Ash: The Perfect Mate

Story by JenovaGenesis432 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ash: The Perfect Mate

We look into the Kanto region to find our hero Ash, who was decided to stop his training for a few months to relax in his home region. Now, we find him to be taking a stroll through a forest with his partner pikachu.

"Ah. This is the life right buddy? No constantly training, dealing with other people, or heck, Team Rocket hasn't shown up to harass us for months. Looks like their boss finally realized how terrible they are at their job and just got rid of them."

Pikachu nodded and felt the same kind of joy as Ash from all the peace and quiet. Especially from those three stalkers trying to put him in a box everytime he tries to breathe. Suddenly he heard a strange voice out of nowhere. "Help!" He panicked and started talking to Ash in pokespeech.

"Hey Ash! I think a pokemon is in trouble!" Despite not being able to understand what he said, Ash still knew exactly what pikachu was thinking.

"Pikachu come on! Let's go check that out!" Pikachu nodded and ran right behind Ash.


"Alright swanna, hydro pump!" The pokemon followed his command with regret and fired a blast of water at a ninetales, nearly sending her off of a cliff. "Heh. A ninetales like you will make a huge buck in the black market."

Before he could command his swanna could use another attack, a blast of lighting went towards his swanna and struck it down.

"Hey! Leave that ninetales alone!" The hunter turned around to see a boy and his pikachu running towards them.

"A pikachu eh? Pretty strong thunderbolt for a little rat. You'll catch a fine price!" He threw a giant bet at pikachu to catch him, but he was quick and burned the net to cinders with thunderbolt.

The man was surprised, but he was determined to catch the ninetales, so he tackled her, sending both of them straight towards the jagged cliff. He went over first, grabbing onto Ninetales' bangs as she followed him. Ash yelped, rushing over just as Ninetales lost her grip on the ground. As she tumbled face first of the mountain, Ash grabbed the only part of her that he could reach.

Her tails.

She screeched in pain, thrashing from side to side. Apparently, her tails were extremely sensitive and the tug of all her body weight was excruciatingly painful.

The man lost his grip and plunged towards the ground below - without a Flying-type strong enough to carry him, he splashed down into the rapids below, clinging to his backpack for floatation. For once, the hunter seemed to lose his cool and began to shout, terrified. His screaming rang through the whole mountain before he finally disappeared round a bend in the river.

Ninetales had tears in her eyes as the other boy slowly started to pull her up. Once she was back onto safe ground, she burst into tears and licked her pained tails. Three of them had been used to pull her to safety - the other six twitched restlessly. Finally, she seemed to relax, all nine tales ceasing to move.

"I'm sorry!" Ash cried. "I didn't mean to hurt you!"

She swiveled around to stare right into his eyes. Petrified, the boy could do nothing as she looked him up and down, a strange look in her eyes.

Thank you.

Ash screamed, while Pikachu facepalmed. Its trainer could really be stupid sometimes.

I am grateful for you help. Ninetales tried again. Ash laughed nervously, realizing that she was able to use telepathy. _ However... _ she told him, you have done the forbidden - you have grabbed one of my tails. Even though you did it to save me, and not for your own selfish ends, you must be punished.

"What?!" Pikachu shouted, charging a Thunderbolt attack. "You can't do that!"

I am bound by the laws that Arceus has laid down. I am... helpless. If I were not to curse you, Arceus would kill all of us - me, both of you, and that vile man. Please... do not consider this a curse.

Ash shivered in fear, clutching Pikachu tightly. Ninetales began to glow with an unearthly light. Slowly, the light drained into the twelve-year-old boy, causing him to gasp out in pain.

But when he did, he felt something odd on his skin, something... fuzzy...

And when he pulled his arms in front of him, he gasped at the sight of short blue fur covering his hands up.

"What the..." he said, as he stared down at his hands. He had no idea what to think.

At first, he thought it was probably just some sort of hallucination, but the more he felt it, the more real it felt. Not only that, but it was only spreading, and all the way down his arms!

But that wasn't all, either. His arms were actually shortening in length, and a decent amount, as they thinned out. Much of the fat stored in his arms was burning down to make his arms much more slender and his muscle shrunk in size to do the same, although it didn't get any weaker. His fingers were also shrinking down to roughly the same length, as his thumbs and index fingers merged together, and his pinkies and ring fingers did the same. Now with three fingers on each hand, they all shortened down even more but bulked out to about the same size again, and with a few more inside changes, they were almost impossible to move, as they now rendered his hands as paws.

Just as Ash was about to scream, he felt a more odd feeling at the back of each hand. Some of the fur covering the backs retreated back into his hands, as in their place, bone built up on his skin and rounded out into simple bumps.

"Wait a second..." he said to himself,

recognizing the paws.

As he stared down at his paws, he had to keep pulling them out of his sleeves, because they kept falling back in for some reason. After the third time, he realized that he and his arms were actually shrinking into his clothes! He tried to get his shirt off, but he wasn't accustomed to his lack of proper fingers yet, and before he was even that small, he ended up getting buried in his shirt and pants.

After a while of digging, he got himself out, but he fell onto his back as soon as he tried to stand. Sitting down, he gasped again at his legs, which were covering up in black fur this time. But once they reached his thighs, the blue fur continued its way up, as his thighs bulked in muscle and shortened down dramatically, into almost spherical shapes. The rest of his legs were trimming down like his arms, and shortening down even more as he realized why he couldn't stand: his heels were now much higher up in his legs! All he had to stand on were his toes, which, like his fingers, were merging into three before they shrunk down and bulked out to the same size. And with a few more minor touches, he had two sets of paws.

"Woah..." he said in shock and awe, "am I... becoming a Pokémon?"

Once his basic size finally stopped shrinking down, his torso shortened down even more, which made it a lot harder to distinguish his chest from his stomach. From there, the blue fur at his thighs spread up a bit more, almost up to his left arm on his left side, as black fur covered the rest of his torso. His torso also shrunk in size even more, becoming much thinner, as much of the fat stored there burned up like it did in his arms. And although some of his body muscles strengthened, they made no noticeable effect on his slender body, and by the time his torso was done shrinking, he only stood at a mere 2'4", with only 42 pounds on him.

He stood up on his toes, trying to balance himself, but having difficulty doing so. He tried to figure out who he was by examining himself, and to help him out, his coccyx suddenly started to poke out from his backside. Turning his head around, he watched as his spine exploded outwards into an extension about half as long as his ass, which he quickly realized was a tail. It was thick and pointed downwards at the end, and it quickly covered itself in blue fur. And once the force of its initial burst wore off, it stood to help Ash actually keep balance on his toes.

"Riolu?!" he yelped, in a voice that sounded a lot different than the one he was accustomed to. He would've tested it with more words, but... he didn't even mean to say Riolu, so he assumed he couldn't.

The changes moved up to his neck, as a longer, thicker layer of yellow fur grew out to form sort of a collar around his shrinking and shortening neck. Once that was done, his head felt the changes coming, as it expanded in size and rounded out until it looked almost as big as his entire torso! He put a paw at his nose as he felt it suddenly jolt out into a short muzzle, which didn't take much of his face with it. From his neck, the blue fur slowly made its way up his face, quickly reaching his mouth. Once it did, he felt his teeth sharpening inside, his canines in particular, as they pointed almost into fangs.

The blue fur made its way around his eyes and muzzle, and once it reached his scalp, the long, brown hair there quickly shrunk back and recolored to the same blue fur as the rest of what was covering him. His ears, meanwhile, moved up to the top of his head and reshaped into more triangular shapes, pointing upwards. Finally, the rest of his bare face was being covered with black fur, which, in this pattern, looked like a mask on his face. When it reached his eyes, it went a little farther down his face, where black tear-shaped extensions grew out.

Ash then closed his eyes from a sense of dizziness, like there was a weird force going straight for his head... but once he got himself oriented again, he remembered what he was and realized that the force was the somewhat weak presence of Aura surrounding him. Once he was used to that, he could feel his eyes expanding outwards to what seemed like twice their original sizes. Opening them up, their irises were colored red, thus concluding the changes.

Now that he could focus again, Ash got a good look at himself. His new Riolu form felt so much different, so much smaller, and so weird on him...

And just when he fully got himself used to standing on his toes, Ash felt his, or more appropriately her, new feminine slit form, her hips pushing inwards to leave her a complete female riolu.

"A-am I really?..." she asks, her ears twitching involuntarily as she realizes her voice has gone up a few notes.

"Female? It's kind of hard to argue that now, isn't it?" Ninetales sighs, almost breaking into tears.

Pikachu and Ninetales then looked at each other for a moment before nodding. The new glaceon buried her face in her paws, looking like she was about to die of embarrassment.

But that's not all I'm afraid.

Pikachu and Ash looked up at her, clearly confused.

I will have to erase the memories of everyone you have ever known in your entire life. I'm sorry Ash, but I'm afraid I have no other choice. This curse was not my choice to carry.

" Wait!", Ash said. "Can you at least let Pikachu keep his memories? If I'm gonna have be a pokemon for the rest of my life, I would at least want to have my best friend by my side."

Very well. Ninetales began to glow with another unearthly light and followed along with the second part of the curse.

It is done. I'm sorry, but I must leave this area. I wish the best of luck, and thank you for saving my life. With that, she turned around to leave the forest.

One week later

Ash decided to lay down next next to him with her head resting on her front paws. Ash then noticed just how much she's already starting to act like a Pokémon. Ash by instinct knew how to get in the right sitting and sleeping positions that made her comfy, how much her smell and hearing have been improved and could hear the wild Pokémon around her as if they were talking English. This was probably due to the fact that she's a Pokémon now so it would make sense. But all this was just making it worse for Ash, making her believe that she maybe stuck like this if she couldn't return him back to normal. She would have to give up her dream of becoming a Pokémon Master seeing that she's now an actual pokemon. She started to cry about everyone forgeting about her. Her friends, mother, and all of the pokemon she befriended. Then, more questions entered the riolu's mind like what will pikachu think of her? Will he still want to be her friend or cast her out as a freak? Seeing that she considers him as her best friend, she would break down if he abandoned her, knowing that she would be all alone. She'll just have to believe in him and hope that he doesn't.

Ash still didn't move from her spot, hiding away her face, Pikachu tried to convince Ash to eat something, but nothing changed, so he left an apple next Ash hoping that she'll eat it when she calms down.

Time had past and it was getting late and Ash still didn't eat anything. Pikachu was extremely worried now, but he was determined to help her.

It was now just Pikachu and Ash now with the fire slowly dieing out, with the moon up and the apple next to Ash still untouched.

"Ash please eat something, I'm worried about you. You haven't eaten, moved or said anything for a week now."

"You keep saying that but you probably see me as a freak."

"I don't think you're a freak Ash."

Ash slowly raised her head and looked at Pikachu. Ash's eyes were red most likely due to the fact shes been crying all out dinner. Ash began smile at Pikachu and brought her apple closer to her.

"Thanks, I'm glad to know that I can trust you Pikachu."

"Don't sweat it Ash, you will always be my best friend. Human, Pokémon, male or female you're still you and nothing will change that."

Ash ate her apple which to her surprise, tasted a lot better than it did when she was human.

When she finished Ash and Pikachu found a cave sleep in for the night.

Once inside both Ash and Pikachu lied down on their stomachs in their sleeping positions and fell asleep. Ash was the first one out and was sleeping soundly, Pikachu on the other hand found it a lot harder to sleep.

He was staring at Ash's new body from the other side of the tent, and at the same time was thinking to himself.

'What's wrong with me?... I can't be... can I? I am, I'm in love with her. Why though? I have to admit Ash's riolu body is beautiful, her ruby eyes, that smile, that wonderful personality of hers.'

The more he thought of Ash more attractive she become to him. No doubt about Pikachu was in love with Ash. Pikachu slowly got up onto his two back legs and walked behind Ash who was still sleeping peacefully.

He took a finger and reached under her tail. As soon as he did, there was wet feeling that he instantly realized as her vagina. Pikachu instantly pulled himself away from the riolu. The phrase "I touched it!" replayed in his mind over and over again. He took a look at the same finger with the wet substance. Out of curiosity, he licked it. It was a strange combination of sweet and salty. One that he really liked. However, he stopped himself the moment he realized his actions.

'What am I even doing?! Even if I love her I can't do this to someone who's sleeping. But...then again, one little sniff won't hurt her...right?'

Pikachu gulped as he lifted Ash's tail trying not to wake her, and it was right in his sight, Ash's pussy. Pikachu blushing even more than before and slowly notice that he was getting hard by being this close.

Pikachu's mind was going crazy. His body wanted to stick it right in and claim Ash as the mate he has been searching for, but his mind was still in control. He wouldn't rape her like that or rape any other Pokémon for that manner.

He stuck his snout closer to Ash's pussy so his sensitive nose was touching it and dug it in slightly.

Ash moaned at the touch in her sleep unaware of what Pikachu was doing to her. Pikachu took in the scent that took a chill down his spine, his heart was beating fast and face still red.

He stayed like this for a few seconds enjoying the scent of her pussy. Now Pikachu was sure he found his perfect mate. She was beautiful, caring and her sex passage could turn any Pokémon on.

Pikachu finally pulled his face out of Ash's private area and was starting to feel ashamed of what he just did, when he looked down at himself his erection was hard as steel.

Pikachu instantly realized that he wasn't going to be able to sleep tonight and sleeping next to Ash in this state wasn't helping.

Pikachu got out of the cave and sat down at the bottom of a tree.

'What am I going to say to her? Asking her to be my mate will be the same as asking her to give up her human life completely?'

Pikachu sighed and you looked at the moon, thinking about what Ash would say and feel if he told her.

'No, I have to tell her. I need to know right here and now, and if she doesn't feel the same, then I just have to pray that we can still be friends, but I should probably wait for my dick to calm down.

He sat there of a minute waiting for his erection to go away, not wanting to confess his love to her like that. He eventually went back inside the cave and saw Ash sleeping away.

'She looks so peaceful when she sleeps.'

He walked up to Ash and gently started shaking her awake.

"Ash... Hey Ash."

Ash finally wakes up with a small yawn rubbing her eyes with her paw.

"What's the matter buddy?"

"Can we talk for a minute? Its really important, Please?"

"Can't it wait until morning?"

"Please Ash?"

(sigh) "Alright."

Ash got up and walked outside with the bright moon shining down on them.

They walked away from the cave for some fresh and sat next to each other.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

Pikachu looked down a little embarrassed, he didn't plan this far ahead. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Ash.

"Before I do, I want you to promise me something."


"Okay. I want you to promise me that when I start talking you hold all questions until the end and listen to every word I say."


"And also I want you to promise me that no matter how you feel after about me at the end. Promise me that we can still be best friends."

"I promise, as long as you see me as a friend then I will feel the same."

"Okay, you know how Pokémon mating works right?"

"Pokémon mating? I know a bit from Brock. Why do ask?"

"Well normally, every year for Pokémon we have a mating season where males and female wander off to find a mate to love and have children with. It didn't matter sometimes if the pair loved each other they would do it because of tradition. It wasn't so simple for me because I always felt that when you find a mate it should be someone you love not just because it was tradition. I don't think the couple will have a happy life mating with someone and living with them for the rest of your life if they don't get along or love each other. A good example would be buneary, I know that she liked me alot but I don't have the same feelings for her. I only saw her as a close friend."

Ash was silent listening to Pikachu clearly, but she was confused why he was telling her this.

"Ash, I know that you were born as a human male, but ever since this happened I've been falling more and more in love with you. You're caring and willing to help a friend or a complete stranger if they need help, and I think you're the most beautiful Pokémon I laid eyes on Ash. I know that you want to go back to your old self so you can still be a trainer and live your dreams, but I needed to tell you. It was eating me up inside. What I'm trying to say Ash is that I'm completely in love with you and I've never felt this way before about anyone, and I don't think I'll find another like you Ash. But I completely understand if you don't feel the same and reject me. All I ask is that we can still be friends."

Pikachu closed his eyes tight waiting for an answer. Ash was speechless. She never would've thought that if she ever understand Pikachu he would say something like that.

'He really feels that way about me? He wants me to be his mate. He does sound like he's telling the truth and I have to admit he is cute in away I've never felt before. But he's also asking me to give up my human life. But then again...Huh?'

Ash looked up at Pikachu who still had his eyes closed but could see small tear forming in his eyes. Seeing this, Ash made her decision. Pikachu was sure that Ash was going to be angry with him, expecting her to shout but was caught off guard when Ash got closer and nuzzled his neck.

"I guess in a way I feel the same. I was never really interested in love or anything like that because I was so caught up on becoming a Pokémon Master, and I don't think I was a big hit with the girls ever."

"Ash... does this mean?"

"I love you Pikachu."

Pikachu couldn't believe what he heard, thinking that this is too good to be real.

'If this is a dream, please don't wake me up.'

"In fact, I think it would be better if I just show you." With that, Ash moved closer to Pikachu, his crotch to be more specific.

"Ash!? What are you doing?", Pikachu said surprised, even though he was really enjoying this.

"Proving myself to you.", Ash said. She started to unleash a flurry of licks on Pikachu's balls to get his erection to poke its way out of its sheath.

"W-wait a sec! I didn't expect for you to want to mate this quickly!" His dick was completely free from its prison from all of the licking, which was getting a huge lick from Ash. All the way from the ballsack to the tip, which was starting to leak precum at this point.

"Oh? I was sure my feelings will reach you like this. Do you want me to stop?"

"Of course not Ash! I just think we should save the blowjob for a minute. There's something that I want to do first, and I can smell it from here."

Ash felt her pussy become wet and wanting treatment, she blushed as this new feeling was taking over.

Pikachu, remembering her scent, could smell it a lot stronger seeing how Ash was getting worked up from the blowjob and needed help.

They looked in each others eyes. Seeing love and affection for one another.

Pikachu gently lowered Ash on the ground so that she was laying on her back. Pikachu then spreaded Ash's legs apart so he could see her wet pussy.

"Ash, I want to show you how much I love you. You don't mind do you Ash?"

"Not at all."

Pikachu got straight into it, rubbing her legs and began to take slow licks getting deeper into her pussy as far as his tongue can go. Ash began to moan as her face was turning red with ecstasy.

Pikachu kept licking, determined to show how much he loved her by giving her enough pleasure to have her cum.

Ash was going insane by the feeling. Soon, the pleasure was too much of her. Ash's walls got tighter around Pikachu's tongue as her love juices leaked out of her. Soaking her fur and all over Pikachu's face, who happily licked and cleaned off.

'That was amazing, I have to show him how much he means to me.'

With this in mind she rolled over and put Pikachu in a similar position, laying him on his back exposing his hard dick.


That was all Pikachu could say before Ash started. She got on her backside and let pawed feet move to his cock.

'Is this really happening to me? If it is I don't want it to end!' This was one of the hundred thoughts that was in Pikachu's head. Ash's feet didn't leave any part of his cock untouched, getting pre cum all over the her pads.

But she wasn't done there. She got her right paw and slowly began massaging his dick while she attempted to suck on his ballsack.

Pikachu began moaning like Ash was when she was being pleasured as she returned the favour.

When she was done sucking his balls, she let her wet tongue travel from the bottom to the tip of his dick receiving more moans from her mate. Ash then stared take small licks from the tip as Pikachu's pre cum began dripping down his shaft, enjoying the taste of every drop. It wasn't long before Ash took all of Pikachu into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. While doing this, she used her tongue to play with the tip as she continued to suck. It wasn't long before Pikachu shot a stream of cum into her mouth.

Ash giggled and placed a paw under Pikachu's balls. She smiled and got ready to keep going. " How lovely. And still at over half mass. Guess this lil' guy wants some more. What a thrill! Doing naughty things after so much! Right Mr. Penis?"

"Ash, what the wrong with you?"

"I'm as horny as nine thousand and one bunnies in heat.", Ash said as he was about to suck some more.

"Oh, Ash... Ash can... can you please stop?"

Ash hearing this stopped instantly taking it out her mouth.

"I'm sorry was I doing it wrong? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Oh no Ash you were wonderful, I just wanted to know if you wanted me to cum in you?"

Ash hearing this got up on to all fours and lowered her front, lifting her tail and massive rear, exposing herself to him.

Pikachu, taking the hint, got up and positioned himself behind Ash. Letting the tip of his cock hit her sex passage.

Ash turned her head to look at her mate and saw Pikachu giving her a serious look.

"This going to hurt a bit because its your first time, are you sure about this?" Ash nodded and panted slightly.

"Please Pikachu."

Pikachu couldn't ignore the pleading in Ash's voice and began slowly pushing his cock in. Getting a loud moan from Ash until he was stopped by her wall.

"Okay here goes."

Pikachu thrusted the rest of his cock in filling her completely.

Ash cried out in pain as she lost her virginity, Pikachu couldn't help but feel bad for hurting Ash like that.

"Ash are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, just give me a sec."

They stayed like this for a bit until they adjusted, soon the pain was gone and Ash was loving the feeling of Pikachu inside her.

Pikachu started pulling out so that only the head was still in, then trusted back in sending pleasure to Ash and Pikachu as they mated. Pikachu continued pushing in and out of his mate feeling his orgasm approaching with Ash not so far behind.

"Oh Pikachu harder... Please I'm gonna..."

Ash walls tightened again as Ash's second orgsam leaked all over Pikachu's dick witched turned him on even more.

"Ash I'm sorry I can't hold out much longer!"

With one last trust Pikachu shot out his warm, sticky seed filling and leaking out of Ash. Pikachu continued to trust making sure that all of his cum shot out into her. When he was done he pull himself out and both Ash and Pikachu collapsed onto the ground and hugged each other while still panting.

"Hey Pikachu."

"Huh Ash?"

"Have you ever had your first kiss?"

"Well...not that I can think about. Why?"

"Want to?"

"Y-you mean right now?"

"Yeah..just open your mouth a little." Ash said with her tongue hanging out.


With that, their lips locked. Pikachu was a little nervous at first but got into the kiss as he wrapped his paws around Ash's neck bring her closer. They began to press their tongues against each other's lips as they asked for entrance. Neither of them objected and opened therr mouths, letting their tongues explore each other's mouths and dance with their own.

When they were done, they pulled themselves apart and collapsed onto the ground, hugging each other while still panting.

"I love you Ash, more than anything in the world."

"I love you too Pikachu."

They soon fell to sleep with Pikachu hugging his perfect mate. Hoping that their love for each other will never die.