Sixam's Razor, A Christmas Tail: The Gift

Story by Sixam on SoFurry

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#3 of Sixam’s Razor, A Christmas Tail

Sixam's Razor, A Christmas Tail III: The Gift - By Sixam

Yet another chapter based on an RP done with my mate. This is, sadly, the last chapter in this series. But this will be the longest chapter I have ever done so... I hope you like it. Please leave me some feedback so I can be encouraged to do more, even if it is not made from an RP. I have a story in the works that is from my head so... This story contains homosexual love between an adult male and an underage male. If you don't like this or you are not allowed to read this because of your age, please stop here. If not, please continue and enjoy.

Sixam (c) Me

Razor (c) My Mate

Enix (c) His Player (used with permission)

Sixam's Razor, A Christmas Tail III: The Gift

Sixam woke up later and woke up his mate with a lick on the cheek. They snuggled some more and got cleaned up by the time Enix came by to drop off some present for both Sixam and Razor. As well as a plain white box which he gave to Sixam.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Enix asked Sixam.

"Of course I do. He'll like this present," Sixam replied.

"Okay. Suit yourself. Just don't drive him too crazy with it." And he left to leave the happy couple to the rest of their first Christmas together.

Razor was halfway hovering around during all this, curious to what was going on but not smothering the two, just leaving them to their business, but peeking in on them in his own way. He waved and flashed a smile to Enix as he left, meaning well and then padded over to his mate.

Sixam said bye to his friend and then turned around to face Razor with the box behind his back. "So it seems that my parents and Enix got you some gifts. How nice of them." He smiled innocently.

Razor looked down. "I didn't get them anything. I'm not use to giving and getting gifts."

"I don't think they would expect you to get them something," he beamed at his mate. "I think as long as I'm happy with you, they don't mind that you didn't get them something."

Razor thought for a moment and then smiled. "Next year...I'll be ready." He started to try to sniff around the box. "So what is it?"

Turning the box away from Razor, the fox said "It's for later. You'll find out when it's time."

The werewolf's ears peaked in interest. "Aw...ok." He smiled and sat down.

The boy smiled. " wait here and I'll be back." He then went to go hide the box in their room and then came back down to his lover, beaming. "So is there anything that you want to do now?"

Razor looked around. "I uh...don't know."

After dinner and some more fun, Sixam decided it was time to give Razor his gift. "Okay...wait here for five minutes and then come up to the bedroom," he told his mate as he had to get everything ready.

Nodding slowly, Razor just smiled and just made sure everything was where it was suppose to be while he waited for the short time. Looking at the clock, he smiled and padded his way up the stairs happily, his tail waving behind him.

In the time that Razor was downstairs, Sixam got out the box that Enix had brought him. In the box were: a pair shorts which said ‘Do Not Open til Xmas,' a piece of mistletoe, a candy cane, a bow, and 3 red, white and green candles. He hung the mistletoe above the bed, lit and placed the candles around the room, put on the shorts, placed the bow on his head and stuck the candy cane in his mouth before lying on the bed to wait for his mate.

Slowly walking into the room, Razor looked around blinking. He was drawn to the candles since he had never really seen anything like that before. Staring up at the mistletoe, he remembered what that was for and grinned as his eyes lowered down to his mate. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped and hung there, shaking his head, he ran over and pounced Sixam. He licked at one end of the candy cane, "What's this?" His tail beat back and forth as he nibbled on the sweet for a moment, growling slightly.

Sixam smiled as his mate nibbled on the opposite end of the candy cane that was in his mouth. "It's called a candy cane. It's a candy that is common around Christmas." He giggled.

Nodding, the lupine male growled and licked at the candy. "It's sweet." He looked over his mate's attire and grinned at the text on the shorts. "Well would you look at that...I got a present." His tail beat the air once again.

Giggling as he noticed Razor looking at his shorts, the young fox said, "You have more than one, but this one is from me and I think you will like this one more than the ones downstairs."

Nodding quickly, the older canine nuzzled his mate and growled, pulling the cane into his own more and then kissed his mate as the mistletoe commanded. Sixam closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Razor's neck as he was kissed. Growling faintly, Razor broke the kiss, which caused Sixam to whine, and bit the candy cane before grinning and kissing him again, opening his mouth a little. The fox murred as he was kissed again and opened his maw as well. The larger male pushed half of the stolen treat into his mate's mouth, sharing it. He kept the hooked part and slowly pulled away, sucking on it and growling happily.

After Razor pulled away, Sixam smiled at him. "That was something new," he said giggling.

Nodding, Razor growled and chuckled, " was nice."

" was very nice, but there is so much more to your gift than that," he smirked.

The werewolf leaned in slowly, "And what more is there?" His tail beat the air as he sniffed at his mate.

"All that you see before you right now..." he grinned, "and some that you don't see."

Razor just looked over him slowly. "Well..." Licking at his mate's chest, he decided to enjoy it and take his time more. He was going to explore Sixam now and see what he liked most.

Sixam just murred as his chest was licked. Knowing that the fox enjoyed it, Razor started licking down slowly. Sixam shivered a bit as lover moved down his body. He was loving the attention he was getting and let off a moan that made Razor growled lustfully. The werewolf chuckled and kneeled slightly, running his rather large paws up Sixam's body slowly.

Sixam murred as the large paws ran up his small frame. Growling again, Razor nuzzled at the furred chest and snickered to himself. This was fun on so many levels to him and his tail showed it. Sixam continued to murr as his mate nuzzled his chest. He was glad to see Razor enjoying his gift,

Panting happily, Razor looked up at Sixam and grinned, "Such fun."

Sixam giggled. "Well...don't stop now. You haven't really opened your gift yet."

The lupine male growled and shook his head slowly, "Of course no..." He scratched at his sides playfully which caused Sixam to start giggling,

Razor snickered and nipped at Sixam's neck for a moment before pinning him down, growling and grinding up against him.

Sixam murred as his neck was nipped at but meeped when he was pinned down.

Growling, Razor leaned in close, "Ready to...explore?" he asked in a low, lustful voice.

Not sure what his mate meant and still pinned down, he nodded, "Uh..."

Razor laughed and rubbed against him, one of his paws slowly moving down the fox's body, the other keeping him pinned. Sixam moaned as he was rubbed against. Razor's eyes shifted over his consort's body and watched his clawed fingers slip under the top of the ‘wrapping.'

Sixam murred as he felt Razor's fingers dip below the waistband of his holiday themed shorts. As Razor traced his hips with his fingers, he shivered. The werewolf growled and pushed his paw further, nipping at Sixam's neck. The young fox tried to keep his breathing calm as his mate's paw moved lower. Rubbing himself against the inside of Sixam's thigh, Razor guided the shorts a little lower and stared into his mate's eyes, his own eyes twinkling slightly. Breathing a little faster, the boy looked back into the older male's twinkling, yellow-gold eyes with his own intense, blue, sparkling eyes, murring as his shorts were lowered a bit.

Smiling, Razor went in for a kiss and soon captured the smaller male's maw in an intense kiss. Wrapping his arms around his lover's neck instinctively, Sixam closed his eyes and returned the kiss he was receiving. Closing his eyes as well, the larger male moved his paw to the center the region it was in, causing the fox to murr into the kiss. Slowly rubbing over the vulpine sheath, Razor growled and opened his mouth slightly, Sixam doing the same as his foxhood started to swell.

Razor started to rub against the boy again as he slid his tongue into the other canine's maw slowly, probing around and rubbing against the other's tongue. Feeling his mate's tongue in his mouth and being rubbed against, Sixam began to murr once more. Growling, the werewolf stopped his movements and wrapped his arms around Sixam slowly and held him close as he deepened their kiss. As Razor held him, the young fox tightened his grip on him.

Growling calmly, Razor soon shifted and pulled the shorts off, kicking them away with one of his feet. Breaking the kiss, he smiled down at his mate, "Hope I'm not hurting you..." He nuzzled him and held him close.

Sixam smile back up at his mate. "I see you finally opened you gift," he said giggling as his shorts were discarded. "No...You're not hurting me. I'm really enjoying this."

Nodding, Razor smiled and growled, rubbing the younger male's genitals a little more, he nipped down his body slowly. Sixam moaned as his foxhood started to come out of his sheath, murring as his mate nipped at his body.

Grinning, the lupine male's tongue slid out of his mouth and flicked the tip of the vulpine lipstick causing the boy to tremble slightly and breathe in sharply.

Growling, Razor slid his tongue down the pink mass, then back up. "Tastes pretty good," he said grinning.

Moaning a little, Sixam looked at the older male, "Well I'm glad you think so. Better than the candy cane?"

Nodding, Razor chuckled. "'s sweeter and might last longer." He grinned and winked.

"Well hopefully it does," he giggled.

Snickering, Razor nodded and sucked in his prize, clearly enjoying himself as he did so. Sixam moaned loudly as his mate took his mass into his mouth fully. He enjoyed giving this gift as much as Razor enjoyed receiving it.

The older male growled to give added sensations, his claws itching at his consort's sides. Sixam gasped at the additional feelings he was getting from Razor, twitching and trying to stifle his giggles as his sides were grazed.

Razor grinned knowing his mate liked it. Sucking tenderly, he ran his palms up and down Sixam's chest. He slowed it all to a stop and removed his mouth, growling as his own sheath was no longer housing his lupine mass, panting.

Panting as Razor stopped sucking, he looked at him. "So now what?"

Growling slightly, Razor licked his lips. "Well...I need...a little...preparing myself..."

"What kind of preparing are you talking about? Sixam inquired, still panting a little.

He knelt up, looking down at his own mass and sticking out his tongue. "...then I get to play with you more."

Still unsure of what Razor was talking about, he just nodded.

Blinking, Razor flicked his tongue and growled, lying down and spreading his legs slightly.

Finally understanding what Razor was talking about, Sixam looked at him shyly and gulped a little. "You want me to..." he pointed.

Growling again, he just snuggled down into the bed. "Unless you don't want to help me be ready for more...then I'll just tease you til you're done and then go nap somewhere else."

Whimpering, Sixam thought about what he wanted to do for a moment. He was Razor's present and accordingly should do what the werewolf wanted. That and he didn't want to sleep alone. He slowly crawled between his mate's legs and bent his head down. He lightly licked at the lupine mass, tasting it. He then grew a little bolder and took some into his mouth, sucking it as he had felt Razor do many times.

Gasping slightly at the first lick, Razor's eyes closed as he twitched faintly only to twitch more when Sixam used his whole mouth. Panting slightly, he allowed his mate some free range to explore while he just let his tongue hang out a little.

Growing more confident, he began to suck in it more, trying to coil his tongue like Razor had done before, but not doing it nearly as good.

Razor took a sharp intake of breath and gripped the sheets, letting off a long and loud murr of approval, his toes wiggling.

Observing all of Razor's movements and sounds, he stopped suddenly and sat up, smirking at the werewolf.

Panting slightly, Razor whimpered when his mate stopped. "You...were...doing well."

Grinning, Sixam felt like he had power. "You said to get you ready. I think you're ready enough cuz I'm ready."

Growling, the werewolf shifted a bit where he lay. He was rather enjoying the play but he accepted it and pounced his mate, though he as positioned to where his head was facing his lover's rear and vice versa. He licked down the shaft slowly, making his way to Sixam's hole that had not been played with yet and would soon be invaded. Growling some more, his tail thrashed again as he soon started slipping his tongue over, then poking in, said entrance.

Taken by surprised and confused by the position he was in, this all when away when he felt Razor start licking his tight pucker.

Just enjoying the prepping of his consort, Razor kept sliding his tongue in and out slowly to slick the entrance up for his entrance causing the fox to moan and murr with pleasure.

Deciding it was slick enough, Razor growled and pulled away, turning himself back around so he was face to face with his mate. Sixam smiled at him silently. Razor leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss for a moment before quickly pulling away. The boy whined as the kiss was broken but stopped when he felt his mate's large member at his well prepared hole.

Grinning, the werewolf leaned down and bit at Sixam's shoulder while pushing himself in, the fully erect lupine mass pushing past the ring of muscles. Yelping and twitching a little as his mate bit his shoulder, the fox began to groan as he was once again being invaded by the werewolf's large member.

Grinning to himself, Razor let go slowly and looked down at Sixam, waiting for them both to get use to it. "So much to do today..." he flashed a grin.

Sixam smiled back up to his dark-brown mate. "Yes...we did a lot today, but you had fun didn't you?" he asked with a giggle.

The werewolf laughed. "Of course." Slowly pulling out then pushing back in, he started a slow rhythm. Sixam wrapped his arms around his mate's neck as they slowly got into it. Razor growled as he nibbled up Sixam's neck happily, keeping it nice, slow and gentle for now, wanting to savor it. Tilting his head to allow the larger male more access to his neck, Sixam started to moan a little as the lupine length poked at his juvenile prostate.

Growling happily, Razor nipped up and down slowly, his speed increasing a little. His breathing got slightly deeper as he let out a groan. With Razor's speed increasing, Sixam held onto him a little tighter, beginning to groan a little louder and pant.

Letting off a few soft moans, the werewolf pushed a fair amount of himself into his mate and then pulled out nearly to the tip before pushing in again, deeply. The fox started to dig his claws into Razor's back as the wolf kept pressing into him causing him much pleasure. The older male growled as the claws dug into him and thrust a little harder.

Panting a little more, Sixam began to moan quite loudly now as Razor's thrusting became harder and the jabbing of his prostate increased. Gripping his mate, the werewolf pulled Sixam up a little, holding him close as he kept the new pace. Being held by his lover, the fox nuzzled the older male's chest a little as he continued to moan.

Holding Sixam close, Razor growled a little. "Once you're ready, you know what I'm going to do...don't you?"

The boy looked away. He had figured his mate was going to ask for this but it still embarrassed him to be asked, or told, about it. ‘Doggy-style.' He nodded and softly said, "I'm ready."

Growling, the werewolf chuckled, "Oh, not yet..." clearly he was quite content to just thrust into his mate in their current position.

Not sure how to reply to Razor's comment, Sixam just continued to hold onto his mate, still moaning now and then.

Licking at the fox's neck, the older male growled and rolled them both over. Now looking up at his consort, he grinned slyly. "Hello." Thrusting up into him, Razor was clearly playful and willing to explore different things.

With their positions suddenly reversed quite unexpectedly, Sixam now looked down at his mate. "Um...hi?" He was unsure of what Razor was doing. "Trying new things with your gift?" he asked.

Nodding, Razor growled and then laughed, "Yes. Yes I am." Running his paws up and down his mate's sides, he growled again. "Let's see what you can do then, hmm?" Winking, he laughed faintly.

Feeling thrilled at the new things his mate was trying, Sixam knew what Razor was referring to. They had talked about this before. "Okay," was all he said as he sat up, straddling his lover and putting his paws on the werewolf's chest to give himself leverage and began to lift himself off the lupine mass almost all the way before letting himself back down again. He soon got into a rhythm of doing this.

Closing his eyes, Razor growled and scratched at the fox's sides. Laughing, he leaned his head back. Gasping, he was soon moaning as he was clearing enjoying it. He thrust now and then to match the rhythm but was mostly just moaning.

Squirming, he tried the boy tried to focus on the task at hand and not giggling because of the claws at his sides. Sixam continued his actions, moaning almost in time with his mate. He felt a little bit of power as he was in control of what was happening and giving Razor pleasure.

Letting off a deep growl, Razor's closed his eyes and rested his clawed paws on Sixam's sides for a moment. His tail thrashed side to side on the bed and he started panting.

As much as he was enjoying this, Sixam was getting tired. He was not use to doing this and was not as strong as his large mate. He started panting a great deal.

Grinning, Razor could tell it was coming to an end and soon shifted himself. Pulling out and rolling Sixam onto his belly, he growled while gripping Sixam's hips and holding them up slightly, he shuffled himself into position and slowly pushed himself back inside.

Sixam just blinked as it went so quickly. Before he knew what was happening, he was on his lying on his belly with Razor at his rear. Biting the back of the fox's neck carefully, Razor pushed himself in quite deep, growling slightly as he did so. The smaller male moaned in pleasure as he felt his mate's teeth at the back of his neck and the lupine mass being pushed deep within him.

Growling, the werewolf soon started to thrust in and out, slowly at first so that he could get more comfortable in the position. Sixam moaned again as Razor did this, his juvenile prostate once again being assaulted by the large member.

Closing his eyes, Razor soon got into a rhythm. He let off a slow, low growl as he relaxed into it now, a smile creeping over his face. Sixam got up onto his paws because it didn't feel right with his butt up in the air like that.

Growling, Razor wrapped his arms around his mate's waist, panting slightly as he started thrusting more vigorously now causing the fox to moan louder, murring as he felt the muscular arms wrap around him.

Panting now, the werewolf's tail thrashed behind him as he took his mate for all they were both worth now, thrusting hard and fast since Sixam seemed to be use to it now. Moaning in pure ecstasy now, Sixam felt himself getting close. He was panting and breathing hard. With each of Razor's thrusts, his prostate was jabbed more and more.

Panting in time with his consort, Razor was also getting close. His eyes closed as he let off a loud groan of pleasure while he started to grope Sixam's neglected mass. The boy also let off a groan as his mate began to rub his foxhood. He tried to focus on holding out as long as he could.

Growling as he was barely able to hold back, Razor looked over his mate and began to nibble between his shoulder blades, licking now and then with a low growl. He was thrusting hard and fast while stroking Sixam's mass at the same pace, letting off a whimper now and then.

With Razor licking and nibbling at his special spot, stroking his vulpine member and continually jabbing his prostate with each powerful thrust, Sixam couldn't last any longer. He came and came hard in Razor's paw, letting off a loud howl that echoed throughout the room.

Gasping slightly, the new tightness and the sensation on his paw all pushed Razor over the edge, but he was okay with it now that his mate had climaxed first. He let off a similar but louder howl as he joined Sixam in ecstasy.

As Sixam started to come down, his arms gave out so he was back with his butt in the air.

Grinning, Razor pulled out, rolled Sixam onto his back and rubbed against him, nibbling up and down the side of his neck. "Looks like I'll have to hold you up then..." chuckling, he looked around, still wanting to try new things.

Sixam just lie there panting, a little bewildered. "You're not done playing yet? Your present is running out of energy."

Growling, the werewolf just nibbled more. He pulled his mate up while he sat down; shuffling so his back was against the wall. "Well I'll be gentle," he said sitting Sixam down gently. He leaned in and kissed him while stroking his back tenderly to soothe him.

Sixam automatically wrapped his arms around his mate as he was kissed while murring as his back was stroked.

Smiling faintly, Razor held his consort close now, sliding him back down onto his mass. It wasn't the same size as before but it was still fairly decent. Closing his eyes, he almost purred as he started to thrust gently and slowly.

Instinctively wrapping his legs around his mate's waist, Sixam moaned into the kiss slightly as he was yet again invaded by the lupine mass.

Also moaning in the kiss, Razor just enjoyed the feel of it, keeping it slow to retain energy as if Sixam got some energy back, he'd need to pick up the pace.

Sixam just held onto Razor, not breaking their kiss. All this mating was tiring him out but he still enjoyed it. With this slow and gentle pace, his energy was slowly returning.

Growling, the werewolf held his mate carefully, knowing he needed to lessen the strain on Sixam. After all, he was small and still very young compared to Razor.

Sixam murred as he heard his mate's growl. He started to squeeze Razor a little as he got into it and began to feel some pleasure.

Slowly closing his eyes, Razor let off a low groan, leaning his head back as he continued the steady pace, knowing that with enough gentle persuasion Sixam would want to go all out again.

The boy whined as Razor broke the kiss by leaning his head back. He started to moan as the pleasure began to build and some more of his energy returned.

Growling faintly, the older male leaned back in, giving his mate another kiss since he seemed to want one. Stopping all movement, he held his mate while he shifted positions again, laying them both on their sides.

Sixam smiled and murred as he was kissed again. He was taken by surprise when Razor shifted their position, but didn't break the kiss. He just let Razor continue his 'exploring.'

Also murring into the kiss, the larger canine started thrusting in and out of his mate slowly once again. Right now it was about tenderness between them.

Closing his eyes, Sixam just hung onto his mate and moaned as he once again thrust into.

Smiling faintly, the dark-brown male broke the kiss and nibbled up the exposed side of Sixam's neck. "See, doesn't have to always waste energy."

"I wouldn't call it a waste. It just takes a lot out of me when we do it this much." He smiled and murred as his neck was nibbled at.

Razor just nodded slowly, "I know, but it can be slow too...not just fast and hard." He nipped at his ears now as he rubbed his back.

Sixam smiled and nodded, his ears twitching a bit as they were nipped. He murred some more as his back was rubbed.

Smiling, he was just enjoying the closeness now, true, he was still pumping into his mate but it wasn't like before.

Sixam was also enjoying the closeness they were both sharing now. A good deal of his strength and energy had now returned thanks to Razor's slow going.

Nuzzling him happily, the werewolf was just content to start like this, but once his mate was more excited, he was more than ready to bring him to the brink and beyond again.

Feeling that he had had enough resting and that enough of his strength had returned, Sixam whispered to his mate, "I think I'm ready for more now."

Growling in a low tone, Razor's new excitement would be clearly felt once again, his mass began swelling back to the size it was the first time they mated. Pulling his mate closing now, Razor kissed him. "I'm glad..." Sliding himself out, he rolled his mate over, still on his side, and came up to him from behind, slowly pushing in again, gripping Sixam's leg, he raised it a little and pushed in deep, his other paw looping under Sixam's waist, holding him close but soon moving over the fox's stomach, "Lot of things to try out, isn't there?" he asked smirking.

Moaning as he felt Razor's member start to enlarge within him, Sixam murred as he was held close and kissed. He groaned slightly when Razor pulled out of hi but then was taken by surprise yet again with the werewolf moved him around again. He really should have been use to this by now with all the shifting Razor had done to him this night. As Razor began to insert himself into Sixam for who knows what time, the young fox began to moan as he felt his mate's mass pushed deep within him. He looked at Razor as he spoke. "Yes there is. And you seem to be making the most of your present tonight," he replied with a slight giggle.

Nodding, Razor growled. "Yes...since I didn't get you a gift I thought I'd see if I could find you something you like here. Pushing in and then out slowly, he closed his eyes and let off a low groan, clearly enjoying it. His claws scratched as Sixam's stomach as he started thrusting in slow but deep, still holding his mate's leg up a little. Leaning in, he kissed Sixam deeply the pushed in hard and deep. "Ready for more?"

Nodding, Sixam squirmed as his belly was traced by Razor's claws. They tickled a bit. Murring at the kiss given to him by the werewolf, he let off a long groan as his older companion pushed himself deep into the fox's insides. He nodded again, "Yes...I'm ready."

Growling again for a moment, Razor gripped his consort's waist before beginning to thrust a lot faster, his mass becoming a blur. Panting, he let off louder groans of pleasure, knowing this wouldn't last too long as it was a big drain on his energy.

Moaning loudly in extreme pleasure as the friction between them began t increase greatly, the fox began panting in time with the larger male. He could fell himself starting to build.

Whimpering slightly for a moment, the werewolf slowed his pace dramatically. Letting go of Sixam's leg, he allowed it to drop, bring both of his legs up and wrapped them around his mate's hips, thrusting in deep and slow again but soon his legs locked and his paw slid down stroking Sixam's mass as he started thrusting faster once again. Panting heavily, he whimpered as this was bringing him closer quite quickly.

Feeling Razor's paw start stroking his vulpine member again, he started moaning loudly and panting heavily. He too was quickly getting close.

Panting happily, Razor's other paw gripped Sixam's waist, holding him close as soft whimpering was soon slipping from Razor's form. His paw slowly gliding over the other's sex, then quickened for a moment.

Feeling himself build too quickly, Sixam tried to focus on holding out a bit longer but it was all too obvious that he wouldn't be able to last much longer. He was letting off whines and moans like there was no tomorrow.

Grinning, Razor composed himself for just a moment. "It's okay...this is the last thing I wanted to try." Thrusting in as deep as he could, he howled out, his eyes closing as his legs pulled the fox down more as he'd be taking the knot this time. Unable to hold himself back, Razor felt like cumming first, with that action his seed once again filling his beloved mate.

Yelping as he felt Razor's know work into his hole and feeling his insides once again being splattered with the werewolf's juices, Sixam let out a howl of his own, almost as loud as his mate's, as he burst in the older male's paw like countless times before. He gripped the sheets tightly as his orgasm was more intense than last time, panting wildly as he rode the swells of intense pleasure.

Panting in unison with the smaller male, Razor has stopped thrusting altogether as his powerful climax had drained him. Closing his eyes, he slowly brought his paw up to his mouth, licking the fruits of his labor, a sly grin forming as he lay there with his mate, tied once again to him. "That...was amazing." Smiling weakly, he wrapped his arms around Sixam, holding him close as more of his body relaxed now. Nuzzling Sixam's neck, Razor finally spoke again in a whisper. "I love you."

"I'm glad you liked it," Sixam said panting, but not as hard. He murred as he was held by his mate. He pressed himself against Razor's body as he was nuzzled. He smiled when he heard his mate say those words. "I love you, too. Happy Christmas, Raze." He closed his eyes, very content at the moment. He was not able to think of any Christmas he had had in his short life better than the one he was having right now with his wonderful, loving mate.

Nuzzling his life partner, Razor's eyes grew heavy and willed themselves closed. Almost purring now, the large male mumbled softly to his mate, "Happy Christmas, Sixam." Smiling to himself, he held the two-toned fur close to him as he drifted off into an exhausted but peaceful sleep.

Sixam lie there happily, just thinking to himself about the fun he had had that day and enjoying being close to the werewolf until he heard the even breathing from his mate and realized he was asleep. He smiled to himself and snuggled against the larger male and started to drift to sleep himself.

That's it. It's done. Game over, man. Game over. Hope you enjoyed it. As I said above, I could do some more with the right kind of feedback. But that is all for our RP. What more is there to say? Sixam (dot) Canoscan (at) yahoo (dot) com. This may be the last time I say this but... I hope you have enjoyed this as much as we have. Ciao.