The Pornstar's Son: 03 - Eye of the Beholder

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#3 of The Porn Star's Son

Sorry, this chapter is mostly story. If you're not here for the story then feel free to skip on to the next chapter.

Chapter 3: Eye of the Beholder

The following day while my wife was out grocery shopping I made the call. The phone rang for an unusually long amount of time before I finally heard that familiar voice say, "Hey Jake, how's it going?" a bit nervously.

"It's going alright I guess," I replied just trying to break the ice on our conversation. "How's it going with you."

Kyle let out a big sigh before finally saying, "It's been better... a lot better. I went back to the studio today to start editing the film we finished on Friday, but I quickly found out that the electric company had shut off the power during the weekend. I had to take the computer and all the other equipment back to my place just so I could get started."

"Ouch," I said sympathizing with Kyle, "you really weren't kidding about the whole power thing, were you? Do you need any help with anything?"

"I've basically got everything up and running now, so all I have to do is sit down and edit everything together," Kyle replied followed by another sigh. "If all goes well the movie should be ready to go by the end of the day."

"That's good to hear," I replied calmly.

After that there was a long silence in the conversation. We both knew what the next topic was going to be, but neither one of us wanted to be the first to bring it up. Eventually, Kyle had to break the silence by saying, "So... have you thought about what we discussed on Friday?"

"Yeah," I replied with my own sigh, "I've been thinking about it hard all weekend."

There was another long, nervous silence before Kyle finally said, "And..."

"We'll do it," I replied calmly.

Kyle's voice sounded quite a bit more excited as he said, "Do you mean that you're personally okay with doing it, or that Brandon is okay with doing it as well? Did you talk to him about it? What did Jill say?"

"Jill's... not all that thrilled about it," I replied carefully. "I saved you quite an earful by not giving her your number; you can thank me later. But Brandon on the other hand seems to be alright with the idea."

"Does he know what he's going to have to do?" replied Kyle a little bit worried.

"Yeah," I replied lowering my voice a bit for no real reason, "I'm pretty sure he'll be able to handle it. We... tried out a few things yesterday and he did pretty good for someone his age with his level of experience."

"So you already..." Kyle's voice trailed off.

"Yeah," I replied without him even finishing.

"And he was alright with it?" Kyle asked sounding hopeful.

"He even seemed to enjoy it at times," I replied somewhat shocked myself.

"Oh man," Kyle said back as his relief exploded through his voice, "you have no idea how much I appreciate this. I know it must have been real hard for you to bring yourself to do that, but... God damn man, that's the best news I've heard in a long time!"

Not quite sure how to feel about Kyle's enthusiasm I just kept quiet until it had died down some.

"Sorry," Kyle said a moment later, "I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine," I said back as lighthearted as I could, "I understand." Then, changing the subject, I continued on with, "So, I assume that you've got a story and everything planned out."

"I've got a few," Kyle responded suddenly in a better mood. "It all depends on where we shoot. We obviously can't shoot in the studio anymore so that's out... I was kind of wondering if we could shoot at your place actually. That way Brandon would be familiar with his surroundings and he would hopefully seem more... "relaxed" during the shoot."

"No way," I replied quickly, "that's not going to happen. You see... I told Jill about the shoot, but I didn't actually tell her that we were actually doing it yet, and I don't think I'm going to be able to tell her until I have the check in my hand anyway. She was pretty dead set against it, so if she finds out beforehand we probably won't get to do the shoot at all. Anyway, both of us are still worried that someone will recognize either me or Brandon, so we don't need our house as the setting to help them with that."

Kyle was silent for a bit, almost as if to say 'You're doing this without your wife's permission?', but eventually he chimed in with, "Okay, alright, that's fine. The only other place I could think of filming would be my apartment. It's kind of small, but if that's all we've got then we'll have to work with it."

"Just as long as you clean it up a bit beforehand," I added in.

"Yeah, of course," Kyle said with a sigh. I could only imagine that he took a good long look around before replying.

"So," I asked again, "what's the plot? And, more importantly, what is my son going to have to do? I realize that he's supposed to seem inexperienced, but I want to let him know what's going to happen before it actually happens at the very least."

"Right," Kyle responded with a renewed enthusiasm. He always got that way when he was called on to be creative. "Well, since we're setting the movie in my apartment I've got a pretty good story to go along with it. Imagine this: You've lost your wife to a car accident or something a short time ago and you're left with raising your ten year old son all by yourself. Times are getting tough for you two so you can only manage to rent out a small apartment. You still think about your wife constantly, and you deeply miss her for many reasons. But, being only a man, you eventually begin to miss having sex with her more than anything. So, one day your son comes into the bedroom while you're deeply entranced with a picture of your wife and asks why you're sad all the time or something like that. A few lines later you arrive at the conclusion that your son wants to make you happy again, and the best way to do that is to give you a release. I was thinking that the first scene would consist of your son giving you a nice long blowjob... depending on what he could actually do of course. It would be a good intro for both the movie and the filming experience for Brandon. Then, the next scene would be where the actual sex starts. He's going to be bottoming obviously, so you want him ready for that. We can try a few different positions and such, but we'll see how it goes. Then, for a final scene, we can have you finally lose your sanity and make your son dress up just like your wife did so you can "pretend" to have sex with her again. I'm not sure just how far the both of you will be willing to take it, but the farther the better. They really like that kind of stuff over in Asia for some weird reason. Then we'd shoot a few non-explicit scenes just to hold the movie together here and there and we'd be done. What do you think?"

I took a moment to think it over before I said, "I'm not really sure about that last scene. I'm not sure how I feel about my son dressing up in drag."

"He'll be fine," Kyle replied with a bit more steadfastness then he'd shown this whole process. "Most of the clothing will come off quick anyway. Maybe we'll keep the skirt on, but that's if it doesn't get in the way. You've done a few scenes like this before, so you know what to expect."

"But..." I replied while trying to think of the right word, "it's degrading."

"He won't think so if you tell him it's just part of your job," Kyle replied. "And besides, no one he knows will actually see him in it. I think you're making a bigger deal out of it then is necessary."

Not sure whether to be angry or satisfied with Kyle's relentless reasoning I let the issue slide for the time being. I began anew with, "I guess that I'm going to have to cum all three times, but Brandon's not going to get a release, is he?"

"No," Kyle replied, "not in the movie anyway. The distributors I've been talking to recently have given me a few suggestions on things they'd like to see, and one of them was that they didn't want to see the son cum. The movie's supposed to be about your pleasure and not his, although they do want to see him enjoying himself during the sex. If you want we could do an extra scene at the end where he's allowed to cum. We could put it as an extra on the DVD or something for anyone who wants to watch it."

"It's just that it sounds like a long day and a lot of work without any proper... release at the end," I replied speaking from experience, "especially for someone as new to this as my son is."

"I understand," Kyle said back softly. "I'm not sure how this shoot is going to go since I've never worked with someone like your son before, but we'll do whatever it takes to make it work. Your son will obviously come first no matter what, I promise." Kyle took a pause before saying, "And thanks for doing this for me man. You have no idea how much I appreciate it."

I didn't really know what to say, so I simply replied with, "Are you going to have the script to me sometime soon? I have no idea how good my son is at acting, so we might have to go over things a few times before he's ready."

"Yeah," Kyle said as I heard him brush a few things aside over the phone, "I'll get to work on it right now." Then, changing his tone a little, he added, "How long until you think you'll be ready to shoot? The sooner the better in my opinion, but it all depends on you and your son. I mean, my apartment's free whenever. I don't plan on throwing any parties or anything in the near future. We've just gotta get it cleaned up... Wait, I just got an idea! I could go get my old childhood bed from my parent's and turn my office into Brandon's fake bedroom..."

Before he was able to go off on an extended tangential idea spree I said, "Jill's doing some big shoot in Mexico this weekend, so that would be the perfect time to shoot. Whether or not Brandon will be ready I'm not sure, but we'll just have to go with it."

"Perfect," Kyle said as I heard him writing things down in the background. "We'll schedule the shoot for Saturday around noon or so. That should give us plenty of time to finish up the three scenes with some extra time to spare."

"Brandon has a soccer game on Saturday," I replied quickly. "How about Sunday?"

"Sunday will work too," Kyle replied, "although we won't have a back-up date in that case."

"It'll be fine," I said back. "We've got the whole day to shoot, so I'm sure we'll get something that those distributors like. Just give me a ring when the script is done so I can pick it up and take a look at it."

"I will," Kyle said. He took another pause before he simply said, "Thanks Jake."

Not knowing what to say yet again I simply hung up the phone. This was definitely going to be an interesting week.


Kyle called me back in the evening and informed me that the script was done. I went to pick it up that evening and gave it a quick read over before I fell asleep.

The next day my wife had to go and do some "training" for her upcoming shoot (she had to learn to horseback ride for whatever reason), so that left Brandon and I alone to work on the things we needed to do for our own shoot. My wife actually came back from that session very late and told me that the whole cast needed some major work, so they'd scheduled some more practice for the rest of the week. It was a lucky break for Brandon and I since that meant we would have even more time to practice.

I started him off easy with just some acting practice, and it went fairly well. For never having done any acting before he was almost a natural. I was almost fooled into believing that his mom actually did die in a car crash two years ago for a short moment. How can you not believe a ten year old when he puts on that sad of a face?

Once we got some acting practice out of the way we eventually moved on to the sexual portion. Up first, since I knew he'd be needing some practice, was the oral sex. I had him start with some of the dildos we had in our collection while I taught him some of the basics. I knew that he wouldn't be able to get very far in only a few days, but he progressed faster than I expected. Deep-throating was still far out of the question, but he had become quite showy by the end of the week. I ended every session with him giving me a practice blowjob, although I didn't actually cum at the end (much to my disappointment). I needed to save my sperm for the actual shoot, but to give him an idea of what it would be like to receive a facial I took a plastic mayonnaise bottle and squirted it a few times on his face. It was pretty comical to watch, but I forced both my son and I to take it seriously since we wouldn't have a second real chance to get the shot.

As far as the anal sex went I decided not to push him. Brandon said that his butt hurt like crazy on Monday morning, but by Tuesday evening it was barely noticeable anymore. Nevertheless, I wanted to give him time to completely heal before attempting the stretching once again. I just figured that it'd be safer that way. So, instead of having actual sex we simply went through all of the positions with our clothing on. We mainly focused on proper positioning and transitioning between the necessary positions. There was nothing incredibly tricky in the script, but I figured that getting some experience in a new position was probably a good idea for my son. But, there's only so much you can do with your clothes on when it comes to making porn...

Before I knew it Friday had arrived. My son and I drove Jill to the airport, and on the way back we stopped to buy him a single X-box game just to remind him of what he was working towards. Today I let him rest after his soccer game was over (he actually scored a goal. I was really proud of him), but in the evening we quickly ran through everything one last time. He seemed ready at the end of our session, but things could change drastically when you've got cameras and people staring at you. We'd have to find out tomorrow whether or not my son's "training" was sufficient or not.