Wet and Wild (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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Part 1 of 2...

As their parents go out for a weekend away from the kids, Ben, Mindy, and Cindy are left home alone for the first time. This leads to the two females learning a secret about their brother and a whole bunch of other things happening.

Wet and Wild (Part 1)

This was a special weekend for 16-year old Ben, and his identical twin sisters Mindy and Cindy. It was the first time that their parents would be leaving the trio home alone for the weekend while they had some time to themselves. The three vaporeon siblings were getting old enough to where their parents thought that they could use a little bit more freedom and this would be a test to see if they could behave themselves.

Their sylveon mother and vaporeon father were more concerned about their daughters than they were about Ben. Ben usually did whatever his parents asked him to do and rarely got into trouble. They also believed that Ben was not sexually active yet, since they had yet to see their son bring home another female. Mindy and Cindy were a bit of a different story though. The identical twin sisters were indeed sexually active and had sex with a couple of boys from their school. They were also bisexual and often engaged in sexual activities with each other. Both of their parents knew this and while their father thought it was "unusual" for his daughters to have sex with each other, at least it wasn't as bad as if they were doing it with Ben. Fortunately, Mindy and Cindy were smart enough to take yiffberries before having sex with any males. The two enjoyed the feeling of having a male cum inside them, but they had no intentions of getting pregnant anytime soon...not until after college, at least.

On Friday Afternoon, when the three vaporeon siblings came home from school, their mother and father were waiting for them. Their sylveon mother wearing her sleek black dress with heels and her diamond necklace, and their father wearing his best three-piece suit along with a dark blue tie, freshly polished black shoes, and the watch that his wife gave him as a 20th anniversary present a few months ago. Their plan was to drive from their house in Miles City to a couples resort in the mountains by Lake Collins. There, they would spend the next two nights away from their kids, having the alone time that they wanted for a while.

Their father called for his kids to see him in the dining room, where he had a talk with his son and daughters. "Ben...Mindy...Cindy...your mother and I are trusting the three of you to behave while we're gone. That means I don't want you to have any parties while we're away...and no boys over either. We want to be able to come home and find the house the exact same way that it is right now", he explained to the teenage vaporeons. Afterwards, he produced a 50 UIC Dollar bill, giving it to Ben (whom he felt was the most responsible of his children). "This is for you and your sisters to get dinner and anything else you need for the next two nights. You can order out for pizza or something if you'd like...or, you could also make something yourselves. There's some fish in the freezer if you want it. Just take it easy on the junk food while we're gone, OK?", he explained to his son as Ben put the money in his wallet, keeping it there for now.

The three siblings listened to their father and agreed with him before he got up from the table as their mother came out from the master bedroom with her purse. "Anyway, your mom and I are leaving now. So, be good and don't do anything stupid to get in trouble, OK?", he told his kids before their mother came over to kiss each of them on the cheek. The warmth of her sylveon kisses made their cheeks tingle a bit when she did so. She then used her arms to embrace Ben while her ribbons hugged her daughters.

"My babies are growing up!", she called out while hugging them, realizing that it wouldn't be long before they would be leaving the house to start their own independent lives. They were the couple's only litter and her fertile years had already come to an end now that she was in her mid-40's. She always wanted to have some more little ones, hoping to have a sylveon pup or two. However, she (along with their father) were far too busy raising their first litter for them to produce a second when they still could've.

All three of the vaporeon siblings felt a tad embarrassed by their mother's behavior, with Ben blushing and his sisters trying to wriggle out of their mother's grip. That being said, they all loved their mother, just like any normal pup would...they were just at that point in their lives where the physical contact made them feel a bit awkward. The trio would soon be "rescued" by their father as he came over to his wife and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Come along, Daphne. We need to leave now if we're going to make our 7 PM reservation", their father called softly to his mate as Daphne released her children and took her husband's hand. "Mom and I will be home around noon on Sunday. Remember what I told you now!", he told the kids as he walked with his wife to the front door, going out to their car and getting in it. A few moments later, with Ben and his sisters looking out his bedroom window, they watched them pull out of the driveway, drive down to the end of the block and make a left turn onto 57th Avenue, beginning their 90 minute drive to the resort.

Once they were gone, the three teenagers went about their usual business until around 6 PM, when they called "Pizza-2-Go" and ordered dinner. Being vaporeon, the three siblings preferred to eat seafood, things such as fish, crab, and shrimp. They rarely ate any poultry or red meat. So, when Ben and his sisters wanted pizza, anchovies were a must have.

They had dinner and then went into their own respective bedrooms for a little while, as was often the case after dinner. Mindy and Cindy shared a bedroom at their request, which their parents had allowed even after they found out that they were sexually active with each other. For now though, sex wasn't on the minds of the vaporeon sisters. This was TV time for them and there were plenty of shows on for them to watch on Independent Entertainment's Teen Channel. As for Ben, he had his choice of playing games on either his Playstation 3, the family's Wii U, or his father's old NES. His father usually kept the NES in the master bedroom, so he figured he couldn't get at it...and he only played the Wii U with his sisters, so he decided to play on his PS3 for a while to relax.

As the evening progressed, it got dark outside and soon it was 10 PM. If this were a school night, this would normally be about the time the three siblings would be going to bed. However, on a Friday night, they were free to stay up longer...especially with no parents around to go to bed. After a while, Ben started to get sick of playing games and put the PS3 away. That was when Ben had another idea go through his mind. While Ben had yet to stick his penis inside the vaginal folds of a female, he still had the natural teenage male urges and thought about sex a lot. He often wondered when he was going to do it for real and often felt his shaft get stiff whenever he thought about girls...sometimes at awkward moments.

As such, the young male needed to release his pent-up tensions, and as the thoughts of girls raced through his mind, Ben felt his length become stiff inside his boxers and twitch a little bit. "I can't take this any longer! I've gotta masturbate!", he thought to himself as he got off of his bed for a moment and reached in between the cushions of his mattress and box spring. Hidden inside the mattress, he had stored away a DVD he purchased in private off of one of his Senior classmates. The DVD was titled "Foxxxtails #16", and on the disk it contained several vixens of various types...including a female flareon in sexual situations with various males. He bought the DVD a few months earlier when he had heard that the classmate he bought it from would sell it to him and seized the opportunity.

His parents knew nothing about the disk, he kept it hidden in his mattress from the time he brought it home and only brought it out late at night. Ben always had the sound turned down on his TV whenever he played it too, to avoid arousing suspicion. However, with his parents gone and his sisters seemingly busy in their bedroom, Ben felt more relaxed and started to play the disk with the sound on this time around. There were a total of six different scenes, with 7 different vixens on the disk...one of the scenes had a bisexual vixen couple along with a male mouse. Ben selected the scene with the female flareon in it, since it was the one he liked the most. He may not have been overly fond of the idea of watching a human male have sex with her, but he felt she was very attractive.

Within a few moments, Ben removed his boxers and got back into bed, starting to watch the scene while reaching down to his erection and beginning to rub it softly. In his mind, he started to imagine himself in the human male's shoes. The scene in the video had the human male portraying a firefighter, coming back home after a hard day's work...in which the female flareon tells him that there's another "fire" that he needs to put out. Ben would've loved to have sex with a female flareon...to feel the intense heat around his young maleness as it moved through and danced around inside the tight vixen's canal until he "put out the fire" deep within the eager female. This got Ben to murr and lick his lips a little as he stroked his shaft gently.

Meanwhile, Cindy had come out of the bedroom to grab something to drink from the kitchen and noticed the sounds of a female moaning in sexual bliss coming from Ben's bedroom. She noticed that the room lights in his bedroom were off, but a light was still coming from the room itself. Curiously, Cindy told Mindy about this and went over to investigate.

There was one thing Ben didn't think about when he masturbated. He may have gotten away with playing his DVD late at night without getting caught by his mother and father. However, unlike the door to Mindy and Cindy's bedroom, his door had glass panels on it...allowing anyone to peek into his room whenever Ben forgot to lower his blinds...like he did tonight. Mindy and Cindy stood at the door quietly, watching their brother watching the flareon female receiving a stiff human dick in her fiery foxhole and masturbating at the same time. Their eyes soon focused on their brother's maleness, noticing that it stood at about 8 inches in length, and like all males of their kind was prehensile in nature...much like that of a male dolphin.

The twins both started to feel a bit turned on by their brother's gift, each of them feeling their own pussies beginning to become warm and damp on the inside. Their father had told them that they couldn't have any boys over...but he didn't say anything about them having sex with Ben! Soon, Mindy whispered into Cindy's ear.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", Mindy asked Cindy in a soft and playful tone as Cindy blushed and whispered something back to her sister.

"Let's go get him!", Cindy answered back, feeling eager to 'play' with her brother. Mindy quickly agreed and opened the door to Ben's room, catching the horny young male off-guard just as he was starting to feel his climax building.

"Well...look at what we have here!", Mindy called out, making Ben's ears stand straight up as a wave of fear suddenly rushed over him.

"Oh shit! What have I done!", he thought to himself briefly, realizing that his secret was now out and thinking that Mindy and Cindy would tell their parents about what they saw him watching. In a desperate attempt to hide the evidence, he immediately stopped the video...but even with that being said, he couldn't hide the erection. "Mindy...Cindy...this isn't what it seems. You see, I found this DVD lying on the ground and when I saw what it was, I was going to give it to Dad...but...", Ben began to explain as his sisters came closer to him, not believing his story for a second. Cindy sat closest to her brother, actually reaching out to touch his still hard maleness.

"C'mon Benny...tell the truth! We saw you masturbating to porn, just come out and say it!", Cindy coaxed, touching Ben's penis a little with her fingers. He blushed intensely and tried to hide his face with a pillow. However, after a few seconds, the truth came out.

"Alright...I admit it. I bought this DVD from a classmate of mine a few months ago. I've been hiding it in my bedroom ever since then because I don't want Mom and Dad to find out I have a porn DVD!", Ben admitted to his sisters as Mindy and Cindy both giggled together. "Please don't tell Mom and Dad about this! Who knows what they'll do to me if they find out!", he begged a few seconds later before Mindy and Cindy looked at each other with a bit of an evil grin on their faces. Cindy then placed her hand on Ben's cheek and looked into his light blue eyes with her violet eyes.

"Don't worry Benny, Mindy and I won't tell Mom and Dad. However, you'll have to do something for us in return for our silence", Cindy explained to her brother.

Ben curiously looked at Cindy and wondered what they wanted. "OK...what do you want from me?", he asked nervously as Mindy came over to the bed and sat down with her brother and sister.

"Oh...not much...we just want you to be our sex slave from now until Mom and Dad get home!", Mindy mentioned to Ben as his mouth suddenly hung open and he felt his shaft grow even more aroused. After a few seconds, Ben recovered from the shock and shook his head.

"I must be hearing things. It sounded like you just said that you wanted me to be your sex slave for the next two nights!", Ben responded as both Mindy and Cindy advanced on their brother, with Cindy grabbing his maleness tightly in her hand and Mindy reaching out for his ballsack.

"We did! You see...while we were watching you, we started to get horny. We both want to have sex with you!", Mindy began to explain.

"So, as you can see...if you give us what we want, we'll keep your little secret from Mom and Dad. However, you'll have to do anything we tell you to do, OK?", Cindy added a few seconds later as Ben looked at both of his sister and felt each of them touching his sensitive male parts. He blushed for several moments but figured that there was nothing for him to lose.

"Alright...I'll do it! But please don't make me do anything that'll make me feel uncomfortable...I don't want to do anything too bizarre!", Ben commented, whining a bit at the end.

However, Cindy and Mindy both kissed their brother on his cheeks at the same time. "Hey...relax...we're not going to do anything like that to you! It's not like one of us is going to say that we want to peg you or anything!", Cindy answered back.

"Yeah, we just want to spend some quality time with our brother...let him see how he makes us feel and all that stuff!", Mindy added as she let go of Ben's testicles as Cindy released her grip on his shaft. "Anyway, Cindy and I are going back to our bedroom to talk in private for a bit. We want you to come see us in a few minutes, OK?", Mindy explained to Ben as he nodded and watched his sisters leave him alone in the bedroom. He wondered what they were going to do to him and whether or not they'd do as they said they would if he obeyed their wishes. Nonetheless, Ben knew that there was little that he could do. It was either do as they said or have his parents find out about the DVD. In the meantime, he took the DVD, put it back in the sleeve it came with, and stuck it back underneath his bed. Afterwards, he nervously left the room, not bothering to put his boxers back on, and went to see his sisters.

When Ben arrived in Mindy and Cindy's room, the two vaporeon sisters were waiting eagerly for him. They had taken off the clothes they had on and were sitting on the bed together holding hands. Ben's erection never died down after his sister's discovered him masturbating, and with him seeing their naked bodies, it only helped to strengthen it even further.

"There he is! There's that horny brother of ours!", Mindy called out cheerfully as she moved over a bit to make a space on the bed for Ben. "Come on over and sit down with us, Benny!", Mindy softly called out to Ben as he nervously followed their lead, going over to sit in between Mindy and Cindy.

The identical twin sisters wasted little time in going for Ben's erect penis, each of them wrapping a hand around it, giving it a firm squeeze and making Ben gasp briefly while a spurt of precum came out of his tip. He took a look at Cindy for a minute as her hand was on the upper part of his maleness and then looked at Mindy. There was no real difference between the two sisters. Both of them had the same shimmering violet eyes and greenish-blue shoulder-length hair (even though it was not their natural hair color). They both also had fairly trim profiles with B-cup breasts.

"So...what do you think? Do Cindy and I look sexy?", Mindy asked her brother sweetly while she squeezed the lower portion of Ben's maleness, feeling it pulse in her hand when she did so.

This was the first time he had ever seen a female up close in personal and while the females in the porno he had had considerably larger breasts than his sisters, he did seem to think that they were attractive. "Y-y-yes!", he commented somewhat nervously before each of the sisters kissed their brother on the cheek.

"Hey...relax! We think your a sexy boy too!", Cindy told her brother sweetly while giving the upper portion of his maleness a grope.

"Yeah...before tonight we never would've expected to find someone we wanted to have sex with in our own home...well, aside from each other anyway", Mindy added a moment later. She then moved in closer to Ben and kissed his cheek a second time while starting to rub the lower portion of his shaft a little. "Tell us something Benny...have you ever had sex with a female before?", Mindy asked her brother, curious to know how much experience he had with females.

Ben blushed intensely and looked a bit shy. He knew his sisters had sex with males before, but he figured if they knew the truth about him that they might laugh. However, he didn't hide the fact that he was a virgin very well from his sisters.

"So you really ARE still a virgin!", Cindy exclaimed playfully as she kissed Ben on the cheek and began rubbing the upper portion of Ben's penis with her hand. "This is great! Now we get to take our brother's virginity just like we took each other's!", Cindy told Mindy happily, admitting to their brother that they had sex with each other before starting to have sex with males.

Mindy, however, was a bit more cautious. The two sisters had dealt with virgin males before and some of those experiences were not as pleasant as they would've liked. She knew that if they wanted to maximize the fun they'd have with Ben that they'd have to get him used to female contact first. "Benny, would you excuse Cindy and I for a minute? I need to have a talk with her in private", Mindy explained to her brother while letting go of his length as Cindy followed suit. Then, the two sisters got up and headed for the door out of their room.

"I will call you when we're ready to see you again. Just stay in here for now, and make sure you keep that cock of yours nice and stiff. We want to play with it very soon!", Mindy instructed Ben before his sisters went into the living room together, shutting the bedroom door behind them.

Ben wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen. Although it seemed as if his sisters were more than eager to have sex with him. He was starting to get into the idea of doing it with Mindy and Cindy a lot more than he did a few minutes ago and could only imagine what doing it with them would feel like. He even thought that they might even let him finish inside them...which was something Ben wanted more than anything else when it came to his sexual desires.

While he waited, Ben touched his own shaft and rubbed it softly, just enough to make sure it stayed aroused. He couldn't hear what his sisters were talking about in the living room, but that was partially because the image of their naked bodies was still fresh in his head. Soon after they left, Ben felt his maleness starting to wriggle and dance around as he stroked it, thinking about how it would feel to let it wriggle around in each of his sister's pussies until they made him erupt inside them. However, before he could get too involved in masturbating, Mindy called out to her brother from the living room.

"Come on out, Benny! Cindy and I are ready for you!", Mindy exclaimed from the living room, catching Ben's attention as he got up from the bed and left the bedroom. He made his way out to the living room where Mindy and Cindy were on the floor, sitting on their knees across from each other.

"Why don't you go ahead and lay down on the floor for us, Benny", Mindy softly told her brother as she had a pillow laid out for him to rest his head on.

Ben wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen next, but he did what his sister suggested, getting down onto the floor and laying on his back. His erect penis stuck straight up as Mindy and Cindy took a moment to touch it with their hands as they looked down at their brother. "Cindy and I have decided that were going to need to take things slow with you. We know you probably want to stick this in us, but we need to build up your stamina a bit first", Mindy explained to her brother.

"So, Mindy and I are going to squish our pussies up against you for now. Then, once we feel you're ready to do it, you can have sex with each of us...but that probably won't be until tomorrow, OK?", Cindy added as the horny and somewhat confused Ben relaxed and wondered how having his sisters rub against him would make him feel good. Then again, since they had experience with sex, he figured that he could trust them and allowed Mindy and Cindy to go with it.

Soon, the two sisters repositioned themselves so that they were across from each other, each of them on one side of Ben's penis. They moved in closer to him as he watched, their pussies already dripping from the idea of having their brother inside them later on. Then, they touched against his flesh, reaching out for each other, holding hands as they felt the throbbing maleness across their vaginal lips.

From the moment he felt Mindy and Cindy sandwich his shaft between them, Ben moaned loudly from the contact and fell back on the floor. They both felt warm and slimy across his sleek vaporeon cock, making it wriggle a bit as it remained between them while pulsing with the excitement of a teenage male experiencing sexual contact for the first time.

"I think he likes this", Mindy called out to her sister, feeling her brother's penis pulsing against her outer folds as she kept pressing up against it, also noticing that his tip was spurting precum from his tip.

"Yeah...well I think he's going to like this even more!", Cindy answered back before she started to rub her pussy lips against Ben in and up and down manner, pushing against his length a bit harder at the same time, letting her juices trickle onto his flesh.

"Hey! Wait for me!", Mindy quickly replied, joining her sister, making Cindy's movements as the two sisters soon started to moan softly from having their pussies rub against Ben's flesh. While they did this, they sensed him wriggling around, using the prehensile nature of his shaft to "dance" for the two females. It didn't seem as if Ben favored one sister over the other, it seemed as if he was just enjoying the warmth and juiciness that surrounded his maleness.

Ben continued to softly moan, feeling his sensitive penis getting rubbed from the sides by Mindy and Cindy while the insides of his testicles churned strongly. This sensation felt a lot better than it did whenever he masturbated in his room, and it was a lot more satisfying to the young male than watching other vixens getting fucked by other males would be. He could see himself having sex with his sisters, getting to sense what it was like to have his penis inside a vaginal canal for the first time in his life and maybe even get to shoot his cream into their holes at the same time. If what they felt like on the outside was any indication, Ben felt certain that they would both feel even warmer and wetter on the inside.

Meanwhile, Mindy and Cindy continued to press harder against Ben's throbbing shaft, feeling it becoming more responsive over the course of the next couple minutes as it slithered in between them as if it had a mind of its own. Both females were becoming hotter and wetter while doing so, feeling Ben's length giving their sensitive folds a vigorous massage. Like their brother, each female started to imagine what sex with Ben would be like. They both could feel what it would be like to have his long and active penis moving through their insides, slithering around inside them as if it had a mind of it's own. They also thought about what it might feel like if they let Ben cum inside them, to have his seed spill into their wombs and fill them. It wouldn't be the first time the vaporeon sisters took a load of semen in their pussies, but they didn't seem to mind letting their brother do the same for them. Besides, they both figured that as long as they took their yiffberries they wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant.

The tip of Ben's penis coiled towards him, allowing his precum to spurt onto his lower belly around his bellybutton. He didn't seem to mind this though as Mindy and Cindy were squishing against him quite nicely, starting to move faster the more they felt him throb against their outer lips. They could see how he was reacting to their touch, constantly moaning with sexual pleasure as they then looked to each other and giggled.

"I think we should do this to him more often. He seems to like how we feel and I'll bet he'll feel good to us when we let him inside", Mindy told her sister as Cindy kept rubbing against him.

"Sure...but we're gonna have to take turns with him", Cindy added a few moments later as the two sisters kept massaging their brother's penis with their outer lips.

"We'll go over the details tomorrow. After all, Benny needs a little bit more practice before he's ready for our pussies", Mindy added before looking at her brother, feeling his shaft throb strongly and watching as a fresh spurt of his precum hit his lower belly. "Mmm...speaking of which...it looks like our brother is about ready to blow", Mindy commented while watching Ben react to their touch.

Cindy soon looked down at Ben, saw him blushing intensely as his eyes were now closed, focusing on the hot and moist sensation around his thick vaporeon shaft. "Is that right, Benny? Are you going to cum for us?", Cindy mentioned in a sweet tone while she moved up and down on his length faster.

"Go ahead Benny, show Cindy and I how much you love us!", Mindy added a moment later, wanting to watch Ben climax for them as she matched her sister's speed, pressing her folds hard against Ben's maleness.

He felt each of their pussies let loose with a fresh burst of their warm juices, soaking him even further as their nectar started to run all the way down to his nutsack. As for his testicles, they felt very heavy with seed, churning intensely as he felt his load starting to move through his loins. "I...can't...hold it in...any...", Ben started to call out just as he felt the climax hit and nature took its course.

"LONGER!!!", he exclaimed as his thick and milky semen exploded from the tip of his penis, launching several inches from his tip (which was still pointed towards him). As a result, he felt his sticky load on his chest, with some of it getting as far up his body as his nipples.

"Ahh...so hot...so hot and slimy!", he called out both describing the sensation that his sisters were giving him, and his own semen coating parts of his chest and belly.

Cindy and Mindy watched as they made their brother cum for them, each of them seeing Ben's body get coated in his milky seed as Mindy quickly got an idea. "Hey Benny...how would you like it if Cindy and I licked all that sticky cum off of you when you're finished?", Mindy playfully asked her brother, still watching as his penis let more of his sperm fly, showing his sisters that he seemed to be a rather potent young male.

"Ahh...yes...yes, please!", he answered a few seconds later, still producing more semen from his tip, not showing any signs of slowing down.

From where she was, Cindy smiled and kept squishing up against Ben, moving a lot slower than she was before he came. "Don't worry Benny...you'll get to put it in us soon enough. Mindy and I want you to make us sticky and warm on the inside, too!", Cindy told her brother in a sweet tone as the two sisters kept slowly grinding against their brother for a few more minutes until he finally stopped producing fresh cum.

By the time they were done, Ben's belly was almost completely covered in his own seed with several spurts of it reaching up to his chest. His penis was soaked with Mindy and Cindy's nectar, and he felt very warm all over the front part of his body. By far, this was the best experience he had in his life up to this point. However, things were only getting started for the three siblings.

When they finished rubbing up against his shaft, Mindy and Cindy moved their warm pussies away from Ben's length before turning to face their brother with each of them starting to lick at his belly and chest, lapping up all the warm seed that he had produced during his orgasm. He felt their warm tongues tickle against his flesh and moaned softly to the touch, watching as Mindy and Cindy seemed to enjoy the taste of his cum in their mouths. Both females were still horny though...rubbing against Ben's shaft felt good, but they had yet to reach a climax of their own.

While they licked him, Mindy stopped for a moment to speak to her brother. "Do you love us, Benny?", she asked sweetly, going back to lick him some more, moving up his chest towards his nipples.

"Ahh...yes...I really love my sisters!", he called out as Mindy playfully circled her tongue around his nipple a little bit, looking at Ben with her violet eyes while she did so. His nipples were ticklish and soon Cindy joined her sister in licking him there, making Ben moan with pleasure as his maleness remained stiff during this whole time.

The two sisters kept licking him together for a few more moments before kissing in front of him, sharing a little bit of his seed between them as they had finished licking his body clean. Afterwards, Mindy turned towards Ben as she got an idea for what to do next. "Hey...Cindy and I are going to trib for a little while. Would you like to watch us while we do?", Mindy asked her brother as Ben seemed a bit confused.

"Trib? What does that mean?", he asked as Cindy soon clarified what Mindy had told him.

"It means Mindy and I are going to squish our pussies together...sort of like what we did to you, only without your dick in between us", Cindy explained to her brother.

"We do this together quite often and it feels good when Cindy and I feel our warm and wet pussies squishing together until we both cum!", Mindy added as she put her finger around one of Ben's nipples and circled around it lightly. "Of course, if you'd like, you can masturbate while we do it. In fact, we'll even let you shoot your load over our pussies if you want to", Mindy continued as Cindy's violet eyes lit up.

"Yeah! I like that idea!", Cindy exclaimed a moment later as she followed her sister's lead and circled her fingertip around Ben's other nipple. "So, how about it, Benny? Are you up for it?", Cindy asked her brother playfully as each sister blushed a little while having wide smiles on their faces.

Ben couldn't resist the way his sisters were behaving towards him. They were making his shaft pulse once again and he wanted to get off a second time for them. "Sure...I can do that", he answered as Mindy and Cindy smiled, each of them giving their brother a kiss on the cheek before helping him back up to a seated position.

"There, why don't you go ahead and get on your knees for us while we get started. Just make sure that you bring your cock close to us when you're about to cum, that way you can get as much of it on us as possible", Mindy explained to her brother before she and Cindy got into position, moved closer to each other and locked their legs together. Each of them held onto one of the other's legs before they started to rub and squish together, feeling their combined heat and wetness on their aroused vaginal folds.

Their union created a soft squishing sound, one that Ben heard quite quickly as he looked at where his sister's pussies were touching, watching them rub and grind against each other. His shaft pulsed strongly to the sights and sounds of this and he soon wrapped one of his hands around his maleness, stroking it up and down at a moderate pace. "Mmm...I can't believe how sexy my sisters are!", he thought to himself happily, watching Mindy and Cindy squish together as each female moaned with pleasure from their touching.

Every once in a while, Mindy and Cindy would take a look at their brother, seeing him rubbing his penis with his hand, watching as the tip of it dripped with precum as he moaned with his own pleasure. They saw it twitch for them, showing that Ben liked what they were doing as each sister thought about sex with him. This helped to arouse the two sisters, making their insides feel warmer and wetter and their clits becoming more sensitive to touch as they periodically touched against each other.

"Ahh...yes! We're all one happy family!", Mindy called out as she felt her insides getting hotter while she grinded against Cindy harder, feeling her sister's pussy lips moving more against her own. "One happy...ahh...and very horny family!", she added a few seconds later as the three of them quickly became aroused sexually.

Ben's testicles continued churning strongly, still having a lot of fresh sperm ready to deliver for his sisters as he stroked his maleness rapidly. He heard the squishing between Mindy and Cindy become louder and their moans of pleasure also become more frequent as they moved faster, helping to fuel the young male's fire. "Ahh...yes...I love my sisters! I love my sisters very much!", he thought to himself, sensing that his climax was already drawing near as he moved in closer to them while keeping his load from spurting from his shaft until he was in the perfect spot.

Meanwhile, Mindy and Cindy continued to rapidly rub and squish against each other, each of them feeling their sensitive clits and vaginal lips getting hotter and wetter to the touch while the insides of their pussies quivered strongly. Mindy held onto Cindy's leg tighter and moved as rapidly against her folds as she could, trying to bring about Cindy's climax as she felt her own about to hit.

However, before either of the sisters could reach a climax, Ben was the first one to do so as he moaned loudly as more of his sperm rocketed from the tip of his penis, making a direct hit on its intended target. Mindy and Cindy each felt the warmth and stickiness of Ben's cream hit their sensitive folds, adding to the hot sensation they already felt and pressed their lips together as closely as possible while letting out a mutual squeal of pleasure.

They came together, both of their pussies squirting with their juices, mixing with the seed that their brother was pumping all over them, creating a very large mess in between their legs. However, neither Mindy or Cindy seemed to mind, they simply kept rubbing together as the three of them came as they started to feel the tingle of Ben's seed against their vaginal folds and clits.

Ben moved in a bit closer as he came, actually touching the tip of his penis against his sister's soaked outer lips, getting some more of his semen onto them while also getting some of it on the tip of his maleness. Mindy looked to her brother when he did this and figured she knew what she wanted. "Yeah...we know you want to shoot it inside both of us...but you're not quite ready for that yet", Mindy explained to her brother. "Just give it a little more time and we'll give you what you really want", she added.

"Mmm...besides...there's still a lot of other fun stuff that we want to do with you before then. Like taking a shower together after we're done here...sleeping together in the same bed...maybe have you rub against us some more or something like that", Cindy told Ben as he continued to climax for them, covering their pussies in a thick glaze of his cum as he slowly felt the tingling and churning sensation in his balls die down.

Finally, after a couple more moments, Ben finally felt relaxed and stopped holding onto his penis as it began to retreat back into his sheath. He felt a bit tired, but very satisfied after spending so much seed on his sisters. Meanwhile, Mindy and Cindy kept squishing together for a few seconds longer, mixing their juices and Ben's seed between them a little more before they finally let go of each other and pulled away, leaving a puddle of mixed love juices on the floor below them.

After they finished, the three siblings got back to their feet as they finally looked at what they had done as they had a bit of a panic attack. "Oh my God...when Mom and Dad see this mess we're going to get into big trouble!", Cindy called out nervously before Mindy grabbed her sister's shoulders and brought Cindy back to her senses.

"Calm down! Mom and Dad aren't going to find out about this!", Mindy assured her sister before she turned to Ben. "Benny, go to the linen closet and grab a towel to wipe the mess up off the floor before it dries. Cindy and I are going to take a shower to clean up...you can join us in the shower when you're done if you want", Mindy instructed Ben before she and Cindy ran to the bathroom to clean themselves, leaving Ben to wipe up their mess.

As he did as he was told, Ben grumbled a little while soaking up the mixture of vaginal juices and semen from the floor. "Why do I have to be the one who cleans up this mess? They helped make it too!", Ben thought to himself, doing his best to get as much of the mixed juices up off the floor before bringing the towel to the washing machine and putting it in. Afterwards, Ben went to the bathroom to clean up along with his sisters before going to Mindy and Cindy's room for the night. The three siblings would end up sleeping in Mindy and Cindy's bed together, with Ben remaining fully nude and the two females only wearing panties. Ben slept in between his sisters, feeling their warm bodies next to his as he had sex dreams about them in his sleep.

To be continued...