A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 16

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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Sunlight wasn't the only thing to wake me up the following morning. There was also the gentle rustling of covers, soft panting in my ear, rich mixture of my own musk as well as Harley's tickling at my nose. Quickly I became aware of how my boxers had been tugged halfway down my legs, and of the paw stroking and squeezing my hard length from behind - as well as the similar stiffness repeatedly grinding under my tail.

I don't think he knew I'd awoken, though, until I rolled over, touched my nose to his, and then closed my paw around the middle of his cock. A bit of slick pre had rolled down from the end and followed along the rim of his foreskin, spreading out with every slow tug down and then roll back up. Very quickly, his breathing picked up that needy raspiness that I'm sure my own had last time we did something like this.

"Hey, you," he purred, with a little buck forward. Each stroke, every movement of my paw to slide his slick skin over his head again, brought another wave of his sharp scent up to my nose... that in itself would have been enough to get me hard and humping. "Did you sleep okay?"

I had to swallow down the gross stickiness of sleep before I could reply. Hopefully he couldn't smell the morning too strongly on my breath, but... just in case, I already had a good idea of how to fix that. "Yeah. I did... you?"

"Yeah." In rhythm with my slow stroking, he churned his hips into my paw. God, I - I could remember how those hips had felt doing the same thing to my rump, his shaft buried deep under my tail until I could feel each powerful throb of his orgasm. Of course that was something I wanted to feel again. "Had a dream about you, Danny."

"Oh yeah? What was I - what was I doing?"

"Something a lot like this."

"You know..." With my other paw, I pushed the coyote onto his back and then started to get over him. His paw fell away from my cock twitching between my legs, just as the blankets slid down off my shoulders and caught on my tail. "Early on, I had a pretty damn nice dream about you..." ...or maybe that had been the in-the-bathroom fantasy. It had started to all blend together now that things were really picking up between us.

He folded both of his paws behind his head and looked down at me, bright green eyes catching the light from the window. "And what was I doing?"

"Something like this. Except - you were standing up, I think. And I..."

Here I continued down his body, scooting back with my knees against the mattress and running my claws down through the short, warm fur of his chest, his belly, his thighs. His scent strengthened in my nose and seemed to swirl around in the air, tempting me to take a deeper breath, hold it, and then let it out over his fur and his skin slick with oozing pre-

"...was doing this..."

Then, one long lick from the base of his shaft to the tip, end of my tongue flicking over that slightly-ridged rim and lapping off the salty stickiness. Rumble-growl of pleasure from the coyote above me, another churn of his hips, a paw that briefly settled on the back of my head - and I took his twitching shaft in my own and kept it tilted towards my muzzle, so I could continue to drag my tongue around and around the rim of his head.

Can't believe it took this long for me to do this. There was a bit of an edge to his musk, something that bit at my nose and rolled down the back of my throat, but - it wasn't entirely unpleasant, wasn't enough to make me move back or stop. I'd get used to it, and before too long, it'd probably turn out like William's scent, where a single taste of it would be enough to get me to drop to my knees ready to go, literally in some cases.

From there we both went into a slow rhythm, me diving down along his length with fingers tight before my lips, and him steadily lifting up into my muzzle every time. I could feel each throb on my tongue, every little twitch against my lips as well as hump upwards - and if I wasn't keeping myself up with my other arm, there'd be nothing stopping me from reaching down to paw myself off at the same time. Couldn't remember the last time I'd been so turned on when sucking someone off.

Harley writhed beneath me, his fingers tightening behind my ear a little. Part of me wanted to continue bobbing along his length, another part wanted to move back and swirl my tongue around under his slick skin, and I couldn't decide which to do - so I just did both, slowing my pace to do so. In response, the coyote squirmed again and breathed out another shivering moan.

"Aah, Danny..." He swallowed, and spread his legs further apart. At the same time, I adjusted my position so that I actually could close my other paw around my own length, hard and dripping with eager arousal. "I've been needing this..."

Really felt like he had. No way to tell how long he'd been rubbing at and grinding into my before I woke up, but the tension of an approaching orgasm some distance off could easily be felt in the muscles of his thighs and lower belly whenever I reached up for balance. When I moved back again so that only his head remained between my lips (my God, I could feel his foreskin roll forward and back, forward and back against the roof of my mouth with every bob), his other paw came to hold my chin there, and-

-and he started to thrust up into my muzzle, holding me in place as he did so. This way I could squeeze and massage his sack between his legs while continuing to stroke myself. At this point, I couldn't really tell if it was his pre, my own, or my saliva that stuck to my fingerpads and soaked into my fur. Not like it really mattered, though. In moments like this, all you could really think about was the noises and movements from your partner, their warmth on your lips and their taste on your tongue - as well as your own pleasure rippling through your own body, that kind of heated electricity that just makes your tail flick and your heart pound... an extension of the blossoming warmth I'd felt squeezing Harley close to me last night, with my muzzle on his shoulder and his arms around my back.

So I kept my lips tight and tongue cupped as he repeatedly thrust into my muzzle, a little bit faster and a little bit deeper each time. Another part of me wanted to hold him down by his shoulders, sink back onto him, and ride him until we both finished, but - this was perfectly good, too. Because of his cock repeatedly pushing into the back of my throat, I couldn't steadily breathe, but when I could... when I could, it was always another whiff of that same musk, sharper with the closeness and now spiced with sweat and impending climax.

His breathing had continued to pick up, he braced his ankles against the mattress and lifted his hips up again and again hard enough that the bed squeaked and shook every time he came back down, his ears flattened and his lips curled back to show gritted teeth between which his panting moans hissed. During all of this, I sped up my own pawing, fast and hard now that he'd gotten so close - there was nothing worse than finishing before your partner, and then losing all drive and energy to go on...

"Ah- Daniel-"

Both paws on the back of my head tugging me down, forcing my nose into the slightly-bushier pubic fur heavily laden with that scent, and - the spurts I could feel more than taste. Throb, throb, throb between my lips and on my tongue, with accompanying salty-sweet warmth splashing against the back of my throat for me to swallow down. Even after the first few powerful spurts had finished, he still held me down there between his legs - and then when those paws fell away did I _still_stay there, squeezing my tongue against his underside in an attempt to get out everything he had to give.

Strong taste, strong scent, intense warmth in my muzzle and against the back of my throat... it didn't take much longer for me to reach my own peak, to be emptied out between the coyote's legs (and I think against his sack, oops) with a sharp intake of breath and then a series of short, shuddering moans, his shaft still between my lips. Only afterwards did I come up, legs shaking a little from the pleasure, and wipe the back of my paw across my mouth. His musk had that characteristic sharpness to it that let me know I'd still be able to taste it for a while afterwards.

William's was also like that. He'd sometimes call me dickbreath.

Harley didn't seem to mind, though. After peering through exhausted, half-lidded eyes for a moment, he reached up, grabbed my upper arms, and pulled me down on top of him for a rather deep kiss, his tongue sliding in around mine and curling against the roof my mouth and the back of my lip, his sharp teeth scraping gently along when he moved back out of it.

Then, suddenly, he grinned. "I'm hungry. Make me breakfast?"

"You're so needy." Another set of kisses - two to his lips, one to his nose. The clock on my nightstand read, in bright red numbers, 10:17 AM. Not too bad; Mom would have left for work about three hours ago. "You should know, the last time I tried to make hot chocolate in the microwave, I accidentally started a fire."

"Yikes. I guess I'll be down with you in a moment... once you, um..." Harley ran his paws down to my lower back, forcing me to grind down against him. Warm, slick wetness- "Once you get off me."

I returned his grin. "I already got you off."

"Oh, come on, Danny. That was a stretch and you know it."

~ ~ ~

Luckily by the time we got a ride worked out and arrived at the nearest theater, this time from another one of my friends instead of the usual Alex, about twenty minutes remained until the movie began. That would be just enough time to wait in line to purchase the tickets and then find a good seat inside, bypassing the concession stand. We had, after all, swiped some candy from the top-of-the-shelf stash that Mom kept in the kitchen. A wicked sweet tooth was something that ran in the family.

As it would turn out, though, time wasn't really an issue... apparently seeing a movie in the middle of the day on a Friday wasn't something that people really did. The theater didn't fill up much more after we arrived, and we were able to grab a seat as close to the center as we could figure out. Big, soft chairs, footrests you could swing out with the push of a button, armrests that you could lift up and push back so you can rest your head on your date's shoulder... so of course we spent the duration of the movie, from when the lights first started to dim to when the credits began rolling, with our paws intertwined and legs pressed together. Except, of course, for one moment when Harley sneezed and then had to wipe that paw off on the seat cushion.

Such a strange thing, how that one little word - boyfriend - seemed to change so much. That was something that would stay in my memory, and that would come up whenever recalling good times with this coyote: one time we went to see a movie, and during quite a serious and silent scene, Harley sneezed into his paw... then looked down at it, grimaced, and wiped it off on the seat between his legs, all the while I was struggling to keep myself from laughing out loud...

...and speaking of boyfriends: after scrambling some eggs and whipping up some grilled cheese sandwiches, not without Harley's help, I'd gotten my phone out to ask for a ride - and then saw that I had an unread message from William. Just like so many times in the past, I almost swiped it away and ignored it until later, but there was just something about it, something about everything that had happened this past week... it was Friday. We'd broken up exactly one week ago.

And already I'd gotten myself in another relationship. Quite simply, the text read:

Hey, daniel. We need to talk. Text me when you can, please

Naturally, I took when you can to mean when convenient, so it was after reading it that I swiped it away for later. The movie kept it off my mind, but as soon as I slipped my paw into my pocket afterwards to check the time and any messages or calls I might have missed, it came right back into the foreground of my thoughts. It would probably be something I'd have to devote a good bit of my attention to, so I wouldn't really get a chance while Harley was still with me... we walked out of the theater still hand-in-hand, tails brushing against one another, strides almost matched.

You know, throughout middle and high school, I'd always heard and read these stories of near-constant bullying of gay couples out in public, of all of this hatred and distaste... but I myself had never really encountered any of that. Whether we were just lucky, or if that was a sign that things in the world had started to change, I don't know, but-

"Oh my God. No way. Danny!"

Ears perked, train of thought suddenly derailed - and I glanced around the crowds of people milling about, trying to find the source of the voice. Was that Zoey? Harley had noticed, too, and had slowed to a stop alongside me. "Someone calling for you?" he murmured, and then-

That sleek black-furred feline wove her way through the flowing crowd in front of us, eyes and smile bright and triangular ears perked. "Hey! Imagine running into you here!" -and she held her arms out.

When I released Harley's paw and drew her into a hug, her faint aroma of floral soap and shampoo above the distant bite of her father's cigarette smoke tickled at my nose. Soft electric jolt of old memories shot through my body - and then was gone, and she took a step back and grinned at me. Those hazel eyes of hers, one with an odd fleck of darker brown near the edge of the iris, looked past me towards the coyote.

Towards _my_coyote. "So, you gonna introduce me? This is Harley?"

"Oh!" I could feel my tail wagging behind me, and I held a paw out for him to come forward. He looked between the two of us, a soft smile lifting the corners of his lips; his tail swayed behind him, and his whiskers and ears remained upright without being perked. "Yeah. Um - this is Harley. Harley? This is Zoey, a friend of mine. I don't know if I've ever mentioned her to you..."

"Good to meet you!" He extended a paw, and she took and shook it. "Always happy to get to know someone who's friends with my boyfriend."

Boyfriend. Another warm flutter across my chest. Beside him, I intertwined my fingers again with Harley's, and squeezed. And - Zoey's ears flicked at that word, too, and she gave me a little look before refocusing her gaze on him.

"Boyfriend, huh? Daniel, you didn't tell me!" She reached out and punched my arm.

"Ow - hey, it happened literally, like, eighteen hours ago, okay?"

"Eighteen hours... that'd be... two, one, twelve, eleven..." Then, her eyes lit up a little bit more. She still held my paw in one of hers, and never released Harley's from her other. "Daniel... Harley! You didn't stay the night, did you?"

He gave her one of those bright, toothy grins, the kind that that had first caught my attention in history class the Monday before this past one. "Well..."

Zoey leaned in closer, her long tail swishing behind her. She didn't seem to care that it consistently smacked against some older ferret's leg, enough that he shot her a glare and took a few steps out of her range. "Not like it'd be the first time, huh? Oh - don't give me that look, Harley. Daniel came to me for advice through all of this. I think you can thank me for this next step in your relationship. Though, following the standard sequence of things, I guess this would be... what, three steps back? Usually it's holding hands, kiss, official relationship, hand action, mouth action, full-on action. Right?"

The coyote turned to me, though no disappointment shone in his eyes. Actually, there was only enjoyment; genuine warm happiness. "You didn't, Danny! I thought I could _trust_you!" Little pink tongue sticking out at me, with him trying not to fall into laughter.

"Well, she's right - I _did_ask you to be my boyfriend, didn't I? She's the one that pushed me towards that."

"Sure." Harley released both of our paws and crossed his arms in front of his chest, tail still wagging behind him. "About twenty seconds before I was going to."

Zoey laughed. "Aww. You two are so cute. Hey, let's get out of here - I dunno about you guys, but I don't exactly cherish the thought of staying in a crowded place for too long, especially this close to the bathrooms..."

This theater stood at the edge of an outdoor mall of sorts, with a wide walk leading around the side toward a shopping center. Mom and I used to come here more often when I was younger, and we'd follow the same path that we always took: enter the front of the bookstore, leave through the side entrance; cross the path to the video game store; leave through the back entrance, cross the path again to the food court... with the years, this place had just gotten smaller and smaller. When you're a kid, there's that glimmering air of adventure over everything, but you don't realize it's there until after it's gone.

"So." The pantheress kept stride beside us once we'd wandered a bit of ways down that path, paws in her pockets. Today she wore slim jeans like usual, and a band t-shirt that she'd had for as long as I can remember. "You two look like you're doing okay. Harley - I don't mean to be creepy or anything, but I think I've seen you on campus a few times. For a while there you looked like you weren't doing great. Everything okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Hanging out with Danny helps a lot, I think. It's been, ah... a rough week. But I'm doing okay."

"Yeah." She looked forward again, eyes following a bright red bird that had perched atop one of the buildings. It preened itself for a moment, then tilted its head, looked right back at the panther for a moment, and fluttered away. "He _does_have that effect on people sometimes. Well - Danny usually comes to me whenever he's having trouble with something, or someone. So I wanna extend that to you, too."

Harley rolled his fingers on the back of my paw, ours still intertwined. For the five years William and I (still gotta respond to that text) had been together, we actually hardly ever went anywhere, especially recently. Most of the time we spent hanging out together was just at my house, lounging on the couch in front of the TV, or with me on my bed while he played a game on my computer. Rarely we'd tag along with one of our friends for something else; I didn't really get along with his friends, and he didn't really get along with mine. "Yeah?"

"Definitely. I try to get to know all of Danny's boyfriends as well as I know him."

The coyote's ears perked, and he shot a sly grin at me. "All of them? How many have you had?"

Zoey was just teasing me. She was good at that. "Not counting the one I told you about over the phone that one night... two. And you're the second."

The panther leaned forward around Harley, grinning at me. "And..."

"Oh my God. And _one_girlfriend."

"Oh?" His ears perked again, and he gave my paw a squeeze. "You didn't mention that one to me."

"It's not really an interesting story-"

"I thought it was." Zoey rested a paw on her chest, tail arched behind her. Honestly, I wasn't too sure where we were going right now: we just passed on by all of these shops, not even stopping to look. I don't think any of us brought enough spending money to get anything, even if we were to pass through one of them. "But, hey, you do you."

The coyote leaned in close, then, close enough that his warm breath tickled the fur on the inside of my ear. "I won't make you tell me if you don't want to," he murmured, voice smooth and even. I could still hear that voice as it had said did you sleep okay? earlier today, just when I was stirring and unconsciously pressing back against him- "I know what that feels like. Besides, there's nothing more annoying than poking your nose into business that isn't yours, right? I-"

But we had to stumble to a stop, then, as Zoey had come around and stuck her head forward to try to listen in. When Harley stopped talking and we both looked at her, she grinned even more brightly than before.

"What are you guys talking about here? ...Oh, come on. That's a joke." She pointed a finger at the ears atop her head. "I'm a goddamn cat. You're gonna have to speak softer than that if you don't want me to hear. And, hey - I'm parked right at the end of this run here; you two have a ride home? Danny's place, I take it?"

"Oh! It'd be great if you could drive us. That okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure, sure." She dug around in her pocket for her keys. Zoey had never really been the type to carry a purse. "Hey, could I stay at your place for a little bit and hang out? That_okay with _you? Or-" And she turned around again, giving Harley an appraising look with one eyebrow raised. "-you two boys wanna spend some more time alone?"

"Harley? What do _you_think?" I brushed my tail against his as we walked, keeping an eye on his muzzle. It was hard to tell, but - maybe he was getting his fill of social interaction for the day: his smile had faded somewhat and his ears and whiskers hung down a little, and when he did respond, his voice had lost some of its bright edge.

But, still - he brought that smile back for me, and there was genuine interest in his words. "Oh, yeah, sure. She seems nice enough."

"Hah. Nice enough." Zoey jangled the keys as she tugged them out of her pocket and started fingering through them. "You don't know the half of me, 'yote. I won't stay in your hair for long, don't worry."

The ride back home was fairly quiet, with Zoey unable to keep the radio on any one station for the duration of entire song - "they call this 'metal', what the flying fuck is this shit? Maybe if you're in seventh grade, sure... and, seriously? I've heard THIS one four times today already" - and Harley in the passenger seat, me in the back behind him. At one point I reached forward and rested my paw on his shoulder, squeezing gently through the fabric of his shirt; he half-turned his muzzle towards my direction, and then brought his paw up to rest atop mine.

Mom's car sat in the driveway once we pulled up out front, which Zoey noticed - her ears flicked - but didn't mention. However, once we'd made our way to the front door and then opened it-

"Mom!" The pantheress could be quite loud when she wanted to. A second later, there was the sound of soft footsteps coming down the hall. "I'm home!"

We used to hang out a lot more often than we currently do, and during that time my mom had jokingly told Zoey - you're here about as often as Danny is, and I don't let him call me Mrs. Lane. So, of course, she picked up on calling her Mom, just like me.

Mom's face lit up once she made her way down the hall, and she drew the panther into a brief hug. "Zoey! Hey! Wasn't sure when I was going to see you again - Daniel doesn't tell me anything. It's been a while!"

"It has! How have you been? I've been meaning to stop by for a while, but just never found the time - and I ran into these two at the movies today, so I just figured, might as well, y'know? Unfortunately, I can't stay for long; I've got some other errands to run..."

As the two of them spoke, Harley and I kicked off our shoes and started to make our way down the hall towards my room. Before we got there, though, I took both of his paws in mine and turned him to me, taking a moment to look into his eyes in the shadowed hallway. His tail flicked around behind him and swished softly against the wall.

"Harley... are you feeling okay? You looked like something was-"

But, he didn't let me finish. Before I knew what was going on, his paws had released mine and then made their way up to my shoulders to push me back against the wall - and then suddenly he was pressing his mouth firmly against mine, tongue flitting and working just as it had earlier this morning. Those paws, those firm fingers and blunted claws, came down my shoulders to my sides and then my hips, holding me in place while he pressed himself forward against me - and yet again I could feel firm, sweet warmth between his legs, twitching gently, throbbing with his grinding-

He broke the kiss, brought his muzzle up towards my ear, and licked his lips and swallowed. "I'd like to stay another night, if that's okay with you."

What did he expect? All I could do was let my breath out in a gentle shuddering exhalation, and nod. "Yeah. Yeah, that - that sounds good."

Then, from the other end of the hall, Zoey's voice - "Danny, I'm getting on my way. We'll actually hang out sometime soon, okay? Good to meet you, Harley! I'll catch you later!"

The coyote looked back to me, paws still on my hips. His fingers had started to tease their way up underneath the hem of my shirt, and the tip of his tail curled around my ankle. "Danny, if your mom weren't here..."

"You sure you're feeling alright? I don't think - that-"

"Yeah, definitely. It's just, that..." Here, he lowered his gaze, and his grip on my hips lightened. "I haven't exactly been close to someone in three years. I mean, yeah, there was Julia, but that wasn't really... you know? So, I think..." Another swallow. "I've just been a little starved for affection, and just didn't know it. Earlier this morning, and cuddling with you last night... felt _really_good. And, um... and I want more of that."

Thump, thump, thump - my tail against the wall. Hopefully Mom wouldn't hear that and mistake it for something else.

"You like cats, don't you?"

"Um - who told you that?"

Thankfully, his bright grin came back, and then he released me from the wall. "'Cause I'm gonna be a like kitten whenever I see you for a while. Okay?"

My worries went forgotten for most of the rest of the day, during which we sat down in the living room watching TV while talking with Mom in the kitchen as she got dinner started. She asked what we saw, how we liked it, what our plans were for the rest of the weekend... and that was when I took my phone out of my pocket to check if I'd missed anything. You have 1 unread message from Zoey.

He really makes you happy, doesn't he? ^^

That was an easy response. William's text didn't even re-enter my mind until a bit afterwards.

"Yeah. He really does."