
Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Chapter 12: Recovery

Author's Note:

Lacyus: Hi everyone. Due to university and a nasty combination of classes, rent, lack of money, tuition and lack of jobs out there, I must apologize for the lack of postings the last few months.

Sunset: Fortunately, we managed to scrape together enough time to complete this story for posting. This is my first time doing all the editing alone for Lacyus' writing, so please be gentle with your comments. Lacyus already read through and picked out some stuff, but there may still be others left in.

Lacyus: For now, I can promise that my postings will be picking up a bit. Please enjoy the story and feel free to vote and comment!



It started up with a single dot of light in my vision. Then a bit of sound. Some words being exchanged. I was too groggy to make out the words myself. Arm? What about an arm? The light faded and I passed out again.

The next time I came to was when something was fondly stroking my cheek. I groaned a little and reached up to grab what was stroking me. A very familiar scale texture greeted me.

"L...... Lac....yus?" I croaked out faintly.

A gentle murmur greeted me. "I'm here."

Something was wrong with our link. It was too cloudy to be normal. "What's going on? Where are we?"

"We're in the hospital. We got shelled in the firebase."

"We did?" I put my hand to my head. "Ugh.... "

"Apparently Ennica found us in the aftermath and got some medics to help us."

I opened my eyes and was immediately greeted by a blinding light. Groaning, I raised my hand to block out some of the light. "Are you hurt Lacyus?"

I felt him gently kiss me on the cheek and cuddle up to me. "I'll be fine."

I shook my head. "You're lying. Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. The doctors patched up what was bleeding, and I just need to rest and heal."

I looked around the room to see that Lacyus and I were in a two person hospital bed. Unlike human hospitals, where patients would be separated, Xenomorphic hospitals not only had to deal with normal care, but also the fact that we were half animal. Dragons, when injured, become extremely defensive, to the point of spontaneous violence. However, the best way to solve that problem was to put the dragon next to another that it felt safe around, in my case, Lacyus.

I started to sit up, but Lacyus tried to stop me. "You need to rest! Lie down!"

"I need to see how badly you're hurt. I know healing magic."

I turned to look at Lacyus and felt my heart break. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, covering his left eye. His entire left side had bandages and wrappings around it. I started crying when I got to his left arm.

"Lacyus.... you can regenerate your arm right...... right? Please say yes....."

His eyes dropped. "The shell that landed next to us was charged with light energy. The damage done to me can't just regenerate."

My memory started coming back of how Lacyus protected me. I started to cry harder. "I did it."

Lacyus sat up "Sunset...."

"I took your arm! It's my fault!"

Lacyus kissed me. "No it isn't."

"Yes it is! If I wasn't there you-"


I reeled back as Lacyus slapped me in the face. Anger, with something else behind it, was written all over his face.

"Get a grip! It's not like I didn't know the risks! And it's bad enough with Mira crying over me!"

I was simply awestruck. That was the first time ever Lacyus had hit me out of anger. It wasn't very hard, but it was enough to shock me.

"It's just a fucking arm! I can live without my arm! I can't live without you! What if I didn't protect you!?! What if you were in the same shape as me!?!? What if you died!?!?! You've been through enough hell and I'm not about to let to go through any more!!!"

He laid back down and snorted angrily. The shock of Lacyus' slap gradually melted away, and I laid beside him. I looked over to Lacyus and suddenly realized that he wasn't just angry. He was trying not to cry. He gave a nervous swallow and bit his lip. I was silent and still for a second before I snuggled up to Lacyus and nuzzled him in an attempt to comfort him, whispering in his ear.

"Thank you."

The anger left Lacyus' face and tears began to gather in his eye. "Did I hurt anything?"

I shook my head. "No, just scared me." I reached up and gently pulled his muzzle against mine. "It's okay love."

Lacyus swallowed again and a single tear fell between our snouts. He spoke in a low, wavering voice. "I love you. I... I... I don't know what I would do without you Sunset." His hand came up and he grasped his muzzle tightly, shutting his eye. "I'm just so scared of you dying. Call me obsessive, but it's true. I cannot think of anything worse than that happening. You are the world to me, and I want you to be happy. I will give anything for you to live on to love and be loved, my ky'rai-su."

I nodded and smiled, affectionately stroking Lacyus' muzzle. "I know, and I promise to do the same for you. You are every bit as important to me, as I am to you." Lacyus' eye opened and I gently wiped the tears away. Our heads shifted and we shared a gentle loving kiss. As we broke the kiss, I spoke softly. "Stop trying to put up this stone facade Lacyus. If you're gonna cry, then cry. That's why I'm here."

Lacyus nodded a bit before more tears began to fall. I held Lacyus close, making sure he knew I was there for him. For any Xenomorph, there was nothing more comforting than having your mate nearby when you are upset. For Lacyus, my gentle strokes and whispering instantly took their effect and in less than a minute, he was back to normal.

I looked around and spotted a small table overflowing with flowers, balloons and candy all addressed to us.

"Who's this from?"

"Everyone. My mom, you parents, Mira, Neph and Rykuu, Ennica, Sarah."

"Wow." I spotted a box of my favourite candy, Purdy's Chocolates. "Mmmm, you want some chocolate Lacyus?" I asked, reaching for the box

Lacyus stopped me. "Can't. Nothing sweet until we're off the painkillers and antibiotics. They have us on a very strict diet."

"Really?" I growled disappointedly. "Damn, and they're sitting right there!"

He laughed. "I know, it sucks. But," Lacyus leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "you're here, so it makes things that much better."

I blushed a little and rolled onto my side and instantly regretted it. A lancing pain shot through my arm. "Oww fuck!"

"Your right arm has a pretty bad fracture in it. Your shoulder was also dislocated, so try not to move it too much."

"Great, my drawing arm..." I sighed, remembering my little art notebook. "Anything else?"

"You were also bleeding internally, and they had to operate apparently."

"Really?" I looked under the covers and sure enough, there was stitches across my belly. "Wow, we must be really drugged up not to feel that right now." I looked over to Lacyus. "How much are you banged up?"

"Well, when they got me in, my left arm was pretty much a write-off, so they amputated it."

I felt a pang of guilt invade my mind. But then what Lacyus said kicked in. I shook my head and frowned. "Figures. What about you leg?"

He laughed slightly. "They said it was a miracle they were able to save it. I also had severe lacerations all over my left side and, well, my left eye's gone as well."

I began to tear up slightly in guilt, but Lacyus flicked me on the nose to remind me of what he said. He smiled. "Don't worry. Mira said she'd pay for a cybernetic replacement for both my arm and eye."

I sighed and smiled. "Well, at least that's good news.... Wait, cybernetic replacements?"


"Aren't those somewhere around $150,000 a piece?"

"Mira has a lot of money."

I frowned. "How much? I don't want her to bust her bank on something that I could figure out how to heal."

"Dunno, but she says that the cost of the eye is nothing."

There was a click as the door to our room opened, and a female gecko in a white coat walked in carrying a laptop bag. However, the gecko easily caught Lacyus' eye, with her shapely curves and well rounded breasts, which were a bit larger than mine. I noticed Lacyus staring a bit and nudged him, smiling mischeviously.

*Don't you go forgetting me.....*

Lacyus returned the smile briefly *I haven't. I've got plans for us after we get out.* Lacyus sent images across our link that almost made me moan out loud

Lacyus grunted as he sat up a little. "Hey doctor."

The Gecko smiled. "Hello Mr. Akival. You're looking better." She turned to me. "And I see you're finally up Ms. Sunset."

I nodded. "Yeah, I've felt better though..."

"Well, I'm Dr. Azraiel and I've been looking after your treatment." She pulled up a chair to Lacyus' side of the bed. "Time to take a look at your eye Mr. Akival. Ms. Sunset, you may want to look away. It's kinda gross, even for me."

With that she unwrapped the bandage on Lacyus' head, revealing what remained of his left eye. The scales were torn away and the entire socket had been dug out, revealing a brutally disfigured mass, covered in dried blood and torn scales. However, there were some signs of a cybernetic implant already. The outside of the eye socket had a metal ring running around it.

Dr. Azraiel took a small penlight and shined it into the socket. "Well, good news. Your body seems to be taking to the implant very well so far. Now, let's test the neuron responses." She opened the laptop bag and pulled out a computer, attaching a box to a USB port. The box had a series of five wires coming from it, which she hooked up to Lacyus' metal ring. She clicked some buttons on the computer then switched the box on. "Okay look up please..... Good, down now...." And so she went through each direction, then through motions, like rolling his eyes and reading a book. When she was satisfied she disconnected everything and packed up her laptop.

"Okay then. Neuron responses are within acceptable levels, so everything will be good for the final operation later today. As for your arm, it'll be another night before we can test your neuron responses for that." As she redressed Lacyus' eye, she continued talking. "Now, as for you Ms. Sunset, you are very lucky. The weapon you were attacked with was light based, so all we need to do is stimulate your regenerative mana and you should heal in less than three minutes."

She took out two tubes of medicinal herbs and another jar of a powered herb and set them out on the little table beside our bed. Though we practiced conventional medicine, natural remedies were more common, so very few artificial chemicals were found in Xenomorphic medicine. Most medicines were made by healers and alchemists who gathered wild ingredients and blended them together. However, in hospitals, these ingredients were shipped in bulk quantities and mixed on the spot, due to patient volume.

I watched as Dr. Azraiel spread some of the medicine on a small glass plate, a dark, brown-red paste. A strong smell of mint with a bit of cinnamon came off of it. I recognized it as valianae, one of the herbs that my mother put into her cold remedies. "Dr. Azraiel, I have a quick question."

She nodded as she took another tube and spread the contents, which I recognized as sage grass, on the plate. "Go ahead."

"My mate is also a regenerator, so can you help him regenerate his arm and eye?"

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, but no. The weapon you two were hit with had light-energy charged projectiles that disrupted the regenerative energy field where it hit. The best we could do was patch him up." She took out a small spatula-like item and began mixing the two pastes.

"Okay, let's get underway." Dr. Azraiel took a bit of the newly mixed paste and spread it on my face, outlinining my elemental scars. "This will start tingling in a bit." As she completed the outlining, she extended the outline into a healing array, and the tingling started.

"This feels funny." I said, as I fought the urge to scratch. "When are you..... o-o-okay this is even weirder."

Under my skin, I could feel my flesh suddenly warping and tugging. Looking under the covers, I could see that the edges of my wounds were glowing. Stitches began to snap as my wounds suddenly began sealing themselves. There was an odd grinding as my shoulder reseated itself in its socket, and the fracture in my arm healed. I could feel pulling within my internal organs and new scales growing in on my skin.

When it was all done, I looked down at my body and saw absolutely no trace of my wounds, aside from snapped stitches.

Dr. Azraiel packed her bag up and smiled. "Alright. You should be well enough to get up and walk around, now that your wounds have healed, but no leaving the hospital just yet. We just need to sign you out and schedule a follow up exam for you. Just follow me after this and I'll get your clothes that your parents left for you. Lacyus, the cybernetics doctor should be along shortly to pick you up for surgery."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks, but is it okay if I stay the night with my mate?"

The doctor shook her head. "Sorry, but no. We're overloaded with patients from the attacks, and we need to get people through here as fast as possible so I have more time to work with critical cases."


I felt Lacyus push me lightly with his hand. "Go Sun. Your parents are worried sick. And plus I have surgery for the rest of the day until visiting hours are over. You wouldn't be able to see me anyways."

I frowned. "Okay honey, but I'm gonna be back tomorrow for the entire day for you."

Lacyus laughed. "I'll be looking forward to that."

I leaned in and kissed him. "I love you Lacyus." I murmured.

Lacyus nuzzled me. "I love you too Sunset."

And so began the boring process of the check-out. I was given a bag of some clothes my parents had left me, a purple t-shirt and form fitting jeans. After some paperwork, they sent me on my way, with a bag full of my possessions that I had on me when I was rescued, and, much to my relief, my engagement ring. Though blackened with carbon, I wiped most of it off and slid it onto my finger, smiling proudly, reminding myself of how lucky I was to have Lacyus as my mate.

I came to the door of my parent's apartment and knocked. The door opened with a click and I was nearly swept off my feet by Nephilla, who embraced me in a crushing hug.

"YOU'RE OKAY!" She screamed.

I smiled and hugged her back. "Yes, I'm okay!"

She loosed her hug and smiled. "Gods, mom and dad are going to be so happy!"

We stepped inside. "Speaking of which, where are they? Work?"

"No." Neph shook her head. "They were called to the Temple of the Five in order to commune with the gods, so they brought Uura and Thaad with them to have them blessed."

"So it's just you here?"

"Yep." She smiled mischeviously. "And seeing as it's just us, why don't we celebrate your recovery with some of the new ‘toys' I just picked up."

I raised an eyebrow and returned the smile. "Really? You don't strike me as the toys type of girl."

Neph walked behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me in. "Well, I figure, what's the point of being a dragoness if you don't use this little treasure every so often." She said, lightly rubbing my womanhood through my jeans.



When I got off duty for the day, I had checked at the hospital for Sunset, but they said that she had been discharged. Seeing that Lord Akival had been taken to cybernetic surgery, I figured that I should pay a visit to Sunset. When I arrived, my smoke grey uniform tunic was already unbuttoned, and my dull red shirt untucked. My grey slacks had still kept their creases, but there were wrinkles at the joints. Being my best friend, Sunset had trusted me enough to give me a key to her parent's apartment. I unlocked the door and let myself in.

"Hello?" I called softly. "Anyone home?"

There was no answer, so I decided to venture down the hall to the bedrooms. As I walked down the hall I could hear moaning mixed with little squeaks and squeals. My pace quickened, worried that Sunset was under attack.

I got to her bedroom door, there was a sudden call of "OH FUCKKKKKK!"

Instantly, I drew my side arm, a small automatic pistol, and kicked open the door. Inside, I could see Nephilla, sitting on Sunset, pinning her onto the bed. I shoved Nephilla off of Sunset and pressed my pistol to her forehead. "Twitch and you're dead!" I turned to Sunset. "Are you ok-" I could feel my face burn bright red when I spotted the lavender double ended dildo stuck in Sunset's sex.

Nephilla was blushing brightly, not even trying to cover her feminine bits up. "D-di-did I do something wrong?"

I replaced my sidearm in it's holster with a nervously shaking hand. "N-no, nothing a-a-at all."

There was a little gasp from Sunset and I looked over to see her still rubbing her clit with one hand, the other massaging a breast. "Nmmmmph, E-ennica.. Could you... Could you do me a... a little favor."

"S-s-sure." I stammered out politely averting my eyes. "W-what it i-it?"

"Push it a little deeper please." She thrummed deeply, sighing and smiling.

"Hey!" Neph crawled back onto Sunset and took hold of the dildo, gently sliding down onto it, both of them moaning in harmony. "Why d-do you get to... fuckkkk.... get to cum first."

Sunset giggled dreamily and moved her hands to the rump of Nephilla. Nephilla began to thrust her hips and the two were at it again, completely oblivious to the fact that I was there watching. I blushed as I heard the two moaning as they humped each other, groping each other's breasts and rump, fingering their tailholes and kissing passionately. I had heard that dragonesses liked sex, but this took the cake. As they continued, I could feel my knees getting weak, and a warming sensation in my groin. Eventually the two reached their peaks, crying out and collapsing into a hot, panting heap.

Sunset was the first to recover. "Fuck, you have a knack for choosing good toys."

Nephilla swallowed. "Well, it's your sister you're talking to. Only the best for you."

"Hmmm, yeah true." Sunset looked over at me. "And it seems that we weren't only one that enjoyed that."

I looked down to discover that my hand had drifted into my panties and that I had been fingering myself the entire time. My face burned even brighter red.

"Why don't you join in Ennica?" Nephilla offered. "I'm sure you'll like it."

"B-but I-"

"Oh come on." Sunset slipped out from under Nephilla and came over. "Have you ever heard of friends with benefits?"

"Well no, but... yeah, but..."

Sunset grabbed my hand. "Just this once and then pass a judgement on it."

"O-okay..." I murmured, unsure of what to expect. However, my body was already saying yes. My sex had already began to flutter.

Nephilla smiled. "Alright, well, since it's your first time with us, I say you get to choose the next toy." She pointed to some boxes on her desk. "Take your pick."

Sunset followed and pointed out the ones they already worked through. Finally I found a box that caught my eye.

"Dragon dream>" I read from the packaging. "I think I like this one."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Dragon dream?"

Nephilla nodded. "I picked this one up from a human sex toy maker."

I began to open the packaging when Sunset stopped me.

"Excuse me, but how are you gonna use that when you have this little thing covered up?" She teased, firmly rubbing my crotch. "Get out of those and we'll help you warm up."

I purred and slipped my jacket off. The red dress shirt wasn't as form fitting as some of my other clothes, but it did show of my modest sized B-cup breasts. As I began slipping my shirt off over my head, I squeaked as I felt Sunset undo the button on my slacks.

"Hurry up Ennica. We're not gonna wait all day long."

I blushed as Sunset pushed down my pants along with my panties. By that time, I had slipped off my bra and tossed it aside. Sunset sat down on the bed, spread her legs and motioned for me to sit down between them. As soon as I sat down, she began to rub my sex, causing me to gasp and arch my back.

Sunset giggled. "Wow, you're sensitive. How many times have you had sex before?"

"F-four" I arched and wailed as I felt Sunset slip a scaled finger into my pussy. "Four o-o-or FUCKKK!"

Without waring, I suddenly came. Wailing, I gripped handfuls of the sheets tightly. I could feel my pussy tightening around Sunset's finger, making it that much more pleasurable. I collapsed in Sunset's arms, panting and sweating. Slowly, she laid me back on the bed as I murred happily my eyes sliding closed as I drifted off into my afterglow. As I dozed, I was completely oblivious to the world around me until I felt something rubbing against my pussy lips again. I murred and rolled over slightly. It was then that Sunset murmured in my ear.

"Ennica, can you hear me?"

I groaned. "Nnnnmmhhmmmm."

"Listen very carefully to what I am about to say."


Sunset's voice dropped even lower to a throaty whisper. "Nullma ormu asa, orja kaa zzsu...."

I didn't recognize the language, but as she said the words, I could feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into my doze. However, I was acutely aware of my afterglow becoming more intense. Images began bubbling up in my mind. Images of Echelon and I having sex, the pleasure and the heat of the moment. As Sunset finished whispering, I gradually came out of my little trance and woke up completely.

Yawning, I rubbed my eyes. "What was that Sunset?"

I heard a soft moan and saw Nephilla sitting on the ground, her finger buried in her sex. She smiled. "It's a little bit of a family secret. That was ancient aryian which we use to induce a mating trance."

I cocked my head in confusion. "Mating trance?"

"Sunset and I, we put each other into mating trances, so it's only fair that you get to share the fun. It makes you a little more.... receptive to pleasure, and it gets rid of any inhibitions."

I smirked. "Share huh? Let's try this out."

I stood up and walked over to Sunset, who was sitting on a chair at a desk and sat down in her lap. She raised an eyebrow. "Ennica, you sure are bold now tha-"

She never had the chance to finish. In a move that I would never have even guessed I could even think about, I kissed her deeply, my hand drifting down to her nethers. I began to rub softly and she instantly moaned. Sunset put her hand around my head, pulling me in as she trembled, reaching down to my sex and inserting a finger.

I broke the kiss and yowled. "O-o-oh fuuuckkk..."

"Mmmm... Neph." Sunset murmured. "She's ready."

Neph slid up behind me and wrapped her arm around me. I saw something in her hand but my vision blurred as Sunset withdrew her finger. That something though was quickly pressed against my lips. I squealed and arched my back as Nephilla sank the toy into me. My vaginal walls clamped down on the textured intruder, running over the series of ridges and gripping it firmly.

"B-b-big...." I stammered out.

Sunset leaned forward to whisper in my ear. "Yeah, but that's only half."

I managed to pry my eyes open to see that, to my astonishment, there were another six inches to go.

Nephilla scooped me up in her arms. "Sunset got to play with you earlier, so...." Nephilla said, smiling as she laid me down on her bed. "Now it's my turn."

"Mmmm yeah, but I don't know if I can fit this all into me"

Neph rubbed my thighs, spreading my legs apart and giving herself room to sit between them. "Just relax and enjoy the ride." She took the base of the toy in her hand. "Ready?"

I licked my lips. "Ready."

Neph gently started pushing again, and I was catapulted back into ecstacy. As the toy moved deeper, I could feel new sensations I never thought possible. Finally I could feel it pushing against something very deep inside of me. As Nephilla pushed, I tensed up, wailing and squeezing the toy. Nephilla smiled and began pumping the toy in and out as I screamed and thrashed. The room began to spin and I shut my eyes to keep from passing out. The pleasure which coursed through my body began to mount up and I could feel my peak fast approaching. Soon, it became too much. My fists gripped balls of sheets and squeezed them tightly as I came. Nephilla gently massaged my clit, prolonging my orgasm till I finally tired.

"O-h-h my god." I murmured sleepily. "That was incredible."

"Good to hear. Now time for the finale."

Neph pushed harder now, the toy straining against my cervix. I yowled in response. "N-no! It's too big!"

"Yeah but this toy is supposed to feel like a dragon is mating you," Neph said grinning. "And dragons like to go all the way."

Suddenly, there was a small "pop" and the toy slid past my cervix, and My eyes felt like they were bulging out of my skull. I screamed as the most powerful orgasm of my life coursed through my body. Nephilla pumped the toy in and out, prolonging my peak. All the time, I could feel my fem juices running out of the sides of the toy, creating a puddle beneath my hips.

When I was finally allowed to come down, I was paralyzed from my high. I laid on the bed, purring, enjoying the feel of the toy still sitting in me.

"Okay.... okay that's .... that's enough for.... today." I managed to pant out. "I'm just.... gonna take a.... nap now."

Sunset had apparently been masterbating, as her face was red and her eyes were partially closed. "Okay, but Neph and I might play with you while you sleep. Don't blame us if you get some weird dreams."

I smiled sleepily. "Be my guest..."

And with that, I passed out.