Padded Possession: (2) Teacher's Pet

Story by Icanade on SoFurry

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#2 of Padded Possessions

Alex's teachers have always called him a sensitive kid, but now that statement might have more meaning than ever before.

Alex's stirred awake the next morning, his alarm blaring loudly, which he quickly turned off. He had had a horrible nightmare he decided as he looked around his room. Everything was back to normal, including his furniture and attire, although he had a strange taste in his mouth that he couldn't place. The only thing that gave him pause was when hopped out of bed he could hear the crinkle of the diaper he was still wearing. It too, like everything else was normal, well almost normal since it was completely soaked through with piss. He must've fallen asleep when he did his homework Alex finally deduced as he changed the diaper, still determined to get through the pack.

The rest of his routine went off without a hitch. He had a nice breakfast, got dressed and was out the door heading for school. Alex was thankful that it was just a dream as he blushed remembering what happened, his cock slowly becoming erect. His erection made his normal walk to school a bit tricky since his cock kept rubbing against the fabric, feeling much more sensitive than usual. At some points he even had to sit down and wait since he didn't want to have to spend the day with his diaper filled with his spunk. Eventually he made it to school, although a bit late thanks to his frequent stops. And other than being scolded for being late, his first class went off without a hitch.

On his way to his next class people started to give him weird looks but he mostly ignored them, hoping that no one could tell he was wearing a diaper, the thought of being caught beginning to arouse him. By the time he had reached his next class he was already hard, which he hoped would go down after a couple minutes. His second period, Child Care, was one of his favorite classes since it was filled with girls, him being the only guy to take it since most guys considered it to be too girly. Alex didn't really care for the learning material; he just liked to ogle the girls from the back of the class.

The class was pretty boring and nothing of interest was really discussed. However Alex found himself very distracted throughout the class. His erection hadn't gone down and it felt like he was constantly getting stroked as he shifted around in his seat. It took just about every ounce of his willpower just to keep himself from moaning aloud. The teacher, Mr. Huggins, a male polar bear, seemed to recognize something was up since he asked, "Is there something wrong, Alex?" Alex of course assured his teacher that everything was fine and the teacher seemed to take his word for it. But just as Alex was about to stand up to leave after class had ended Mr. Huggins said, "Alex, I need to talk to you." Alex groaned since he knew that this would cut into his lunch period, but he stayed obediently. Once the class had finally emptied of students Mr. Huggins closed the door. "You were very disruptive during my class, Alex," the bear stated as he motioned Alex over to his desk. "Now normally I would just send you to the principal's office, but I think I have already worked out a better punishment for a girl like you," Mr. Huggins said smirking. "Girl?" Alex tried to ask, but he was suddenly silenced, his eyes widening as the bear shoved a pacifier into his open mouth. And then he heard it, the disembodied voice laughing as he found he could not pull out the pacifier.

Alex began to panic; now realizing that yesterday hadn't been a dream at all. He tried to run out of the room but the teacher grabbed his arm and then picked him up, carrying him into the back room, which was filled with baby supplies. "Now you've been a very bad girl," the bear scolded as he pulled down Alex's pants and diaper, his other hand holding the fox down on his knee. "So I think you are going to need a spanking," Mr. Huggins said sternly as his hand came down on Alex's behind. Each swat stung, turning his cheeks red with his teacher's paw print as he began to tear up. However, despite the pain, Alex couldn't stop himself from moaning from each swat, his cock twitching with each strike. And to the fox's embarrassment he could feel each swat bring him closer to the edge. But the closer he got the more pressure he felt around his shaft, quickly realizing that the ring was back, preventing him from climax. After what felt like an eternity his teacher finally stopped, but before he could let out a sigh of relief he was lifted onto an oversized changing table. Alex tried to struggle but he suddenly found himself bound to the table by leather straps that seemed to appear from nowhere as the voice finally spoke, "Be a good girl and let your caretaker change your diaper." Mr. Huggins then pulled out a large pink diaper that looked like it belonged on a baby elephant. However, determined to escape Alex continued to struggle. Eventually the bear had had enough and grabbed Alex's cock, which immediately caused the fox to stop struggling as he moaned around the pacifier, his teacher now starting to jerk him off. This brought an end to Alex's struggles as he found himself unable to do anything but hump his sensitive cock into the large hand, stuck at the edge of climax.

After a minute of constant jerking his teacher pulled out something from underneath the desk, although Alex didn't see it since his eyes were practically screwed shut as he continued to hump. However, his eyes shot open when he felt something cold and wet pressing into his rectum. Pressed against his asshole was a large lubricated plug, which his teacher was pushing into him. Alex tried to clench down as hard as he could to resist, but found that he couldn't do anything but relax his hole as the plug slowly slid in, "Naughty sissies should accept their punishments," the voice taunted as the plug finally slid in all the way. Alex's eyes rolled into the back of his head, the mix of pleasure and pain overwhelming him as the teacher finally tapped the diaper on, giving the front a few rubs which finally sent the young fox over the edge. The orgasm was probably the most intense thing that he had ever experienced as he came, the insides of his padding getting coated with his cum as the voice laughed. Alex had hoped that this meant it was over and he could go, but before he was allowed to leave his teacher forced him into a pink dress that was barely long enough to cover half his thick, and now sticky diaper.

After the ordeal was over, Mr. Huggins pushed Alex out of the room and then closed the door behind him. Alex stood outside the door stunned at what had just happened, still catching his breath. He dared not move for fear of stroking his now incredibly sensitive shaft against the diaper. But before he could think of a way to escape from school the voice spoke up, "It's time for lunch," as he felt his legs begin to move. He was forced to walk down the hallway, towards the cafeteria, moaning as his shaft rubbed against the slick walls of his diaper with each step. What made it worse was that hall was still crowded with people who all stared at him like he was a freak, making him blush, however the voice didn't seem to care as he continued to march into the cafeteria.

After reaching the cafeteria Alex finally regained control, and he immediately ran into the bathroom. He locked himself inside the first stall and just waited trying to calm himself down, although this was no easy task with the voice constantly teasing him, telling him how much of a sissy he was, making him blush each time. By the time that Alex had calmed down, his shaft no longer twitching and the sensitivity going down, lunch had ended leaving Alex starving, but he figured it was worth being hungry if it meant he wasn't moaning with every step he took.

Somehow the rest of the school day went relatively okay as the voice seemed to leave him alone. And although every step stroked his cock, it was much more tolerable than it had been in the morning. The only problem now was that everyone looked at him funny, and his teachers had started to refer to him as "she," as well as some of his male teachers giving him the bedroom eyes. The entire experience was humiliating, his cheeks having turned redder than his butt, which stung every time he sat down.

When the final bell rang Alex was relieved. He could finally go home and try to figure a way out of this, but as he walked out of the building a couple of teens grabbed ahold of him and began to drag him off in the opposite direction of his house.