
Story by Rhyrs on SoFurry


#4 of Unnamed Wolf Story

He opened his eyes. Standing above him was a vixen. "glad to see you're awake. I healed you as best as I could. It will take a few more days to heal, but you should be fine." She stepped back as he sat up. "where am I?", he asked. "You're safe. My name is Linara. I found you laying unconscious in the forest. Do you remember what happened?" He looked puzzled. "Your leg, I mean. What happened to your leg?" He looked around. "I....I was the forest. Four of them. They took my stuff, I tried to resist, and they broke my leg. I thought I was going to die from all the blood loss."

He looked at his leg. The wrappings were soaked with blood. The vixen walked over to the chest to the right and pulled out some fresh cloth. He watched as she continued across the room and retrieved a container of green salve. "Well, you're very lucky I found you." She started unwrapping his leg. "I was out collecting herbs for such purposes. I saw you lying up against a tree." he stared at the now unwrapped wound. Most of the bleeding had stopped. "It's a wonder what common plants can do for the body." She smiled at him. "Thank you," he said. "for all this." "Well, I couldn't just leave you there. Even if you were dead already it would be unkind to leave your body just laying there."

He returned his eyes to his leg, where she was rubbing fresh salve onto the wound. He winced slightly, the medicine stung a little bit. She wrapped the clean cloth around his leg and fixed it in place. "There we go. Good as new. Now, rest. You need it." He nodded slowly as he drifted off into a deep sleep.