Side Effects May Include...

Story by LiquidHunter on SoFurry

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#18 of Random Ramblings (Adult)

"One... Two... Three... Four..." William's swift paws quickly slid the small, multi-colored pills across the countertop into separate piles. He pushed aside the empty pill bottles to make more room. "One... Two... Three... Four." He did this until he had seven separate piles, one for each day.

The fox's ears turned to the sound of the bathroom door opening and his tail swished slightly faster between his legs. His nimble little paws took the remaining leftover pills, a mix of blues, reds, whites and greens, and began to put them into their respective containers.

A small, but genuine grin crept across his face when he felt a muzzle brush across his neck fur. A paw ran along his side and then to his flat belly where no muscle could be seen. It kneeled his stomach as if there were knots there.

"What you up to, babe?" A soothing voice that William knew all to well spoke right into the fox's ear. It made his skin crawl, his breathing falter and his stomach flutter. It was just the kind of voice he could listen to all day.

William leaned back his head against the chest he knew would be there. It was broad and muscular, a stark difference between his own. His ears flickered when warm breath wafted over his head fur and a deep rumbling put reverberating into the fox.

"Just sorting my medication for the week," William said and closed his eyes when another paw snaked into his shirt. Claws raked through the fur of his side, tickling a little.

"Mm-hmm," Was all that the figure behind William said. His body did the talking instead.

Those paws, broad with leather pads knew exactly how to touch the fox. The one on his belly slipped down into William's basketball shorts that he used as pajama's. The paws moved down the fox's leg to the point where they were sticking out of the bottom of the shorts. The paws then moved back up, dragging those claws along the way.

William felt his heart beat in his chest, going hard, but not too fast or irregular, which was good. He had to watch that, pay attention since he had an arrhythmia, one of the many things that was wrong with him and required medication. There was also anxiety, mild depression, possibly autism, that was never confirmed, only inferred. There was more, but William didn't like talking about it, the meds mostly took care of it and what they didn't or couldn't hide, barely showed.

"Aren't you going to take your meds?" That soothing voice whispered into William's ear. It gave him chills and the fox had once joked with a friend that it sounded like rich, milk chocolate with bits of nougat. That got a few laughs, but in part, he had been serious. That voice belonged on a radio talk show. It didn't matter what kind of show, William just wanted to hear that voice coming out of his car's speakers in the morning.

"I already did, right before dinner." William gazed down at his little piles. The pills were sorted by day and then by color. Red, blue, white and then green. Each pile sorted exactly like that. He may have been slightly OCD as well, but only slightly. It was as if god, or whoever designed him made him last and didn't white have enough DNA to finish him completely. He still functioned, but with a few kinks in the gears. "By the way, dinner was delicious," William added and then pulled out seven bottle from the open medicine cabinet. Each one had a letter on the cap in sharpy, denoting the day it belonged to. He deposited the pills into their respective days.

"Chicken isn't hard to do." That voice... again it made William shiver. Maybe it was more than just the voice, something else that was just barely wrong with him shiny through the cocktail of drugs that was swimming through his veins.

"Still delicious,"William insisted and picked up the bottles, dispensing them into the cabinet one by one, starting with Sunday on the left and ending with Saturday on the right. He put the bottle with the left over pills on the top shelf. "Bacon was definitely a good idea."

William shook when the body behind him chuckled. He swore he could feel something hard grinding up against him.

"Bacon is always a good idea. Add it to anything and it instantly becomes better."

"True." William closed the cabinet door and looked up at the mirror on the door. He was met with striking amber eyes, long whiskers and jet black fur that, in the right light, actually had spots that were barely a shade lighter than the surrounding fur. "There's my sexy panther."

"Here I am," Ajani smiled, showing off his perfectly white teeth that almost seemed to have a light of their own. In a dark room, the only thing that would be visible would be those teeth.

Those teeth had always been white. Even the day they met, back in high school, they were white.

Ajani was the son of an immigrant from Nigeria. His father had gone there as part of a UN sanctioned mission when a drought had hit the area. There his dad met his mom and the rest is history.

In high school, the two were in the same grade and so they shared many of the same classes. A lot of William's medical problems were more prominent then. He could barely focus at times which fed his anxiety which caused some heart problems here and there. Sprinkle some more health issues on top of that and you had one hell of a issue during puberty.

All of William's classmates, whom he had been with since kindergarten, knew about his problems and did what they could to either help or stay out of the way. Picking on him had gone out of style back in elementary school.

Ajani had moved to William's home town Sophomore year and due to being raised by two parents, one who always wanted to help and one who knew how much receiving help was important, William became Ajani's own personal UN sanctioned relief effort. It was only natural that they began dating.

Now they were living together, going through college. It was a dream come true for the two to be able to see each other each day.

"Are you ever going to tell me how you keep your teeth so white?" William opened his mouth and pulled down his lips to reveal a set of clean, but slightly stained teeth.

"I already told you. I just brush with a bit of baking soda." Ajani gave William a slight squeeze and then pulled his paws from his pants and shirt. He reached past the fox and grabbed the small box of baking soda on the counter, giving it a shake before setting it back down.

"And I don't believe you." William had a thought of Ajani sneaking into the bathroom during the odd hours of the night and using some sort of heavy duty teeth bleaching product. "With all the dick you suck, I would think that it would stain a little."

Ajani mocked a gasp, covering his mouth with a paw. "Dirty talk already? We're not even in bed yet."

"No, but that's how I get you into bed you pussy cat." William turned around and put his paws on Ajani's pecs. They were solid under his touch. While William played video games and binged shows on the internet, Ajani hit the gym and went running. The difference in muscle mass didn't stop William from taking control though. The fox pushed Ajani and the jaguar walked backwards out of the bathroom and into the bedroom of their small, one bed, one bath apartment. They saved so much money on rent.

Ajani couldn't help but grin down at his little fox who was a head and a half shorter than him. William never did experience a growth spurt during puberty. He just sort of stopped growing at some point and that was that. Ajani wasn't even tall at just under six feet.

William gave Ajani a shove when the back of the panther's legs hit the mattress. Ajani let himself fall over and onto the sheets.

"I like that look." William framed up Ajani with his fingers. "But I think it could be better."

"I think I know what you mean." Ajani wrapped his tail around William's ankles and the moved his up between his legs where it caressed his inner thigh. Ajani undid his belt and with one quick tug, the entire length was pulled out of his belt loops and made a loud snap.

William jumped a little at the snap which pushed that long, luxurious tail right into his bulge. He moaned a little and his sheath swelled. He bit his lips and looked down at his grinning cat with hungry eyes.

"You're going to have to do some of the work," Ajani teased and pulled his tail away, letting it hang off the bed. The end of it flicked back and forth like a pendulum. "A candy bar doesn't unwrap itself." He hooked a claw into the waist of his jeans.

Clothes or unclothed, William could see the thick bulge in the panther's pants. It beckoned to him.

While Ajani unbuttoned his pants and got the zipper down, William grabbed the ends of the jeans and tugged. Slowly, but surely, the pants came off, dragging the cat's boxers downs little in the process. They were only kept on by Ajani's cock which were caught in the waist band.

William slapped away Ajani's hand when he tried to take off his boxers. "That comes off last. Can't jump right in."

Ajani gave a low growl that turned into a purr when William clambered on top of him and slid his paws into the cat's shirt, pulling the base up.

William admired the cat's abs now. Rock solid, like tile stones. He ran his finger along them, tracing their outlines. He could see the faint spots in the fur. Just barely visible.

"S-Stop that," Ajani's stomach bounced as he laughed. "It's ticklish."

William looked up at Ajani. He had half a mind to keep tickling him until those strong hands forced him to stop. Ajani would hold his arms and roll them over, pinning him against the bed. He would growl dominantly, asserting dominance. One thing would lead to the next... That's what happened between the two last Thursday.

The thought of their last escapade in bed made William even hornier and tired?

He yawned and was overcome with a wave of fatigue. It hit him hard and he couldn't help but lay down on top of Ajani's chest. He listened to the heart beat under his ear. It was rhythmic, unlike his own at times. Softly it beat. Badum. Badum. He counted them.

Just like that, Ajani had a sleeping fox on his chest. He could hear soft breathing coming from the slumbering form.

"Not again." Ajani rolled his eyes. It was the medication. Each and everyone one of William's prescriptions caused drowsiness. One by itself was okay. All four. He was out.

Ajani had hoped that the side effect wouldn't kick in until later. Sometimes it took several hours. Sometimes it took half an hour. Dinner had been an hour ago so the effect fell right in the expected time frame.

Ajani ran his paws down William's back, massaging him. As much as he was annoyed by the sudden turn of events, watching his little kit sleep was not a bad pass time.

The way the fox's whiskers twitched at the slightest movement of the form beneath. His tail curled up and onto the bed, slowly slapping down on the mattress. His hands held onto Ajani's shirt, clinging on like a baby. It was adorable. It was also an opportunity.

William hated leaving Ajani high and dry. He had made it clear after the first time he had passed out, telling him that he had absolute trust in Ajani. William gave Ajani permission to do whatever he wanted when he fell asleep and Ajani, although hesitant at first, took William up on his offer.

In just a few minutes, they were both naked. Ajani stood over William, who hadn't stirred in the slightest after being man handled. He was sprawled out on the bed, his tummy rising and falling in sync with his breathing. His small orange sheath was nestled between his legs with his firm balls underneath. The fur on his white stomach and the tip of his sheath was slightly crusted from his arousal when he was awake.

The panther knelt down between William's leg and grabbed him by the ankles, pulling him half way off the bed. The fox's arm dragged upwards so that he looked like he was in the middle of a jumping jack.

Ajani rubbed the side of his face against William's sack, leaving a trace amount of his own scent while taking in the fox's. Foxes were smelly creatures. They gave off a strong musk no matter what and William was no different. There was a very earthy smell to him that Ajani had come to appreciate over the course of many years. He got it all over the side of his face.

William smacked his lips in his sleep, a faint smile spreading a across his face.

Ajani couldn't see it. His face was planted squarely between the fox's legs where he gave the balls a long lick, going from the base of the taint to the top of the sheath.

A quick intake of air told Ajani that even in his sleep, William was enjoying himself.

A bit of pink started poking from the tip of the sheath, just the slightest hint of pre coming from it. It glistened from the overhead light fixture and trickled into William's crotch fur.

Attention wasn't immediately given to the peek-a-boo cock. Instead, Ajani went the other direction. He pushed his short muzzle under the low hanging fruit and into the crack.

William was a very clean fox, musky or not. That meant it was always safe to give his rest end some loving.

A textured tongue slowly slid from the cat's mouth, pushing further between the slumbering fox's cheeks until it tasted something a bit more potent.

William wasn't an ass man. Didn't do anything with them. Even touching the cheeks only happened on accident, but Ajani? Ajani loved them. He loved how they felt, how they looked and he absolutely loved digging into them whether it was with his fingers or his tongue.

With his paws, Ajani pulled apart William's checks to reveal the puckered, pink hole. He leaned forward and gave it a loving kiss before giving a lick.

William moved a little on the bed, but didn't wake. The drugs would make sure that he was out of it for the entire night. The end of the world could be going on and he'd just take some of his medication and sleep right through it.

William was tight. The hole clenched at every touch, but Ajani was content to just licking the outside with his textured tongue that made William moan in his sleep.

The cat did this for a few minutes before he backed off and licked his lips, tasting it all again. He let go of his lover's ass, letting the checks slap back together and ooze saliva.

Williams's cock was fully out of its sheath. It rested against the fox's stomach, leaving a small mess there. It's entirely glistened from pre and it would twitch on occasion which made Ajani giggle.

A small kiss is what the cock got before Ajani stood up. He looked down and saw that he had made his own mess. There was a dark spot on the carpet where his own pre had collected. He frowned a bit and decided that he would clean it up tomorrow since his classes didn't start until the afternoon.

One thing had to be admitted, despite not being muscular, William had a good looking body. The last remnants of puppy fat clung to the lithe body, filling it out enough that the unathletic fox didn't appear too skinny, but not pudgy either. His belly was perfectly smooth and white, his chest was a vibrant sunset orange with a hint of red on the shoulders. He also had black gloves and socks. His ears were orange with black highlights around the edges and his muzzle has the cutest little black marks that went between his orange upper muzzle and his white lower muzzle.

Ajani shook his head for a moment. He could look at William whenever he wanted. He couldn't have his way with a sleeping William all the time.

Legs were propped up onto shoulders and a cock was guided right up to William's tight pucker. It was going to be difficult, that Ajani could already tell.

The cat wasn't long, but he had decent girth which would be a bit of a problem, but Ajani was sure that he and William's ass could work it out in time.

The first inch was easy. Ajani slowly wriggled and pushed his way in. He watched William for any sign of discomfort, but the fox remained passive and still. It was the second inch that got tough.

Suddenly, the sphincter clamped down on Ajani and wouldn't let go. It began to strangle the poor cat's cock.

Ajani grabbed William's hips and tried to pull back out, but a mixture of barbs and the tightness didn't let him, so he figured that he just needed to go all the way.

Drug induced sleep made the most neutral facial expression. Eyes closed and mouth taint. William showed no sign of distress and Ajani used his larger muscle mass to shove his thick cock up his ass. The cat strained as he slowly slid in bit by bit. There wasn't much pleasure for any of the parties involved.

Then just as fast as it happened, the clenching went away and the cat's hips slammed into William's. Fuzzy balls slapped into wet taint and soon William was well on his way to climax.

He rolled his hips slowly in and out, letting his pre lube both of them up before the real show started.

Only when Ajani was sure that there was enough lube did he increase his tempo. He only hoped that there want another vise grip incident.

There wasn't and soon he was moaning out, his breathing becoming heavy all the while William took it like a champ.

Ajani leaned over William and braced her myself with an arm while he began to stroke the fox's wet and drippy cock. His paw slid up to the tip and back down to the knot that was slowly forming. He made sure to squeeze the know at each pass and that got some reaction from William.

William was having the strangest dream. It wasn't a sexy wet dream with hot men, but one where he was on a Japanese game show. He was surrounded by Shibas inside of a stadium who laughed at him for where a weird pair of boxers that was seemingly violating him from both sides. It felt good, but the Shibas kept pointing and laughing at him which made him blush in reality as well.

Ajani took the blushing, pink around the inner ear, as a good sign. He kept jerking off William as his humping got faster and faster. The bed shook and squeaked as the cat yowled out. All the tension in his loins was released as his cock jumped inside of his mate. Hot spunk painted the insides of William as the cat's balls were emptied of everything it had. He gave a final few humps and a few more spurts before pulling out.

William hadn't cum though and Ajani didn't like that. Jerking him off just wasn't quite doing it, so Ajani got onto the bed which groaned and hovered over William's waist.

He knelt onto one knee and grabbed onto the waiting cock below. He positioned himself and then slowly sank down.

The tapered tip easily pushed into the ass and Ajani hissed at the burning. The initial penetration was always the worst, but he knew that it would get better.

He settled on top of the knot and then slowly rose back up to the point where the cock almost exited him. He held his breath as he adjusted his footing and let it back out when he sank back down onto William's lap.

William's tongue fell out of the side of his mouth and his began to breath harder. Despite the laughing Shibas, he was getting close now.

The feeling of a cock in his ass, pressing against his prostate was getting Ajani hard again. His cock came out and stiffened. It bounced each time William squared down and rose, little bits of pre fell and landed on the fox's stomach, adding to the puddle that was already there.

Ajani's thighs were beginning to burn as time went on, but he pushed through it, the pleasure was just to good to pass up and he wanted William to blow his load.

He watched William's face which was getting scrunched up with pent up pleasure. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was breathing quickly through his mouth until everything relaxed. The cock jumped in Ajani's ass and the cat reached down and gave the fox's formed knot a squeeze, eliciting an excited yip and a few jumps of the cock, sending fox jizz into the cat.

When it was over, Ajani slowly began to rise. His legs were burning and he could feel a cramp coming. He was about to step off when his foot slipped off the side of the bed. William, not wanting to snap his partner's cock in half, reached out and grabbed the head board to straightened himself out, allowing him to slide straight down the fireman's pole and onto the knot. Despite being fully formed, having two hundred pound falling on it meant that the knot was painfully forced in.

Ajani cried out as he was hit with nauseating pain. It rippled through him and her tried to pull up, but the knot was in and locked into place.

There was nothing to do, but wait for the knot to shrink back down.

Ajani laid down gingerly. His head was between William's feet and the same was for William. Even with the pain, Ajani fell asleep.

The next morning, William woke up fully refreshed and to the smell of foot on his nose.

"Uhmm, morning." William grabbed a leg and pushed it off of him.

"Youch!" Ajani rolled over and off of William. His hands went to his ass that was covered in dried cum. Williams's groin was so much worse since most of the cum he had emptied into Ajani had leaked back out and onto his crotch fur.

"What happened last night?" William asked and sat up. He looked at Ajani's butt and had a pretty good idea of what happened since his own ass hurt a little and he could feel dried cum pulling his fur back there was well.

"Just don't ever take your medication until right before bed," Ajani said and hissed in agony when he had to move over so William could get up.

"Ok." William shrugged and walked into the bathroom so he could take a shower. However Ajani was feeling, William felt good and ready for the day.