Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Story by Tyler David Coltraine on SoFurry

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A short but sweet commissioned piece for FA: linnaeus. A frustrated office worker gets trapped at a party she certainly doesn't enjoy during a blizzard, but someone helps make it far more enjoyable. Tried for something more evocative and a little subtle than my usual, not sure if it succeeded but hey you gotta try.

And as always, I take periodic commissions and tips. More information can be found in this journal:

Thanks for reading, fappy-happy folks!

The party. Or they called it, anyways. Tesni sucked in her breath and swallowed the eightieth canapé of the night. Weak, bland, a lump of unidentifiable something or other. And the hors d'oeuvres weren't very good either.

The mouse engaged in trite, one-sided 'conversation' with an executive's trophy wife, a deer pulled straight out of an issue of Cosmo, all expensive hair and plastic upgrades with a personality as deep as a flute of watery champagne. The back of her mind flooded with biting sarcasm and accusations that would forever go unsaid, tinged with bitter remarks for her manager. That bastard had decided that celebrating Christmas with the execs and shareholders would be a far better fit for her than hanging out at a bar with the little people. Damn her upward mobility and sudden success. All those talents had earned her so far was an above average paycheck, an ulcer, and a burial plot for her social life.

The babbling bubblehead dropped the topic of a fantastic stylist she knew in the Hills (and had probably slept with) as someone whistled for her and called out a pet name. With a quick apology the doe toddled away on absurd heels, clicking against the hardwood floors as she struggled to manage mincing little steps in a skin-tight dress. If you have it, flaunt it, Tesni supposed, and put away another glass of weak alcohol. So dismal. Four of them hadn't even given her a soft buzz, and she was a_mouse_ for crying out loud. She sighed and adjusted her evening gown and expensive hair back into place. She just wasn't cut out for this. At the beginning she had held on to a sliver of positivity: at least she didn't have to present anything to the assembled. But as the hours passed the mouse almost longed to embarrass herself as an escape from the monotony of the so-called 'party'. Talking about expensive cruises she'd never go on and high-pressure stock trading she didn't understand alternated with flirtatious banter from overly-aggressive rich men looking for their next bimbo. It may have been a stereotype but by god all of the males in the room were living up to the predatory ideal, preying on her like a raw steak in a famine. Even the married ones hit on her! Tesni had run out of excuses in the first two hours and was at the point of just making things up, not that anything she said seemed to slow the advances. At best she bought a few minutes alone.

A tap at her mobile phone. Eleven o'clock. Spending a full five hours in this social void had to be enough, and an early morning shift looming overhead was leverage plenty to make her exit. Sigh. At least she wouldn't have a hangover. A stop at the local burger shack would be in order though--even a slight mouse needed more than a palmful of dessicated snacks to be satiated.

A glance towards the great windows of the ballroom made her cringe. Snow had settled in suddenly, and the wind whipped the trees furiously. A whispered curse. She hadn't expected to need boots or a substantial coat; all that was at hand was a light shawl (that matched her dress perfectly) and a pair of pumps that, while flattering, fashionable, and more expensive than they had any right to be, would be instruments of personal destruction in winter weather.

Tesni knocked back the last of her drink, wrapped herself up as tightly as she could manage, and headed for the doors.

The view outside was more demoralizing than the one inside. Tesni's heart sank and her stomach lurched. The snow hung about in ankle-deep or deeper drifts along the walkways and filled the roadways around the building. Somewhere in the whiteout was her car, but no one could tell where without a map. Dead silence all around. Bitter cold bled through the cracks in the door and made bare skin burn and ache. This was terrible.

A voice to her side, nasal, well-practiced, belong to one of the staff, who were obviously as tired as she and likely having even less fun this evening, she assumed. Because of the sudden onset of the storm, he explained in a careful tone, plow services were focusing on keeping the major streets clear and wouldn't be free to work on parking lots and side roads until morning at the earliest. Miss was quite welcome to stay at the adjacent hotel and take advantage of its many amenities at her leisure, if she needed accommodations. The small bow, the smile, the phrasing all said it was entirely at her discretion but the tone bore a subtext that said the exact opposite: prepare to hunker down.

Tesni thanked the drowsy fox and returned his plastic smile, but assured him it would be perfectly fine, that she had a solid car and lots of experience in these conditions. He gave her a soft shrug in return and wished her a safe journey before returning to his tasks. The reality was that her little sedan would be skating the entire way, driven by the most nervous of all rodents panicking behind the wheel. If she didn't end the night face down in a ditch it would be a Christmas miracle. But staying here, in a resort hotel on the lakefront? Not on her budget and not in the cards. She could barely pay to breathe in this place. Perhaps she'd just go sleep in her car, if she could get in--

His scent reached her before his voice did. Hard to miss, thick but not oppressive, a pleasant blend of his natural aroma and a delicate application of cologne. Woodsy, expensive, masculine. The hand that came to rest on her shoulder was broad and slightly shaggy. A wolf's, it appeared at first glance, and judging by the size of the palm one more than half again her size. A little shiver. It was hard not to when the differences in scale were quite so blatant.

She turned to meet him, nodding gently and meeting his smiling eyes as he spoke. He stood as white as the snowdrifts outside, black hair slicked backwards, trimmed to the nines around his ears and forehead. He truly did look like something straight from a fantasy novel, so starkly monochrome... He was from the area, he explained, and he knew from experience that she'd never be able to get home right now. Even if she somehow got her car to the roadways, the police would stop her for her own good. Emergency vehicles only, you see. A storm like this hadn't happened in years. Even he was caught off-guard by the ferociousness of this snap blizzard.

Tesni listened intently, and when provided a moment to respond, said she simply had to be home at a reasonably hour--she had a sister waiting on her, he had to understand, who she was staying with while she was in the city on business. If the mouse was out too late, well, her sibling would worry, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. She bid the wolf good night again and turned back to the doors.

Again he caught her shoulder. If she was so intent on leaving, then he would arrange someone to take her to at least make it somewhat safe. But it would have to be later, things like this took time to coordinate. While she waited, he suggested, that she come back inside and relax with him in one of the resort's lounges. Music, a bit of company, someplace warm to pass the time--far warmer than the blizzard, to be sure.

She found herself walking with him, chatting idly as they went through the elaborately decorated corridors. The height of the holiday was upon them, plastered on every inch like make-up, gaudy and ridiculous. Still, the wolf was at the very least pleasant company, and the lounge was exactly as he had promised. He graciously offered her a seat, taking her shawl and hanging it along with his coat before preparing them both a drink. She accepted with the expected politeness, taking a small sip. Whatever was in the glass was substantially more than champagne of the 'party'. Warmth washed over her throat and flowed into her head like a wave, pushing a blush to her cheeks and making her hiccup slightly in surprise. The wolf chuckled lightly and sat down near her, crossing his legs and taking a moment to introduce himself. His name was Colson, he said, and he was the son of the original owner of the company, now an executive after his father's passing. Twenty years with the company, so on and so forth. Colson refused to bore Tesni with the intimate details of his career--they worked at the same place, and likely had 'enjoyed' the same experiences. Instead, he spoke about his trip to the party, and how he would most definitely be speaking to someone about the terrible food served tonight. They laughed together over that; Tesni added that it hadn't even satisfied_her_, and she was a mouse!

The mouse sipped her drink daintily, listening to Colson speak, watching him with great interest, far more than anything she may have seen in the boardroom. Despite wearing a carefully tailored suit of a fabulous brown material that meshed with the alabaster of his pelt, his build was apparent underneath, with broad shoulders and chest leading into a neck she scarcely could put both hands around. She had caught herself staring yet again, and gave her head a small shake to push away the cobwebs.

Colson laughed and leaned back in his plush seat, watching with bemusement. She must be tired, he said. She agreed--it had been a very long week securing accounts before the long holiday away from her office and staff, and the drudgery of the evening hadn't helped in the slightest. Tesni was, in the purest sense of the word, exhausted and quite looking forward to getting home.

Colson nodded briefly with a broad smile. If she were that tired it hadn't affected her appearance at all, and complemented her on her lovely hair. He had a soft spot for red, and being done up in such elegant curls piled high on her head, it was rather breathtaking to him. She blushed again and tittered slightly; he would have to pass the compliments on to her stylist. All Tesni had done was show up and pay for the service.

He checked his mobile phone for a moment as it made an annoying sound, then excused himself from the room briefly, she assumed to speak to whoever would be escorting her home. She was quite surprised when he returned suddenly with a cross expression drawn on his features and tucked his phone into his pocket. There would be no chance of getting her home tonight. No one was driving in what was growing from something casually called a 'blizzard' into something catastrophic; white-out conditions had stopped non-essential everything in its tracks. Colson sighed and sat down. The best he could do was offer Tesni some very late dinner from the hotel's kitchens, a warm place to stay for the night, and company if she would accept it. If not, the lounge would be hers until the morning.

She swirled the remnants of her drink and pondered her situation. Thinking on her feet was not her strongest suit. She was used to numbers and figures, and they rarely surprised her in any way that she could not manage quickly. But here Tesni sat, with a supremely attractive wolf offering her quarter from the storm; while she barely knew him, her only option on the table was to spend the next several hours trying to free her likely buried sedan from a snowdrift taller than Colson. Truly, there was only one sane choice.

Colson's smile returned, framing white teeth as he chuckled and complimented her judgment. He offered her another drink--one more to help her relax completely, he explained, while they waited for the food to be delivered. It would take a bit for anything to get made, with the executive kitchen running on a skeleton staff dealing with the large number of guests unexpectedly staying in the resort. Tesni asked what exactly what was in the glass as another sip sent another rush of heat through her. The wolf shook his head and remained mysterious on the ingredients, only pointing out that drugging her would not be in his best interests--she knew too much, he said with a laugh, sitting down with a large glass of something amber for himself.

They chatted, for how long Tesni would never be able to tell. The liquor softened her worry and bolstered her confidence. The conversation began trite, talking about family or their preferences in movies--she enjoyed romances, while Colson found action films more to his liking--and avoided anything of weight at first. But one can only talk about their pets for so long before the topics turn of their own accord. And as the words grew more and more personal, Tesni found herself moving closer to Colson. Despite the brave face she had maintained, the mixture of tiredness and worry had left her panicking inside, and the wolf's warmth and size gave her a moment of comfort. The liquor had certainly relaxed her considerably.

Tesni looked into her glass, then up at Colson, and asked him--in the politest terms she could muster--about his wife and his family. He shrugged slightly and paused for a moment, watching Tesni with cold blue eyes like plates of steel. Did she really want to know? They'd known each other perhaps two hours, maybe three, and the chance that they'd cross paths again in the near future was slighter than slight.

The mouse thought for a moment, then reached up and undid the pins keeping her hair together in its sort of bun. Red locks cascaded down her shoulders, reaching the blades, tossed lightly as she tried to make the limp, tired hair look good. Colson put his palm to the side of her head and stroked the pad of his thumb over her cheek gently.

No, she said. She didn't need to know. No one did.

It was clumsy and rushed, the kind of sudden embrace seen in the young and inexperienced, where desire overwhelmed control like a tidal wave against a storm wall. Lips met lips and shared breath, hot and heavy as broad padded hands explored a comparatively small body, pulling and squeezing at curves, hoisting the mouse closer to him. Clothes were pushed aside haphazardly to expose heated flesh and fur, just enough to taste and touch and stroke, to get to the most primal aspects with as much expedience as possible. Tesni gasped, sucking in her breath at the sight of him, standing proud and red again the toned white expanse that built his torso. He was a beautiful sight to her, one that would likely not be forgotten soon.

They both fell to the floor, tongues entangled, his fingers in her hair and along her ears. She reached her hands to his back, palms pressed to his backside as immaculate slacks and silken boxers slid to knee height. Lingerie was pulled and stretched until Tesni found herself revealed to him then taken with a feral intensity. Oh how he drove into her depths, her brain flooded with emotions and hormones, clinging to her partner as he thoroughly mated her. To call it anything but would be a disservice to the deed. This was not love making, far from it. His lust for her was insatiable and irresistible; her need to be comforted, appreciated, and acknowledged had bubbled into desire that dripped down her thighs onto the carpet.

The sun rose before they did, the pair lying entangled on the floor, sodden with the results of a half-dozen or more successful couplings. Even as they drifted in and out of sleep, Tesni kept Colson deep within her as the wolf started his hips in motion yet again, drawing his red length through her, tucked under a trimmed patch of red fur...

The door opened suddenly, and the fox Tesni had met in the evening hours nudged it open, looking somewhat refreshed. Perhaps he had gone home and rested? It_had_ been hours, after all. With him was a cart, adorned with meal trays and pitchers. He made endless excuses and apologies for the delay in getting to them. The supplies were short, the cook was too tired, and someone in one of the suites had demanded a veritable buffet for his guests--

He stopped short at the sight of Colson's bared thighs and raised tail, and the sight below them, clutching his hands to his muzzle as the white of his cheeks went pink in embarrassment.

"...should I come back later?"

Tesni and Colson laughed tiredly to each other, and didn't bother answering.