Lucien: Everything's Different but Nothing's Changed

Story by Lucien Lerderna on SoFurry

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#13 of Love Can't Be Different

The last Lucien story! I'm really sorry it took 8 years for them to hook up, but most of the last decade has been hard on me (guess why!). I don't think it was a big secret that Lucien's trans, but there it is. I'm not really happy with the sex scene, but I'm so disinterested in sex lately that I have a hard time making the imaginary characters in my head think about it. I'm not sure I'll ever end up doing the M/F (although I suppose I should be considering this one the M/F one, but still), since it would be about Thanatos and Alisa. Thanatos is kind of just my deus ex machina that makes people do fun expensive stuff, and Alisa is kind of an asshole sometimes. But you never know.

There's a new Annette in the works, but I'm kind of not liking that series much right now. I have another lesbian cheerleader story, but not the same cheerleaders as before.

I'm really glad to have any kind of creative impulse these days, but I'm finding furry porn not to be it so much as just regular old romance - although I guess I've kind of been more of a romance writer than a straight up porn one for a while. Either way, you'll probably be seeing more of the long mundane buildup stories like Annette than the torrid romances like in Oh Captain My Captain!, but I suppose there's an audience for it.

Love you guys! Questions, comments, concerns? Let me know!

Spring had sprung, and with it, Lucien's intensity of flirtation and sexual forwardness had waned. While that made interaction at school and in public when Luci was not in attendance easier, Tommen found it slightly difficult not to be a bit disappointed. They had become very comfortable together, and though they had not ceased to be intimate, they had not gotten any further with their relationship, either. Lucien had a hard time not being a bit disappointed with that. Not to mention, making out and grinding against one another seemed a little bit less... serious than making love.

The more casual nature of their days, as opposed to the multiple times Lucien had pouted and begged for kisses at lunch or after classes like earlier in the year, had brought down some of the heat on them from the less savory students, but had not completely killed it. Which was why, as Lucien approached the normal place he, Tommen, Thanatos and Alisa hung out after school, he saw two seniors calling Tommen and himself ungracious things.

Not in the mood for confrontation, he simply walked up behind both of them, moved between them and grabbed Tommen by the collar. He dragged the now very upset raccoon a short distance away; the two others followed more to "see the fags make out," as they said, than to start anything.

They walked, trailed further and further behind by their aggressors until they reached the psychology room. Lucien had studiously ignored Tommen's grumbling until they sat down next to each other. "What did you do?" Lucien asked, upset.

"Me?" Tommen snapped back incredulously, "I - they were saying awful things about you - and me... us. And I wasn't just going to let that happen!"

Looking utterly unimpressed, Lucien asked pointedly, "So?"

Realizing he was in trouble with his girlfriend (so Lucien insisted to be called when outside school, and so Tommen had managed to start thinking fluently), he replied, "So, I told them that if they had a problem they could say it to my face, and... they did."

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Lucien grumbled. He was trying very hard not to be pleased that Tommen had defended him, because defense was supposed to be effective. "Would you have enjoyed getting beaten up? Getting your schoolbooks wrecked and your shit stolen?"

"You say that like you know that was going to happen...." Tommen pouted. "Aren't you even going to thank me for sticking up for you?"

"No, I'm not. I'm glad whatever school you came from out in the golden plains of paradise - or however you refer to the last place you lived - was socially mature and didn't mindlessly attack outliers, but here it's not like that. Here, I have had my shit stolen. Do you know how long it took me to find this thing," he snapped, brandishing his instrument case, "in the pawn shop? Do you know how much the school charged when I couldn't return any books at the end of my last year in Junior High? Do you?"

"I mean, you've... mentioned it, but I thought that was just exaggeration. I mean, I'm not calling you a liar, but I can't really believe that. Where we live is so... progressive."

Lucien dug in a side pocket of his backpack, and pulled out a coarse string necklace, adorned with teeth much too large to fit in the mouths of anything but a person. He handed it to Tommen, and turned away in a huff.

"Was I exaggerating about collecting teeth?"

"Well... no."

"Do you understand why I'm not happy with you?"

"I guess."

"And from now on, are you going to be smart and leave be things that don't concern you? Are you going to accept the fact that we go to the worst school in this half of the state? Are you going to at least try to realize that getting the shit beat out of you won't make me proud of you?"

Tommen sighed wearily, handing back the morbid bauble, and agreed, "Yeah. Fine. I just wanted to... defend your honor."

"Defense that is incompetent is just nuisance." Lucien ribbed, out of his foul mood as quickly as he had entered it. "Although it's hard not to be a bit flattered that you feel the need to stick up for me."

"I mean, you could at least call me your hero." Tommen rebutted, relieved.

"I saved you!" Lucien emphasized, turning back to face Tommen, who was grinning obnoxiously. A growl escaped his lips as he realized Tommen was teasing him, and he had walked right into it.

"My hero..." Tommen burbled sardonically, before poking Lucien in the ribs. "And speaking of saving me, do you mind if I come over and you help me study?"

"Study for what?" There had already been an occasion where Tommen had asked Lucien to help him study for Psychology, which was not even a class he took, and they both had ended up frustrated and blaming each other.

"Uh..." He began bashfully, which was a surefire way to get Lucien to agree to anything. "This class?"

"You know I don't take this class. Do you at least have a study guide?"

Tommen nodded vigorously. "Yup. Just need you to quiz me. And give me lots of rewards when I answer right." He suggested lecherously. "Also, I kind of wanted to hang out tonight, anyway."

"Oooh, you're just trying to push my buttons this afternoon... If I have to, I'll help you." Lucien whined playfully.

"You know you're super cute when you're mad." Tommen said, unbidden. This made Lucien kind of freeze up for a moment. It was apparent to the both of them that they were a couple these days, but Tommen was not often so forthright with such statements. Shortly after he said that, the Psychology teacher returned to the classroom, taking a long appraising look at the both of them together and ordering them out. Classrooms were only to be occupied during proscribed hours.

They wandered around the quickly emptying school for the next twenty minutes mostly in silence. Occasionally one or the other of them would speak, but there was no real need for it. They were comfortable and happy. When their bus finally arrived, they boarded and made for Lucien's place. Neither of their aggressors were on this bus, being seniors they drove. The bus they took was used to their affections, as much as they tried to avoid them and as often as they failed.

They made the walk to Lucien's home hand in hand, and made themselves comfortable to study at the kitchen table. Lucien dug in the pantry for a moment and threw a marshmallow at Tommen, who blushed enormously and avoided eye contact for a few long uncomfortable moments. How could he have ever doubted this? How could he have ignored the fact that he had already started to fall in love with Lucien just scant days after they had met? How did he get so lucky, anyway?

"So what kind of rewards am I supposed to give you?" Lucien crooned, beaming evilly at Tommen. "Lots of making out? I can't very well blow you after every right answer."

"Why don't we see how well this goes first, then you decide what kind of reward I get?" Tommen asked, knowing whatever he got would be worth the effort.

Lucien pored over the document for a moment before grumbling, "Why's this stuff all so basic? Didn't we do something like this a couple months ago?"

"It's a comprehensive thing. It's supposed to be a gimme grade." He agreed.

"So you just want to show off and try to impress me." Lucien accused, all playfulness and flirtation.

"Yep. Now ask questions." Lucien did as he was told, and started asking questions in order on the sheet. Tommen had most of them memorized already, and Lucien found it hard not to be a little impressed. It seemed almost like he was willing to study for this class without ulterior motives. In short order, Lucien lay himself across the chair and Tommen's lap, staring up at him curiously after each question. Even with the distraction, and the magnetic hypnotism of Lucien's gaze, he continued to do well.

Two passes through the handout and Lucien was satisfied that Tommen would do well on his test. At which point he wrote down a few questions on a sheet of notebook paper and told him to study it for a while. Tommen canted his head and suggested that he studied better when he had something appealing to look at, but Lucien shushed him with a finger and disappeared upstairs.

About ten minutes later, he reappeared, hair freshly brushed and in a slightly different style, eyes made up in the manner and color Tommen liked, and lips colored in a bold, mauve color. "Wow," Tommen quipped, "you're certainly getting more courageous with your makeup. I love it."

As ever, when complimented on these things that made Lucien so insecure, he blushed and averted his gaze. "Thanks," Lucien accepted in long, uncertain manner. "Did you look over those questions?" Tommen nodded, flapping the paper about to show it was still in his hands. "Do you think you know 'em?" He nodded again, not really certain how Lucien, of all people, could be so timid so suddenly. "Do you wanna... come to my room? To just hang out?" Tommen nodded again, grinning unwholesomely and standing. Lucien continued to stand where he was as Tommen approached, digging his toes at the floorboards and fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

Tommen grabbed his hand and led Lucien upstairs to the bedroom. To the bedroom where he had first cuddled with his girlfriend; where he had had his first sexual experience and where he had enjoyed many more. It struck him now, just the same as it did every time, that this was not a boy's bedroom. The decor was ultra-feminine as was the color scheme. It smelled of perfume and cosmetics, of a frustrated girl whose body had betrayed her in every way. Now, more than that though, it smelled of sandalwood, smoking away from a dense little stick that Tommen had gotten Lucien as a small gift of affection.

He wanted to say something, not that he knew what that may be, or could articulate properly even if he did. Lucien hugged Tommen, burying his nose in his chest, rocking them both gently. After several endless, timeless moments, Lucien dragged Tommen over to the bed. They both sat down, staring straight ahead, though still holding hands. Finally, a cohesive thought formed, and Tommen started, "Lucien, I -" though he was cut off by a finger yet again.

Despite all the things they had already done together, and even though Lucien knew that Tommen was absolutely the one who would be his first, Lucien was mortified and terrified and, just... upset. Tommen was perfectly happy to consider Lucien his girlfriend, and he had even come to understand the whole situation with the foreign feeling and sight of his own body. And even still Tommen loved him. But that did not dull in any manner the ache inside, that wished he could be Tommen's _girl_friend, instead of just a canny imitation thereof.

Tommen, having experienced this awkwardness and melancholy before, released Lucien's hand and dragged him close, shuffling them both further onto the bed and laying them down. He whispered again, "Lucien, I've never met anybody like you in my life. I've never been so comfortable around someone, or happy, or, or, or... sure... like I am with you. I know I'm an idiot sometimes, but I want to protect you, and make you smile, and help you see yourself as someone as beautiful as the person I see. I love you more than the world, and I'll do anything for you, you know?"

Lucien nodded, crawling onto Tommen's lap. He looked up at Tommen's brown eyes, surrounded by their charcoal mask. Tommen noticed that Lucien's emerald ones looked wet on the verge of overflowing. He cooed soothingly and hugged Lucien very tightly. Lucien loved being crushed by hugs, and as he did so he rubbed his lover's back firmly. After a minute he started to shush quietly, and finally added to his previous comment, "Do you think maybe you should... find a... doctor that does... this kinda... um, thing? I'll support you no matter what. I've done a bit of reading, and it seems like some of the pain goes away if you get the right hormones in your brain."

Lucien sniveled, and agreed, saying, "I guess it is time, then. B-but, I'm trying to 'reward' you, a-and it's turning out all w-wrong."

"I don't want to fool around if you're upset." Tommen denied. "C'mon, why don't we just cuddle for a while?"

There was obvious sense in Tommen's words, but it hurt Lucien even worse to know that he was inept at something so basic as sex. He hated everything about himself sometimes - most times - but especially now. Even so, he nodded, knowing that it would be supremely unsexy to be keening and crying during their first time together like this.

Tommen dragged them both up and back, Lucien cradled against himself like a doll. He nuzzled Lucien's head, breathing deeply the smell of women's shampoo and whatever other products he used. Even despite the somberness of the mood, Tommen soon found himself stroking Lucien's back and flanks, and shortly found Lucien doing the same. Lucien announced, as playfully as his current dark state of mind would allow, "Even if you're right, I still want your reward too."

"I'm telling you we don't have to." Tommen said again, slightly more firmly. Although at this, Lucien wriggled slightly free of Tommen's hold and moved up so their faces were touching.

"I don't care." Lucien tried his best to enunciate, muffled thoroughly against Tommen's lips. They kissed lazily for a moment, exploring each other's midriffs with hands and forearms. Slowly Lucien raised himself off the bed onto all fours, back arched sultrily and his hips straddling Tommen's. A few more minutes passed, and as they broke, panting lightly, Lucien added, now very hungrily, "I want my reward for letting you waste my time studying something you already knew."

Lucien was usually very free with compliments. About Tommen's looks, and demeanor and humor and prowess, but they always felt so foreign. He still had no idea how Lucien could think so highly of him, and so even as he grinned broadly at the comment, he found himself ruminating once again how lucky he was to have Lucien. Even as the words came out of his mouth, he hated how stupid he sounded, saying, "I guess we're both winners, hm?"

Miraculously, a giggle, like tinkling crystal bells Tommen thought, escaped Lucien's mouth. "You're such a dork." And any concession or defense was sealed with another kiss. Though brief, it was much more thorough than the first. After their lips broke again, Lucien continued, "Now aren't you going to unwrap your prize?" He suggested, shrugging his shoulders in a manner that Tommen found irresistible.

"No complicated ribbons or buckles this time, even." He commented lightly, though immediately averted his gaze at the stupidity continuing to fall out of his mouth.

Lucien picked up Tommen's hands and dragged them up his waist, taking the tight T-shirt with it, adding, "You are absolutely no fun at all. Besides, I know you love my complicated ribbons and buckles." Having not been scorned for his poor choice of words, Tommen continued the motion Lucien started, assisted by his very cooperative girlfriend raising his arms and tossing away the shirt. Lucien flopped down on his chest and lifted his rear, allowing Tommen to unzip and unbutton Lucien's pants to be tossed away as well.

Now, in just skimpy wine-colored panties and matching knee high socks, Lucien undressed Tommen seductively. Tommen would not actually admit it, but he had been trying to get in better shape because of the embarrassment he felt when Lucien was faster or more enduring or stronger than him. Lucien traced his fingertips up Tommen's firm stomach and chest, dragged his hands over his shoulders and met him in a long kiss.

While they were kissing, the both of them worked off Tommen's pants, leaving the two of them in their underwear. Lucien scooted down the bed, trailing kisses along Tommen's collarbone and down his tummy. He dragged his hand into Tommen's boxers and tugged them down, enough to free the already mostly-hard cock from its confines. Lucien wrapped his legs around one of Tommen's and began to playfully lick and nuzzle the large cock in front of him.

Knowing now was probably an awkward time to ask this question, Tommen piped up, "How come you never want me to play with you?" Lucien glanced up kind of amusedly, and licked once more from base to tip.

"Because I'm gross. I like it when you touch me but it just makes me feel gross, like everything else that happens to my body."

"Lucien, you're not gross. And I want to... do stuff to you too. I obviously can't complain about having blowjobs on tap, but it doesn't feel very romantic."

"My body is like a minefield, and you're as likely to make me cry as you are to make me turned on. I don't want to put you through that and I don't want to risk it happening." Lucien replied, getting more bashful than playful, and looking very much like he was not having fun already.

Rather than actually replying to this statement, Tommen grabbed Lucien by the armpits and dragged him into a sitting position. He pulled Lucien onto his side and then, grabbing first one leg and then the other, turned him around to straddle Tommen's upper body. Looking his girlfriend in the crotch was a huge turn on, and he growled happily as he bit firmly on Lucien's upper thigh. A gentle coo escaped Lucien's throat, and he started to timidly play with Tommen's erection again.

Tommen said commandingly, "If I hurt your feelings or make you feel gross, we can deal with that when it happens. Right now, I want to kiss you all over, and you can't really do anything to make me stop." So saying, he pulled down Lucien's panties and tossed them away as well, manipulating his kitty girlfriend's legs as necessary.

It was not like Tommen had never seen Lucien's genitals. It was pale and slender and fairly small, complimented by a heavily furred, drawn up sac. He thought that as far as penises went, it had to be the cutest, girliest one there was. He was, however, not interested in that right now. He trailed kisses up the rest of Lucien's leg, making sure to gnaw on his buttock and pull his tail, and all of the things he heavily insinuated that he loved.

He spread Lucien's ass greedily, and seeing the tight, pale pink pucker of Lucien's anus brought forth a lustful growl from Tommen. He dragged his tongue across the soft, hot flesh, his guess that Lucien had cleaned up inside and out being immediately proven. Lucien cooed again as Tommen started to firmly lick the sensitive area, and himself began to work more thoroughly over Tommen's cock.

Tommen started to probe Lucien curiously, each prod earning an eager little noise and a rutting of plush, snowy hips. He brought his hands from those hips, wrapped one around the base of Lucien's tail, the other to grope that shapely, well-defined rear, thumb pressing on Lucien's perineum. Lucien was fully erect, as was Tommen, whose erection was being engulfed by a hot, wet mouth that had learned very well how to please him.

They continued pleasing one another with their mouths for several minutes, until Tommen asked eagerly, "Lucien, where do you keep lube?"

"Why, I don't know what you're talking about." Lucien teased, looking over his shoulder to show Tommen his seductive, playful grin. Assuming this was a game, Tommen firmly swatted Lucien's ass, earning a yelp which turned into an eager little groan. "I'm serious! Do you take me for some kind of - eek! - degenerate?" Lucien asked, interrupted by first one slap and then another at the end of his sentence. "I'll - I'll never te-heh-ell!" Lucien moaned, earning several more slaps across the ass. Tommen's tongue had continued exploring Lucien's anus for the duration of his denial, until the moans and squeals became less eager.

"Where is it?"

"Under the bed, uh, near the head. You'll probably have to look around a bit." Lucien panted, a deep blush across his ears and a pinkish tinge to his nearly translucent fur. He rolled over underneath Lucien and dug around for a fairly long time, obviously getting frustrated until he finally pulled his arm back up holding a small bottle of clear liquid.

"Good girl!" Tommen complimented, "now, are you... uh... warmed up and stuff, or should I tease you some more?" Tommen asked. Despite his confidence, he had a truly hard time talking about the mechanics of this.

"You should probably finger me some first." Lucien answered, himself digging under the bed to find a lilac towel. "Also, um, wipe your hands on that when you're done. Lube is gross. Everything's gross."

"Stop it. If I thought this was gross I wouldn't be doing it." Tommen sternly denied. "But if you want the towel we'll use the towel. Tommen popped the cap on the bottle, and liberally applied the slimy liquid to two of his fingers. He spread Lucien's rear with one hand again, and started to tease the entrance to that tantalizing little hole. In just a few short moments, he sank one finger in to the base, digging around gingerly to find that spot he had read about. He pumped his finger in and out, finally finding the spot, and shortly thereafter adding the other finger.

As Tommen explored Lucien's insides, he earned many exciting reactions. Lucien's hips were moving rhythmically, and he was panting audibly. He kept trying to find something to grab, but his hands were weak and he either ended up dragging his claws along Tommen's shins or battering weakly against him. He continued to lick and suck the big cock in front of him, but he was getting completely distracted, and his open mouthed moaning made it more of a gesture than it was satisfying.

For a few more minutes, Tommen worked Lucien's rear with his hand, occasionally spreading both fingers to stretch the pliable little orifice, but mostly just trying to work Lucien into a helpless, gorgeous lather. This obviously worked well, because after speeding up significantly, Lucien yelped warningly, "Hey! Sto - stop! I'm... I don't wanna just cum from your fingers." This slightly disappointed Tommen, because he wanted to feel Lucien soak his chest with that hot sticky cum of his.

Tommen sighed theatrically, and replied, "Fine, get on your back." Lucien looked back over his shoulder questioningly, and Tommen urged further, "if I didn't want to do this, I wouldn't have had my fingers in your ass. Get on your back and spread your legs. Unless you don't _ _ me to be the one to take your virginity. I want... I want you to be the one to take mine, so...."

"You're so romantic," Lucien accused sarcastically, disentangling himself from Tommen's legs and turning around so they were facing each other. He placed the towel under where his butt would go, and lay atop it. He kept his legs up in the air, and spread them invitingly. There was such a beautiful mixture of innocence and lust across his features that Tommen almost forgot to use the lubricant. He slathered his cock and another finger, working the slime across his large member and into Lucien's tight ass. Their eyes met and did not wander for several long seconds, until Lucien suggested, "Hey, maybe you should use your dick instead?"

Tommen sort of startled and, blushing, nodded. He removed his finger and wiped his hand on the towel again, crawling atop Lucien and lining himself up with Lucien's entrance. Tommen mumbled, "I love you," hurriedly, and started to greedily kiss Lucien. He pushed his hips forward slightly, feeling heat and tightness envelop him easily. He broke the kiss to utter a low, growling moan. Lucien was purring loudly and staring longingly at his boyfriend's bliss.

"Love you too. More than anybody." Lucien replied, rutting his rear into the bed to make the angle better for himself. Tommen slowly continued to sink in to the hilt, staring intently at Lucien's own pleased face.

After their hips met, Tommen was still for a few long moments, to allow Lucien to adjust to an object much bigger than two fingers spreading his insides. Finally, he started to pull out, making Lucien's eyes go wide from sensation. Without really meaning to, he grinned enormously, both proud of his ability to incite reaction from his adorable, insecure girlfriend, and also because he was so happy they were both finally doing this together. He started to pump himself in a slow rhythm, earning little mewls and squeaks from Lucien on each inward thrust.

Tommen lowered himself onto his elbows, closing all the minute distance between them, and started to hungrily make out with Lucien again. Their eyes drifted closed as they enjoyed the feelings each was providing the other. The soft, hot, incredible tightness of Lucien's ass was totally different from his mouth or hands. The gripping, twitchy sensation of those internal muscles was driving him crazy and he could not help but groan quietly into the kiss.

The utter fullness of Tommen's hot, stiff cock inside of him was incredible on its own, but he was also grinding wonderfully against Lucien's prostate with every thrust. Slowly, he was being dragged toward orgasm through tender, delicate lovemaking. Every push of Tommen's hips made Lucien's voice come out involuntarily. He usually just made noises because it turned Tommen on, but now he could not stop the mewls and moans from escaping.

Between the effort of moving and holding himself up, Tommen broke the kiss, panting. This allowed Lucien an opening to start nibbling and sucking on Tommen's neck. He usually did not admit he liked such things, but now he made hungry, eager noises that goaded Lucien into further and further action. Long licks up his throat, firm bites on the collarbone, nuzzling little pecks on the hollow of his neck assailed Tommen until he was making almost as many noises as Lucien.

Feeling like this was getting a little lopsided, Tommen used one arm to balance himself and brought the other up to Lucien's neck, pinning his head down and very slightly choking him. He was usually kind of uncomfortable doing things like this to the girl he idolized, but there was no denying Lucien loved it, and it gave him the opportunity to start biting and sucking on Lucien's ears, which they both liked. He began to kiss his way down Lucien's face, across the forehead and eyelids, the bridge of his muzzle and nose, and finally planted another long, loving kiss on Lucien's lips. Lucien's mewls had grown slightly hoarse from his constricted airway, and were now muffled by Tommen, but they were growing more helpless and urgent.

Tommen broke the kiss and asked, growing similarly urgent, "Can you cum without me touching it?" Lucien shook his head no, and Tommen replied, "well, should I? As I recall that is a big deal, right?" As he asked that, he released Lucien's neck, causing him to gasp once or twice and reply with another shake of his head.

"No, um... under my bed there's a magic wand thing. You know the kind?" Tommen nodded. "Use that. On low!" He nodded again, grabbing Lucien by the small of the back and dragging them both toward the edge of the bed without breaking their connection at the hip. He fished around under the bed at a hugely awkward angle, but managed to both find the thing and not fall over and hurt himself.

The toy was a long tapered cylinder with a power cord at one end, a large bulbous head at the other and a switch in the middle of the shaft. He flipped it to low and pressed it to Lucien's erection, earning an immediate and pleasant reaction. Lucien moaned hotly, and like most times he lost his composure his voice went high and delicate. Tommen briefly reflected on how ridiculous it was for Lucien to be insecure over gender, because in his and practically everyone else's eyes Lucien was a typical girl with typical interests. And typical reactions.

That brief thought was interrupted by Lucien's asshole twitching hard around Tommen's cock, sending those strong vibrations into his erection and making him groan as well. Within a just a minute, Lucien was coating his chest in hot sticky cum and keening like he was dying. His eyes half closed and rolled back, making a silly but somehow still extremely hot picture for Tommen to finish up to.

Lucien, having cum already now, made Tommen less interested in technique and stamina and being a good lover. He started to pound Lucien hard and fast, staring intently at the beautiful cat who loved him as he drove himself single mindedly toward his own peak. Panting with effort and sensation, Tommen continued to smash Lucien's tight rump until finally he, too, began to cum. His copious load drenched Lucien's insides with spurt after spurt of seed. He panted erratically and shivered as the most incredible orgasm flooded him with glee.

He slowly pulled out of Lucien as he started to go soft. He was grinning dumbly, and Lucien was too. He turned off the toy and dropped it on the bed, flopping down on his back next to Lucien who was still and calm and visibly pleased. Tommen really wanted to see the mess he had made of Lucien's ass, but he was also exhausted and too satisfied to care about seeing. There would be other chances anyway.

He rolled onto his side and kissed the side of Lucien's muzzle tenderly. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked suggestively. "It looks like you might have even liked it a little bit."

"God, you're smug." Lucien griped. "I really liked that. I really like you. I was kind of afraid one or the other of us would be no good, but... that was fantastic. And you're so sweet for asking about touching me... there. I know you have before, but... I just don't know if I can handle that anymore."

"I wanted to make you feel good. And you're not the only person who can read about sex on the internet, you know. I have a vested interest in being at least tolerably good. I love you, Lucien."

"I love you too, Tommen. Now... uh... you wanna come shower with me?"

It took a moment to wipe the lecherous grin off Tommen's face, but he managed and said, "Why do you think this is all so disgusting?"

"Because I have jizz and lube running down my tail and ass crack and it's just objectively gross. I am trying my hardest not to be squeamish about doing it - as you noticed - but it's absolutely a thing for me, and I think your cum kind of irritates my insides." Lucien replied evenly, but firmly.

"I guess that's a good answer. I'll join you in a few."

With that, Lucien kissed Tommen again and got up, holding his tail between his legs deliberately and searching for underwear. He sauntered off and within a few minutes Tommen heard the shower running. He was trying not to be upset that Lucien felt the need to immediately go bathe, because the reasons given were good ones, but it still stung a little. He considered looking through Lucien's wardrobe to see if he kept boxers anywhere, but realized the size difference between the two of them made that pointless anyway. After a few more minutes of lounging and thinking, he followed after Lucien.

He entered the bathroom to hear joyful humming and stepped into the bath unselfconsciously. If Lucien ever looked like a boy, it was when he was soaking wet, but even so, even now, it was pretty hard to tell if he kept his gaze above the waist. He realized that a lot of that had to do with corsetry and diet and very specific exercise that was vastly different from the way he himself worked out. It was hard for him not to feel bad for Lucien, who was fighting against fate itself just to be herself.

But right now, Lucien was smiling and smelled nice and looked genuinely happy. He grabbed his kitty by the waist and kissed Lucien deeply. He grabbed the lavender conditioner he assumed was Lucien's - since Lucien always smelled like lavender unless she was in a terrible mood - and motioned suggesting washing. Lucien nodded eagerly and Tommen began applying the product to his girlfriend's hair and face, then shoulders, chest, back and tummy. He moved to Lucien's thighs and looked up in question. Lucien nodded and he soaped the soft little sheath and sac that made up so much of Lucien's angst. He knelt down and applied it to her legs and feet, then stood up.

Lucien was grinning at him and offered to do the same for Tommen. Lucien shampooed and conditioned him, then rinsed off and stepped out of the shower. Tommen did the same and grabbed a towel from the closet. They dried off, each appraising the other as they moved, occasionally catching one another's eyes and giggling over nothing. Lucien got dressed, and Tommen did the same.

Tommen watched Lucien put some styling product in her hair and then oil to keep it from frizzing. He watched Lucien brush thoroughly from head to toe and wondered idly if other girls were as fastidious about such things. He supposed it did not matter much, since he loved this one and no other, but it did not really mend his curiosity.

After all that, Lucien turned on the television and they watched documentaries for about a half hour before Lucien spoke up. "Hey Tommen?"


"You wanna stay for dinner?"

"That's one I haven't heard before. Sure. Why?"

"I... uh... I guess I want to tell my mom I'm transgender."

"Aw, babe. Of course I'll stay!"

"And we might spend the night at your house."

"I really doubt that, but you're more than welcome and you know it. It's not like this is really big news - oof!" Tommen said, until cut off by an elbow to the ribs.

"Just... please?"

"Yes. Yes yes yes. I want to help you. I want to defend you, and I might actually be competent to do this." Lucien giggled at that assertion, and rolled on top of Tommen.

"I love you, Tommen. I love you so much." Lucien purred cutely, kissing him deeply on the lips. "I love you so much, you might even convince me to have sex with you again tonight." Lucien said suggestively.

"See, even you don't think this will go badly." Tommen insisted.

"I mean, I guess it's not really news to anyone." Lucien agreed, cuddling herself firmly into Tommen's armpit and pulling his arm across her chest. There was so much wrong in the world. There was so much that uncaring fate had stolen from and foisted upon her. But this, right now, was something that Lucien wanted. She had Tommen, and with that she had all the strength and courage in the world. Ironically, Lucien thought, if it were not for being born male, she never would have met Tommen, very likely not Thanatos, and very probably not been the same person she was now. It was a low deal, but it was at least not entirely inequitable. Even so, things were going to change.