Public Training Program

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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Things went so well for Frank when Dillon reamed his throat outside the bar before new years that Dillon has decided a new training program is in order. It seems his wolf performs better in front of others so Dillon has decided to give a little training session where its more than likely they are going to be caught. At work.

Trying to improve my writing skills. Please, comments or PMs are welcome. Vote honestly now!

There was a soft ticking from mercury light as it flicked off and on in random patterns above the row of crates, the light piercing the foggy darkness with its harsh radiance which flooded the scene below.

"Easy boy, easy."

The soft placating tones were anything but kind, a keen edge lying just beneath the dulcet tones, a dagger covered in velvet, deadly, menacing, and ready to do what is needful rather than what is nice.

A tall grey form was lounging indolently against one of the crates, his rear pressed up against it, the dark navy slacks pooled at his hooves below, one hand braced on the cheap pine of the box. His mane hung limply around his eyes and muzzle and even in the chill air, it was damp with sweat. The blond tendrils lay in strands against the grey of his forehead. One of the pointed ears twitched once in a while, an obvious sign that the owner was listening intently for something.

The sloppy wet sound of tongue on meat, of suckling, and of desperate groans filled the air, each vocalization somewhat muffled and cut off almost as soon as it began. The light flicked again, dark to light, causing the form bellow look as if it shifted, and it did slightly. The soft scratch of claws on concrete as the second form moved to keep itself in place.

"EASY I said!" The knife edge to the voice slipped beyond the confines of the velvet to glint into the night with those words. A soft gesture with a verbal blade indicating that trouble would be forthcoming if any mistake was made.

His face scowled. His long grey muzzle ending in a darker mix of black and grey fur as fine as the most expensive of velveteen, the clear blue eyes as cold as the Artic winds what howled around the pair. It was cold, bitterly so, but not as cold as the gaze the horse looked on with. His broad shoulders were rounded and pressed into the white uniform shirt, his back was ramrod straight, thick pectorals stood proudly on his chest, a testament to long nights of work and toil in a gym. This horse treated his body like a temple. Muscular, defined, perfectly solid. He held a weight and a glory about him that was hard to deny. And like the proverbial temple he had a meek supplicant in front of him.

The equine's harsh glare landed upon the unworthy asking for forgiveness at his feet, but the silent prayer was fleeting, for the wolf who kneeled there knew his fate should he fail. A firm roundhouse that would send him sprawling in a weird mix of agony and pleasure. One small slip of a fang, one wrong pause in rhythm would send the entirety of his careful work and diligence crashing to the ground.

The darker smoky grey form knelt in front of the horse, his lips curled back and around his fangs as he drove once again onto the mottled pink and black cock of the behemoth before him, his warm brown eyes intently focused on the face above, unwavering and unflinching at the coldness. A look of meek tranquility on his own muzzle as he obscenely stuffed the thick flare down his gullet yet again, his breath wheezing and snuffing out his nose.

"Now HOLD damnit!" The horse boomed in his most authoritative tones, and that order was immediately obeyed. The wolf paused, his crouched legs, straining thighs and precarious balance a thing of delicate beauty and of obvious strain. A fight not against elements, nor against strife, but against his own physical need to relax and his unwillingness to fail in his assigned task. He held, his own paw stilled on the base of the cock throbbing in his maw. The perfect angle, the perfect moment had been achieved. The thick meat sat against the back of his tongue and curved down into his throat at the perfect angle. His breath was rasped from his chest and out his nose, the chill air burning his sinuses with each strangled huff.

"Yes boy, ah, yes." The voice was now gentle, the sharp blade hidden once again but still there, the commands stilled and satisfied for now. "Hold now." One paw reached down to fondly stroke the soft ears of the lupine, caressing their edges and fondly tweaking the tufts at the end.

The movement was slight. A soft buck to the hips and a shift of the hocks as the tall grey form pressed forward slightly. Not much but enough to cause the shaggy furred wolf to stumble and begin to lose his footing on the unfamiliar surface.

"What!? What are y-you doing?"

The voice came from the darkness beyond the pool of light but neither the world nor the horse moved. Their grey forms could have been made of granite and onyx with a spattering of quarts for all of the movement they made. Soft claw tics echoed around the piled crates as a new form came into view.

The spotted lynx in the navy blue jump suite was carrying a flashlight, its beam cutting into the darkness to the radiant mercurochrome like light surrounding the two, its feeble rays only barely managing to lighten certain features.

The feline's eyes widened at the artwork he spied in front of him, for nothing else could have described the two in this one act. Frozen, yet still living.

"Hold boy, I didn't say move." The wolf's form stilled, his balance restored but the strain evident as his own bulging muscles worked to keep him in balance. Even with words spoken, no care was given to the new figure who began to pace forward, his claws tapping the white hard floor as he made his way forward.

"D-Dillon?" His voice was soft and kindly if a little high. The horse didn't move, at least not in a way that indicated concern or shyness at being caught in such a position. Instead his hips bucked forward again ever so slightly, the soft down of his lower abs and the soft wrinkled sheath skin grazing the damp black nose of the wolf he was buried in. A soft smile of satisfaction pulled at his muzzle lips, gently peeling them back to reveal the pearl white teeth, allowing them to gleam in the harsh light.

"Training." He said softly, that verbal blade still evident, his own brow holding a look of concentration as he continued to stare the wolf down. The stallion wriggled his hips slightly, the thick meat slurping in the tamed wolf's mouth, a harsh huff escaping the black muzzle fogging in the air against the horse.

"What?" The hushed lynx strode closer, two tentative steps before pausing, almost as if he was afraid of getting to close. A gentle bulge began to press against his slacks at his crotch as his own confused arousal made itself known.

"Training I said." Dillon huffed and snorted once, arm and paw snaking back out to join the other, firmly holding the wolf in place, holding him captive against the invading cock. "Now breathe."

"What?" The lynx wore a look of stark confusion on his soft muzzle, his eyes wide. He took one sharp step back, his hand reaching for the mace can on his utility belt.

The horse finally moved, his huge head whipped around, those blue eyes fixating on the feline who swallowed audibly at the display of annoyance.

"Not you idiot, him. Now, breathe, there you go."

A piteous whining pant emanated from the wolf who strained against male invader in his throat, the sound muffled and barely audible.

"And again...."

Panting began in earnest as the horse continued to command, and wait as the wolf complied. Each soft phrase duly answered to the letter.

"Shelly? What?" The sound of delicate hooves echoed around the boxes as a roan deer entered the pool of light, his own flashlight quickly turned off as he saw the pair locked together in their moment. "Is...that Dillon?"

The buck's antlers were tall and proud against the misty night, each tine and branch carefully polished and tended to. His rust colored coat gleamed in the soft light, the only splotch of bright color in a monochrome and confusing scene.

"Um, yeah." The feline shifted in his paws as he watched the stallion feed his wolf a most savory treat then. The horse grunted, one paw reaching down below the grey furred muzzle at his crotch. Thick hooved fingers gently grasped and pulled on the pair of heavy horse orbs that attempted to rise up. The tangy scent of musky pre filled the air as the honey like liquid began to dribble from the wolf's maw, the horse leaking a load into the lupine.

"Swallow now boy." Firm and unyielding, the command was given, and quickly and obediently it was followed. The shaggy wolf throat undulated as the lupine began to swallow.

"H-hot, so hot." The lynx looked over to the deer. He'd pulled his fly down and was watching the two intently, his speared red cock slick in his paw as it moved slowly over the engorged meat.

"Mike!?" the lynx backed up a moment looking as if he was about to bolt.

"Stay still damnit!" Dillon roared, his eyes flashing at the pair watching his lips curled in a ferocious snarl. "He needs to concentrate."

Not once did the wolf stop swallowing, the gulping and whining sound echoing around the wood crates.

The one called Shelly froze. He couldn't move so much as a muscle. His boss had spoken, and he listened. The training he'd been given had taken strong roots in his mind. Follow your orders, always listen, and when told to do something don't ask. It could save your life.

Two more pairs of footfalls sounded in the misty cold night as an otter and a boar happened to come closer. "What...what's going on?" One of the pair asked confused. No one dared answer. The porcine's eyes slid over to the grey duo.


No more was said as the crowed watched fascinated, their eyes glued to the scene as it continued to unfold.

"Ah yes, good boy." Patronizing and overly gentle, the grey horse paw patted the wolf between the ears. Finally the horse pulled back slowly, his paws holding the lupine head in place, the flare of his cock making an obscene move against the roughly furred throat, the bulge clearly visible.

Muscles tensed against his sleek and trim coat as he pushed himself back in, the wolf not struggling in the slightest, only the sound of breathing becoming labored as the horse shoved his long thick cock down the willing bitch kneeling in front of him.

Dillon snorted. "Ah fuck guys. Now this, ah, this is a willing and well trained guy. So good." the stallion's voice was rough and deep, and almost purred as he began to buck slowly into the soft silky throat. "He, ah, breathes as I command, and swallows. Hasn't stopped. Have you? No. Such a good boy Frank."

There was a soft whimper at that. The deer's paw was a furious blur on his own meat as a single gleaming jewel of cum streamed and fountained up and out of the twitching maleness. "Ah hah." He huffed, his antlers twitching as his orgasm rocked his body.

"Ah, Mike. Mike Mike Mike, always rushing" Dillon chuckled. "Keep sucking and keep breathin' boy!" The deep voice rumbled as his hips worked the wolf over. The brown eyes of the wolf watered as he suckled, whined and whimpered desperate for air, but desperate to please.

"Oooh!" The sound was soft and timid as the boar groaned, his paw stroking and rubbing his crotch as he stared intently over his snout. The horse smirked and looked over at the shorter security guard.

"Shhhh Damien. You'll distract, ah that's it, him."

Dillon looked down his muzzle, his blue eyes boring down back into the wolf's eyes a scowl of concentration on his own muzzle. "That's it boy. Just a little more. Fuck! He's so good boys!"

His thrusts sped up, but he kept his cock deeply impaled on the willing wolf. A shudder began in his legs as he strained to keep himself at bay, slowly losing the battle against his own deep lusts. Each thrust brought a new grunt of appreciation to his lips as he fed Frank every single thick inch that he could, sheathlips gently pressing time and again into the black nose.

"Ah soon. Too soon but so good" He muttered, his paws clenched vice-like against the coal colored head. Frank's eyes streamed tears as he struggled his balance shifting only slightly, his whole body locked in place by desire.

The scent of rich cum filled the horse's nose, his nostrils twitching at the familiar aroma. "Ah good boy. Told ya you'd cum like that again." The equine snorted once, hard. "Ah fuck."

With two more savage thrusts he planted himself against the midnight lips of the lupine, his own leathery musky sheath skin pressed tight in an obscene kiss.

"Oh FUCK!" The exclamation was deep, and shuddering. His balls unloaded their creamy hot load deep into the wolf. Claws scrabbled on the concrete as the wolf was finally pushed to the very edge, his ability to stay upright gone as his orgasm subsisted and as he will filled with cum. Five shots, six, seven, each one painting his stomach and filling him, a meal he savored if only he'd been able to taste it, the source buried inside. The horse flare blossomed as Dillon nickered. It pushed hugely against the sides of the breath tunnel, the thick lump easily visible, growing and twitching with each pulse of cum as the horse bred the whining throat.

White cum painted the sides of the black lips of the wolf as the load began to drool out of his mouth, his esophageal muscles unable to keep up with the rate and volume he was trying to swallow. His grey furred lids closed tight over his moist eyes in concentration as he was flooded with the taste he had craved, a look of absolute relief and joy on his face as his maw was filled with seed.

The horse pulled back suddenly, the long bloomed cock pulling free and snapping up to hard attention as the final few streams of cum streaked across the almost black muzzle, striping the dark fur with lines that crisscrossed the fur, a huge shuddering breath causing the wolf to finally spasm as he gulped for air.

"Ah, fuck yes." Dillon purred as he finally slapped his now spent meat across the wolf's muzzle, light milky strands of stallion seed coating it still.

"Clean up boy. I've got to get back on shift." The order was barked, and finally the horse looked at his audience as the wolf groaned and greedily lapped at the softening meat as it began its retreat into the sheath at the horse's crotch. All four furs stood transfixed as their boss glowered down his long nose at them. "Well, at least some of you guys know how to follow orders."

The blue eyes flashed at two particular furs, one boar, and one deer, both of which had sheepish grins on their muzzles.

"Some of you however can't fucking listen it seems. I said stay still and you horny bastards moved."

The deer would have blushed if he could have, his stubby tail twitching with irrepressible nerves. A large milky colored stain covered the blue pants of the boar who just shuffled his hooved feet.

"Ah, well, at least I got someone to listen it seems." His huge mit patted Frank's face as the lupine suckled gently at the now soft equine meat, the side of his muzzle still matted with cum. "Good boy."

The horse reached down and hitched his pants up, stuffing his softening cock into his fly. "Well, looks like we still have some more training to do."

He nickered softly helping the naked wolf to his feet, handing him a set of folded clothes. "See you when I get home."

The large grey stud turned and glared at the rest of the men again as he buttoned up his uniform shirt. He cleared his throat noisily. "Now, get back to work. Like I said, we have some training to do." He glared at both his security guard employees as well as the retreating form of the naked wolf. "All of you."