Adira Clawhauser Chapter 1

Story by peterbei1030 on SoFurry

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#1 of Adira Clawhauser

This prequel story tells the tale of Adira Clawhauser, Benjamin's elder sister. She was an elite cop, who stopped her service at the ZPD due to a terrible tragedy. It also explains the relationship of Benjamin Clawhauser and Chief Bogo in the movie.

The name Mansa is Bayokko's idea. I like it so I'm using it with his consent! Adira on the other hand is the first name I saw on a female name list so don't judge.

Mansa Bogo was fuming.

Officers gave him the widest berth in the corridor, while cheerfully chattering among themselves about the new recruits,

'Oh man this new batch of freshmen looks nice! Look at the cheetah at the front! I wonder who got paired up with her...'

'Do you think she'll say yes if I ask her out?'

'Of course not, she's mine.'

'Look at her legs, look at how slim and elegant she looks...'

Mansa hated her. He hated the new system at the ZPD that pairs up new recruits with senior officers. He hated the way that everyone was drooling all over her, trying to get their hands on her. He hated his boss, who refused to take them apart despite all the buffalo's rage and complaints against him.

'I don't want her.'

'Take good care of her, okay? She's...'

'I said, I DON'T WANT HER!'

'She's one of the best out there. Her agility is remarkable and is extremely useful for you. You need her.'

'I'm fine on my own. I don't care if she's good. Let her work alone then!'

'Calm down, Bogo. I know you don't care. In fact, you care too little. Recklessly charging in every time, visiting the hospital every week... I hope having a partner to take care of will change you.'

Mansa glowered at the lion sitting opposite of him,' I'm flattered. Don't you just do paperwork all day and send people out to die?'

The chief slammed his paw on the table,' Fine! If you don't take her, work at records then. I'm not sending you out to more field work. At this rate I'll be attending you funeral next week!'

Mansa stood up,' Is that your final decision... sir?' He added as an afterthought.

'Finally somebody gets it, now be a good boy and don't break anything on your way out.' The lion watched Mansa walk towards the door with clenched fists,' especially the door.'

He didn't even wince when the glass on the door shattered with a slam.

Mansa sat down at the canteen after settling his tray on an empty bench. He looked at the others while he ate in silence. He saw Higgins and Mchorn give him a wave and continued the rowdy discussion with the others. It struck him that he didn't really have friends in the force, or any at all for that matters. Mansa liked his fellow officers, but he had seen quite a few tragedies that he decided it was not worth it to befriend someone who is constantly in danger of dying anymore, not when it hurt so much that the loss broke the others' heart and he never saw some of the officers come to work ever again.

He preferred to be lonely, to not shed tears for fallen comrades, to charge in and bring justice to those who dared to challenge the law while others mourn. The buffalo pondered on his thought for a moment, not noticing the whole table of officers was already sitting around him.

'So what do you think of Clawhauser?' A punch from Delgato brought the thinking buffalo back to his senses.

'Excuse me, who?'

'The girl who is a cheetah, I heard that she's the best of her class, just like you.' A wolf piped in.

'Er... okay I guess.' Mansa stammered. As much as he didn't want to be partners with the cheetah, he didn't want to give a bad name to someone he had yet to meet.

'Oh wow... that's the first time you give someone a positive comment.' Trunkaby said in awe, while still shoveling food in her mouth.

'Eew, Francine. Beware of your manners!' 'Sorry, sorry...'

'Look, we've never heard you talk about dating. Is she the one that finally deserves your love?'

'What, no!'

'Or... are you gay?' A mischievous voice slipped though the wide bodies of the officers...

Mansa stood up. 'I'm leaving.' He said defiantly.

The officers opened up a gap for him and he walked through it without a backward glance, where officers are once again picking and commenting on the new recruits on their graduation photo.

'What's her name again?' 'Adira Clawhauser, it fits her so well...'

Mansa Bogo had reports to file in, and no friends to make.

He just wanted to be alone.

Adira Clawhauser Chapter 2

Adira Clawhauser was used to the attention. She was always the spotlight, the one everybody beloved. She was friends with every classmate, even the black sheep on her class, whom she bossily befriended and invited to lunch over and over again until...

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