Snakeskin - Party Time

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Snakeskin

A party suddenly is amped up with the gift of a mysterious liquor...         ...

_A party suddenly is amped up with the gift of a mysterious liquor... _

Rico strained a little as he put the last cable into place, which finished the last of the sound system hook-up. When that was done he kneeled back and brushed his hands off, looking at the impressive sound display before him. Now that he wasn't in the dorms anymore it was the first thing he bought, even his roommate was impressed on how all-out he went.

Who, at that moment, came in with enough chips to feed a small army. "Jesus Rico, it's even bigger out of the box. How much did you spend on that thing?" Sam asked as put down the bowl next to the rest of the snacks.

"You don't want to know dude." Rico replied. "All that I know is that this thing had better blow out some of our windows."

"If it does, you're paying the repairs." Sam said. Rico just smirked and went back to looking at the directions as Sam went back to the kitchen. Just as he was about to mix his 'special' punch, the doorbell rang, which signaled the start of their guests arrival. "I got it!" He shouted as he hopped around their furniture to the door and opened it.

On the other side of the door stood Zach, who was one of Sam's friends since high school. He held a large box with both hands, which made a clinking sound as he walked inside. "I hope I'm not too early." He said as he set the box down carefully on one of their small tables. "I didn't realize you guys were this close to the campus, I could have practically walked here from my dorm. Plus I thought I would bring something to help liven up the party. Consider it a housewarming gift."

Rico stopped what he was doing and looked over the box as well while Zach opened it and pulled out the contents. "You know us so well." Rico said as Sam was given a large bottle filled with a green-tinted liquid, marked 'Renzyl's Dragonfruit Vodka'. "How many bottles you got in there?"

"Twelve, they were having some sort of new product release and I took severe advantage of it." Zach replied. "This stuff is amazing, you're lucky I'm such a nice guy to share."

Both of them chuckled, and then they took the rest of the bottles into the kitchen as Zach made himself comfortable in the living room. They shoved aside the rest of the liquor bottles on their shelf to make room for the new additions, the twelve large bottles took up most of the counter space compared to the rest of their stash. Rico grabbed one of the bottles and, after a cheers gesture to Sam, took a drink straight from the bottle.

The first thing that nearly floored him was the taste; it had hardly any of the alcohol bite that most vodkas had, with a fruity taste that exploded on his tongue. The next was how smooth it had went down, he could have chugged it if he hadn't been intent on just taking a shots worth. Finally was the aftertaste, he couldn't quite place the taste but it was amazing. Even though it took a few seconds, Rico felt like the drink took forever.

"Well?" Sam asked as he opened his own bottle to take a whiff of the liquor.

"I think I have a new favorite drink." Rico replied before he took another swing. "Dude, you have to try this stuff, it's better than anything I've ever had straight up." Sam shrugged and took a drink himself, Rico watched as a similar look of enjoyment passed over his face.

"Holy hell..." Was all Sam could say as he looked at the bottle. "Screw the other drinks, I think all we need is this stuff. I'm not even that much of a vodka drinker. C'mon, help me make some punch with this, I think it'll be the hit of the party."

Meanwhile, Zach sat on the couch and ate several of the snacks on the table before his phone informed him he had a text message. He looked back at the kitchen, seeing the two pour the alcohol he had brought into a big bowl, and flipped his phone open. He smiled at the message, then quickly texted back:

"Your gift has been well received."


Several hours later the party was in full swing; the new sound system blasted out the beats as loud as it could while a number of people danced in front of it. There were about a dozen people in all that had come, a rather even mix of girls and guys. On the table an almost empty punch bowl set next to half-eaten snacks, something that made the hosts very happy. Not that they noticed too much, they had been drinking the Dragonfruit vodka for the better part of three hours now and had settled into a drunken bliss. Rico had kept his wits about him and only drank about three-fourths of the bottle, but Sam had nearly polished off a bottle all by himself

"Hell of a party, eh!?" Rico said loudly over the music as he slapped Sam on the back. Sam just nodded and took another swig from his bottle, then belched loudly and almost stumbled back into another girl. Luckily Rico had managed to keep enough of his wits about him to catch his drunken comrade and hold him back up.

Sam giggled slightly and turned and apologized as best he could to the girl, then turned back to Rico. "I think I may 'ave had a littlllle to much." He said with a stupid grin on his face. He tried to walk forward, but once again stumbled into Rico's arms and almost toppled him over. "I feel funny..."

"C'mon lightweight..." Rico said as he started to help him up the stairs towards their rooms. He too had started to feel funny besides the usual drunkenness, a strange feeling that started in the pit of his stomach and emanated outward. He also started to feel very warm, particularly in his groin, which doubled as he carried his roommate to his room and managed to drop him on the bed. Sam continued to giggle, then took the final drag from his bottle before he dropped the empty bottle to the floor.

Rico set his own almost-empty bottle on the table and helped get Sam entirely on the bed, but as he grabbed his shoulders Sam's hand suddenly darted up and grabbed him by his shirt. Before he had a chance to react their lips met and Rico could feel Sam's tongue dart into his mouth. His first thought was to jerk away, but Sam's hold on him was surprisingly strong and, after a few seconds, it started to feel... good. His protestations stopped quickly and he started to return the kiss, the voice that protested this fell away into the drunken haze of his mind. As their tongues danced around each other he managed to note that Sam's felt strangely smooth against his, and had a very distinct sweetness to it.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they broke apart. Rico kind of just stood there dumbfounded as Sam lay back on the bed. "I... I didn't..." Rico stammered as he tried to sort out the feelings in his head. Sam just smiled and sat up while he wiped what appeared to be saliva from his mouth. Something definitely felt off now, though Sam still had a goofy drunken grin on his face his movements were unnaturally agile as he grabbed Rico by the pants and drew him closer.

"Didn't what, know I had a thing for you?" Sam replied as he unbuttoned Rico's pants. "Or that you possibly had a thing for me?" Rico was stunned; there was something predatory now about Sam, a feral gleam in his eyes that he had never seen before as his pants and briefs were nearly ripped off of him. "Ohhh... very nice." Rico blushed slightly as he was suddenly naked from the waist down, his cock jutted almost straight out from his body.

"I... I don't think..." Rico tried to say as he started to back away, only to get grabbed by Sam and tossed back onto the bed. All rationality should have told him to run away and find a new roommate in the morning, but there was something about the whole situation that was so... exotic and lustful. It may have been just the alcohol, but something in him wanted him to see what would happen.

His roommate seemed to have the same thought and grabbed Rico's unfinished alcohol and handed it to him. "That's your problem, you're thinking still. Let yourself go man and enjoy this..." Rico hesitated a bit, but the smell of the liquor enticed him to take another drink as Sam took off his clothes. As he tried to stop, Sam just grabbed the bottle's bottom and tipped it up, which caused him to gag slightly as he was forced to chug down the rest of it.

"What the hell?!" Rico said angrily as he tossed the bottle aside. He was going to get up and leave, but the sudden rush of dizziness hit him and he found himself unable to get his bearings. Sam continued to smile and grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head. In the dim light of the room, Rico was stunned to see how ripped Sam's body was. He never saw him work out that much, and didn't think he had that sort of body. But there he was, knelt in front of him, with perfectly chiseled muscles and not a hair on his body.

"Like what you see?" Sam chuckled as he crawled seductively towards him. "I know I do." Rico managed to tear himself away from Sam long enough to look at himself, and saw that his muscles also had become more defined, and seemed to continue to shift as he looked at them. Also his black stomach hairs and pubes had disappeared, which left him completely smooth and almost made his cock look bigger.

The now hunky Latin sat up against the backboard as Sam continued to advance on him, he tried to think of a way out of it, but his head grew more and more fuzzy and confused by the second. As he felt Sam's hot breath on his thighs, he reached out and grabbed Sam by the ears to stop him, and watched in horror as they squished into his head like putty. Sam growled and pushed himself close, his body felt almost like it was filled with water as he came face to face with him.

"I told you to stop resisting..." Sam hissed in his face. "I want this to be enjoyable for the both of us." Once again he forced his lips on him in a long kiss, Sam's tongue reached impossibly far back in his mouth as he felt a hand stroke his chest. Rico's skin was unnaturally smooth and had both a slight squish and a rubbery feel to it as well, his chest almost rippled as he felt a hand on his modest 6-inch member. He tried to bat Sam's hand away, but as he grabbed his arm it deformed in his grasp, which pushed out the tips of his fingers into claws.

Once again their lips parted, both their tongues now long, sinuous, and shiny. The taste in Rico's mouth was similar to the after-taste of the liquor, only much stronger and clearly identifiable as latex. Sam's tongue lolled out of his mouth like a dog as he straddled him, ass positioned right over his ridged cock. Rico felt one last cry of resistance in his addled mind, telling him this was all wrong, but it was quickly silenced as his member was engulfed by his former friend's tight, yet strangely lubricated, asshole.

The creature that was once Sam groaned and ripped the covers with his new claws as he began to slide up and down his friend's cock. He could feel the alcohol suffused through his body change him, his body rippled with each thrust as his skin grew shiny, white, and slightly translucent, almost like some sort of balloon. A low growl emanated from his throat, which quickly grew louder as Rico finally started to thrust into him, both pumping almost perfectly in time with one another. Sam could feel himself quickly getting close and wrapped his new hands around his own cock, which grew even larger as he stroked it.

Climax came quickly for both of them, Rico let out a strangled gasp and Sam roared loudly. Rico grabbed Sam by the hips as he orgasmed harder than ever, which seemed to spur the growth of a long tail that flowed out Sam's backside as he came on Rico's chest and face. When they finished Sam collapsed on him, Rico could feel the smooth latex scales on his skin as they breathed heavily together. With his longer tongue he tasted the cum on his face, which now had the same fruity flavor the vodka had.

"Wasn't that wonderful?" Sam hissed in his ear, feeling a muzzle caress his cheek. Rico could only nod in reply, his head swam with the force of the orgasm and a new alien sensation that seemed to press against his mind. He could see Sam fully now as he got off of him, his eyes were now ice blue and his muscular body was covered in what looked like shiny white scales. He looked like some sort of wingless white dragon, his tail flicked behind him in some sort of anticipation as he grinned down at him with his new muzzle, which showed his pearly white fangs.

Rico tried to speak, but Sam silenced him with a quick kiss on the lips. "Yes, this will happen to you." He said, almost compassionately. "And no, you cannot stop it. Don't feel bad though, this is a wonderful new existence for the both of us. Trust me, once the alcohol is finished you will feel like a new person. You already had a taste of your new body, just let go and embrace it." Sam watched as Rico nodded slightly, his head turned to the side as he closed his eyes and looked like he drifted off to what would appear to be a drunken stupor.

When 'Rico' opened his eyes again they were now molten silver, as well as slits like his. He seemed to look around confused before he saw the white drake in front of him and smiled. The white dragon smiled back and grabbed his face as they embraced; they tasted their own sweet saliva as they twined their draconic tongues around each other. After a proper make out session, 'Sam' moved away and petted 'Rico's' newly formed muzzle, which had the same give that his new body had.

"We have finally returned Kale, my love." The half-formed dragon replied as he got on his hands and knees, exposing his toned ass with the slight nub of a tail that started to form. "But this body has not transitioned completely. I need you...

"With pleasure Rift." Kale replied as he straddled up and took his foot-long cock against his crack. "I want to see those sexy golden scales I know you have."

Rift just shook his ass and braced himself. "Then what are you waiting for?" He was going to say more, but it just turned into a loud groan as he felt the white dragon's cock push deep into his insides. He felt his cock stiffen for the second time, both of them hissed in pleasure as they began to truly mate with one another with feral lust and passion...


Meanwhile, the party continued to rage in their host's absence, the music continued to pound as the people stopped dancing and more started conversing with one another. The only one who didn't have anyone to talk to was Max. He was a freshman, and as he was the youngest of the group he came with he was labeled the 'Designated Driver' and denied everything but a few sodas. So while everyone else was in their own drunken euphoria, he was rather bored and sat by himself.

"Let me guess, you're the designated driver." He heard a voice say behind him as another guy hopped over the couch and sat beside him. When he nodded, the guy laughed. "Figured as much, same here actually. Name's Zach."

"Max..." Max replied, all of a sudden feeling his shyness start to show itself. "So what do you do at these things when you don't drink?"

"Well, I enjoy watching." Zach said as he smiled at him. "It's always fun to see everything as it progresses." When Max tilted his head in confusion, Zach pointed at one of the couples that walked in the corner. It was a male and female, at least from what Max could see, and they were making out furiously. At first Max thought Zach had meant that it was fun just to watch drunk people, which he would have agreed with, but as he continued to watch he noticed both of them seemed to grow bigger. He turned back to Zach to question him, but he merely pointed again back at the couple. When he turned back again he saw that they had begun to tear off each other's clothing, their skin shined unnaturally in the light and almost had a greenish tint to it.

That was too much for Max, he tried to get up from the couch to leave but a firm hand kept him on the couch. "Where do you think you're going? Our generals are awakening, which means the real party has just begun." He turned to see Zach as he grinned evilly at him, and then looked around as he heard the moans and groans of the partygoers around him.

All of them were in the throes of sex and transformation. Some, like the couple he had seen, had just started with their skin. Others, like two males at the foot of the stairs, looked completely looked like muscular lizard-men and were locked in a passionate sixty-nine. The rest were in between, all of them with shiny, almost latex-like skin.

"Now, we can't have you missing out on the fun." Zach said, which snapped Max back to him. "Since you didn't drink anything, you'll have to partake in some 'special' fluids."

"No! Get away from me you freaks!" He managed to get out of Zach's grasp and fall back from him, only to smack into one of the transforming woman that had come their way.

"Where do you think you're going big boy?" The woman hissed, her latex hands grabbed his shirt and shredded it from his body. He tried to struggle, but the woman held him there with almost supernatural strength as the male she was with came over and took off his pants. He shouted to stop, but the blare of the music drowned him out as he felt something press against the back of his thigh...

Zach watched happily as the boy was stripped naked by the newly converted. He got up slowly, his hand stroked against the bulge in his pants as he watched him get bent over by the female, who growled and hissed as a thick latex member sprouted from her groin. Her breasts shrank into thick pectorals, the last vestiges of her femininity and humanity were wiped clean by her new sexy lizard-man body as the new he stuck her virgin cock into the restrained male's ass. Max screamed, but it was quickly silenced as the other lizard-man stuck his own penis into his mouth. All the fight seemed to drain out of him as he tried to handle the thick cocks as they pounded mercilessly into his throat and ass, which seemed to numb as thick, sweet-tasting pre dribbled into him

As the two began to thoroughly pump into the now-whimpering human, Zach went over and stroked Max's head, some of his hair already began to fall off as his face began to push out into a blunt muzzle and his body began to grow thick cords of muscle to replace his slightly pudgy build. He managed to look up at Zach with quickly-yellowing eyes, though they shut between each thrust. "See? I said you would have fun." He gloated.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Zach quickly ran over to it and threw it opened. "Master, your new Nest is ready." He exclaimed as he kneeled in front of the cloaked figure that stood there.

"Very good slave, you have done well." He heard the strong voice say as he walked inside and took off his cloak, the green anthro cobra naked underneath. Zach's face lit up in joy and he kissed his master's snake-cock, which seemed to hiss in approval. Zander dismissed his slave and told him to go to the empty bedroom so he could 'deal' with him later. As he waited he looked around the room, his smile grew as he saw all the well-built lizard-men as they fucked and sucked each other silly. He noticed in particular one who had just finished being taken from both ends; he wiped cum off his face and licked his lips as another one started to take his cock into his mouth.

Once he saw him go up, he walked up the stairs himself and into the bedroom where his two fellow generals were twined around each other. "Zander, welcome to the party." The gold one said as he slowly untangled himself from his mate. "I take it we will be using this house as our nest?"

"That's right Rift." Zander replied as he embraced his fellow comrade, sampling his sweet mouth as the liquid-filled dragon squished slightly in his grasp. "If my senses are correct, there are two other generals we need to contact, and then we may continue with master Renzyl's plan. If we planned this right, this whole place will fall before the week is out."


An older gentleman suddenly sat up in his bed, sweat poured down his face as he struggled to regain his breath. He looked around as he tried to get his bearings back, and as he did so he noticed something that glowed in the corner of his room. He put on his slippers as fast as he could and walked over to his dresser. There was a light that emanated from one of his drawers, one that he had not opened in some time.

He could feel the fear that started to well up in his chest as he slowly opened the door; the light momentarily stunned him as it hit him full in the face. The glow came from an amulet, a small image of a dragon's head in relief carved from a solid piece of emerald and surrounded in gold inlayed with symbols. He picked it up by the silver chain, his hand trembled as he held it up and looked at it.

"No... God no..." The man stammered as he dropped the amulet to the floor. He grabbed the phone off the table and hit the speed dial while he prayed someone would pick it up. When a groggy voice answered, he had just finished pouring himself a drink. "Albert, its Hansen." He began to explain hurriedly. "Yes, I know it's late, but please bear with, I have terrible news concerning our charge. Please meet me at the usual place in an hour, and try to rouse the others if you can, this will concern all of us."

He hung up the phone and set it on the counter, then grabbed his drink and downed it in one gulp. As he did so he threw open his blinds, the university campus laid out before him from his apartment. As he looked over the school grounds he started to weep, his cool glass pressed against his forehead.

"He's back..." He said as he tried to hold back more tears from his eyes. "God help us, Renzyl's back..."