Captured Thief

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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When a kobold is caught by a war-lord trying to rob his home, he finds a rather intriguing future slave on his hands, one that he is sure will be entertaining.

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The tickle of the night air swept cold enough to run down the line of Mariska's back and made her breath catch in her throat as she clung to the line of the sweeping tower. Her claws dug in tightly and wedged between the brickwork so that she was positioned as close to the surface of the stone as she could get to try and wipe out the glimmer of her outline. She felt her heart leaping in her throat, the pound of it making her swallow as she carefully slid her bare foot along the decorative ledge and began to ease her way through the darkness. The adrenaline was a rush, it made her heart pound so swiftly she could taste it and everything was alert and alive, listening to the faintest hint that the guards might see her on the move. It was a high that outstripped those that came from drugs and drink and replaced it with something that heightened her senses and made her feel alive.

The thief tilted her head up, her short tail twitching a little bit as she saw the carved snarling horse above her and the baleful eyes that flickered down at her. The statue was carved like a leaping unicorn, but it was not the unicorns she had grown up from legend. This part of the world had no sugar sweet white unicorns with tender words and sweetness, this part of the world was ruled by a savage offshoot clan that ruthlessly held their lands and borders against any who might try to claim them. The creature carved into the rock was the same general shape of the unicorns she had known from her village, the sweet tempered head, though, was replaced with a muzzle twisted back to show sharp teeth and the horn was curved sharply upwards. The underside of the horn was serrated in a method she had been told was designed to do the most damage in a fight, though she had never seen it in person.

The eyes were holes that allowed light from the interior room to glow through them and create a made countenance that made her heart beat wildly in fear. Even the hooves were sharpened and wild looking, the pose one of attack instead of grace, as if the creature were tearing through the rock to turn back her attempt to mount the tower. The light tan kobold twisted her lip in a smile as she reached up for the foreleg and dug in, dragging herself upwards with powerful movements, her tail twisting a little bit as she left the safety of the ledge. The unicorns of this part of the world were vain and overly confident in their reputations and power, which made them tempting targets for a thief.

_They barely have guards down there. _ She thought to herself as she clambered the statue and tried to ignore the glittering eyes so she could swing up and onto the curved back.

Fate had led her to Levenshire, fate and an empty pocket that had forced her to abandon the travelling band that she had lingered with. Gypsies had an ill-suited reputation in this part of the world and they had let her know in no uncertain terms that she was no longer welcome in their caravan. Her thievery had always been limited to those that could afford it, but the rougher lands of the Northeastern Empire were stricter on what happened to those caught stealing, and those in the company of thieves. It little mattered to her, though, she had spent a good portion of her life on her own and didn't need them to continue to her destination in the Xiang Province. It did mean, however, that she would have to make a sizable haul if she were to purchase both a horse and supplies, and possibly a guard that would get her through the untamed forests.

The risk of being caught was high, too high to want to settle her marks with the lesser gentry and picking their pockets, instead she contented herself with one large theft that would keep her in good money. The only noble of any worth was a war-lord that had erected his winter barracks just on the outskirts of town and she had nearly salivated at the sight of them. It was a palace, a place of wealth and power meant to both intimidate and rouse envy in those that saw it. How could she not want to approach it? There was every indication that Lord Eran had enough wealth to spare and the ego to think that no one would touch him. The whispers of his name were chilled with fear in the town, but a simple day spent watching the fortress had showed that the stallion thought little of the risk to his safety. The watchers were all for show, impressive, but it was clear he counted on the size of his home to keep both himself, and his valuables, safe.

She had managed to slip in easily, though the first two hours had been a game of cat and mouse with the guards. She knew Lord Eran's sort, he was impressive and vicious in the field and at home, but he had grown old enough that he had begun to seek out the pleasure in life. He remained in the winter barracks for most of the year, leaving only on short brutal raids to extend his borders before resettling again. Most of his troops were made of mercenaries except for the core guard that had started on with him in the beginning of his reign. He wanted to be a noble, but used blood to do it. Mariska knew that she would have to be clever to get into his treasury and she would flee like a rabbit with a wolf on her tail, but that the risk was limited. He would never tell anyone he had been robbed, he counted too much on his reputation.

The kobold reached up to her hood and yanked it down, smoothing the rough textured fabric over her face and muzzle and began to strap down her cloak. She was nearly to the treasury, it was only a few floors up and she would be able to duck into the room beneath before cutting out the floor. She started to climb again, trying to ignore the fear that came with the realization that she was high enough up that she had little hope of stopping a fall if it started. She used her short tail as an anchor, twisting and contorting herself steadily until she wriggled up past another set of snarling statues, dragons this time. There was no light here, no hint of noise within, not even the distant sound of guards gaming for the evening. She paused at the window and tilted her head, straining to hear anything to give her cause for alarm, her breathing stirring her mask and puffing it out a little bit.

She tried to ignore the lurch of fear in her heart as she saw the shuttered window above her. She had never made it a practice to rob buildings, it was too risky, and now her inexperience was screaming at her that she needed to get out. She swallowed her fear and used it, straining to listen for any disturbance as she heaved herself up and onto the ledge before pulling out a small hooked tool. She did her best not to hear the sound of the winds or think about the fact that a good hard breeze would tear her from the face of the tower, she thought only about the fact that she could do this. She swallowed that fear and slid the tool smoothly into the opening of the shutters and hooked it. There wasn't even a lock, but who would lock a room this high in the tower?

Mariska edged the shutter open and listened, not even a breath of sound and the faint light from the outside only showed dust and dirt covering the floor. It was likely a storage floor or a room meant to hold fighters in case they were ever at siege. She swallowed a little of her fear and pushed the shutter open as wide as she could before wriggling into the room. Her tail swept the ground lightly before she slid her way down onto the dirt floor and tasted the stale air. There were outlines of shapes in the room, but they were bulky and indistinct, storage or valuables covered in tarps to save them from the dust.

She counted on her light body to make no sound as she began to her work, scaling the wall by hooking her claws into crevices and bracing herself against a corner until she could pull out her sawing tools. The treasury would be above her, and all she needed was a small opening to wriggle through to get what she needed. She wouldn't be taking anything bulky, of course, she would simply set her sights on small things that were either unmarked coins or things that could be melted down for resale. It wouldn't take much to afford what she needed, and it might be weeks before anyone realized she was-

"It took you long enough." A rough voice brayed out just as a hand wrapped itself on her tail and yanked. "I've been stuck up here all evenin'!"

Mariska shrieked out as the tight fist pulled her down, dust exploded as one of the indistinct shapes shook a cover off of himself and hauled her in against his armored chest. The broad forearm nearly crushed her as she struggled to get an arm free to go for the small set of knives she kept strapped to her chest, but he refused to give her the room she needed. His crushing grip twisted her away from the partially open window and the hope of escape, the thick nails dug down against her with a brutal efficiency that had her panic rising. This wasn't a servant, the armor that dug against her bespoke a guard and he handled her roughly, his fingers digging up against her cloak and yanking it, tearing it from her body so that her tools went scattering across the ground.

She struck out wildly, slashing with her feet and trying to dig her claws against him. She must have hit, she heard him grunt and snarl out a curse as his arm loosened around her waist briefly and she tried to sidle free. She was smaller than most creatures, it wouldn't be the first time she'd used it to her advantage, but as she lunged forward a fist slammed into the back of her head. The world erupted in a haze of black and red, stars were dancing in front of her vision as she cut off a choking cry of pain and went limp. Her body didn't respond to her, she couldn't make herself move as she felt as if she could hear bells ringing in her ears.

"Damned little thief, hope you enjoyed your life." The guard grunted as he stripped her costume off to fling to the side. She didn't even struggle.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Eran twitched one of his ears lightly, listening to the sound of the wards that snapped back into place effectively and smoothly. The magic that ran through the stone hummed faintly, showing dark red where he had split it near the tower, but it would heal with time and effort. It had been worth it to see what the invader had done once he had managed to scale the tower and get past the ground guards. He settled back with a slight yawn, baring his teeth briefly as he felt the warmth of the fur on his chair embrace him. He had long since done away with the desire to sit on a hard delicate throne meant to impress to all his status of a Lord. The throne had once used was gathering dust in the same room he had set the guard to watch when he'd noticed the invader.

The unicorn had felt the thief days earlier, his own wards and spells had alerted him to the small invasions to the edge of his fortress and it had drawn his interest. He could have easily dispatched the creature, but winter meant slow months where his troops were scattered and he had little to amuse himself with. He had long since grown bored with his games with his harem, finding them as boring now as he had last winter. The thief had made him curious and he had allowed him to begin to penetrate the fortress and even scale the tower. It was clear the creature knew where his treasury was, but it was interesting to see how far he would get. He had set one of his guards to the room to capture him once he broke into the room, already toying with an idea of how he would spend his time once he had the creature in his possession.

It had been too long since he'd used the dungeons here. When he had been young and his name meant little he had had to use force often. He had engaged in glorious battles as he had swept up the small city-states and pulled them under his rule. He had been ruthless, just as his father had trained him, destroying the government and extracting information in the most civilized fashion possible. Well, civilized for war. He twitched his lips slightly as he recalled the long days he spent in the dungeon, carefully stripping people down from their bluffing and lies to the truth twisted beneath. He always put them out of their misery, he was merciful after all, but that had been decades ago and in that time the dungeons had gone unused. He had all the land he could feasibly hold and now his raids and battles were on bandits and would be raiders, hardly a need to use them.

He twitched his ears up as the far doors opened up, letting a cold breeze in the dining hall as he leaned back further in his seat and saw his guard stepping into the room. Bron was carrying a small figure over one shoulder, looking as annoyed and angry as a mule could look, his ears tipped flat back to his head and lips pursed together tightly. The massive creature was a mixture of a draft stallion and a rather hefty donkey that had served in his regular army once upon a time, he had weight and strength to spare. The odd motley pattern of grey and white made him look like patchwork, scruffy in his winter coat as he dropped his burden with a grunt and snorted angrily at the small bundle.

"Got me in the gut with his claws, sir." Bron said in his rough tone, his tail lashing behind him in annoyance. "Vicious creature."

"It's a child." Eran tilted his head down and held back a stab of disappointment at seeing the slight body sprawled out at his cloven hooves.

The creature could have only been five feet tall and even that was a stretch, so slender and lean that there was very little in the way of body fat. He wore nothing but a rather unimpressive grey shirt and black pants, nothing that gave him a hint as to what part of the country he came from. The scaling and horns told him it was a dragon of some sort, but at five feet, the boy could have only been twelve at the most. He didn't have wings, but that didn't mean a damn thing when it came to dragons, they were an odd lot and always seemed to be whelping offshoots with strange characteristics. But it was a child, which hardly suited his desire to have a toy to break and punish. A child would give up too quickly and he had no doubt that he had come climbing the tower on a dare or in desperation, hardly the lofty reasons that Eran had suspected.

"Kobold, sir. If that's a child, I'm a badger." Bron reached down and grabbed one small shoulder and yanked the creature up. " Get up, thief!"

The yank dragged the lizard like creature back and he let out a... no, she let out a yelp as the mule hauled her up with a brutal hold on her collar bone. Dragged upright and semi-consciousness he could see the slight feminine cast to the too small body and the kobold snarled up angrily at the mule, twisting herself as the fingers only dug down harder. Eran rumbled a sound from low in his throat, rolling it over his tongue in nearly a purr of delight at the sight of the little one. Achild he had no use for, but a female? Oh, he had many uses for her..

_I hope she doesn't break too easily, it would be a shame if she simply gave up the game before I got to test her. _ He thought with a slight flare of his nostrils, watching his guard's lips twitch in almost a smile. Bron had been with him long enough to read his mood...and his tastes.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"So... you are what set off my wards? You're far from your home, kobold." The unicorn's voice was a deep baritone rumble that filled Mariska's ears as she hunched herself down close to the ground.

Her head was still pounding from the strike to the back of her head, and she tried to ignore it as her eyes flicked up at the stallion watching her. It could only be Lord Eran that she had been dragged too, and that brought up a renewed since of dread and fear from her belly. He wasn't the sugar white color of every other unicorn she had seen, instead, he was a deep blood red color that seemed to almost glow when set against the black points of his muzzle and curled hands, his legs. The bay color didn't make him look horse like, not with the pure black eyes that regarded her with a mixture of amusement and interest. His horn was obsidian, twisted and jagged looking as it caught the light when he leaned forward and she fought the urge to shrink back away from him as the mule dug his fingers into her shoulder in silent warning.

The stallion was dressed in just a set of silk pants that were dawn tight along his legs, showing off the calves and feathering that traveled down towards his hooves. His bare chest was scarred and marred from battle, but he made no attempt to hide it. She had been expecting an aging stallion, someone going grey in the muzzle with such lux guard work, but he showed every evidence of being in his prime as his black on black eyes looked over her. He was weighing her, measuring her in a manner that brought outrage bubbling up and she tried to find something to say, anything to say to him. She had no hope of excusing what she had done, but she worked with a plausible reason she had been doing it. She was small and female, normally males were easily led to believe the best in her when she put it forward. He should be no worse.

"I-" She started to speak and the stallion's lips curled back in a smile that made her blood run cold. His teeth were hooked with canines that would have done a wolf proud.

"Do not lie to me, thief. It is more than your life is worth to irritate me." Eran rumbled and tilted his head.

"I beg your mercy.." Mariska got the words out, shaking slightly as the creature let out a low rumbling laugh. "I stole nothing, I did no damage to your tower."

"Only because my guard was waiting for you." The stallion stood, his muscles rippling slightly as he did so and she saw his tail was long and tufted like a lions, twisting and curling restlessly.

"You had lax guards, little barring my way." She choked up the lie, her heart beating so quickly she thought she was going to be sick as the stallion came closer. "I th-thought if I proved your defenses were lax I might make myself worthy of.. worthy of..."

She trailed off as the tail snapped out and twisted around her muzzle, mobile and tightening to stop her words as the stallion crouched down in front of her. He was tall and built more like a draft horse, making him dwarf her just as the mule had dwarfed her. But the mule hadn't aroused such fear in her as this creature did, especially when he gave his head a shake and his expression fell into pity. It was a mask, making mock of her as he slowly shook his head back and forth. Her heart began to beat faster, the beating ringing in her ears as she felt his eyes pinning her in place, looking as if he were pleased that she had continued to lie.

"I warned you against lying girl, but I think we can drive the truth from you." Eran murmured and slid his tail free of her muzzle. "Bron, break her in for me."

He spoke in a dismissive tone as he stood up, his horn flashing in the light while she jerked backwards to get away from the lashing of his tail. It was mobile and interested, twisting this way and that as the mule let out a braying sound of delight and yanked her back against him. She tried to scrabble forward, feeling a sudden surge of panic that rose up as her feet left the ground. The guard was tall enough that he was easily able to heave her up in the air, despite her struggles, there wasn't anything she could do to break away as she twisted and contorted herself. Her breathing came out faster as she twisted about and felt his rough hand grabbing her tail, yanking it up so that she was nearly hanging by the thick base with a sharp rush of pain that went surging up the line of her back.

His other hand moved to grab the line of her back so that he was twisting his fingers through her clothing and yanking it. It tore along her, not quite a shock as she let out a ragged noise and kicked her feet out to catch the mule's armored belly. The twist and pull freed up the material, dropping the material down to the ground as the hand pushed up just beneath the line of her stomach. The rough handling dropped her down against the ground, pinning her as her clothing was peeled off her pants, yanking them free with a pull that caused her to jerk in place. She knew exactly what was happening as the stallion on the make shift throne shifted himself with his long legs hooked over the arm of the thing. He watched dispassionately as the mule used one broad hoof to push her down against the ground, holding her pinned as she heard the creep of leather and metal from behind her.

"I-" She started to speak, before she let out a choked noise as the weight of the hoof dug down harder against her chest.

"Don't ruin the moment, darlin'." The mule drawled and made her jerk as she looked back at the stripping guard. "The master has spoken."

Mariska's breathing came out in a slight tremor as the mule stripped off enough that he could undo his leather pants, showing a flash of thick dark flesh. The leathery cock tip began to droop out immediately and she stiffened up as she saw the thickness of the tip drooping down lower. There was no hiding the length of him, the girth, making her twist under the hoof that kept her firmly locked into place. There was no doubt in her mind that he was going to use her, it was a fact that had been terrifying her from the moment she had been caught. She was female, a prisoner, and being held by a male lord in a fortress filled with soldiers, but knowing it was going to happen was far different from the reality of feeling and seeing the mule preparing himself.

It wasn't that she'd never seen an equine before, but her experience with them had been limited to a single brief lover she had taken years ago. He hadn't been nearly so large as Bron. The pony had been a thrill for her, he had been much larger than another kobold or her other lovers and the tight fight had roused her to the most intense orgasm of her life, but the mule was far bigger. He was drooping down lower and lower towards the ground, twitching slightly and thickening as he removed his hoof and picked her up against his half nude body. The thick fingers dug down against her as she watched the black flesh twitching a little bit, growing wider along the tip by the moment, showing a flat blunt glans that rubbed right against her inner thighs as she was tipped back against him.

"Very nice..." Eran purred, the solid black eyes fixated on them with heat, the long leonine tail twitched back and forth lightly. "Let us hope you are not easily breakable, it would be a shame if your interrogation ended so quickly."

Mariska didn't know what to say, she tried to speak, but one of the hands grabbed her muzzle and sealed it shut as the heavy cock twitched upwards. It bounced right against her inner thighs, smearing out a thick gooey rush of precum as the obscenely swollen tip prodded right up against her mound. She was dwarfed under the massive glans that ground itself against her, causing her to jump upwards slightly. She elbowed him roughly, twisting in place but he kept her held in place while displaying her for his master. He was larger than the pony, too large, too thick, the memory of how the pony had had to ease and squeeze himself into her flashed through her mind as teeth snapped down against the line of her neck and squeezed before the pressure built up right against the outer lips and pinned them inwards.

The bruising force made her let out a muffled squeal, writhing and twisting a little bit as the mule used the hold on her waist pull her downwards, forcing her to stretch open wider and wider. The inner walls were being stretched wider, the lips hugging around the too large length with a twinge of pain that caused her to choke out a ragged squeal. She saw stars as the length plunged into her body and she felt a sudden burning strain of her inner walls, so like it had felt with the pony, but it was putting strain on her passage. She jerked in place and splayed her legs with a ragged squeal as the next thrust popped the tip right into her body, glutting her and straining her small lips open wide as her back arched higher in the air and the next thrust joined the first.

She was bounced up into the air, digging deeper, spreading and squeezing itself further into her passage, making her choke out a ragged call as she felt another inch squeezing into her. The dark black cock was bowing under the pressure as the mule let out a ragged bray and snort, the hot breath hitting against her scaling as her muscles quivered and contracted, the little leaps and squeezes pulled around him. She twisted in place, writhing in place, her body arching upwards higher as she let out another high pitched squeal when he forced her down further. His hand left her muzzle to grab her hip, using it to hold her, the fingers squeezed down and bit against her. There was a hot stream of precum bubbled up from the tip, splattering out in hot rivulets that made her tip her head forward as the wetness helped lubricate her, but it wasn't enough.

He was only like the pony in that he had to work to get her accept him, her body struggled and contracted tightly, the tightening walls pushed her outer lips downwards as she twisted around frantically. The pain made her eyes tear up, running down along her muzzle as he gave another brutal strike upwards, bouncing her higher in the air. There was a stirring plunge and shift, the movements bulging her belly while she felt her body being bounced against the hips. The burn and ache of her body stretching open sent a strange shudder down the line of her back, causing her to let out a shrill squeal as the next thrust rocked through her and pried her walls open wide. Her inner walls gave a squeezing clutch, feeling the tip easing in deeper and pushing the precum into her belly with a hot streaming rush.

"Now, don't break her too quickly.." Eran's voice made her eyes open, whimpering as she saw the stallion's was undoing his pants with lazy ease, his gaze fixated on her as she was violated.

She was half ready to feel herself being tore apart, making her body seize up as the next plunge forward rocked her and she felt the cock digging in deeper The blunt tip suddenly crashed right against her cervix as the medial ring sank into her. She couldn't stop the shudder of pleasure that burst of her, an obscene reaction as she was half sobbing at feeling her lips strained open wide, holding the dark length that was twitching inside of her. The mule heaved her up, pulling her higher in the air, dragging her from the cock as she gave a sudden kick of both legs as she heard the lewd wet noise. He dragged himself backwards, nearly pulling his way free with a wet noise, the tip yanking out from between her cunny lips as trails of precum clung to the tip as her lips gaped open wide, struggling to close as the mule let out a rough noise and pushed back up again.

The sudden sensation of being filled made her hips jerk backwards, a slight grind back against the powerful hips that were forcing her open wider and wider. The walls were stretching open wider, achingly burning and the pain made her stomach turn, but it was twisted in with a strange sort of pleasure. The tip plunged inwards with a sudden drive that bounced her up into the air as the tip crammed right up against her cervix. The force pushed inwards, trying to pry her all the way open with the sudden roll of the hips that worked against her, sliding inwards. She swallowed a noise as she felt the bruising force hitting hard against her cervix, sending another shudder through her body. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe, the mixture of sensations roiling through her.

The fear and pain were being mingled with a confusing amount of pleasure, just as had happened with her erstwhile lover when the pony had finally sank home, but it was more intense. The feel of her body stretching, the soft skin was drawing open tight to caress around the length as it plunged itself home inside of her. She could feel how it worked and throbbed, the little curve behind the head caught her time and again as the powerful rippling movements of the hips began to build up. The thrusts worked through her, making her feel the automatic contractions as she closed around him, her sharp cries growing louder as she was bounced upwards in the air, hating that it felt good. Hating that her body was growing slick and wet around the twitching mule's cock, hating that she wanted more. She didn't understand it or her reaction, and she was only humiliating herself as she writhed her hips in place.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Eran's eyes took in the scene with amusement and arousal, his gaze lingering on the way that the girl was strained open around the ardant mule. Bron had been with him long enough that he had long since lost his shame in such actions, he wasn't often offered first go at a female after all. The stallion's tail curled lightly as he moved his hands down to himself, the slide of his pants revealing his length to taunt the girl. His own hands remained curled on his stomach while his agile tail twisted itself around the length of his cock and gave a squeeze, rubbing and caressing as the dark flesh began to twitch against his stomach. The feel of the long silken hairs were a delight, making him lick his lips slightly as he watched the girl being stretched.

He was not modest about his girth, though he would never be as long as the mule's rather... ample assets, he was far thicker. The heavy length was swelling under his touch, being coaxed to life as he watched the kobold buck and cry out raggedly. Her hips were moving, the slight twitch of them drew his attention as he flared his nostrils slightly. She was crying, that was inevitable, and pleasurable in its own way to watch the girl's realization that she was about to be fucked raw by the guard. He had always enjoyed seeing that dawning horror on their faces, it added a bit of spice, one that was only added to when he took his time to have them as well. This girl was crying, but not fighting, not screaming and shrieking out her pain, nor was she numbly accepting what was happening as some did.

_They're hardly worth it at all when they simply lay there. _ He thought and licked one of his hooked fangs as he flicked his tail over his glans, watching as her hips gave a subtle rock.

Her face was screwed up in pain, but she was pushing back on Bron, something that made the mule grunt out. He was biting her harder as he bucked upwards, the movements bouncing her against his lap in an obscene fashion that was quite delicious to see happening. The wild movements were building up, but as they did she let out a soft noise that wasn't a protest. It was unlikely the girl was enjoying herself, the sheer size of the mule had to be battering at her cervix, he could even see the faint bulge of it rising up as he forcibly made her into little more than a toy. Yet, she acted as if she were reacting to him, her lips were parted and she was panting raggedly, letting out sharp noises even though her face contorted in pain.

"My.. my... Thief, did you come to steal my wealth or simply sample my guard." Eran murmured and saw her eyes flash open wide, the slightly glazed look causing him to rumble as he moved his hand down.

She followed his look, the flushed features contorting slightly before she cried out in a ragged burst when the hips plunged up again. He heard the wet noise, the powerful working hips were forcing inwards harder as Bron's hands dug roughly against her hips. The mule was perfect for breaking in a new toy, especially one he didn't want to destroy outright. Her lips were reddened and abused, swallowing the length until even her clit was drawn down as thin as it could go. It should have been agony, her body tearing and adjusting, but he watched her hips twitch again and his ears twitched up with interest. It was different, it was new, and it had been a long long time since he had seen something new.

"Harder, Bron." He growled out, his lust coating his voice in a low noise as he watched her squirm back against him with a whimper. "Take her through her paces."

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Aye.. m'lord..." The mule gasped against her shoulder before Mariska was thrown forward with a brutal shove and the weight crashed against her.

She couldn't breath as he pinned her and shoved her ass up hard and the mule began to double his time. He was crashing against her hard enough that she felt his dark cock bowing against the pressure against her cervix. The pain twisted through her cut, but she was crying out in low heady sounds of pleasure, her body throbbing with it, feeling it building by the moment. Her muzzle tipped down as she rocked her hips backwards and pushed herself further onto him. She couldn't stop herself, her body was flushing white hot with a terrifying mixture of pleasure and pain both. She wanted more, she needed more, it was screaming through her and she could do nothing to stop it. No, she didn't want to stop it, her body was lusting after it as shamelessly as a dog in heat.

The next thrust hit harder and she felt his swollen tip flaring as her eyes watered and she tried to brace herself. Her fingers dug down against the hard stone floor as she looked up at the watching stallion, his obsidian eyes bright with interest, but gods help her, she wasn't looking at his eyes. His cock was being stroked by his own tail, thick and heavy, swollen at the base a size that would have done a drafter proud and reaching up to a fat flared tip that was gleaming wetly. Her body shuddered as she clamped down around the mule and heard the loud abrasive bray echoing in her ear. It caused her head to jerk up and her moan to spill free wildly. It was a lurid and terrible sound, one she couldn't stop no matter how she tried, but it wasn't a sound of pain.

The tip flared wide against her cervix, grinding forward with enough force that her small body was shoved along the smooth stone. The mule's hands pushed her shoulders down and bit down roughly as he gave a final brutal thrust. Her body was already working around him, the small spasms and clutches milked along his cock, pulling and squeezing, trying to draw him in deeper. The loud cry made her flinch as she stifled a noise of her own, her walls began to suckle and squeeze as the first twitch erupted in a warm flush of cum deep inside of her stomach. It was a pressured stream that crashed against her cervix and squelched out around the length of glistening shaft and between her legs.

The thick heavy mixture was pushing deep into her belly, she felt it drooling out with every twitch that worked to heave up the heavy balls behind her to send out a new eruption. She couldn't stop herself from grinding backwards, her body didn't obey her, there was something about the exquisite way that she was strained open that made her want more. She tried to stifle those feelings, but they refused to be silenced as she panted shallowly, her lips spread open wide. Her muzzle nearly touched the ground as the donkey's weight lightened and the guard shifted above her. The movement stirred the too large girth inside of her and she clamped down convulsively until he let out a groan of delight and rolled his hips forward again.

"Damn.. You'll take every drop." He gasped out and moved a hand to the middle of her shoulders.

"She does seem as if she might." Eran offered and the humiliated kobold lifted her eyes to see the blood red unicorn leaning forward in his throne. "You didn't answer my question, girl."

_Question? _ She thought dully, her mind not quite remembering what had been going on, but he only smiled with a hint of fangs.

"Did you come for my wealth or the seed from my guard? Because you certainly seem contented with that." He moved from his throne, his hooves a loud noise as she swallowed a shudder at the weight of the dark shaft hanging from the low slung sheath.

"I.. I didn't want this.." She gasped out, her voice sounding rough as he came closer to her, crouching down.

He was so thick that his cock didn't jut straight up in the air, it hung down in a curve with the glistening tip swaying back and forth. The sight of it made her tense up while the mule grunted behind her. She wasn't ready for him to move, his hand held her in place as the sheer size of him verse her body nearly dragged her backwards when it withdrew his length. There was an obscene suctioning noise before the swollen tip popped free and she flinched as she felt the hot seed spilling out in a stream from her gaping folds. She couldn't tighten them, she couldn't do anything except feel the gooey cream spilling down to the ground in thick droplets as the unicorn gripped her chin with his fingers.

She half expected him to lift her up, to find her muzzle kissing the tip of the wonderfully fat dick, but he didn't, he just squeezed firmly. His eyes were studying her as she trembled, her walls were working against nothing, the little jolts and quivers made her feel terribly empty, her throbbing arousal was still there under the surface. It was like something had awakened, some lustful dragon uncoiled low in her belly and craved more with a mindless desire that made her swallow, her tongue felt dry.

"You didn't want this, but now it is all yours." Eran spoke softly and rubbed a thumb along her cheek. "It has been so long since I had a prisoner to break, and you seem as if you might be just what I needed to enjoy my long winter."

"Please.." She swallowed the word and shifted her eyes away from him. Some sick part of her wanted to beg for more, to feel him shoving into her as the mule did, she throttled it down until she was nearly choking on the words.

"Bron, see her cleaned and chain her in my room." The stallion stood up, moving his fingers from her, leaving her shaking on his smooth marble floor. "And make sure to unlock the toy chest. I think it will take little to make an honest slave out of the girl."

_Slave.._The alarm made Mariska's eyes jerk up, but that alarm was eclipsed by the raw jaded need for the stallion as she was dragged up, her gaping folds spread between her legs lewdly. If she had been offered her freedom or to feel Eran pushing into her... she was terrified she would choose the stallion. Except, he hadn't given her a choice. Slaves didn't get choices.