Fly Away

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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No deep story behind this one - just random smut between a gryphon and a rabbit. Which was originally going to be a fox, and then I decided I hadn't done a rabbit yet so I might as well. It ended up working out well.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between two males, size difference, rough sex, and stupid sexy talk.

Teran had heard the stereotype that rabbits were skittish. He'd never put that much stock into stereotypes, most of them were just bullshit that were used to try to highlight pointless differences between people of different types. But looking at Stefan huddled on his bed, breathing deeply and shakily, he wondered if maybe there wasn't something to some of them.

"It's not that big a's just a job interview."

"I kn-know that..."

"It's not gonna be that big a deal if you don't get the job. It's entry-level retail, you can do better."

"I know that..."

Teran scratched his head. Something like this wouldn't have given him even the slightest bit of pause...he knew people were different, some people did get more nervous about things like this, but this seemed excessive. Of course, he wouldn't have tried for retail anyway, he worked as a club bouncer and that was enough interaction with people for his taste. ", have you tried breathing exercises? Distractions? Anything to get your mind off of it?"

"I c-can't..." Stefan's jaw was clenched as he spoke. He hated how nervous and anxious he got in stupid situations, but that didn't help him actually get over it. "I was trying...but it's not working. I just...I can't do anything about it. And I know that it's just going to make me feel worse, and do worse at the interview, and just..."

"Man, I've seen you worked up before but this is the worst..." Teran sat on the bed and put a hand on Stefan's body; he could feel his friend quivering underneath his touch. "Maybe you should talk to your therapist, see about getting the dosage increased on your medications. If they're not helping you at this point, you might be getting tolerant to them."

After a moment, Stefan shook his head. "I'm...not taking them anymore."

"What? Stefan! No wonder you're so out of it!"

"I can't...I can't just drug myself into a...into a stupor every time...I can''s...I can't be...that weak...I need to of them. Find...find better ways with the stress..."

"Stefan, come on...using medication doesn't make you weak. How long has it been since you stopped taking your meds?"

"About...a month now. Therapist knows...he's trying to help me with other...other ways..."

"Have you tried calling him? Maybe setting up an emergency appointment?"

"Out of town..."

"Great. Are you sure you don't have any meds lying around somewhere? Something to just take the edge off-"

"NO!" the rabbit shouted suddenly. "No m-more drugs. They...they barely helped anyway."

The gryphon let out a heavy sigh; based on the way Stefan was responding to this challenge, compared to how he responded when he was taking medication, he certainly wouldn't call it 'barely helped.' But it was his decision, Teran couldn't and wouldn't force him to take anything that he didn't want. It wasn't easy to see Stefan like this, though... "Is there anything I can do to help, then? You're going to have a heart attack if this keeps up, let me do something."

"I dunno...what you can do..."

"Well, I can try some of my techniques for calming down and relaxing. Maybe that'll help you out?"

Stefan made a noise that sounded almost like a wry laugh. "You? Not...not ever nervous, can't...can't imagine they'd work on me..."

Teran frowned a bit, then stood up. "Oh? Guess I'll just have to prove it to you." He scooped the rabbit up in his arms, holding him tight and ignoring his yelp. Without further revelation he carried Stefan downstairs, heading for the rabbit's door.

"H-hey! I'm not wearing anything!"

"I have eyes," Teran replied dryly. "Who's gonna care? Actually..." Just before the door, Teran paused, reaching one arm down to lower his shorts down his legs, kicking them off to the side. "Never like having these things on for this."

"Wh-what...what're you..." It was difficult for Stefan to stammer out even those words before they were outside. It was a nice day out, sun shining and the air fairly warm, so the lack of clothing wasn't uncomfortable, at least in that respect. Teran certainly had no qualms about it, it wasn't uncommon for them to go without when the weather complied, but there were always a few like Stefan who got skittish about nudity. But for what he had planned, clothing was strictly a no-go.

In the middle of the yard, he set Stefan down, the trembling lapine managing to stay upright, if only just. "You might think, just because I try not to show it, that nothing ever gets to me, that I don't have nervousness and anxiety from time to time. And that's just not true. You know how many times I've had a weapon pulled on me at the club? Gangs of punks trying to hassle me and overpower me so they can get in and start shit? That stuff gets to you, I don't care how big you are. I've had two co-workers quit because they couldn't deal with it see an eight-foot-tall bull break down crying and shaking after having a gun pointed at his head, you take stress seriously. I manage because I have methods...and my first method is, escape."


"Yeah. So you and I, we're gonna escape for a bit." Teran dropped down onto his hands and feet, lowering his rear end. "Climb on."

"Climb...w-wait! You mean-"

"Yeah. We're gonna fly away. Chop-chop, now."

" that safe? Can you really carry me?"

"I've carried heavier. And you'll be better secured. Just make sure to sit back away from the wings, and grab hold away from them. And hurry it up, or I'll just carry you in a way that you'll be less happy with."

Stefan still didn't look entirely at ease, but he wasn't about to doubt Teran's word - the gryphon could be pushy when he wanted to be. Trying to steady his breathing, he pushed himself onto the gryphon's lower back, wrapping his legs tightly around Teran's midsection. Then he leaned forward, fingers clutching the flesh up near Teran's neck, thankfully a rather sizable ruff that he could get a secure grip to without disturbing his ride.

"All ready? Takeoff's the only real tricky part, but I've done this lots of times. Just hold steady!" That was the only warning Stefan got before Teran spread his wings wide and shoved himself off the ground. He yelped a bit at the sudden motions, grabbing tight to the gryphon as they rose into the air...he still couldn't believe that his friend could fly like this with such a weight on his back, he knew those wings were strong but this was something else! The bit of lurching wasn't going easy on his already unsteady insides, and for a moment he thought he might pass out...

But as he hung in there, it steadily got better. Once they were in the air, Teran took them up a lot more gently, and soon Stefan's gatling-gun heartbeat managed to tune itself down to automatic. The breeze whipped through his face, cooling him down from the heat of the bright sun beating down on was more comforting than he'd expected. His grip eased a little bit off of Teran's fur, and he loosened up his body and got more comfortable back there.

Teran felt this, and chuckled quietly. Stefan may not have been a flying creature but he hadn't found someone yet who couldn't get something out of a good flight. That wasn't all he had in mind for his friend, but it was a fantastic start. The wind was a bit too wild to talk with him in transit, but he made sure to keep it gentle and relaxing for Stefan, every ascent, descent, and turn gentle enough for the rabbit to prepare for. He wasn't planning on doing anything that might undo the effect he was going for...a nice, calm flight to a nice, quiet spot where they could relax, that was just the kind of therapy he could provide.

Sure enough, Stefan was feeling so much more at ease. It really did feel like flying away...the height wasn't as frightening as he thought it might be, thanks to the buffer of a big, strong gryphon underneath him. And it seemed like the farther they got from his house, the farther away his problems seemed, just like Teran had seemed to suggest. And it was such a beautiful sight as well, seeing the town from the air, the trees and houses and cars all from above, it was a perspective he'd never seen before in his life, it looked almost like a movie except so much more vibrant and real. And now he was fully enjoying the breeze through his fur, cooling him off very nicely from the warm sun...he was really glad now that Teran hadn't given him time to dress, it wouldn't have been nearly as nice. The gryphon really had been a blessing...what more could he possibly ask for?

The rabbit lost track of time while they were up in the air, so he had no idea how long they were up in the air. But at some point he realized they were descending...over the forest to the north, a good ways away from home. He kept a tight grip as Teran started to slow down and gently glide down over the trees, towards a point where they parted and spread out a bit. The sound of running water greeted his ears as they dropped into a clearing, lit by sun and far away from any civilization. With a quiet thump in the grass, the gryphon landed gently and lowered himself down, allowing Stefan to step off and back onto solid ground.

"Wow...this place is...beautiful..." He couldn't help but marvel at the scene of nature all around him, the tall trees and chirping birds and peaceful stream and shining sun all came together to create the most idyllic scene he'd ever been a part of. It was so relaxing...he laid back on the ground, taking deep breaths of the fresh, piney air. "It just...feels good to be here..."

"Doesn't it?" The sound of Teran's voice emerged nearby, almost on the same level; he'd probably laid down as well. "Coming here takes all the stress away from me. I can just lay back, relax, and forget about everything for a while...surrounded by beauty and peace, a clear view and some calming white noise, scents of nature, all that good stuff. I think everyone could use a place like this to get away from their stresses for a while...but I'd rather they found their own, this is kinda my spot."

"It's a really nice spot. I could definitely use one like this..."

"Well, you're welcome to use mine. You really need one, the way you get wound up...this is unwind central."

"You don't mind? It sounds like a personal space..."

"Well, if everyone comes here, it kinda stops being such a nice spot to get away from everything. But if it's just you, I'm cool with that."

Stefan closed his eyes and sighed out a breath. "Thanks, Teran..."

The two laid quietly for a bit, not saying anything...nothing really needed to be said between them at the time. They just relaxed, almost melting into the ground in tranquility. Stefan was almost in heaven...he'd spent the last several days building up tension over the job interview, feeling worse and worse by the hour, but now his heart rate was at the lowest he could remember, his muscles as loose and relaxed as maybe they'd ever been, and his mind calm and controlled rather than overrun by anxiety and chaos. The drugs hadn't made him feel this good, for sure...they'd eased his symptoms a bit but they hadn't calmed him the right way, the comfortable way. This was the kind of thing he'd been seeking, this kind of peace...if only he could bottle it and take it with him.

Why was he so worked up in the first place? A job interview? A thing that wouldn't even matter a year from now if he didn't get it? It wouldn't kill him if he didn't get the job, he was going to be able to find another one at some point. If this was the worst problem he had in his life, then he had it pretty damn good...well, really, the worst problem he had was the anxiety itself. If he could get that dealt with, then he'd have it pretty good...and this seemed like a good step.

After a seeming age, he finally spoke up. "Thank you so much for bringing me here, Teran. I feel so much better."

"My pleasure, and I'm glad you do. That's just what I was hoping get you nice and relaxed so you wouldn't be worried about tomorrow, and hopefully not about the coming days either."

"Is there something I should be worried about in the coming days?"

"Not that I know of, but I know you, you'd probably find something."

Stefan paused for a beat. "You're probably right about that. I'm trying to work on it..."

"I know you are. It kinda worries me that you're not getting any help from the meds anymore, but if you have other ways of getting the stress out, I guess maybe that'll be easier to manage."

"I sure hope so, I'd rather not have to resort to that. There are ways to get happy chemicals into my brain without gulping down pills that make me feel like crap in other ways. I guess I just need to take advantage of them more."

There was a moment of quiet from Teran. "You're right about that..." he said finally, a hint of something in his voice that made Stefan's ears twitch. "Perhaps I can help you with another way to get them."

"Well, you brought me here...that's certainly a lot of help."

"True, but I can't bring you here every time...might just be circumstances that don't allow it. But there are other ways of getting your happy on." Suddenly Teran was rolling over on top of him, startling Stefan slightly. He had a knowing gleam in his eye and grin on his face...the rabbit eeped slightly as he felt something grind against his groin, eyes darting down rapidly to see the gryphon's sheath rubbing against his own.

"T-Teran? A-are you..."

"Think about're looking for ways to get the 'happy chemicals,' right? Ain't many better ways than this, and it's something that's pretty easy to do just about anywhere." He lowered his head to rub his beak against Stefan's chin and neck, having to crane his own neck a bit to reach it, being so much bigger than the rabbit was. "Besides, you're a cute bun with cute buns, and I've been looking for a reason to bring up the idea."

Stefan rapidly went a deep red, visible even through his fur. "D'you...have to call me that?"

"Sure do, because I love seeing you flustered rather than anxious." The gryphon nipped at Stefan's shoulder playfully, making him shiver. He could tell that Stefan was responding to the treatment, the rabbit's member slowly pushing out of its sheath, rubbing up against his. "Mrr, seems like someone's liking my ideas..."

"Aahh..." It was a bit hard for him not to...the rubbing was really turning him on, he'd never had sex with anyone else, but he sure as hell had wanted to. Just because he had extreme anxiety didn't mean he didn't have a rabbit's libido, and it was almost torturous sometimes not being able to talk to guys he found sexy or even bring it up...and he'd've been lying to say that didn't include Teran. Though, the fact that Teran towered over him by more than two feet made him about the most imposing choice; he'd seen what the gryphon was packing down there before, it was going to be a hell of a thing for his virgin tailhole to take.

At this point, though, he was needy enough and relaxed enough to try.

He spread his legs and moaned quietly as he felt Teran rub against him, getting him to full mast pretty quickly. And he could feel the gryphon's own shaft emerging, the barbs along its length scratching against his flesh, making him feel even more pleasant. The thing was enormous, easily double the thickness of his own and several inches longer, and soon it was drooling pre onto his stomach more than onto his own dick. The scent hit his nose like a and potent, powerfully masculine, he could swear he could fell his hormones start to pump like crazy.

Teran chuckled a bit at the sight of Stefan staring at him; he'd done that the first time he'd seen Teran fully aroused too, though that hadn't been intentional, more of a bedcover malfunction during a sleepover. He would've gladly relieved that on the entranced rabbit back then, but Stefan's anxiety made it difficult to broach the idea...bringing him to this place finally seemed to put him at ease enough to make it possible. Just because he was a more dominant personality didn't mean he wanted to force the just meant he wanted to make the most of the rush of having Stefan ready and willing. "Doe the bun want a taste?"

"Y-yes, so much..."

The little quiver in Stefan's voice had such an effect on Teran, his breath getting heavier as he felt the drive threaten to overtake him. Keeping control was a challenge, but he forced himself to settle down a bit as he rose up, spinning himself around to point the tip of his cock against the rabbit's mouth. "Don't be shy, but don't feel like you have to go overboard...I'm gonna fit it all in one hole, I don't need to get greedy and go for two."

Stefan nodded; he wasn't feeling quite that ambitious anyway. But the heavy, musky scent was making him a bit dizzy already...he let his body start to fall into automatic, eyes lidding a bit as he started to lick at the tip, drinking in Teran's precum, the salty tang buzzing on his tongue. His hands rubbed a bit at the rest of the length, bending and flexing the barbs a bit and massaging the huge wasn't exactly expert, he was mostly improvising, but he figured the moans and groans and coos coming from Teran were evidence that he was doing the right thing. To say nothing of the more intense splashes of pre into his mouth...

He gasped a bit as he felt Teran's beak come down around his own dick, enveloping him in warmth. Despite the firmness of the beak, it didn't feel sharp or painful...Teran was very careful with his oral treatment, making sure nothing felt unpleasant or harmful to the sensitive flesh. Stefan's flavor was a bit lighter than his own, perhaps slightly sweeter rather than the deep oily musk he had felt very suitable for the bunny. Grinning a bit, he bobbed down on it, taking it down all the way to the hilt, giving him a rather vigorous blow that had Stefan moaning and crying out in delight, twitching and slightly bucking into that fantastic beak.

It didn't continue for very long; Teran could feel his cock starting to twitch, he was getting a little closer than he wanted to in this fashion. So he pulled up off of Stefan and removed himself from the rabbit's face. Stefan gave him a cute little pout as Teran repositioned himself for the main event. "Over already?"

"I said a taste, not a feast. You enjoyed it that much?"

Stefan flushed again, looking away shyly. "God...I've never blown a guy before, but it was...just so good. You'll...give me another chance at some point, right?"

"Oh, you'd better believe it." The gryphon snickered quietly; he knew Stefan had been eager for something like this, but not THAT eager. Maybe he did stick to stereotype more...well, Teran didn't mind if that was the case. Perhaps he'd be able to get over his anxiety more if he had more fun to look forward to as a result. "But now, let's feed your other end, since it's been starved for so long and shriveled down and tightened to nothing."

Stefan giggled a bit. "Fuck, does all sexy talk sound that stupid?"

"It's generally either stupid or harsh, and I don't feel like harsh with you." The tip of Teran's cock pressed against the rabbit's hole...he could feel it twitch and flex eagerly, practically inviting him in. Of course, Stefan's legs were another cue, spreading apart readily to provide as much access as possible. The stretch was wider than Teran expected...Stefan seemed to be quite flexible. Perhaps that could be advantageous later...

Let's not go overboard. Ease him into the more interesting stuff.

Gripping Stefan's shoulders to keep him in place, he pushed in...firmly, not ramming in like he might have a more broken-in tailhole, but not going too gently either due to his own impatience. Underneath him, Stefan's back arched as he felt his virginity get claimed by the massive shaft, spreading him far wider than he'd ever imagined...but it felt oh, so wonderful, the pleasure of the heat and friction outweighing the discomfort of the unfamiliar stretching by a long shot. His finger hadn't the slightest chance of comparing, not in size nor texture - those barbs were scraping against him wonderfully, making him shiver as sparks of ecstasy slashed through him.

Teran clenched his beak tight as he pushed his way in. God, was that bunny ass tight! He'd never had anything hug and cling to him so felt absolutely incredible, so hot, so tight, he could barely hold himself back. His fingers clutched the rabbit's arms hard, his toes extruded their claws and dug into the soil, his breaths came in shaky heaves as he pushed his way in, up until the knot bumped up against Stefan's distended opening. As tight as it already felt, he wasn't even sure he could get that knot inside...but fuck if he wasn't going to try.

He held himself still for a bit, body shaking with a mix of euphoria and hellish restraint. He was wound tight like an overstretched rubber band...there was no way he was going to be able to hold himself back once he started going. "Ngh...haah...Stefan..." he managed to groan out. "So...fucking...tight...I can't...keep myself...from going hard..."

Stefan might have been just as shaky underneath him; his body had taken in so much, it felt so full, but so amazing. And Teran's warning, far from terrifying, instead was heavily tantalizing...his body was already getting used to the stretch, and now he had the next wild experience to gain. He'd always dreamed about this, maybe not with Teran specifically but just in general, finally getting the reaming he craved...he didn't care if it hurt, if it was too much, he needed this, needed to finally break that seal and get flooded. "Fuck me, Teran...pound me like there's no tomorrow, don't stop until you've stuffed that knot in me and fill me up so full it looks like I'm carrying your eggs!"

Whatever restraint Teran had left was easily cleaved by the pleading voice of Stefan. With a growling cry he pulled back and violently shoved forward, pounding more than half his cock inside the smaller creature, inciting a burn from the contact that drove him insane. Just as he had expected, he had no chance of holding back, his body was bucking on its own, drilling Stefan as it sated its most primal need with a vengeance. And it felt unbelievably good, every thrust was a drop of heaven in a sea of wanton delight, fueling an adrenaline rush he'd've believed more appropriate for life-and-death combat. His voice was a constant emission of groans, caws, and growls, punctuated by the occasional epithet when he felt a tight squeeze overcome his shaft, ramping up the feelings ever further.

But they were nothing to the ecstatic cries and squeals of the rabbit beneath him. Stefan wasn't sure he'd ever been so loud in his life; he'd always been worried about being too loud and obnoxious, but it was just the two of them here, no such fear was possible, and he was giving it his all without any concern. The burn and stretch in his ass was insane, it felt like a burning flame deep within him, providing a constant rush of pleasure that was only amplified by the raking of the barbs against his walls and the punishing pounding his prostate was getting. He was squirming and writing quite wildly under the gryphon's grip...he was so brutal, his approach felt a lot more like a rapist than a lover, but Stefan would have been lying to say it wasn't doing just the trick for him. He could feel his own cock throbbing, ready to go off at a moment's notice.

And the trigger just happened to be provided rather quickly. Teran suddenly bore down on him, his body lowering as he used every bit of leverage to try to slam his knot into that tight hole. It was so quick, he would have wanted to hold back a little longer but it was just too good too fast, he hadn't been ready...when the fur on his body brushed against Stefan's erect shaft, the reaction was immediate. A loud cry from the bunny heralded his release, virile spurts of milky seed firing off into Teran's fur, painting him with dripping essence, splashing over and over until there was too much for it to stay, the rest dripping down onto Stefan's stomach and groin, blending in with his own lighter coloring. Teran barely noticed the wetness, so entranced was he in the fuck he was giving...but he sure as hell noticed the extra tightness provided by the rabbit's rear, clamping down so hard that it felt like it was trying to trap him. He wanted to be trapped, Teran was more than happy to provide...

With a screech, he finally plunged in and felt the hole give slightly to his knot...he didn't hesitate for a moment, adding every single bit of force his legs could muster into ramping it up, applying fearsome pressure until that tight pucker yawned open and his knot disappeared inside with a slurp. Teran's mind went briefly blank as the force of his orgasm hit him, eyes rolling back a bit as he began shooting a river into his friend, thick cum pulsing in wildly from his heavy balls, backed up and primed beyond anything he could remember. He could feel Stefan squirming around underneath him, still tensing down on him, it felt like his body was trying to suck the seed right out of him.

"So...full..." murmured Stefan...he could feel each pulse hit inside him, it kept coming endlessly, filling him beyond even the massive amount provided by the solid mass of gryphoncock within him. But it was so good, a soothingly cool contrast to the hot friction of the thrusting before...even if it felt like it was going to make him swell up like a gravid hen. He laid back, panting hard, chest rising up and down as he let the fluid pump into him, his gut pushing out a slight bit over time from the sheer volume.

If not for sheer force of will, Teran would have collapsed onto Stefan rather quickly. As it was, his limbs were threatening to give out...the wild thrusting had been more taxing on his energy than expected. Not wanting to hurt Stefan, he lowered himself down and worked his arms underneath the rabbit, before rolling over onto his side and holding him close while he let his emissions continue. He had a lot to give...and he could feel the effect it was having on Stefan. He smiled a bit in spite of himself. " did say...make it look were eggs..."

"Haah...y-yeah...I did..." Stefan rubbed his gut a bit, feeling the bloat as well as a firmness within. His paw was sticky as he pulled it back, covered with his own fluids from his climax. "God...Teran...that was incredible..."

"Yeah, it...really was. I'm...glad I could introduce you to this...finally."

"Me too...thank you, I needed much." The rabbit wrapped his arms around Teran, staying as close to him as he could. It felt like the addition of seed was slowing, but the knot was holding firmly within. " a while, eh?"

Teran nodded. "Yeah, not sure how long...could be a while..."

"Mm...I'm not worried. I'm in no hurry..."

The gryphon chuckled quietly. "Glad to hear that..." The fatigue in his body crept in, and he relaxed more on the ground with the rabbit in his arms. He rather hoped it would be on the long side...he needed the time to recover so he could fly them back home. Perhaps he'd overdone it just a tad...but if Stefan wasn't worried, he sure as heck wasn't going to be.