Kar's Extended Weekend

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The second part of Kar's highly fantastical weekend with his 'babysitter' Ethan, who has invited over a very shady group of guys.

Kar is freshly fourteen so if that or any of the tags bother you, you know what to do!


Please leave a comment if you read! And feel free to read the first part if you haven't already: https://www.sofurry.com/view/977304

Kar's Extended Weekend

By: ToKu

Kar awoke to voices; one deep, one higher, yet both seemed to drip with the same amount of dubious intent. They were muffled at first, fuzzy and undefinable as he slowly broke the bounds of his REM sleep. It took a moment before the unfamiliar, deeper voice was discernible from the other, more familiar falsetto. It had a rasp about it, as if from years of smoking or strained vocals in some terrible hard rock band, or even a mix of both. Kar mind spun with the dizzying recollection of the night before, memories and foggy instances of hot sweaty passion and paramount pleasure. It had nearly been too much to take in, process and truly believe that it had all really happened. He felt thrilled, terrified, over-joyed and frightened. Not for his safety, or because he felt violated, but because of what his father might say upon his return. He wanted to share his experience with the world, he wanted to keep it secret, but most of all, he wanted to relive it over and over again.

"-oly -hit..." The voices seemed the finally form cohesion, as if the words were rising out of an ocean of jelly, thick and heavy but more and more comprehensible.

"-ucked em t-ice -ast night."

"You 'ern't ying, look at -hat -ss. I anna -uck into -im now!"

"Least let 'em -ake up."

"Shit, he'll make less -oise this way."

"Hey, I'm responsible for him. He's a good kid. I think he'd just like a few good ruts."

"Listen to you, sounding like the dominant one, just the other day I had you howlin', all bent over a dirty toilet in some hick ass bar. I think you wanted all those queer bashers to hear you moan like a pussy."

"A bear wants what a bear wants."

"You sound like a fool. To think, I almost skipped, knowing I could have your ass any ol' time."

"But come on, you know you can't pass on a situation like this."

"Shit, I think the boy's waking up."


The young dragon's eyes opened to two large forms; one furry and brown, the other gray with coarse skin and a gleaming white horn that adorned his snout. His vision cleared as he groggily rubbed the sleepies from his eyes to find Ethan standing in only his gym shorts and usual ball cap, his vaporizer between his ursine lips. He smiled and breathed a plume of white smoke that smelled heavily of strawberries. Beside him towered a massive rhino who's tattooed arms crossed his chest as he glared down with a powerful expression that suddenly made Kar feel really small. He wore worn denim jeans over muddy work boots while his torso was covered only by a once white, now gray, tank top. The young dragon simply took in a hesitant breath.

"Wha- What's going on?" Kar asked pulling his body from the couch, wiping away a bit of saliva as he sat up groggily. The massive rhino, standing squarely in his line of vision, was sobering sight indeed, instantly alerting the young dragon to his complete nudity and usual morning hard-on. "Wh-who is that?"

"This is William, Kar" Ethan said scooting closer to the Rhino, draping an arm across the length of broad shoulders where his paw patted the farthest shoulder. William regarded the bear with a look of mild annoyance and simply shrugged out of the haphazard embrace. "He's a bud of mine."

"A bud?" The rhino scoffed deeply. "You mean you call me up when you want my cock or fist up your ass. Or both."

Ethan could only reply with a rather embarrassed chuckle as he fixed his hat atop his head.

"Fist?" Kar had no warning as the words sorta bubbled up in his throat like a belch.

"Well," Ethan mumbled twisting his paws together like he had done something wrong. His honey brown eyes darting back and forth between Kar and the rhino. "Sometimes, I guess, I don't mind a little extra...."

"Shiiit." William drawled thumbing towards the shirtless bear. "This queer's ass is so broke in, he needs a big ol' paw to git him off sometimes. I gotta reach right up there and knock on his prostate like I'm trying to jump start an old truck."

Ethan went red in the face, quite noticeably even under the honey brown fur. Kar couldn't help but smile in turn. The thought was almost unfathomable but extremely intriguing and tantalizing nonetheless.

"But wait," Kar said shaking his head, planting his two clawed feet on the floor but choosing not to stand just yet. His head was still a bit hazy and his insides felt jumbled as if something had been shook loose. He realized it probably wasn't far from the truth, just from sitting up he felt a small amount of what he knew to be cum, seeping from his freshly devirginized tail-hole. "You never told me who you are! Why are you in my house? My dad's are away and they don't like strangers in their home."

"I invited him over." Ethan peeped up looking guilty.

"More like begged." The rhino replied scratching at his balls with one paw. Kar could see that his boot cut blue jeans were rather tight around his crotch and several sizable lumps could be seen. Kar's lap throbbed with the sudden urge to see what ever that half zipped zipper concealed. "He blabbed on about how he wanted me to fuck his ass and that he had a big surprise. You're cute kid, but how old are you? Like ten? I ain't looking for no jail time."

"I'm fourteen." Kar said indignantly but that only made the rhino laugh, slapping the bear on the back while he continued to rub his crotch with the other.

"I'll let you watch then." William shook his head as he heaved with amusement. "Watch as I tear this bear up. Damn Ethan, I can't believe you fucked some kid's hole. You got some major issues. I like it. Now take your clothes off and bend over the couch."

Kar watched in amazement at how quickly the bear pulled his minuscule amount of clothing from his furry body. His vaporizer clattered to the floor and his sandals flopped off his foot-paws and he climbed onto the couch, his knees pressing into the cushions while his arms and head hung over the back.

"Kid, you wanna spread his ass cheek apart for me?" William asked pulling his tank top off over his head before tossing it aside, revealing even more tattoos scattered across his chest and ribs. Kar stared as the thick rhino worked the fly of his jeans apart in one swift motion, pulling from the teeth a fat, thickly hooded penis; the largest Kar had ever seen. It drooled a viscous tear of precum that splattered to the wood floor before the thick piece of meat met the bear cheeks. "Go on, kid."

Snapping out of his reverent daze, Kar quickly arranged himself so that both his paws were clasping the bear's furry butt. He pulled the loaves apart and was instantly hit with a heavy fog of musk that sent the boy's own penis to leaking.

"That's it." William sighed approvingly, not even bothering to pull his jeans down past his waist and simply let his junk hang out the V of his fly. He inched forward, slapping the whole weight of his cock down into the crack of Ethan's ass and smearing his pre over the thick star of a tail-hole. "He loves it when his ass is on display. Just look at how its puckered, loose and all ready. He must have been fingering himself before I got here. What a slut."

Kar just started, awkwardly holding Ethan's ass cheeks open as the Rhino dove in. Not even half stuffed, Ethan's let out a sharp cry followed by a whimpering moan that settled into a faint rumble. William paused, with another three inches of cock to go.

"Just you watch, kid, by the end of it, I'll have my whole cock in there. He's just being a bit of a pussy. Why don't you give him a bit more lube. Go on, spit on my cock, don't be shy."

Kar couldn't help but swallow hard, still rather stunned by how fast everything was happening, but was rather surprised by how much his mouth seemed to water. With one quick glance at the rhino, Kar let a healthy wad of saliva fly from his mouth onto the massive gray cock as it withdrew from Ethan's hole. It was like the star of flesh didn't want to loose the mass within, the pink flesh trying to hold tight as William pulled out, leaving a gaping hole that begged for more.

"One more time." William said pulling the hood of foreskin back to reveal a dark red head. Kar spat once more and William stroked the saliva across the length with his hand before taking aim and firing back inside the bear. Ethan grunted hard, moaning deep but ending with a high pitched whimper as the entire cock was lodged within.

"Hot damn." William said, taking hold of Ethan's ass cheeks and relieving Kar of his duties. "Gets easier every time, isn't that right Ethan?"

The only thing Ethan could do at that moment was nod furiously as he whimpered. This seemed to amuse the rhino as he slowly pulled the length from the bear's butt. When it was halfway retracted William slammed back in, the powerful scent of male musk filling the air as he did. Kar's left hand was attentively stroking his own cock while the other simply clung to Ethan's thick, furry, butt cheek.

"You ever fuck an ass before, kid?" William's voice seemed to rumble more from his gut than from his mouth. Kar gazed up at him almost reverently and for a moment, looking past the gray tattooed skin and gleaming horn, Kar saw one of his dads. A mixture of Gren and Shannon in one massive adult, fucking his babysitter. "You look like you've just seen a ghost, two actually, both fuckin' hard."

"I've seen it a lot." Kar said glancing down as William's slow plodding thrusts turned quick and and ever more rhythmical; Ethan's pink and red tail-hole flesh making way for massive rhino cock. "My dad's have been in pornos before, and I hear them fucking all the time, but they never let me watch or join in."

"You got the hots for your own pops?" William grunted with an air of bewilderment that Kar simply took as surprise. He knew that your everyday furson wasn't attracted to their family members. It made him feel rather embarrassed but at the same time his cock pulsed with the thoughts of his dads joining in this little, this huge, three-way. "To each his own. I guess if your dad is as cute as you I'd probably fuck 'im. You wanna slid up inside this slut? His hole's all worn out from a thousand furs so he probably wont feel nothin' but it might still feel good for you!"

Kar hesitated for a moment, his mouth slightly slack-jawed at the thought, but William was already pulling out of Ethan, the bear moaning and whimpering at the loss of mass within him. Kar stared amazed as William took two steps back, his massive cock swinging heavy, even fully hard. Ethan's tail-hole was gaping, the flesh pulsing, contracting and distending as Ethan squirmed on his knees, his arms were wrapped around one of the couch cushions, his teeth biting one of the pillows, eyes pressed shut.

"Go on, it's not hard." William urged as Kar rose slowly. Standing on his foot-claws, his cock was from from the position of Ethan's wet hole. Though he quickly realized that if he stood on the fabric covered wooden beam of the couch frame, it put him at perfect high for proper entry. Reaching down he pulled the hood of his foreskin back, stroking the shaft back and forth a few times. It was no where near and thick as William's and only half as long, but when William pushed the dragon's boy's waist forward his cock slammed into ursine hole, resulting in a fresh slew of whimpers and moans.

"K-kar....h-holy....shit..." Ethan's words were barely audible.

"Damn kid, you're still making him moan." William said, his horned nose appearing to the right of Kar's vision. "Don't look at me, kid. Eyes on the fucking prize."

Kar did the only thing he knew how. He had seen it down in the films, and had humped his mattress and several of his stuffed toys on multiple occasions, so he simply copied the same motion and found, to his astonishment, that it must have worked because Ethan began to groan out every time Kar slammed his pelvis hard into the hot ursine backside.

"K-kar, fuck mEee." Came from a bitten pillow. William chuckled a warm father laugh that almost put Kar over the edge, but the rhino had been right. The hole wasn't as tight as his own claw, or even the folds of his mattress and he found himself having to work extra hard to build to what was normally an easy orgasm.

"Atta boy." William cooed with a massive hand of Kar's left shoulder, then another caressed his right, slowly sliding down his arms, back, his sides until they rested upon gyrating hips. "Ethan told me he fucked you pretty good last night, called me over to get a piece of that ass, but knowing Ethan's tiny little prick, we might have to work that hole open a little before I tear into it. But damn..."

His words seemed to stop in his throat. Kar felt hot, almost heady and high like he had the night before. He clutched hard to Ethan's butt fur, his claws practically digging into his flesh as he crudely plowed away. Suddenly he felt Williams nose on the small of his back, inhaling deeply, horn aligned with his spine. The rush of air send shivers throughout his body, his finger tips tingled and his cock seemed to burn with heat.

"That smell... What is it?"

Kar almost thought Ethan had spoken but it was William's deep voice that sent shivers up his spine, his rough snout sniffing along the crack of Kar's ass. The rhino almost had his whole stubbly snout buried between Kar's cheeks, breathing in deep some scent that seemed to be emanating from Kar's body. The young dragon knew just what it was and couldn't help but smiling remember just how horny and crazed it had made Ethan the night before.

"Fuck, I'm definitely gonna have to call the boys." William bellowed deeply, his lips caressing the soft scaly orange skin of Kar's rump. The words made Kar's eyes go wide. He said he needed to stretch him out before.... "They can lube you up and stretch you wide enough for my dick."

William's large form moved away then, just as Kar's cock seemed to explode without warning. He had been building towards orgasm the whole time but his mind had been distracted by the stimulating thoughts of dozens of furs coming over to fuck him. His body seemed to spasm involuntarily, thrusting inward as far as Ethan's bulbous butt would allow. He couldn't see it, but he could feel each individual jets of cum as it erupted from the tip of his cock and was deposited somewhere deep inside Ethan's slimy innards.

"Fuck, fuck," Ethan moaned. Kar almost thought the words came from his own mouth as he was miming the same words silently, though a few adolescent grunts came from his throat. "Are you cuming, Kar? Cuming inside me?"

"Sure is!" William said fumbling with something in his hands.

Kar's mind spun as his body collapsed on Ethan's broad backside, his cock still buried deep inside the bear. He could sense William's presence behind him but it was a chore just to keep his eyes open. Ethan was breathing hard, his whole body rising and falling with each breath. Kar rode him like a quarter machine ride, his own labored breaths matching the rise and fall. He vaguely wondered if Ethan had cum like he had the night before when the bear had fucked him. Knew knew all about the prostate and how it can be stimulated but he wasn't even sure if his own cock was long enough to reach the ursine's button

"Rhonni, you with Mason or Ashley?"

Kar heard William grunt, his voice sounding distant. There was a slight hum in the air but he knew it was probably just from the ringing in his head. He felt Ethan shift underneath him and his copied the bear's movement, slowly sliding off him, quickly plopping down on the couch before he was greeted by a grinning albeit red-eyed expression. Kar returned the smile rather groggily, still high from his orgasm. Ethan leaned over and kissed Kar hard on the mouth but for only a fraction of a moment before finally shifting around to lay on his back, his arm swinging over the side of the couch while the other hung over Kar's shoulders, pulling him into his armpit where Kar more than happily cuddled hard into, letting the hot musk of ursine envelop him as he caught his ragged breaths.

"Then get a hold of 'im then, I don't care if he's at work." William grunted. Looking at him for the first time since he pulled out of Ethan, the rhino's circumcised cock still hung heavy over white-gray orbs, drooling precum that was landing in various spots on the wood floor. He held a cellphone up to his pierced leathery ears while his other hand absentmindedly scratched at day old stubble growing on his thick neck. "You can fuck your wife later, I got something better for you to fuck, and get a hold of Mason, I don't care if you need to pull him out of a manhole somewhere. He can shower here if he needs to. As for Ashley that fat fuck, I'm sure he's got nothing going on and will jump at a situation like this."

"Hey..." Ethan said rubbing his own belly.

"Shut it, slut." William snapped but grinned all the same, winking at Kar. "I'll send you the address. Be here in a half-hour. I don't care how you do it. I'm gonna need all of you. Also, Ethan's here too so he'll probably want a couple fists."

Kar glanced over at Ethan, the bear regarded the young dragon with a shrug and a rather embarrassed look on his muzzle. Kar only knew a little bit about fisting, having stumbled across videos online. Without any sort of child-lock on the internet, he was able to look up just about anything but fisting porn had truly been an accident. It wasn't really something he had thought much of until now, with all the talk of Ethan being such a huge 'slut', to use Williams words. Kar glanced from Ethan's paws to Williams hands and couldn't, not in a million years, imagine either one inside of his butt.

"Hey kid." William grunted.

"My name is Kar."

"Okay, Kar," The rhino said energizing his name and taking a few steps towards the couch until he was towering over both them; cock still hard and showing no signs of softening. Kar had a sudden urge to get down on his knees, grab hold of it, and stuff as much as he could into his mouth but things continued the way they were going he knew he would probably get a chance to, eventually. "You're too quiet, you need to speak more. Okay? Good. Now, I know Ethan's clean, we've both been inside his ass today, but as for you, I think you could do for a shower. Get yourself all clean."

"But I..." Kar went to object.

"Until I leave I'm your new babysitter, got it?" William said holding out his hand. Kar stared at it a moment before grabbing hold of it. He was instantly pulled up from the couch, leaving Ethan alone and stroking his own miniature cock. "Never been one for kids but you're a cute little dragon, might have to meet your dad, see if I can come over more often."

"Dads, I have two." Kar stated feeling slightly peeved.

"Fag dads, huh?" William chuckled ruffling Kar's hair like Shannon usually did. Kar's cock had began to soften but the touch made it pulse with life. "Now go shower. Don't worry, I'll keep Ethan here busy."

With a slight push from the rhino and stern eye, Kar grudgingly retreated to the hallway towards the bathroom to wash up. The last thing he heard from William before he shut the door was a deep and command: "Show me that ass, slut."


Warm steam rose up around Kar's adolescent body while the hot water cascaded down upon his head, dripping, pouring, and running over smooth, hairless and shamefully boyish muscles. His belly, if he protruded it far enough, hid the tip of his flaccid penis until he let the air rush from his lungs, spraying water over the fog-proof mirror hung below the shower head. He knew he wasn't overweight like Ethan, but her certainly wasn't scrawny like he so often got teased about. He just longed for more definition like this fathers or even that rhino William. He was always told that it would happen, he would grow up, but he felt perpetually a pre-teen. He took another deep breath, but this time through his nose. The water masked all possible smells, scents or heady pheromones. He knew he hadn't imagined it; how he had effected Ethan the night before led him to wondering if it would work on the rhino as well; It certainly seemed like it was about to.

The thought alone was enough to stir his loins into semi-arousal.

"Nice cock, kid." The white opaque shower curtain seemed to shriek as it was pulled aside to reveal a short but rather stocky canine, completely naked, dirty construction clothes discarded by the door. His cock; thick and circumcised, was three times the size of Kar's despite the stranger standing only a few inches above Kar head. His fur was black with dark chocolate brown spots above his eyes and under his ears. His muscles were lean but somehow the black-brown belly protruded in a suggestion of a beer drinker. The Rottweiler nodded to the kid, beaming a friendly smile despite his two golden lateral incisors. "You gonna scoot over and let me wash up? Been workin' all mornin' fore Ol' Willie gave us a call."

Kar, still rather startled, somehow managed to take two steps back, allowing room under the large waterfall shower head. Despite his sudden heartbeat exploding in his chest he somehow forgot to cover himself up but when the rottweiler stepped under the downpour of water, all he could do was gawk with his own cock pointed towards the canine's buttocks.

"Been a long day already, been up since 4 am, layin' down asphalt." The dog grunted a sigh under the warm water, grabbing a bar of soap from the ledge he began to soap up his under arms as he turned to face Kar, their cocks smacking against one another in the about face. It made the stranger chuckle as Kar flinched away. He immediately felt silly, lowering his eyes, but the sight of their cocks in such close quarters only brought more embarrassment. "Names Rhonni by the way. I'd shake your paw but our cocks 'ave already done that, I'd say."

"K-kar." The dragon spoke, his voice cracking and reverberating in the steam filled bathroom, adding more emphasis on his young age. He quickly realized though that acting shy and coy would only make him seem younger and younger. He swallowed all the nervousness, the surprise, the fear that seemed to congeal in this throat. His claw-hand reached out and grasped the canine's cock underhanded, his fingers just barley encircling the whole girth at the base just above the base. Rhonni was the one to flinch back this time but it only made his maw crack with golden teeth and his eyes flare in seduction. "Nice to meet you, Rhonni."

"Hot damn, kid." The rottweiler laughed outright. "William said you're were a little fireball. I think I like ya already. Definitely ain't used to kids your age being so... accommodating."

"I'm fourteen!" Kar said tugging on the cock in his claw while the owner lathered up his face fur.

"Psh... I woulda put you at no more than twelve." He barked but Kar's sudden grip on his cock ended the laugh in a slight whine. "Easy, easy, I meant no harm in it. Only saying you're pretty cute. Now, you wanna get my ass for me?"

Kar stared at the bar of soap in the furry paw for a moment before grabbing it. Rhonni turned with a grin, washing off the suds from his front while he hiked his short stubby tail. Taking a half step back, Kar could see the distinct indentation of a pink tail-hole. Rubbing the soap bar in his claws first, he worked up a good lather before pressing his fingers between the firm cheeks. There was a slight shudder on Rhonni's part, a shiver that suggested he enjoyed the sudden sensation. 'Who wouldn't' Kar thought to himself.

"That's it kid. It needs a good wash." Rhonni spoke, pressing his hind-end back into Kar's exploitative claws. His back arched, allowing a fresh torrent of water to cascade down his back and between his cheeks. "Don't be afraid to clean the inside too."

'No way! He wants me to... to...' Kar took a breath of wet steamy air but his digits seemed to work on their own accord. Pressing against the clean pink star, a single finger sunk deep into the rottweiler's rectum with only slight resistance.

"Mmmm, niiiice." Rhonni groaned. "Go on kid. Don't be shy now."

Before he knew it, he had three fingers stuck up the canine's butt, twisting and fucking unto the tight passage. The adult canine would push back into Kar's finger fucks, tightening then loosening his ass muscles around his digits, threatening to swallow them whole if he pushed far enough. He thought of what William said, about Ethan tasking a whole paw up his butt and wondered if Rhonni was the same. He sure seemed loose enough.

"Oh fuck yeah, kid. That's the spot." Rhonni growled as Kar seamlessly pressed a fourth finger into the canine's hole, his knuckles all but disappeared as the rottie gyrated his hips and ass further back. "You seem to know what your doing. Go ahead kid, I know you wanna."

Almost without commanding his muscles to do so, Kar folded his thumb between his four fuck fingers and almost instantly felt the canine's ass trying to swallow his claw. Rhonni let out a deep moaning grunt as his ass tightened around Kar's wrist, his head swiveling around just so to give Kar an almost crazed look of near drunken proportions.

"You're gonna make me cum, Kid."

"It's Kar, not kid." His fist clenched inside the dogs anus in response. Rhonni chuckled suddenly reaching back with his own thick paw, grabbing Kar by his forearm, pulling his fisted claw from his rectum like it was no more than a small dildo. Turning, Kar was met with the red-hard fleshy mass of cock jutting out above a pair of swollen balls.

"Your turn, Kar." Rhonni smiled though his dominance was quite clear. His fur clung tightly to his muscular body, his face looking darker as beads of water dripped down like sweat. Oddly enough Kar felt no fear and only hesitated long enough to stare at this sticky fingers as they unfurled from their clenched form. He had wanted this, fantasied about being taken sexually in various situations, the shower being one of them. How many times had his fathers walked in on him fingering himself in the shower only to have them chuckle and walk away. He wanted it bad, so he turned.

He felt Rhonni's paws on the sides of his arms, rubbing up to his shoulders and down the small of his back. He could feel the pant of his breath, smell the familiar yeasty musk of beer breath and the subtle scent of male hormones. His own anus seemed to throb long before the padded fingers reached his butt, squeezing his cheeks and probing between them. Kar hiked up his tail and shivered despite the warm steam rising up around their bodies; his tail-hole being probed only half the cause. His cock ached and after only half a poke or two around his hole brought the slimy tip of canine cock.

There wasn't even a warning, but the initial thrust was slow; a steady invasion, gently spreading his innards as the length of cock burrowed deeper and deeper. A paw pressed against his back pushed his torso forward, bending him further over until his face was pressed against the far side of the shower. His body trembled, but not from any pain, more so from the pressure; the sensation of being full. He was still rather lubed up from Ethan's load the night before but Ethan's cock was about half the length of Rhonni's.

"Ffuuck..." Kar grunted. He was not usually one to curse but the head of Rhonni's cock was already pressing sharply against his prostate and somehow the length was still sinking further inside of him.

"Feel good?" The rottweiler asked with a deep growling breath against his left ear as he bent over the young dragon, his tongue licking the side of his reptilian lobe and down his neck. "You're tight. Not as tight as a twelve year old, but still pretty tight. Tighter than my wife."

Kar's mind whirled with sexually inappropriate thoughts; Ethan jerking off to the video on his phone was one thing, but the possibility of this canine, this married canine, having fucked a younger boy before himself made his brain buzz with perversion.

He might as well have been a twelve year old boy for all his lack of body hair but the final hilting of the Rottie's cock snubbed out the rest of his derelict fantasies. His body seemed to shake, quivering under the added canine weight; his legs trembled as if they were about to snap but before they could, Rhonni was off of him, retracting his cock from within the dragon boy's rump only to slam it back in. Kar nearly bit his tongue but could only gasp as the cock was pulled out once again.

Kar felt padded canine paws clutch his sides where his hips met his butt, grasping him firmly as he started in on a steady rut, the slosh of wet fur against reptilian skin slapping and sloshing as the huge cock repeatedly broke up his hole. It was in this moment that he was truly grateful for Gren allowing him sex toys at such a young age.

The sensations from the night before, or Ethan's cock fucking up into him washed over his hippocampus. Dildos could never do him justice again. It was such a unique feeling, of being full and being empty, a wash of pain forming into pleasure that could never be had by the awkward self-fucks of toys. It was dizzying but somehow he still managed to grin as his throat bellowed a moan. He almost didn't notices those furry paws grabbing hold of his arms and pulling them to his sides.

He was lifted, foot-claws leaving the ceramic tile, held aloft by a thick forearm wrapped around his middle and a firm paw-grip on his waist. Somehow, Rhonni still managed his methodical thrusts, a daredevil blend of squats and pelvic thrusts. Kar gasped, not from the nails digging into his belly or from the deep vertical fucking but from the strange g-force churning his insides. His brain could hardly make heads or tails of it all; the mild but sharp pain in his prostate, the head rush from being lifted or over all exhilaration of being fucked with bruising abandon. He found himself staring down his half-folded form, his knees brought up to his chest while his own clawed-paws clung to the undersides of his knees as if it would help hold him in place. His cock was hard, seemingly harder and more engorged than it ever had been in his entire life. He watched it bounce up and down with each thrust Rhonni delivered to his tail-hole and though he couldn't see it for himself, the furry balls occasionally swinging into view below his own taught sac was all the proof he needed to know this wasn't a dream.

"I think you're clean enough, boy, 'scuse me, 'Kar'." Rhonni practically growled in his ear, his other arm leaving the dragon's hip to wrap around and meet with his other paw in an reversed embrace. Kar had no words at the moment; the water from the shower thundered against cranium, his poor tail was trapped painfully between his scaly back and furred chest and all the while his heart felt ready to explode. He coughed a watery moan, nodding his head absentmindedly. "Think it's time to join the others, don't ya think?"

Without even shutting off the shower, or even attempting to dry off, Rhonni simply stepped around the vinyl curtain and placed both foot-paws on the thick brown bathroom rug. His whole body shook then, in the stereotypical wet-dog-way; sending beads of water in every direction, the vibrations resonating through the shaft of the canine's cock and into Kar's bowels.

"S-shiit." Kar exclaimed

"Watch your language, kid, or I'll have to tell your daddies now wont I?"

Then without another word Rhonni stepped over his dirty discarded clothes and strode out of the open bathroom door, the cooler air of the hallways sending shivers up Kar's hunched spine, causing his clawed-toes to curl while the cock beneath his tail continued to slide, ever so, in and out. Everything seemed to be a blur, his whole house a smudge of oak and mahogany until he landed with a grunt on the arm of the soft living room sofa. He opened his eyes but heard the voices before he saw their owners materialize out of the haze.

"Damn Rhonni, you sure ain't wastin' no time." A thick southern drawl spoke from somewhere above.

"The kid is a cutie, ain't he?" Spoke another large form just to his right, but when he looked over all he could see was Ethan's huge backside; dark brown fur, fluffy round tail, and a thick and greasy blue-gray, tattooed forearm that seemed to be lodged up his ass. Kar stared wide eyed as Ethan shifted, his spine bending as his heavy form leaned over the back of the couch while his thighs seemed to be easing his whole weight down on the shaft of forearm. He was so taken by surprise that he hadn't realized that Rhonni's cock had left his ass with a momentary squelch, but when the sudden presence returned, it seemed quite different.

Two heavy and thick hands clutched his buttocks as a new and foreign cock inched its way inside of him, shorter but thicker than the last. He felt his eye bulge in his head and wanted to cry out but his mouth became blocked by a wet pair of lips and his throat choked with a thick tongue. His eyes crossed and blurred while a hot and wet cacophony flooded his ears and overloaded his young mind.

"You guys are gonna smother him." Kar heard Rhonni speak with a laugh somewhere to his left and as his words trailed off the tongue in his mouth retreated, allowing fresh air to fill his lungs, and lastly the thicker cock eased out of his ass followed by an oddly familiar trickle. Kar managed to look up and found Rhonni standing beside the couch, his cock still hard, wet, and dripping as he took a step closer. He was rubbing a stick of deodorant under his arms, no doubt to counteract the scent of wet dog."You'd probably be a bit more relaxed on your back."

Beside the short and stocky rottweiler a huge red-brown hippo appeared, completely naked, his huge belly nearly resting on the massive peg that was his penis. He wasn't nearly as overweight than a lot of hippo's Kar had seen before; his arms were strong, and he stood with a posture that would suggest strength and not laziness. His cock, also circumcised and redder than the rest of his skin was dripping, pulsing and throbbing and Kar instantly knew that it had just been inside of him.

"This is Ashley, but everyone calls him Ash." Rhonny said slapping the hippo's belly. The huge mammal chuckled, reaching under his belly to his dick that he rubbed underhanded while he waved with the other. Rhonni grinned wider. "And the one suckin' on your face a second ago was Mason."

Kar almost yelped as he felt two huge furry arms wrap themselves around him, lifting him off the couch arm, flipping him over, and plopping him back down. He was thankful that Shannon had insisted on such a soft and squishy couch.

His dick greeted him as he stared down his chest and passed his belly. It stood up, hooded and bare, even the hippo had a growth of pubic fur that covered his heavy balls, then again he must have been as old as his dads. He felt that frustrating pang edge up inside of him, but it was suddenly dampened when he saw the bear standing just beyond his hairless cock.


Kar almost thought he was staring at a ghost, a bear ghost, Ethan's ghost, and had to quickly glance at the form beside him, now on his left. Ethan still sat on his knees, his whole body rising and falling as he rode Williams forearm like an oversized cock, moaning and groaning in congruence with the squelch of his ass on arm.

Mason stood about a half-foot taller than Ethan and although he was very ursine in appearance, his whole body was covered in shaggy snowy-white fur. He seemed to be the only one still dressed, simply though it was; a pair of light-brown overalls with nothing over his gigantic foot-paws. Kar felt his insides squirm. Everything was happening so fast it was almost overwhelming, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't also excited, eager, and enthralled.

"Ready for another load?" The hippo grunted in a Mississippi twang, a crudely pleasant smile spread across his large face.

"A-another?" Kar gasped, finding his voice, long thought lost.

"You didn't feel it?" Rhonni asked mocking offense, now popping the tab of a beer he had procured from a bag nearly hidden behind the couch-side table. "I filled ya up on the way to the couch. Was already cummin' before we left the bathroom. I do it to my wife all the time, fuck 'er as I carry 'er about the house."

At that, Kar suddenly felt more of the 'familiar' substance dribble from his tail-hole as the thick arms of Ashley the hippo lifted his legs, pressing them against his chest, his tail still draped over the couch-arm like a dead snake.

"That sure is some load, Rhonni." Ash chuckled deeply, his face leaning inward until his whole mouth was on Kar's dripping hole.

"You always are quite the ass-pig, aren't you, Ashley." Kar heard William laugh from his spot behind Ethan. "Alright you, get up, your fat ass is makin' my arm fall asleep. Its gonna be all pruny too."

With that, the brown bear eased up off of William's forearm with an audible suctioning slurp not dissimilar to the sound of pulling a boot from thick mud. Kar wasn't sure what he was expecting to see but to his mild astonishment, the bear's insides were only visible for a fraction of a second before the well worn pucker reverted to a relatively normal elasticity. When Ethan finally straightened and stood, his face was aglow with a slightly drunken yet utterly pleased expression. He stretched a bit, smiling down at Kar before half-climbing over the couch. Within seconds William was drawn up behind his furry, bubble but, his cock hard and inching forward until the whole length sunk into bear hole.

It was the sudden loss of tongue in his own hole that brought Kar back to his own body. Looking up, Ashley was aligning his own cock against the young dragon's hole. Seconds passed, but it seemed an eternity of disbelief before the whole root of hippo cock was buried once again. Kar let out a subdued moan; while considerably thicker, the cock didn't stab against his prostate like Rhonni's and even Ethan's had.

Kar's eyes spun, aside from Ethan, he seemed to be the main focus of every adult fur. Even William was looking down at him with a hungry expression, his hips pumping into Ethan with indifference. Ash's mouth was slack-jawed in a silent moan, his belly pressing rather pleasantly against the youth's underdeveloped privates. Rhonni was slowly stroking his softening cock while sipping his beer and the ghostly form of Mason stood beside the Rotty with an arm draped over his shoulder while his own paw seemed to mimic the other. Kar let out a moan that strangely mingled with a chuckle as his mouth split apart in a wide grin. His body tingled, and the constant friction of his hole seemed to reverberate throughout his whole body. He had never been drunk before, had never even taken a sip of beer before and couldn't fathom the feeling that came with intoxication, but his current frame of mind was defiantly addictive, we wanted more and knew it was coming.

"Enjoying yourself, Kid? I mean, Kar." Rhonni asked.

"Looks like it." William added while wiping his hands on a rag procured from hs pants pocket. Kar nodded his head vigorously as he took hold of his cock and began to stroke with mild stage fright; never before had so many fursons seen him naked, let alone being fucked.

"You're gonna blow a huge load after all that bottoming." Mason mused.

"Can you even shoot yet, kid?" William asked.

"Of course I can!!" Kar nearly squeaked and they all laughed as his voice cracked.

"Came all over my b-belly last night." Ethan moaned.

"No one asked you." William grunted.

"Really?" Ash asked.

"How old are you kid? Twelve?" The polar bear inquired.

"I'm fourteen!" Kar growled but his tongue was hanging from the side of his mouth as the hippo pressed particularly hard into him.

"Shit." Ashley growled. "I'm already so close."

"Dump that load, Ashley." Rhonni clapped the hippo on the back, the sweat glossing his skin adding a louder crack that seemed to spur the huge mammal into orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, uugnnnn, fuck. Damn!" Ash bellowed as the rottweiler and polar bear chuckled. Kar wanted to cum too, his body was hot, burning from the friction in his hole, but somehow he gathered enough willpower to let go of his cock. It was so full and hard, so swollen, his foreskin, normally acute to staying pulled over his head, was held back by the flared glands of his head. All he could do was hold on to the underside of his knees as the hippo pulled his deflating cock from his hole along with a copious amount of cum.

"We gotta mess here." Ashley said but without waiting for someone else to take up the job, wobbled down to his knees and began to lick, suck, and tongue-fuck the dragon's hole clean.

"Nasty pig, I'm pretty sure you were some sort of squealing game in your past life." Rhonni chuckled, draining the rest of his beer in one gulp. "You up next, big guy?"

Mason was still working on his cock; only half hard, having lost his overalls some unknown moments before. Lolling his head to the side, Kar couldn't tell if the bear had foreskin or not. When he wasn't stroking the white-pink flesh around in his paw, it seemed rather similar to Ethan's minus the color, but when he pulled on it, an excess amount of skin effortlessly covered the glands of the head.

"Need some help getting hard?" Rhonni asked. Grabbing at the bears heavy balls playfully. "Why don't you feed the kid, he still looks hungry."

Without much hesitation, the huge white form approached the couch arm, and Kar's head, lifting his semi hard cock before letting it fall, smacking the boy's lips. Almost instinctively, Kar opened his maw and swallowed it whole, pulling on the extra skin with his lips and digging his tongue around the folds as it bunched up. It swelled in his mouth in a matter of seconds, filling his mouth to bursting with a heavy and familiar ursine sent.

"He tastes so good." Ashley said, appearing from below Kar's crotch, his chin dripping with cum and other sexual liquids.

"And that smell..." Mason groaned as his hips pumped his cock into Kar's eager mouth.

"Smell?" Rhonni asked, stepping closer. "Hmm, I smell it too. Like young hot sex with mature determination."

The rotti had opened another beer, but Kar, through blurry eyes, could see the same expression on all three furs, the same expression that Ethan had worn the previous night. Pure lust and determination.

"I need to fuck that hole." Mason spoke, words almost at odds with his seemingly gentle giant fursona.

Ashley rumbled a deep 'Mmmm' as he rose, licking his lips and inhaling deeply through his nostrils, penis dripping with copious post-sex run-off. Mason ripped his cock from Kar's mouth and side shuffled past Rhonni, slapping the rottweiler's revitalized erection playfully.

"Ass." the dog yipped but grinned. Mason patted Ashley on the belly as he moved into the hippo's previous location, crouching down to take a heavy wiff of Kar's loins.

"If I had known any better, I'd say this boy was a full grown drake, and not some adolescent slut." Ashley rumbled placing a thick hand on Kar's head, ruffling his orange brown hair. He normally hated it when his father or Shannon did that to him, but the polar bear's tongue sliding into his tail-hole pushed the minor nuisance from his mind. His legs were beginning to ache; sore from being pressed into his belly, his foot-claws around his ears. He couldn't hold the position anymore, but when he let his legs fall, Mason's huge paws were there to catch them, holding them ever aloft as he slurped at his hole.

"Mason never eats ass, Kar." Rhonni spoke in amazement, appearing beside him, beer held at his middle while he stroked his cock with the other. It was dripping pre-cum like a faucet. Kar felt it was a shame it was going to waste, remembering just how good Ethan's had tasted. He opened his mouth, and Rhonni seemed to oblige him. "Damn, you're hungry, kid."

Just then Mason stood, chin damp, lifting Kar with him.

"Whaa..." Kar barely yelped as Rhonni's cock left his mouth and the whole room seemed to spin. His stomach did several cartwheels as he was spun around, claws clutching the couch as he plopped down, tail held aloft by bear paws, thigh's hugging the arm. Mason was already pressing into his well-worn hole when Rhonni's cock was reunited by adolescent dragon gullet.

"You better not wreck that boy too bad, I'm next." William warned from the right. Peering over, all he could see was Ethan's chubby torso as he pushed back against William's half-hearted thrusts. "Though I'll be damned if I'm gonna put my cock in there with all you fucker's loads in 'em."

"Just have Ethan eat him out after, or I will!" Ashley spoke popping open his own beer and draining it all in one gulp as he rubbed his belly.

"Sick fucker's, all of you." William replied.

"I think it's kinda hot." Rhonni shrugged while causing Kar to gag a bit on his cock. "I always eat my loads out of Deb's pussy. I can see how a tail-hole might be just as good."

"That's coming from a mut who licks his own asshole for kicks."

"My wife thinks its hot." Rhonni rebutted. "and I can't help that I'm a quarter Jack Russell."

"More like a Chihuahua."

"Fuck you."

"In your dreams, faggot."

Ethan moaned suddenly, putting a sudden end to the benign bickering and Kar couldn't help moaning around Rhonni's cock as a healthy oozing of canine pre filled his mouth.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Mason grunted.

"Cummin' already?" The rotti asked.

Kar couldn't see the bear's face, but he could feel his paws on his tail and ass, squeezing, gripping, digging into his flesh as his butt was pummeled by slap after slap of sweaty bear hips. It built, gaining force and speed until Mason slammed into Kar. He clenched his eyes, his claws, his hole; gripping around the mass of meat within. He almost thought that was it, but it was wrenched from inside him, only to be plowed back in, just as hard as the last. Mason did this several times before completely pulling out along with a gush of cum.

"Damn, that makes load number three." Rhonni laughed at his own joke, pulling his own cock from Kar's mouth. "Might as well add a bit more."

Rhonni pushed Mason aside who stumbled back a bit, cursing, but caught himself against Ashley's large form. Together they grinned wildly as Rhonni pressed his cock into Kar a second time, the audible squish of multiple loads greeting the instruction without resistance. He lifted one of Kar's legs around so that the dragon was able to look up as the canine, wild with impending orgasm, bucked his hips several times before slowing and all together stopping; pulsing member securely buried. He could feel the rhythm of the cock thumping in unison with his young heart beat and realized he had yet to cum despite being so painfully close. His own cock seemed to throb with coursing blood, a vibration so acute he dared not look at it least it spontaneous erupt.

He almost felt tired, groggy, his body seemed to buzz as if all of his synapses were firing all at once. Adrenaline seemed to course through his veins and serotonin flooded his brain. He was learning in school about all the different hemispheres of the brain and the spots most associated with pleasure and even pain and how they both released the same endorphins. Most of the pain of being fucked had vanished, and even when Rhonni finally pulled his cock from his slimy innards, he was filled with more of a longing than a feeling relief.

"I think the shower's still running, I'm gonna go rinse off." Rhonni spoke, milking the dregs of his cum from his cock with a tight gripped paw. Kar shifted his body ever so, but could do nothing as the cascade of four loads flooded from his hole, dripping down his tail-base and on the the couch-arm. He worried only momentarily of what his father would do when he discovered everything that had happened, but even that thought was tossed to the back of his brain.

"I think I might join you." Mason said tugging on his own deflating member, white pubic fur still wet with sex.

"Might as well make it three." Ashley added.

"Will we all fit?" Rhonni asked looking from the polar bear to the hippo.

"T-the, master bedroom has a waterfall shower." Kar squeaked, his voice feeling rather small in comparison. Rhonni regarded him, his eyes darting to the mess leaking from the boy's hole.

"Thanks kid." He spoke, leaning down to dig into his mouth with his tongue. Kar almost flinched but found himself kissing the dog back. It was quick, a simple gesture of thanks, but Kar still felt rather strange as he watched the three naked fur's saunter away down the hall. He almost didn't notice Williams hands under his arms.

He was hoisted into the air for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, and found his foot-paws planted on the floor, Ethan's huge, furry ass in front of him.

"I know you need to cum, boy." William barked deeply. "Might as well be in this sluts ass.

"Fuck me again, Kar." Ethan moaned, using a paw to spread his cheeks apart. Kar knew the bear had the hots for boys like him, remembering the secret video on his phone.

"It's gonna be like throwing a hot dog down a hall-way." William laughed again. "I couldn't even cum."

From this angle it would have been hard to try and stick his own cock into the round ursine rump, but Kar was suddenly struck with and idea as his mind drifted back to Rhonni and that quick moment in the shower. Sure his cock was hard, not to mention nearly on the verge of eruption, but his own clawed fingers found their way against the hot, spongy flesh of Ethan's hole. He tentatively prodded the gash with a finger and quickly found several of his fingers probing the musky innards. Several turned to four, then, with a tucked thumb, his wrist was suddenly encircled by pulsing red sphincter.

"Woah..." Kar gasped while his free claw found his cock, shucking his foreskin back and forth ever so carefully while he fought with the slight pull Ethan's ass had on his arm.

"Might as well fist fuck 'im till you're ready to cum." William spoke, his calloused fingers groping down Kar's backside until they found the mess that was his own hole.

"I'm already ready." Kar said slightly entranced.

"Then make up your damned mind." He growled, a single digit teasing the dragon's hole. "Either reach up his guts or fuck yur load into 'im, boy! You're drivin' him nuts."

With that, William sunk that thick finger into Kar's ass, mimicking the process until he had four fingers working those muscles. He was right, too. Ethan was moaning and groaning, his teeth biting the cushions, his tail-hole clenching Kar's wrist like the firm grip of an angry school teacher. The warm insides felt like hot shrink wrap, resisting Kar's attempts at stretching his fingers apart. He was so close to cuming too, as was Ethan; the bear's paw frantically mashing his own penis. Even William could be felt stroking his lengthy girth as he probed the boy with his fingers.

It was happening before Kar knew it, one moment he had four rhino fingers in his ass, then next moment, William was sliding the shaft of his enormous cock into the boy's rectum, lifting him from the ground as he did. Kar's claw slipped from Ethan's hole; suddenly needing to grasp something, anything to hold himself steady, he clutched two clumps of furry bear flesh as his body was pressed onto Ethan's backside. Like a bulls-eye, his minute cock was stuck as far into the bear's hole as possible.

Ethan moaned, breathing in a gasp of air through his nose before roaring like he had been shot, or stabbed with something other than an adolescent cock. William seemed to sigh too, even though he had yet to hilt the entire length of his cock. Kar was thankful too as he already felt full to bursting.

There were a series of awkward seconds where they didn't move, suspended in a sexual limbo. Kar felt that even if he had let go of the clumps of bear fur, that his cock, in Ethan's ass and Williams cock in his own, would have kept him firmly in place.

"Fuck, I think I'm cuming..." William said disbelievingly while Ethan only muttered a series of moans.

Kar felt the air leave his lungs then and as William's cock made only the slightest of movements, a dam within his tiny body seemed to crack, and he too was cuming; an orgasm that started small, almost subtle, before snowballing into a title wave of sexual ecstasy that shook him to his core.

"Fuckin' gross," William grunted, prematurely pulling his cock from Kar's ass. He felt a few drops of hot cum speckle his butt, but had no time to fret over it as he was suddenly slipping from Ethan's hole and off of his butt. His claws hit the floor and he stumbled backwards, dizzy with orgasmic high. His body hit nearly solid mass, but two large arms were there to catch him.

Expecting William, he tried to steady himself, but the forearms arms clutching his middle were blue and clawed, not like the hands of a rhino. He was puzzled when the very rhino who's arms he thought he was currently enclosed in, came into view, shamelessly smacking Ethan on the ass as the huge bear steadily turned about, cum covered paw still clutched around his softening cock.

"Not bad for his first time, wouldn't you say, Shannon?" A deep voice spoke.

When Kar finally decided to look up, his whole body became limp as a noodle as the beaming face of Gren, his father, chuckled with the unmistakable tone of fatherly pride.

To be concluded...