Land Before Time: Cherry Picker

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Legal Stuff: All the characters used in this story are © to Universal Studios. I'm just having them do to each other what Universal has been for ages.

Cera stirred in her nest, mumbling sleepily as she fought against the cobwebs of sleep that still clung to her mind. Blinking, she uncurled and let her head rest on the edge of the small nest that she slept in. The moon was full and giving plenty of light for the threehorn to see with. What she saw was that her father and step-mother were gone. Standing up, the yellow female swung her head from side to side, starting to feel her heart speed up as she started to panic a little. Her worry soon died off as the wind shifted and she picked up some fresh scent, as well as some whispered words. Finding herself curious as to what they were doing out of the clearing, she rose to her feet and began to follow.

It was only a short walk away from the clearing that they slept in before she saw the older threehorns standing in a clearing. Tria was standing at an angle to Cera, looking over her shoulder at the gray colored male. "Come on, Topsy. You know that you want to get some of this."

Her father grunted and turned his head back towards the clearing. Cera ducked down, almost laying in the dirt as she watched from the cover of the bushes. He grumbled, "You sure that we won't wake up Cera? And what about..." he trailed off, his eyes dropping to his mate's belly.

The older pink female almost purred, "She's fast asleep, and the eggs will be fine. Now give me the horn, big daddy."

Seeming content with the answer, he moved up to the female and ducked his head. Tria shivered with anticipation and lowered her front down, hiking her rear up and moving her tail to the side. Topsy let his tongue slide out and brush over his mate's slit, feeling how wet she already was. Murring, he licked over her opening slowly, letting his oral muscle slide into her opening just enough to reveal her red inner lips. Rubbing his muzzle against her, the older tops took in a deep breath, getting a good whiff of her femme juices. Each lick and sniff made him more excited, his cock dropping from his own genital slit and firming up quickly.

Within mere moments, his lance was ready for the joust. Heaving his body up, Topsy placed his forepaws on Tria's back and began to move forward slowly. The pink female was already breathing heavily when she felt her mate settle onto her haunches and push her tail aside. Wiggling back, the massive pair of lovers worked together to bring their bodies into position. She shivered and let out a low gasp as his blunt tip found her opening. Holding back a bellow, he shoved his battering ram forward and penetrated her outer walls. Walking forward slowly, he kept sliding his pole into her until he was nearly hilted. The pair savored this moment, their bodies barely moving as they breathed heavily. Then, slowly at first, he began to thrust into his lover, claiming her body as his once again.

Cera watched breathlessly as her parents began to mate. She had heard of it before, and even spied Ducky's parents doing it a couple times before, but she had never even thought of her father and step-mother doing it. When she saw the act before it had barely interested her, but right now she couldn't tear her eyes away. Maybe it was the way the full moon illuminated the pair. Maybe it was the angle at which they stood, allowing her to see the act in all it's glory. Maybe it was the sounds coming from them, soft whispers of love, grunts of lust and pleasure, and the wet, lewd sounds of rutting. The young female didn't know what interested her so, but she could not tear her eyes away. Her eyes drifted partially closed, a strange warmth starting to fill her body as she watched the act.

Topsy began to huff and pant, his body crashing against his mate's as they both grew more excited. Tria was pushing back against his body, her head tilted backwards as she moaned out encouragements to him. It wasn't long before she hit her peak first, gasping. A look of ecstasy flashed across her face as her eyes glazed over. Cera could see the older female's rump trembling from the orgasmic waves. Her breath caught in her throat as she shifted, feeling that warmth focus itself between her legs. Her father rammed forward and let out a grunt, a bellow almost breaking free of his throat. His hips moved slowly as his shaft pulsed, filling her up with his rich spunk.

Cera's eyes were locked onto that joining as Topsy backed away slowly. His rod was glistening with her step-mother's juices as it retreated from her body. After what seemed like far too long, he finally slipped out as he lowered down to the ground. Tria's slit was left gaping open for a moment, a stream of her lover's seed coming out of her body before slowing to a stop. Backing up slowly, the young threehorn slipped away from the pair as they nuzzled each other.

Her mind was reeling as she crawled back into her nest and lay down. Curling up, she made it look like she had been asleep the entire time. The instant her eyes closed, she could see her parents rutting again, clear as day. Shivering lightly, she felt a mix of lust, longing, and curiosity surge through her body. These feelings were unknown to her and strange, but somehow she felt compelled to follow through with them. As she thought of it, a little trickle of her feminine juices slipped out of her privates to glisten on her flesh. Curling up, she tucked her head against her side and fell asleep, breathing softly. Throughout the night, her sleep was plagued with lustful dreams and half-remembered displays.

Come dawn, the young trike lifted her head and stood up, slipping away from her family's clearing. Racing across the valley, she quickly made her way to where Littlefoot and his grandparents slept. Sneaking into the clearing, she hissed at the longneck; "Psst, Littlefoot! Littlefoot, wake up!"

The longneck stirred before blinking at her sleepily, "Huh, Cera what is it?"

Looking around she whispered, "Shh, just follow me." Turning around, she started to bound away. Still tired, but wondering what his friend was up to, Littlefoot rose from his bed and followed.

Some distance away from where everyone spent most of their time, Cera finally stopped, panting just a little bit. Her friend came up behind her and yawned, "What did you drag me all the way out here for?"

Taking a glance around, the threehorn confirmed that there was no one around; "I want to try something with you, but tell anyone and I'll kick your rear." As she said this, the yellow colored female turned around and growled, lowering her head some.

Despite being a bit larger than her, the longneck backed up regardless, "Okay, I won't say a word to anyone, now what is it that you want to do?"

Her cheeks colored a little as she turned around again, "Well I saw my Dad and Tria doing something last night and it looked fun. So I thought that I'd try it with you as a private game." When her friend remained quiet, looking at her curiously, the female gulped a little.

Lowering her front down, she let her tail lift up and to the side just like she had seen the older female do. Cera looked back over her shoulder, "I want you to lick me under my tail, on my opening."

Littlefoot made a face as he looked at the area she told him to, "Why do you want me to lick you there?" He knew what the place she wanted him to lick was, it was her cloaca. The idea of licking it just didn't sound too appealing to him.

She growled and pushed her hips back, "Just do it before I kick your tail."

Knowing that she did carry through with her threats, on occasion, the longneck decided to do as he was told. Lowering his head down, he rubbed his muzzle against her leathery hide before opening his mouth. His tongue hesitated a moment before sliding across the flesh of her cloaca's opening. It didn't taste that bad, it had a slightly salty flavor to it. Giving the area a second lick, his tongue encountered some dried juices. Running his tongue over her lips again, he let the muscle slide into her opening a little. Just behind the shelter of her lips, he found more of that nectar. Littlefoot couldn't describe what the flavor was like, but the more he tasted, the more he wanted.

A moan came from Cera's mouth as she laid her chest on the ground, her heart starting to pound inside of her chest. Each lick from her friend sent a jolt of indescribable pleasure coursing up her spine. Only a few moments into the foreplay and already her head was reeling with new and wonderful feelings. Her labia began to swell with blood, the lips flowering open to reveal her red inner lips. Those petals glistened with her female dew, inviting the male to lap up all he could find. Opening her mouth up, the threehorn began to pant as her rear lifted itself. She longed to tell him that she wanted more from him, but for once she was speechless.

Littlefoot's tongue moved across her swelling lips, the young male finding the taste irresistible. At the base of her slit, something was swelling up and just peeking out from under a fold of flesh. He didn't give it much thought until his tongue swept over it, making Cera's hips jerk and a gasp come from her. Since she seemed to like it, he began to pay more attention to it. The male's shift in care rewarded him with an increased flow of those intoxicating juices. The taste and scent of the honey invaded his senses, fogging his mind more with every lick and sniff. By now his own vent was swelling up, the lips bulging for a moment before his cock dropped free. As it unfurled, his pole nearly touched the ground before firming up. A crown stood out behind the blunt tip, a vein-covered shaft extending up into his opening. The entire length flexed against his belly, the two-tone member eager for more.

Cera couldn't begin to put what she was feeling into words, from the gentle waves coursing through her body as her lips were licked, to the sharp jolts each time her clit was teased. The warmth from the night before was spreading through her body, quickly rising towards a bonfire inside of the threehorn. Her hind legs shifted and shuffled against the ground, her spine arching up more for her friend and soon-to-be lover. Then, without warning, it hit her. The female's first climax crashed through her body, a squeak just barely able to leave her mouth as her body locked up. Cera's breath caught in her throat, slipping out as little gasps.

Within moments it was over, the tsunami of pleasure fading away gradually. The female was left in the most delightful state of afterglow, the world seemed so peaceful and relaxing at this very moment. However, the longneck male wasn't ready to rest just yet. Littlefoot stood there with his cock hard and aching, just begging to be buried inside of her vent. His mind flashed back to what he had seen in the valley before, "Cera, do you mind if I mount you?" The threehorn looked back, a smile on her face as she nodded, words still lost to her.

Eagerly, Littlefoot lifted his forelegs off the ground and placed them on her hindquarters. Stepping forward, he used his bulk to nudge her tail to the side. His cock relaxed for a moment, hanging down as he moved forward. When he got closer it tensed up again, the head sliding over her thigh and up until it found her cloaca. He was running on instinct at this moment, aided by a relaxed female. His first thrust missed it's mark, his cock sliding up her rear and back. His next thrust was too low, rubbing across her belly; but the third thrust was right on the mark. The moment his tip found her opening, the warmth and wetness as good as an engraved invitation, he pushed his hips forward.

Cera grunted softly when she felt his weight settle onto her hips. Her body was built differently than a male's, her hind legs and hips made to support the weight of an eager male. A shiver coursed through her body when she felt that burning hot cock slide across her thighs and nudge against her slit. He began to thrust, his cock sliding across her body and smearing pre-cum across her hide. It took Littlefoot a few thrusts until he found his mark. Everything seemed to pause when their privates met for the first time, the moment stretching out into eternity. Then the male pushed forward, the first to enter her body. Pain shot through the haze of her afterglow when he burst through her virginity, making her body tense up as a scream broke free of her mouth. Tears gathered in her eyes as her vent spread out around his thick length, feeling his tip bludgeon it's way deeper into her body.

Littlefoot was lost to his primal lust, her scream barely registering as he pushed his body forward. The feeling of having something so soft and tight hugging his cock, he couldn't begin to think of a way to put it into words. The young male just continued to press forward until his vent met hers. Shivering, he held himself there for a moment, panting at the feeling of how her inner muscles gripped at his length. His eyes shut as he pulled his hips back slowly, his length glistening with her juices, just a trace of her virgin blood coating it. When about a quarter of his length was outside of her body, he gave a short thrust back into the welcoming folds.

Oh it hurt, Cera's back half was throbbing painfully as her friend sheathed himself inside of her cloaca. Her breath came in short pants as she whimpered softly. Then, he was hilted the hurt leveled out. Right now they were about the same size, so she could feel his vent's lips rubbing hers lightly. She knew his tip was buried deep inside of her body, how deep she did not know. Thankfully, her friend held himself there long enough that the agony she felt began to recede. When he began to pull out, she felt a fresh surge of pain come through her body, but this time there was an equal amount of pleasure mixed in. When Littlefoot thrust back in, there was even more pleasure and less pain.

There wasn't a doubt in her mind that sex would feel a lot better the more she did it, but she was in for a little bit of a surprise. Just as the pleasure from the act was about to completely drown out the pain from her deflowering, she felt her friend jerk above her. Littlefoot moaned as he felt his stomach tense up quickly. His body pushed against Cera's, his crotch hitting against her raised rear. A shiver traveled up his spine as her tunnel hugged his length. He only got in a handful of thrusts before a jolt of rapture shot through his body. Inside of the female, his tip flared out as he rammed forward and began to cum. That mushroomed tip held back the flood of his seed, locking it inside of her.

Panting, he pulled back slowly, feeling like his head was in a fog of sheer joy. His tip fell out of her, releasing a short flood of his adolescent spunk. When Littlefoot finally got back on all four of his feet, Cera found herself freed from the joint-locking stance brought on by her instincts. Turning around, she frowned at him; "Is that all you're going to do?"

The male swayed for a moment, pondering her question. He felt a slightly lethargic after cumming, but oddly enough, he still felt ready for more. "No, just let me get some water." At the mention of water, she noticed how dry her own mouth was. The pair walked over to a pool and took several moments to drink from its cool depths.

When they finished, the pair eagerly moved towards another round of rutting. Cera assumed the position once more, lowering her front down and letting her tail swing up and to the side. Even before her tail moved away, Littlefoot was moving back onto her body. His lance was ready for the next joust, tapping against her rear and thighs as he got into position. This time he only required two thrusts before he found his mark, the longneck's thick cock once more spreading open the threehorn.

The two young lovers shared a gasp of joy, pressing their bodies tight against each other. Looking up at him, the female let out a soft moan, her eyes closed most of the way. Acting on an urge, he leaned his head down and pressed his lips against hers. He had seen adults kissing on different occasions, but he didn't know why until now. As their mouths met, a surge of delight spread through the pair. Littlefoot moaned into her mouth, slipping his tongue past her lips and letting it dance with hers. Cera eagerly returned the gesture, her muscle writhing against his. Inside of her body, his rod was throbbing with lust, her sleeve stroking and squeezing to both soothe and encourage it.

Breaking the kiss, Littlefoot pulled his hips back and gave a short thrust. Her gaze moved forward as a gasp came from her, feeling nothing but pleasure this time; the pain from before having fallen into a dull ache that was quickly washed away. Each thrust drew a lewd squish and suck from her body, the cocktail from their earlier rutting adding to the lubrication and noise. Her body began to rock back against his, the threehorn adding a slow roll to her hips. He started to work as well, pumping more of his length in and out of his friend-turned-lover.

It was dumb luck that their motions happened to match up with one thrust. He pulled out of her almost entirely before pushing forward right as she rolled her hips with a different angle. The combination of these two things made his cock stab against, then rub over her G-spot. Cera's eyes flew open as pleasure hit her like a bolt of lightning, making her clench around his cock. Without a word, the pair began to work their bodies faster, trying to find that particular combination again.

Each time they would stumble across that right angle, a shiver would course through her body followed by a gasp and a buck. They began to move faster now, their youth adding a frantic energy to their rutting. A particularly strong buck almost pushed the longneck off her. He responded by lunging forward, slamming his body against hers with more force. Moans and gasps filled the air as they worked towards their respective climaxes. A soft whine slipped out from her clenched jaws as she trembled, right on the edge.

A shift in his thrusts was the trigger, his pattern changing from almost withdrawing with each pump to barely moving his hips as he fucked her. Cera's body locked up again as a breathless scream was torn from her body. Trembling under him, a flood of juices came from her body. The mixture of his cream and her honey trickled down her thighs to pool at her feet, turning into mud as they shifted and moved quickly. Feeling her climax around him, the tunnel gripping his length and milking it, was more than the male could stand. Ramming forward, he began to fill her depths once more. His cock pulsed viably with each shot of seed, sending jolts racing up his spine.

For a long moment, they stayed just like that, with their bodies pressed flush against each other. The pair would have been happy to stay like that forever, but they could not. Littlefoot's rapidly deflating cock slipped out of her body. With the cork gone, another flood of their lust issued from her body. Lowering down slowly, he panted as he backed up a few steps, seeming a little unsteady on his feet at the moment. Cera was almost purring as she let her front rest against the ground, her rear staying up. It was as if she were showing off her messy vent like a badge of pride.

Turning her head to the side, she looked at her friend's softened cock, coated with the residue of their lust. Standing up, she made her way over and butted his side hard enough to knock him over. Littlefoot let out a grunt as he hit the ground, "Cera what are you..." His question was cut off as he felt her tongue slide over his sensitive cock. The female's cheeks began to turn red as she moved her head towards his limp rod. Sticking out her tongue, she gave his shaft a quick swipe. The flavors waiting for her on that cock were odd. She couldn't quite place what the flavors were, but the mingling of his sperm, her juices, and a hint of her virginity was simply divine.

Once more, the male's lance began to rise to the occasion. The flesh throbbed right in front of her eyes as it filled with blood and firmed up. One of his legs lifted up, allowing her access to more of that delightful phallus. Forgetting her embarrassment, Cera dove in with abandon. Her tongue traced up his flesh, cleaning up the mess left behind from their rutting. Moving down, she licked around his male vent, getting a salty taste from her longneck lover before nuzzling his flesh. Pulling her head back a little, her eyes went wide as she finally saw his cock in all it's glory. It was hard to believe, but the pleasureful ache under her tail let her know that she had indeed taken everything he had given her.

Curiosity took over the female as her eyes came to rest on the blunt tip of his ram. Opening her lips, she took the head and a couple inches into her mouth. A groan came from her friend, letting her know that he was enjoying this. Her tail began to wave with excitement as she pushed her head down further. The cock slid across her tongue and towards the back of her throat, which is where she had to stop as her belly jerked and she found herself gagging a little. Pulling back, she decided on a good distance before starting to bob her head quickly. There was no holding back, no gentle teasing for the male. Her tongue lashed over his flesh and tickled behind his crown, a smile forming whens he heard his gasp and felt his hips jerk lightly. With care, she closed her mouth a little to let her flat, plant-eating teeth, graze across his flesh. This seemed to be too much for the male and he let out a low, tired, bellow as he erupted once more. Caught by surprise, she had to pull her head back as she gagged on the sudden flood. Ropes of his seed splashed across her face and mouth. Cera moaned softly and closed her eyes, savoring her first taste of his seed.

Topsy had been surprised to wake up that morning and find Cera had gone off. It wasn't unusual for her to run off to play with her friends, but most of the time she would wake him to tell him. Then he had seen her friends Spike and Ducky down at the watering hole. They hadn't seen her that morning, so like any worried father he went to investigate. Imagine his surprise when, upon following his daughter's scent, to find her with that her longneck friend's cock buried inside of her mouth. He had walked up just in time to see his daughter pull back and get her face covered in the young male's seed. The older threehorn stood in shock at the sight of what was happening in front of him. About then the wind shifted, bringing him the scents of mating. Immediately his eyes darted across his little girl's body, spotting the mess waiting between her legs and on her opening. A bellow of rage came from Topsy as he barreled into the clearing.

Cera's head jerked around at the sound of a roar and thundering footsteps. Littlefoot lurched to his feet quickly and backed up as the enraged father skidded to a halt. Seeing his daughter about to say something he snorted, "Not a word from you, young lady." His head swung towards Littlefoot, "You! Get back to the herd and wait, I will be there to deal with you after I have had a talk with my daughter." The gray male's eyes watched as the longneck turned and ran, terrified of the older male's rage. The male didn't know what to do, his mind was awash with a mix of emotions. Rage at the fact that his daughter had been rutting with a longneck and stood before him with that male's seed on her face. Curiosity as to how long this had been happening. And finally, lust, at the scents of an aroused threehorn female. As he stood there, he could feel his member straining to escape from his vent. A thought occurred to him as he growled, "Follow me and don't make a sound." Terrified of what he was planning to do, the young female followed after her father, head hung low.

They walked for some time, keeping away from where the herds tended to roam, until they came to a bluff above the clearing they called home. Topsy leaned down and growled, "Now, eyes forward, drop your front, and lift up your tail. I don't want to hear one peep from you, understand?" Trembling, Cera did as she was told, her eyes pointed forward. Tria stood in the clearing, pacing around in circles and huffing. She did this for a few moments before moving over a nest and crouching down. As the younger female watched, her step-mother let out a grunt and began to lay her first clutch with Topsy.

Moving up behind his daughter, the male let his cock fall free of his slit, looking at her still-moist vent. A sick feeling shot through his gut at the thought of what he was about to do, before it was pushed aside by a perverse joy. Stepping over Cera slowly, he got into position and pushed his hips forward. His cock stiffened up and flexed as he crouched, sliding across his daughter's tail. The older, more experienced male had little trouble in locating her vent, his cock jabbing against her opening before starting to push in. Biting her lip, Cera held back the whimper of pain and shame as she felt her father's member start to spread her open. He was thicker than Littlefoot, but not by much. It surprised her at first, before she remembered how large her longneck friend would be when he grew up.

Keeping her eyes forward, she tried to ignore the fact that her father was about to rut her. Shifting her feet around, she couldn't help it as her rear lifted more to make it easier for him to gain access. With a chuff, he lunged forward, sliding as much of his meat into her waiting body as he could. Biting down harder on her lip, she pawed at the ground and let out a soft whine. There was no way that her body would be able to take all of her father's length. Her breath was coming in short pants as she felt his tip hit against something inside of her body before he pulled back and gave a hard thrust. Daddy Topps was a lot stronger than Littlefoot and had a lot more experience under his belt, it would be no contest which of the two could make her cum harder.

As the unseen pair watched, Tria let out a pained cry as her vent opened up to let the first egg slide out. On the bluff, Cera shifted from foot to foot, her hips already pushing back against the elder threehorn's thrusts. Topsy huffed softly, his eyes closed most of the way as he took the younger female while watching his mate lay her clutch. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, Cera's body was simply incredible. Her tunnel hugged around his length tightly, milking him for all he was worth. Each thrust was made easier by the mixture of her own juices and the spunk left behind by Littlefoot. Not to mention that she was so eager, pushing her smaller body up against him as he powered his cock into her depths.

Standing over the female, he pumped his body back and forth. His thick length throbbed inside of her, releasing some pre-cum to make the task of mating easier. Doubtless he could make his daughter scream and beg for him if he wanted to, but this was more to teach her a lesson. And to sate that disturbing, yet oddly arousing, lust that had risen in his body. As he fucked his eldest daughter, his mind fell back to her mother and he began to note similarities between the two that he hadn't noticed before. Now that he thought about it, he could recall how amorous his first mate had been and some tales she had told him at night of flings with different species. Falling back into memories, he let his member plow Cera's fields as she writhed under him.

Cera's cheeks were red hot as she crouched there under Daddy Topps. He was definitely a far better lover than Littlefoot, but the thought that she was being rutted by her father made the female's cheeks turn even more red. Her breath was coming in short gasps as she buried her face in the soft grass, feeling her thighs trembling. The events of the night before came flashing back to her mind, recalling how he and Tria had mated. Now here she was, under her father just as her step-mother had been, but she was having to remain silent so they did not get caught. Which, as it turns out, was much harder than she thought it would be. Already her insides were starting to tense up as she felt the now-familiar knot forming in her gut.

Without warning, her body tensed up and she felt herself peak for the third time that day, her cloaca spasming around the older male's cock. However, unlike Littlefoot, he kept powering through her climax. Her eyes went glassy as she laid her head on the cool grass, gulping for air as her body trembled. Relentless, her father pumped his member in and out of her body with a force unmatched by her other lover. Imagine her surprise when she was swept up in the arms of a second orgasm, following right on the heels of her first. A low whine built in her body as she quaked under Topsy, trying to catch her breath.

He could feel it as his daughter came around his cock. It was simply incredible how her already heavenly tunnel tightened around his length even more. Oh how he longed to bury himself in her as deep as he could and then empty his balls into his daughter. The desire was so strong that he felt himself trying to ram his dick deeper into the young threehorn's vent. Growling low in his throat, he pulled his hips back sharply. His cock popped out of her body with a lewd noise, leaving her hole gaping. Thrusting forward, he rubbed his flesh across her rear and up her back before huffing at her, "Turn around, Cera."

Obediently she did as she was told, coming face-to-tip with her father's throbbing cock. Blushing, she opened her mouth and closed her eyes, licking across his tip. Topsy shuddered and pushed his hips forward, feeling his tip slide into her maw. Cera's tongue swirled around his tip as the male pawed at the ground, starting to tense up quickly. His hips rocked with a couple short thrusts before he hissed, "Get ready!" His daughter sucked hard around his cock before pulling her head back with a pop. That was all the male needed. His tip flared out and his pole pulsed visibly as he came. His first spurt splashed across her face and head crest, painting her yellow hide white. Her eyes were closed tightly as one burst after another was fired across her face, some even making it onto her back. His flavor was different from Littlefoot's, having a deep, musky flavor to it. By the time he was finished, she had swallowed a good bit, but most of the treat was covering her face.

Stepping back, the male let a shiver pass through his body before moaning. "Turn around and look at Tria." The younger female did as she was asked, spying the rosy colored threehorn laying next to a nest with at least a half-dozen eggs inside of it. "If you are not cautious with whom you rut, you will end up like that." He looked at her sternly, "I don't want to hear, smell, or see you doing that with your friends again." Clearing his throat, he turned his head upwards to hide the blush that was creeping across his face, "If I do catch you, then we will have to have another... talk. Understand?"

The young female blushed, "Yes, Daddy." Of course this wouldn't stop her from having the romps with her friends, it just meant she'd have to be more careful or else.

He nodded and looked down at his child, "Good, now go clean up."