Invisible love at night

Story by SkyFire on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story is intended to be viewed by people over the age of 18. I there for take no responsibility for anything bad that happens to the life of a Minor if they read this. The Thoughts and Opinions of characters may not be my own opinions. This story contains sexual and adult themes and so on. Do not read if you are under the age of 18.

Also, the characters mentioned in this story are © to their players and are used with granted permission.

Her name is Sun Chaser, and there she sat, all alone on that late night, her head on her arms, resting against the bar counter. She was a 23 year old wolf anthro and had a voluptuous body that would make most professional models growl and turn green with envy. Her short silky soft sapphire blue fur smelt faintly of wild flowers thanks to her perfume she was wearing, Moon yellow fur stretched from her lower face, down her neck and chest, moving in between her legs. She had a small patch of yellow on the tip of her ears as well. And a circle of yellow around her right eye. She also had long blue hair, which fell down around her neck and shoulders right now she was dressed in a light red tube top, with her bra straps showing over her shoulders. And hip hugging blue denim jeans with a belt strung low over her left thigh as well as Roman sandals. She wore no make up tonight; not that she needed any to look stunning. The lonely she wolf played with her wedding ring idly as the bar keeper, A friendly Clydesdale stallion brought her the small scotch on the rocks she had requested.

"Thank you Charley" Chase smiled, looking up at the well built Clydesdale, he had rough yet snugly dark chocolate brown fur, and was obviously muscular. A long mane of brown hair fell down the back of his long neck, and his light brown eyes seemed to smile to Chase along with his mouth. "Just doing my job Mrs Chaser" he smiled. Reaching down, he gave her wedding ring hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure Steel is all right, he'll be back in your arms again before you know it... stay strong." Chase managed a weak smile, "thanks Charley, I know I'll see my Steel again soon, but all this waiting without word of him is hard" she sighs softly, taking a sip from her drink. Charley nodded, then looked up, there was a customer down the other side of the bar, he let go of Chase's hand and walked down the bar to see what the new customer, a young rabbit anthro, from the looks of him, just turned 18, wanted to drink.

Chase sighed to herself again, reflecting back on the past 7 months, before her Husband Steel Claw had left to the latest war in this conflict addled world. Sided with King Kal's Dessert Army

Charley's right Chase thought to herself Just because I haven't heard from steel yet doesn't mean he's not perfectly fine. She sighs once again, truly a lonely she-wolf; Chase takes another sip from her glass while staring blankly into space. She was still staring straight ahead when she was approached by a skunk. She first became aware of him when his hand clasped down on her left shoulder before he promptly sat down next to her. "Hi there" he smiles, his voice was soft, and very friendly. Chase looked him up and down for a moment. This guy was nothing too special His silky black fur looked brushed and well cared for. He had hazel eyes which she caught exploring her own body. And he was more lean and lanky than having any real muscle to him. His tail, which was nearly as big as he was, was curled up behind him a little. The characteristic big white stripe running from tail base to the tip.

"My names Sora, may I ask what such a beautiful woman is doing all by herself in a bar?"

Chase grinned a little despite herself, but it wasn't a grin from anything funny. She had heard this same beginning line so many times in the last week that it wasn't even funny. "Save yourself some time" she warns him softly, raising her hand so he could see the wedding ring she wore. "I'm taken, better luck next time."

"Oh" Sora was suddenly sprouting a very bright shade of Crimson on his cheeks, "I'm... I'm" he stuttered. But Chase just rested a hand on his shoulder. "First off lover boy, learn some new pick up lines and second. Make sure the girls aren't wearing wedding rings before making your move" she moved her hand up and lightly flicked the bottom of his chin with her finger before standing, she walked away down the bar to the cash register to pay for her drinks. After doing so she headed outside into the cool winter night's air her breath caught in her throat for a moment, it was much colder than she had thought it would be. Even though her clothes the cool air made her nipples perk. "Brrrrr" she muttered to herself. Rubbing her arms to warm them up before she started walking back towards her house.

Before she had even gotten two blocks away from the pub the black clouds which were hanging over the city unleased their downpour of rain, within minutes she was completely soaked. Her cloths and fur stuck to her form, making her look quite literally like a wet wolf. With a miserable growl, Chase started running, keeping under the over hangs of the shops and buildings, trying to avoid the rain were ever possible. But it was inevitable by the time she had arrived at the front door; she could not have been wetter. Now the house itself was quite grand, a good two story deal with a single room on the third story for their Oldest son. Chase fumbled in her pockets for the key and unlocked the door, heading inside were she thankfully found it nice and warm. Apparently the pups had turned the heating system on to keep warm.

"MOMMEY!" came the high pitched happy yelp of one of her pups. A blue streak wooshed past her field of vision before she was glomped. It was her oldest daughter, Star Shine; She was a beautiful 9 year old girl with light blue fur just like her mother. And black markings on her feet and hands, as well as one covering her left eye. She also had gotten her father's feathery wings. Which were also blue with black markings. "Mommy, mommy, mommy" Star giggles, hugging Chase's leg happily. Chase knelt down and hugged her daughter. "Hi there Baby, what are you still doing up this late?" she grins. "Not eating cookies and watching TV I hope?" she asks, despite the fact that the sound of the family's TV could be heard from the lounge.

"Nooo" Star giggles. "But Flame is" she tattles, letting go of her mothers leg.

"Well I think its about time both of you went up to bed," Chase says, standing up again and taking star's hand. Walking with her into the lounge were she saw not only Blue Flame, her second oldest son, but also her oldest, Demon, and her two daughters Senshi and Fairy. All four were scarfing down Chocolate chip cookies, drinking Milo and watching the cartoon network.

"Ahem" coughed Chase, causing the pups to look up. Their eyes widening in surprise when they saw their mother. Soaking wet and not looking all too pleased, standing there in the doorway with Star. "Right you lot, bed time" Chase said simply.

The pups leaped up. "Every Wolf for himself" Demon, who was the spitting, image of his farther. A pure black wolf with red and orange fire markings on his arms, legs, the tip of his tail, his ears and the top and bottom of his wings yelled. The four remaining pups rushed past Chase and out various other doors as well, trying to make a bid for freedom rather than go quietly to bed.

Chase shivered, she had the feeling somebody was watching her, and looked around the room silently for a second, but saw nothing so she shrugged it off and took Star, who was still holding her hand, to go and round up the other Pups and take them up to bed. As she left the room, invisible eyes watched her depart.

Chase spent the next hour rounding up the four remaining Pups, who managed to elude her quite successfully for quite a while. Each of them finding very ingenious places to hide. Demon had shoved himself inside the clothes drier to hide, and it had taken some pulling to get him out, followed by some quite serious Scolding by Chase for hiding in such a silly place. (The Author would like to take a moment to remind everybody that it is a very foolish idea to ever hide in a drier)

Flame was hiding up on the ceiling, his wings keeping him adrift as he held a loose but big piece of wallpaper over him to try though poorly to hide himself. He was soon 'captured' and tucked into bed. Next followed Senshi who being the youngest had tried hiding in her pile of soft toys in her room. Likewise she was quickly rounded up, But fairy was proving challenging to find. She was the sneakiest of the group. But eventually she to was tracked down by her mother and layed down to sleep in her bed.

Chase kissed each of her children goodnight on the forehead and turned their lights out. Leaving nightlights on in the case of Senshi and Fairy who were both still young enough to need them. Chase though still dripping wet from being caught out in the rain on her walk back from the bar read them all bedtime stories as well before closing their bedroom doors and heading upstairs towards the bathroom. Totally unaware of the presence from the TV lounge following her silently up the stairs.

She made her way into the large white tiled bathroom, it had everything in there, a shower, with a clear glass door, a bathtub, a sink, a toilet, a heater and a heated towel rack, as well as a laundry hamper. Chase looked around and ran a hand through her long blue wet hair and moved to close the door behind her. But turned right around when she felt something brush past her. Alert now, she looked around and sniffed for any trace of a scent, but could smell nothing. Assuming she was just tired. Chase closed the door and locked it. Unwittingly sharing the bathroom now. She walked over to the shower and lay down a foot bath mat on the floor by the shower door, and turned it on. Testing the water with her arm she smiled a little. The hot water felt good on her wrist. She walked over to the laundry Hamper and lifted up the red tube top, letting her bra show. She tossed it into the hamper then reached behind her to unclasp her bra, letting the confining fabric fall down off her voluptuous breasts, the nipples now hidden once again in the soft silky fur.

Chase murred slightly, it felt good to be free of that thing, she then bends over, letting her breasts hang free as she unbuckles the jeans she wore and slides them down her legs, revealing light pink panties with a picture of a love heart on the rump. She tosses her jeans into the hamper and kicks off her sandals too before she hocked her fingers into the elastic of her panties and slid them down. Still bent over she murred when she felt the refreshing little breeze of air over her tight sex. A faint murr escaped her as she remembered the many times she and Steel had taken showers like this, and her naughty posing style of taking off her clothes had usually resulted in him thrusting his hot thick throbbing wolfey love probe inside of her. Chase Trembled for a moment, oh god how she missed Steel.

Naked now, Chase straightened up again and headed to the shower, stepping in, she closed the clear glass shower door and moved her head under the shower nozzle. Letting the warm water run down through her hair and fur, warming her considerably. "Mmmhmmm" she murrs happily, tilting her head up so that the warm water splashed down onto her face, washing away the eye liner and lipstick she had been wearing.

A light growl came from somewhere in the room and Chase's eyes bolted open in surprise. She opens the shower door and looks around. But still there was nothing in the bathroom. Which was beginning to fill with steam. She looked over at the door. But it was still locked. My imagination she thought to herself before pulling her head back in and closing the shower door. The presence which was watching her from nearby mentally beat itself up for nearly alerting her to its presence.

Chase went back to under the shower nozzle. Turning around, she pushes her body against the cool wall of the shower. Murmuring softly as her breasts and nipples squish up a bit. The warm water flowed down her lower back, over her tail and down in between her firm taught rump cheeks.

Once her fur was appropriately soaked, Chase turned around and held her head under the nozzle so her hair would get wet again. Then she took the shampoo from its shelf and squirted out a decent amount onto her hand. And started lathering up her long blue hair with it. Her fingers running through her silken locks until her hair was completely white and bubbly. She could feel the tingling of the conditioner working on her scalp.

Loosing herself in the task at hand, Chase worked Diligently. Applying facial fur moisturiser and rubbing in a full body wash with added vitamins and minerals for a strong luscious coat. Until to the invisible presence. All she looked like through the steam fogged up glass door of the shower, was simply a mass of white bubbles. Working their goodness into her fur and cleaning away the scent of cigarette smoke she had picked up from being in the pub.

Chase turned off the stream of water from the shower nozzle and sat down on the floor of the shower. Deciding to wait a while and allow the body washes, and moisturiser's and shampoo's time to do their work properly. She sighs a happy sigh to herself and spreads her legs. Moving her soapy fingers down to lightly stroke up and down over her most precious jewel. Foamy fingers tracing along the outer petals as one hand moves up to grope and roll her breast. Teasing her own nipple as she closes her eyes and imagines her mate there teasing her. "MMMM ohhh Steel" she pants softly.

Working herself into a heated frenzy, Chase soon felt herself floating away from the scene she was in. All her mind knew was the pleasure that she was giving her body. Minutes upon minutes of erotic ecstasy before she shuddered. Freeze for a moment with her fingers still inside her love tunnel. Before they got coated in her slick love honey. Her juices flowing out of her and down the drain of the shower as she sat there panting. Her breath coming loud deep gasps while she came down from her orgasm.

Finally, but much too soon for Chase. She had to stand up again. Turning on the shower once again she started washing her form of the cleaning scrubs and fur moisturisers. Murring as the water cleansed her fur and matted it down on her skin, showing even more of her curves than normal. *God I miss him* she thinks to herself with an audible sigh. *Steel, come back to me soon baby* Turning off the water when she was clean, Chase opens up the sliding glass door of the shower and steps out onto the soft woollen floor mat and reaches for a towel. She covers her face and starts to dry off her head and hair when suddenly she felt what felt like a soft tongue caress her right nipple. Jolting up she glances around. Feeling her breasts as if to make sure nothing was there. But she felt nothing but her own fur and skin. "Your just tired" she told herself, shaking her head she went back to drying off.

Soon dry, she pulls on a short pink dressing gown, it berley reached down to her upper thighs. Leaving it untied so that the fabric berley covered her breasts and didn't hide the rest of her body she moves to the sink and starts brushing her teeth. She didn't feel anything else weird happening to her body. So after an uneventful teeth brushing she opens up the bathroom door, letting the steam which had built up from her shower rush out into the passageway. Walking out she headed back to hers and Steel's bedroom, walking in she goes and turns the heater on and then walks back to close the door. Unaware of the presence following her and entering the room. Nor of it moving over to her chest of draws and mirror. Waiting for her to get there. Chase moved over and sat down on the seat in front of her mirror. Letting the dressing gown fall away from her breasts, revealing them once more she takes her hairbrush and starts combing her hair while humming to herself. The Mirror positioned so she got a good view of her head. But suddenly right before her, it pointed down to get a good view of her breasts.

She didn't think much of it, because the mirror was old and not very stable on its positional base. She reaches up and pushes it back into the right position. Pulling her hand back at once. She thought she had felt a furry hand resting on the hinge of the mirror. Timidly putting her hand back on it she didn't feel anything and moved the mirror up. "I really need some sleep," she says to herself, finishing up brushing her hair she stands up and walks over to the bedside table. Opening up the draw and pulling out her doctor prescribed sleeping pills. She had been having nightmares lately and these helped to keep her in a deep sleep while surprising her dreams so she could get some good rest. A drink bottle was waiting on the bedside table so she popped two sleeping pills out of the packaging and plopped them in her mouth. Taking a swig of water from the drink bottle she lets her dressing gown slip off and gets dressed in a pair of her mates boxers, which featured a super cute little chibey puppy dog trapped in a love heart on the left thigh. And a white baggy t-shirt that had a large paw print over the breasts. She yawns and pulls back the covers. Climbing into bed she lets her head hit the pillow and is almost immediately asleep.

The presence which had been watching her from beside her bedside table was not stupid. Rubbing its hands together gleefully at what easy prey it had found. But being smart enough to not rush in and use her. It would wait long enough for her to fully drift off to sleep. Soon though the sound of gentle breathing filled the room and it knew. It was time. Moving forward, it made not a sound on the soft carpet, but it did leave indents of foot paws as it travelled towards the bed. A gentle murr sounding from it in the other wise quiet room. Moving up beside her, the sheets would indent as it grabbed them. Slowly pulling the fabric down Chase's body and past her feet. Exposing the sleeping she wolf. Its next move was to crouch down on the floor. *Excellent* it thinks to itself as it finds what it was seeking. A box of kinky fetish toys. Mostly wrist and ankle cuffs that Chase and Steel would use in their bondage moods. Pulling the box out, the sound of clinking metal could be heard as two wrist cuffs rose into the air apparently on their own. Making their way over to chase. They rested down on the bed and chase's right arm suddenly raises of its own accord. Moving up to the right bedpost. One of the cuffs raises and moves over. Snapping shut around her wrist, the other half secures itself to the bedpost. The process is repeated with her left arm. For a moment nothing moves, except for the t-shirt, which contained Chase's chest, rising and falling with her steady breathing until her boxes begin to move.

Slowly invisible hands pull down the fabric, exposing the she wolf's flower, with its delicate petals. The boxers move down past her feet and are tossed aside. The warm air of the room on Chase's sex causes her to murr softly. As two more cuffs rise up from the box of sex toys. Ankle cuffs this time. Chase's left leg is spread away from her right. Being fastened in place to the bottom left post on the bed. Then the same thing done to her right. Exposing her fully to whatever plans this invisible creature had in mind. What ever it was that was doing this to her, it moved up to rest near her head. Poking its invisible penis against her lips. Slowly the sleeping Chase would unwittingly open her mouth to accept the love probe. The creature seises its chance and pushes it down into her mouth. To anybody looking on it would appear that her mouth was just open, but the shape of a penis was evident pushing against her cheeks. "Mmmhmmmm" a deep throaty voice murred as Chase began to suck in her sleep. The unconscious she wolf's tongue lightly curling around and lapping at the cum slit on this penis. The creature would growl happily again and lightly begin to thrust into her lips. Making her head push back down against the pillows as she was forced to deep throat him. Her sucking and sleeping blowjob continued until it at last pulled out. Creaming white, hot splooge which apparently appeared out of no were. Gushing into her mouth and over her chin and neck. Her body plastered with the scent of an unknown male now. It growled. Satisfied with the foreplay.

Picking up one finial item from the sex box. A red ball gag. The invisible male quickly fastens it in Chase's mouth so she won't be able to make much noise. "Perfect" came that deep voice once again. Moving its head down to lightly nose her right nipple through her shirt. The fabric is lifted up slightly over her body and begins to tear. The loud ripping sound filling the room until the shirt was just tatters on the bed. The Creature lowers its maw down to her nipple again. Puffing some warm breath on it, causing Chase to gasp slightly as the nipple perked. A warm tongue soon followed and began lightly licking up and down the teat. Followed by lips, which started to suckle on it. Causing her whole breast to start vibrating slightly. More gentle but muffled murring escapes from the gag Chase had in her mouth. And though she moved slightly in her chains she didn't wake. The effect of the sleeping pills she had earlier taken. The creature brought its hand up to her spare breast and started to grope the firm fleshy orb. Rolling it in his palm and squeezing the nipple between its forefinger and thumb. Getting her to push her chest up into his hands while she slept. *The perfect puppet* It thinks to itself as the breast playing continues. Even with the effect of the sleeping pills drugging her, the attention to her sensitive breasts was beginning to make Chase stir, wriggling a bit and murring slightly louder under the attention. She thought she was dreaming about Steel doing it with her. The power of its lips sucking on her nipple increased. As did the force of the groping. Soon pulling its head back completely to just fondle her breasts roughly. Pushing its invisible cock in between them it makes her tit fuck him. Thrusting forward against her. The tip of the rod hitting her chin and causing her to lazily open her eyes.

*What's going on?* was the first thought which crossed Chase's mind when she groggily awoke. Her mind still not fully awake thanks to the drugs. She felt something hit her chin and looked down. Seeing her breasts being pushed around an empty space, but she could feel something warm and throbbing there. Gasping, Chase struggles to sit up but finds herself chained down. Her ears folding back in fear as she tries to speak. But finds her self gagged too.

The thrusting of the invisible penis continues and so do Chase's struggles against what ever was doing this. The feeling of a thick and obviously long manhood in between her breasts frightened her. *Raped, I'm being raped* she thinks to herself. Terrified. But she couldn't see anybody. And that scared her even more. Suddenly her body jolted against the headboard. Whatever it was doing this to her. Had thrust forward with a strong amount of force. Pushing her up towards her chained arms. Chase was too shocked for tears, and the beast could tell she was awake.

"Oh your going to enjoy this my slutty little bitch" came the strong throaty voice of the creature. "I'm going to fufill your burning sexual desires and claim you as my own." The voice was taunting in the way it spoke to her. But suddenly the pressure of her breasts being held together was released and the member left the space in between. *LEAVE ME ALONE* she tries to scream, but the gag halted it to berley more than a few muffled nothings. What felt like a wet tongue licked up her cheek. Causing her to flinch and turn her head to the side. "Go ahead, try to fight. It'll make it all the better once you submit to me girl" came the voice again. With that, chase feels the weight of the creature move off of her. And two more objects rise out of the play box. Her eyes widen in horror. The first was a muzzle, but this one had a dildo attached on the inside. For fitting into her mouth while gagged. And the second was a vibrating butt plug.

By now Chase was causing the hand and leg cuffs to rattle as she struggled violently to escape, her adrenalin washing away all traces of the sleep aid medication from her system, but she could do nothing but watch helplessly while the but plug moved forward. Something that felt like a hand brushed her tail away, which had been coving her privates in an attempt to keep her modesty. Again a powerful but invisible hand gripped her hips. The fur and skin indenting to her vision in the shape a hand, and then she was lifted. The un-lubed butt plug was thrust forward with un-natural accuracy, penetrating her clenched tail hole with a single thrust. Pain shot through her, but she hastily blinked back tears. Not wanting to give whatever was doing this to her, the satisfaction of knowing she was in pain. A humming fills the air and a faint gasp makes its way out of the gag. The vibrating butt plug had been turned on, her sore tail hole was not ready for this and she thrashes her head from side to side, wanting it to stop. Next the new facemask approaches her. The dildo mouthpart positions itself right in front of her mouth as the straps on the ball gag come undone. The ball gag is wrenched out of her mouth, and the dildo shoved in so to not give her any time to scream.

The straps were done up on the new gag. Stifling her speech even more now as all she could do was lightly suck on the dildo gag, still trying to pull her hips away from the vibrating plug in her ass, though her nipples were perking, she found it frightening and not the least bit erotic in any way. *Please, let me go* she begged with her eyes. But her fearful and begging gaze went unanswered. She could see the indents in the bed's matrass as something heavy moved on it and up towards her. Chase wriggled and struggled but to no avail. Her legs were pushed open even further and she could feel something push against the entrance to her cunt. Tearing now she whimpers and tries to shout and scream stop at her rapist but still berley any noise at all escapes her mouth The throbbing invisible penis dips into her honey pot, earning a gasp from Chase. This creature was huge. With a mighty thrust, the creature slams its penis deep into chase and starts rhythmically pounding away into her.

Helpless against this powerful invader of her body, Chase does her best to resist, but soon, against her will, her body began to respond to the unwanted attention. Her hips thrusting back against the soft fur of the invisible attacker. But no matter what she did, she heard no noise come from this beast. Panting around the dildo in her mouth now, Chase's breasts start to move again. She could feel strong hands groping them, and a warm tongue lapping at her nipple. A loud groan escapes her before her body is forced into orgasm.

Throwing her head back and nearly howling through the mouthpiece in pleasure, her body wrecked with lustful feelings on the physical level she almost didn't notice when the thrusting resumed again. Her eyes glazing over as she slowly got used to the rhythm of this thick invisible cock inside her. Grunting when she felt her lips stretching again. A knot was being forced into her. It was gigantic; the size of it hurt and felt like her pussy was going to tear. The thrusts inside her got more erratic now, powerful attempts to tug out and push in, she could tell that he, what ever he was getting closer to his pleasure peak. A deep growl sounds out of no were, coming roughly from some where above Chase's breasts, scaring her and then her eyes open wide. She could feel cum filling her pussy. Squeezing her eyes shut she sinks her teeth into the thick rubber dildo and tries to clench her pussy shut to block off the cum. But to no avail, she feels it seeping into her fertile womb. Crying once again now she turns her head to the side and closes her eyes, wishing for this horrible nightmare to finally end.

"Mum!" came a familiar voice. Chase opened her eyes to see sunlight streaming in through the open curtains of her bedroom. Her son Flame standing beside her bed. His small hands on her shoulder, shaking her awake. "Mum wake up" he says again.

"Urhhhh" Chase groans as she sits up. Yelping in surprise when she finds herself naked in bed quickly pulling the sheets up over her body. "Flame what is it?" she asks him quickly.

"Its breakfast time Mum, were all hungry" he says. Tugging on her hand like any child would do.

"All right Honey" Chase says softly, smiling to her son. "I'll be down in a minute to cook you breakfast, just go wait for me at the kitchen table all right?"

Flame nods and smiles, rushing out of the room. When he was gone, Chase got up out of bed, letting the covers fall down. She gasped. Her stomach was swollen a little. She defiantly looked rounder than she had when she went to bed last night. Whimpering, she covered her mouth and rushed to the bathroom to throw up. *What's happened to me*? She wonders fearfully to herself.

The End?