Unfamiliars: A Were-Horse Story (Chapter 1)

Story by poweron on SoFurry

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#1 of Unfamilars

I realized the other day that I dont really have any standalone stories for my most popular were-species...horses! So its time to fix that!. Starting today I am introducing my whole new series in a new world. Its all under the badge "Unfamiliars". There will be horses, transformation, growth, truths revealed, tons of sex and lives changed by the end :) This should be a fairly short series at only three or five parts. Hope you all enjoy!

I appreciate any feedback (as this is a new series/story). Let me know what you think!

Unfamiliars: A Were-Horse Story

The horse grunted in pain, he had been grazed by several bullets, leaving a series of long red bloody gashes on his outer thighs and back. The wounds healed quickly but left matted blood in his otherwise sheer cream-colored fur. The early morning dark surrounded him.

He ran through the underbrush that separated the rows of suburban houses at a blistering pace. Low-lying branches slapped his ass as he passed through, making him whinny uncontrollably. His balls slapped back and forth between his thighs, jostling for position in his too-tight sac. Each abused testicle hitching upward as they were equally accosted by branches and brambles. He tried to shield them with his thickly nailed hands but it was no use, he needed them to help him navigate and clear through obstacles. All this stimulation caused his cock to begin to peek out from his jiggling sheath's hot skin folds. And yet he ran. His powerful body leaving a path of broken plants, smashed logs and kicked up mud in his wake. He barreled through the narrow forest with a desperate recklessness.

The sirens rang in his head. The horse's sensitive equine ears pinning themselves backwards in an attempt to block out the painful high-pitched whining. He had to stop, his body was strong and fast but he had been running for days on end without rest. Breathing heavily he glanced a distant light through the leaves from the corner of his eye. A house, just a simple house, but a house with its yard lights on was like a beacon to him in the pitch of the night.

The horse huffed, steamy hot breath puffing from his nostrils as he climbed the steep incline. His hooves dug deep trenches in the leaf-covered mud and dirt, using roots for purchase as he climbed. Sinewy muscles stretching tightly under his thick hide as his flat teeth ground from the exertion.

Finally the equine emerged from the brush onto a well-kept lawn of freshly cut grass. He fell onto his hands in exhaustion, breathing hard. He shook his long head. "Get up!" He told himself. "GET UP". He huffed at the effort as he rose, his ample butt cheeks tensing, staggering slightly on his powerful digitigrade legs. His body was hundreds of pounds of packed muscle and all of it was tired. So tired.

Making his way to the house the horse slumped against the exterior wall for support. He was breathing hard, the wounds still trying to close all over his body. He made his way to a nearby window and tried to open it. His fingers were too thick, too unwieldy as they fumbled to get purchase on the glass to push it upwards. It was no use, if he continued he was going to break the glass. Giving up he continued along the wall until he found the back entrance. He was ready to smash the the door off its hinges. He overcame his instinct for just a moment and tried the door handle, it clicked open easily. Despite the well-lit yard the inside was dark as the night.

He slowly opened the door and cautiously crept inside. Preemptively ducking the horse cleared his mane of the door jam. His head just barely brushed the top of the ceiling as his hooves clattering loudly on the tile, making him wince at the noise. The door closed behind him right on his long twig and leaf-entwined tail. "NNNEEIIIGHHHHH!!!!" he roared in pain as he stumbled backwards and then overcorrected forwards, head crashing into the low-hanging lighting fixtures. Bulbs exploded with sharp pops against his face, blinding him as sparks raining down over his hulking form. He whirled around in a frenzy, tripping over his own feet as he began to free-fall. His eyes temporarily regaining their focus as he fell in what seemed like slow motion. They widened in temporary panic as he noticed a figure below him, it was...a human, a shaking human in pajamas. There was no stopping the fall as he crashed into the figure, his huge head slamming the back wall of the kitchen and making a sizable dent in the drywall in the process, knocking him unconscious.

The horse woke in a stupor, groaning as the soreness of his body caught up with him. He woke from a good dream but half-remembered dream. Whatever it was left him a bit hot and bothered. It felt like he was mostly erect but he wasn't entirely sure, his body splayed on the unfamiliar surface. The sun was just starting to come up, red light pouring through the room's windows. His eyes having trouble focusing as he awoke. He didn't know where he was, but the sirens were gone. He coughed a puff of drywall dust from his mouth before blowing the rest out of his wide nostrils with a heavy sneeze. Dust billowed in the air around his face as he aerated a billion particles of drywall remains colored by the rays of the rising sun. He lay there just appreciating the eruption in front of him. It was beautiful.

The coolness of the floor tiles against his face felt good. Just then he felt something move against his crotch, somewhere underneath his body. His eyes went wide. The figure! Before he fell..he saw....something. He wasn't sure it actually happened, his head was still foggy. He could definitely feel something below him but he wasn't sure what. He struggled to get up as quickly as he could. Kicking his legs backwards he tried to right himself but he couldn't secure a footing. His rear hooves managing to put several large new holes in the wooden cabinetry behind him. The horse grimacing as he pulled his hooves from the shattered wood. Hooves were terrible for grip. He moaned, he felt hot, his strong rounded cheeks flush under his fur. Whatever was underneath him it was rubbed the horse in all the right places. He could feel his thickening cock pushing up his washboard abs, throbbing madly with what blood it could push down its length against his body's weight and the floor.

Using his too-heavy and still-tired arms he fumbled for support. "Hhhhhnnnnn...." he groaned, lifting his torso. He craned his thick neck to allow him to look past his broad pectorals. His massive equine cock was now growing fully erect, working its way across the floor, closer and closer to his hands. Its wide urethra convulsing slowly as a growing bead of yellowish pre formed at his opening. It grew to the size of a marble before its surface tension broke, its contents pouring down his flat cock head. The small trickle suddenly was reinforced as his body shuddered in pleasure, its volume increasing as it became a small river of slick pre pouring onto the floor in a growing puddle under his chest. The head of his cock was wallowing in the lubricating juices now, making its travel over the floor tiles easier as it inched longer and longer, swelling in girth. "Ahhh....ahhhh" the horse nickered lustily, eyes growing unfocused as he lifted his head once more upward, spittle spraying from his mouth as he snorted animalistically. Surges of heat radiated from his growing cock, making his whole body shake and tense in need. The thing under him broke him from his lust. It was moving now. Eyes quickly refocused and he gained some measure of control of himself once more as he remembered what he was lifting himself for.

Looking down he tried to not look at his own leaking tool, it was difficult, his eyes kept trying to dart to it. Its throbbing multi-foot length would not be denied. Closing his eyes and shaking his thickly-maned head the horse tried to clear his mind. Reopening his eyes he looked deeper down his substantial chest where cream colored fur began to give way to the dark black skin of his sheath. What he saw there made him gasp in a mix of disbelief and shock. The lower half of a body; a human body. It was trapped under his grapefruit sized balls. Thin legs were meekly kicking as muffled moans came from deeper under him. The legs were going akimbo as they jostled his jewels and made contact with the base of his cock.

"Nnooooo.....hhnnh....huu....hnnnnnhhh!!!!!" the horse moaned from the stimulation, huffing heavily. His eyes rolling backwards in his skull from the overwhelming pleasure. He knew he should get up off the human but the stimulation of his balls was almost too much to bear. He tried to lift himself a little higher, the strength in his massively muscled arms nearly failing him from the spasms of ecstasy. The person wriggled harder between his thighs the more he lifted himself. The human was rubbing himself up against the horse's throbbing taint now. Wildly grasping hands were spreading his rounded ass cheeks as the person was panicking, finding himself trapped under the horse. "Trr....trying to....hellllppp youuunnnghhhh!!!!" the horse moaned, trying to get up but was unable, the humans flailing driving him wild. It was too much. "Shhttoppp...sttooppp" the horse pleaded with the human, his deep voice slurring. One of the human's legs managed to directly kick the underside of the thick base of his cock as he was pleading. "stoppnnnnEEIGHHHHH!!!!" the horse roared as his mind was overwhelmed from the sudden stimulation. The need to rut replacing his every other need. He couldn't fight it anymore, his body wanted this. Tears of pleasure winced out of the horse's eyes before washing through the dirty cream-colored fur.

Nickering uncontrollably, the horse began to gyrate his wide equine hips. His churning balls dragging over the human's chest all the way down to his crotch and back again. The horse could now feel the human's body heat against his own. The person's efforts were driving him wild as his thick lips began frothing with foam. His grinding speeding up as he unwittingly began to crush the human with his ministrations. His cock began to rapidly slap back and forth between his chest and the floor as he ground his hips.

"HU...HUHH!!!...HUUUHH!!!" the horse's grunts were becoming more equine and urgent as arcs of fresh steaming-hot pre splattered wetly across the floor between his massive clenching hands. The flaring head of his cock engorging hugely as he reared, his wide back arching backwards, pressing his balls heavily against the pinned human. Their immense weight churning and hitching from the stimulation, the smooth skin around them tightening in preparation. The human yelped briefly in pain and surprise as he passed out again under the heaving horse creature, the air forced out of his lungs by the horse's heavy testicles and clenching thighs.

The horse's whole body clenched, tired muscles rejuvenated as they pulled tight under his fur. His balls shuddering as his immensely weighty cock became as hard as concrete under him, hanging in mid-air. "nnnnnnNNNNNEIIIIIIIGHHHHH!!!!!" he roared as he could feel the column of virile cum making its way down his spasming length. His urethra was stretched to its limit as a thick cascade of his scalding hot jism hit the abused wall. The force was so immense it caused the cum to splatter backwards, spraying his head and arms with his own acrid sweet seed.

What felt like a thousand pounds of cock flesh tensed beneath him, rising upward with its immense rigidity until it almost touched his heaving abs. The heavy organ shooting jet after steaming jet of jism. His body was made of liquid fire as he came, again and again. Every nerve with The powerful orgasm clinging deep in his loins, not letting go as every orgasmic shudder forced more of his virile cum out of his more than two-foot long horsecock. He couldn't see, the whole world flashing white every time his crotch heaved in ecstasy. His body was built for this. All his muscles were tuned to push as much of his powerful equine essence out of his cock as it could. Eyes rolled wildly in his head as his mouth gaped open.

"HURRHRRHHHHHHH....HHRRRRHHHHH!!!!" he rumbled, inhuman moans coming from deep in his heaving chest. His wide nose and most of his muzzle coated with sticky strands of his own cum. Cum that dripped off his face and arms pooling on the floor along with the growing ocean of seed forming at the base of the wall. A sizable dent forming where his cock was aiming, drilling through the wall's sheetrock with every eruption. The human below him was completely forgotten as he coated the wall and himself in his seed. Some of it made it down his cock's heaving length to soak the passed-out human's lower bits in his gooey steaming jism. His powerful arcs of cum continued unabated for almost twenty seconds before the volume began to wane. However, his body wasn't slowing down, hips still grinding and thrusting madly as he pushed every ounce of his essence out of himself. Grinding the man under him so hard that he pushed him across the floor like a wet rag beneath his thighs. His grunts mixing with bellowing neighs as he came again and again, balls clenching.

Finally after half an hour of riding his orgasm the horse collapsed again, now fully spent. His muzzle fell into a pool of his own congealing sticky juices as his lust-addled eyes felt too heavy to keep open. Sleep took him as the sun rose over the forest behind the house, a pair of small cum-soaked feet peeking out from under his chest.

?End Chapter 1!