Part 4: Mates

Story by Steelcox on SoFurry

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#4 of Summer in the City

So, anyway, I was gonna wait a bit, but these characters drew me back.

So another part, and more emotional stuff... I know some of y'all don't care for that, and Hell, some of those who liked past parts of this series might not like this one, because I go heavily into a lot of emotion here.

Which is why, if you see errors, then I must apologize for they will not be corrected all that soon... I can't work on this right now, probably not for a while... Read it and you'll see why.

Anyway, here goes nothing...

James shifted and fidgeted on the couch on which he sat. Well, what now? He wondered, as he idly toyed with the end of the towel that he had between his buttox and the vinyl fabric. It was also the same towel that was his only covering, at the moment, as Melissa had insisted on taking his clothes down - along with the towels they had used to dry off - to the building's residents-only laundromat for cleaning. It was very nice of her to offer, James thought, but he shook his head a bit as his train of thought continued. But I know that it wasn't entirely out of curteousy and care. I know she wanted to take some time away from me and think. He wasn't bitter about her actions, though, as he was just as eager for a few minutes alone to arrange his own emotions.

James sighed, and he sat back on the couch in the living room and closed his eyes as he remembered the events that followed their furious lovemaking session. He couldn't help but smile and lay his head against the backrest as he recalled how the two Changed foxes had waited patiently for his knot to deflate. Few words were said between them, as they reveled in the afterglow of sex and the wholly new and wonderfully pleasant sensations of being tied, though James managed to learn that Melissa was both a student at the local university and gainfully employed, though not where nor what she studied. In turn, he had mentioned his job in retail and his continuing studies.

Their main concern, however, was by far the continuation of washing up. Fortunately for Melissa's water bill, their intercourse had made them able to be near another in such tasks, and even help each other wash, without becoming overly stimulated. Of course, not that neither of us didn't get such nice feelings from rubbing each other, James mused, his smile growing into a wide grin and his penis hardening a bit in his sheath. I know I liked it, and by the way Melissa's nipples crinkled up, I could tell she did, as well.

The smile began to fade then, and James found himself sighing again, as he continued his recall of only a few dozen minutes ago. After we got out and started toweling ourselves off, though, we both got really quiet and a bit distant. When Melissa had noted that they had used up almost every towel, she had said that she should have them dryed, and sheoffered to take James' clothing down as well, since they were all he had within miles of the building.

James opened his eyes then, and he shfted to lean forward on the couch. It was the look she had in her eyes, though, that makes me worry, he thought, resting his arms on his thighs as he hunched over in thought. She looked... Not frightened, but... Scared? He shook his head then, and brought up a hand to the underside of his muzzle so he could rest his head upon it. Not scared... Something along those lines, but not quite as powerful...

Worried, he thought, the word popping up, unbiden, and he nodded slightly, his arm moving back and forth with the motion. She's worried... And so am I... He closed his eyes then, and he brought up both arms to grab his face and rub his forehead. But, why?! Why am I worried? Melissa has every right in the world to worry about me; I'm some weirdo she just met off the street... And then jumped into bed with. He groaned slightly, and then sighed. God, she should be scared.

But why am I worried? James asked himself again, still not sure of why he was so restless since Melissa had left. I know, I'm scared she's going to call the polie and have them haul me off to jail with some bullshit rape story to make up for her lapse of judgement. Even as he thought of this, though, James dropped his hands and shook his head. I know I don't know her all that well... But, damnit, I don't know how, but I can tell that Melissa's not the type to be schitzophrenic like that.

James opened his eyes then, and he looked around the moderately-sized apartment. Hell, it's not like she's in some shitty apartment, or something. Whatever her job is, it must pay pretty well if she can afford half of the rent for this palce. A job that can pay that well ain't gonna be held by a nutjob. And someone who chose to take a risk and be nice to me by inviting me up here can't be all that bad.

Still, she can change her mind, a voice said, quietly, in the back of his head. Yes, Melissa chose to let you up here, and even chose to screw you silly... But she can change her mind. James shut his eyes at that, and he shivered. Is that what I'm worried over? The fear of rejection? A mental picture rose into his mind then, unbidden, of Melissa glaring at him, telling him that she wanted no part of him and to get out, and James shuddered. Dear God, that's it, I'm scared that, when she's done thinking, she'll come back, give me my clothes, and calmly tell me that she doesn't want to see me again...

The mere thought of this made his eyes well up with tears, and James screwed his eyelids shuts and leaned forward to once again grab his face with his hands. Why? Why why why does that make me want to cry, the idea that she doesn't want me? He asked himself gritting his teeth. We don't know each other that well! I mean, she's nice, seems stable, but I don't know her! He paused in his ruminations to sighed, and the shook his head a bit within his hands. So how can I feel so strongly about this? More importantly, what could drive me to this point, where I'm in tears just thinking that the woman I mated with-

The slip of his mental tongue brought James' thought processes to a screaming halt, as the word, 'mate,' acted like a key, unlocking a hidden meaning in the events of the night and morning just past. He oened his eyes wide then, and he brought his head up, though his vision was unfocused as his mind raced. My God... Is that it? Is this some sort of weird, vulpine mating ritual twisted to conform to modern society and our humanistic minds? He asked himself, and then thought hard over what he knew. I never did study foxes too much... But I fought for Melissa, then went to her home, comforted her, and then helped her clean herself...

James sucked in breath then, at his mental culmination. Animals fight for a mate, sometimes, then provide for them, or do something nice, maybe even help groom the object of their affections; everything I've done. He looked down then, at his arms, glaring, really, at the black and orange fur that met an inch past his wrists, and for the first time he could remember, he felt hatred towards what the Change had done to him. Is this to be the price, then? He asked, bitterly, as he clenched his hands into fists, noting briefly how his fnger claws fit into the spaces between the pads on his palms. Are we now going to be animals, in behavior as well as appearance? Is this powerful fear of rejection now nothing more than some damned reflection of the urge to procreate?

Since when was it not? Another, harsher voice asked within his skull. Humans are animals too, you ass, with the same instincts towards reproduction and mating. We're just more intelligent, and thus have more subtle twists, but it's all the same; we're all just out to screw each other and have kids. It's just the natural order of things, to use each other.

No, damnit, James raged back within his mind, yet even as he thought this, he felt a surge of shame rise up. Oh, God... I used her, he thought, in horror. I let my instincts take over, and I used her like a dog would use a bitch, humping her until I got off. He blushed at this, and clenched his eyes shut as the tears began to leak out from their sockets. God, please forgive me, but I'm a terrible, terrible person, he thought, and then reached up to wipe his eyes and the soaked fur around them.

Just then, he heard keys jiggling, and the lock on the door out of the apartment moved a bit as it was turned from the outside. James went stiff in suden terror, as he felt now that same fear of rejection come back, amplified this time with the shame and self-loathing that had arisen inside him. What do I do? What do I say? He asked himself in a panic as the door opened.

* * * *

Melissa pushed open the door to her apartment, and then paused to shift the load of towels and clothes in her arms. Not that I need to, especially, she thought, trepidly. As James had guessed to himself, she had indeed left to think things through, and her introspection had been nearly as torturous as his own. Of course, she didn't,couldn't have known this, and instead was focused more on the conclusions she had reached on her own. I just hope I have enough strength to tell James that-

Her thoughts screeched to a halt, as she pushed into the room and caught sight of James, hunched over on the couch, his face and ears in an expression of fear and sadness. Then she noticed that the fur on his face was wet, and his eyes were puffy. Has he been crying? Melissa asked of herself, shocked that the same man who had saved her from malignant street trash the night before, and then had been such wonderful person to her that morning.

Her shocked stare did not go unnoticed by James, and his expression wilted further into complete dispar before he brought up his hands to meet his descending head, and then covered his face. A ragged intake of breath told Melissa that he was fighting back sobs, and she was startled out of her state at the noise. Quickly, she dropped the clothes and towels she carried before turning back to close the door behind her, and then nearly runnning to sit on the couch next to the other fox. "James, what's wrong?" She asked, her gut twisting in worry.

It was a few seconds before he replied, and when he did, James' voice sounded distant. "I've been a terrible person," he said, quietly. "And I'm not sure if you can forgive me."

A new jolt of fear went through Melissa at these words, and she raised her head and looked around the apartment. "If you broke something, that's fine," she said, tentatively, not understanding what the fox could have done in the thirty minutes she was gone to have become so distraught.

"No, nothing was broken," James replied, his position and tone unchanged. Then he sighed, and removed his hands from his face, showing the vixen that he had, indeed, been crying, though his eyes were screwed shut now against the act. "I've just been... Thinking, a bit, on what happened," he added, and then took in a deep breath before going on.

For the next few minutes, Melissa sat and listened as James recounted his thoughts and conclusions, her own mind being thrown back into the turmoil she had been in while off at the laundromat. Near the end, she was almost in tears alongside James as he finished. "...And so you see, I'm... I'm just terrible," he said, more wetness leaking out from his closed eyes. Then he took a few breaths to regain some self control, and then turned to face the vixen, openeing his eyelids to look directly into her face. "I had to tell you... I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry, for what I've done."

A moment of silence passed, then Melissa turned her head and shut her own eyes to keep from bawling out. "So..." She began, quietly. "All this time, you didn't care for me? Didn't find me attractive at all?" She asked, in a hurt tone.

"What?" James half-asked, half-exclaimed. "N-no! Of course not!" He protested, his voice rising in strength.

"Then why are you sorry?" Melissa sked, opening her eyes to round on James, her face twisted in anger, ears canted back against her skull. "Am I so ugly, so disgusting to you that you have to cry after fucking me?"

"No!" James replied, hotly, his own face twisting in confusion. "You are a vision, and anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar!"

"Then why the regret?" Meliisa demanded, standing up, off of the couch and then taking a step away from it. "Why this self-loathing, then? If you weren't lying when you said those things to me, then why do you feel so bad now?"

"Because I used you like a peice of meat!" James nearly shouted back, standing up in his agitation, forgetting for the moment to keep the twoel wrapped around his waist. "You deserve better than that! You deserve to be treated like a queen, a goddess, not to be fucked by some idiot who couldn't hold his own instincts and hormones in check!"

"What fucking hubris!" Melissa replied, nearly shouting. "You think you were the only one who got off? You think that I didn't enjoy the Hell out of what we did? I don't think I've had three orgasms in a row in my entire life, yet this morning I felt like I could have died right there without regret!" She paused then, as tears streamed down her face, while James just looked on her with a mixed expression of fear and hope. Melissa shook her head then, and she turned half away from him, and then sat down on the couch, wrapping her arms around herself. After a few moments of silence, she began again, in a far more civilized volume. "I was thinking about that, you know, when I was down there, washing your clothes," she said, softly. "I thought about how wonderful it was, on how much I loved it.

"And then I remembered how you looked, James, right before you took me," she cotinued, glancing up at the still-standing fox, completely oblivious of his state of undress. "You were retraining yourself so much that I thought your face would rip open, and that reminded me of how you were so gallant, before, turning away from me when I poked my head out of the bathroom, and then said all those wonderful things about how beautiful I was..." Melissa sighed then, and she turned away from James. "Now, I just wonder if it wasn't all a lie."

"It wans't," James replied, heatedly, and Melissa heard him take a step towards her. "How can I believe that?" She asked, and then looked up at him. "What can you do or say, James, that proves you're not lying to me now?"

He stood there, silent, unmoving, as he felt his mind race over any option, any desperate act he could do to prove his words. After a few moments, though, he sighed and closed his eyes. "I... I don't know of any way I can prove it," he said, dejectedly, as he lowered his head. "I can't think of any way to show to you the truth of my words... Maybe I should just leave..."

"No, you shouldn't," Melissa replied, and James opened his eyes to see her standing up to face him. "Not until you hear the way I've come up with for you to prove you meant what you said."

James' ears perked up at that, and his face displayed open hope. "Please, anything," he said, taking a step forward, arms reaching up slightly.

Melissa smirked slightly. "Make love to me, then," she said, quietly, as she began to unfasten the buttons on the blouse she wore.

James froze in his movements at that, even as her words and actions made his sheath start to swell. "What?" He asked, dumbfounded. "You... You want me to... Even after how upset you were?"

Melissa nodded, as she finished unbuttoning the blouse, and then began to pull it off of her shoulders. "Yes. I may not be one of those sluts you see on Jerry Springer," she said, while pulling the shirt down to where it was tucked into her shorts, exposing her well-proportioned, white-furred breasts. "But I've had my share of experiences from before the Change. I know the type of guy you fear you are, and they never stay around for a second course of the 'meat' they screwed.

"So if you aren't lying, and you do find me attractive enough to screw, then come prove it," she added, reaching down to unzip the front the hip-higging jean shorts she wore. "Come make love to me, or get dressed and leave."

James felt tears begin to well up again, though this time, he knew that they were tears of joy, and he crossed the distance between Melissa and himself in a single, long step. Quickly, yet gently, he reached around her, under her arms, and pulled her to him, hugging her hard and squishing her breasts against his chest, relishing the way her newly-washed fur ruffled under his hands. Then he leaned his head down and licked her nose, prompting the vixen to tilt her head to the side and open her mouth so that the two could do the muzzle version of a deep french kiss.

Melissa felt her eyes roll back into her head at that, the sensations of James' soft, warm fur rubbing her nipples combining with his questing tongue to make her body melt into his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding James' head down so that he wouldn't pull away from the kiss, and she murred long and hard into it as she felt her sex moisten.

They stood there like that, kissing and grinding into each other, for a few minutes. Eventually, though, James pulled away, breaking the kiss so he could look into Melissa's eyes. The vixen returned the look, and she felt powerful, warm feeling inside as she saw that, though they were still reddened, James' eyes had regained the same strength they had had when he had helped her overcome her emotions that morning. After a moment of this passed, Melissa finally interrupted the silence. "Why did you stop?" she asked, breathlessly.

"Because I wanted to look into your eyes," James replied, quietly, and he brought a hand up to gently rub a thumb along her muzzle, tweaking the whiskers there. Melissa felt her eyelids quiver at the touch, and she licked the end of James' muzzle. "You really do find me attractive, don't you?" She asked, in awe, to which, James smiled and nodded. "More than anything else in the world."

Melissa closed her eyes at that, and she leaned forward to rest her head on James' shoulder. "And if I asked you to stop now?" She asked, quietly.

She felt his body tense up at the question, and then heard his breath catch in his throat. However, he was barely silent before replying. "Then I'd stop, go home, and have a pair of very blue testicles," he said with a strained chuckle, reaching up as he spoke to run a hand through her hair.

"Well, we can't let your balls change color, now can we?" Melissa asked, mischeviously, and then began to pull back, away from James. His arms released her reluctantly, and she licked her chops as she looked down at his stiff malehood before glancing back up at his face. "You trust me, right?" She asked, lustily.

James caught her meaning right away, and he smiled a bit and then nodded. "With all my heart," he said, intently. Melissa felt a burst of moisture in her nether regions at that, and she began to yank off her shorts. "Stay still, then," she half-growled at him, as she struggled with her clothes. James just smiled a bit wider, but he stood perfectly still as Melissa finally removed the last of her clothing, and then crouched down on the floor in front of him, her digitigrade legs making the stance more comfortable for her than a kneeling one.

Please, God, don't let me hurt him, Melissa thought to herself as she scooted forward, closer to James' erect cock, and then leaned in close. When the tip of her muzzle was only a few inches away, she halted and drew in a deep breath through her nose, catching the full force of his scent for the first time, and marveled at the way it thrilled her. Melissa half-lidded her eyes at that, and she took in a few more deep whiffs, alternating them with exhalations that blew across the member in front of her nose.

A familiar, keening whine hit her ears then, and Melissa opened her eyes and looked up to see that James had his mouth half-open, and he was panting. She giggled at that, and the noise made the male fox turn his head down. "What?" He asked, his voice stricken. "What's wrong?"

Melissa couldn't help but giggle again, as she knew what he feared. "Don't worry, James, I'm not laughing at anything down here," she said, merrily, as she smiled up at him. "I was just noting how you had the same expresion this morning in the shower that you had on just now."

James blinked a bit at that, and then smiled. "Well, I guess I should be thaAAH," he uttered, sentence turning into a brief yell of pleasure as Melissa turned back and began to gently lick at his cock.

The vixen paused moment to smile, and then opened her jaws again, her tongue reaching out and lapping at the base of James' cock, where it entered his sheath. The latter feature was fascinating to her, and she turned her attention to it, licking the furry extrusion several times. Melissa murred a bit as she felt the strands of fur tickling her tongue, and she wondered, idly, if this was how it felt for James to lick her face?

I think I'll see about that later, she thought, and then began to work her way forward along James' shaft. Melissa took her time in doing so, though, as she lapped at every square millimeter of his pink flesh, savoring the taste, as it was like nothing she had encountered before. It's like his smell, but saltier, Melissa thought lustily as she switched from short, lapping strokes to long pulls of her tongue that ran up and down James' length. I wonder what his cum tastes like?

This idle thought sparked a decision in the vixen's mind then, and Melissa lowered her head a bit so she could get a clear look at the underside of James' shaft. Sure enough, his knot was already half-formed, and she found herself surprised that the strange bump at the base was what had driven her to such heights earlier. Still, I did feel it grow, so I guess it isn't always this size, Melissa thought, and then lapped at it with her tongue.

She merfed in surprise, then, as James bucked at the touch of tongue against his flesh. She drew back and looked up at his face then, only to smile when she saw that his muzzle was open, tongue lolling out as he panted. The upturned corners of his mouth, closed eyes, and backwards-canted ears all told her that he was in bliss, and Melissa quickly returned to licking gently along the fox's stiff cock. However, she took a moment to lick a finger, and at the same time she began to lick all over his head, she rubbed the slicked finger all over his knot.

James murred long and hard at this, and he felt his hips jerk slightly as he strained to keep from bucking into Melissa's face. "Oh, sweet mother of fuck... Whatever you're doing, don't stop," he said, clenching his teeth slightly.

Melissa didn't reply, or at least, not verbally. She was a vixen on a mission, and she parted her muzzle and slowly, gently, began to slide it over James' rock-hard length, pausing only to collect some drool dripping from the corner of her mouth on her fingers, which then went to stimulating James' knot again.

James grunted and moaned, reaching down with his hands to not ungently grab the back of Melissa's ears, and he rubbed them as the vixen slowly moved her head forward, taking more of him inside her mouth. She murred at this, and James barked lightly as the sound made her mouth vibrate around him.

Melissa heard his bark, and she wagged her tail in amusement, as some quiet voice inside her head told her what that particular call meant. I'm glad he's enjoying himself, the vixen thought as she pressed her cool nose against the beginning of James' sheath, I know I am. She was finding her form helpful in her task, as her muzzle made it so that she could easily fit James' entire length within her mouth without having to suppress her gag reflex, and she rather enjoyed the way his hot member filled it. Reluctantly, she began to draw back, sucking and slurping along every inch, her tongue waggling back and forth and occasionally wrapping around the cock as she went.

James was murring and groaning now, sometimes doing both so close together that their sounds seemed to meld into one another. The sensations he was getting as Melissa drew back was astounding, and he had to fight his body to keep from grabbing her ears and yanking her head forward again. Instead, he focused on his tail, as he had an idea while Melissa had been drawing back. Slowly, he drew his fluffy fox-brush forward, between his legs, and moved it towards her crotch.

Melissa, meanwhile, was again slowly engulfing James when she froze as something brushed up against her wet slit. Curious, she managed to slowly rotate her head around the foxcock that was half in her mouth - a motion that made James moan in pleasure as her teeth gently scraped against his flesh - and was able to see that the other fox had started to rub his tail back and forth over her groin. Melissa murred at that, and she returned her head to it's regular attitude, and then resumed moving her head forward again. She also moved her left hand down to grab James' tail, and she guided it so that as he waggled it, it would rub over her most sensative spot. Meanwhile, her right hand continued its unabated assault on his knot, and Melissa could feel that portion of the organ swelling.

James gasped as the pressure built, and he screwed his eyes shut to help maintain his concentration. "Melissa... I'm close..." He managed to grunt out in warning, yet if the vixen heard him, she didn't let him know. Instead, she continued to slowly bob her head back and forth along his shaft, her tongue massaging every square inch, while the fingers on one hand continued to play with his knot, and the other hand gripped his tail hard, rubbing it back and forth across her slit. However, she soon began to quicken her pace, and James couldn't help but gasp again as she used her teeth expertly, the sharp canines barely touching his skin, yet sending a thrill through him every time they did.

It only took a few moments of this wonderful assault on his groin for James to come to the brink. "Melissa..." He grated out through clenched teeth. "Gonna... Cum..."

For once, the vixen paused in her ministrations, drawing her head off to look up into James' face with a hungry expression. "Good," she said, throatily. "I want to taste you," she added, and then licked her chops in a most vulpine fashion before turning back and returning her mouth to covering his member.

Her words were like an audible aphrodisiac, and James clenched his eyes shut and tilted his head back as he felt his peak rising at the speech alone. Then, when the two-pronged assault resumed, he couldn't help himself, and he bucked his hips slightly as he felt his knot harden and his balls tighten. "Nnnooowww," he growled out, in warning, just before he tensed up and his seed began to pour out.

Melissa, having heeded his warning, drew back on his cock just before it began to throb wildly, and hot spurts of foxcum began to flood into her mouth. The vixen murred and sucked greedily on the tip of James' shaft as she drank deeply, savoring the bitter, yet not unpleasant flavor of his seed. Some of it spilled from the corners of her mouth, though, as she couldn't completely close her muzzle around James while she was still using her tongue to coax out every last drop, and thus, some of the white fluid dribbled down onto her breasts, matting down the fur their with its stickiness.

James growled throughout his release, his body held rock-still by the intense pleasure he felt. Finally, though, his flow slowed, and then stopped, as his balls became spent, and as this happened, he felt the urgent need to sit down. He began to back away reluctantly, then, and reached for the couch's backrest for support. Melissa released him from her grasp, and once she was no longer touching him, James turned and ploped down on the vinyl seats, sighing contentedly as he closed his eyes.

The sounds of a tongue lapping noisly, though, soon bade him to open his eyes again, and James was surprised to see that Melissa was trying to tilt her heac back enough so that she could lap up the spots of his cum from where they had fallen onto her chest. "What are you doing?" He asked, and then blushed as he realized that he knew damn well what she was doing.

Melissa, though, just looked at him and blushed." I know, I must look silly," she said, in quiet lust. "But... You just taste so good."

James felt himself blush harder at that, and he started to pant again, as his arousal was increased from her tone and admission, even despite the fact that he had just released. "You... Mean that?" He asked, somewhat dazed.

Melissa smiled and nodded sheepishly at that, and she got up from her crouch and sat down on the sofa next to James, reaching out to wrap his shoulders in a hug. "I do," she said, lustily. "It's bitter, yet tastes so... Intoxicating," she added, and then closed her eyes and murred.

James blinked at that, confused for a moment before he realized that she hadn't peaked yet. He made a decision then, and he took in a deep breath to help slow his breathing down. Then, he slowly disengaged himself from the vixen's arms, and she gave him another lust-filled look as he slid off the couch and then crouched in front of her.

Realizing what he wanted to do, Melissa murred again and then spread her legs, moving one over James' head as he leaned forward, moving his muzzle closer to her sex. He grabbed both of her limbs and then let them rest on his shoulders, before he lowered his head and, mimicking Melissa, drew in a deep, scenting breath through his nose. Then he exhaled, deliberately aiming the blast of warm air for the vixen's clitoris.

Melissa gasped at that, and she writhed her hips and then began to shift her tail out from where she had tucked it under her rump. However, James grabbed the limb, and he began to stroke it softly with his hands, paying particular attention to the simple, yet sensual act of running his fingers through the thick brush of fur. Melissa moaned again, this time in a bit of frustration. "Damnit, James, you can play with my tail later," she growled, with a fierceness that she didn't know she had. "Lick my damn cunt, now."

James chuckled lightly at that, but he moved his head forward at the command, shifting the vixen's tail to the side so that he wouldn't crush it between his chest and the couch. Again, he paused briefly to inhale her scent, though this time, he moved in and pressed his cool, wet nose against her nub before exhaling.

It did the trick, and Melissa bucked her hips at that, which only stimulated her more, as this ground her clit into the end of James' muzzle. "Ooooohhhhhh," she moaned, twitching her tail back and forth, slapping into James' side. "Good God, James, that's beautiful."

The male fox brought his head back at that, and he looked up at Melissa and then smiled. "It gets better," he said, murring lightly, and then returned his attention to her glistening wet sex. There, he opened his mouth and then started to run his tongue up and down the outside of her nether lips, drawing the tip at the border where white fur gave way to pink flesh.

Melissa moaned again, the sound coming out almost like a murr. "Oh, yes," she grated out. "Oh fuck yes, keep going."

James didn't need any more encouragement, and he began to lick up and down her sex. Then, slowly, he nudged his muzzle forward, parting her lips with the tip before he opened his jaws again and unleashed his tongue against the inside walls of her vagina.

She barked at that, and hiked her hips upward, trying to get his questing member in deeper. "Oh, oh God, James," she groaned, reaching up with one of her hands to begin massaging her breasts. "Deeper, go deeper," she pleaded.

James was only happy to oblige, and he opened his mouth further and then stuck his tongue out as far as it would go. Given that he had a long, vulpine tongue that was simlar to a canine's, that was long indeed. Soon, he began to curl his tounge as he drew it back, and the twisting of the member teased the soft flesh of her walls as it scooped up her sweet necter for James to taste.

Melissa bucked her hips again, and her tail began to thrash wildly. The sensations of James' tongue was nothing she had ever experienced before, and the long, cat-like whiskers on the end of his muzzle tickeld her pussy lips in a way that no human beard ever could. Like James before her, she was quickly approaching her peak, and she gritted her teeth. "Close," she muttered. "So close..."

James murred at those words, a warm feeling growing within him as they confirmed that he was, indeed, pleasuring his mate. There's that word again, he thought, though this time it wasn't accompanied by a panicked sensation. Rather, the thought that he and Melissa were somehow bonding in such a way only fueled his passion, and his semi-flaccid shaft began to return to rock-hard readiness.

Not yet, he told himself, thinking of his sudden urge to impale the vixen on his cock. Intstead, he focused entirely on speeding up his oral pleasuring of her cunt, and his tongue began to lap out and into her slit at a lightning pace. Melissa responded to that by writhing her hips erratically, and she growled. "Harder, faster," she managed to utter, hr voice deep with desire.

A sudden thought entered James head then, and he smiled, giving one last, deep lick into Melissa's sex before he drew the member back. He then took several deep breaths to build up an oxygen resivoir in his bloodstream and then drove his muzzle forward, burying it in Melissa's cunt.

Melissa yelled in ecstasy, as she felt the fur and whiskers on the side of James' muzzle tickle and rub and pleasure dozens of places inside her sex at the same time. Then she felt him open up his jaw, stretching her insides, which alone would have driven her over the edge. However, his tongue then lapped out, stretching deep into her, deep as any dick had ever done, and unlike those members, this one writhed about, slapping the insides of her cunt with its length.By far, it was the most sensual experience in her life, and it didn't just push her over the edge, it drove her over in a speeding semi-truck. She began to yowl and bark in unrestraned pleasure, and her legs wrapped themselves tightly around James' head, holding his muzzle in as her pussy walls contracted again and again, which only served to prolong her orgasm, as every pulse of her muscles rubbed the fur and whiskers on the muzzle, stimulating her beyond all rational thought.

A few moments passed, but Melissa soon began to come down off of her high. Though, it's hard to do so when James keeps rubbing along my insides she thought, murring a bit as she figured that he was still doing his best to pleasure her. Though I don't know how he could not know that- Her thoughts slammed to a stop then, as she opened her eyes and looked down, only to see that her hips were still wrapped around James' head, and that the male fox's face was beginning to take on a bluish tint as he pushed against her legs with his hands.

"Oh God!" Melissa exclaimed, and she snapped her legs open as if they were spring loaded. James yanked himself free in an instant, and he moved so fast that he fell backwards and his back jammed into the edge of the coffee table. His mouth opened in a wordless yelp of pain at that, and he caromed off of the table to fall to his side on the floor.

"James!" Melissa yelled out, and she quickly shifted on the couch, moving to all fours and scooting along the seat cushions so she could peer over the edge, and she saw James lying on his right side, panting hard, his eyes open in shock. The view made the soothing heat of her afterglow turn to a ball of ice in her stomach, and Melissa lied down on the couch so she could reach an arm down and grab his shoulder. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

James panted a bit more, but much to Melissa's relief, the blue twinge of the skin under his fur disappeared, and he reached up with a hand to pat the one she had on his shoulder. After another moment, he turned his head and looked up at her, and then smiled. "I'm fine," hs said, his voice strange.

Melissa sighed in relief, and she drew back her hand as James began to sit up on the floor. "Oh, thank God," she said, near tears. "I didn't mean to do that, James, I'm... Sorry..." Her voice trailed off then, as James slowly began to chuckle, and then laugh. Within seconds, he was again lying on the floor, this time on his back, and roaring in laughter. "What? What is it?" Melissa asked, concerned.

James slowed his laughter down a bit, and he grinned stupidly at her. "I nearly suffocated to death... Inside your pussy," he said, and then giggled. "I don't know why, but that's so damn funny to me right now."

Melissa blinked hard and stared at the other fox incredulously. Then, as he began to laugh again, she started to giggle. A second later, she was lying flat on the couch, laughing as hard as James, and just as helpless to move.

A short time later, both foxes slowed in their laughter as the moment passed, though some quiet giggles and chuckles came from both of them occasionally. At the end of this period, James sat up again, and he blinked in surprise as he saw Melissa laid out on the couch. "Well, lookit you," he said, with a grin.

"What?" Melissa asked, surprised, as she pushed her torso up, and then rested herself on her arms, propping herself up just enough to show her gorgeous cleavage. A gesture from James, though, caused her to turn her head back and look over herself, and she gasped lightly when she saw that her legs were drawn up in the typical canine/vulpine fashion, with the digitigrade limbs coiled up beside her hips. "Wow," she said, surprised. "I didn't know I could do that."

A chuckle from James drew her head back to the male fox, and he smiled at her. "Not only that, but you can pounce, too, if you practice," he said, merrily.

Melissa blinked again in surprise, but soon the expression was replaced with a smile. "Well, you seem to be in a happy mood, now," she said, teasingly, and then shifted on the couch to lay her head down on her crossed arms.

James continued to smile, but she saw some of his earlier nervousness come back. "That's because I had another realization," he said, his smile becoming crooked.

"Not another one," Melissa groaned, and she brought her head up to shake it. "I'd thought I'd have proved to you that you weren't using me, that I wanted - still want - you as much as you want me."

James' smile grew strength again at that, and he shook his head as well. "And you have, I gurantee that," he said, and then reached out to dig a hand through her hair, reaching and then rubbing the base of her ears. "But I had a thought while I was pleasuring you, and, well... You know how the mind works, in that it'll keep working on something even when you're not consciously aware of it?"

Melissa murred at his attentions, and she nodded. "Oh, yes," she said, throatily, as she loved the way his hand felt against her head. "I'll think of something days after I originally had the thought the first time, only with a lot of new stuff added, like a solution to a problem."

James nodded, and he continued to stroke her ears. "Well, my mind worked on that thought as I ate you out, and then again after my narrow escape from the pussy of doom." He paused then to chuckle at that, and Melissa reached out and then lightly smacked the side of his muzzle. "Watch it, you ass," she growled in mock-anger, though her mouth curled up to show that she did, indeed, find his words amusing. "So what's this big thought?"

James smiled at her again, and he brought his free, right hand up and grabbed Melissa's own right hand, squeezing it as he rubbed her ears. "I'm a bit scared to tell you, actually," he said, and then blushed. "I hope you'll hear me out, before you decide to rip my throat out?"

"Just say it," Melissa replied, shaking her head in a bit of exasperation. "You have a lot of leeway with me, James. So go ahead and say what you feel you need to say."

He nodded at that, drew his left hand back to help his right hold Melissa's, and then took in a deep breath. "I told you, on how I had the thought, that we were somehow stuck inside some vulpine mating ritual," he began, waiting for her to nod, and was encouraged when her eyes showed nothing but curiosity. "Then, when I was... Pleasuring you, I thought of that word again; 'mate.'" He blushed at this, but only paused for breath before continuing on. "Another thought I had had during my introspection was that humans are also animals, and have their own mating rituals, which are, of course, infnintely more complex.

"So what I just realized, a few minutes ago, is perhaps..." He let his voice trail off then, and he turned away from her gaze. "Perhaps, in addition to melding human and fox anatomies, maybe we've also had our instincts melded in a similar fashion. I thought that, maybe, we might be... Bonding... In that way..." James finally stuttered to a halt then, and he lowered his head to stare at the floor, his ears folded back in embarrassment and fear.

"James," Melissa said, softly. It was only a single word, yet James felt in it encouragement, care, and a command to look up, all at once. He did look up, of course, and he found Melissa's deep blue eyes probing his own as he did so. "Are you saying, then, that you think we're becoming a mated pair? Like wild foxes?"

James blushed at that, and he nodded. "I... I think so," he said, and then had to glance down again. "I think, perhaps, that that is what really frightened me earlier, and I let my fear of becoming some sort of animalistic womanizer cover it," he said, and then paused to sigh. "What really worries me, is that I have all these feelings for you, and I'm scared to death that they might go away in a few months, once you're past your heat." He looked up then, and tears filled his eyes. "And I don't want them to go away."

Melissa blinked at that, though not from surprise, but rather, from the tears that filled her sockets, as well. "Oh, James," she said, and then shifted on the couch so that she could reach out with both arms, grabbing the other fox's shoulders and pulling him close; an embrace he returned. "I feel the same way... That's why I was so angry, earlier, when you said that you thought you were mistreating me. I felt like you were implying that you believed that you'd treated me like meat because you didn't feel anything for me, that you only had sex with me because of some primal urge."

"I didn't mean-" James began, but Melissa licked the inside of his ear, and he quieted down as the vixen contiinued. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me like that. On the contrary, you thought you were doing your best to avoid hurting me. I see that now, as I saw it when you didn't just grab your clothes and leave when I gave you the ultimatum of loving or leaving me.

"And I'm so glad you did stay," she continued, pausing only to gather her breath. "Because while you were up here, I came to my own conclusion. And that conclusion is that I want you, James. I want you here, near me, next to me." She paused, and then leaned forward to stick her muzzle next to James' ear. "Inside me, even," she whispered, her voice thick with desire, and James felt his sheath begin to harden again. "Having sex with you is more than just blind, abject lust. It's a beautiful sensation that goes beyond what I feel, physically, and though I didn't understand it then, I knew that I wanted you close until I did understand it."

James felt tears leak out of his eyes at that, and they trickled down his face to drip onto the vixen's shoulder. "Do you... Understand it now? He asked quietly, his own mind finally piecing together everything into a powerful conclusion; a conclusion that Melissa gave voice to.

"Yes, I do," she said, gently. "Just now, you mentioned human mating rituals, which are basically dates," she continued, getting a nod from the other fox. "Yet, as you've said, they've become infinitely complex... To the point where many of us become exasperated, frustrated, and finally, disgusted over all the stupid little things you're supposed to do, supposed to remember. Little anniverssaries, special occasions, and all the fucking rules on how and when you're supposed to put out." Melissa snorted at this, and James realized that she was speaking from past experience. "Men aren't the only ones who are sick and tired of how complex it's gotten.

"Then the Change occurred," She continued, reaching up to rub James' ears as she spoke. "Suddenly, a whole bunch of us are more animalistic. I used to think that was bad, but last night and today have opened my eyes, James. Before, to be together, we'd have to be introduced by friends, or somehow bump into each other in some proper meeting place, then go through the motions, blindly groping for information about each other, wondering if what we're getting is the truth, or some cock and bull story to get sex.

"But now, here we are," Melissa continued, drawing back from their mutual embrace to look into James' eyes. "In less than twenty-four hours, you've saved me from a bunch of drunken Nazi wannabes, helped me break past my fear of my new body, and made love to me twice." She paused then to regain control of her emotions, and James could see tears glistening in her eyes. "And it wasn't just mindless sex, James, not for me. I felt something that I've never felt before, something that I didn't even know I was missing, until you came along. If we had been human, I probably would have been too scared to even let you up into my apartment, but now..." Melissa broke down then, and she leaned forward and buried her face into James' shoudler, sobbing lightly.

James brought his hands up at that, most especially his left, as Melissa's muzzle needed the space under his arm so she could press her eyes against his shoulder. He used them to rub he upper back and the rear of her head, and he continued where Melissa left off. "Now, we're here," he began, quietly, and his mind raced along as he spoke. "This isn't animal lust, or we'd still be going at it, not even bothering to have this conversation.

"And yet, at the same time, our instincts have managed to cut out the bullshit," James continued, lightly stroking her hair and ears. "Animals don't go through endless, months-long courtship rituals, don't try to lie to each other. They just know, that the mate they have is the best one for them." And I nearly walked away from it! He raged agianst himself, shamed and angred that he had attributed unworthy motives to his vulpine gifts, when in reality they had helped him find something he didn't even know he was looking for. "I've been a damn fool, Melissa," he muttered, softly.

"Maybe," she whispered back, her voice returning to its normal strength as her emotions played themselves out. Then she pulled back, and the two foxes again stared into each other's eyes. "But don't worry about it, not now," she said, and then licked his nose. Then she began to smile slowly, and her eyes took on a delivish glint. "Right now, I want you to climb up here on the couch with me, stick that wonderful cock of yours in my cunt, and then fuck me senseless."

His shaft, already partially hard from Melissa's earlier teasing, promptly started to fill out then, and James gulped a bit in surprise. "Already?" He asked, breathlessly.

Melissa smirked at him, and then began to slowly shift herself around on the sofa, providing James with tantalizing views of her breasts, slick pussy, and the bits of cum-stained fur on her chest. "Yes," she growled, shifting further to lie on her back, though Melissa managed to keep staring at the other fox. "Whatever it's called - instinct, lust - it's telling me to screw you like a lightbulb, James. I don't want to make a mistake by ignoring it, because we both know what happens then."

James smirked at that, though the expression was limited by the fact that he had started to pant lightly in heated desire. "We go nuts," he said, his voice a mix of amusement and lust, as he stood up, off of the floor. Slowly, he leaned over the supine vixen, reaching for and using the backrest of the couch for support as he lowered his head to hers, and they shared another, deep muzzle kiss. Then, with the same slow caution, James began to climb onto the sofa, his hips straddling Melissa's legs and his arms moving to either side of her shoulders even as they continued their deep kiss.

Melissa closed her eyes, and then murred into the kiss as she felt the fur on his legs rub into hers. She relished the way that she seemed to feel him twice; once from the strands of fur, which exteneded her sense of touch, and then again as her skin made contact with his own pelt and skin. Then she felt the seemingly-scalding heat of his prick, and Melissa's eyes flew open as the hot member rubbed up against her left inner thigh, and she writhed her hips in anticipation even as she reached up to wrap her arms around James' shoulders and tried to pull him closer.

James, however, wasn't quite ready for the final act, yet, and he reluctantly broke the kiss, and then pulled his head to smile at the vixen. Melissa tried to smile back, but the expression was lost when her face twisted in bliss, as James had brought a hand down and began to massage one of her breasts. "Oh, God," she moaned, and then began to pant. "Please, James, just stick it in me," she pleaded, looking into the male's eyes with a firey desire.

James, though, just continued to smile, and he shook his head very slightly. "Not just yet," he said, teasingly, and then leaned his head down until his muzzle was just above her left breast. Slowly, he extendedhis tongue, and he licked the erect nipple there, while his left hand continued to rub and squeeze the other.

Melissa barked lightly at that, and her hips reflexively bucked up, rubbing James' stiff malehood against her luxurious fur, and they both murred at the event, though from different sensations. James had to pause in his ministrations at that, and Melissa took full advantage of this to lift her head up so she could lick his face. For what reason, she didn't really know, but she didn't care, as it felt right to do so, and she lapped her tongue over his left cheek repeatedly.

James took in a deep breath at that, and then he growled slightly, as his subconscious mind began to react to the gesture of submission. This, in turn, triggered instincts in Melissa's mind, and she stopped her licking so she could tilt her head back, exposing her neck of soft, white fur.

When he saw her movemet, James smiled, as he realized what was going on.Thus, he took pleasure - both animal and intellectual - when he shifted his head up and began to lick and nip at Melissa's throat, his tongue and prominent fangs lightly digging into her fluffy neck fur, tweaking the hairs before scraping the flesh beneath.

Melissa let out a long murr at that, and she writhed her tail back and forth in pleasure, the thickly-furred appendage slapping against her legs. "Oooooohhh, yes," she moaned out, marveling at how the sensations she was feeling now were different from before. In the shower, and even when we were sucking each other off, they were so strongly sexual that I could hardly think, she mused, though she also noted that she could barely think as it was now. But this... This is deeper, more meaningful... She murred at the thought, and she tightened her grip around James' shoulders for leverage as she arched her back and ground her tits into the male fox's hand and chest.

James drew his head back at that, and he bucked his hips once, slowly, letting his rock hard shaft rub along the inside of one of Melissa's thighs, the head leaving a trail of glistening precum in her fur. However, he forced himself to pull his hips back and his handa way from Melissa's chest, and their withdraw made the vixen groan in disappointment.

She opened her eyes then, and looked up at James to see the male fox staring into her face, a pleading look on his face. "Say you want me, Melissa," he said, his words both teasing and begging at the same time. "I need to hear you say it again."

Melissa growled lightly at that, but didn't respond right away. Instead, she again displayed her innate, vulpine agility, and she managed to pull her legs up, out from under James' own, coiling them up next to her hips as if she was lying down canine-style. Then, she brought the limbs down again, resting them on the outside of James' thighs before she squeezed them taught, and then used the leverage to lift her hips up so she could grind her sopping wet sex against his stiff cock. "I want you, James," she growled out, and then shuddered as familiar word popped into her mind. "Mate me," she added, breathlessly, feeling a wave of powerful emotions course through her at the words. "Fill me with your seed and make me your mate," she continued, leaning her head back in another submissive gesture. "Take me!"

James growled as the words unlocked a torrent of emotions within his own mind, and he shifted his hips back just enough so that the tip of his cock slid into the outer folds of her dripping wet cunt. He didn't pause there, though, and then rammed forward, driving his length into Melissa, all the way up to his knot. As he did this, he also leaned down and lightly clasped his muzzle around the sides of the vixen's exposed neck.

Melissa gasped and shuddered as she felt James plough deep inside, and she yipped lightly in pleasured surprise when his jaws clamped around her throat. Yet, she didn't panic, as the wellspring of her instincts told her that this was all right, and that he wouldn't hurt her. This assertation was borne out when his jaws loosened slightly, and James began to lick at the fur and skin caught between his teeth, even as he began to pull out. Melissa moaned a bit in disappointment at that, but she was soon yelping again, as James forced his member back in with a rough thrust. Now here's the wonderful sex part, she thought, the idea her last coherant thought for a while as pleasure overhwlemed her rational mind.

James, meanwhile, was already beyond abstract, rational thought, and his instincts took over as he began to pump his engorged member in and out of the vixen beneath him; the vixen who was now his mate. The idea was a primal one, and as such, it survived the massive flow of pleasure and raw desire that flooded out coherance, and it drove him to hump Melissa faster and faster while his mouth began to roam over her neck, nibbling, niping, and licking almost every square inch as he accepted her submission.

The sensations both foxes were feeling began to build quickly, and James felt his knot fill and begin to harden as his climax approached. The feeling was further enhanced by the way Melissa's sex dribbled its lubricating juices all over the protrusion, and soon the fleshy bump was slapping against her wet nether lips, pushing them further apart with each thrust.

Melissa felt this, and she moaned with desire, wanting, needing to have James tie her again. Thus, with every drive into her that James made, she bucked her hips at the same time, stretching her pussy even as the knot slammed against her outer lips. She relished the feeling, finding it almost as stimulating as the rock hard cock that was ploughing deep into her sex with every push.

Then, on one thrust, a wet popping noise was heard, and at the same time Melissa felt the blazing hot knob of flesh barrel into her sex, and unlike before, she was aware of her muscles automatically tightening around the protrusion, even as it began to inflate. The combined effect of the two sensations, added to the throbbing foxcock in her pussy, was more than enough to push her into climax, and she uttered a series of groaning barks and thrashed her tail back and forth as her pussy walls convulsed around the shaft buried within her.

James, meanwhile, had felt the tying from the other end, and the sudden spasms of Melissa's orgasm made him echo her barks as he thrust his hips erraticaly, and soon he was cuming as well. His member throbbed hard with every spurt, and he ground his hips into Melissa's to heighten the feelings he was getting as he unloaded into the vixen's spasming sex.

Melissa groaned at that, and her orgasm was prolonged thanks to James' actions, her peak dragging out into a deliriously long plateau of mind-blowing pleasure. The feelings were too much for her, and she went limp, her arms releasing James so her torso could flop to the couch. Her legs, though, seemed possessed of a will of their own, and they remained clamped around James' own. Meanwhile, the last of his seed poured deep into her sex, only to be drawn into her womb by convulsing muscles, and Melissa murred as she felt it pool there.

As before, the two foxes were frozen in place following their mutual orgasm, as the power of the afterglow made it inconceivable, intheir minds, for either of them to do anything at all. Finally, though, James fidgeted a bit, as his arms and legs began to tire, and Melissa's own legs released their deathgrip on his thighs as she felt them start to cramp up. Then came the awkward, sometimes uncomfortable, but inevitably pleasurable shfting of position whilst tied together so that niether partner would crush theother with his or her weight.

The conclusion of this evolution found James lying on his right side, facing the backrest of the sofa. Of course, he also faced Melissa, and he couldn't help but stare into her face with a stupid grin on his muzzle, and the vixen returned the look and expression with equal intensity. Neither spoke, and neither had to, as they simply basked in not only the afterglow of coitus, but also in the intesne emotional bond that they had made.

Eentually, though, Melissa closed her eyes, and she sighed. "James," she began, softly. "Was what happened, what I think happened?" She asked, her voice clouded with emotion.

James simply leaned forward and nuzzled her neck with his muzzle. "What do you think happened?" He asked back, in a tone that was both reassuring and curious.

"I think..." She began, but then had to stop as her throat tightened up. A quick breath, however, was all she needed, and Melissa began again. "I think that we became mates," she said, and then opened her eyes to once again stare into James' own pair.

"Yes, we did," he replied, smiling softly. Then he licked her nose and continued. "Do you know what that means?" He asked, gently.

Melissa shook her head at that, and she blinked a few times, trying to hold back tears. "No," she admitted, and then shut her eyes, her ears folding back in embarrassment. "At least, I'm not sure. I used the word, and I feel something... But..."

"But you don't have any words for it," James suggested. Melissa opened her eyes again at that, and she nodded. "Yes, exactly," she replied, and then sighed. "I want to know, James. Please, if you have any words, let me have them."

James felt his own eyes tear up at that, and he drew the vixen into a powerful bearhug, pulling her head over his shoulder. Then he took a breath, and then began to speak. "You remember, of course, what we were talking about earlier," he said, not even questioning her, as he was sure that she had not forgotten. "Both animals and humans seek mates, this is the natural order of things. Yet, every species goes about it in a different way, and humans, due to their intelligence, have made the rituals more and more complex as their minds grew more and more complex. Yet, the goal is the same: find someone you're compatable with, and reproduce with them. This is necessary because as their intelligence grew, so did their need for something more than straight reproduction.

"At the same time, animals have maintained a simplistic, straightforward approach based on sheer phyisical attributes, though some, like our own fox relatives, have versions that are a bit more pleasant than a simple 'wham bam thank you ma'am," James added, and then chuckled at his joke, which prompted Melissa to do the same. Of course, they both had to stop quickly, as their shifting bodies tugged at their physical connection, causing them to moan briefly. After a minute, though, James caught his breath, and then continued. "Now, we come to the Change, and what it did to us.

"We went to bed one night human, and woke up wearing new bodies which were not quite human, and not quite animal. What the Change did, Melissa, was to meld all the physical attributes of humans and animals in a select few of us." He paused then, and sighed. "Yet, now that I think back on this day's events, I think that, truly, the Change wasn't finished. Not until we decided to give in fully to our instincts did we finish the last part of the Change, and go from human minds stuck inside animalistic bodies, to true amalgamations of human and animal." James paused then, and he brought up his left hand to gently rub Melissa's ear. "When we accepted each other as mates, we accepted the last part of our vulpine heritage, and in that, our minds have finished the Change."

Melissa hooded her eyes at that, and she murred a bit and leaned back, slightly out of James' embrace as his words triggered a wave of emotions. Chief amongst them was a strong feeling of trust and acceptance, and with that, she knew that he spoke the truth. "You're right," she whispered, her ears folding back as a wave of mental pleasure washed through her. "I knew I felt different, but I couldn't place it, not until you said those words, did I realize..." She opened her eyes at that, and then tilted her head back down to look deeply into James' brown orbs, and he saw tears filling her sockets to the brim. "My God, James, it's... Indescribable. It's like I've found a part of me that's been missing my entire life, like I've been only one half of a person until now." She screwed her eyes shut then, though the tears poured out from them, anyway. "It's so beautiful."

James pulled her back into a hug at that, as he felt his own tears begin to soak the fur in his face. "I know," he whispered, feeling much the same way as Melissa did. "I know..."

They laid there like that, for how long, niether really knew, though James knew it was a while, as he was acutely aware of his knot finally deflating, freeing him from the tie. Yet, he didn't pul his semi-flacid penis out, as he felt that it would be a much better show of how much he cared for Melissa to leaveit in her. These thoughts, he knew, weren't from any human part of his mind, yet he welcomed them anyway, and he simply held onto the vixen in his arms.

After another moment, though, Melissa spoke up. "James," she said, voice barely aboe a whisper, and she drew back, out of his embrace yet again so that she could face him. "I still want to know... What does it mean, now, that we're mated?"

James smiled back at her, and he began to stroke her long, brown hair. "Do you want the dry, scientific version, or my opinion?"

Melissa smirked at that, and she razzed the fox briefly. "Your opinion, of course," she said, warmly. "You've spoken nothing yet that hasn't been true, at least to my inner feelings. I want to hear what you think, because I have a feeling that I'll find it just as true as any science."

Again, James smiled, and he felt tears start to well up in his eyes. "My opinion, then," he began, and then closed his eyes so he could concentrate on his words. "My opinion, is that the concept of a 'mate' for us is, like ourselves, a blending of both human and fox instinct.

"We know, of coruse, what humans do, since we used to be a pair of them," he continued, feeling a thrill race up his spine at the admission that he was no longer part of the race he was born into. "What foxes do is surprisingly similar, in that they tend to court each other, the male sticking around the female for months before they physically mate. And like humans, foxes tend to be monogamous, whereby they only have one mate per season, and though they don't mate for life, it is not uncommon for a male to come back to the same female many times."

"So, what does that mean about us?" Melissa asked, and James opened his eyes at the worried tone. He saw a mixture of fear and unease in her gaze, and he smiled to reassure her. "I'm getting to that," he said, and then rubbed one of her ears again. "Now, foxes and humans share some of the same mating behavior, so cosider, then, when they meld together in us, that the similarities will reinforce each other, while the differences will compliment each other.

"In this case, let me explain how I see things, and hopefully, you'll come to the same conclusions that I have," James added, and then paused for Melissa's reaction. When she nodded, he returned the gesture, and then resumed his speech. "Today, what we've done is create the first real ideal of anthropomorphic fox mating, or at least, one that exists in the real world." He grinned then, and winked at the vixen. "And we did it by having lots of red hot sex."

Melissa blinked at that, and then blushed. "Oh, you ass," she growled in mock-anger, and she lightly slapped his muzzle, repeating the same action from earlier. "I thought you were being serious."

"Ah, but I am," James replied, and he leaned forward and then licked at the whiskers on the side of Melissa's muzzle, causing her to murr slightly. "The first time we had sex, it was almost purely animalistic. Niether one of us really knew what we were doing, but we enjoyed doing it, and the way we copulated was in an animalistic fashion." He paused again, and he smirked at her. "Not that I minded, and I don't think you did, either."

Melissa blushed at that, and she shook her head. Prompted by her gesture and continuing silence, James pressed on. "The second time we had sex, it was almost entirely humanistic. Oral sex, after all, is not something that's found outside of homo sapiens, as it involves self-control and the sublating of your own physical desires in the name of pleasing your partner. In these two acts, we see that we tried it the animalistic, feral way, and also the humanistic, self-denial way.

"Now, we come to the wonderful sex we just had," James continued, and he smiled as Melissa blushed agian. "What we did was a mix, a melding of the two styles. It was both passionate and feral in its tone, yet we both made damn sure that the other was pleased." He paused again at that, and then shifted his hips so that his nearly-limp shaft could pull out of Melissa. Both of them grunted at that, and James continued on, and tried to ignore the fact that this conversation was starting to slowly stoak the fires of arousal again.

"So, how does that relate to us being mates?" Melissa asked, intently. "And how does that let us know what the concept truly means?"

Again, James found himself smiling at the vixen, this time feeling estatic that she was, indeed, smart as well as beautiful in order to ask such a question. "It relates because, as with us and our instincts, our mating styles merged," he said quietly. "We've taken the best parts from both fox and human mating, and we've made it into something wonderful."

Melissa shuddered at that, and then nodded and smiled at James. "You're right," she said, and then closed her eyes again. "That third time... It was more than pure lust, and it was more than mental desire," she added, and then licked her chops as she remembered. Then she blinked her eyes open, and again, she looked towards James with a worried expression. "But what does it mean?"

James sighed at that, and he again pulled the vixen into a hug. "I can only tell you what I think it means," he said, quietly. "Humans mate for life, or are supposed to... Foxes mate for a season, but often return. What we did, I think, was a full mating ritual that let us bond to each other in a way that few couples ever experience. The first time we had sex, it satisfied our animal sides by showing each other that we are virile, and the second time we had sex, it showed our human sides that we are caring individuals, and not just mindless animals.

"And the third time..." He had to pause then, as his voice became choked with emotion. "The third time was for us. Three times, we mated, and each time, we came away fufilled and knowing that we wanted more of the other. In that third act of lovemaking, we realized that we had found in each other someone beyond price, beyond measure, and we pledged ourselves to each other in a way that goes soul-deep." James stopped then, and he tensed up as had a horrible, gut-wrenching thought. "At least... That's what I think," he added, in a small voice, and then braced for the worst.

The worst, however, never came. "Oh, James," Melissa moaned out, and she squeezed her arms around him so tight that he had a brief, idle thought that his shoulders might dislocate. "You've made me the happiest woman on the entire planet," she whispered loudly, rubbing her hands through the fur on his back, and James could feel the stream of hot tears pouring onto his shoulder. "I ws so worried, so frightened that you would say something different, that you wouldn't feel the same way..." She sobbed then, out of pure joy. "I was so worried..."

"You don't have to be," James replied, feeling his own eyes fill with water. "Never again while I'm here, my mate, my love," he said, and began to sob lightly himself. "I've found you, and I'm never letting go."