Chapter 1: A little warming up

Story by Nightclaw on SoFurry

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Collin stepped out of the shower followed by a cloud of hot steam. He started to reach for a large towel hanging from a bronze hook beside where he stood, but stopped upon seeing his figure peering back at him in the fogged over wall size mirror. He was a good-looking male, and his muscles defined even by German Shepherd standards. He had always taken vast prided on his physical structure. His coat was a shade of brown that faded into white. He desipised his coloration even as far back as grade school he had hated it. In his mind it made him look feminine. He could get it up for either sex and it had gotten him dates with one or two guy in the past, but that never led to the role he wanted to play. It was always the males with the black and white fur that got the bitch; the bitch mind you with the brown and white fur. His own mate had left him a month before for a black and white furred male. Collin moved his gaze down the mirror following the centerline of his washboard stomach until his eyes fell on his manhood. The tip of his penis was protruding slightly from its sheath. In some strange way, this game of self-critique was very arousing, and the thought of his excessively feminine coloration had led Collin to create a mental picture of himself as a female, perky boobs, tight pussy and all. Without wholly apprehending what he was doing the German Shepherd walked closer to his image, his right paw sliding leisurely down his abdomen to his sheath, and his left paw pressing delicately against the reflective glass of the mirror. Continuing onward the pads of his right paw, still dripping warm water from his recent shower, glided across the head of his dick, and massaged down in between his penis and the skin that surrounded it when limp. He continued pushing deeply into himself until he became fully erect. Collin closed his eyes picturing the freshly created image of his female self bent prostrate over his bathroom counter with her tail raised in welcoming anticipation, and her bouncy breasts hanging down over the marble sink. She had her head bent back peering over he shoulder at him a look of pained longing worn upon her face. Collin was not going to be one to let her, no himself, down. Cupping his right paw Collin placed the shape it made in front of the tip of his wet dick. The pads of his paw made contact with his more tender private area, and Collin lunged his hips out driving his shaft forward. He envisioned his member sliding deep into his female counter part, expanding the lips of her willingly exposed pussy. He let out a slight growl of pleasure, as he pulled back from his paw only to lung forward again just before the head of his shaft exited his grasp. He imagined his bitch self arching her back, and driving down on him, her breasts moving unreservedly with her motions as she moaned orgasmically for more. Collin continued pleasuring himself at a rhythmic pace until he felt precum oozing onto the palm of his paw from the tip of his penis. His rhythm broke and his tempo quickened, giving way to sweat idyllic chaos. Finally, he could take no more, and began to climax. His dick throbbed, as he pictured his orgasming female self filled up with his seed, her vagina overflowing with his sexual juices as they dripped from the edges of her pussy and down in white drops to the grey tile floor. Then the vision broke. Collin's cum shot from his balls, and collided with the mirror, running down its smooth surface in a gooey white mess. "Fuck", Collin swore between heavy panting breaths. He had meant to jizz in the sink, but in his ecstasy had forgotten almost even that he was only masturbating. He stood with both paws gripping his marble counter for what seemed like hours until his exhausted panting ceased. He gazed languorously at his tribute to the alternative arts, eventually deciding he was too tired to pay any heed to it. He turned and left his semen splashed across the mirror in an outlandish mosaic. He walked, with his dick still partially erect out of the bathroom, and across his hardwood bedroom floor. Collin upon reaching its foot collapsed on the king size bed that he once had shared with his mate and wife. As his naked body hit the dark brown comforter, his half conscious mind realized that what he really wanted was companionship. He tried to imagine his wife lying quietly asleep beside him; even tried to imagine his female self with him in his bed. Nothing worked. It appeared that pretending was only going to get Collin so far on this night. He fell asleep, naked and still soaking wet, alone in the middle of his bed; to tired to even pull back the sheets and cover himself up. * * *

Sorry that it was short, not very well written, and ended on a lightly negative note. It is the introduction to a small series that I am going to post in portions as I complete them. I promise that by the end of it I will have put Collin through much more then just pawing off in his master bathroom. The action has not even gotten started, so stay tuned for segment two and in the meantime stay furry everyone!