On The Run

He cautiously hobbled along, watching out for any others. They'd broken his leg and stolen his personal effects. That was hours ago, it seemed. He kept limping along through the dark forest. He could hear a whole stew of sounds; there were the...


He opened his eyes. Standing above him was a vixen. "glad to see you're awake. I healed you as best as I could. It will take a few more days to heal, but you should be fine." She stepped back as he sat up. "where am I?", he asked. "You're safe. My...


"Thud!" The wolf woke up suddenly, turning his head towards the source of the sound. "Thud!" Another. And some screaming muffled by the wood. He uncovered, his leg still bloodied and weak. The wolf limped to the door, and cracked it open ever so...


He awoke back in the bed. Linara was sitting on the edge of the bed conversing with a figure sitting in a char to his right. It appeared to be the intruder who he had attacked. The captive resembled a half cat, half sloth, and had tan and white...


Linara was looking around at all the damage this latest raid had caused. She sighed and lowered her head. ''Why didn't they just stop? They could've prevented all of this bloodshed!'' She said as she let a few tears drop down her...