"The Real Deal" - Chapter 8

Story by rhenthar on SoFurry

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"The Real Deal"

(C) 2017 Sinclair Diavante

Chapter 8.

Sliding movement was headed towards him rapidly, he had been struggling, there was sudden motion, and the rising pitch of ambient wet noises, he was gaining consciousness, cognizant of a clear and present danger, hazards to his life.

Thrust into the present with awareness and panic...

Tight, urgent pressure had a hold of his dick, his eyes quickly darted around, taking in his surroundings. Seeing almost nothing of relevance.

Green mist, everywhere, from water, too thick to breathe normally, it matted his fur, coated his nasal passages, clung to him everywhere, forming beads he could taste, strangely sweet. Shifting, pale lights pulsed above, while a hissing form rose up in front of his muzzle, sounding all the world like an over-sized rattlesnake, preparing to strike. The most realistic nightmare he'd ever had.

Adrenaline flooded into his blood, his kidneys actually hurt from the glands impacting so hard, squeezing as much epinephrine as they could. His bowels would turn watery any moment from that, Tony knew, and that lone aspect made all of this... entirely real.

Decide, and do something!

Dark forms raced towards him, they'd be right on him in mere seconds. No time to worry about taking a shit...

"What, the fuck!" Tony shouted into the depths of the darkness, his panicked voice echoing strangely. His attention turned.

Tried to stare down at what held him, looking close, and then too close, more than what should of been necessary, what was wrong with his eyes? His night vision, it was crippled from this weird light, it was as if he'd been blinded by sudden brightness, and now the darkness at the center of his vision was all he could see.

The last thing he remembered was cumming, next to Mist's pool. Hold on to that thought, he had said. How long ago was that? Another two months?

He was on all fours, he struggled to grab at what was... devouring him, between his legs, his left paw coming up against its surface, contacting, feeling a sort of... mouth, moving rapidly, on the end of a... vine, it was warm, maybe a tentacle, about as thick as his wrist.

It was trying to eat him, this thing was about to bite off his dick!

"Holy shit..." the words tumbled from his mouth.

Panic, his kidneys, oh, the pain... adrenaline overload... he'd puke any moment from it, but his body had begun to sing from the first surge, now it screamed, responding with fierce, deadly reactions. His lips pulled away from his fangs as though they would never return to normal.

It... lead to him from somewhere to his left, ahead of him, floating a dozen centimeters off the dirt-covered ground, dirt that was sticky and warm under his pawpads, and the sense of wrongness only intensified with that dawning realization.

So it was an arm, from a monster. On some crazy-assed alien planet.

His intact claws were sharp, and he drove them into it, squeezing tight to get a good grip, and pull, he pulled as hard as he fucking could. The surface held for a moment, then slowly peeled away, sliced clean off. What was under slid beneath his paw, slick as wet ice.

"Get... the, fu- ungh! Off me!" he shouted, grunting from the strain. Fear whispered in the back of his mind, you'll tear your fucking dick off, you idiot... and the pain in his own flesh confirmed that logic.

It was folded around his sheath, so tight behind his knot, it actually hurt, it was causing him to get an erection, and the idea of his sensitive shaft sticking anywhere inside this thing's dirty throat was horrid. It surely had to have teeth, he knew it had teeth, razor sharp teeth that would bite down any moment.

He strained to pierce it again, not making much penetration past the surface, his claws only scratching through into a harder layer underneath, shredding some sort of hide which immediately began leaking fluid, it was bleeding! He went to grab further up and noticed something on his wrists, metallic bands connected to steel cables, locked to a harness on his torso, severely limiting his reach. His arm strained against it for a moment, but the cable held, it was strong. He wanted to use both of his paws, but one had to hold him up. He couldn't yet stand up, that was a complicated process which needed forward motion, a shift of his center of gravity, spreading his hindpaws further apart, too much, he had no time!


What had been approaching him was now holding only centimeters from his muzzle, probably staring right at him, into his eyes. He couldn't see it, but he could tell because of how all the ambient sounds in front of him became almost mute.

"What the fuck are you?"

He didn't wait for any response, he fisted his paw and punched at what had him, as hard as he could. Adrenaline caused his muscles to overreact, they were on a hair trigger now, his blow missed entirely, the cable catching his wrist with a rebound, and he fell helplessly onto his side, snarling in violent frustration.

He had to struggle to get back up, but the thing was pushing down on him now, he couldn't... roll over, couldn't get his paws back under him. He was like a turtle on his back.

His fist came as far away as the cable allowed, and this time connected with the strange arm with savage force, hard enough to make the base of his dick sting, the thing actually rang, vibrating like some big bell, or a long bar of steel, vacillations that wounded, maybe it contracted tighter. The red haze filling his vision conflicted with all the green, making everything around him even darker.

Tony abruptly let out a long hiss, his body tensing up involuntarily with an immense gasp for breath.

It had began sucking on his dick, applying strong enough suction to force his sheath all the way back, he felt himself enter the thing's warm interior completely, with powerful vacuum that made him painfully erect, even his knot swelled up to the point of bursting. It didn't feel good, there was only pain and his fear. Both of his paws held on to it, his body trying to curl fetal around it, just let go... what's it doing? It's making sure it has his whole dick, before cutting it off, that's what.

Slick, rotating... grinding motion against his shaft, behind it, twisting, tightening, his breaths yanked out of him from pleasure so intense, so over the top, his body rippled and seized all over. It was no mouth, the thing was raping his dick and he was only seconds from cumming.

His back arched, he curled forward against the reflex, both cables pulled tight as he tried to reach the base of it, the opening, maybe to get his fingers under it, it was squirming and moving, the thing was full of tongues and suction and slime.

He grunted, heaved, and came.

Came as hard as he could, as hard as he ever had in all of his life, because it didn't let up.

He cried out, screaming into the darkness, paws desperately scrabbling at the surface of the thing, some of it already ruined, but now more, leaking hot blood into his fur. Squeezing it tight, trying to pull. Trying as hard as he could.

Because something just slid into him, into him , into his dick! His urethra, further, and further it went, burning, grinding, twisting, he was still cumming, the thing was moving under his paws and his screams reduced to whimpers, maybe it was doing this because he was touching it. He let go, and his body shuddered, his paws grabbed it again, because it didn't stop.

It was in him all the way, he felt it enter his bladder, pulsing spasms of pain and worse, he was pissing himself, urinating into it, surely bleeding, too. Raw, sharp pains in his urethra, it was too big to be inside, the thing was killing him.

He remembered his teeth.

His beautiful white, sharp, murderous weapons that millenia of breeding Rhenthar had served only to reduce the instincts promoting their use, but remain intact, they always did.

Canines went with the canine species, as inseparable as water being wet, frustrating genetic engineers time and again, for no Rhenthar had ever been viable, brought successfully to term, without his teeth.

Nature simply wouldn't permit it.

His body hugged the thing and his sank deeply, all the way, into a mass of alien warmth, its blood tasting sweet on his tongue, he ground them forward and bit even deeper, trying to get his scissoring rear teeth into play, he'd bite this fucking thing in half...

Sharp movements rubbed past his lips, tickling the roof of his muzzle, sliding over his tongue, with a sudden sharp pain against his chin.

Abruptly, his jaws were forced open, far enough that they creaked, threatening to break. His hollow, wide-mouthed whines filled the odd silence, again, and again. It had wrapped smaller appendages around his jaws, and the strength by which they applied effort was machine-like, both in speed and pressure.

His paws were useless, bound by the short cables leading to his harness. He strained against them in futility, far too short to reach. He gave up quickly, but it was not his last attempt or need to reach his muzzle.

No, not his last at all.

The monster had a special little arm, one that was apparently drawn to the helpless noises he was making, his requests for mercy, his pleading.

He was still cumming.

It slowly ran over his tongue, which had grown rather numb, along with the rest of his mouth. He felt it anyways, pushing against the sides of his lips, then curving deeper into the back of his throat, into an area where nothing should ever navigate.

He gagged and panicked, heaving and pulling at the cables. He tried to roll over, the thing resisting all his attempts with a firm hold of his dick. His voice joined the pressure his stomach sent up, but that cut short, and he only strained in silence. It was in his throat, in his stomach, and the dull pain building all within it, that spoke much of its size and purpose.

His stomach suddenly ran cold, as if filled with ice water. Metallic scraping sounds echoed around him, a door nearby had opened.

"I don't care!" Mist shouted. "What the fuck is it doing to him? Get him out of there, now!"

Pressure, at his back, the harness, pulling... pulling... pain in his dick, and throat... he could barely breathe, and then he couldn't take a breath at all.

A wet mass of bleach-white bones, a whole skeleton, tumbled to the dirt on his left, fluorescing white in the strange light, furthering his panic and fear.

Huge dark lips from a mouth large enough to swallow him whole quivered and pulsed right next to him, it kissed the air, puckered at his fur, and its tongue slid over his nose, over his eyes, he couldn't see...

The pressure on his torso increased, further and further, burning pain in his shoulders, something was going to break, his throat, his dick, or him.

He blacked out.