Kitsune Love

Story by Tux on SoFurry

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Her long curly red locks were tied back into a single long braid,

leaving only her bangs to flutter about in the light wind that has

begun to stir. Naturally pale, her skin only seemed more so in the

glow of the moon, her metal armor reflected the light causing it to

shine softly. Her pale blue eyes were fixed on the land below her;

though she was lost deeply in thought and wasn't really paying

attention to it, or to anything else around her. With a suddenness

that startled her from her thoughts, she felt someone embrace her from

behind; she let out a startled gasp as an initial reaction until her

heard a familiar feminine voice whisper softly "I'm sorry. Did I

startle you Tessa?"

Breathing a sigh of relief before answering she stated, "A bit

yes Le," as she turned to face the woman that was behind her.

This woman had straight long black hair; she wore three small

braids in her hair each of them having been looped around and holding a

unique item at the end. The first one ended with a snow white roc's

feather, the second ended in a small rounded jade with a hole in the

middle through which her hair had been looped, in addition to the hole

there were inscriptions on it in a strange language. The third and

final braid ended in a dragon's talon, which also had a hole bored into

it to allow her hair to pass through, keeping it in place. Her eyes

were blood red in color, which would have struck anyone as odd had it

not been for the eight onyx colored foxtails that could be seen

protruding from her back.

Around Tessa's neck Le's arms went, as her face loomed closer and

closer, their lips almost touching, "I'm sorry," she said softly, her

eyes locking with Tessa, she brought her soft black lips to Tessa's

pale ones.

Feeling her temperature beginning to rise, Tessa placed her

gauntleted hands upon Le's hips, leaning into the kiss as the two

maintained eye contact. Le felt a shiver run up her spine at the flame

of passion that she watched come to life within Tessa's eyes. Her

heartbeat quickened at the slight parting of Tessa's pale lips, and the

slightly warm touch of her tongue against her lips, seeking permission

for admittance. Her pupils dilating, mouth opening in wordless

acceptance the flame of her own passion flared to an inferno.

Smoothly softly slowly she felt Tessa's warm, wet tongue slide

against her own. Feeling Tessa's grips tighten, her own fingers found

their way through Tessa's hair, before grabbing the flame red locks and

tugging lightly. The passion between them only heightened as Le felt

Tessa moan into her mouth, causing something in them both to snap;

their reasoning slipped away as the passion they felt for one another

slowly took over. Running their way up to Le's breasts, Tessa's hands

lightly squeezed them; feeling Le moan into her mouth drove Tessa on,

breaking the kiss they both panted.

Releasing her grip on Le's breasts Tessa began to regain her

composure as Le disentwined her fingers from Tessa's flame red locks.

Taking Le's hand in her own Tessa brought it to her lips in a soft

kiss, causing Le to blush slightly. "As always my lady you take my

breath away."

Brushing the back of her hand against Tessa's cheek, Le smiled

softly before placing a light kiss upon her lips. "You flatter me dear

Tessa, I'm not worthy of such kind words."

"You are worthy of them, and much more; you have my love, my

devotion, and my heart. It is I that do not deserve you lady."

Frowning at her words Le placed her index finger against Tessa's,

pressing herself against Tessa, face inches from Tessa's. "I think we

both know that the love we have is too strong to stop just because we

don't feel as though we deserve it," Le took her finger from Tessa's

lips, and before she could answer she kissed her again.

Before the kiss was broken, Tessa's hands had roamed down her

lover's body, coming to rest on Le's firm, round ass. The kiss, having

been broken shortly after allowed Le to smile softly to her red headed

companion; "You certainly are in a frisky mood tonight are you?"

It was Tessa's turn to blush, "You have a way of doing that to me

my lady; you bring out a side of me I scarcely know."

A bright smile appeared on Le's lips, her red eyes seemed to

sparkle with her glee, "I'm glad that I have such an effect on you my

lady knight."

"Perhaps we should retire for the night my lady," Terra said

softly her eyes searching Le's.

Grinning mischievously Le spoke softly "I see we both can't wait

to get you out of that hot, sweaty armor."

Tessa's face turned a deep crimson at those words; Le took

Tessa's gauntleted hand into her own and tugged lightly at her, rousing

her into following. Walking along in the moonlit night they held

hands, as Le whispered sweet words into Tessa's ear. Shivering in

excitement at the sultry words, Tessa felt a strong one run down her

spine as her heartbeat quickened. Kissing her way up Tessa's neck was

Le's only pause from whispering her hopes for the night into her

lover's ear.

A soft bite was the next thing to make contact with Tessa's neck

followed in short order by suction as Le's lips touched her soft flesh.

Wrapping her arms around Tessa's waist, Le continued to suckle as the

side of her lovers neck, allowing her tongue to make light, teasing

touches until she heard a soft moan come from her. Taking her

attention from the neck, she began to nibble teasingly at Tessa's

earlobe before whispering lightly "I want you now Tessa, please my

fiery temptress let me show you my love."

Tessa grinned widely and blushed brightly at Le's pet name for

her, "The thought sends my heart all aflutter sweet kitsune."

The fire of mischief that ignited in Le's eyes, as well as the

glee in her smile made Tessa's heart beat all the faster. Le's hands

worked in accordance with Tessa's to remove her plate armor; soon the

breastplate was removed, and allowed to fall to the ground with the

sound of it crashing through fern leaves, her gauntlets following in

quick pursuit. A few moments later had Tessa down to her sweaty

clothing, after removing the rest of her plate armor and the padding

that lay underneath. Le ran her tongue seductively over her dark lips

as her hands slowly found their way to the collar of her white robe.

Giving a teasing wink, Le let her hands fall from her collar

adding, "Now why should I be the one doing all the work around here?"

"Why indeed my dear," Tessa responds closing the distanced

between them and taking the collar of Le's robe into her hands.

Le responded buy raising her arms for Tessa to pull the robe

other her head; Tessa however pulled her into a deep kiss catching Le

by surprise. Arms quickly finding their way around Tessa's neck, Le

pressed harder into the kiss as her body pressed against Tessa's.

Tessa broke the kiss as abruptly as she had begun it, squatting down in

front of Le, allowing her hands to trail down her body and to the end

of her robe, grabbing it before slowly sliding it up Le's nude, cream

colored body. Shivering with the sexual semblance of these sensual

events Le once again raised her slender arms into the shadowy night


Tessa stopped her advance just short of freeing Le's breasts into

the night air for only long enough to give her another quick kiss

before continuing. Le shivered in the night air as her robe joined

Tessa's armor on the ground, followed in short order by Tessa's

clothing. The final thing to leave their bodies were their boots,

which also joined their growing pile of clothing on the ground.

Literally jumping into Tessa's arms, Le's lips met hers as her arms

snaked around Tessa's neck once again.

Staring deep into one another's eyes they could see the love each

felt reflected in the others eyes, alongside the flame of passion that

was once again being stoked into a firestorm. Le's legs wrapped around

Tessa's waist as she pressed more forcefully into the kiss, her eight

onyx colored tails snaking about in her excitement. Sliding down Le's

back, Tessa's hands finally came to rest at the small, before lightly

rubbing. Breaking the kiss, Le gave a soft moan as she rested her forehead against Tessa's.

"You have astonishing hands dear Tessa," Le whispered, their lips

nearly touching.

A smile caused Tessa's lips to part as glee twinkled within her

eyes, "I'm glad you approve love."

Le's feet once again rested on the ground as she began to kiss

her way down the side of Tessa's neck, her hands sliding down Tessa's

sides lightly, causing her to shiver. Le's lips continued their path

down Tessa's chest and to her right nipple, before suckling on it

softly. Tessa let out a soft gasp as her nipple was enveloped in Le's

warm, wet mouth, being massaged by her smooth tongue. Le could feel

Tessa's nipple become ever more firm in her mouth as she continued

rubbing her tongue against it while suckling.

Tessa's hands quickly found their way to the back of Le's head,

pressing Le into her bosom slightly. The response was Le wrapping her

arms tightly around Tessa's chest, nuzzling into her teat as Le's teeth

clamped down delicately upon the firm nipple. Moaning as her head

rested atop Le's, Tessa's right hand began to gentle stroke Le's long

black hair as her left continued to hold Le's head in place. Tessa's

eyes half closed as she continued to softly vocalize her elatedness as

Le continued her steady suckling.

Once Le had decided enough attention had been paid to the current

nipple she detached herself from it, and casting a glance into Tessa's

eyes moved to the next one. Continuing what she had done to the

previous nipple with the current one, Le allowed her hands to begin

roaming their way down Tessa's back as she let go of Tessa's nipple

with a small wet pop. Tessa shivered as she heard that pop, and opened

her eyes fully to look at Le, who was staring up at her intently as her

hands gradually crept lower. A grin was once again upon Tessa as she

felt Le's nails lightly draw circles on her ticklish flesh.

"You're even more beautiful when you smile," Le softly spoke as

she rested her head against Tessa's left breast, listening to her

heartbeat as she continued her deliberately ticklish maneuvers.

A soft murmur was the next sound vocalized by Le as Tessa's hands

found their way to her ass and began massaging her flesh yet again. Le

cuddled closer to Tessa as she allowed one of her hands to wonder from

its current position to slowly make it's way around Tessa's body before

cupping her vulva while lightly rubbing. A gasp was the response that

she received, along with Tessa's nails drag against her tender flesh,

slightly raising the flesh and adding a redden hue to it. Le inhaled a

ragged breath as she felt Tessa's nails scrape against her, biting

Tessa on the collar in return.

Maintaining her grip upon Tessa's collar, Le pressed her palm

more forcefully against Tessa's vulva, almost massaging the area as her

eyes looked upon Tessa's face. She could hear her breathing increase

slightly as her face began to flush; Tessa's own hands began roaming up

and down Le's nude form as encouragement. Le's breath quickened as she

softly kissed Tessa's skin, her middle finger brushed against Tessa's

erect clitoris. She continued to circle Tessa's clitoris with her

finger, brushing against it now and again, only enough to keep her


"I love you," Le whispered upon relinquishing her hold on Tessa's


In response Tessa's face flushed, moments before she smiled

beamingly. Le purred softly, Tessa's reaction having excited her more

than she already was. Le enjoyed making their intimate moments as

tender as she could; she loved how her words made her lover feel. Le

nuzzled lightly against Tessa's neck, before nipping at the side of her

neck playfully; drawing a startled gasp from her as a result.

Le's fingers once again delved into her lover, ignoring her

clitoris for the time being and focusing on her lover's depths instead.

Tessa bit her bottom lip and pulled Le closer to her as she felt her

lover's fingers gently probe and explore her slick sex. Smiling when

Tessa pulled her closer, Le continued to gently massage the area as

Tessa began to moan softly from the stimulation. Le purred softly into

Tessa's ear before gently kissing her neck as she continued to slowly

slide her fingers out of her partner.

Upon her fingers sliding out of her partner, Le kissed Tessa

softly as Tessa's hand cupped and began firmly rubbing her vulva. Le's

breathing quickened as she broke the kiss, reveling in the sensual

sensation that Tessa's loving touch stirred within her. "I love you

too my fair lady," Tessa whispered, her lips again next to her blue

eyes locking with crimson eyes.

Seeing the elation in her eyes, Tessa closes the small gap

between their lips, as her hand lightly squeezes her partner's vulva

before she resumes rubbing. Le squeaked into the kiss as she felt the

sudden pressure applied to her sex, followed a moment later by a shiver

that ran up her spine. Breaking the kiss, Tessa nuzzled against the

side of Le's neck, nipping softly before sucking on the spot where her

neck joins her shoulder. Le's response was to place her hand upon the

back of Tessa's head, keeping her in place as her other hand began to

rub Tessa's back in gratification and encouragement.

Tessa's tongue rubbed against the flesh that she was sucking on,

her fingers starting to explore her lover's sex much as Le's fingers

had explored her own moments before. The next thing she felt was teeth

pressing firmly against the flesh of her shoulder as she felt Le's

muscles clamp down, encouraging her to probe deeper. Tessa willingly

obliged Le's unspoken plea, sliding her fingers deeper into her depths,

rubbing against the inside Le's own slicking sex. Feeling the pressure

leave her shoulder, Tessa heard Le's soft voice whisper into her ear

"you sexy tease."

Sliding her fingers quickly from Le's sex, Tessa pulled her mouth

away from Le's neck with a wet pop. "I never tease love," she said as

she wrapped her arms around Le's waist and rested her forehead against

her lover's.

"I should hope not, or I might have to find another way to keep

the long nights at bay," Le said with a mock pout.

"I would never do that to you my lady," Tessa said before kissing

Le's pouting lips softly.

"Good," Le purred in response, "because I would never do that to


Pulling out of her lover's arms, Le kissed her again before

tackling her playfully into the underbrush. Tessa gave a slight

chuckle at her partner's playful mood as she intertwined the fingers of

her right hand with the fingers on Le's left. Le smiled at the gesture

and squeezed her lover's hand lightly before bringing it to her lips;

kissing the back of Tessa's hand before putting her ear to Tessa's

chest to listen to her heartbeat. "I love to listen to your heartbeat;

it's so soothing," Le said softly as Tessa began to stroke her hair.

It was Tessa's turn to bring the back of Le's hand to her lips,

"I'm glad that I can make you so happy," she said as she continued to

stroke Le's hair.

Glancing up into the sky, Le trailed her index finger against

Tessa's side as she spoke "the stars are almost as beautiful as you are

tonight love."

"They certainly are lovely tonight," Tessa said as she looked

into the night sky.

Le simply nodded in response as her index finger trailed across

Tessa's thigh before trailing back up her side. Shivering at the

ticklish sensation, Tessa watched Le's eight onyx colored tails dance

about in the moonlight at she continued stroking her hair. Slowly

disentangling her fingers from Tessa's, Le began kissing and fondling

the breasts that she had been using as a pillow moments before.

Moaning softly in surprise, Tessa bit her bottom lip as her hands began

to trail up and down Le's back aimlessly.

Le purred in response as her mouth found Tessa's right nipple,

looking into her lover's eyes as she began to tease the sensitive flesh

with her tongue. Tessa shivered in delight at the feeling of Le's tongue against her flesh, "kiss me," she whispered to her lover.

Releasing her hold on Tessa's nipple, Le smiled brightly at her

love's request as she slid up the body beneath her and closed the

distance between their lips. Tessa's arms wrapped around Le at the

moment their lips met, while her lover began to stroke her hair. The

kiss lasted a while longer before Le broke it, "is there anything else

my lady love would ask of me," she asked, their lips nearly touching.

"Only that you continue to love me as you do now," Tessa


Smiling brightly before nipping Tessa's bottom lip, Le said with

a grin, "always the poetic one."

With a slight smirk Tessa's lips once again met Le's in a

prolonged passionate kiss. During the kiss Tessa had managed to

reverse their positions, breaking the kiss long enough to smile down at

Le before closing the small gap between their lips again. Le's hands

found their way to Tessa's ass, kneading the firm flesh and muscles

found there. Moaning into the kiss, Tessa's own hands began to roam up

and down Le's sides.

After the kiss had been broken again Le whispered "no more

teasing Tessa," as she continued kneading.

Kissing her again softly, Tessa's own hands found their way to

Le's vulva before lightly rubbing the sensitive area. Le moaned as a

she smiled before asking in a whisper, "do you remember your first


"Quite, you were very gentle and patient," Tessa responded as her

fingertips trailed lightly against Le's slit.

Le shivered as she felt the ever so light graze against her

sensitive sex, a moment later her hand wrapped around Tessa's wrist

before bringing the hand up to her mouth to lightly kiss it. Le

noticed the confusion in her love's eyes and gave a soft smile before

speaking again, "I remember holding you afterwards as you wept."

Tessa blushed a bright crimson and looked away from her lover;

though not for long as Le turned her head to face her once again. "I

found it endearing that I could have such an effect on someone I loved

and revered for so long," Le said as she watched Tessa's blush slowly


The next moment found Tessa's lips pressed firmly against Le's

while at the same time her nails pressed against her lover's loins.

Moaning into the quickly deepening kiss, Le could feel herself becoming

more aroused by the sudden aggressive turn her partner had taken.

Finding its way into Le's mouth as her mouth opened when she moaned,

Tessa's tongue forced itself over the top of her partner's. Le wiggled

her tongue as much as the tongue pressing against hers would allow.

Le watched as the slight motioned caused a predatory response in

her lover, she felt more than heard the soft growl that Tessa gave as

her nails pressed tighter against the soft flesh of her loins. Le

shivered slightly as the dominating aspects of her partner's

personality manifested before her. Growling again as she broke the

kiss, Tessa bit the delicate bottom lip that she had just been kissing

and flexed her nails, digging them into her lover's skin. Gasping at

the sensation, Le ran her fingers through Tessa's hair as the bite on

her lip turned into sucking.

Le wrapped he arms around Tessa as she stopped sucking on her

bottom lip and began to roughly nip and kiss her neck. Though Tessa

was being rougher than she had in the past, Le sensed an underlying

tenderness in her actions; and while she was being rough she was also

making sure it wouldn't hurt her as well. Le was aware of the fact

that Tessa was making her way down from her neck, pausing only to

softly kiss around her navel, her eyes looking into Le's for permission

to go further.

Le gave her permission with a nod, and the next sensation that

she felt was a suckling kiss on her hairless pubis that caused her to

emit a half squeak, half moan. Tessa enjoyed the sound of pleasure

from her partner and repeated the action a few more times, to much the

same result. Tessa then gave a long lick, feeling Le shiver underneath

her as she did so. Moaning as the kisses moved to her vulva, Le placed

her hands on the back of Tessa's head as a sigh of encouragement.

Tessa's hands rubbed against Le's inner thighs as her kisses

continued, adding to Le's excitement. A nip to her inner thigh made

Le's heart skip a beat as she inhaled sharply. "Please don't stop," Le

half moaned as Tessa's tongue finally began to probe within her slick


Sliding her tongue out of her excited partner, Tessa gave a quick

lick to the slit separating the labia. Le shivered once again before

saying with a slight smirk "you big tease."

"I would never tease you my lady love, only prolong your

pleasure," Tessa responded as her right hand lightly cupped her

beloved's vulva, pressing against it as she began to lightly rub.

Le began to pant slightly as her heartbeat increased from the

attention her partner was bestowing on her. Tessa responded to her

panting by increasing the pressure she was applying to her lover's

vulva, as she began to lightly kiss her right inner thigh. Moaning in

response to the new sensations, Le began rubbing her hands up and down

her body; reveling in the feel of both her partner's touch as well as

her own. Tessa's other hand rubbed the outside of Le's thigh as her

kisses turned to soft nips and light sucking.

Le's hands found their way to her breasts and began to absently

stroke them as her eyes sought out those of her lover's. A short

moment later their eyes met as Le felt a finger once again slide into

her slickness. Tessa continued to nip at the inside of Le's thigh,

maintaining eye contact with her lover the entire time. Le gave a

slight shiver at both the nipping and the unspoken promises within her

lover's eyes.

Tessa's finger continued at a steady pace as her beloved's sex

became gradually slicker in her excitement. She could feel the muscles

within squeezing her finger, as if inviting her deeper into their

depths; she gave a slight smile as she nipped once again at her lover's

tender flesh. Le' was panting a bit harder at this point and even

managed to wrap her left leg around her partner at the waist. Tessa

gave a soft coo as she felt her partner's leg against her back, before

latching onto her partner's inner thigh and began to suck.

Le was getting closer to her climax, the combination of both her

and her partner's caresses making her body hot, causing her to flush in

excitement. After a few more moments of Tessa felt her lover's sex

spasm around her inserted finger, and watched as her love's hand fell

from her breasts and she began to breathe more deeply in an attempt to

regain her senses. Tessa, her goal accomplished once again slid up to

a position to giver her lover a long kiss on the forehead as she

continued to gasp for a few moments.

After things had calmed down Le wrapped her arms tightly around

her lover, kissing her deeply. Opening her mouth, Tessa allowed Le's

tongue access to her own, which her partner quickly took advantage of.

As Her tongue was engaged with Tessa's, Le wrapped both her legs around

her partner in an attempt to pull her even closer to her. Le broke the

kiss after a few moments, before kissing her lover softly again on the


"I'm glad that my efforts met with your approval," Tessa said

with a slight smile as she began to stroke Le's hair.

"I just hope mine will give you the same pleasure as you've given

me," Le returned before softly kissing her partner again.

"You always give me pleasure my lady," was Tessa's reply.

Le responded with a smile as she continued to cuddle with her

lover. Tessa again kissed Le's forehead as she resumed stroking her

hair. It was at this point that Tessa noticed Le's tiredness, "I think

you should be getting some sleep," she whispered; "I'll still be here

in the morning my love." Le gave a sleepy smile in respose and Tessa

kissed her on the lips before allowing her partner to drift off to


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