Adira Clawhauser Chapter 8

Story by peterbei1030 on SoFurry

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#8 of Adira Clawhauser

Adira was happily greeted by a hedgehog at the armory, 'Hey Adira! What can I do for you today? Seeker mines? Shock traps?'

'Hey, Splinter. I know it sounds weird but I'm not looking for gadgets today. I need some laxatives, really fast ones too.'

'For whom?' Splinter asked, 'I need to know who it is so I can give you the right amount to be affective while not sending the guy to hospital on a stretcher from the lavatory.'

Adira hesitated. It was the first time she had to intentionally use something harmful to her colleagues.

'Look, after last time, I owe you big time. I'll help you no matter what and you can trust me to keep quiet.'

Adira smiled when he mentioned the incident that landed Mansa in a very bad place. They were thinking of giving him a pair of gloves for his horns in the ring as they were too dangerous naked. Splinter made tubes out of rubber and asked Adira to put them on Mansa's head before one of their routine spars.

That didn't go well at all, Adira recalled. The protective equipment stuck to his horns like glue and would not come off no matter what they try. At last they had to burn it off from his horn and it was the first time Adira saw Bogo in tears, swearing to never let anyone touch his horns ever again.

Bogo never knew exactly who made the gloves because Adira kept quiet about it, and it took Adira a few buckets of sugarcane juice just to calm him down.

'It's for Mchorn. My brother is going to the interview today and I need him to not be the interviewer for the afternoon.' Adira's eyes widened as she saw Splinter weigh a baseball sized lump of white powder on the balance, 'THAT much?'

'The worst that can happen is that he becomes quite dehydrated. Now I'm going to put all this into his energy bar and he'll be gone for at least five hours.'

'Can you give me some laxatives too? Just in case things don't work out.'

'Yes, but only this much.' Splinter glazed a handful of the salt with caramel and sealed it into a sugar packet, 'Slip this into his drink if you must, but this batch hurts a lot more.'

'Thanks.' Adira pocketed the 'sugar'.

'Tell your brother I said good luck.'

'Why? He doesn't even know you yet.'

'I'm sure he will.'

Adira waited anxiously at the canteen. Mchorn just finished interviewing the appliers for the morning and only wrote a tiny list of suitable candidates. He took his tray of food and picked up his energy bar Splinter had already spiked with laxative.

Mchorn seemed to have less appetite than usual after sitting for the whole morning. Adira watched him play with his food and finally starting on his stew. After a while a hippo walked to his table. They exchanged a few words and Higgins took the bar away from Mchorn's tray.

Higgins was about to bite into the bar when he heard Adira panicky voice, 'No! Don't eat it!'


'Uh... it's the last of the coconut flavor. Can I trade my mango for it? I've been looking for coconut everywhere...'

'Oh okay. You don't mind if the bar is already opened. And whoops... I drooled on it.'

'It's fine.' Adira snatched his energy bar and stuffed the mango flavored one in his hand, 'I'll be sure to cut off the bit with saliva on. Thanks, Higgins.'

'No problem, happy to help out a friend.'

Mchorn finally finished his stew and moved on to the cup of tea. With a snort of annoyance he found that he had forgotten to put sugar in it.

'Looking for this?' Adira tore open her pack of laxative and poured it into his tea.

'Thanks. You have something to say?' Mchorn was suspicious of Adira's sudden approach. He stirred the drink slowly and took a sip, 'Mmm...'

'Yeah, how did the interviews go?'

'Pretty decent.'

'But you don't seem to approve of a lot of the interviewees.'

The rhino gave another snort, 'It doesn't matter how fit they are. They just don't have what it takes to be a real cop. In other words, they are fragile crybabies. Better get crushed here than out in the field.'

Adira had one last question for Mchorn, 'Can you look at this photo? It's my brother. Do you think he can join the ZPD?'

Mchorn stared long and hard at the picture of a rotund beaming cheetah he was given. He was unsure if it was a joke or not, but she looked pretty serious.

'Not in a million years, Clawhauser.'

Adira was glad Mchorn had already finished his tea.

Adira Clawhauser Chapter 9

'We have an issue here.' The chief told Adira and Mansa, who were the only ones at their offce, 'Mchorn just messaged me. Apparently he is hugging the toilet and can't interview the applicants for the afternoon.' 'Then just ask another officer to do...

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 7

It had been three years since Adira joined the ZPD. She liked her job a lot, and Benjamin loved listening to her on duty stories after dinner, but she never thought her brother would want to be a cop. 'Sis, I want to join the ZPD too! You'll help me,...

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Adira Clawhauser Chapter 6

'Don't make me hit a girl.' Adira blocked Bogo's way with her opened arms, 'Listen to me! I know I was wrong, but I did what had to be done!' 'What you should do, is stay behind and be pals with the chief with all his kitty catty nonsense!' Adira...

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