Tail - Chapter 5

Story by Marthell on SoFurry

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#7 of Tail and side stories

The day after the foursome, anything could happen.

Be sure to check out the sidestory "Train" if you want to know more about Kale's dream.

I wake up panting, sitting bolt upright in bed.

Well, that was a fucked up dream. I rub my face with both paws and groan. There's a lot to unpack there, I'm sure a psychiatrist would love to speak to me.

A train with no stops.

"I'm too late."

The words tumble from my muzzle without any conscious effort. I shake them off physically and get out of bed. It was just a dream. Ugh.

I hate dreams like that. Life is complex enough as it is without my own subconscious interfering. Fuck it, I'll probably forget it all soon enough.

I let out a yawn and stretch out my arms, legs and tail, working off the stiffness of sleep. I yank off my boxers and head through the cramped living room towards the shower.

I'm a few steps away when the door opens. Adrian steps out, butt naked, holding a towel in his outstretched paws and rubbing it against the back of his head.

Presented with his total nudity at first I can't help but stare. Then I realize what I'm doing.

"Oh, sorry!" I blurt out, averting my gaze and, remembering my own nakedness, holding a paw in front of my groin.

"Sorry for what?" There's a pause and he laughs. "Really? You were railing my ass last night and now you're saying sorry for taking a peek at my sheath."

Memories of the night before blaze a searchlight through my mind, but still it takes a second for the logic of his words to sink in. When it does, I feel foolish.

"I guess you're right." I say sheepishly, letting myself enjoy the show and dropping my paws to my sides. He should be allowed to look too if he wants.

"Of course I'm right," he says, now drying his lower back and rump with the towel.

Watching his balls jiggle below his sheath as he dries himself fires me up a little, and Adrian doesn't fail to notice the tip of my cock poking from its sheath. He catches my eyes and winks.

"You know I would love to wolfy, but we have work today. Plus, after last night my ass is sore enough as it is. I think I'm all fucked out." I'm about to explain that I wasn't going to start anything, but he raises a finger to his muzzle and shakes his head. "Don't worry Kalie, I'll happily accommodate you later."

I'm too beat to argue, or even really to think about it, so all do is shake my head and laugh as I walk past him and into the shower room. As I shut the door I get a good look at his rump, it may be a little on the small side for my taste but it's so well formed I can't help myself from imagining taking it right here, right now. Damn it, now I really am fantasizing about fucking my best friend.

Lust loosens my lips. "The famously slutty Adrian all fucked out. That's got to be a first."

He twists his head and rolls his eyes at me exaggeratedly. I blow him an air kiss and move to shut the door, but stop when he speaks up.

"Thanks for the date last night, by the way." His voice is genuine and delicate, entirely unlike his usual over-the-top demeanor. Since yesterday I've heard that voice more from him than in the last two years. "It wasn't exactly what I expected, or hoped for necessarily, but it was fun."

That tends to happen around Ryan: the unexpected and fun.

The words flood into my head instinctively, but fortunately I hold myself back from actually speaking them. That isn't what Adrian wants to hear.

"Very fun," is what I say instead. The fox seems satisfied judging by his grin and wagging tail. I finally close the door and get in the shower, washing away all complex thought. Just how I like it.


Work passes by in a yawn-heavy haze. I get less done than I really should, but I would be hard pressed to care. I feel my phone buzz silently several times, but despite the privacy of my office I don't check until break. I tell myself that I really should avoid the chance of Dom coming in to check on me when I'm staring at a phone screen, between me and Adrian he thinks I'm the responsible one and I wouldn't want to endanger that. In reality I'm nervous about what I'll find, and who it'll be from.

When break comes, I walk round back of the office and light a cigarette, taking my phone out as I exhale the first lungful of smoke. There are three messages. One is from Ryan.

Stupidly, my heart is pounding.

Had a great night Wolfy, let's arrange something for the weekend xx

I respond, letting him know I agree on both points, but not suggesting a time or place. Any real thought about Ryan or Adrian is too much for my overworked mind at the moment.

The other two messages are from Marty. I hesitate before clicking to read them, but after another long drag I commit to the motion.

Last night was

Is all the first one says. I frown.

Sorry, didn't mean to send that. I don't know how to explain it. Could you call me today? If you want to, that is.

I'm not sure what to make of it other than that I need to add Marty to the list of guys I can't think about too hard without my brain exploding.

I still have over twenty minutes left of break. I could call him now. Should I? What is he going to say? Hell, what am I going to say? Will he even be free to talk?

Fuck it, waiting around won't help me. I call him and put the phone to my ear, swishing my tail impatiently.

He picks up on the second ring.

"Hi," he says in his neutral, polite tone.

"Hi," I say. "I got your message."

There's a short pause where I hear breathing and nothing else.

"Thanks for calling." He sounds nervous, it makes me feel nervous. He doesn't offer up anything else immediately.

"Is this about last night?"

"Yeah. It's just that, well, I don't know how to put it. Last night was, well, it was... Fuck, Kale, when we kissed it was, it was just so..." He struggles with his words and stumbles over them as if they were obstacles to communication rather than a tool.

Yet somehow I know exactly what he's saying. It really _was_just so...

"I know," I say in a soft voice, leaning against the outside wall of the office and closing my eyes. "I know."

There was something there between us. Something entirely impossible to put into words.

There's a silence, but not an awkward one.

"Meet me tonight," he says firmly. His voice isn't needy or nervous anymore, but his desire to see me is tangible. I want to see him too. Oh fuck. I'm about to be seeing three guys at once. What the hell is happening to me? "Is ten good for you?"

This can't go on indefinitely. I'm going to have to face up to all this implied tension and drama eventually, I know it. Otherwise something will snap and it will all be too late.

Instead of considering the consequences stupid Kale says: "Absolutely. Where did you have in mind?"


Adrian and I meet at the coffee shop after work as usual. For the whole day I've done a good job of purging my mind of any difficult thoughts, leaving me in the awkward position of dreading talking to the fox.

He's going to bring up last night, and last night is a whole massive can of worms ready to burst open and spoil everything with inconvenient subtext. For now, in my willfully ignorant state, all it was is great sex, and I really don't want it to become anything else.

If I start thinking about all the implications on my personal relationships and mushy shit like how it would have made the four of us feel and what it meant to each of us, well, I'm not going to. Life always has to get in the way of fun doesn't it?

Adrian's nibbling on a muffin he's ordered and I'm sipping on my latte. We've both been uncharacteristically quiet after this morning and neither of us has said anything constructive to the other since we got here. After another mouthful of muffin my fox breaks the silence.

"So." He says slowly, drawing out the word. He takes another bite.

"So." I take another sip.

He tilts his head, considers his words, takes another bite.

"What did you think of our first date?"

"It was incredibly surreal." I say instantly, in a complete deadpan. He starts laughing with his muzzle closed, pushing air out of his nose, before swallowing and laughing out loud.

"You're not wrong."

"But it was also kind of amazing."

He smiles and nods low. His tail sways side to side contentedly behind him.

"What was your favorite part?" He asks in an alluring, breathy whisper and I feel my cock twitch. Damn it fox, you really know how to pull my strings.

So, what _was_my favorite part? Instead of thinking about it I could tell him what he wants to hear. Hell, it might even be true.

Then again, if I say what he wants, he might think he has me. He doesn't, at least not yet. I'm going to need time to work all of this out. That considered, what's my answer?

Kale, stop stressing yourself out. You don't need an answer, not really.

"I couldn't choose one. It was all so intense." I say noncommittally. Adrian's ears flick back briefly. He looks into the street, watching passers by as they get on with their daily business. I don't want to disappoint him or hurt him, but if I raise his hopes only to dash them down, that would only be more cruel. I decide to change the subject. "What did you think of Ryan and Marty?"

His gaze returns to me, he smirks and his eyes light up in that mischievous way all foxes seem to have in common. I brace myself.

"I know something you don't know about those two," he says, coy as anything.

"Is that right?" I ask dryly, finishing off my latte. My stomach flutters despite my cool appearance. Of course, with Adrian being Adrian I don't know why I bother trying to hide my anxiety, he can always tell.

He leans over the table and speaks in a hushed, conspiratorial tone. "Marty wants to get serious with Ryan, but he hasn't told him because Ryan's into you and Marty reckons Ryan isn't interested in him anyway."

He pulls back and examines my reaction like a scientist. An incredibly camp scientist.

I try to comprehend the words. Marty wants Ryan? It kind of makes sense. He seemed a little upset when we talked about Ryan getting serious with me. But then why would Marty ask me to go out with him tonight? This is all so fucked up.

"And how come he told you?"

"Well, we figured each other out pretty quick. It's all in the body language. A dumb wolf like you wouldn't get it." He says, hiding the smile that was starting to break out with his last bite of muffin.

"Hey," I yell defensively. He brushes it off with a limp-wristed wave and a laugh, which I have to admit leaves me grinning too.

"You know I'm joking, girlfriend. Anyway, he could tell I was in a similar situation with you and when I asked him about it later we had a little chat."

I nod slowly, taking mental note of the information and wondering whether I should bring it up to Marty later or not.

"You know, foxy, you didn't actually answer my question."

"Well what's the fun in that?" He asks. I stare at him blankly and he laughs. "What do I think of them? Marty seemed very nice. Ryan was pretty cute and kind of wild, I can see what you see in him even if it pains me to say it." His words trail off. I pick them up.

"That reminds me, what did you and Ryan get up to when I was out of the room? I remember you said I was only the second one to top you on the night." I keep my voice to a whisper, mindful that we're in public, but there's no way I wasn't going to ask. "He seemed to have his heart set on your rear when me and Marty left."

"I can be very convincing when I try," he says with a self confident smirk. "And I wanted to see what your fixation with chubby ass was all about."

I have to laugh, and I laugh louder than I probably should, turning some ears and heads. I never seem to be able to predict what he'll do or say and he revels in surprising me, if pressed I would have to admit I quite like it too.

"Well, do you see my point now?" I ask.

"I'll admit it's not a bad way to go, and although that husky is absolutely certifiable, he was a good bottom."

"Come on, he's not _crazy_crazy. He's just a little quirky." Adrian snorts dismissively. I ignore him. "Do you think he enjoyed your topping skills?"

"Why? You interested in trying them out for yourself? I'm sure I'll be able to find some time for you in my busy schedule," Adrian says. I roll my eyes. I should have seen that coming before I asked the question. "Did he enjoy it? Are you joking? No doubt he's had a wet dream reliving the experience already. He'll be having them for months to come."

"You're really that good, huh?" I ask. He raises his brow as an answer. "Yet you still think you could be happy settling with a top like me?"

"No problem at all Kalie. I'd break you eventually anyway."

"And what if you didn't?"

He fiddles with the earrings in his left ear and looks to the sky for a few seconds, then back to me.

"It wouldn't matter." His serious tone returns and I feel my muscles tense.


"Really. I want you Kale. You. Everything else is just transient." He stares right into my eyes while he speaks and I'm left searching for words. He really is in love with me, totally and completely. I'm still trying to figure out what love even means for me. On one paw the feeling of being loved is humbling, but on the other it's damn scary. Me and Adrian. Adrian and me. Is it really that simple? A tension hangs in the air, implicitly caused by my silence, that's only broken when a waiter comes round to collect the used mug and plate.

"Do you two want anything else?" The zebra asks us.

I check the time on my phone, then look up to let him know we're done here, but Adrian beats me to it.

"You know what? I've never tried your brownies. Could I get a chocolate one please?" He flutters his eyes at the zebra, who must have started working here fairly recently seeing as we're here on a daily basis and I don't recognize him. Adrian's gaydar must be spot on, I swear the zebra smiles a little too warmly and wags his tail subtly as he tells the fox that a brownie would be no problem at all.

Why does a fox so charming and sexy that he can woo most gay guys in a matter of seconds want me? What's so special about me?

"And for you?" The Zebra asks.

"Uh, well," I stall, not realizing I would be staying later until now. "No, I'll be alright thanks."

He nods and walks off. I turn to Adrian and frown.

"It's Tuesday, isn't this normally your gym day?" I ask.

"Usually," he says, shrugging. "But it's getting a bit repetitive, plus I want to spend more time with you." His tail is wagging steadily behind him. He makes a face for a moment, hesitates, then places a paw halfway across the table. "There's a lot to talk about." His voice is soft and unassuming.

I narrow my eyes at him. No gym and more sugary food. It's like he's trying to fatten up. No. He's just worn out after last night, that's all, and he wants to spend more time with me now that we're sort of dating-ish. That's it. Or, is he really trying to put weight on?

I don't know whether to be flattered or worried. If that's what he's doing just because I said I prefer chubbier guys... Well, I'm not sure what to make of that. Then again, I could be overthinking it. If there's anything I don't want to be doing right now it's thinking too hard.

I lay my paw on top of Adrian's before I speak. "You're right, there's a lot to talk about, and I'm always happy to have a little more Adrian time."

I say the words without any foresight or plan, but I mean them. Adrian's face lights up and even when the zebra waiter comes out with his brownie I don't move my paw, which - judging by the movements of his tail - only serves to make the fox happier. The zebra seems less pleased.

I let go when the waiter's gone and Adrian picks up the fork, closing his eyes and taking a bite from his brownie.

"Damn, that's good."

"You've really developed a sweet tooth." I observe.

He nods slowly, taking another bite.

"You know what I've realized is really good?" he asks.



I laugh and nod. "Can't argue with that."

Another bite, another couple seconds of silence between us.

"So, what did you and Marty get up to while I was giving your husky lover the ride of his lifetime?"

"Oh, nothing half as exciting as you two. We just had a chat and a smoke. Made out a bit, nothing crazy."

Adrian ponders my response, takes another bite, and says: "He not your type then Kalie?"

A pang of uncertainty and anxiety shoots through my chest and into my skull.

"Uh, well, I'm not sure really."

"You're not sure?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure." I pause, wish I ordered another coffee, and continue. "He was pretty cute, and a really good kisser, but I don't know him too well."

"Not knowing someone has never stopped you fucking them before," Adrian points out unhelpfully.

"True, but we were a little high and I didn't think it was the best moment."

Adrian nods, finishing off his second sugary treat of the afternoon.

"I'll have to brush up on my kissing," he says as though he were about to study for a test. Then he grins and I know he's being facetious, at least to some extent.

"You're a good kisser too," I tell him honestly.

"But he's better." When I hesitate he pounces on the opportunity. "See! You're really giving me some stiff competition here. Mister Crazy Plushbutt and mister Mysterious Goodkisser. I'll see what I can do, but it's looking tough."

I laugh and give him a light, playful jab to the shoulder. He mocks agony, and I know he would vocalize and sexualize the charade as much as he could if we weren't in public. I don't know whether I'm glad for the restraint or not. Nor am I sure whether he actually thinks Marty is another competitor.

Competitor. What am I thinking? I'm not some prize and they're not fighters.

"Any plans for tonight?" Adrian asks.

My mouth flaps while I'm debating whether or not to tell him about the texts and call with Marty. Then my phone rings.

I hesitate. Do I really want to answer a call from Ryan or Marty in front of him? Then again, I can't exactly ignore it. Adrian watches nonchalantly as I pull the phone from my pocket and check the caller ID.


It's Evelyn. Fuck, I almost forgot, she must be back from holiday today. Thoughts of the feisty ferret push out all the negativity and uncertainty from my mind. I've been missing her quirky personality and dry wit, she always managed to brighten up my days. On top of that she's always helped me in the past with relationship trouble, and fuck if I'm not in a whole heap of relationship trouble right now. I answer the call.

"Eve! How was Thailand?" I ask. At the sound of her name Adrian's ears perk and his eyes widen. The two of them are friends too, via my introduction, but me and Eve met in high school and have stayed close since.

"Kale! It was absolutely incredible," she says sounding enthused, but worn out. "Honestly though I'm happy to be back and, of course, to hear your queer self again."

"Oh really? Come on. Adrian has a much queerer voice."

The fox rolls his eyes, then holds out an expectant paw, palm up and waiting for me to hand over the phone. I hold up a finger to let him know I want a minute with her first.

"Is he there with you?"


She jumps at my hesitation. "I thought this was his gym day."

"You and me both," I say neutrally, not letting on what I'm talking about and hoping Adrian'ssensitive ears don't pick up Eve's voice.

"Interesting," she says slowly, enunciating each syllable emphatically, turning the information over in her head. "Anyway," she says abruptly in a jarringly chirpy tone. "Why don't you come up and meet me in a couple hours? Adrian's welcome too, of course, I've missed you two goofballs."

"You're non-stop aren't you? You just got in!"

"And every second should be spent doing something you enjoy if you can help it." She rebuts, speaking as though her words were some ancient proverb of wisdom. Maybe they are, fucked if I know.

"Clearly you don't find relaxing enjoyable," I say. She laughs and I smirk even though she can't see it. "Anyway, I'm busy this evening." I address the last part to both Eve and Adrian, deciding at this point that I'm better off letting him know after all. "I've been invited to drinks."

Adrian's ears stand up and he stiffens. Once again I don't know whether I should be flattered or annoyed at his apparent jealousy. Then again he wants me and I'm going out with somebody else tonight, I suppose his reaction is only natural.

"To drinks? Have you finally found some ass you're happy to stick with? That doesn't sound like you at all," she says in an accusatory whisper as though she were leaning into my ear.

"Well, it's a bit more complex then that." I say vaguely.

"I didn't think wolves dealt well with complex." She taunts, I growl, she chuckles. Unfortunately she's right. "You're gonna have to give me the lowdown on what's been going on as soon as possible."

"Alright hon, I know you need to live vicariously through the drama in my life so I'll make sure to fill you in."

"You know how to make me happy." She says, then she stops. There's a moment and I'm not sure what to say so I stay quiet. She sniffs and continues: "When's a good time to meet up then lover boy?"

"Tomorrow evening?"

"It's a date!" She exclaims, suddenly her voice is full of giddy glee. "Oh my gosh I'm so excited I could just die." Then before a second passes she hangs up. I shake my head and flash my screen to Adrian showing the call has ended and he rolls his eyes knowingly with a smirk on his face.

"She did that hang-up-out-of-the-blue thing on you?" He asks.

"Yeah, sorry you didn't get to talk to her. But she's back now so I suppose you can call her whenever you like."

"I'll catch up with her later." He says. The waiter comes back so we thank him and pay. I'm hoping I've dodged the bullet as we stand up to leave, but of course Adrian has to ask.

"Who invited you to drinks tonight then?"

"Marty," I say sheepishly.

A couple seconds pass. He nods, his face vacant of expression.

"See you tomorrow," he says, looking anywhere but at me.


I decide to dress for the indie bar Marty chose in a jacket, a well-fitting salmon shirt and dark chinos, aiming for a smart casual vibe. Dressing in my apartmentI feel anxious, wondering if I'll look like an idiot. My anxiety exacerbates itself, it's not like me to be so nervous about something so simple.

Time moves fast as I head out, my mind buzzing with a million different thoughts and simultaneously forming a barrier to keep all of them out. There's too much to consider so I consider nothing at all.

When I arrive at a few minutes before ten he's already there, standing outside in a polo and jeans making me feel slightly overdressed, but his cool demeanor and warm expression dissipate my nerves.

"Hey," I say, a rush of unvoiced emotions passing through me.

"Hey," he says. "Shall we get some drinks?"

I nod and follow his lead as we order some craft beers, I accept his drink recommendation in my relative ignorance. We sit and start with small talk and icebreakers. How are you? How's the play going? How's your job going? How's Ryan? How's Adrian?

Time passes in a haze and the drinks flow fast. I tell him how much I enjoyed the play and we discuss some details, he asks what I thought of the nude scene and I tell him it was the best part. We speak and speak, but most of it doesn't mean much.

For a minute I'm outside myself, floating above, watching the two of us chatter away. Why do we do this? People, ourselves included, spend such a long time verbally circling around things and feeling out situations rather than actually doing anything, making a choice or a difference. It seems to me, in this moment, like such a waste of time.

The mood changes when we finally end up on the topic of the previous night.

"After you left I couldn't stop replaying that kiss in my head," Marty says. At this point we're both a little tipsy, but still in control. Sitting across from the otter I imagine him spending his day yearning for my muzzle. The memory of the kiss surges through me: the warmth of the two of us pressed close together, high and emotional and horny. It sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine that leaves through my tail, causing an involuntary flick. "You were amazing."

I was amazing.

All my life I've just been another guy trying to enjoy myself and make it through each day unscathed. I've never really felt special before, not like this.

I'm not dumb, but I was never a straight A student. I'm not bad looking, but I wouldn't class myself as especially hot. I'm doing well, but I'm not rich. I'm not artistic, or at least I haven't been so far in life. I haven't really made a difference. I've always felt destined for the middle of the pack. Now three guys are asking me out. Okay it's not world changing, but they want me. Me. That comfortable life I've been settling with doesn't feel like enough any more. I can aim higher. There's more to all this than repetition.

Maybe it's the drink, or maybe it's how strange these past few days have been, but I can't avoid the self-obsessed pondering. Wherever it came from, the thought that I could do so much more with this life warms me as though a fire were lit inside my chest. I feel heady while the smoke fills my skull.

I need to be careful though. I keep letting this whole drama build up and up, I can't let it crash down around me.

"You were too." I say, returning to step with reality.

What's more is I mean it. Those few minutes we shared last night were something else entirely.

Now we share a new quiet moment, amidst loud chatter and alcohol.

My self-obsessed pondering catches up with me again, but this time it doesn't want to cheer me up. Again I'm outside my body.

I can see myself doing it: I'm keeping my options open, examining each suitor. I'm stringing them along for all their emotional highs and lows until a decision finally has to be made. Part of me is disgusted and part of me is amused.

Am I playing a game, using people like puppets? Or am I really just clueless?

My subconscious isn't offering up any answers.

"What do you want to do about it?" He asks, head tilted slightly. The way he says it makes it sound like a challenge.

The truth is I don't know. I wanted to come here and talk to him. I felt something last night. Some kind of connection or lust or something. Or maybe I was just high and had a good kiss and it all got to my head.

He's hot and I'm sure he'd be up for some fun, but more and more every day that fun is coming along with strings very much attached.

Why did I have to spot that damned husky's tail from the corner of my eye? Everything used to be so fucking simple... and so boring.


I'm not responding, I'm acting strange. I need to pull myself together.

If you don't have an answer then deflect. Or redirect.

"Sorry, it's just that, well," I hesitate for effect. "I probably shouldn't say this, but Adrian told me about you and Ryan. So, honestly speaking, I'm not really sure what to expect from this. From us." He leans back and takes a sip from his drink while I watch him, studying his features.

"He's interested in you, not me," he says, voice trailing. "On top of that, I think I'm over it. Right now I want to try something new."

"Me?" I ask frankly.

"If you're interested." He says, staring at me. A beat passes and he bites his lip, then looks down. "I know you're into Ryan at the moment, but I thought... after last night..." He's struggling to find words.

I reach a paw out and touch his arm. He searches my eyes.

"Last night was special," I say. He smiles, his whole face lifting. "But I'll be honest with you, I'm not going to make any commitments right now. I've had a crazy few days and I'm not really sure what I want at the moment. I'm not saying it can't go anywhere, I'm saying, well," I pause. What am I saying exactly? "I'm just saying let's not take things too fast."

"I think that's fair," he says, his voice typically polite and unfurnished with any easily identified emotion. I shouldn't be surprised that I can't read him if he doesn't want me to, he's an actor after all.

What a lineup I've fostered: my best friend the camp, funny, reliable fox; the crazy, sexy, fun husky I hooked up with on a night out; the great-kissing mystery otter I can't read or make heads or tails of.

It's too much for one dumb wolf.

I need to stop this complete passiveness in its tracks before all my options turn into none.

We keep drinking, chatting. The otter finally loosens up. He throws a few flirtatious remarks my way and I do my best to keep up. It's not too difficult; he's charming and gorgeous.

It occurs to me that ending up with a head splitting hangover isn't the best idea during a working week. I think I tell him that. He offers to go out and smoke instead and he isn't talking tobacco.

Hell, I'm here now aren't I? I may as well make use out of my time.

I ask where, he says he knows a nice park a few minutes walk away that has plenty of private spaces in it. He says nobody goes there this time of night anyway. I know the place he's talking about.

At some point we've left the bar, and we're walking together. I let him know I'll happily pay for my share. He waves a dismissive paw. I make a mental note to check whether it's him or the alcohol being so generous, I don't want to take advantage of the poor guy. I mean, damn, I've already fucked his crush.

I'm having a fucked up week. My head's spinning but I don't know whether it's due to the drink or the day.

At some point we arrived in the park, at some other point we started kissing. Right now I'm in paradise.

It ends, it always does. I'm hard, he notices and feels me through my pants. We're in public. We're lucid enough not to go further.

We light up, smoke, start drifting.

The world stops spinning. Now I'm on a different kind of high.

"You ever wonder what it all really means?" He asks.

It's so pointlessly existential and cliché I turn and look at him to check if he's serious. He starts laughing and so do I.

We're floating in the air, holding hands, eyes lazily studying each other's body.

"You ever wonder what love really means?" He asks. This time his voice is low, the words slow spoken. I try to catch his attention. He stares at my tail.

"All the time."

He looks up and we search each other's eyes. Marty's are glistening as if he's about to break into tears, but he holds strong.

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him close to my chest. He hugs me back and sniffles into my shirt.

"This might sound crazy," he says. "I barely know you, of course it sounds crazy, but... Well fuck, no point keeping it in now I've brought it up."

"What is it?" I ask softly, whispering straight into his ear.

"I think I love you."

There's a beat.

We're kissing before I can process the information.


Soon enough I'm wandering through paradise. Soon enough it strikes me that he doesn't sound crazy at all.