Keep Your Word

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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"Get back here!" a guard cried from somewhere behind in the dark streets.

Terry's heart was racing as he ran, small leather pouch clutched in one of his paws. The fennec's tail swished along as he ran, sticking straight out behind him. Only minutes before he'd "accidentally" bumped into some tiger of nobility and "accidentally" wound up with the man's coin purse.

Now he was sprinting headlong through the city streets at night, jumping over barrels and crates while keeping his eyes peeled for a good place to hide. A glance back over his shoulder told him the guard was close enough behind that no normal spot would work, and that would only leave one option.

Terry turned down an alley and sprinted towards the river that ran through the heart of the city. Another turn down a street, and then another. The guard wouldn't be close enough behind to see him dive in, and hopefully the noise of the river would mask his entry.

He broke free from the row of houses and shops, glancing side to side to see if anyone was watching. The coast was clear and he took a deep breath as he ran for the edge of the river. If it was light out, he'd easily be spotted in the cool water, but it was a new moon, and late at night; he'd be hidden beneath the surface.

The Foyada was a beautiful river that ran straight through the heart of Balmora. It had taken nearly a year of hard work and skilled labor, but within the city walls, the Foyada flowed through a stone-crafted canal.

When he was a yard from the edge he leapt up and forward, turning his body down to dive into the water. There was a brief moment of panic as the fennec thought he'd misjudged his leap, but he missed the edge by a fraction of an inch.

Terry broke through the surface of the water and plunged into the freezing water below, breath held. The Foyada had a strong current and the fox didn't bother to fight the pull down stream. He kept himself underwater, as close to the stone bottom as he could. His lungs burned for oxygen even as his body screamed for warmth.

The water was so dark that he couldn't see anything, and his eyes ached from the chill river. There was an uncomfortable tingling sensation in his head and the fox knew he'd reached his limits. Pulling his legs beneath him he pushed off of the bottom and lunged up at the surface.

He took a deep breath and gripped the edge of the stone canal with his free paw, still holding onto his purloined goods with the other. Terry peered over the edge but he didn't see anyone on the street; people tended to stay in their houses this late, and the guards patrolled through the shops and houses rather than near the river.

The fennec dropped the coins onto the ground and used both paws to pull himself up and out of the water, shivering as a cool breeze blew across his soaked fur. He looked around nervously and stripped his shirt off, then pants. He wrung them out, shook himself as best he could, and redressed.

"Need dry clothes or I'm going to freeze my tail off," he thought sullenly, hugging himself close as he walked off towards the line of houses.

His large, white ears swiveled side to side, listening for anyone who might be out this late, or the guard that had been chasing him earlier. There was an inn a few streets over that he could stop at and maybe talk the innkeeper into giving him a spare change of clothes as well.

Eight Plates was a small inn on the outskirts of town with a stable for those traveling with horses. Terry looked around before opening the door and slipping inside. Already he felt warmer than outside, and the innkeeper looked up from behind the bar.

"Fuck," the fennec muttered under his breath when he saw the large, surly-looking wolf behind the bar. "Just had to be Vance, didn't it," he thought.

Vance was one of a few that helped run the inn, and he had known the fennec and his tricks for a few years. The wolf put down the mug he'd been cleaning and leaned forward on the bar, teeth barred. "Don't think I've seen a drowned rat walk in here before," he sneered.

Terry shivered at the words, but walked forward, glancing over at the hearth where a pleasant-looking fire crackled. "I... need a room for the night, Vance. Please?" he asked hopefully, reaching into the pouch and pulling out a couple of coins.

The light from the hearth, and a few candles, seemed to gleam across the wolf's black fur. "Now is that so?" Vance asked, drumming his fingers across the bar's surface. "Looks like you just went for a swim in the Foyada. Now I wonder why you'd have to do something like that."

"I wasn't looking where I was going and I-"

"Cut the shit," Vance growled, cutting the fennec off. "Any time you can pay for something is just proof that your skills as a thief haven't worn off."

The wolf stepped from behind the bar and walked over to stand in front of the smaller fennec. Terry's ears barely made it to the wolf's shoulders. It was an unfair fact of life as far as the fennec was concerned. Terry just barely squeaked over five foot where the wolf could make an argument for seven if his ears perked up.

"Come on, please? I just need a place to stay. I'll pay you extra," the fennec offered, shivering again and digging into his newly acquired purse.

"The guards are probably on their way back already," the wolf said with a wide grin, looking down at the soaked fox. "They stopped by a few minutes ago to see if anyone had stopped in here seeking refuge. I told them no and they said they'd stop back by in a little bit."

Terry's heart sank and his gaze shot back at the door, afraid it might burst open at moment. "Please. Help me, then," he said desperately, looking up at the wolf as another shudder traveled through him that had nothing to do with being cold.

The black wolf was far more intimidating than the fennec could ever hope to be. Taller, muscular, a thick, black braid of hair down his back and several silver studs through his ears. Vance had made quite a living during the construction of the Foyada's canal and occasionally ran errands for the local fighter's guild for extra coin. By comparison, Terry was a third his weight, two feet shorter, and had bright white fur. "Now, why would I risk upsetting the guards by harboring a thief, hmm?"

The fennec chewed on his lip and fidgeted nervously, wanting to bolt away, but there was a good chance he'd get caught the moment he tried to leave the inn. "I'll do anything. Literally anything at all," he said quickly, stepping up and pressing a paw to the wolf's crotch, offering a sheepish smile. "Anything you want. Help me and I'll do whatever you want me to do!"

Vance didn't even flinch as the fennec's paw cupped his sheath through his pants. He just crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at Terry, eyes narrowing suspiciously. "Uh huh. And why would I want to fuck a drowned rat like you?"

Terry couldn't help but wince and he knew that he must look an absolute mess where he was standing. His clothes were plain and clung to his frame, still damp with water. His fur was plastered and matted from his swim to add to his disheveled ensemble. "Come on, Vance. Please? Tonight, tomorrow, the next day... you can use me, abuse me, do whatever you want. Just let me get dry and keep them away, please," he pleaded.

The wolf looked past the fennec at the door to the inn, and then down at the fennec. "Anything I want to do with you, hm?"

"Anything," the fennec assured him.

Vance sighed through his nose and grabbed Terry by one of his upper arms, dragging him back towards the bar. "You'd better not try anything," he said, glancing back over his shoulder at the door.

Terry was ushered back into the kitchen behind the bar where a small fire was going to slowly roast some meat for the following day.

"Wait here," the wolf said, pulling the door shut behind him as he returned back to the inn to wait for the guards.

Terry watched the wolf leave and sighed, visibly relaxing. "Knock over one obstacle and another appears," he muttered, looking around the kitchen. The only way out was back through the door, or up through the chimney where a fire was currently burning. And a window...

Terry hadn't ever noticed it from the outside of the inn, but there was a small slit of a window up in the far corner of the kitchen. He'd have to move over a chair to reach it, and even then he wasn't certain that even he could fit through it with his slim frame, but it was his best chance for getting out.

"Dry off first, then escape," he told himself, stripping off his clothes and sitting down next to the cooking fire.

Half an hour had passed and the fennec had dozed off next to the warm fire. He jerked awake when he heard Vance arguing with one of the presumed guards and telling him off for assuming he'd try and hide anything. The admonished guard apologized meekly and agreed that the wolf wouldn't do anything of the sort.

The fennec's ears twitched as he listened and he scrambled to his feet, grabbing his clothes from where he'd hung them to dry. They were warm and toasty on his now-dry fur, and he considered sticking around to let the wolf have his way just to enjoy the warmth of being inside.

He moved the chair over to the wall and crawled on top of it, pushing open the wood and parchment window. The window opened into an alley behind the inn, near the stable. No one would see him.

Pocketing the coin purse he hauled himself up to the window and wiggled his torso through the opening. It was a tight fit, but he'd be able to squirm through. It was difficult to get through with how high the window was, but just a few more feet and he'd be through.

The fox was almost halfway through when he felt two paws grip both of his ankles and squeeze. Hard. Terry cried out in pain, trying to pull himself through the window, but he couldn't pull away from Vance's grip.

Vance snarled angrily and tugged hard on the fennec's feet. "I said nothing. Funny." Another hard tug dragged Terry back through the window.

The fennec yelped in pain and fear as he suddenly had nothing to hold onto and fell towards the floor. He shielded his face and neck with his arms as he hit the chair and stone floor, laying in a crumpled, painful heap. "Vance. Wait, please, I can explain," he whimpered.

"No no no, no explaining from you," the wolf muttered. A thick paw grabbed the waist of the fennec's shorts and tugged them down and off his body. His shirt was soon to follow and the fennec could hear the fire crackle as his clothes began burning in the small fireplace.

"Vance, wait," he whimpered, clutching his ribs from where he'd fallen. "Please, I just wanted to-"

The wolf didn't listen to anything further. He pulled Terry up from the ground and slung him over his shoulder like a sac of produce. "I don't care what reason you could possibly have. You wanted to trade your body for my protection, and I protected you."

The fennec squirmed and tried to pull himself free, heart rate picking up. "Yeah, course. I will! Now just put me down and I'll do whatever it is you want! really!"

"Nah, we had a chance for this being simple, but you had to try and welch on our deal," Vance growled, pushing open the door to a small bedroom off the main floor. He tossed the fennec unceremoniously at the bed.

Terry bounced on mattress and against the wall next to it, grunting from discomfort. "I'm sorry. I just was afraid that I would still get caught," he said, hoping to calm the wolf.

Vance pulled the door shut and glared across the room at the fox, only a single candle providing light. He pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the side. "Uh huh." The wolf shucked his pants, exposing himself to the frightened fennec.

Terry was no stranger to other males, but Vance was much bigger than he was, not to mention everyone else in the city. The thick, black sheath looked monstrous in the dim light and Terry blushed deep, tailhole aching at the thought of taking that.

The wolf took two steps to reach the bed and grabbed Terry's arm, tugging him back off the mattress and to the floor. "Better slobber over it like a starving man, cause I doubt it'll fit in you when dry," he ordered.

The fennec was kneeling with his back against the bed, face level with the huge sheath and heavy balls. "Horses are smaller," he thought. It was an impressive sight, nonetheless, and he placed one of his small, white paws directly on top of the furry holder, giving it a testing squeeze. Fingers fully extended he still couldn't cover the whole thing.

"I'm only gonna give you a couple minutes," the wolf warned, arms crossed over his chest.

Terry didn't waste another second at that, and pressed his lips to the tip of the musky, black sheath. It was a strong, earthy smell that made his senses tingle with arousal. His tongue lapped eagerly at the wolf's sheath, teasing at the entrance until he managed to push his tongue into the tight furred case.

His taste buds exploded with the wolf's flavor and he curled his tongue against the wolf's flaccid length. Fingers pinched close to the base of the black sheath and began stroking up and down below where Vance's knot would eventually grow. Those two things seemed to do the trick and Terry felt the wolf's shaft pressing out against his tongue and into his muzzle.

He did his best to keep salivating over the red member, lapping along the sides and top as more and more pressed outward. Soon enough, Terry felt the wolf's length pressing the back of his throat, and it was still growing.

Vance's chest rumbled approvingly and he let the fox continue drooling on his shaft before both of his paws gripped onto the white ears, tugging towards his hips.

Terry gagged as the last of the wolf's shaft suddenly forced its way into his throat, cutting off his air and holding him down. He struggled to get free but the wolf's paw held him firm, rocking gently to bump the fox's chin with his heavy balls. "Mmm, if I didn't think my knot would break your jaw, I'd just hold you down until I came," he chuckled, finally releasing the fox's head.

Terry pulled back and gasped for air, head swimming at the sudden rush of blood. Pre and drool trailed from the corners of his muzzle and he was still holding the base of the thick cock. He leaned forward to take it into his muzzle once more but the wolf tugged him back by the ears.

"Nope, you had your chance," Vance said, picking the fox up and turning him over onto his stomach on the mattress.

Terry flailed around as he was treated like a rag-doll once more, pressed into the mattress. "No wait, Vance! Please! That'll break me, you're freaking huge!" Tears were forming at the corners of the fox's eyes from fear and he tried to roll away.

One of Vance's paws pressed down on the fox's back, keeping him in place while the other tugged his tail up and out of the way. "You'll survive. Maybe not in one piece, but that's not my problem," he chuckled darkly.

Terry clawed at the mattress to try and get away, his body tense and rigid. He knew there was no chance he'd get away from the stronger wolf, though. The tip of the wolf's thick cock pressed at his tailhole and he tensed once more before forcing himself to go limp against the bed.

Vance's cock spread him open like a burning lance, pressing in further and further until the hiss hips were flush with the fennec's. Terry had bit down on one of the blankets, crying out in pain as the wolf forced him open. He fought to keep from tensing up and making the pain worse, but it was difficult to keep relaxed.

"Gods, you're tighter than anyone I've taken," the wolf muttered, resting both paws on the mattress on either side of Terry's chest. He tugged his hips backwards, nearly taking the fox with him, and thrust forward.

Terry swore he could see stars in his vision as the thick shaft pressed into him again. He gasped into the blanket and then squeezed his eyes shut, not even hearing the wolf's remark.

Vance had nothing else to say past that at any rate and he jerked his hips back and forth a few times to loosen the fennec up. His teeth grit together as his cock plowed into the small canine beneath him. Terry's passage was squeezing down on him and milking pre from him, lubing the way.

The abrupt pain had subsided and Terry only felt a dull ache beneath his tail as the wolf began working up a hard, deep rhythm. The fennec's prostate had constant pressure and his cock was sliding out of his sheath against the bed despite the pain.

The wolf wanted to fuck the fox beneath him with all his strength, but with how tightly his cock was gripped he couldn't work up much speed. He settled into a hard, deep humping, heavy balls bouncing off the fennec's comparatively miniscule pair. His body hunched over the fennec's, muzzle breathing hotly against one of the large, white ears. Powerful, black hips rolled in circles, pistoning that giant length into the fox's stretched hole.

Terry's cock was grinding against the bed with each of the wolf's thrusts and his breath was staggered and uneven. It still hurt, but there was so much attention to sensitive parts inside that it was past his control.

Vance's knot swelled bit by bit, first popping into the fox's passage, and then just grinding against the outside, trying to force in. The wolf was already as thick as some knots the fennec had accommodated in the past, and Vance's knot was bigger still.

Part of Terry's mind screamed in terror at the thought of taking such a thick bulb of flesh under his tail. He could feel it grind against his abused passage, the sheer weight and size frightening. The other part of the fennec's mind yearned to know just how full he could feel.

The wolf's breath was hot and heavy on the fennec's neck and ears, growling on each exhale. He squeezed himself into the fox's passage again and again, nearly working up a sweat with how difficult it was to thrust into that tight tunnel. His knot was fully engorged and he was determined to force it in his captive.

Terry felt himself stretching as the knot pressed harder at his ring, and the wolf's thrusts rocked the mattress against the wall. Vance was practically falling atop the fox to force himself into the fennec's passage.

The wolf grunted loudly and put all his weight behind one last thrust. His knot ground against the fox's tailhole before finally popping in. The wolf's shaft flexed hard, a torrent of cum gushing out into the fox's passage.

The fennec yelped in pain as he was spread near his limits. Vance's seed felt like fire in his abused passage, yet his own knotted cock throbbed against his stomach, begging for its own release. The wolf's cock throbbed inside him so hard it felt as if the sheer force of that muscle was enough to move him.

Vance leaned against the fox's back and closed his eyes, panting from effort and riding out the afterglow of his climax. Seed was running back out over his and the fennec's balls, forming a small pool on the mattress that would be a bitch to try and mask.

Terry was whimpering into the mattress as he endured the wolf's knot. He rocked his own hips back and forth, dragging his cock against the damp mattress where his cock had been leaking for what felt like an eternity. He hoped to bring himself to an orgasm with the wolf's cock lodged in him, but he tingled on the precipice for a couple minutes before finally giving up with a frustrated whine.

Vance pushed himself up off the fox's back and reached down between them. "Alright, fox. I think you're more than ready for what's next," he muttered.

Terry's body tensed at those words and he looked back over his shoulder. "Wh-what? You want to go again already?"

"Hey, you said you were mine to do whatever I wanted with," he growled. "But no. Not me,' he muttered. One of his fingers pressed up next to his knot and forced the fox's hole open wider before Vance suddenly tugged the thick bulb of flesh out.

Terry cried out in pain and curled in against himself, tears running down his matted cheeks. Once more he felt large paws grabbing him by his legs and arms. He was hoisted back onto the wolf's shoulder and carried back out of the room.

He was too exhausted to pay much attention to where they were going until an exterior door was opened and the cool night air blew against his fur. Cum had been leaking from his passage and it felt cold with the breeze. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asked nervously.

"Got a friend who could use some love, too," the wolf chuckled, turning the fox over and dropping him on top of a bale of hay.

Terry's arms gripped the square bale, holding onto it for support as his legs wobbled to keep him standing against it. "Outside?" he asked, confused.

"Mhm. Don't worry, it's usually a pretty quick ride," Vance chuckled ryely.

The fennec's brow furrowed in confusion until he felt a hot exhalation of breath against his leaking hole and a snort of an equine behind him. Everything clicked into place and the fennec tried to bolt upright to get away but one of the wolf's arms held him down against the hay.

"Now now, no getting free. Poor guy needs some love, too," he said, pulling the fennec's tail to the side. "If it makes you feel better, I think he's not as thick as me," he joked.

Miko was the innkeeper's pet donkey that he often kept stabled at the Eight Plates. Terry had spent time just petting the beast's fuzzy ears and neck whenever he had nothing better to do.

"Vance," the fennec pleaded, panic starting to set in. He felt the donkey's upper lip extend out, testing the fox's loose hole and tasting the wolf's seed there. Miko let out a soft bray of intrigue and shuffled around behind the fennec.

The wolf held the fox in place and gave Terry's ass a heavy swat to encourage the donkey. "Hup!"

Miko reared up and his hooves rest on the hay next to the fennec's small form. His equine cock pressed up between the fennec's cheeks and slip up between them, against his spine, little droplets of pre left behind.

Vance intervened and reached between to grip the beast's cock, guiding it down as Miko thrust again. The blunt head pressed to Terry's passage and slid in with ease.

Terry sucked in a breath as the donkey's cock pressed deep into him. He was mercifully thinner than Vance had been, but he could still feel the thick vein along the underside of the donkey's cock, and the medial ring as it popped through his hole. The donkey was longer, too, plowing him a bit deeper than he'd taken before.

Compared to how thick Vance had been, and how rough, the donkey's quick jabs were much easier to take. Terry felt his cock swelling again as his prostate was assaulted again that night. His paws dug into the hay for support and as a distraction as the donkey grunted and whickered against his back.

The equine length dragged back and forth, sinking in deeper and deeper until the heavy balls smacked against Terry's pair a few times. The head of Miko's shaft was flaring wide, deep within the fennec's tunnel. It dragged along his walls and pressed in further before the whole length throbbed and began dumping a pent up load of equine seed into the fennec's abused hole.

Terry's body quavered and he whimpered pitifully, legs threatening to give out any second. Vance was right about the quick ride, though. A minute or two of the donkey plowing him was all that was needed from the beast and the donkey shuffled backwards, dragging that flared head from his pucker with a wet slop. A river of cum poured from his passage, leaving a puddle on the ground beneath.

Vance whistled, looking down at the mess that he and the donkey had contributed to. "Damn, look at that. Think he left a bigger mess than I did." The wolf's eyes traveled over the fennec's broken body, spotting the hard, knotted length between Terry's legs.

Terry was about to fall to the floor when he was suddenly pulled upright, back to the wolf's chest. His paws gripped Vance's arm for support and he whined tiredly. Before he could question anything, the wolf's other paw clamped down on his forgotten knot and squeezed hard.

That had been all the fox needed for his release. Cock angled down to the floor, cum splashed down on the ground, leaving a pool of the fox's cum next to what had leaked from his tail.

Terry'd body shook and he cried from pleasure as the wolf's paw milked his cock. It was too much; he was too exhausted. The fox simply slumped against the wolf and succumbed to sleep.

Terry's eyes opened to a dimly lit room, different than he'd been in the previous night. His body ached and he could feel the fur on his legs and thighs matted from cum. With a groan he sat up and looked around. It looked like someone's personal bedroom, but he wasn't certain where he was.

When he tried to roll to the edge of the bed something caught at his wrist. A metal manacle was locked over his wrist and attached to the frame of the bed, keeping him locked in place. "Vance," the fox grumbled.

The door to the bedroom opened and light spilled into the bedroom as the large wolf walked in, chuckling. "Ah, see you're awake. I hope you don't mind the extra precaution. Didn't want you to go against our deal," he said.

Terry sighed and tugged at the manacle, resigned to his fate. "Whatever. I only said "today, tomorrow, the next day" you know," he argued.

Vance shrugged and crossed his arms across his chest. "Guess you have two more days with me, then."

The fennec glared at the wolf, but was too tired to keep it up long. "Wait," he said, looking around the room and frowning. "Where's my coin purse?"

The wolf laughed and shook his head. "Dunno. You only bribed me to look after you," he said, closing the door as he left the room.