tragedy _january 28th, 2009_ a faint smile was on my face, a sight no one usually got to see. it has been so long since i have been so care free. the future seemed so much brighter; everything was slowly falling into place.
No, tragedy is more like kill now rather than later.... make us suffer for the nazis..... that's what tragedy wants.... but for us tragedy is not new.... nor will it ever be..... tragedy will always be with us no matter where or what we do....
The Tragedy
(same deal with all the rest of my stories, you know the drill) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 2 the tragedy it was the next morning
Daily Tragedies
Characters are mine and of my own creation and you cannot use unless i give you permission tig (is pronounced like teeg) 21 year old bengal tiger cale 20 year old river otter daily tragedies staring down an empty hallway, walking down
First Tragedy
Warning: this is where the story begins to take a darker turn; you have been warned **voyages of the mara** chapter 5: first tragedy "come in," minister kormin called as
tragedys beggining
I felt the sharp pain in my abdomen as I fell down to the ground. This feeling was unlike any other, however I broke up with plenty of boyfriends I think he may have been the one for me. I just sat there thinking what I could have possibly done. I sat...
My Tragedy
I am left picking up the ragged remnants of my tragedy copy-written to xander bradeshaw
A Tragedy of Impatience
"The food's ready, do your thing!" Jessica shrugged. She was tired of hearing Lance issue the "do your thing" command. He was a trader; he could have the finest mess kit in County Kalfal if he were willing to carry it around. But no, he had her, so he...
Passion and Tragedy
Passion and tragedy it was a great day on the african savanna. in the tall grass, a sleek feline form stalked a lone ringnecked dove. chefuru waited, and then dived, hands outstretched, for the bird.
A Cure for Tragedy
**chapter nine: a cure for tragedy** it had been a week since the slaves served nobles at the duel, and garrett was sick and tired of hearing bailey cry at night.
Nuka, the Tragedy
"that lion is a tragedy. still. there is a backup plan." "the little dark one, or the girly one that always tries bittin' me?" ed laughed at the memory.
Chapter - 1: The Tragedy
Hope you enjoy the story the tragedy of the past a siren has been hauled, telling all civilians in corneria capital city that there's urgent announcement coming up. "attention, all civilians.