
Story by Addykatz on SoFurry

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#33 of One Shots

This is an experiment in writing sadder material. First 70% is story/plot where one character is given bad news other 30% at the end is smutty.

If you're in it for the feels (hopefully it gives you the feels) read the beginning/middle. If you're in it for the dick head to the endish~ :D

Comments appreciated as always. Approx 4500 words~

Page by page the time went by for Ryan. The mostly white wolf sat by the window on the second floor of the pleasant resort. Occasionally he would look up from his reading to watch the slopes. Watching the inexperienced or overbearing skiers come down face first was always enjoyable. He let his book rest against his crossed legs and leaned forward to grab his coco from the counter. The steam from the drink warmed his nose as he brought it to his lips and slurped some of the heavy chocolate.

After one more glance out of the window he set his drink back down and cleared his throat before lifting his book to pick up where he left off. His left ear heard steps approaching closer and closer but he paid it no mind. In a moment the steps would reach him and continue on, they would grow quiet like a passing car. They didn't grow quiet however, instead Ryan found himself looking up at snow leopard. Their eyes only met for a moment before Ryan's head tilted back down to his book in a smooth motion. He didn't know what the cat was doing but assumed he was going to leave soon.

"Hey, what's up?!" the cat asked, his voice full of energy. Ryan looked up again, now aware he wasn't going to escape a conversation. Instead of speaking he raised the book a few inches off his lap. The cat nodded and leaned forward over his legs to extend his paw.

"I get it, doing a little reading. Catching up on some tall tales," he laughed to himself before continuing, "I'm Zack!" it wasn't within Ryan to resist a friendly introduction so he extended his paw and shook in good faith. "Don't tell me you came all the way up to the resort to read. I haven't seen you out on the slopes all weekend." Zack said as he sat back in his armchair, getting more comfortable and folding his legs to mirror Ryan's.

"You've been watching for me?" Ryan asked, his interest perked.

"Well I know all the boarders and skiers here, most of them anyway. Just haven't seen you out there." he smiled and turned his head a bit. eyes staying forward.

"That's because I don't like the snow." Zack's muzzle twisted back forward, one eye was higher than the other. He paused, seeming to be thinking of a clever response. He unfolded his legs and grinned.

"Okay I'll bite, if you don't like snow why are you at a ski resort?"

"Because I'm the manager." Ryan unfolded is legs as well to match Zack. He closed his book and placed it on the small end table between them. The cup of coco made it's way back up to the wolf's lips and he sipped some down audibly.

"No way, your joshing me. You're too young."

"I'm flattered Zack... was that your name?" the cat nodded, "is there something I can help you with?" Zack shook his head back and forth.

"Well... actually yes. You could meet me tonight for dinner at the steakhouse." he said slyly.

"I'd love to Zack, however I don't have the time to eat dinner with every one of our guests. Perhaps I could interest you in a free beverage from one of our fine coffee houses?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, hoping the cat would accept.

"I see... well I won't turn down a free drink." Zack said shamelessly.

"Wonderful, here you go then." Ryan smiled and handed the cat his half empty cup of coco. Zack began laughing and watched the wolf as he stood. The cat kept a big grin as Ryan bid farewell and headed back to work.

"I'll be here all week if you change your mind!" Zack said loud enough to almost get Ryan's head to turn. The wolf hurried his way down the large wood staircase to the 1st floor lobby and up to the receptionist.

"Hey boss someone called for you, they said it was important but wouldn't leave a message." the fennec behind the counter said.

"Did they leave a name?"

"No, err.. right, no name."

"Thanks, I'll be in the office if anyone needs me." Ryan made his way past the counter and a small staff area to the managers office. He sat and turned on his computer monitor to pick up his work where he left off. The white noise of the radio chatter in the background helped him concentrate. His staff could handle most things without him so he was free to get his scheduled work done and meet his deadlines. A few hours had passed before he was interrupted. The fennec called him over the radio.

"Hey boss you on radio?" Ryan rolled his chair over to the radio.

"Yeah what do you need?"

"That caller from earlier is on the phone."

"Alright thanks." Ryan said as he put the radio down and pushed the flashing red button on the phone after picking it up."

"Devoir Resort, Ryan speaking." the wolf got his pen and pad ready, expecting an angry customer to give him a list of mistakes they made.

"Oh, uhm hello, is this the manager?"

"Yes, what can I help you with."

"My name is Rita, my son is staying at your resort and I can't reach him."

"Okay I'll have my assistant see if they can get a hold of his room." Ryan said, a little irritated that she hadn't just trusted his concierge to handle it.

"Well I've tried his phone and his room number from the front desk. I need someone to get a hold of him."

"Okay, well I'll see what I can do, this is a big resort with lots of guests, is there some sort of emergency?" there was a pause over the phone, followed by a sniffle.

"Y-yes... he needs to come home immediately."

"I'm sorry Ma'am but there's a storm over the pass, he won't be able to leave for a few days. That's the worst case scenario though." Ryan heard a distraught sigh as the women held the phone away for a moment.

"I have to get on a plane, can I trust you to give him a message?"

"Of course, what's your son's name?" Ryan asked, the pen in his paw tapping rapidly against the notepaper.

"Zack, he's staying in room 302 with some friends." Ryan's pen stopped tapping, he wrote the name a shiver trickled down his spine.

"Ok got it, and what's the message?" his heart almost stopped as he waited. He was holding his breath to keep silent, as if exhaling would have drowned out the phone.

"His brother passed away this morning. " she said with another sniffle, louder this time and shaky. She struggled to say the words.

"Oh... oh I'm sorry to hear that ma'am... I will..." his words got caught up on the imagine of the energetic face that had asked him out earlier, "I'll let him know."

"Thank you... and he needs to come home." she said before he could hear rustling on the phone. It then clicked and she was gone. The silence and then empty tone hung in Ryan's ear even after he placed down the phone. He looked down at his notes and picked up his radio.

"Any security on? This is Ryan" he brought his paw to his chin and couldn't take his eyes off his notes.

"Yeah, what do you need?"

"I need you to find a guest. A snow leopard, white with black spots, about 5'8", lean, was on the second floor lounge a few hours ago."

"Okay we'll keep an eye out."

"Ryan was that fella wearin a blue snow jacket?" a voice came over the radio, Ryan recognized it as the bartender.

"Yeah, black snow pants." Ryan said back.

"He's at the bar." Ryan responded to the information and clipped the radio to his belt. He left the office and made his way towards the bar. This wasn't the typical request, he'd never told anyone that someone had died, let alone a stranger. He made his way up to the bar and spotted the cat with a group of guys. Their laughter and banter grew louder as Ryan approached. Zack could see him coming and despite the wolf's solemn expression he assumed Ryan was back to accept his offer.

"Hey!" he stood, stepping carefully over his friends legs to meet Ryan. He turned as soon as Ryan arrived and put his arm over the wolf's shoulder. "This is the manager guys, I told you he was cute!" the cats friends all cheered and met Ryan with smiles. It took him a moment to realize that the group was more feminine than they looked from a distance.

"Hi." Ryan said as plainly as possible. He turned and gently grabbed Zack to turn him around. "Do you have a minute?"

"Of course!" he turned to wave at his friends. "Be right back guys." he winked playfully at them. Ryan walked them to the bar and sat up in front of the bartender. Zack sat next to him and leaned over, propping himself up with his elbow. "I didn't think you'd change your mind. You got me pretty good with that free drink." he smiled and chuckled, it was almost hard for Ryan to look at him. The wolf knew he was about to crush the leopard.

"You 21?" Ryan asked.

"Just turned, why?" Zack asked, his ears perking forwards..

"Don." Ryan said the bartenders name and tapped the counter. The older doberman behind the counter pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels and placed a short glass down. He scooped some ice but Ryan grunted before he could put them in the cup. His paw flattened and cut like a knife horizontally. Don dumped the ice back in its holder and poured the glass about half full. Ryan grabbed it when it was pushed forward and moved it in front of Zack. "Here's that drink."

"What... seriously?" Zack asked, reluctant to take the drink.

"Of course." Ryan cleared his throat as Zack took a drink. The cat's muzzle twisted from the bitterness. "Have you been ignoring your mom's calls?" he asked bluntly.

"Whoa. Where'd that come from?" Zack looked taken back by the question.

"She's been calling the front desk and your room looking for you, left a message too."

"Ahh... I get it, your tired of her calling. I'm sorry man I told her when I left this was a guys only trip and I was just going to relax."

"Hey I'm not mad, she just needed to tell you something."

"It's always something." Zack took a longer drink from the glass. This time his eyes were forced closed as he tried to cope with the bitterness. "Well, did she tell you what it was?" Zack asked after noticing Ryan was staring blankly at him.

"Uhm... look I don't think I should be the one telling you this... but your brother is dead. He died this morning. That's why your mom was calling you. I'm sorry." Ryan felt somehow better and worse for getting the information off his chest. Zack on the other hand just sat with a confused look on his face.

"He's dead?" Zack finally asked. Ryan nodded and the leopard swallowed, the lump in his throat hardly moving. His paw moved to his forehead and he rubbed it as if he was being overcome by a migraine. Zack looked back at his group of friends that were just as boisterous as they were when he left.

"I'll see if we have any extra rooms available. Just in case you need some space. Alright?" Ryan said. Zack looked back at him and then down at his drink before placing both paws around it.

"I guess this means you didn't come find me to accept my offer?" he said with a dry chuckle but his expression was anything but lighthearted. Ryan felt crushed under a sea of guilt, he couldn't reject the poor guy outright after giving him news like that.

"Well, I was going to find you when I got off but..." Ryan said with a warm smile. Zack wiped under his eyes while keeping his face out of view. He looked up and pushed the drink away, his eyes were heavy but he held back his tears in public.

"Excuse me." Zack said softly as he stood and walked away quickly. Ryan sat at the bar, gritting his teeth behind a passive expression. He was beginning to catch some of the tension of the moment, recalling when he was younger and his sister had died. It was a completely different despair to be on the delivering end of such terrible news. He was with family at the time, his current boyfriend included. He remembered how much easier it was to cope with someone in his arms. Ryan turned in his chair to see Zack getting into the elevator. The wolf's shoe tapped against the floor as he battled over what to do. Technically his job was over but he couldn't leave it at that. He left the bar and ran up the stairs to try and beat the elevator to the third floor.

Ryan flung open the hallway door to see Zack at his room with his key card still in the door. The leopard had stopped to see what the noise was, his head cocked when he saw Ryan coming his way. The wolf's radio and keys rattled as he jogged his way over.

"Hi." Ryan said between breaths. Zack stared at him, confused. Ryan's arms opened and he leaned forward to wrap around the leopard like his ex had done for him. Zack leaned into him and let out a deep breath. His inhales were long and slow, his chest puffing up against Ryan. They embraced each other until the door began beeping because the card was left in too long. Ryan could tell Zack didn't want to let go but he stepped back in order to open the room.

"Thanks, I appreciate what you are doing but you don't have to comfort me. I'm going to try and get a hold of someone." Zack said, opening the door to his room.

"I know, I just lost my sister a while back so I know what it feels like. If you need anything call the front desk okay?" Ryan grabbed Zack's paw and placed both his over it.

"I will, I just need some time I think." Zack said. Ryan nodded and let his paw go. The cat's watery eyes twinkled from the hall light before he disappeared into the room. Ryan rubbed the back of his head and then grabbed the radio from his belt to answer his employees desperate calls. He made his way back downstairs while responding.

"Ryan there's a problem with the hot tub, can you go check it out?"

"Yeah i'm on my way." Ryan said before grumbling to himself, he didn't know a thing about hot tubs. He called over the radio for one of the maintenance workers and headed to the front desk.

"Hey what did that lady want from earlier?" the fennec asked.

"Ah... her son died, other son is staying here and she couldn't reach him."

"Wow that kinda sucks."

"Yeah, it kinda sucks." Ryan said sarcastically. He left the front and headed into his office where he sat and tried to resume his work. A feeling of guilt swept over him as he sat in his swivel chair even though there he had nothing to do with the bad news. All he could do was watch the clock tick by and try to focus on finishing some schedules.

When his shift finally finished around 10 at night Ryan was feeling a little better. He closed up his office and was talking to the fennec at the front when the elevator opened and Zack came out. He walked up shyly to the counter.

"Do you guys have any extra rooms? My friends are partying and I just want to sleep." he asked to the fennec. Paws whipped across the keyboard and the fennec shook his head from side to side. "Okay, thank you." he said. Before he could turn Ryan grabbed the paw he had set on the desk.

"Wait, here." Ryan pulled out a room card and gave it to the sad looking cat.

"I thought you didn't have any extra rooms?" he asked.

"Technically it's not extra, it's mine." Ryan squeezed the leopards paw and then pulled it back to fold his paws in front of him.

"Thank you." he blushed and took the card.

"I'm heading up in a bit, just leave the door open for me. It's room 201." Ryan said. Zack nodded and with his head low he headed back up to his room. The fennec was wide eyed.

"I would never let a customer stay in a staff room." the tall ear'd fox said.

"Well it's a good thing you're not the manager huh?" he smiled at his coworker and left the desk to do a final set of rounds. He walked quickly and soon found himself at his room door which was closed. There were soft footsteps through the door and Ryan knocked on it two times. It opened after a moment and Zack was standing there hiding behind the door.

"Oh.. you wanted me to actually leave it open, my bad." he said, opening the door and stepping out of the way.

"It's fine. I see you made yourself comfortable..." Ryan said, playing off his inability to look away from the underwear toting snow leopard. Zack closed the door and walked to the bathroom, the whole way his thin, lengthy tail was off to the side and giving Ryan a good look at his firm backside. Without all the layers the leopard was smaller than he thought.

"Just getting ready for bed. Say I would have guessed the manager would have a nicer room than this." Zack said.

"The nice rooms are our biggest biggest source of income, you think we'd sleep in them?" Ryan replied as he started to lose layers, keeping on his undershirt and pants. Zack left the bathroom and walked by Ryan to sit on the bed. "I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed." Zack crawled his way across it and laid out, his arms unable to go off either end.

"This bed is big enough for the two of us." Zack said with a friendly smile. His exposed hips were twisted in a way that caused Ryan's pants to feel much tighter.

"Okay, if that's alright with you." Ryan said nonchalantly. He made his way to the bed and pulled open his side of the covers.

"You sleep with pants on all the time...?" Zack giggled as he got under, his creamy white fur disappearing under blanket. Ryan laughed sarcastically and unbuttoned his pants to let them slide off. He crawled in on his side wearing his boxers and undershirt and then realized he'd forgot the light.

"Have you been able to get a hold of anyone?" Ryan said as he got up and fixed that issue, returning to bed to find the cat more towards his side and facing away.

"No, I don't really want to either... I'd rather just curl up and avoid it as long as possible." Zack said.

"I can keep the hotel from forwarding calls to you. If you want that is." Ryan said as he got back into bed, trying to stay a few inches from the cat.

"You are the best you know that? Earlier and now this... I can't believe I hit on you in the lobby thinking you were just another boarder. The cat's tail flicked along Ryan's side. It tickled but he tried to ignore it.

"Heh, just trying to help out, wish I could do more." Ryan said awkwardly. He was laying still and on his back. The cat's tail stayed where it was, even tickling him a little. Zack scooted backwards towards him inch by inch, each time pausing a minute or so. Ryan almost jumped when he felt the cats full body up against him. He relaxed though, eventually turning onto his side to spoon the leopard. Zack seemed to like it because his arm came search over his side for Ryan's. The wolf gave in and soon they were cuddled close and his arm was wrapped tightly around Zack, his paw at his stomach.

The longer they stayed so close together the more Ryan lost control, he could feel his boxers tenting into Zack. His paw began tracing the leopard's barely defined abs and soon enough he felt the cat's tail flick between his legs as his rump pressed backwards. Without saying a word they both began a strange ritual of teasing, Ryan's hips would press forward, pinning his trapped length and Zack would push backwards. The cat wanted more though and his paw slowly guided Ryan's paw from his stomach down over briefs which were barely containing him.

When Ryan squeezed Zack couldn't help but gasp quietly. Ryan's paw stayed there, cupping his shaft and gently stroking it through the fabric. The wolf even started kissing and licking Zack's neck right where his spine met his skull. The snow leopard shivered and he pressed his hips forward instead of back, encouraging Ryan to be bolder. The wolf's paw slipped under the tight waistband and he cupped the leopard's cock. He had never felt a feline before so the barbs intrigued him. His paw then dropped down and cupped the feline's balls, holding the soft orbs firmly in his grasp.

Zack moaned as Ryan kept his hold on the leopard's most sensitive parts, his digits carefully caressing them. His rump went back again, trying to give Ryan more pleasure from his humping. When the paw left his balls and returned to his shaft it twitched a few times, making Ryan smile to himself. He had been so focused on work he had forgotten the intimacies of being close to someone. The cat's body language, his cute moans and the response he got when he held him. Ryan wanted to make Zack feel good, to relieve him of his worries, to please him so just for a few moments he could be truly happy on this terrible day.

Ryan's paw gripped the leopard's cock firmly and began pumping it within the briefs. After experimenting with paces and grip strength he figured out what made Zack whine. He kept it up, causing the leopard's whole body to tense.

"Ryan..." Zack moaned, his body turned slightly around so his muzzle could meet Ryan's in a kiss. Ryan leaned up to make it easier for Zack as his paw kept pace, each stroke bringing the cat closer to bliss. Ryan could tell the leopard was trying to speak again but he wouldn't let him, he kept his muzzle pressed to Zack's and kissed into his muffled moans. Zack's body jerked once, and then again, his briefs straining from the actions within.

Every second of it was heaven for Ryan, he broke the kiss and could barely see Zack's face in the dark. What he could see was pure love, even if it was temporary he was giving the leopard what he needed and he loved him for it. His muzzle started to open as he began a low groan, his eyes rolling back in his head as Ryan felt the cock in his paw begin to throb. He changed his rhythm to match the throbs and Zack's hips bucked into him, his muzzle still hanging open lazily as he emptied himself in Ryan's paw. The wolf kissed the open muzzle to silence the cute moans but Zack was barely even aware he was being kissed. Even if he wanted to return it his body had succumb to his orgasm and he simply had to ride it out.

After an eternity he stopped bucking and his body lay still against the wolfs. The kiss ended and Ryan laid his head down behind the cat, kissing and nipping at his shoulder. His paw was still tight around the leopard cock and it was slowly beginning to shrink. Very carefully Ryan pulled his paw free from the waistband and Zack grabbed it. The leopard tilted his head down and began cleaning his cum from the wolf's paw. It was a strange sensation at first but he eventually succumb to the cat's rough tongue. When it was clean Zack held onto his paw, unwilling to let go. He squeezed it and rubbed it, eventually kissing it before he let it go and turned around to face Ryan.

They stared into each other's eyes briefly until Zack's paw snuck into Ryan's boxers and grabbed his wolf hood.

"You don't have to..." Ryan started.

"Please, I want to." Zack answered quietly. Ryan didn't protest and the wolf turned onto his back as the leopard disappeared under the blankets. His ear twitched with anticipation as his boxers were pulled down and the cat's lips slowly replaced his paw. A wonderful warmth slowly spread down his cock and through his whole body as the leopard's muzzle engulfed him. Ryan let out a pleasure filled gasp as his cock hit the back of Zack's throat.

"Zack had no problem taking him and just like Ryan had done he took his time using different speeds and bobbing to figure out what made the wolf's cock twitch the most. The blankets started to ruffle louder as they went up and down with the leopard's head, his muzzle burying in the wolf's musk every few bobs. Ryan's paws curled around the blanket as he resisted the urge to thrust upward. Even if he had it might not have made a difference, Zack's paws were holding his hips and stomach firmly.

"I'm close..." he whispered, hoping Zack heard him, his ex boyfriend had never swallowed so he was nervous about letting Zack know. It didn't discourage him though, it only drove him harder. The leopard could tell he was close too just by the way his abdomen tensed up. The wolf was panting when his hips finally bucked of their own will only to be held masterfully in place. Ryan groaned louder than he wanted as the warm, wet muzzle consumed him and his knot was squeezed. His moans turned to pitiful whimpers as his body failed to contain his orgasm. It swept through him as he pumped a powerful load down the snow leopard's throat. Each throb prompted Zack to swallow around the pulsing meat lodged against the back of his muzzle.

The throbbing grew weaker and weaker until finally cool air surrounded his cock. Zack kissed it a few times before he slowly crawled up the wolf and laid on his chest, their muzzle's touching. Ryan opened first, inviting Zack to kiss him. He wasn't sure whether he tasted his cum or Zack's but he didn't care as their tongue's danced. The leopard eventually crawled to the side and they kept kissing until they were too tried. Never uttering another word they fell asleep with their muzzles brushed up together.

Tuff Ch. 7 & 8

Chapter 7 "Wake up Alex." Will nudged the fox to get his attention. His eyes opened slowly in the darkness, the glaring light of an alarm clock across the room blurred his vision. "Already?" he muttered. "Yeah, I thought you were up earlier but...

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Couch Lovin

Dax shifted his arm and leg, trying to get comfy on his couch. The only light in the living room of his home was coming from the T.V. His foot paws were a little cold and he shimmied them under the blanket as best he could. He was wide awake and he...

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Tuff Ch. 6

Chapter 6 "Alex! Wake up, dad wants you for something." Joey closed the bedroom door and steps could be heard fading down the hall. Alex rose from his bed and rubbed his eyes, his last day of freedom had so far been a lazy one. _Please don't be mad...

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