Sibling Rivalry: Weird Wake-up Call

Story by KodaSkunk on SoFurry

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#4 of Sibling Rivalry: Things get weird very quickly

I suggest using fixed width to read this one, so the paragraphs don't look so darn small. Unless you don't care. It bothers me when they don't take up at least three lines, because they don't conform to standard word processor logic.

It's been a while since I did much writing. I had the first portion of this chapter written out one day then my brain died. I took up two jobs, worked for a while till my brain went numb, and now I suddenly had the urge to write porn again.

This one? Not so much porn, more character development with some heavy petting thrown in.

I don't know what made me write again, I was just thinking about my old stories, and suddenly wanted to write.

I felt I neglected Sammy's character in the first three stories. So I foreshadowed him at the end of this one.

I'm going to write the next one focused on him as opposed to the twins as a group, or just Samantha like I already have.

Enjoy the beginning. I enjoyed writing it and found it immensely funny.

Lemme know how badly I screwed this shit up. It's been a year or five.

The pregnancy was entirely a surprise. She was scared, but at the same time entirely excited.

Samantha smiled as she rubbed her gravid belly, her fingers caressing her fur. She swished her tail as she looked up at her brother. He'd decided on pancakes this morning, and she definitely wouldn't complain. They had been sitting in silence for a little while like that, and mom had walked in, stretching her arms before plopping down into a chair with an audible "WUMPF!"

"So, kids..." She said slowly, carefully. "Your father and I have something to tell you. But since he's being lazy, I'll tell you myself." She took a deep breath when she saw she had the twin's attention. "I'm pregnant."

"Wah?" Samantha rubbed at her temple. "Wait, that means our child is going to grow up with his aunt or uncle?"

Sam blinked and shrugged. "Cool. Uh..." He blushed and rubbed at his arm before turning back to the stove. "By the way I got tiffany pregnant too..." Samantha winced. "Wha-" "By the way, Merian called! She's pregnant as well! Although I'm not sure how, she hasn't been with a man for a while now." Her mother stroked her chin as Samantha slammed her face on the table.

"Oh" Sam turned again and hit his fist into his palm. "Dale said Clair is pregnant too."

Sam sat up and stared at her brother. And slowly... Ever so slowly were her eyes drawn downwards towards the bloated, oversized belly of her brother.


She shot up in bed with a start and panted for her breath. Tugging her sheet up to cover her bared chest she placed a hand to her temple, massaging the headache starting to form simply from remembering that wacky dream. After a few minutes of regaining her calm, she plopped back into her bed and sighed, rolling over and attempted to catch sleep again. It never came.

After a while she gave up and opened her eyes, meeting her brother's emerald green. "Morning." He said, an ear flipped, giving him a fresh out of bed look. "Bad dream?"

Last night was just another night of... admittedly amazing sex. Thinking on it brought a small flush to her cheeks, and the realization that she was really... really getting into the kink of fucking her own brother.

Shaking the thoughts from her head before she got started again, she slid a hand beneath her sheet and rest it on her stomach as the memory of her dream increased her headache. "Yeah, something like that." She mumbled, and then something that suspiciously sounded like 'unnatural' and 'buttbabies' was said under her breath. She rolled over and stared at the wall, willing her head to stop pounding. Sammy snuck his arm around her stomach and gave her a tug, pulling her back against his chest and nestling his nose in the crook of her neck. "If you keep getting all cuddly like this, I'll start to think you're getting all mushy on me, fuckhead." Though she didn't protest, shifting so she was spooned comfortably back against him.

"Aren't I allowed to enjoy some alone time with my sis?" He said grumpily, though his words held no rancour. He gave Samantha's belly a squeeze, making her shift as a sudden wave of nausea hit her and eased a strangled moan out from her throat. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... Just feel a little sick. It was probably just those tacos we ate last night." Her voice strained, and suddenly felt incredibly uncomfortable despite the pleasant warmth seeping into her back from her brother.

"Doubtful, if that was the case it would have did something before bed." He hummed and soothed her belly with his hand, fingers dragging through the soft fluff around her bellybutton. "It's probably just you being pregnant."

She immediately scowled, irritation seeping into her tone. "I already told you, tests all say no." Even her tail twitched irritatedly beneath the sheets at that, thumping against his thigh.

"The counter lady said the tests are unreliable on non-humans, at best. We should just get mom to take you to the doctor. Stop being a stubborn tit." His tone was even more stubborn, watching with mild concern as she sat up and rubbed at her temple with her fingers. "You took it in heat and we fucked like horny rabbits. You're pregnant."

"It's been a month, stupid. There's nothing to show! I'm not. Fucking. Pregnant." She clenched her teeth and took deep breaths, not out of anger, just to keep the sudden intense upset of her stomach under control. Her eyes glanced at her alarm clock and winced at just how early it was. Just the tacos... Just the tacos.

Sammy sat up with her and placed a hand on her shoulder, making her turn around and meet his eyes in the dim light. She cringed at the seriousness in his eyes. "Do you actually believe that? Or are you just saying that because you don't want to be?" His expression was soft, but unreadable. She didn't know what to make of the tone of his voice. And that was it for her.

She ripped out of his grip and rolled out of bed, stumbling quickly through the dark of the house for the bathroom as her discomfort reached the extreme.

It was a miserable experience, emptying her stomach of what little there was while tears brimmed in her eyes. She was vaguely aware of her brother's presence at first, simply pulling her hair back somewhere in the middle of emptying the Vile Spew of the Zombie Lord's Venomous Bile, and then placing a hand on her back rubbing soothing circles into her fur as she experienced the Dry Heaves of the Desert Skeleton King's Wrath.

After a good minute of gasping for breath she was thankful for her brother's ability to ignore the sight, sound and smell of her vomiting like a hungover Sorority girl after a homecoming party. He placed a glass of water to her lips and shoved a toothbrush in her hand. After cleaning her mouth up she simply collapsed backwards into his welcoming arms after he sank to his knees behind her. Her thoughts that'd been swirling about her head finally reared their ugly voices to combat the sound of the toilet's swirling as she began sobbing and shaking as Sammy's voice cooed meaningless words of comfort soothingly in her ear, stroking his fingers through her hair.

She knew without a doubt she was pregnant. She knew all along, fear and denial playing a strong role in keeping her from admitting it to herself, from acknowledging it until now. How would they cope? How could they deal with a kid at their age? That's not even considering anything about the fact it's incest! Their friends may have not made as big a deal as they honestly should have, their mom was ecstatic, for SOME reason... Dad seemed somewhat disappointed but in the end never said anything. But what about other people?

Abortion was entirely out of the question, memories of a heart breaking story of miscarriage from her mother, that the twins were not actually her first pregnancy. She wouldn't be able to bring herself to do it. That and there weren't really any non-risk procedures on non-humans anyways.

It took a while, but she eventually calmed down that her crying was little more than hiccups and sniffles. Somewhere in the mass of emotional distress she had turned around and shoved her face into Sam's chest, half lying atop him. Her brain settled down sometime after that, when her tears were no more than stains on the fur of her cheeks. "W-we're not alone." She muttered under her breath, voice hoarse with her crying.

She felt more than heard the chuckle in Sammy's chest as he continued to tangle his fingers in her fur, his soothing actions feeling far more intimate than what she was used to. Probably just a 'moment' thing.

They had mom and dad, they would help them raise the child, even if begrudgingly and full of disappointment, things she was soooooooo sure that they'd feel towards the whole situation. They had their friends, who despite possibly being beyond weirded out and alienating her, would come around eventually. The girls all had too deep a bond to fall apart over something like that... at least for a long time.

And of course she had Sammy. She always had him. She never wouldn't have him. Right?

"Come on." He said, as if reading her thoughts. She peered up at him from beneath her bangs which had slid in front of her eyes, and he brushed them aside, giving her a tilt of his lips in a soft smile. Something seemed different about it, his smiles never seemed so genuine to her before if she compared them next to this one no matter how small it was.

He pulled her to her feet and guided her to the bathtub, apparently having filled it sometime while she was paying deep respects to the Temple of the Porcelain Goddess. He slipped into it first, then helped her ease into it without any form of resistance.

As tired as she was from being sick, and mentally anguished, she slumped back against his chest as they sat in the hot, nearly unbearably so, water. She simply laid limp, shifting every so often as he began grooming her, fingers massaging her shoulders, shifting so that he could lather her fur and hair in shampoo, dipping under the water to rinse, refilling the tub, blah blah blah.

It was all nice and great, the feeling of a comb running through her hair as she lazed almost as comforting as it was to be pampered as she was by Sam trying to make her relax. And it was working, her eyes drooping and breath easing as she slowly dozed off, half awake, half asleep with nothing but the sound of water dripping and rippling. "Wake up." She fluttered her eyes back open and left them half open. "It's only three."

She grumped, a noise in her throat. "Lying fuckstick." She muttered, sinking further into the water and out of his hands and getting a snort in response, even as she shut her eyes again and relaxed back into his chest.

He rest his arms around her midriff, disposing of the brush he'd been using. "Not lying, dinglepuss. It was barely two when you woke me up so rudely."

"Fine then, let me sleep needledick." She huffed, her ear twitching as he rest his chin between her ears. "Bugfucker."

"You can sleep in bed. Hunchbacked tub-bubbler." There was a mischievous tone in his voice, and it somewhat irked her.

"Pissy penis fisher." She gave an exaggerated yawn and sank further into the water... Or tried to, his arms tightened around her stomach and pulled her back up somewhat against his chest.

She felt his breath before his lips on her ear, a sudden shiver coursing down her spine as she could FEEL the shift in his demeanor through the air, somehow. She tensed and bit her lip, eyes opening lazily, staring down at her stomach through the water as his fingers traveled over her belly, teasing her naval and sinking lower and lower... "Hah, but, I'm far more interested in fishing for something else." He said, his voice a bit husky. Was that erotic, in response to her insult? Hell to the no. But he wasn't nearly done, not by a long shot, and it didn't matter what he said, not to her. No, his actions were far more arousing as he shoved his fingers between her legs, thighs parting entirely willingly for him.

She shivered as his touch was incredibly delicate, soft, tender, fingertips teasing along her labia, gently pushing her lower lips apart with a digit and teasing her button with ghostly touches. "F-fuckin'... Cheesy asshole." It was half moan, the words that escaped her lips. She gave in way too fast, but for some reason she just couldn't help it. There was something incredibly erotic about the way he just... Just DID it. He didn't ask or beat around the bush, no pun intended, no he just went straight for what he wanted. And to be honest it's what she wanted. She had been incredibly horny, almost as much as she had been when she was in heat. "T-that was just bad." She clenched her eyes shut as her unresisting tunnel spread around a finger, then two, thumb gently pushing in against her clit. The heat of the water caressed her sensitive entrance around his fingers, and she bit a moan back as his fingers moved.

It took her suddenly lost brain a moment to understand what he was doing through the haze of gentle pleasure. He was simply cleaning her... Deeply. And she appreciated it... Especially between her legs. He nosed against her neck and took a light nibble at her skin beneath her soaked fur, being rewarded a hard clench around his fingers for his hard work. She shifted back against him further, sitting up nearly into his lap and let a soft moan escape her throat at the feeling of his hard cock pushing against her ass, gently rubbing against the base of her tail.

He took it slow, his fingers so gentle she almost had half a mind to ask him to give her a good hard, rough fucking to make up for it. But something in her mind told her to just enjoy it, which she did. Immensely.

It was a very slow build up, and she lost count of time, having somehow relaxed further under his gentle ministrations, a deep intimate massage that was better than any spa treatment she could imagine... Figuratively of course. And when she came... Well, she came. There was no epic climax, no loud strained moan of pleasure. There was a light shuddering, a long moment of tensing and her cunt clamping around his fingers... A good ten seconds of pleasure blotting out her thoughts for a moment as she released a long sigh, before she bubbled. Literally. She sank into the water, out of his grasp until her lips were beneath the water and bubbled, eyes slitted, and gripped the plug of the bath with her toes before yanking the chain.

That orgasm was way too refreshing, and the fact she could call it refreshing bothered her. Sex is not refreshing, it's tiring.

They sat there for a minute in the air, letting their water warmed bodies cool, before she moved. It was slow, and she said nothing, just a short grunt as she lift herself, turned and straddled his legs. With little effort she slid further, toes pushing against the tub wall behind her as she braced herself on her knees and let her breasts rest on his thighs. She peered up at him from under her bangs, once again, and was satisfied when she felt him shiver this time.

Her fingers grasped his dick, examining the red throbbing thing much closer than she was used to. She had never actually gotten down this far on his anatomy, the twins enjoying traditional "Vanilla" sex far more than anything else... But this just felt like it was the right thing to do 'In the moment'.

"You really enjoyed feeling me up there huh?" She pondered aloud. Her eyes trailed a drop of water from the tip of his shaft to it's base. It almost looked like some pictures of canine penises she'd seen... But it just wasn't entirely there. Did they have canine in their blood? "Molesting me in my moment of weakness... Shameful pervert."

Her words were entirely without any form of accusation, and he simply shrugged, resting a hand on her head, fingers gently digging in until she felt his claws dig at a sensitive nerve, making her eyes shut and forcing a small noise of content out of her mouth before she gave his dick a single, gentle stroke. "If you're about to do what I think you're going to... You really don't have to. I'm close." She snorted, was that all it took to get him off, let him touch her? "I can just finish myself off."

She mumbled incoherently before blowing a soft breath of cool air over his pick, making him shiver and his dick twitch. "Don't bother." Was all she said, before she got over her hesitation and sank her lips over his somewhat pointed tip. He shuddered, her hot, warm mouth a complete contrast to the cooling air in the bath, and the texture of her tongue dragging over his sensitive flesh caused him to clench his fingers in her hair. It didn't hurt, so she paid little mind to the light tug at her scalp, waiting for him to relax.

A soft grunt greeted her ears as she sank lower and lower, resting on her elbows and sneaking a hand up between his thighs, fingers grasping at his balls, cupping and massaging his sack even as his tip touched a nerve in her throat. She took a breath through her nose and held it, wincing as she continued even further.

She wasn't fond of giving blowjobs, and hadn't actually even given her brother a single one despite all the fooling around they'd already had... But even so, with his patience and care, she felt more or less obligated, and had to admit she didn't entirely loathe doing it to him here and now.

His cock pushed further, her brain yelling at her that she was going to choke, and ruthlessly suppressed the urge to gag as she sank yet another inch into her hot, yielding throat. He gave what could have been a surprised gasp and then a groan, his fingers digging into her scalp and drawing a tear at the corner of her eye, yet she still didn't stop even as she felt the light swell of what could be a knot on any other species push slowly past her lips.

Not until her nose pushed in against his sheath, did she finally rest. And she held it there for a moment, for as long as she could hold it. It intrigued her, the way she could FEEL him throb, only far, far more easily than she could when he was buried balls deep in her...

'Down girl!' She thought, crushing the arousal before it could begin, immediately focusing on the sudden throbbing she felt from her brother's cock, and she pulled out. A bit too hastily, resisting, barely, the urge to gag and start coughing. She left half his cock in her mouth, tongue teasing around the head of his prick, both his hands now gripping his shoulders. Her fingers still cupping his sack gently kneaded, teasing them in a way she knew he'd enjoy, having found out very early that his balls were sensitive. She smirked around his cock as he let out a 'Fuck' repeatedly under his breath until he finally exploded, cum oozing around her tongue, pooling in her mouth.

She pulled off the second she felt she pulled every last drop from her brother she'd get, not a single noise except for the drip of water in the bath drain, and she rose up, sitting in his lap. She scoot over his thighs, letting his still hard cock push against the still sensitive flesh of her cunt. They shared a shiver as she gazed at him, making sure he was paying attention before she parted her lips in a rather shy expression, then swallowed.

His eyes widened as he watched, before she leaned in, let out a small breath across his lips, and caught him up in a kiss, tongue forcing past his... And giving him a taste of the treat she'd given him.

She disliked the texture of cum, and when she'd been with Dale she never swallowed. Ever. In fact, she disliked it so much even her brother knew about her dislike of it, she complained about it so damn much. But that's what made it all the more novel as she shared a saved taste of his cum into his mouth. Because this would be the first time she swallowed. That's novel, right?

To his credit, he didn't even flinch, and fought back just as hard, devouring her lips in a kiss that turned heated quickly, before they parted, a small dribble stretching between their lips, glinting in the light of the bathroom just like they did in those really shitty hentai movies. "I win." He said, with a cocky little smirk.

Only after a few minutes, and a position change, where she all but curled up into his chest and relaxed contently in his arms until they'd both caught their breath, did they finally get out of the tub. She was first, grabbing a towel and wiping excess water from her fur before throwing it in Sammy's face. They'd have to stay up for another hour to dry fully but such was life.

"I thought you hate swallowing." He finally said, breaking the silence as she sat up on the cool marble counter, Sammy gathering her hair in his hands again to re-comb it to keep it from drying weirdly.

"I do. I hate cum too." She admitted. "Well, the taste of it. And I hate giving blowjobs too but..." She shrugged helplessly as the silence resumed. This time it felt awkward to her as she turned on her seat to allow him to have better access at the back of her head. Why DID she bother giving him a blowie? She hated it normally, but in the end she just enjoyed herself. Surprisingly rather, she found it fun. 'He doesn't seem bothered at all.' she silently mused as she watched him absorbed with brushing her hair, seeming entirely like the normal skunk she knew day to day. Did the revelation of her pregnancy not bother him at all?

"Now, let's grab a bite to eat before bed, alright?" He said quietly, expression stern and concerned, pulling her off the counter. She only nodded her head, all traces of her morning sickness and stress from waking up gone.

What goes through his head? She wondered, bringing her some night clothes to wear, and guiding her to the kitchen in the dark. The way he casually continued on as if nothing had changed in his life, as if everything was as it always had been. As if... As if he expected this, predicted it.

He caught her staring, and turned, a smile brightening the serious look on his face, and she couldn't help but smile back. That is until he asked if she wanted pancakes.

He looked so confused when she threw a placemat at him.

Maybe everything would turn out alright in the end after all. Even if this wasn't a traditional relationship, between a man and woman from different families who loved each other in a romantic manner with marriage in their future, her brother would never leave her in a time of need. He never had so why would he ever? He was her rock all throughout her life, even when she was dating dale. And as far as she was concerned he always would be.

Those were the thoughts that she thought all through the early hours of morning until they found themselves back in bed, Sammy sleeping with her again, at her own insistence for the last few hours of darkness. Curled up into his chest, seeking the warmth and comfort she had so easily been able to find there as of late, she cooed as she passed out to sleep.

Which meant she never caught the passive expression he wore as she watched her sleep, or felt the unnecessarily gentle stroking of his fingertips over her cheek. He placed a kiss between her ears, a tiny smile caressing his face as she shifted comfortably, finally able to rest peacefully. She'd been tossing and turning until the moment she bolted up and awake that morning. He'd never been able to sleep that night.

That smile disappeared, expression changing as fast as the flash of headlights across his sister's bedroom window, and a scowl had taken it's place. A far cry to the small smiles and soft looks he'd shown his sister the entire early morning. He slid his arm around her waist and rest his palm on her belly, finger tracing her navel, ignoring the way she shivered in his grasp. He leaned in, took in her scent, already returned from their impromptu bath. A dark glint flashed in his eye as he nipped her collarbone, Samantha shuddering in his arms while he traced a path around her stomach, her night shirt riding up just under her breasts. It was the path of skin he imagined would mark the beginning of her belly when it finally swole up.

With a soft grunt he rest his head back on his pillow, nose buried in her hair. "Disgusting." He whispered quietly as his fingers played with her locks of white hair. "I'm just a disgusting pervert. Dramatic. Selfish."

He closed his eyes, lips turned up in a half snarl as the thought passed his mind, but he calmed himself moments after. "But if disgusting and dramatic is what I have to be to protect you then so be it."

He let out a puff of air, focusing on the soft feeling of his sister's fur, her tail tangling with his, her body unwittingly seeking out his comforting contact even while she slept. Something stirred inside him, his tail twirling around hers, his grip on his sleeping sister tightening. "Family is all that matters, after all."

He didn't get any sleep at all. He rarely ever did.

The Lusty Bar Maid

He slumped down on the farthest stool in the building, as far away from the other patrons as possible. He rest his chin in a hand and waited for service. The bar he was in was small, smokey, and fairly empty, like most bars so early in the evening. It...

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A Fleshy Idea

Life in the Gerren Estate was fairly luxurious. It was a massive mansion owned by a single man, a very rich man who could be considered a humanitarian. He had admitted he didn't know what to do with all the money he received through his many business...

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A "relaxing" camping trip.

She frowned as she went through her son's room. It wasn't messy like most boys his age tended to keep them. A poster here and there on his walls, call backs to older metal bands, walls painted a dark color on his request. She shook her head and...

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