
Story by ken hoss on SoFurry

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"Hey hun, I'm home!" I said as I closed the door behind me. It was a nasty night out there, and I was sure as hell glad to be inside our lighthouse.

I looked up the stairs and saw the light was on in our room, and sighed contentedly. Izzy was probably asleep already - he could sleep through almost anything. I set my bags down in the kitchen, grabbed a swig of milk, and then headed upstairs to the room.

"Oh â€" hey! I was getting a little worried about you â€" the weather's real nasty right now" he shouted down from the room.

"Heh- tell me about it, ya spotty butt! Heehee I've been out and about in it, and you've been all cozied up in here, ya galumph!" I couldn't help but giggle as I said that â€" it always makes me giggle â€" spotty butt- heehee (I digress.... ).

I reached the landing for our bedroom, and took off my coat, hung it up outside the room on the rack, and kicked my boots off. Damn, I thought, I'll be needin a new pair of boots sometime soon; these barely fit. Ah, well; at least they keep my footpaws dry.

"So how was youorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr............" My jaw fell slack for a second, and then I realized why Izzy hadn't been down to greet me like he usually did â€" he would have been freezing in what he was wearing right now, which wasn't all that much.

Izzy was laying there in nothing but sheer boxers, grinning at me with his ‘betcha didn't see this one coming, did ya?' look that I had seen so many times. I knew that I was in for a fun night then, and I knew Izzy had a lot planned for his foxy.

I slowly walked over to the bed, pulling my shirt off as I walked over, tossing it in on the floor. I rushed to get it off my head cause I didn't want to stop looking at him, his sleek body laying there, inviting me to come closer and have a taste.

As soon as I reached the bed, he propped himself up and scooched over for me to get in with him. I slid into bed and immediately wrapped my paws around him, pulling him close to me, I could feel his warmth pouring into me as he wrapped his big, strong arms around me and hugged me back.

"Mmmmm I wish I didn't ever have to leave here, cause I'd wanna stay in your arms the whole time" I said as I rubbed noses with him, my paws beginning to stray from just his back, now to his broad upper back and down to his firm ass.

"Well, I don't wanna let you go" he said, and punctuated ‘you' with a sharp squeeze to my ass, which startled me. "Ooooh you silly hywolife" I said as I rubbed my muzzle into his neck. This was one of my favorite spots to kiss, since it offered a nice, large surface to move over, and a nice place to play bite. Plus, I know for a fact that it really works him over when I do it, a fact I exploit as often as possible.

"Mmmmmm you know I can't keep it under control when you do that, Damian" he said. "Exactly, silly! I don't want you to be under control" I replied as I ran a paw up into his scruffhawk.

His paws were now both pawing at my jeans, working the belt off and undoing the pants quickly, eager to get at the prize inside. I loved letting him undress me â€" because then I get to watch his face light up as he gets closer to getting me naked.

I ran my paws down his sides and around his hips to the front, playfully tugging on his boxers, pulling them down in front so I could tease his cock some. I looked down in my crotch when I felt his paws grab hold of my balls and start gently caressing them and fingering my half sheathed cock with his paw digits.

My jaw slowly started to loosen and my tongue began to hang out the side of my maw, eyes glazing over in pleasure. I knew he liked getting me like this â€" he always wagged his tail, perked his ears up, and his cock always began pulsing in its sheath.

I reached in and started working his sheath with one paw, and worked his balls over with the other one. I squirmed in my pants, kicking my legs to get them off, so I could be as close as possible to Izzy, and so that he'd have a place to put his lovely cock. I loved his cock sooooo much â€" it was big, thick, long, strong, and it had a knot.

I loved the knot. I absolutely loved it. I could not say enough how much I loved it â€" I always used to pout if he didn't hilt when he was yiffing me.

I ran a paw up his abs, up through his thick, short off-white underfur, working my way up to his chest and nipple, then up to his neck, where I pullled him down into a deep kiss, grabbing his scruffhawk with my paw and shaking it gently.

"Mmmmm has my little foxy been lonely and yiffy all day?" Izzy said after he broke off the kiss for some air, slowly beginning to grind his crotch into mine, slipping my leg inbetween his and pulling me closer.

"As a matter of fact, yes I have" I said as I playfully bopped him on the nose. He could always sense when I was in the yiffy mood, and if I wasn't, he sure knew how to get me there, that's for sure.

"Yes, I have been quite yiffy feeling all day, hun. Working around all those burly wolves def gets my blood pumping, cause I can't stop thinking about how much better you are than them " I said and grinned, stroking the back of his neck, and working my other paw under his tail, running my digits between his cheeks, occasionally taking my paw out along his tail, then coming gently back to his ass.

"Well, I like the sound of that Damian, dear. Why don't you let me show you what I've been thinking of all day, hmmm?" I could barely hold back from jumping for joy, because I had been dying to let him take over for a while, and finally he was going to take over. Coyly, I suggested "Why don't you, Izzy?" And at that, he grinned, kissed me between the ears, and jumped up out of bed. He made his way over to his dresser and started rifiling through drawers

"Close your eyes â€" I've got a fun surprise for you" he called to me over his shoulder.

"You know I'm not gonna see what you're getting, cause I'm staring at something other than the mirror" â€" which was very true. His boxers had gathered up into a thong of sorts, and it was showing just how juicy that hywolf's tush was. I was about ready to get up and get a nice handful when he turned around, holding something in his paws behind his back.

"Now, close your eyes and be a good little foxy, or I won't show you your treat" Izzy said, with that rougeish light shining in his eyes, and I covered my eyes with my paws, but peeked through them very silly-ly like. He was swinging something around, and I heard the faint metallic cling of chains, and I began to wonder â€" was it a heavy duty leash? Or a Collar? Or a tie down?

"Ok, little foxy. Close your eyes and put your paws over your head". I immediately knew what was coming, and eagerly volunteered my paws, to which Izzy quickly snapped a pair of pawcuffs around, then before I could squee in delight, he had pushed me down and was chaining them to the headboard of our bed. I finally opened my eyes when I felt that he was no longer moving, and instead was straddling me, paws folded across his broad, muscular chest.

He looked down at me with a very smug, satisified grin and licked his lips with his luscious lavender tounge. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear like a pup about to get second helpings of his favorite dessert. I looked up at him, and my cock started to grow, and so did Izzy's.

He had stripped naked now, and his tail was wagging slowly but twitchily â€" he was ready to go hard and heavy. "Well" I said "you seem to have forgot one small detail, Mister"

"Hmmm? And pray tell, what is that?" Izzy asked, with a delightful grin beginning to spread across his muzzle.

"Well, I still have my boxers on.... And I'm all chained up.... So there's no way I can get them off" He put both his paws to my boxers and whipped them off in one clean motion "There, that better?" he grinned at me as he tossed the boxers aside and in the same motion dropped himself right above me, nose to nose.

I could feel his heavy breath on my muzzle, and I was sure he could feel mine. "Mmmm, much better" I said, my cock growing visibly, the tip beginning to peek out of my sheath.

He suddenly reared up and put his large paws on my hips, and pulled them up off the bed into his crotch, and started grinding into my ass, growling gently as I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled in. His cock was growing in his sheath â€" I could feel it start to press against my cheeks, and I kept pressing harder and working my ass into him.

I wanted to reach up and touch him, but I couldn't â€" the cuffs held me securely. He watched me struggle faintly, and chuckled a little. I looked up at him, my eyes burning with desire, and my jaw hanging open, my chest rising and falling from my heavy breathing.

"Well, it looks like someone's enjoying this a bit more than we thought?" Izzy said smugly. I looked down and realized I had begun to leak pre-cum, and now had a decent sized wet spot right above my sheath. I grinned and arched my back up even higher, pushing my crotch into his with all my back.

He responded with a deep, pleasurable growl, and wrapped his paws around my thighs and pulled me even closer. I could feel his cock slowly beginning to poke out, and I could feel his pre cum lubing up my cheeks, and I stopped, planted my footpaws on the bed, hips still up in the air, legs spread wide, looking at him, with the ‘come on â€" you know you want to now' look I had perfected on him.

I was enjoying being tied up much more than I thought I would â€" every touch of his felt like a mini orgasm on my skin, as I was aching to be touched all over by him. I could see the tip of his cock over my own now, and I knew that he was going to put it in me any second now.

Before I could even ask him to do it, I felt his cock pressing against the rim of my tailhole, his paw working it up and down, spreading his pre all over to lube it up, and his other paw working at my cock, stroking my balls and teasing the tip of mine.

I closed my eyes, letting my tongue dangle out of my jaw in sheer ecstasy as I prepped myself for the penetration. "Ready, dear?" he asked me. I couldn't actually answer with words, so I nodded my head yes, and closed my eyes.

"Alrighty then, here we GO!" He punctuated the word ‘go' with a sharp thrust of his hips, shooting his thick cock into my tight and waiting tailhole.

I gasped and threw my back up, pushing my chest up as far as it would go into the air, and clenched my paws on the bedsheets. I loved that part soooooo much.

He paused for a second, then put his paws on the inside of my hips and started slowly and gently working his cock in and out of me, pushing a little deeper each time, lubing me up with his slowly trickling pre-cum. My cock, on the other hand, was hard and throbbing â€" pulsing to be more exact- in the air, and there was a thin strand of pre cum glistening between my tip and my wet fur.

"Oooooh god Izzy....." i managed to gasp out between my heavy panting and gasping. He kept on thrusting, sliding his paws around to the outside of my hips, and down to my ass, which he grabbed firmly and held on tight.

"Mmmph! You're tighter than â€"nnnng!- I remember- mmmph!- you foxy boy you" Izzy grunted out between his panting. I could tell he was enjoying himself a LOT right now, because he was grinning from eartip to eartip, and he was getting more energetic with each thrust.

I could feel myself getting ready to cum, and clenched my groin muscles to try to hold off as long as I could. Incidentally, I also clenched my tailhole as well, and Izzy suddenly perked up his ears and threw his head back, and growled dominantly â€" and loudly- as he started to pump like a piston into me.

I could feel his cock beginning to throb and leak more and more in me as he got nearer and nearer to orgasm. "OooOoooOoooo Izzzzzzyyyyy!!!!!!" I managed to whine out between sharp yips of pleasure, as my orgasm started to build, and it suddenly crossed the line of no return.

"Ooooh! Ooooh god yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!!! " Izzy suddenly shouted out as his thrusting became wildly fast and powerful â€" the whole bed started schooching across the floor, if I recall correctly- and I knew he was about to lose it too.

"Oooh fuck yes! Let it out!" I panted heavily and began to moan as I arched my back into an almost full semi circle, and then he did it. He hilted in me, and right as he hilted, I screamed in pure pleasure.

My jaw snapped open, as did my eyes, and for a second, the moment froze. And then it all came back as I climaxed, shooting off my cum all over myself and a bit on Izzy's chest.

I managed to get some in my mouth and on my nose as well, and then I gasped out "come... on.... Izzyyyy!!!!!!"

And cum he did. He doubled over and pushed his full body into me as he hilted me again, and threw himself forward and almost smacked me down onto the bed, had he not caught himself.

He clenched his jaw and growled as he came in me. I felt his cock shooting off loads of his thick hywolf cum all inside me, his hilt in me as well, and I couldn't hold back â€"nor did I want to.

I started cumming again, but this time it was less than the first. He had just finished his shot when I came the second time, and this time he curled up and caught it all in his mouth, then he leaned down and kissed me, passing a little of my own cum to me, and we kept passing it back and forth, reveling in the taste and feeling of being in one another.

When it had all disspaeared from our mouths, he broke off and rolled me to the side as he flopped on his side as well, and gently pulled out. My cock tensed and flexed as he did so.

I loved the next part as well. I could feel his cum dripping out of my tailhole, and then he kissed his way gently down me to my tailhole, and began to clean up his mess.

He was so gentle and kind â€" he made sure to lick me completely clean â€" even rimming me to get all the excess off. But then again, he liked doing that.

I could only let myself melt into the bed from the sensation, moaning and sighing occasionally. He finished up, eventually, and climbed his way back up to me, and quickly unlocked the cuffs, for which I was grateful.

I threw my paws around his neck and buried my muzzle into his chest, murring contentedly and lovingly.

It had been quite a fun night, I thought.

"Izzy.... I love you hun" I mumbled out as I began to succumb to sleeps gentle hold.

He hugged me tighter, and pulled the sheets up over us and kissed me between my ears

"I love you too Damian" he whispered into my ear before we fell asleep, holding each other.