On The Run

Story by Rhyrs on SoFurry


#5 of Unnamed Wolf Story

He cautiously hobbled along, watching out for any others. They'd broken his leg and stolen his personal effects. That was hours ago, it seemed. He kept limping along through the dark forest. He could hear a whole stew of sounds; there were the leaves rustling, the crack of the twigs breaking as he stepped on them, owls hooting; yet he felt very alone. It was about midnight. The moon was high, but the dense foliage kept it's light from entering the forest floor. He was virtually blind. He kept walking, his paws raw from the underbrush of the forest. He should feel safe here; this was his home habitat, after all. But he wasn't. He was completely lost in this unforgiving place.

He sat down by one of the trees, and saw a sliver of light on the horizon. "Sunrise.", he thought to himself. He sighed. He looked at his leg, it was covered in blood, both encrusted and fresh. He began to feel dizzy. His head swayed around as his vision became blurred. His eyes slowly closed, and he fell limp against the tree trunk.