Melting the Snow
Snow littered the air, a swarm of light crystals being controlled and ushered by the forces of air. Dred shook his snout, the few flakes that built up on his nose now free to fly about. He pulled the dark grey cloak he was wearing around him. The bitter frozen wasteland that he called home for the past few years respected him about as much as he loved it, very very little. High snow capped mountains framed the circular basin that he stood in. But he was not alone; he looked out over hundreds of thousands of humans.
They had come this far, fought this hard, waited this long, all for nothing. They stared at him as he did the same to them. His dull and tired brown eyes surveyed the many colors that searched him. No doubt they had never thought they would see this in person. Dred, the infamous hound that had changed their world in a span of a whole two months.
A gust of wind picked up his long cloak, revealing his legs. Daggers, knives, needles, and syringes were strapped and laced into every spot he could find on his crafted armor. Thick furs and hides from the creatures of the north made the strongest leather although not as flexible; Dred thought he might need a bit more protection today.
His ears wobbled as a single human approached. Why didn't they all charge him? maybe he had actually built some respect over the years. The human's armor was decorated brilliantly, reflecting the same arrogance and pompousness he had expected them to show. He held a piece of paper in front of him and wearily breaking his eyes from Dred he read the parchment.
"Dred the Flame sewer..." "Bringer." Dred cut him off. "Excuse me?" Dred shifted his weight onto one leg, the entire army tensing. "Listen, if you are going to hunt me for two years. Please, get my name right." The human stood for a moment and commenced reading. "You are to be arrested, or killed and taken back to the kingdom of Cergard for your assassination of...
Batallian Seckmeh
Trishah Seckmeh
Yuri Seckmeh...
Dred rolled his eyes, the wind ruffling the mane of grey fur around his neck. The human drove on down the list. "Fool, your going to stand for days reciting that list, get to the point." He blinked, and skipped to the bottom of the page. "If you resist arrest we will be forced to.." His words cut short as a gurgling rolled from his throat. The page dropped, taken by the wind as red splattered the perfect white of the snow.
Dred pushed his long claws through the human's throat as he lifted him from the ground. He brought one leg up and planted it in the human's chest, he kicked at Dred in vane as the hound dug his claws into his stomach. Dred pushed out his leg, his reverse joints giving him some extra force. His hand still held the humans head firmly as it separated from his body. the body flopped and rolled through the snow as it stopped before the army. Dred dropped the human's head, a bit of his spine still attached.
The army stared at him, not sure what to do. He brought his claws to his nose, the thick, intoxicating smell of blood washing over his mind. The pupils of his eyes dilated, almost consuming the brown iris. White teeth flashed as his lips curled back into a smile.
Pushing his cloak back he drew a dagger and slid a few needles between his fingers. "Looks like I get to enjoy your company awhile longer, wasteland."