He was jo, my friend, my love, my everything and now he was going to be my mate. it was impossible not to grant him anything. i decided to give him the very best.
"that we are together... and we're mates." jenna says smiling softly to balto. "are we not?" balto asks with a little surprise. he already considered to jenna as his mate.
The Mating
Declan, sensing this too, pulled her off her mate's member by keeping her impaled on his own.
Every dragon had the choice to stay with their mate or leave at the end of mating season. she didn't want this to just be a once in a lifetime occurrence with korvah; she wanted much more than that: a mate for life. korvah was perfect for her.
The blue dragon moaned out as his brother continued to mark the younger dragon as his mate, leaving spots where his wings would be.
"that was delightful to everybody, if desire does not matter to try that pussy of your mate." jack says looking at pongo.
Soul Mate Charm: Mated
Josh grinned and nuzzled his mate's neck, his nose rubbing against that soul mate charm... because that's what he was now... matt was his mate... and he loved his mate. "me neither..."
Ember's mate
And when our first trainer captured us, we became mates. i'm just glad he's ok." ember said sadly. nick kissed her on the forehead, and she stopped crying. "you two can become friends again." nick assured her, and ember smiled slightly.
Mating Season
"m-mate with me." the tiger girl groans and pushes back as he grinds forward. "take me, claim me, make me yours, tiger." "my pleasure tigress."
Mated in Truth
The musky scent of his mate's seed on the air did something odd to him, something that redtail had never experienced before.
The Perfect Mating
"i have the perfect setting, but i cannot decide between a male or female dragon to mate with." "which do you desire more?" "neither. nor would i warrant unfulfillment. i do not wish to sate one desire, while leaving the other to go in question.
Mating the Gryphon
"mate," trys grabbed his horned head between her forepaws and pressed him into her chest. her wings rushed around, wrapping makaidos in a feathery blanket of warmth and arousal.