Alpha & Omega

Story by TauBear on SoFurry

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This story is a gift to the awesome wolf Sleths.

There are cub references, though not explicit, but the main story takes place during the protagonist's "sixteenth spring" on his world - the equivalent of 19 earth years. To be safe I added the teen tag just in case anyone with a filter reckons they should not be stumbling upon this.

Please comment if you enjoyed it. Learning what I'm doing right and wrong increases the odds of more writings soon. If this really strikes a chord with you, feel free to PM me. If you like humiliation then you'll enjoy it a lot more if you read from the start for some perspective on the protagonist's values. The story is pretty dark (though my next one will probably be a lot darker).

"Give up those thoughts, Jaz, omega doesn't get to have sex." Berko mocked the gray wolf while indicating at his crotch. His exposed sheath revealed just a hint of pink.

A dozen young male wolves stood waiting in the fenced off area while the elders made preparations for the separation ceremony in the temple. This important day had finally arrived. The actual day was kept secret by the elders until this morning when the wolves of this generation were all summoned to the center of the village and ordered to hand in their tools, weapons and clothing. Now the anticipation was getting to them and tension was running high.

"Ayana is mine, Berk. By the time you get to pick you'll be lucky to get a loupe. That's if you get to pick." Jaz made no attempt to cover himself as this was not a time to show weakness or defeat. Besides, by smell alone he was clearly not the only one there with sex on his mind. The mixture of fear and lust surrounded them all.

Amare was the charcoal black wolf with golden yellow eyes standing quietly at the back while the others barked insults at each other. Instead of this desperate attempt to assert dominance, his mind was focused sharply on achieving a his goal. First, he will win the hunt to become Alpha. Next, he will mark Berko as omega.

It was simple in concept, but becoming Alpha was something that every other wolf there wanted. Makena was certainly charismatic enough for the role. He also had the appearance of a typical leader, classic gray fur decorated with beautiful black and brown markings. Jojo was the smart one, always coming up with new gizmos and weapons that have helped the tribe in many ways. He was surely another worthy candidate.

But Amare stared at the jet black wolf with a determined hate in his eyes. It seemed poetic that the two strongest contenders were both black of fur. They both had good genes. They were both excellent hunters. And both were looked up to by the others.

But unlike Amare, Berko had no strong feeling towards his rival. They rarely spoke. And he didn't remember the promise of revenge made so many years ago when he humiliated the charcoal wolf as a cub, unknowingly planting the seeds of anger that have grown ever since. No, other than his selfish motivation for becoming Alpha himself, Berko had no grudge against Amare, or any other wolf for that matter.

There were of course a few obvious choices for omega. Jaz's comical appearance had always made him the subject of mockery, which made him an obvious candidate. Nuru earned somewhat of a reputation from staring at the warriors when they bathed, which didn't bode well for him. While being gay was allowed, his indiscretion had gotten him in trouble more than once. Finally, Tuma's slow thinking and lack of eloquence made him a natural choice for omega. Had it not been for his attractive physique and blue eyes that enchanted numerous females, he would have stood out as the obvious candidate.

But oh, the satisfaction it would give Amare to get back at Berko by declaring him as omega. He would never see it coming. And what humiliation he would bestow upon the black wolf he would still have to decide, but that was going to be rewarding. Just the act of marking him would already give him so much pleasure. And then, as Alpha, he would be the only one who could give Berk permission to mate. Which he will never do.

The anger in his eyes turned to a hint of a smile as Amare imagined just what punishment he would choose. It had become somewhat of a tradition for the Alpha to come up with a creative way to humiliate the omega to 'put him in his place' every year at the post hunt ceremony.

The ceremony was the peak of the rite which was held in the temple and attended by nearly all males of the tribe. It officially started whenever the first wolf completed his tasks during the hunt to become Alpha. Inside the temple were circular rows of large ascending steps that were meant as simple seating.

On the west side of the temple the elders would sit. They consisted of all wolves of greater age than the initiates. On the east side sat the younglings. At the back, from the age of six, cubs attended the ceremony to learn from an early age of the tribe's ways. Progressively towards the front the older cubs sat, with the front row seating those that would be initiates the following year.

But the ceremony was centered around those that had their sixteenth spring that very year. By the time the males had assembled, the wolves would have been called from the hunt and the Alpha among them would already have been determined. On this single evening, he would be the most powerful wolf of the tribe, outranking even the wisest of elders until the ceremony was completed. It was the greatest honor there was.

After brief congratulations by the elders, the Alpha's first task was selecting his choice for omega if he had not done so already. This was made official by means of marking, covering the omega with his urine and scent, thereby declaring him as his property. Next for the Alpha was the best part of the evening: experiencing his first taste of female.

Sex was not something that any cub could experience before their sixteenth spring. Any form of self pleasure was strictly forbidden in the tribe, as was sexual contact with any wolf before this day. The slightest hint of a smell on a wolf's paws, mouth or crotch could lead to permanent exile.

Naturally, mating was something cubs frequently speculated over and often fantasized about. The enticing smell of girls in heat at these ceremonies was a rare hint of what was to come, but none of the boys there truly knew what it felt like to be inside one.

According to tradition the Alpha would be presented with all the females of that generation. He would get his first pick for mate and take her right there in the temple, in front of the entire audience. Hereafter, the Alpha would call in turn the names of the other males there, in order of his own choosing, who would then each get their turn to pick from the remaining females to proceed with mating as well.

Amare remembers well all the times he had attended the ceremonies, each year sitting one row closer to the action. That first time, how he and the other boys sat in curiosity watching the ceremony with boners under their loincloths. Brought on by the smell of females when they were brought in, at first it was merely thought of as an embarrassing involuntary reaction of their bodies. But as they grew up, it was later understood that erection was the normal reaction and thoughts turned lustful as they watched the older boys mate. It wasn't unusual after a ceremony to find little puddles of precum on the floor where the teenagers sat.

For the initiates, if there were more females than males then starting with the Alpha, they could have second picks. If there were more males than females then sharing was allowed, if the first male to pick a particular female allowed it, which rarely happened. This year would be particularly tough for those that would be called last, with three more males than females. But things were even tougher for the omega.

The omega was outranked by all wolves of his generation the same way that the Alpha outranked them. He was always the last to speak, eat or even mate, with the latter only being allowed when given explicit permission by the Alpha. The evening of the ceremony was no exception and this was a rule that stayed intact for the rest of his life. But the humiliation didn't stop there.

Some decades ago the legendary warrior Kanye started a tradition that stood to this day. He was the most proficient hunter they had ever known and completed his tasks in a mere three days, or so the story went. Having earned respect from the elders and his place as Alpha, he called upon his choice for omega to step forward.

He proceeded with the traditional marking, but instead of preparing to pick a female, he removed his loincloth and sat down on the stairs at the front of the temple in clear view of everyone. He then ordered the omega to unsheath him.

The temple immediately broke out in whispers. Everyone was shocked. Not only was homosexuality not allowed, but this significantly deviated from tradition. Still on all fours from where he was marked, the omega looked towards the elders for some kind of overrule, and for a few moments it looked like some objection was going to be called. But then the eldest among them stepped forward and spoke.

"Quiet all! Kayne! I assume you are you aware that what you are proposing is forbidden."

"I am, honorable one, but tonight I rightfully stand before all of you all as Alpha. And as my first deed, I choose to remove this law." He then looked left and right towards the elders and younglings in turn. "Is there anyone here who would challenge me?"

But no-one did. Perhaps the time was ripe for change. Perhaps it was the respect they all had for Kanye. Or perhaps it was a simple case of no-one daring to physically challenge a wolf of his strength and skill. After a minute or so of exchanging words with some of the other elders, the eldest turned back to Kanye and nodded. He then looked down to the wolf at his feet.

"Omega, I believe your Alpha has given you an order."

One or two of the elders then left the temple in disgust, but the rest of the males all watched as Kanye made the omega slip his mouth over his penis, albeit reluctantly. At first Kanye was overwhelmed by the pure bliss of having a warm mouth around him, but as he got used to the feeling he started pressing the omega's head down, rocking his hips at the same time. Finally when he came, he proudly shot his seed into the omega's mouth and the rest over his face while everyone watched. So the story went. It had been the ultimate humiliation.

It later emerged that Kanye had a personal score to settle with the omega he chose, much like Amare had with Berko, but in time the act was seen as less of a shame as Kanye declared that homosexuality would be allowed from that day forth. While he had never taken a permanent mate, he had frequent sexual encounters with other males and it was even seen by some as an honor to have lied with him. During the great territorial wars of that time he eventually became one of the bravest warriors the tribe had ever known, reinforcing the idea that homosexuality was not shameful. For how could the needs of such a great soldier be denied?

But before the events of that evening were finished, Kanye had made one more declaration, leaving his mark on history. He initiated the humiliation of the omega as a tradition to be performed at every annual ceremony to come. And since then each year that followed, the Alpha came up with new ways to put the omega to shame after marking him.

Amare remembers the previous year where the Alpha made the omega lick his tail-hole while he was mating with his female. While providing extra pleasure to the Alpha, this also had the secondary effect of driving the omega mad with lust, being so close to the musky female juices flowing just inches away and yet not being allowed to touch himself or give in to his desire to lick at that spot. A harsh punishment indeed.

But the most memorable was the very first year that Amare attended, when he was just a small cub. After marking the omega the way it was traditionally done, the Alpha declared that this alpha would not only be servant to his generation and elders as was convention, but to every single wolf in the tribe. And to make it official, he ordered the youngest of cubs to take turns to also mark the omega.

Amare didn't fully understand the implication of this deed at the time. He remembers coating the omega with his own yellow stream along with the other boys, simply because they were told to do so. But he had thought of it more as something gross than humiliating. Only when he hit puberty and the marking instinct woke in him did he begin to understand just what it meant, that even as cubs they owned that omega, which must have been utterly degrading to him.

As the young wolves outside the temple still stood waiting for the elders to call upon them, something surprising happened. When for a moment the insults had stopped, Makena walked up to Nuru and put a paw on the white wolf's shoulder. Nuru was startled for a moment, but their eyes met, after which Makena scanned down and up Nuru's naked body, locking gaze with him once more while giving a warm smile.

The white wolf stood confused for a second, before something clicked and he did the same, looking over Makena's muscular body, seemingly in approval and returned the smile. He then turned his expression serious again, put his right paw up on the gray wolf's left shoulder and with their eyes still locked, he nodded. Finally, without either of them uttering a single word, Makena finished the interaction by nodding as well.

It was obvious to everyone what had happened. Makena and Nuru were to be each other's mates, which had implications for the choices of female. There were now ten males not spoken for and nine females, which meant that only the omega would be left dry.

"Initiates! Come forward!" Alpha Khari's distinct voice called out before he appeared from behind some fencing. He was dressed in the ceremonial clothes - a loincloth marked with the symbol of his family in blood. His arms and legs were covered with furry leather from a loupe - the feral canines that resembled wolves. Finally in his hand he carried the sacred staff that declared to everyone who saw him that he was Alpha. This was more a formality though, as everyone knew exactly who the Alpha was to each generation.

The initiates did as they were expected, entering the temple, where some of the other wolves were already waiting. On the floor at the front of the temple, loincloths for each of the initiates were packed out, along with a small leather bag. Each moved in and stood beside the loincloth that bared his family's symbol.

Khari continued. "Next to you, you will find your clothing and a bag of yellow-wood bark. Your ceremonial loincloths are to be worn with pride until the hunt has concluded. The bark is being given to you as a last resort if you find yourself lost, injured or trapped. Burn this in a fire and the distinct yellow smoke will signal that you need help from the tribe. But be warned, if you use the bark, that disqualifies you from becoming Alpha."

He then continued on to explain the goal of the hunt. "Each of you is to bring three items back to the temple in a trial of strength, courage and skill. First, an egg of the bald eagle. The egg symbolizes the seed of courage that lies within each. In order to find the egg, you will need to climb dangerous cliffs, as the eagle only builds his nest where the younglings are protected from predators."

Even though the tasks had been known well in advance, the initiates listened carefully to Khari's words. "Second, you will need to bring the tail of a rabbit. The rabbit's tail symbolizes the cleverness and skill required to catch this cunning rodent. You may take no weapons, or tools, but you are allowed to construct your own while on the hunt.

Finally, you are to acquire a branch of the thornwood tree that only grows north of the Blackwater River. The thorns symbolize strength. With spring upon us, the melting ice in the has brought the river to full stream and it will take endurance to cross. Be warned, if the current takes you west of the great oak tree, you will be in bear territory where the tribe can no longer offer you help or protection. Are there any questions?"

There were none. Khari picked up a second staff in his left hand and walked to the front of the temple, in front of all the initiates. The staff he held with his left paw was meant for this year's Alpha. Upon returning to the temple, he would pick up the staff and the appointment would be official.

Khari's final words were spoken. "Hear this warning: any action taken during the hunt which does not reflect strength, courage and skill will be met with exile." Everyone knew what this meant: cheating was not an option. Khari then let go of he staff in his left hand, letting it drop to the ground, which officially marked the start. "Let the hunt... commence!"


Amare was overcome with satisfaction after completing two of the three tasks in only three days. This was close to the great Kanye's record and everything was set for him to become Alpha. He had buried the other two items at a location known only to him and carefully covered his tracks and smell. The charcoal wolf ran swiftly through the valley near the east border of their territory, where their lands met with those of the deer tribes. It was risky to move so close to the border, but this was where he knew rabbits were plentiful and completion of his final task would have the quickest possible success.

The wolf slowed down to catch his breath and assess the environment. It was mid morning and there were still hints of dew on some of the surrounding shrubs. There was a slight breeze from the east and... Amare came to a stop to reaffirm what he thought he noticed, lifting his nose to the wind. Yes, it was definitely rabbit's blood. And fresh, too. He looked towards the east, trying to decide what to make of it.

At the very least, this was in the neutral territory between wolf and deer lands. At worse, this was even beyond, the smell originating from within the deer lands. Most likely a rabbit that had been killed by a loupe. No... there was no smell of loupe in the air. This was truly puzzling. Perhaps some kind of snare set by the deer? No that didn't make sense either as they only ate plants.

Amare gave a little snicker. He had no idea what to do about this. In a way he just couldn't believe his luck. There was sure to be a rabbit's tail where the smell came from. The third task was so close now... he didn't even have to make any weapons first to catch one. Besides, there wasn't the faintest smell of deer from upwind. Within an hour or two he could be Alpha.

He loved the thought of everyone knowing that he had been the first to equal Kanye's record. And although trespassing onto deer territory was risky, it also showed strength. Besides, what threat could a deer possibly pose to a wolf?

It was decided. The wolf smiled ear to ear while he started a steady jog towards the east. A mere few minutes later and the smell was so strong that Amare switched back to a brisk walk and frequently tested the air for the presence of the smell. It seemed to be coming from the direction of a large tree. As he approached, he saw a slaughtered rabbit lying in a clearing underneath the tree. His pace slowed down even more to a near halt.

It was sort of puzzling. The first thing that went through the wolf's mind was some kind of strange sacrificial ritual. He had very little knowledge of the ways of the deer. He walked closer still to inspect the dead rabbit. The rabbit's throat had been cut and it was... yes, the tail was still intact. Still, it did bother the wolf why deer would be doing such a thing as he walked closer yet. He whispered to himself, thinking out loud. "Why would you even...." His thoughts were interrupted when he heard something snap and suddenly something wrapped around his body, jerking him upward.

His world was flipped upside down as he tried to make head or tail of what had just happened.... He was in some sort of net. A snare. Something meant to catch... Then it dawned upon him.

The deer had been known to keep loupes as pets. It hadn't occurred to him before because loupes were forbidden near the wolf tribes. Even contact with a loupe was something that carried a harsh sentence. But here in the deerlands, there were no such rules. They probably kept the loupes for protection from predators - and this is how they caught them.

But it didn't matter what the purpose of the snare was. Amare had to get out of there. And fast. If he could just get down, he could grab the rabbit's tail and if he ran at full speed he could still be back at the temple before noon. He started to assess his situation, and just how he would get out of the web of rope he was tangled in when he heard some someone approach.

"What the hell? A wolf?" Amare heard the voice from almost directly below him, but the net he was captured in held his head at such an angle that he could not see who was speaking.

"Let me down immediately whoever you are and maybe I'll let you leave in once piece." The wolf was impatient and felt he didn't have to be diplomatic.

"I don't think you're in a position to be making demands, pup." The deer was obviously male. His condescending tone agitated the wolf further.

"You'll pay for delaying my release. My tribe will..."

"Your tribe..." the stag interrupted Amare "...has no rule here. You're in deer territory now, where our rules are law. And our rules say I can do with you as I damn well please."

"You will be so sorry for talking to me in such a disre..." Amare was interrupted again, this time by a sting in his thigh.

"I can see you're quite a talker, I think I'll enjoy hearing you beg later, but for now I hope that shuts you up. That was a dart you felt, the tip dipped in poppy-berry extract." Amare didn't respond this time, hoping the deer would continue explaining.

"I see you're not familiar with poppy-berry. In a few moments you'll start to feel drowsy. In a few minutes you'll find it hard to move your limbs and your muscles will become weak. You'll be unable to speak and you'll start to drool. Possibly wet yourself. In about five minutes you may or may not lose consciousness. I guess it depends on your weight and how well that dart got you."

The stag had barely finished explaining when Amare could confirm the effects. He suddenly felt a pleasant tiredness come over him and his struggles in the net became more difficult. It started to feel a bit like a dream. "You'll pay...." Even speaking was surprisingly difficult. His jaw felt heavy and while he could still move his tongue, it didn't help if he couldn't form words.

Whatever that poppy-berry was seemed to be selectively shutting down certain muscles. Luckily it didn't seem to affect his breathing. It only took a few moments more before Amare dangled at the edge of consciousness. It felt kind of pleasurable and his will was too weak to do anything other than let the drug take hold of him. He recalls being lowered down, and being dragged around somewhat. At some point some more stags must have joined as he heard multiple male voices. But most of it was just a blur.


When Amare finally came to he realized he was surrounded. His hands had been tied behind his back, with another rope over his chest holding him upright. He was up against a tree trunk. The same tree he had been snared at. As soon as he recalled what hat happened he felt a burst of anger in his chest, the rush of which rapidly woke him up further. How long had he been out for?

His eyes darted around. He was surrounded by three stags now, all of whom towered over him by at least a few inches even before taking their antlers into account. This had been the first time Amare had seen a stag up close. They were all grinning, taking pleasure in his misery. "Let me go!"

"Hahaha, he's finally awake. Little late now, you're not going anywhere soon." the tallest of the stags remarked. "What do you say, pup, what do you suppose would be a just punishment for trespassing?" Being called "pup" again, the wolf knew that this was the deer that darted him. "You!"

The stag walked right up to Amare as if to prove his helplessness in his bound condition. He was so close that the wolf could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. "Yes, me". Starring off to the side, the tall stag continued to speak, this time not directed to Amare. "Finally, Jeff, what took you so long?"

The wolf saw another pair of stags join the party as the tall one moved away. With a slight shock Amare noticed that one of them was accompanied by a loupe, held on a leash. This was also the first time Amare had seen a loupe up close. Getting too close to one was forbidden. He started to get really worried.

"And jeez, did you bring your whole collection of potions?"

"Relax, Jack. Hehehe, you'll see what I have in mind for this mutt. Oh we're gonna have fun with him." The one called Jeff spoke.

The second stag to just join in walked over to stand in front of Amare and looked him over. "Fascinating. First time I've been so close to a wolf. You say you caught him in one of your loupe traps? It looks like they're really not that different after all." The tall stag called Jack nodded. "He's pretty pissed off."

Amare fought the urge to make empty threats. In his bound condition he had no way of delivering on any of them. He also knew that anything he would say would just be turned into a mockery, so he kept quiet and switched his focus on assessing his situation.

The stag in front of Amare kept looking and even started touching his clothes. "Well, this loincloth has a family symbol on it and this means... oh my."

"What is it?" the tall stag asked.

"That loincloth means he is taking part in the rite."

"What rite? Some kind of wolf ritual? Come on Luke, not all of us are scholars of tribal culture. Why don't you share some of your superior knowledge?"

"Well, you see, this is his sixteenth spring. He's no more than a year older than us. They have this big hunt where they're meant to pass a bunch of tests. First one to make it becomes the Alpha of his generation and then... well after this hunt they choose their females to mate with."

"What females do they mate with before the rite?"

Luke smiled as he filled his friends in. "Well since he's not finished the rite yet... it means he's still a virgin."

"Really?" Jack turned towards Amare again. "You don't know what it feels like to sink your dick into a bitch? I feel sorry for you, mate."

"Oh it's worse than that. See they're very conservative - they're not even allowed to touch themselves."

"I'd kill myself if I'd grown up in such a tribe. What teenager can survive that?" As the tall stag spoke, the one called Jeff approached with his loupe.

"Get that animal away from me!"

"Relax, wolfie, he just wants to smell you." the tall stag continued.

"It's forbidden."

Luke continued explaining. "They're told that any close contact with a loupe is forbidden. Because of... you know."

"Yeah yeah, Luke, we all know this one. That's the first thing everyone ever learns out about wolves. Does he even know?" He scoffed. "They sure seem to keep their people in the dark about the ways of the world." Jack turned towards Amare again. "Do you know why it's forbidden?" he half jokingly asked.

"It just is. Because it's the law." Amare got annoyed with the stag questioning their ways.

"Wow, pup, you really don't know? It's a pity you didn't bring a bitch, Jeff. I would have loved to see him react."

"Oh... I brought the next best thing."

Amare got confused. What the hell are they talking about? Are there really secrets about wolves and loupes that the stags were informed about the he himself did not know?

An evil grin appeared on Jack's face. "First, let's strip this pup. I want to see what a wolf dick looks like."

Amare's first thought was that it was just the stags teasing, some silly scare tactics, but some small part of him knew that they could actually go through with it. In his bound position he had absolutely no power or leverage and was left as a toy to them. The wolf's suspicions were confirmed as Jack walked up close and began to untie his loincloth.

He struggled and fought against the ropes, holding on to the last hope that this was still just a joke, but the act was made final when the last bit was untied and with one sweeping motion, Jack pulled his loincloth off, exposing him to the group of males towering over him. The stress of the situation has caused his balls to pull up and his sheath to be pulled tight against his belly. It felt so wrong being exposed like this to these outsiders.

Jeff commented. "He looks just like a loupe. Or well... at least from what I can see so far."

Jack continued. "He looks nervous to me." He then threw Amare's loincloth over to Jeff. "Pour some loupe juice over it. I'm gonna get him to show us some pink. See if there's any truth to that rumor about loupes outsizing wolves." As Amare again tried to figure out just what exactly they were talking about, Jack walked closer again with a serious expression and cupped his balls, placing him in an extremely vulnerable position.

"Nothing you can do to stop us. I could castrate you right here and all you'd be able to do is watch and squirm." He paused for a moment before the serious face turned into a smile. "Relax, puppy, we're not gonna mutilate you. If I were you I'd just try to enjoy this. You're gonna get your first taste of female. Kind of."

Jack continued to fondle the wolf's balls and lightly squeezed his penis through his sheath. Having never felt such touch, this action was strangely pleasurable to him. Amare hated that his first intimate touches were coming from a stag. Partly because he was an outsider, but also because he seemed to have a much better understanding of sex than the wolf himself and was using it to torment him.

"You should be excited, not nervous." Jack then let go and stepped back, looking over his work as he left the wolf a bound, confused mess of anger with a hint of arousal. He then took the wolf's loincloth back from Jeff who had done something with it... poured something on it that Amare was too distracted to notice happen. The wolf's last hope was that this was the end of it and that they were going to put it back on him, but the suspicious grins he was seeing on Jack didn't match any expectation of what that would achieve. Jack approached Amare again with the loincloth in his one hand and then lifted it up, holding it right under the wolf's muzzle.

A kaleidoscope of emotions hit Amare all at once as the musky smell entered his nose. It smelt... good. It was earthy and somewhat pungent, like the scent of sex at the ceremonies he had attended. But different as well. More... wild. Feral. But oh so good. Before he realized it, he had buried his nose in the loincloth to take a second whiff, this time it hit him twice as hard. The pleasure knocked him like a hard punch and he felt it extend down to his belly and crotch.

Part of him started to figure out what the smell was and told him to fight it, but his instinct told him to smell it for just one more second. Just one more good whiff, then he can take back control. No, he had to fight this now, he was not going to be their toy.

He realized how in just a few seconds he almost lost complete track of where he was. It took all of his will to fight it, but finally he was able to muster up the strength to pull his muzzle away. He wanted to bite that stag for the humiliation, but somehow he just couldn't do it with the friendly smell still lingering from the cloth he was holding. His ears pulled flat against his head and he was sure he was blushing.

Jack took a step back. "Grab his head! I'm gonna make sure he gets a good dose of this rutting bitch." It confirmed to Amare what had started to dawn on him, that what the poured on his loincloth was urine from a female loupe in heat. Jeff grabbed the wolf by the neck and worked his way up to his jaw, keeping his mouth shut. The wolf tried to shake him off, but when the fourth stag that was there stepped in and helped, he was overpowered. "Tie it over his muzzle!" one of them shouted, and Jack did exactly that.

Amare tried to keep his dignity but the smell invading his nostrils was just too overpowering. By the time Jack had finished, his loincloth had been tied around his muzzle so tightly that he couldn't open his mouth, forcing him to breath through his nose. But his nose was covered by the urine soaked material of the loincloth that he was trying to not breathe in in the first place.

As Jack stepped back, the other two stags holding his head let go and took positions to observe. Amare was furious with anger, but the pleasure was also starting to get to him, with his eyelids visibly starting to droop as he forcefully kept breathing the pleasurable scents that his pride was telling him not to.

With every breath he took, the pleasure hit him like a wave and each time it did, he felt the feeling in his groin amplify a little with it. As if his humiliation wasn't enough, he felt himself losing a little bit of control with each burst. His penis was no doubt stiffening from the arousal. He kept looking down to confirm what he feared was happening, and as he did, he saw what the stags did as well. On the last breath he took, the tension in his crotch pushed his penis beyond the confines of his sheath, revealing an inch of pink to the onlookers.

Jack added commentary. "There we go. And that's why your tribal laws forbid you from interacting with loupes. Besides, it wouldn't be very good for your numbers if the all the men went feral. It really is a pity we don't have one of those bitches here. Would have been fun to watch you try and fight off those urges until you finally give in."

Amare's breathing turned into a rapid panting through his nose. He was so angry, yet feeling so much pleasure at the smell. He could well believe what Jack was saying. If this smell had been fresh on a female, he doesn't know if he'd be able to resist it, regardless of whether it was a loupe or not.

"And as for the females of your tribe, well the story goes that male loupes outsize your men where it matters. They would pleasure your bitches like no wolf ever could. Well, maybe that's just a story, but in a minute or two Jeff here will be able to to tell us if there's any truth to it. He breeds loupes all the time. And you're gonna show us all what an aroused wolf looks like."

Amare's eyes almost drooped closed at this stage. The bliss was overloading his senses to the extent that he he felt he could pass out, yet somehow felt energized at the same time. He felt another jolt of pleasure extend down his spine to his crotch and then surprised himself when he gave an involuntary thrust, pushing his penis further out of its sheath and causing the deer to burst out in laughter. This was all new to him, but apparently they had plenty of experience and knew exactly how the male body worked. He hated the asymmetry of knowledge that further added to his humiliation.

"So far he just looks like a smaller loupe. I guess the stories are true." Jeff walked up to the wolf again and lifted his hand to his mouth. "And if he works like a loupe at all, I can help him out a bit." He then spat a big gob of spit into his palm, made his fingers into a tube and put it over Amare's penis.

Almost instantly the wolf began to hump the stag's hand involuntarily, this time his closed-mouth panting becoming so intense that he loudly blew air out of his nostrils. Amare couldn't decide if this was heaven or hell. Some part of him just wanted to be in the moment and soak up the scent and attention his penis was being given for the first time in his life. But this wasn't how he wanted it to happen. Not the time and not the place.

Jeff then adjusted his grip even tighter and slid it down, surprising the wolf. He pushed down his sheath as far as it would go, slipping his knot completely out and then proceeded to gently squeeze behind it. Amare thought he could feel himself begin to pee involuntarily, feeling small droplets of liquid run up inside his penis. This was completely out of his control and he hated that the stag at this point had more power over his body that he did himself. For a moment he thought that he was actually going to cum, but even the inexperienced wolf knew that it took more than this to get a wolf off.

As he felt his penis start pulsing with every heartbeat, Jeff let go, locking his sheath behind the expanded knot, leaving the wolf with his penis entirely exposed to the group. He tried his best to hold back the liquid that he felt was threatening to squirt out of the tip, his face visibly snarling even though his jaws were still tied shut. But it was useless. As another wave of lust hit him and translated to yet another involuntary thrust, he felt himself leaking a decent amount.

At first thinking that somehow all this domination by the stags was causing him to wet himself like a cub, he looked down and saw a clear liquid spill down his shaft, running down and wetting the fur on his balls. It invited a few more laughs from the stags. And the feeling didn't stop, there were still more liquid in his shaft, pushing up as it spilled out the top.

When the faint smell of it hit him through his loincloth, Amare figured out that he wasn't peeing, imagining that this must be the precum he had heard older boys talk off. And if this wasn't cumming, he couldn't see how orgasm could actually be more intense than this already was.

"Definitely smaller than a loupe." Jeff was still standing in front of Amare as he spoke. "Should I go all the way? We can keep on teasing him or if we really want to piss him off, I can make him cum."

"Oh he's not getting off that easily. I want to see him beg for it. But first, let's give him a proper welcome, wolf style." As Jack spoke, he walked up to Amare and put his hands on his shoulders while he commanded Jeff. "Kick out his knees."

With his penis still erect, Amare collapsed as Jeff pushed in the back of his legs, forcing him to his knees, making the stags tower even higher over him. Meanwhile, the pleasure in his crotch just kept increasing and more precum started leaking. He was so out of control.

With Amare's face just about crotch level with the stags at this point, Jack started unbuckling his own pants and dropped them to the ground, revealing his rather large testicles and - as far as Amare was concerned - unusually shaped penis. The bottomless stag then started to slip back his own sheath to extend some pink. For the first time Amare guessed right about the next action and hated the idea. He was NOT their property. But there was no stopping it and his guess was confirmed when a stream of yellow urine hit his chest.

Jack spoke to the rest of the group. "When I'm finished, you each take turns." He kept on coating Amare, who picked up on the smell through the loincloth. It was definitely the smell of stag and very masculine. It felt so wrong that this smell was now mixed in with the stronger smell of bitch still pressed up against his nose, still causing his lust to keep increasing in the presence of this enemy's musk.

When his chest was soaked, he moved down to mark his belly and then even his crotch. The idea of the stag's urine hitting his unsheathed penis and wetting his balls was beyond humiliating, but as with nearly everything about the situation, the warmth of the stream on his bare penis was also causing him to experience additional bursts of pleasure.

As Jack finished the next stag stepped in, but before he was finished a third started unclothing, adding his stream while Amare also noticed more of the gang starting to unclothe themselves. At one point three simultaneous streams were hitting him. He looked down upon himself, his own penis standing rock hard like he had never seen it before. The last glimpse he had of what an erect penis looked like was when he saw a wolf dismount at the ceremony. That was so much different from what he was being put through now.

Finally when the last stag had marked him, Jack walked up to him again and took the loincloth off of his face. A little surprised, Amare looked up with hopeful eyes. He was soaked and the late morning breeze was causing him to feel the cold of the wetness. The sweet smell of the loincloth had now been replaced with the complete feeling of domination as he was marked with the smells of the entire gang of stags. "Are you... going to let me go now?"

"Hahahaha. On no, pup. Believe me when I tell you, the worst is yet to come." He then turned again to the others and ordered. "Untie him. Jeff, we're gonna need one of your collection tables."

Amare angered up again. 'Collection table' sounded like something meant for loupes. For... collecting them. He was not going to let these deer treat him like a loupe. They would never make him cum. Never.

Some of the deer left and he could hear some things being moved around behind him, preparations made and a fire started. But before long his paws were untied behind his back and then tied again in front of him. He was led to the other side of the tree to a small low, strangely shaped table.

It was about a foot wide and three feet long. The top of it was round and padded with leather. It was thicker on the one side, maybe as thick as it was wide, while on the other side it was cut away. Amare did not have to wait long to find out just how it was used.

Jack threw the wolf forward, so he fell on the ground, blocking his fall only with his tied up hands, trying not to get his still erect penis full of sand. "Chest on the table." Amare proceeded, not being in a position to argue. "Other side." After a moment's of confusion, Amare figured out what was meant.

He placed his chest on the table, reaching with his tied paws over the thick end. This left his crotch on the side that was cut away, giving all of them easy access to his private parts under the table.

As soon as he was in place, a couple of ropes were tied to him again. First, his front paws were tied to the one end of the table so that he would have to climb over it to get away - something which his erect penis under the top would have made difficult. Next, a pair of ropes were tied behind his knees and towards two wooden extensions on the sides. This pulled his legs forward and outwards, now making it impossible for him to get away unless he was untied. Amare hated again the way this was exposing his rear and so kept it covered with his tail.

Finally a leather strap was tied around the table underneath his belly and over his back, keeping his chest firmly on the table and leaving him unable to even slightly move. But that wasn't all of it. The last bit is what Amare hated the most. A small leather implement was tied to a loop in the strap over his back and a small leather collar placed around his tail. The two were clipped together, keeping his tail lifted. The tension didn't hurt, but the idea of his tail-hole now exposed made Amare extremely uncomfortable. The last bit of private that had not yet been violated is being put on display.

The wolf was terrified of the 'milking' they were going to put him through. Forced to look forward, he was again blind to what happened behind him. He heard a liquid being poured again. "Now put it back on him." For the first time Amare started to shed some dignity and started to beg.

"No please! Don't do that. I'll do anything."

"This is the part that is worrying you? Do you even know what's going to happen next?" Jack's voice behind Amare changed tone then to address the others. "Keep quiet. Lets see how long it takes him to figure out."

As if to torment the wolf, the rest of the actions were performed in complete silence, save the occasional snicker. The stags proceeded to tie the loincloth back over Amare's nose, again keeping his muzzle shut.

It was even worse this time, maybe because he was already somewhat worked up, but his almost 'mating' posture probably added to it when as the smell hit him again he could clearly feel himself squirt some precum onto the ground while having to fight to keep himself from humping the table. And it didn't go unnoticed. Comments were made again, but as before, they faded away into the background as the pleasure started to overtake the canine again. There was a brief pause and then he felt something completely foreign.

A wet brush of some kind violated his tail-hole, smearing some kind of substance on there. With his nose covered, he couldn't tell what it was. The first thought that jumped to his mind was a brine that some boys he knew use to make from a chilli plant which was usually used in pranks. If this was the case then it was bound to turn very painful very fast. It seemed plausible, given their intention to humiliate him. But that wasn't it. There was no burning sensation. And then...

The most pleasurable violation that Amare could imagine was felt as what had to be someone's tongue started lapping at his tail-hole. It only took as second for the wolf to realize exactly what was going on and the wrongness of it sent a buzz to his stomach. 'The loupe!' the thought to himself. It was more female loupe urine they put on his behind. 'No this couldn't be. This had to be a nightmare. Wake up!'

But it just kept coming. The was an unpredictable combination of licks and pokes on Amare's tail-hole. Each poke threatened to enter a little deeper into his rectum. The wolf didn't know what was worse... the fact that this was happening or the fact that it felt... good. Oh so good. How could such a low creature... not even a stag... something even lower, pleasure him so? But even that was not the worst of it.

In his drugged state, a small part of the wolf wanted to just give in to it. Let the loupe lick him. Make himself even lower than that loupe while he kept taking in that female smell and allow his tail-hole to be abused by a feral male like that. All the while enjoying it. It was like the loupe had absolute power over his experience of pleasure, which in that moment made the stags like gods over him.

But the humiliation was still not at its worst. When the licking stopped for a moment, the wolf was almost disappointed for a second as the warm and pleasurable sensations stopped. But only for a second.

A mass for furry muscle landed on Amare's rear as a pair of paws grabbed his sides. Although surprised, this time the wolf didn't fight it. He just let it happen. It was just as well that his muzzle was tied, because the only words his mind could think were "fuck, yeah". A large wet, feral penis teased his tail-hole a few times until the right alignment was found and with a few quick jabs, the previously proud wolf was turned into the male loupe's bitch.

The wolf shuddered in pleasure. As pleasurable as the loupe's tongue was to his tail-hole, it was merely a tease compared to being filled with such a lengthy shaft. The pleasure reached a new height and again Amare though he was close to passing out. But there was something else happening. Something strange building in is belly like an itch that was being scratched.

The loupe kept thrusting as Amare felt himself being stretched. If he was not drugged by the pheromones the way he was, it would probably have hurt. Occasional bumps of the feral dog's knot on his tail-hole reminded him just how deep he was being violated. But the shock of it all was just how good it felt... Was he actually wanting that loupe to tied with him? Would it.... Even fit?

And again the wolf didn't have long to wait for an answer. The itch he felt grew more and more intense, like it was going to burst... and the leaking of precum from his penis started increasing. Then it finally happened... Amare grunted as the loupe's knot slipped inside. The pleasure was indescribable. As he felt the warm cum filling him up inside, every thought in the wolf's head had been replaced by just one... how good it felt being taken like a feral bitch. This thought kept featuring as the pleasure built... that itch.... The urge to... pee... or... cum!

The wolf sprayed his seed all over the ground as he was tied with. The pleasure... it felt like pure bliss, like he wanted to be in this position forever. Make that moment last. And for a small amount of time it did, like a plateau instead of a peak. His entire body, every fiber of his being just felt so... good. Feeling his rear clamp involuntarily around the loupe, causing him to react and in turn stimulate something deep inside himself, which so pleasurably caused him to lose control and squirt even more on the ground.

But the feeling did eventually taper. The sound of laughing stags returned the wolf back to reality and as the afterglow faded, the situation started to dawn on the wolf again. Anger returned. But the loupe was now tied... there would be no relief for at least 10 minutes.

One of the stags walked up to his front and crouched down, bringing him face to face with their victim. It was Jack. "How does it feel? Having that... forbidden... feral animal cum inside you. He's still cumming, filling you up. Can you feel it? Of course you can, and you enjoyed it. That dog made you cum. It happened. And there's nothing you can do to change it."

"Hey Jack, someone's coming!" One of the other stags shouted in a panicked voice. "The smoke! They came faster than we thought!"

No, no no, Amare didn't want to believe it. They used his signal powder? That would mean he loses the chance to be Alpha... or that... that he'd be found like this!

"Oh... this is perfect. Timing could not have been better. Everyone get your stuff and clear the area! Sorry about the table, Jeff. And your loupe. And uh... yeah. You're not gonna be Alpha little pup."


"What the hell is this? Oh my word, what the heck are you doing, Amare?" You're mounted by... a loupe! Did you... Oh my god, he came from it!" With the stags gone, a small group of arriving male wolves surrounded Amare. They were his fellow initiates. Amare just wished they'd remove his loincloth from his muzzle so he could explain. Perhaps restore some of his dignity.

"Disgraceful! The elders send you on a hunt and after just three days this is what you do!?" Another one remarked: "How can you even face the tribe having done this... forbidden deed?"

It should have been anger, but Amare just felt shame. As his pack mates gathered around him, he was still incapable of having the loupe that kept filling him with feral cum dismount. How could they not see that he was being tied up involuntarily? Surely they must see it!

And then another voice spoke. A familiar one - Berko. "I can think of only one way fit to punish him for this." Berko's footsteps came closer and Amare could hear him untying his loincloth. No... not another marking. He was not Berko's property.

But the final revelation that sent a chill down Amare's spine was when Berko put the staff he was holding over to his left paw to hold his dick with his right. It was the Alpha staff! Could Berko have... beat him to it? "I'm sorry, Amare, but with the numbers the way they turned out, you really leave me no choice. You're the obvious candidate." The poor wolf only had a moment to absorb the gravity of the situation before a masculine smelling stream of his Alpha's urine hit him right in the face.

"Hey Berk, what do you have planned for him at the ceremony?" Jaz was heard asking his Alpha. "Surely nothing can top finding him like this."

As Berko shook of the last drops of urine before putting back his loincloth, he gave a sinister smirk and replied: "Oh don't be so sure, Jaz, don't be so sure."