eyes as I force my cock into his stomach, controlling his every move and enslaving his will to mine. Half lidded eyes gaze back, his hands fallen to my knees in complete surrender. He just looks at me, our eyes gazing into each other's as my balls continually slam against his chin. I see his fear, his adoration, his want, his submission. I see how badly he wants this, how badly he wants to be used, how badly he wants to be my fuck toy for as long as I want.

He swallows again, the strain forcing him to choke. My cock kicks against his vocal cords. I can't hold back anymore.

"Ungh!! Ooohh---ohhh fuck, boy! Ungh! Good boy!! Uunnghh--Im gonna--" My balls immediately clench against my shaft, loaded and ready to blow. "Here it.... Uuuurrrrkk!!"

I drop my weight upon him as my wracking orgasm hits, plunging deep into his stomach as cum explodes from my throbbing cock. His whine can be heard throughout the gym as my cock kicks again, dumping another healthy load of Orca cum down his throat. I press his head as hard and as deeply between my legs as I can, humping his face as I pump more and more thick, hot cum into his body, dominating him from the inside out. Four loads, five, six; I can see the alarm in his eyes, the utter surrender as he's forced to take my cum no matter what. Not wanting to fill him up completely, I yank him off of my cock as I blow another load in his throat, followed by another directly onto his tongue, filling his mouth and drowning his tastebuds in my musky seed.

He sputters; gags; coughs; my eyes are barely open as I feel my body heave. My cock kicks again and I pump more hot cum all over the horse's face. I move to grip it in my left hand and point it downward before I kick again, shooting more into his face before painting the horse's neck and chest. And as I feel my orgasm begin to wane, I quickly grip his mane to pull his head back and jack my cock directly into his open maw, ensuring the last of my cum ends up deep in his full belly.

Feeling myself begin to deflate, I keep my hold on his head as I rest my panting frame against the mirror, laying my heavy cock along his cum covered face. I hear him swallow between gasps for breath, no doubt beginning to process just how much a full grown Orca produces when he cums. We make a fucking mess, but it's nonetheless impressive.

Giving ourselves a few seconds to catch our breath, I eventually push myself off the mirrors and take a step back to survey my handiwork. My cum is everywhere. On him, on me, on the mirror, on the floor. It's strewn across his face, mixed into his mane, splattered down his neck and matted into his chest. He's fallen back against the mirror in an exhausted heap, looking barely able to comprehend what he'd just experienced. Delicious.

"Mmnngh... oh, fuck, boy," I say, groggy from my mind blowing orgasm. "Godsdamn..."

He sputters again before looking up to catch my gaze. I look down upon him in his used and abused heap. One of his eyes is forced shut by a thick stream of my seed.

"Pl--Please, Sir," he half croaks, barely able to make a sound above a whisper,


Oceanside Muscle (Re-Post)

"'Oceanside Muscle?' What kind of name is that?" The building was nothing spectacular. It looked like an old house, or may have been at some point. Jake was weary as he scanned the street-front facade, his shoulders shifting under the weight of his...

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