Newest Were-Mare

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A commission done with werehorses and a young man who ends up rather caught up and changed thanks to a taste of some rather rich sweet milk.

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It was hot, so terribly hot, Vivian's naked body was like something out of a dream as it pressed against Nathan and her hands pushed his pants downwards with an eager wriggle that made him let out a low groan of pleasure. He let himself give into the moment, his eyes closing entirely while he shifted his weight beneath her and nibbled his way down the curve of her neck. It was so erotic that he let out a whimper and moved his hands to cup against the line of her ass, squeezing a little bit as he heard her laughter filling his ears. He had never dreamed he'd hear her laughing in his ear like that, or be on him the way she was now. It was like everything from a dream coming together all at once as her fingers curled along his pants and she let out a warm breath against his cheek.

He had known Vivian his entire life, they had grown up just a few streets down from one another in a rural area that was filled with farms and too much land. She had been his only friend growing up and she had never been interested. And now, this, she was so warm and eager, her lips tasted like sweet sugar on his own when they met and he hardly dared imagine that he was getting this far with her. He moved his hands up past her pants and to the bare curve of her back, sliding the fingers delicately while he let out a low noise of pleasure from deep in his throat. He couldn't help himself, she was just so deliciously warm feeling as she arched and let out a soft noise in her throat. Her eyes opened and she grinned at him, the lips curling backwards just a little bit.

"You'd better not get too fresh, now.' She said with a teasing sound, leaning forward so that her lips brushed his own. "I told you, no sex."

"Mmm then why is your shirt off?" He returned easily and twitched his lips backwards, moving his hands along her side. "You said yourself that your Dad sort of likes me."

"Uh-huh, not enough to spare you." She teased, moving up a little so that he could slide a hand right along the line of her breast.

Her father was always strict with her. He liked to keep her on a tight leash and frequently did his best to keep her from interacting as intimately as she did with Nathan. When they had been younger that hadn't been quite so harsh, they had spent a great deal of time together and grown very close. As they had become older it had been natural that they had drawn close to one another, frequently flirting until things came to a head. Vivian was everything he had always wanted, delightfully intelligent and warm, constantly keeping him on edge and knowing exactly the sort of thing to say to him. Her family was a bit of a mystery, and strange, but he really didn't care that they might not like him so much, what he cared about was her. And he simply savored every moment they stole away together.

Today it was in her bedroom, a rare moment when the house was empty and they could fool around in peace. He couldn't deny it was a thrill to be in the warm room, against her covers and feel her above him as she moved her hands down to slide against his chest. The light touches made her shiver with a delicate little wriggle beneath the warm weight, moving his hands along the curve of the waist. Her fingers spread open wider, running the thumbs right against her belly as he kissed down the curve of her neck. The lips pressed lightly, her breath came out in a shaking burst against him and he wriggled playfully, moving his kisses down the line of her chest. He didn't know how much time, exactly, they had left, only that he would enjoy every last drop while it lasted.

"God.... are you sure your father is going to come back this afternoon?" Nathan panted out and flicked his tongue along the line of her breast. "Truly?"

"I wish he wasn't." Vivian said and then let out a soft call as the lips brushed right down towards the apex of her nipple.

Nathan flicked his tongue out again, running against the hardened tip and swirled along the edges with a wet slide of saliva that coated from the base all the way towards the tip. He felt her shiver as her legs slid to either side of his hips, balancing herself perfectly so that she was pressed against the swell of his shaft as it pressed against his pants. He didn't try to hide his arousal from her as he worked his lips open and slipped right along the apex of her nipple and flicked his tongue out again. He rolled back and forth, lightly taunting it with a push that ran right up along the underside and drew it into his maw. He closed his lips down firmly around the nub, her breathing came out in a hot rush as he suckled slowly and teasingly. His hands moved up to cup against the swell of the breasts.

His fingers flexed a little bit, kneading and squeezing, pulling lightly as his lips drew along the nipple with a forceful squeeze. His teeth lightly squeezed down, not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to pinch so that his lover let out a throaty moan and shivered. He felt her hips working down against him, the slight rock and grind pushing against her and lifting her hips higher in the air before dropping back down again. He rolled and caressed her, teasing the way that she felt clutching him as his lips worked along her nipple and drew backwards with a soft caress that left wet saliva coating against the taut hard rise. He let out a soft purring call in response as he flicked his tongue upwards and twisted lightly as he felt a new flush of heat building through him.

He wanted more, the heavy petting and teasing sessions were fun, but he was always cuts short far too early for his tastes. He curled his fingers around behind her back as she pressed down against her, feeling the warm thick nipple rolling back and forth against her tongue. Her breathing came in short heavy puffs, squirming a little bit above him as he gave another run of his teeth against her nipple. She cried out and gave her hips another grind downwards, pressing firmly so that she was rocking against his cock. He could feel the precum wetting down against his pants while he suckled harder along the nipple. He drew it deeper, his breathing coming out in short sweet bursts as something spilled onto his tongue. It was just a few drops of sweetness that lingered on his taste buds, but that was enough to make him groan out and suckle down harder against her nipple as she let out a short gasp above him.

He didn't think about anything except the taste was quite alluring as he shivered and swallowed again, suckling along the nipple and drawing it outwards. He moved his fingers down along the swell of the breast and gave a sudden squeeze that pulled down along the length of the breasts and gave a playful squeeze. The moment he squeezed down he felt a rush of sweetness filling his maw again, dribbling down against the sweep of his tongue so that a shiver rolled over him and he forgot himself. He started to lavish his tongue out with a drag that lavished the tip and tried to pull more into his mouth without thinking about it. His nose was pressed firmly against the breast, his breathing came out in short trembling bursts while the light squeezes began to grow more demanding for the taste of thick sweet milk.

Nathan used his lips with forceful strokes that drew backwards and shifted a little bit as the warmth began to grow along his belly. It was a flush of lust that made his cock twitch a little bit, slathering precum against the material that was wrapped against the tip of his cock. He gave another rocking plunge upwards against her as he let out a groaning cry and he heard Vivan's little moan. The next suckling draw drew in a sudden eruption of warmth into his mouth, flooding over his tongue with more than a few strokes. It was milk, sweet rich cream that made him salivate. He didn't quite think about what he was doing or what it meant, there was no thinking at the moment, he just wanted more and he used his hand to milk along the warm breast. The light flex and squeeze, pushed out a sudden stream of milk right into his mouth again, rewarding him with a new eruption of warmth that was curling through his lower belly.

He wanted more, he craved it, it was as easy as thinking as he pulled his lips backwards and then pushed forward once more. He filled his maw with the milk, gulping it down as he arched upwards and gave a series of short rolling thrusts against the curve of the mound. He gave a little bit of a shove that made her cry out above him. The short noises that burst from the throat above him, Vivian was shuddering a little bit as the wet thick cream spilled along his lower lip. There was the distant sound of a door hitting open on the bottom floor, making both of them jerk as Vivian sat up in his lap and pushed her hands down against his chest, curling her fingers slightly. The milk trailed along his lower lip as she yelped and rolled off him, her cheeks turning deep red as she glanced towards the door.

"That's my mom!" She exclaimed and then glanced back towards him, but her eyes only widened further.

"Shit." He cursed and sat up, rubbing his lips on the back of his hand as the warmth continued to curl through his stomach. "I gotta go, just make sure to lock the window this time!"

Vivian was trying to say something as he scrabbled towards the window, grabbing his shirt as he did so. He easily swung himself up and over the edge towards the tree outside before he could be caught by her mother. She was left standing in the window, topless, one arm reaching up to cover her breast and slid her fingers beneath the one that Nathan had been teasing with his mouth, but her attention wasn't on her friend bolting down the tree. The milk was still beading against the tip of her nipple, milk that shouldn't have been there, that never should have been there. She was too young to be producing milk, far too young... but there it was, standing out against her finger tips.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nathan didn't feel himself, he hadn't been feeling himself since he had left Vivian's room and it was only growing worse. Two days ago he had felt relatively normal, but now he felt slightly feverish and hungry with something that was curling through his stomach. It was a hunger that wasn't calmed by eating, no matter how much he had gulped down for any of his meals in an attempt to sooth it. It was always there, gnawing away at his stomach, making it impossible to think of anything except the hunger and thirst. He couldn't forget about the taste of milk on his tongue, something that he knew should have disgusted him. How could he look at what he had been drinking with anything other than shock and disgust, but he didn't feel that way.

He felt slightly confused and frightened, worked up as he hunkered his head down a little bit and kept himself as withdrawn as possible while he sat in the living room of Vivian's house. He wanted to go to her, the urge was almost undeniably overpowering, but he was stopped by the fact her father stood in his way. The tall muscular man didn't look amused in the least little bit. Vivian looked guilty and a little bit scared as she stood behind her father which left Nathan facing both of them and trying his damnedest to keep himself from looking guilty or worried about what the man was going to say. Her father was large and built like a bull, thick bodied and muscular from years of working on farms. The fact he was sitting in front of the man should have been enough to keep his attention on what was happening, it wasn't.

"Nathan!" The voice snapped out at him, and he jerked his eyes back to Vivian's father who watched with narrowed eyes. "Just look at him, Debra! I told you that you should have cracked down on their flirting."

Vivian's mother was far more mild when it came to him, she enjoyed having him around and never made it a secret that she was happy to look the other way instead of telling her husband how often they were together. Debra was sweet voiced and soft looking, her light body a stark contrast to the massive form of her husband who towered over both of his women. Nathan did his best to concentrate on the frighteningly large man, doing his best to not let his eyes go back towards Vivian as the family meeting seemed to be a lot of trading looks with one another. He knew something was up, but he had no idea what it was, he just wanted to be closer to Vivian, an urge that was made worse by the fact his stomach was roiling for food again.

"She's too young." Debra said with a sharp lilt to her voice. "He's just nervous because you're glaring at him."

"He's not looking at me at all!" Duke said with a low rumbling voice. "He's staring at her like he's starving. She said herself that she did it."

"I didn't know what was happening." Vivian sounded guilty and shifted nervously as she spoke. "He didn't get much."

"Obviously he got enough!" Her father sounded furious. "Nathan! Good god, he's nearly blank eyed. You hungry, boy?"

"Yes." Nathan answered and then turned a deep red color that rushed up to his cheeks as he realized just what he was hungry for. "W-what's wrong, sir?"

"Well now you've gone and done it." Duke stood up and gave his head a shake. "You see to the boy, Debra, and get him fed. We've got a few days to the full moon to get him the full dose, otherwise he'll end up being all messed up if he changes anyway."

"Changes? Wait.. what's going on?" Nathan snapped his eyes back to reality and looked between the two adults. He cleared his head from his desire to wrap his lips around one of Vivian's soft warm nipples as he came back to reality.

There was an awkward silence that made his stomach turn, forgetting about the worst of his hunger as he became aware of just how serious the tone was in the room. His nostrils flared a little bit as Duke gave his head a shake back and forth and moved across the room. For a wild moment he shrank back, thinking he was about to be smacked, but the fear left him as he realized the large man was stepping out of the room with a sound of disgust instead of answering any of his questions. He knew that Vivian and he had been caught fooling around somehow, but he didn't quite understand why it had become so serious or what it meant about changing. He was out of his depth, but Debra seemed prepared to offer him some comfort as she picked her way across to him and dropped a hand on his shoulder.

"Why don't you come sit near Vivian, you're hungry aren't you? Hungry for something other than food, mmm?" She murmured, her voice quite kind and understanding. "Like a newborn foal wanting a bit of milk."

"I..guess.." He stammered, his cheeks going a hot deep red as he stood up and glanced over towards his girlfriend with a nervous little shiver. "I mean, no, just.. I don't know.."

"So confused." Debra stroked lightly against the line of his shoulders as he was guided over towards a flushed Vivian. "Don't worry, you just get what you need, you'll understand soon enough. You just need a bit of milk."

"W-wait now.. I didn't-" he started to protest, but Vivian slipped a hand through his own, pulling him down towards her.

"Don't worry, Nathan, it's okay." She said, her face still flushed a little bit as the young man shivered at her touch. "You're just going to join our little herd."

Herd, foal, all these things didn't mean anything to him and his questions began to slide away as Vivian slipped her shirt up. It was right in front of her mother! Nathan knew he should have felt a surge of alarm that she was removing her shirt, and then her bra. It should have mortified him, but he wasn't mortified, he was staring at her breasts with a surge of hunger and need that was almost painful to experience. He couldn't keep his mind off the need to move in closer as he stared at the soft perked nipples. They were thicker than they had been, he moved in a little bit closer and let out a throaty noise of desire when he saw the way that Vivian moved her hands up to cup beneath her soft full breasts in offering to him.

She wasn't looking at her mother as Nathan leaned down, not thinking about anything except to flick his tongue out and run against the tip. It wasn't sexual, he didn't feel like he wanted to slip a hand down her pants or even grow hard, it was a need for more of the milk he had tasted before. He pushed his tongue upwards and rubbed lightly, his teeth running against it before he suckled along the swell and shuddered slightly as a droplet of cream fell on his tongue. He forgot about the woman above him, he forgot about everything except the taste of milk that was flooding into his maw and he swallowed immediately, eager for more. He puffed out a breath, rushing out over the edges as he moved to hold her hips and felt her hand stroking along the back of her neck.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Vivian had always loved Nathan, a part of her always would love him, but that love had been sexually charged as they had graduated high school and began to consider what the future held. She had day dreams of one day moving in together, of sharing her secrets with him, but not like this. She and her family, and her extended 'family' were all descended from a half forgotten celtic tribe that had once worshiped Epona, the horse goddess. They were one of the few groups that still followed the old ways even though they had moved to the states, they remembered their home land and people, and for good reason. For centuries they had been able to accept the guise that was a blessing from their goddess, shifting between horse form and human with ease. It was a blessing handed down through their bloodline, a small group that had grown in America as they had spread all over the country and kept their secrets close to their chest.

She had been born one of Epona's children, form the time she was fourteen she had been able to grow hooves and a mane and tail, to walk on two legs or four or anywhere in between. Her father was one, her mother was one, her entire family going back hundreds of years were one. Nathan had been her bright spot of normalcy in a human world, he never looked at her strange, but that had been before she had given him her milk. It was one of the great gifts of Epona that they could induct new people into their herd, it's what allowed them to spread out and not resort to incest to keep their bloodline going. Any mare could begin to produce milk with someone they trusted, to make that person their 'foal' and induct them into the herd so that they too could change. She had never intended that it would be Nathan, she had always wanted to tell him the truth, but not change him.

She shivered a little as Nathan pushed his mouth harder against her breast, his tongue worked and lavished with powerful rubs and slides that drew out hot streams of milk onto the tongue. He wasn't shy now, it had been a little over a week since he had begun to crave her milk and he had all but given up the embarrassment in the face of his cravings for it. It was all a part of Epona's gift, when she chose a foal they would need her milk, it would nurture the change and it created an addiction in them to crave more. She was too young to have a foal, she knew that, but something about how much she cared for her friend had triggered her to lactate and he had gotten enough that she couldn't just stop what was happening to him.

Her breasts were growing softer and heavier as she produced milk and her body answered the need. Her nipples were thicker than they had been now, warm and puffy feeling so that even her bra was a torment when she put it on. Once it started, she couldn't stop it, her body knew what it needed to do for her foal and she was flustered by how eagerly and much she produced for him. Even the feel of the lips wrapped against her, drawing and pulling the milk along the ducts with every contraction and squeezed along every inch. Her skin was reddened from his attention, the blood drawn to the surface so that every suckling pull worked against him. She had gone from being a small B cup all the way to a C thanks to him, and his hands were still squeezing and kneading her breast to try and coax more of the thick sweet cream into his ever eager mouth.

"You full yet?" She murmured, stroking his hair as Nathan nestled himself in, his eyes dreamily unfocused while his breath was so hot against her breast.

At the start of this it had been arousing to feel his hot wet mouth around her nipple, the way he drew and suckled was delightful for her, but that had changed slowly and steadily. Her feelings were more maternal now, pride and eagerness as his scent was starting to change and become more earthy to the scent of another equine. He would change soon, already she could detect the small changes to his body that started to show that he was ready for his first change. She wasn't even sure how aware he was of what was happening, the milk kept him in a euphoric state. And that brought with it a host of nerves and nervousness that had her feeling a pang of guilt and worry about how the change would go.

There was no risk that he'd be hurt, the change was strange and uncomfortable, but it was designed to buffer any pain with Epona's blessing. The reason she was worried was that he was a foal, a milk fed human ready to change and that meant he would be started anew. It meant that like a foal being born, there was no promise of what sort of horse he would become. He could be a pony like her mother or a draft horse like her father, he could be in between. There was no suggestion on if he would even remain his same gender as the moment he changed forms he would be started anew. That worried her, there was only a fifty percent chance that he would remain himself, but even then, he really wouldn't be the same after he had been changed. He would be a colt or filly, welcomed into the herd and pulled away from his human family.

"I'm so sorry, Nathan." Vivian murmured and stroked his head as her friend pulled back with a wet popping sound. The eyes were dreamy looking, unfocused as the milk coated the line of the lower lip. "I'm so sorry."

"I'm full." Nathan's voice was sweet sounding and soft, making her melt slightly as she rubbed along the line of the cheek. He didn't care about what she was saying, he was drunk on her milk and pliant. She couldn't stop a part of her from being pleased.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nathan felt as if he were drugged, but the best sort of drug possible as his head swayed back and forth a little. He couldn't keep himself from relaxing into the embrace of a belly full of warm milk that made her sway slightly back and forth. The days bled into each other as the only thing that mattered was the taste of milk in his mouth, and today had started no different as Vivian murmured softly in his ear. The words didn't matter, all that mattered was that he was filled with the warmth of the milk. He moved his hands along the curve of her hips lightly as he licked his lips and blinked slowly as she smiled down at him. He couldn't remember why he should be alarmed, but he never really got to the point of being alarmed, he just knew that when his stomach was full he felt relaxed.

Well, relaxed except for the fact his skin kept crawling as if electricity was sliding over him. He could feel it starting to slip over him while he shifted and sat up with a soft noise, feeling fingers rubbing down against the length of his back. Vivian had been nervous tonight, he knew that, he wasn't sure why, but he had been hungrier tonight than he had been in previous days. He felt as if his stomach should have been distended at this point, but it wasn't. He was running hot, almost a fever while he tried to puff out a short series of noises when he felt an unexpected jolt. The darkness of the back yard was all consuming save for the silver spill of moonlight, the cool air did nothing to stop the heat from burning over him as he shifted his weight and twitched a little bit.

"Shouldn't be long now." Debora said with a soft lilt to her voice. "He had a big meal, that's normally all it takes towards the end of things."

Her parents were there as well, though Duke was worked up and snorting at times as he sat in the broad chair he favored. Nathan was aware of the glaring male, but he found it hard to concentrate as he snuggled against Vivian and felt her fingers stroking along the line of his back. There were sharp sparks and twitches that made his skin quiver while he let out a soft noise and gave his head a toss. The moonlight was caressing him, slipping over his thoughts and mind, pushing away the concerns as he panted softly and felt sweat starting to bead along the line of his forehead. He pushed his hand up, rubbing to either side to clear it off as he shifted his weight and he felt Vivian stroke his back a little bit further.

"Just let it happen, it'll be easier." She murmured and Nathan didn't quite understand what he was supposed to let happen. He blinked his eyes several times.

"You go ahead and change, it'll trigger him." Duke rumbled, he still didn't sound happy about things. "The first change sometimes just needs some help."

He was leaning forward as Vivian said something, he assumed it was an agreement, he really wasn't sure because his skin was feeling too tight over his body. He let out a whining sound from deep in his throat as he felt Vivian move away from him, standing up with a little jostle. He barely opened his eyes to see her as he tried to get over the sensations that were burning over his body and growing worse. His stomach was twisted and giving small leaps as he realized that the girl was stripping in front of him. He didn't feel a stirring of lust at seeing her, but he hadn't felt lust for her in days, his mind had fixated on her in a dreamy loving quality that went beyond the desire to touch her naked body. She was stepping out of her pants, kicking the shoes to one side as she combed out her hair with a brush of her fingers.

He didn't understand what was happening, he was lost in the build that was making his entire body feel raw. He wasn't thinking about what he was doing as he pulled his shirt off, his body shaking a little bit before he saw movement in front of him. There was a ripple and arch, shivering of the skin as his friend began to change beneath the silver of the moonlight. There were bones sliding beneath the skin, the rippling stretch and spread made him focus with a jerk, alarm actually pushing through the sweet drugged sensation. His attention fixated on her as he watched her body starting to slide and change, a sleek golden coat began to spill out over her body as her hair lightened and turned white, tumbling down a neck that was elongated and higher. Her nose was stretching outwards and growing as the lips became thick and heavy.

She was changing, rapidly switching forms as Nathan felt his entire body going hot and cold in turns. The energy was flushing through his body while he watched hooves start to form and drop to the ground, her body growing immeasurably larger and a tail spilled out along her haunches. A horse! Vivian was changing into a horse in an almost beautiful spill of movement and graceful slides of a palomino coat. The tail was like a banner behind her, the feel of the change made the air feel heavy and Nathan let out a short call as another rush of heat poured onto him. He was barely able to breathe through the thickened air, gasping slightly as his stomach arched up and he stumbled off the seat with a ragged cry.

He fell right in front of two heavy hooves as his friend changed her form as easily as she had stripped off her clothes, the scent of horse was on the air and that only aided the new sensations rolling over his body. Too late he realized that he was starting to change, too late he found out that he was being twisted in the same that he had watched Vivian had just been changed. He cried out and shuddered while he felt the weight rushing along his back and his fingers curled against the ground. His heart was pounding in his ears as his cheeks flushed a hot red as his fingers arched and he watched as rich grey hair began to flow along his forearms, sliding down towards his wrist.

It was starting everywhere in patches that spread out wider and slid along the line of his fingers as the nails started to thicken. There was nothing he could do stop it as the silver moonlight slipped over him and raced down his back, bones began to ache and joints popped as his nose and lips began to push outwards and bulge from his face. He curled his lips back, not feeling pain, but it was pressure and heat, the flash of electricity that made him gasp down a breath and shudder in place. It poured down his spine as his arms began to grow longer while his fingers thickened and his nails started to grow heavier. The dove grey color was running up his bare arms and down along his chest, pushing towards his lower belly as his hair grew longer and spilled down along his eyes, growing down in a line against his neck.

He let out a short squeal, twisting his head to one side as his jaws were aching faintly as they pushed out further and his ears were lifting up against his head. His jeans were straining and tearing while the muscles rippled beneath the underside, his nostrils flared and he took in the sharp scent of horse on the air. It was an earthy scent that made part of him perk up as his back grew longer and he heard the ripping sound of his pants as they tore along the length of his thighs and burst open while his ankle began to lift up higher in the air. He let out a squeal, the sound burst free and turned into a whicker as the sound erupted from him. His back arched, his body shuddered as his legs and rump grew larger and he stumbled forward. His toe nails were starting to thicken as well, growing heavier and spreading wider and wider as they formed a thick rounded hoof.

The shreds of his pants fell down, being torn apart while he shuddered in place and felt a mane falling down his neck and going all the way down towards his shoulders. Shoulders that were rapidly growing away from his head as the neck started to stretch outwards and grow heavier by the moment. It was thickening, making him shudder slightly while he began to thicken his chest strangely as he fell back against the bench and heard a few other noises around him. Both of her parents were changing into horses as well, he looked around over the bridge of a dove grey muzzle wildly, but he didn't spare much time to looking at them, not when his body was starting to change in whole new directions. And he could do nothing to stop it.

His nipples turned darker, but that wasn't what caught his attention from the equine attributes, it was the fact that they were starting to grow swollen and sensitive. The flesh around the edges was softening and growing plush feeling as the nipple jutted up higher in the air. They grew softer looking and the nipple was tender feeling as it perked up in response to the growth. He wasn't watching an equine chest developing, they were breasts warm and soft looking and covered in dove grey hide and swept down towards the line of her belly and the spread of her hips. Her, she, god, she realized too late that her body was softening and growing curvier by the moment, starting to have the spread of her hips as the length of her cock was well on its way to pulling backwards, shrinking between her legs as she stared down at the ruin of her pants. There was nothing hiding what was happening to her.

"WHEEEEHEEHEEHEE!" Nathan whinnied out wildly and fell back as a tail blossomed along the base of her spine, spilling outwards, she didn't care. What she did care about was the fact that her cock was dwindling.

It was melting into her body and growing darker, starting to form a set of thick plush lips that were pursed together and snugged down tightly. She let out a ragged pant as she watched the thick vulva splaying open wide, the lips forming a tear shape right between her bent legs. She was shaking slightly, her hips became warmer and heavier, her entire body sleek and curved as she stood on bent legs. Her hooves were almost dainty when compared to Vivian's. She made a muffled noise as her ears snapped back against her head, folding down tightly and she moved her hands down along her inner thighs and felt against the sweep of her belly and the forming mons that nestled between her legs. Her entire body was stiffened, outraged and letting out a shrill whinny again and swung her head around wildly.

Her tail was thick and black, falling down along her legs and swinging back and forth as the movements snapped wildly. She snorted out a rough sound and sucked in a breath as the tail filled out and fell down further. Her mane fell in her eyes, flowing down against the sweep of the neck and curled right against the full soft mound of her breasts. She stomped and stumbled on her hooves, having to brace herself with one hand on the bench as she heard a snort from nearby. She wasn't alone, she was surrounded by other horses. Nathan felt like she was going insane as she lifted her eyes to see the family she had known all her life.

Duke was finishing his change, the massive stallion was nearly twice as tall as she was and stood on heavy plate sized hooves. The black coat was offset with brilliant white stockings and a white blaze that ran along his head. The sweep of the mane fell along his face as the stallion snorted and gave his head a shake, towering even above his wife who was shorter and delicate looking. The glossy bay mare was blinking over at Nathan, but her eyes fixated on the palomino that she had watched change from her friend. She was shaking, her tail dropping down as she moved her hands to try and cover herself, shrinking backwards as the sleek golden filly came forward and made a soothing sound. It didn't sound like a human noise, it was more throaty and made her ears go up unwillingly.

"It's alright." Duke's voice was a low rumble and the deck groaned beneath the weight of his hooves. "You're with your herd."

"Oh god, I'm a girl.." Nathan stammered, feeling Vivian sliding a hand along her body, pulling her in. "What did you do to me?!"

"It doesn't matter, what you were doesn't matter now, you're in a new life." Duke rumbled deeply, and the sleek bay mare that was his wife moved up to Nathan's other side, crowding her in warmth. "Breathe, relax, filly."

"But I'm not a filly!" Nathan stammered, gulping down a breath as she was forced to taste the scents on the air.

"You're one of us now." Vivian nuzzled her neck gently, lipping with a stroke up towards the ear. "You're one of our herd, this is your birthday. Papa is right, today you become who you really are. Yesterday doesn't matter."

Nathan tried to stammer a protest, but Duke rumbled an affirmative and the massive stallion towered behind her and moved a hand up to rub along her muzzle. It was a delicate stroke that rubbed right between her changed thick nostrils and she was forced to experience the rich alluring warmth of stallion filling the air. It was more than just comforting, it made her chest give a flip flop while the mares nestled to either side. The scent of horse chased away the fear as she was drawn into their midst, breathing in the warm scents as the words murmured in her ears. She wanted to struggle free as she felt her soft curved body being stroked by the light fingers, but she couldn't break away. She sucked down a breath and the large stallion's muzzle bumped against her ears lightly and nuzzled them.

It was Duke! Vivian's father nuzzling her, it should have set off every alarm bell she had, but instead she shivered and relaxed a bit more. The same euphoria that had been a part of his life for the last few weeks continued while her breathing turned into short bursts of noise. It felt good, the warm scent of horse filled her nose and she drew in a deeper breath, letting her mind start to wander and slide away into it. It made her body relax, she was safe here, where that scent was she was safe. She knew it in a way that went beyond words, it was simply a feeling that she couldn't push away as she felt hands sliding over her and the lips bumped against her. The little filly flicked her ears up a little bit and she let out a shaking breath as it seemed like hours went by as they surrounded her.

Vivian is a werehorse. _ Nathan felt slightly crazy even thinking it, but she was standing on two hooves with a long equine nose jutting from her face. _I'm a werrehorse.

_ _

"Natasha... Your name will be Natasha. Welcome home." Duke rumbled deep in his throat. It should have made her protest, but the warmth in the stallion's voice warmed her to her toes.

~ ~ * ~ ~

4 months later

~ ~ * ~ ~

Natasha's new life was one of confusion and faltered between times of depression about what had happened to turn her life around to almost acceptance. The brief spans of depression happened when she was left alone for any amount of time, which didn't happen that often. The herd surrounded her days and nights, the feel of them relaxed her and kept her in a state of almost euphoria rather than letting her worry about her past life as a human. Duke, the lead stallion, was the one that made sure that she was constantly being moved to make sure that she was surrounded by new members of the herd to get to know them. But there was always one constant, Vivian was at her side, which made it easier for her to adjust to her new life. She had been there from the time she had returned to human form, but it hadn't been the human form she was used too. She had remained female even after the horse form had faded away.

Her entire body was changed, not entirely, there were still glimpses of her face in the midst of the female one, but her hair was now a deep black, the same color of her mane when she was in horse form. She would never be male again, that's what Vivian had explained to her when they'd finally returned to human form and begun to explain to her what had happened. Milk. It had all been in the milk, a gift given to the most trusted humans by the horses, but it had been him. Vivian had tried to tell him it spoke about how much she loved him that she had matured early to make a foal out of her. Once she had started to swallow the milk her fate had been sealed, there was no turning back, if they had stopped it she would have ended up in half form for the rest of her life. At least now she had a whole life, even if it was changed.

"You're frowning." Justin, Vivian's cousin, grinned over at her from across the table and leaned in to touch between her brows. "Don't frown, filly."

"Sorry, thinking." Natasha answered and was still startled to hear her female voice, giving her head a shake.

The last few weeks she had been living with a young stallion named Justin, Vivian had moved in as well to help her adjust. She had spent only a week or two with the rest of the herd, but Justin was by far her favorite so far, which made her beg to be allowed to stay longer. He was just two years older and was more relaxed in his behavior. She was given the run of his house and he made pains to make sure that she had the ability to play games on his tv and picked up food that she liked. He was genial and funny, making Natasha feel more at ease when compared to the older males. Duke alternately made her feel protected and comforted, but at the same time sent new flares of fear through her by the sheer dominance and anger he could show. Justin didn't care at all; he was playful and light hearted about everything and that relaxed her despite how her life had changed.

"You really shouldn't start thinking that way, you'll end up always frowning and scare everyone away." He chided her playfully and stretched his lean body out beside her. "Vivian will be back soon."

"I'm not trying to scare anyone, I just was thinking." She said with a little snort and a weak smile. "It just happens sometimes."

It was rare day where Vivian had her own things to attend to, which left Natasha alone with Justin. She didn't object, over the last week Justin had become more solicitous of her needs and sweeter towards her. She felt even more comfortable as he settled in close against her with a light nosing that made her relax even further. Her thoughts of her situation became soft around the edges, melting away in the face of the light touches that teased against the line of her body. She felt the lips brushing against her lightly. It wasn't sexual, it was simply a comforting touch meant to relax her as an arm slipped against her waist. All of the horses loved touching and it felt good. Natasha could even admit that she had come to count on those light touches frequently seeking them out when she was nervous. She wasn't nervous at the moment, but she still enjoyed the touch.

Her other life was gone, entirely. There was nothing left of it in the face of the change of her gender, but that didn't have to make it a bad thing. The herd surrounded her like a family, aiding her every step of the way. She never felt alone, she was never abandoned, they were a close knit community and Vivian was a gentling influence that guided her through it all. Their romance was long since dead, they had settled into a life of being mother and foal, at least in the equine world. Vivian was the one that advised her, that kept her safe, that made sure that she was clothed and fed even. It should have humiliated her, but all she felt was a fond warmth for the other girl that only grew day by day as they become closer.

"Mmm well, want to talk about it?" Justin teased against her neck with a little nibble that made her shiver, her nostrils flaring delicately as she tasted the warm equine scent on the air. "Or need a distraction."

"Just wondering if I'm always going to be couch surfing, I guess." Natasha tilted her head as the nibbles worked against her, the delicate touch making her squirm slightly in place. "That tickles!"

"Oh you won't be, Duke is trying to find a good fit for you." Justin pulled back with a smile on his lips. "Missing your family, though?"

"Not.. really." Natasha admitted and gave a flick of her head as she rolled the memory of them through her mind. "We were never really that close..."

She trailed off as Justin gave her a light playful nip, giving a little bit of a jump that made her suck in a breath before he moved his head back again. Her family had always been a bit cold, she wasn't close to anyone. By comparison, she was now surrounded by people that cared for her and cared about her. They were constantly trying to make sure that she was happy, soothing her worries, and Justin was quite good at making those thoughts push to the back of her mind when he was near. Like now, just having him close to her made the equine inside of her relax into the warmth of his touch. The warm equine scent that clung to him filled her senses, making it impossible to feel any real alarm. Nothing bad could happen with that warmth of the herd filling her senses.

Over the last few days Justin had become touchier with her, making sure that he was almost always beside her. She had been a bit confused at first, but as time went on he came to enjoy the presence of the young stallion near her. The way he followed her about was something that she had begun to count on and today she leaned into his touch. She nestled in against his side and nuzzled lightly, drawing in another breath to center herself with the warm sweet scents that should have made her relax. It didn't, her heart gave a little flip flop and began to race as the teeth lightly worked against the line of the shoulder. The little nips and touches made her jump in place before she felt the hand slide in against the curve of her belly, caressing delicately and opening the fingers wider. She wriggled a little bit, feeling her cheeks flush, but she didn't pull away.

"Well, I'm glad we could improve things for you." Justin murmured and tilted his head just a little bit. "Why don't we go for a run? Vivian won't be home for a bit, we have plenty of time to sneak out."

"Won't Duke be upset if we go out by ourselves?" She asked and blinked her eyes, she felt a bit slow as she concentrated on the feel of the hand rubbing against her lightly.

"He doesn't have to know, besides, when's the last time you got out of the house not surrounded by half the herd?" He offered in a wheedling tone designed to make Natasha smile. "Besides, we've never had a run you and I."

_I should be offended by that. _ She thought ruefully at the way the words were murmured in a sultry tone, but the offense didn't stir, she only felt a faint ripple of warmth sliding through her.

It was a familiar warmth lately and one that was growing as she drew in a breath and let herself relax. She was coming to know that there was a part of her mind that was most firmly equine. It wasn't quite like a split personality, but it wasn't wholly her own. It was stronger the more she nursed from Vivian, becoming a central focal point of her mind and it had been centered on Justin as of late. It wasn't something that she could control, but the young stallion appealed more and more to her. He didn't overshadow her affection for Vivian, but it was different and the more they spent time together the warmer her regard came. Such as now when she flushed at his murmured voice.

"Maybe.. I suppose we can." She answered after a moment and shifted as his arm slid around her hip. It felt good, caressing her in the most delightful way that had her arching her back up higher in the air. "What they don't know won't hurt them."

"That's my girl." Justin responded, and the term made her cheeks heat up even further. She didn't know what was wrong with her, she just knew that part of her liked it even if she knew that the old version of herself would have been mortified.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Of all the things that Natasha enjoyed in her new life, running was one of the top past times that she threw herself into. Even in half form on two legs she was able to run at speeds she had never managed as a human, especially with her longer legs. She was what was considered a 'pony' when compared to the other herd members, just like Vivian's mother while her father was a draft andVivian herself was a standard. Natasha didn't' care what term they called her by, the was fleet of foot and not at all dumpy like one might think of a pony. She had the reach to challenge Justin who thundered beside her, the weight of him large enough to out strip her despite the fact he hadn't entirely grown into the drafter's body that he had been blessed with. He would one day be far larger than she was, but for now he was only two feet taller and he was slender in his own way.

The pale white stallion snorted playfully as she dodged and made her way up along the pasture, tasting the night air and the sweet damp grass, her partner beside her that made her shiver delightfully. She swept her tail behind her as they came to a stop panting, her chest rising and falling with short heavy bursts as Justin thudded up behind her. The cool air swept against her, teasing over her bared breasts as she did her best not to give into the urge to cover herself. None of the herd wore clothes when they changed, they simply shunned them entirely since they didn't fit human clothes right and she had been inducted into those customs, but it was hard. At least the stallions had sheaths that hid their lengths, while all she had was a tail to cover her rump.

"You're getting faster." Justin rumbled approvingly, his voice deep and heavy sounding as he came up beside her and gave a firm nosing behind her neck, sliding through her thick mane. "A few more months and you'll be leaving me in the dust."

"You have longer legs." She whickered, her voice slurred by her muzzle, but she was able to make herself understood as she caught her breath. "Give me a second and we can go again."

Justin's laughter was deep and rumbling, thrilling her while she caught her breath and looked out over the herdlands. They were a part of Duke's farm, an old bit of strip mined land that no one really wanted and was perfect for the herd to run and enjoy the night and day with. It was lovely with thick rich grasses and dipping valleys with hidden ponds that they were able to run through and cool off when they wanted. She didn't know how long Epona's Children had been able to hide themselves here, but they were secure here. It felt like home to her and it was reinforced with the slide of the warm muzzle rubbing against the line of her neck. The lips worked delicately down to her shoulders as the large stallion moved to slide his broad arms around her.

She didn't think anything of it at first, it was simply a part of who the horses were, they were always touching each other and it was enjoyable. She leaned back into the touch as Justin rumbled a low hummering sound that filled her ears and made her close her eyes while he rested his fingers along the curve of her waist. The strange warmth built from the touch, but it was stronger now that she had changed and seemed to curl through her stomach as the teeth lightly groomed along her coat. It felt so good as he nuzzled his way down towards her shoulder and his arms drew her back against his body. She didn't resist, though she felt her ears starting to burn red at the feel of the nude form against her. The fingers teased down towards her stomach and spread outwards a bit wider.

The warmth continued to build as Justin let out the low rumbling noise again and let out a hot puff of breath against her, shifting just enough that he could slide his nose along the top of her chest. She felt a faint twinge of embarrassment as the warm breath curled down towards her breasts, but it was swallowed by the warmth starting to turn into a slow curl of fire. It was blossoming as she felt her body growing more sensitive and alive, the cool air a relief against her body as she drew in a deeper breath. It was alive with the scent of stallion, alluring and rousing as she let out a soft noise as his fingers slipped downwards and ran along the curve of her hips. The teeth suddenly nipped against the side of her neck, shocking her into giving a jump, nearly jerking in place, but he nipped again.

It didn't quite hurt, but it was sharp enough to startle her eyes into snapping open as the stallion whickered low in his throat. The sound of it vibrated her ears as she twitched her tail up immediately, feeling it trapped against the press of his body as it tried to flag and the fire was pushing in deeper. It was making it impossible to ignore as she shuddered in place and the stallion ran his hand up to slide along her breast while the other one slipped down the sweep of her belly. She knew where they were going before they traveled there, sending a shock through her as the thick heavy fingers slid right between her legs and gave a delicate stroke that made her whicker out. The sound was high pitched and sweet as she squirmed and tried to pull back.

"Easy, my girl.." Justin rumbled in her ear, lavishing her coat with tongue and teeth both. "God you smell amazing.."

"Justin.." She breathed out his name as the fingers delicately stroked along her outer lips in the first touch she had ever experienced beside her own fingers.

She was startled with the flare of pleasure that ran through her and made it impossible to do anything except feel as he rubbed the thick pad of his finger up along the dusky tear shaped mound. To her shock she felt her muscles tensing up in response, a flutter that made her lean forward and flag her tail, yanking it free from the weight of his body as the thick puffy lips winked against the attention. A gentle rub between the lips had her whickering out again as she arched her back and felt the weight shifting against her back, something warn and fleshy brushed against her as the stallion's hand slipped up against the sweep of the breast and gave a gentle caress. The light knead causing another flare of pleasure through her as the stallion lightly gripped her neck with a flat blunt teeth.

It was a possessive hold that spoke to new flaring instincts in her that made her eyes open wide, showing a ring of white while he handled her firmly and carefully. He wasn't hurting her, he was being delicate with his touches and drawing out a sound of pleasure from her throat as he massaged her soft mound with his finger tips. She felt her body responding eagerly, her mind flush with desire as the earthy scent of stallion filled the air. It was in each breath, taunting her and making her body react. She arched herself and shivered as the hand on her breast gave a gentle massaging squeeze, running over the edges as she spread her legs under the caresses. They were taunting her with rubs that seemed to stoke the fires until they were consuming every protest that might have come to her lips.

She was panting shallowly, her entire body shuddering and arching upwards as she felt the fingers suddenly pushing inwards. They pressed upwards as one finger began to push into her narrow taut passage with a gentle slip forward. She tensed up a little bit at the sensation of something filling her, stretching her passage open wider and wider, pushing upwards so that she arched her body up into the air and let out a shrill noise. She felt the weight of the shaft began to spill down along the line of her ass, filling out while she panted shallowly and kept her tail flagged up high in the air. Her eyes flashed slightly as she looked back and felt the teeth gripping down a bit more firmly and the finger curled inside of her at the right angle that she cried out with a ragged burst of pleasure.

Her inner walls naturally clamped down around the digit as it pumped inside of her, the gentle pulls making her squirm and push back into the touch that worked inside of her with a steady caressing press. Her walls began to grow slicker in response as she cried out and felt the fingers working against her breast. He was running the tips right towards her nipple so that it hardened and perked up in answer to him. She flexed her soft puffy mound, winking against his fingers as they gently rubbed against her, working her up as the weight of the heavy shaft pushed along the small of her back. She could feel it filling out rapidly, growing in weight, pressing against the line of her spine in an enticing press that soon rocked against her.

Natasha didn't think in terms of what she should want, she concentrated on what she did want as the hips drew backwards and the fingers slid from her. She was shaking slightly, her nostrils flaring and tasting the familiar scent of Justin and stallion all mingled into one alluring mix. She didn't fight it when the body pressed forward and bent her down at the waist, the teeth on her neck remained solid and possessive as she let out a short squeal and moved her hands down to brace herself in the soft damp grass. Too late she realized that her ass was pushed up in the air, her upper body tipped down as her tail flagged to one side and she heard Justin let out a breath against her. The sound thick and sweet as it ran down the line of her spine, causing the filly to close her eyes as the tip of the cock slipped downwards.

She could feel her mound winking and flexing as her breasts were caught in the warm full hands that reached up and the shaft drew backwards. The blunt tip trailed along the curve of her ass before it slipped down and pushed right beneath the swell of her tail and traced along the line of her ass. There was the slow slip upwards and Natasha tensed up as she felt the large blunt tip sliding up along her cunny. It was a shock of sensation, her entire body went stiff as her muscles bunched up and she folded her ears back. She wanted this, her body was screaming for it as her mound winked and flexed, gleaming wetly as some of her juices spilled down right along the shaft tip as Justin rumbled a low possessive sound.

It happened slowly, the tip pushed hard up against the mound of her vulva and began to spread her open with a burst of pressure that shocked her. She arched and gave a buck as the stallion rolled his hips forward to slowly and steadily pry her tender passage open. Her inner walls starts to clench down and squeeze around the blunt tip that pushed its way inwards. The stallion's back arched as he rested against her, his breathing hot and humid along her neck as the tip pried itself deeper and deeper into her body. It was large enough that she shuddered in place, her eyes snapping open as her mound was splayed open wide, the thick outer lips turned into a lewd O as the pink flesh was plunged deeper into her body with a firm buck forward.

His fingers slid along her breasts and continued to knead against them, squeezing and pulling her back as the heavy cock plunged forward. Another few inches were able to work their way through her clenching body, managing to shock a short call from her throat in response. She trembled slightly as the roll of the hips made her feel the stomach against her back, the cock drew backwards with a little tug before the next plunge forward sank further into her passage. The walls caressed over the length of the heavy spire that worked its way deeper into her belly. The smooth stretch and spread of it caused her body to clampd own tightly as a hot gooey rush of precum flushed into her belly and churned with her own juices as the stallion shuddered and drew backwards again.

She was over stimulated, her heart was thundering in her ears as she let out a short squeal with the next thrust that plunged forward nearly half the obscenely large length inside of her. The medial ring pushed right up against the plump outer lips and ground inwards, spreading her and making her lips swallow up and over the ridge. She clutched around his shaft, the muscles moved and suckled smoothly as she squeezed her eyes shut and braced herself while the next thrust rocked her forward and the palms slid right along her hardened nipples. It should have felt so good, but her body was slick and ready, the sleek puffy passage swallowing over the heavy flesh as the tip burrowed in deeper and thick rivulets of precum flushed through her.

The wetness churned together messily, coating and pushing out over the edges as each thrust ended with the sound of flesh on flesh. She was stretched open as wide as she could possibly go when Justin shuddered and bottomed out inside of her. The tip pushed right up and bottomed out while the thickness of the base spread her. The medial ring stimulated her, rubbing at just the right angle to caress through her and put her on edge. She was breathing out shallowly, her entire body wrapped up in the moment of pleasure that was building up stroke by stroke. Her eyes squeezed shut and lips parted, her body was shuddering under the weight of the young stallion. He used his hold on her chest to pull her back into the height of each thrust, letting her feel the swell of the orbs right between her legs until she let out a short squeal of delight.

Her body was pounding in time with her heart, it was throbbing in her ears as she gave herself over to the pleasure that had her shaking and pushing backwards against him. The tip bottomed out time and again while her lips were splayed open obscenely wide, stretching around the base as the hips kept pumping forward with short wild bucks. The orbs kept slapping up against her as the wetness was pushed out along her outer folds, making her feel the thick precum that flushed outwards in a stream that spread right against the opening of cervix. It sent a surge of pleasure through her, one that was rapidly starting to build in waves, her body going tense as the stallion rumbled against her neck. The teeth flexed down harder, keeping a firm hold on her while the tip began to steadily flare open wider and wider.

The stretch of the warm flesh pried her open wider, swelling and pushing her passage open delightfully as the medial ring began to tug and push right over the sensitive rise of her g-spot. She tensed up, her muscles bunched up as Natasha let out a short whickering cry of pleasure as the waves of need began to build to a breaking point. There was no stopping the rush of desire, her walls began to contract as dozens of spasms worked to mold around the shaft that impaled her. She felt every vein, every ridge, all of them working through her at just the right angle to draw out her pleasure as the orbs began to tighten up as they slapped against her. The stallion's teeth released her, his breathing was ragged as he moved his hands down to her hips and pulled her back against him and shuddered to a stop, his cry bursting out in a stallion's scream of triumph.

With the sound echoing in her ears she felt the bowed cock begin to twitch inside of her with short leaps and jumps, the pulses working to force up the first rush of cum along the urethra. Natasha's eyes flashed open wide before a warm eruption of thick creamy seed began to pour into her belly with a pressured stream that hit right against her cervical passage. Every twitch caressed her, rubbing through her body at just the right angle while the thick heavy sperm laced cum was pushed deeper inside of her belly. The pale grey hips gave a shuddering rock forward, the grind squelching some of the seed out along her dusky folds, streaking her inner thighs as she whickered out breathily. Her sweat sleeked body pinned under the weight of the draft stallion that dropped his nose against her neck.

She couldn't move, she didn't want to move, she just felt the stream of cum began to taper off and grow thicker. It oozed out inside of her, the heavy gel like stream worked to slather and coat the inside of her passage, plugging the thick rich seed inside of her vulnerable belly. The former boy didn't even find it strange, her body was relaxing beneath the young stallion and simply relaxed into the embrace of the afterglow as his hands slipped along her belly. The light strokes rubbed upwards towards the curve of her breasts and ran his thumb against the stiff perked nipples.

"My beautiful girl.." Justin rumbled huskily against her neck and lipped delicately and Natasha only flushed in pleasure at the term. She was a girl, his girl.